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PARISH FINANCES 21st June: Loose 585.15. Envelopes 290.78 Standing Orders 446. Total
1,321.93. The retiring collection for The Missionary Society of St Paul amounted to 1,429.03.
Many, many thanks for your generosity. There will be a retiring collection this weekend for
Peters Pence. NEXT weekend there will be a retiring collection for Burnham Lighthouse, the
Christian run holiday club, which runs for a week in the Summer.
DECEASED Please pray for Molly Curran RIP who died recently, her body will be received into
Our Lady of Peace Church on Sunday, 5th July at 1.00pm, and her Requiem Mass will be on
Monday, 6th July at 11.30am followed by committal at Slough Crematorium. May her soul and
the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace. Amen.
CONGRATULATIONS to Catherine Cantwell and Clive Goldthorpe who are to be Married on
Friday, 3rd July. We wish them every blessing.
CONGRATULATIONS to Bella Kay Laurenzi who will be Baptised on Saturday, 4th July.
Please pray for her parents, Godparents and Grandparents.
PLEASE REMEMBER the sick of our Parish: Ron Shaw, Becky Warren-Heyes, Angela Brown,
Tony Richardson, Deacon Luis Navarro, Hilton and Mary Hughes, Jane McMahon, Abid Ali,
Joan Langer, Caroline Tembe, Mena Trethewey, Joanna Deverill, Sabah Ali-Marat, Samina
Jalal, Eugene Murphy, James Deegan, Joe Gartland, Deacon Douglas Denny, baby Matthew
William Davis, Annie and Francisco Dias, Michele Di Gangi, Daisy Wingrove, Mary Morrissey,
Cedrica Lobo, Mary Green, Danny Smith, Michele Deluca, Deacon Ted Connolly, Marian
Bellamy, Demetri Mackri, Charlie Young, Lynn Arnold, Graham Loudon, Ann Cronin, Mabel
McCulloch, Phyllis Wallbank, Joanna Glowski, Rocco Seagrove, Rosemary Conry, Marie
Stephens, Deacon George Brooker, Ann and Des Gurrie, Kathleen Jemmett, Fr David, Jerry
Ellis, Francis Cashell, Jim Scott, Kathleen Richardson.
OFFICE FURNITURE If anyone would like a desk, a computer desk, small shelved unit and a
bookcase, then please contact Yvonne in the Presbytery, email as above or 01628 605764.
The items will need to be collected from the Presbytery.



27th June
Our Lady of Peace
Our Lady of Peace
Our Lady of Peace


Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Paddy Conroy RIP (Conroy)
Jack & Eileen Jackson RIP &
Fr Brian Godden RIP (P&C)
Steve Guerin RIP (Anniv) and
Peggy Guerin RIP (Smith)
Teresa Reid RIP (Hamed)
Allan Kuthokathen Intentions (Kuthokathen)
People of the Parish


28th June
Our Lady of Peace


St Andrews


29th June
Our Lady of Peace


Our Lady of Peace


30th June
Our Lady of Peace


1st July
Our Lady of Peace


2nd July
St Andrews
St Andrews


3rd July
Our Lady of Peace

ST THOMAS, Apostle
Marjorie Rosemeyer RIP (Potter)
Persecuted Christians (Kuthokathen)


4th July
Our Lady of Peace
Our Lady of Peace
Our Lady of Peace


Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Mary Harris RIP (Cafferty)
Frederick & Ellen Hambleton RIP (Crouch)


5th July
St Gilberts
Our Lady of Peace


St Andrews


Gwyn Davies RIP (ODonnell)
Regina & Eugene DSouza RIP (Almeida)
Sheila Humphries RIP (Eatwell)
Sheila Ganguli RIP
People of the Parish

Mary Lawlor RIP (Birthday rememb) (Lawlor)

Martha Basey Intentions (Rosary Group)
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Cecilia Nakabebe & Children of EVC Uganda
and for the unborn (Rosary Group)
Service of Word and Holy Communion

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

Mary Harris RIP (26th Anniv) (Cafferty)
Martin Almeida RIP (Birthday rememb) (Almeida)

