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Shadow and Breeze

Enchanted Forest Magazines

These are magazines we put together from articles posted on site by all members.
These magazines are Free!! We have done these since almost the beginning and have
over 70 in our Scribd Library.
On the right side of the Forest pages you will see current magazine covers shown..
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If you would like to submit an article please check out our magazine group tab on
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to Thank all those who have supported our magazine through the years.. great read
with allot of helpful information.
Thank you
Shadow and Breeze

We at the Enchanted Forest are honoured to support and host the live chats
given by Susun Weed on a monthly basis. Susun is an expert in her field of
Herbs and this is a great opportunity for all to increase their knowledge
and skills by learning from Susun FREE !!!
To come along to these chats join
Times of classes below
Central - 6 pm
Eastern - 7 pm
Western 4 pm
Mountain Time 5 pm
Australia (Melbourne) - 11 am
UK - Midnight

Posted by Kate

With so much to do all the time, it can be difficult to find time to simply breathe, think,
and explore our inner landscapes. It is still possible, however, to feed your soul and to
briefly separate yourself from life's frenetic pace by taking a snow day. Personal snow
days are best taken when you feel like you are running on empty with no chance of
respite in sight or when you begin to resent the life you once loved.
Your snow day can go a long way toward dispelling built up stress, provided you give
yourself full permission to indulge in nurturing activities. It is not a day to worry about
what you're missing or what is still lingering on your to-do list. Rather, it is a day to
give yourself a break from your responsibilities so you can return to them when you are
fully alert. Once you have scheduled your snow day, try to commit to ignoring your
chores, not calling your place of work, and doing only the activities you enjoy. Relax,
take a nap in the afternoon, play with children, meditate, work in your garden, or read a
novel. Take a long walk in the fading afternoon sunshine and then cook a special
dinner for yourself. Let your snow day be as languid and as lazy as you need it to be.
If necessary, prepare for your snow day by getting anything you think you will want or
need ahead of time. Clean up or pay the bills the day before so you're not tempted to
work. When your snow day is over, hold on to its essence. Take some of the
peacefulness you felt and keep it close to your heart. Even though we are a society that
values overtime and hard work, you deserve a snow day every now and then.

Harm me Not. ( The plea of a tree)

Posted by Gaia Enola

You who pass by me, and raise your hand against

me,Listen here you harm me.
I am the heat of your fire on a cold winters night,
The friendly shade screening you from the summer sun
And my fruits are refreshing draughts, quenching your
thirsts, as you journey on.
I am the beam that holds your house.
The board of your table, the bed on which you lie, and
the timber that builds your boat.
I am the handle of your hoe,
the door of your homestead;
The wood of your cradle,
And the shell of your coffen.
I am the gift of God, and the friend of man
You who pass by Me , Listen to my prayer.
"Harm me not!


Posted by Kate
Putting Power In Perspective
As human beings, we cannot help but be subject to our preferences. However, we do
have control over the manner in which these manifest themselves in our lives. Every
value we hold dear is an expression of either support or opposition, and it is our
perspective that determines whether we are for something or against it. As an example
of a situation we are all familiar with at this time: We can direct our energy and
intentions into activities that promote peace rather than using our resources to speak
out in opposition of war. On the surface, these appear to be two interchangeable
methods of expressing one virtue, yet being for something is a vastly more potent
means of inspiring change because it carries with it the power of constructive intent.
When you support a cause, whether your support is active or passive, you contribute to
the optimism that fuels all affirmative change. Optimistic thoughts energize people,
giving them hope and inspiring them to work diligently on behalf of what they believe
in. Being for something creates a positive shift in the universe, which means that
neither you nor those who share your vision will have any trouble believing that
transformation on a grand scale is indeed possible. To be against something is typically
easy, as you need only speak out in opposition to it. Standing up for something is often
more challenging, because you may be introducing an idea to people that may scare
them on a soul level. Throughout your life, you have likely been told that the actions of
one person will seldom have a measurable impact on the world. Yet your willingness
to stand up for what you believe in instead of decrying what you oppose can turn the
tides of fate.
The thoughts you project when you choose to adopt
a positive perspective will provide you
with a means to actively promote
your values and, eventually, foster lasting change.
"Always stand for something otherwise you will fall down".

