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A ritual to ur Guardian Demon: Perform Each Year on the day and hour of your birth; and when on

sabbaths and/or anytime of dealing with or wanting to commune with your Demon.......
Do not eat 12 hours before and after the ritual
Do not smoke, drink, use drugs for 48 hours before and after the ritual
-Basic Altar set Up
-Candle with Guardian Demon color and Sigil upon the Altar (Consecrated for your Demon)
-3 other candles with color of Guardian Demon at each direction
-Nganga inscribed with Guardian Demon and Satans Sigil containing dirt
-Incense based on your Guardian Demon
-Chalice with Wine for Demon
-Chalice with Wine for yourself
-Dish on a plate for Demon
-Dish on a plate for Yourself
Stand before your altar, burn the incense, ring the bell 13 times and call the Lords of Hell:
ZAZAS, ZAZAS, NASATANADA, ZAZAS Recite this Nine Times, slowly, with force
Now light your candles starting in the East, going anticlockwise ending before your altar, lightning the
pillar candle upon the altar as last
Kneel At your Altar, take razorblade make a cut in your left palm and let a few drops of blood fall in
the wine.
Take the Dagger and invoke the Deamon:
I (name) do invite thee, (name of demon)
in the name of Satan, i request you to come forth
I call upon you with an offering,
Hear me and please attend this rite
Now invoke your Guardian Demon with the dagger from each other direction starting in the east:
I Invoke Thee, (name of demon) from the East
I Invoke Thee, (name of demon)from the North
I Invoke Thee, (name of demon)from the West
Oh Guardian Demon (Name of demon)!!
May u and ur Minions lif me from my woes, And give me the Power to push through foes.
(Name of Demon), thou that watcheth over I, I ask you guard and protect me till it die (it-being ur
mortal coil).
Bring to me the Knowledge, for All I wish to know, For I am as of u, as above, so below.
Allow the Sins of man and Gods descend in my way, I ask Prosperity should lay my path Each day.
The Darkness u dwell within, O' (name of demon) beside u I'll battle when the End is to Begin.
(Name of Demon), thou that watcheth over I, I ask u guard and protect me till it die.
To You (name of demon) I off this drink, To the depths of hell may it sink (pour drink to demon)
This Dish I offer unto you, As an appreciation FOREVER True (give food to demon).
after drink and food to demon. say this line at each cardinal point of the compass)
May the Blessings of (n.o.d.) surround me, For Satan/Lucifer and (n.o.d.) I worship thee!!

"You may know have a plate of food for you to eat WITH your demon. Do not eat 12 hours before this
ritual or 12 hours after. But once u've finished eating, and communing with your demon end the ritual:
Close this way , starting with Your Guardian Demon:
O (name of demon),My Guardian Demon, I thank you for being present at this ritual, You may now go
back from where you came, Farewell!
Then say thanks to Satan (altar direction) , Lucifer (east), Lilith (north), Beelzebub, West

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