MISSIO Please note that the first of the 2 half-yearly Red Box collections are taking place,
please would you kindly bring your boxes in current use to Mass with you as soon as possible.
Please ensure that boxes are always left with someone at Church whom you know. New boxes
are arranged in alphabetical order on a table awaiting your collection.
Saturday 6.00pm Yvonne Cafferty and Marie Oke.
Sunday 9.00am Marie
9.45am Readers : Audrey Truman and Cedrica Lobo.
Eucharist Ministers : Maura Potter, Hadrian Lobo, Tina Koenig,
Denise McClintock, Franka Deluca.
11.30am Mihaela and Aldous.
11th 12th July
Saturday 6.00pm Margery Christian and Pat Parker.
Sunday 9.45am Readers : Kevin Murray and Wanda Murphy.
Eucharist Ministers : Maureen Waters, Georgia Clark, Barbara Bryant,
Robert Bryant, Melissa Whatley.
11.30am Andrea C and Sheryll.
PRESBYTERY GARDEN Would anyone like to donate a Rose or shrub for the garden at the
Presbytery? Please contact John on 07519 698394. John is happy to plant it.
WANTED Part Time Receptionist / Administrator at St Josephs Catholic High School. They are
looking for an energetic and enthusiastic part time receptionist / administrative assistant to work
two days a week (Monday and Tuesday) from 7.45am - 3.45 pm. Ideally with some reception
experience. Full training will be given. Further details and application form available from the
school office or websitewww.stjosephs.slough.sch.uk
ST BERNARD'S CATHOLIC GRAMMAR SCHOOL is looking to recruit the following:- ICT
Technician The position involves responsibility for the maintenance and development of ICT
equipment and the provision of technical advice and support for teachers and students. ICT
Technician for Music and Drama Department The position involves the day to day technical
support and maintenance of music computers, operation of light and sound equipment in both
the Drama and Music departments. A knowledge of Sibelius would be an advantage. If you are
interested in either of these positions please contact the School on 01753 527020. All successful
applicants will be subject to a DBS check.
CIPPENHAM SHARED CHURCH TRUST reminder to the Trustees, that a meeting will take
place at St Andrew's Church on Tuesday, 30th June at 7.30pm.
HCPT GROUP 117 Pilgrimage to Lourdes, are holding a dance on Saturday, 4th July at Slough
Irish Club, in aid of the Childrens Easter Pilgrimage 2016. Tickets priced 5 will be on sale on
the door. All monies raised will pay for a child with special needs, from the Slough area to travel
to Lourdes next year at Easter.

ANNUAL NORES LECTURE 3rd July at 7.30pm, RE Centre, Holy Ghost Parish, 33 Westbourne
Road, Luton, LU4 8JD. Celebrate the past with joy, live the present with passion, look to the
future with hope. Given by Sister Raymunda, OP for the Year of Consecrated Life. All are very
welcome to this free lecture which is followed by evening prayer and refreshments.
PARISH PARTY Saturday, 4th July after 6.00pm Mass, in the Presbytery garden. Please bring a
plate of food and drink to share.
CATHOLIC WOMENS LEAGUE Members of the Catholic Women's League will be holding their
annual fish and chip supper on Monday, 6th July at 7.00pm in St Andrew's Shared Church,
Cippenham. We would like to invite ladies of the parish who wish to join us for a pleasant
evening of chat and fish and chips as well as a glass of wine or soft drinks. We place our fish
and chip orders and pay for them at the beginning of the evening. We finish about 9.00pm.
ST VINCENT DE PAUL meet at 2.00pm on Tuesday, 7th July in the Sacristy at Our Lady of
Peace. There will also be a District meeting of the SVP on Tuesday, 14th July in the Sacristy at
Our Lady of Peace at 2.00pm. New members would be welcome. If you know of anyone who
would like a visit from the SVP please advise Yvonne.
CATHOLIC WOMENS LEAGUE Once again the CWL is running a stall at Burnham Carnival to
raise money for charity. We are collecting good quality handbags, cookery and gardening books,
costume jewellery and unwanted gifts. Please leave donations of the above items in the box at
the back of Our Lady of Peace Church or ring 01628 661556 if you would like them to be
collected. You can also bring them to the Carnival on the day - we will be setting up from about
11.00am. Burnham Carnival takes place from 1.00pm-4.00pm in Burnham Park on Saturday,
11th July.
BEING A CATECHIST Basic training for the Ministry of Catechesis is a course for anyone who
would like to know more about what is involved in being a Catechist or to support those who are
already involved in the vital ministry of catechesis. Venue: The Narthex, Holy Family Church,
Langley. Dates: Monday, 13th July from 7.30pm-9.30pm and Saturday, 18th July from 10.00am
4.00pm (please bring a packed lunch). Booking forms available in the Church porches, or
contact NORES, 01582 723312, email admin@nores.org.uk
BURNHAM LIGHTHOUSE the Christian run holiday club, will run from Monday, 27th July to
Friday, 31st July. The craft team at Burnham Lighthouse are collecting the following items: Clean
Jam/Pickle/ Chutney Jars - labels and lids removed. Flattened Cereal Boxes. Cotton Wool.
Embellishments-beads, sequins, glitter etc. Christmas Wrapping Paper. This years theme is
Christmas, so any festive bits and pieces will be gratefully received. Please leave in the box in
the Church porch. If you feel you can help, please see their website for details of volunteering
WALSINGHAM Annual Pilgrimage of Reparation and Prayer for the Sanctity of Life, on Sunday
27th September, led by Rt Rev Philip Egan, Bishop of Portsmouth. All are invited to unite in this
day of Prayer. Further details please see posters and flyers available in the Church porches.

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