Posted by Kate

Right Where We Are

Many spiritual seekers feel called to far-flung places across the globe in the interest of
pursuing the path of their enlightenment. This may be the right course of action for
certain people, but it is by no means necessary to attain an enlightened consciousness.
Enlightenment can take root anywhere on earth as long as the seeker is an open and
ready vessel for higher consciousness. All we need is a powerful intention and a
willingness to do the work necessary to move forward on our path.
In terms of spiritual practice, at this moment there are more tools available to more
people than at any other time in history. We have access to so much wisdom through
the vehicles of books, magazines, the Internet, television, and film. In addition, the
time-honored practice of meditation is free, and sitting quietly every day, listening to
the universe, is a great way to start the journey within. There is further inspiration in
the fact that the greatest teachers we have are our own life experiences, and they come
to us every day with new lessons and new opportunities to learn. If we look at the
people around us, we may realize that we have a spiritual community already intact. If
we dont, we can find one, if not in our own neighborhood then online.
Meanwhile, if we feel called to travel in search of teachers and experiences, then by all
means we should. But if we cant go to India, or Burma, or Indonesia, or if we dont
have the desire, this is not an obstacle in terms of our spiritual development. In fact, we
may simply be aware that our time and energy is best spent in our own homes with our
meditation practice and all the complications and joys of our own lives. We can
confidently stay in one place, knowing that everything we need to attain enlightenment
is always available right where we are.

Reaping What You Sow........

Braides ...Poppets and Smudges
Posted by Harobed

As a HedgeWitch this is the season that Im at my busiest.It's both time to process what I
harvested in the spring and had curing,plus there is a ton to reap ,dry and process
now.Above is a basket of some of my recent work; braides ,smudges and a Wheat spiral
.Wheat is a wonderful time honoured reagent to use in spells .Wheat contains the spirit
of the earth and harvest .It is used in spells asking Gaia's blessings,or for growth and
fertility.The braids are quite easy to make and its a simple spell for one trying to
become fertile .Once made small braids can be used as altar offerings or burnt as part of
a spell.
Larger braids can be decorated and used as Door besoms/wards to bring prosperity to
your home .The spiral of Wheat is truly a bit of breaking out the big guns . In Celtic
lore the spiral stood for the radiance of ethereal or cosmic energy. Native Americans
consider it symbolic of the journey of life.For Witches it symbolizes all of the above
and the Goddess.The Wheat Spiral is a contemplative spell aide ,it helps you focus on
the spell you are working while it spirals the the combined energies of you and the
Wheat out into the Ether .I find its best hung where the only air currents are your breath
and the heat of your candle .(keep it well away from the flame lol)

This is A Mullien Hanged Man Poppet. There is only a small window of opportunity
each season to make these as they can only be made right as the Mullien is forming a
bud. First cut the stalk 6-7 inches below the bud , allow it to wilt over night (this makes
them easier to braid) then carefully divide and braid the upper leaves into arms.The
arms get tied off at the wrists to form the hands. Once this is done you fold and wrap
the remaining leaves to form the body ,tie it at the waist and hang upside down for a
few days to dry.

Mullien is used for a lot of different things some of which are Courage, protection from
wild animals, protection from evil spirits, cleansing of ritual and psychic places before
and after working there. Also used for cleansing and purifying ritual tools and
altars.Mullien smoke is a powerful reagent in spells against Enemies. The purpose of
my Mullien hanged man is to aide in spells of bindind and unbinding.How to use it
properly is simple and obvious.You Suspend it over a brasier to burn /upside down
will bind the subject of your spell by "hanging them up" in their own problems.Right
side up releases the chains that bind you and allow you to move forward ,I like to use
Rose Quarzt in conjunction with Mullien in a spell such as this .It gentles the release
/evolution process.

Lastly are my smudges. Everyone knows about Sage smudges and what they are used
for ,but as a HedgeWitch I make smudges for all sorts of specific things.
Right now here in Virginia the Cedars are in full berry and ready to be harvested
.Cedar is one of the traditional nine woods used in the Druid balefire.It represents both
the element of Fire and of Earth.Cedar smoke invokes confidence, strength, power,
money, protection, healing and purification .Another use for Cedar is to ward against
lightening so its an excellent aide in spells protecting hearth and home during

Mugwort is now plentiful and is one

of my "go to" herbs .I love the taste
of it in tea and I love the smell of it
in smudge. Its used in spells to
invoke Clairvoyance, psychic
dreams, astral projection and
protection. If you are traveling
smudging with Mugwort fights
fatique and revitalizes your pyche.
Other Smudge combos I've made
recently are Sweet Marjoram
wrapped in Mullien to use in spells
that thin the veil,facilitate
communication with those who
cross over and lessen grief. Yarrow
and Basil for marriage charms
,dispelling negativity ,healing
relationships and summoning
courage.And lastly Lavender and
Wormwood to dispel restless spirits
and ease them through the veil.

