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Top 10 Qualities of Men And Women

There are many articles available today about what is the perfect attributes to have in
order for a man or a woman to adore you or be attracted to you. The following is our Top
Ten List of qualities or attributes that if you or your partner have will guarantee you to
have a healthy, balanced relationship as well as being an attractive person both inside and
1)BALANCED: Balanced can mean many things, for the purposes of our article, we
mean that you or your partner has a good sense of boundaries, that that you and your
partner are a whole person and have a healthy lifestyle.
More specifically, you or your partner knows how to maintain their own boundaries and
respect the boundaries of their partner. They understand the difference between
assertiveness and aggressiveness.
It is important that you or your partner considers themself already a whole person, that
you or your partner doesnt need someone to fill themselves up or complete them in order
to be a complete person. They need to have the belief system that a partner is there to
enhance and support their natural, authentic expression, but is not needed to complete
who they are.
A healthy balance in their lifestyle is also important such as not working themselves too
much, drinking or eating too much or doing anything in excess.
2)CONFIDENT: You or your partner are self-confident and have high self esteem. You
are confident that you can handle new things, even if you have never done it before or if
you may not get it right the first time around. You or your partner has an internal point of
reference; you do not need to have reassurance and complements from others to be
confident. At the same time you are confident enough to accept compliments or criticism,
and are not afraid to give compliments to other people.
3) INDEPENDENT You can be a functional person without relying on another person
and you are not codependent.
Codependency is a condition that results from dysfunctional patterns based on unhealthy
relationships. These dysfunctional patterns are socially learned patterns of thinking,
feeling, and acting which result in dependency on other people, places, organizations,
things and events to create approval, appreciation, self worth and love to achieve a sense
of safety, self esteem, purpose and identity.
4)RELATIONSHIP MASTERY SKILLS: You or your partner knows how to relate in a
relationship. You or your partner know important skills like communication skills,
conflict resolution and negotiation techniques.
5)EMOTIONAL OPENNESS: You and your partner are able to be emotionally open and

honest, being able to express your opinions and be comfortable enough to allow and
support your partners emotional openness as well.
6)EMPATHETIC: You or your partner need to be able to empathize with the emotions,
point of view and experiences of your partner, to be able to get right into their heads and
feelings without judgment or trying to fix their situation.
7)UNCONDITIONAL LOVE: You and your partner need to understand the concept of
unconditional love, to be able to love you partner whether you agree with their beliefs,
emotions, feelings or behaviors. To be able to transcend the conditional love paradigm,
even if you are not getting what you want at the given time.
8)ON DHARMIC PATH: A person who is on their dharmic path is someone who is in
bliss for a great deal of their day. What a wonderful inspiration to be with someone who
is on path.
9)NON-RESISTANT TO CHANGE: You or your partner is someone who is not in
resistance to change, or at the very least understands when they are in resistance to
change and allows themselves to go through the stages of adapting to change without
resisting the process. You or your partner would need to understand and accept that
change is a natural part of life.
10)SENSE OF HUMOUR: When the going gets tough, the tough start laughing. Do you
ever find that when you make light of a difficult situation is a lot easier to get through?
Well, having a partner who can make light of a situation (of course while still
empathizing with your situation) is much easier on you than a partner who freaks out
whenever something happens. Laughter brings gentle strength and renews your focus so
you can be open to new ways of dealing with the situation.
Compatibility and knowing what are your wants, needs and requirements are all vital to
finding your highest and best relationship. The list above, although depending upon your
level of consciousness may seem a little out of reach. However, regardless of your
personality and what you are seeking in a partner and what your partner is seeking in you,
the list above are fail safe attributes that are universal to everyone that are within
everyones reach and will guarantee a healthy relationship that sets the stage for both
stability and expansion.

Men and women have distinct personalities

Men and women really do have fundamentally different characteristics,

according to a study which has confirmed many longheld gender

Previous research has claimed that that average personality differences between men and
women are small Photo: ALAMY
By Nick Collins, Science
7:30AM GMT 05 Jan 2012

A new analysis of a survey of 10,000 people found that each sex has firmly
entrenched characteristics, with women showing more sensitivity, warmth and
apprehension than men.
In contrast, emotional stability, dominance, rule-consciousness and vigilance are
more typically male characteristics, experts said.
Previous research has claimed that that average personality differences between
men and women are small.
But the new analysis published in the Public Library of Science One journal
revealed that each sex shares a distinct set of characteristics, with just 18 per cent
of men having a typically "female" set of traits or vice versa.
Past studies have shown that men and women average similar scores on the 16PF5
a well-known and frequently used measure of personality.

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But by estimating the average difference in men's and women's scores on each of
the test's 15 different measures of personality, and comparing them against one
another, researchers found that in fact the sexes shared less ground than previously
The study showed that because men scored higher in some areas and women in
others the differences between the sexes cancelled each other out when viewed as
a simple average, but made for a significant gulf when added together.

The new paper "clearly rejects the idea that there are only minor differences
between the personalities of men and women," researchers said.
The study could explain why certain professions, such as engineering, are
dominated by a particular sex in spite of efforts by governments to promote
equality, Dr Paul Irwing, of Manchester Business School, who co-authored the
paper, said.
He added: "You find far fewer women in engineering and it is normally contended
that you cannot explain this in individual differences, but that is on the assumption
they are small and our study shows they are huge.
"People are self-selecting into careers that fit their personality characteristics it is
the complete opposite of what people have assumed for the past 100 years."
Dr Marco Del Giudice, who led the study, said: "Sex differences in personality are
believed to be comparatively small. However, research in this area has suffered
from significant methodological limitations.
"The idea that there are only minor differences between the personality profiles of
males and females should be rejected as based on inadequate methodology."
Prof Janet Hyde of the University of Wisconsin Madison, who proposed the theory
that men and women have largely similar characteristics, said the method used by
the researchers led to "uninterpretable" results.
She said: "The scientific evidence still shows that, contrary to stereotypes, men and
women are quite similar on a wide array of psychological qualities."

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