Frankincense Oil Cures

Posted by Willowroot
Tradition tells us that the magi (3 wise men) gave the infant King of Israel gifts of gold
to honor his royalty, frankincense as a perfume, and myrrh for anointing oil.
Although there probably some truth to this, other sources claim that the wise men from
the Far East were actually being more practical by giving the baby Jesus these precious,
costly essential oils that could double up as potential medical remedies.
Frankincense Benefits
For over 5,000 years frankincense has been used to support the immune system, fight
infection and cure disease. Today the most common benefits of Frankincense include:
Reduces Inflammation
Destroys Cancer
Spiritual Awareness
Boosts Immunity
Fights Infections
Improves Anxiety
Heals skin and reduces acne and scarring
A press release by University of Leicester in the UK, published a few days before
Christmas last year, has rekindled the theory that the wise men werent just bringing
wealth to Jesus, but medicine.
According to the announcement that went after being issued, University of Leicester
researchers discover cancer-killing properties of frankincense in ovarian cancer. Using
the compound AKBA (acetyl-11-keto-beta-boswellic acid), the Omani governmentfunded research has for the first time shown frankincenses ability to target cancer cells
in late-stage ovarian cancer patients.
Lead researcher Kamla Al-Salmani explained: After a year of studying the AKBA
compound with ovarian cancer cell, we have been able to show it is effective at killing
the cancer cells.
Frankincense is taken by many people with no known side effects. This finding has
enormous potential to be taken to a clinical trial in the future and developed into an
additional treatment for ovarian cancer.
Cancer Killing Power Of Frankincense

Used because of its anti-inflammatory properties, Frankincense also known as

boswellia serrata has been a favorite as a folk medicine for several health concerns
including asthma, gastroenteritis, and skin conditions.
New research, like the study that came out of the University of Leicester, has recently
suggested that frankincenses disease reversing power may be even more
encompassing than previously suspected.
Successfully linking AKBA as a potential treatment for brain, breast, colon, pancreatic,
prostate, and stomach cancers, research trials are filling medical journals like
Carcinogenesis and PLoS One about Boswellia serratas cancer fighting prowess.
According to researchers out of Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas, the
frankincense cancer killing effects are due in part to it regulating cellular epigenetic
machinery, which highlights its ability to influence genes to promote healing.
Baylor cancer scientists emphasize that this potency makes Boswellia viable candidate
for both cancer prevention and treatment!
Frankincense Oil Cancer Natural Treatment
People who have added Boswellia serrata into their natural health cancer care plan
may find themselves experiencing double-benefits from this miracle essential oil.
For many cancer patients, theres a time when the treatment becomes worse than the
cancer itself. It is as this point that quality of life and symptom suppression is the focal
point for many diagnosed with this deadly disease. Debilitating in-and-of itself, these
cancer treatment side effect can make having cancer absolutely miserable.
Take, for instance, brain cancer patients who experience cerebral edema (swelling in
the head) after having their tumors irradiated. Typically, these people are treated with
dexamethasone and other corticosteroids to control the swelling, but this is done at a
great cost because the deadly complications of steroids are limitless.
Unfortunately, these people suffer toxic overload from the drugs that are supposed to
help them in the first place and get headaches, migraines, and may even deal with
blurred vision because of the steroid treatments.
Thankfully, frankincense offers a natural, viable solution to this horrible issue. Back
in 2011, the journal Cancer published the results of a 44 person clinical trial evaluating
how brain swelling was effected by frankincense.

Astoundingly, 60% of the patients displayed 75% reduction or greater in cerebral

swelling after being treated with 4200 mg/day of frankincense! These results are so
significant that scientists are urging the medical community to consider prescribing this
potent essential oil instead of steroids for cancer patients assigned to radiation
We hope this spreads like wildfire within cancer treatment circles. Who knows what
could happen if more people utilized this frankincense cancer treatment approach. As
weve seen above, if Boswellia serrata can kill cancer cells and prevent tumors from
growing, the skys the limit for folks who follow natural health guidelines.
If you want to learn more about alternative cancer treatments check out this article on
the Top 10 Natural Cancer Treatments and Forbidden Cures.
Frankincense Benefits Immune Function
A growing body of research has recently unlocked the doors to our understanding of
why frankincense is so beneficial to our health. In a study published by Phytotherapy
Research, for instance, when mice took 1-10 mg of Boswellia serrata orally it was
discovered that multiple levels of their immune systems were stimulated including:
Delayed hypersensitivity reaction (early 24 hours, delayed 48 hours)
Cytokines (interferon gamma, interleukin-4, and tumor necrosis factor-alpha)
T-cell interactions (i.e. CD4/CD8, which are generally low in AIDS patients)
In laymans terms, frankincense can boost the immune system like no other! Two
fundamental ways this is accomplished is by proliferating lymphocytes (white blood
cells, which are the bodys primary defense team) and by keeping inflammation at bay
(which is arguably the primary risk factor for most chronic diseases). This may also
explain why frankincense is so effective in treating autoimmune conditions like
bronchial asthma, Crohns disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and ulcerative colitis.
Implement frankincense into your natural health regimen today. This essential oil can
be used in diffusers with ease to treat respiratory conditions or you can put it as an
essential or salve directly on your skin.
And finally, you can also take frankincense (boswellia) as a supplement with a few
essential oil drops placed under your tongue, on the roof of your mouth or in powdered
capsule form for treatment of many health conditions.


Posted by Willowroot
The recipe is simple.
1/4 cup melted unrefined extra virgin coconut oil which corresponds to 4 tablespoons
of solid coconut oil
1/4 cup baking soda
1/4 cup corn starch
10 drops of essential oils (I used lavender and tea tree oil)
Glass jar with lid
Place all the dry ingredients into your favorite bowl (you should love your utensils!)
Add the melted coconut oil and essential oils and stir well.
Youll end up with a fragrant paste which should be poured into a jar before it
solidifies. Remember, coconut oils natural state is solid, and the end product should
look something like this.
Leave it to cool naturally before placing it in the fridge for extra solidification. I like to
keep it at room temperature for easier application, but you can also keep it in your
The Final Word
Oh, and in case you wondered how these ingredients have been proven to work
baking soda absorbs odors, cornstarch absorbs wetness and coconut oil is an antioxidant and a moisturizer with anti-fungal/anti-bacterial properties. The essential oils
you added will add their own properties. In my case, I added lavender oil as an
antiseptic and tea tree oil for its antibacterial, anti-fungal and antiseptic qualities.
And thats how you can create happy armpits!

I Had To Share This One (The Elders Say)...

Posted by ~~OneCrow~~
Had to share this...
Every part of this country is sacred to my people. Every hillside, every
valley, every plain and grove has been hallowed by some fond memory or
some sad experience of my tribe. Even the rocks, which seem to lie dumb as
they swelter in the sun along the silent shore in solemn grandeur, thrill with
memories of past events connected with the fate of my people.
-- -Chief Seattle, SUQUAMISH
Native people say the Earth is sacred. Some places on Earth will feel more
sacred than others. You can often feel the sacredness of these places because
of what has happened on them. If you do a ceremony on a certain place and
return later, whatever happened before will still be there to help you. Even
if someone you didn't know did something on the Earth and you come
along later, the powers will be there to help you. This is why the Earth is
sacred and these special places are sacred spots.
Such a connection between Native American beliefs, and Wicca//Pagan
Also I thought this graphic fit perfectly

The Witches Ladder

Posted by Willowroot
The Witches Ladder (also known as rope and feathers, witches ladder, witches ladder,
or witch ladder) uses basic knot magic with elemental correspondences to create a
powerful talisman that you can hang in your home or wear for protection or give as a
gift to your friends.
The modern witchs ladder is a string of 40 beads or a cord with 40 knots. Sometimes
feathers, bones, and other trinkets are braided into the string as symbols for a desired
spell effect. An earlier version of a witchs ladder consisted of a rope or cord of three,
nine, or thirteen knots.
It was believed that witches of old cast a death spell over a person by tying the knots
and then hiding the cord, and the only way to undo the spell was to find the secreted
cord and untie each knot.
Today, Wiccans and Neo Pagans use witchs ladders primarily in healing, binding, and
wish-granting rituals. They can also be used to bind the thirteen moons of the year,
purportedly to allow the witch to better work weather and nature magic, and to open
the doorway to the Faery realm.
Knot magick spells are numerous and aim to achieve many different outcomes. The
current view held by many Wiccans is seen in this poem by Wiccan poet Enadus:
A knot is not a useless thing It keeps in place with rope and string Not all kept is hard
or soft Knots can keep wishes, hope and thoughts Held by magick knots we make For
life and love not to forsake.
Knot spells have been created for cutting pain, binding love, and travelling safely. The
string or cord can be made out of almost any material, but natural fibers such as hair,
wool, hemp and cotton are preferred. Although ladders are often created for as part of a
specific spell, many Wiccans keep a personal ladder. In this case, the knots or beads are
used to keep track of repetition in a spell or prayer, similar to Rosary beads.
The witchs ladder can be created a section at a time or all at once. Either way, special
chants are spoken during the creation process to empower the talisman to do its
creators bidding
Before you make your Witches Ladder you must first be clear on what it is you wish to

You will need:

About a yard of cord or ribbon in three colors the color depending on what you want
to use the ladder for:
green for money;
red for passion;
white for creativity;
black to stop bad habits;
brown for balance;
yellow for happiness;
orange for health;
blue for peace;
purple for wisdom.
Beads, feathers, Hair or anything to knot into the ladder the choice is personal and
depends on the spell you are casting; You will need one item for each note total nine or
multiples of nine of them ( example 9 feathers 9 beads and 9 twigs).
Casting Instructions for Witches Ladder
Start the spell by braiding the three cords together, as you go you braid the beads,
feathers etc. into the ladder so you have nine evenly spaced items.

As you place each item in chant the following:

By knot of one, my spells begun.

By knot of two, it will come true.
By knot of three, so mote it be.
By knot of four, this power I store.
By knot of five, my spell is alive.
By knot of six, the spell I fix.
By knot of seven, events Ill leaven.
By knot of eight, it will be fate.
By knot of nine, what is done is mine.
The power has been raised and is now stored in these knots, beads, feathers and in
the cord.

You can tie the ends of the ladder together and use it as a necklace for protection on
your person or hang it somewhere close to where it is needed such as your bed head or
If you want to use it for healing you untie and release the items in the knots like this:
You must release the knots one at a time one a day for nine consecutive days.
Release them in the same order in which they were tied.
As the knots are released the energy that was put into them releases and is used for the
purpose that the ladder was made for. You can either bury the beads etc. or keep them
in a safe place.

The Story of the Rainbow

Posted by Rev. Carol A. Ingle (Raven)
Once upon a time, all the colors in the world started to quarrel; each claimed that she
was the best, the most important, the most useful, the favourite...
Green said:
"Clearly I am the most important. I am the sign of life and of hope. I was chosen for
grass, trees, leaves - without me all the animals would die. Look out over the countryside
and you will see that I am in the majority."
Blue interrupted:
"You only think about the earth, but consider the sky and the sea. It is water that is the
basis of life and this is drawn up by the clouds from the blue sea. The sky gives space
and peace and serenity. Without my peace you would all be nothing but busy bodies."
Yellow chuckled:
"You are all so serious. I bring laughter, gaiety and warmth into the world. The sun is
yellow, the moon is yellow, the stars are yellow. Every time you look at a sunflower the
whole world starts to smile. Without me there would be no fun."
Orange started next to blow her own trumpet:
"I am the color of health and strength. I may be scarce, but I am precious for I serve the
inner needs of human life. I carry all the most important vitamins. Think of carrots and
pumpkins, oranges, mangoes and pawpaws. I don't hang around all the time, but when I
fill the sky at sunrise or sunset, my beauty is so striking that no one gives another
thought to any of you."
Red could stand it no longer. He shouted out:
"I'm the ruler of you all, blood, life's blood. I am the colour of danger and of bravery. I
am willing to fight of a cause. I bring fire in the blood. without me the earth would be
empty as the moon. I am the colour of passion and love; the red rose, poinsettia and

Purple rose up to his full height. He was very tall and he spoke with great pomp:
"I am the colour of royalty and power. Kings, chiefs and bishops have always chosen me
for I am a sign of authority and wisdom. People do not question me - they listen and
Indigo spoke much more quietly than all the others, but just as determinedly:
"Think of me, you all become superficial. I represent thought and reflection, twilight
and deep waters. You need me for balance and contrast, for prayer and inner peace."
And so the colors went on boasting, each convinced that they were the best. Their
quarrelling became louder and louder. Suddenly there was a startling flash of brilliant
white lightning; thunder rolled and boomed. Rain started to pour down relentlessly. The
colors all crouched down in fear, drawing close to one another for comfort.
Then Rain spoke:
"You foolish colors, fighting among yourselves, each trying to dominate the rest. Do you
not know that Gods made you all? Each for a special purpose, unique and different.
They loves you all. They wants you all. Join hands with one another and come with me.
They will stretch you across the sky in a great bow of color, as a reminder that he loves
you all, that you can live together in peace.
"A promise that They are with you, a sign of hope for tomorrow."
And so whenever Gods has used a good rain to wash the world, They puts the rainbow
in the sky, and when we see it, let us remember to appreciate one another.
based on an Indian legend
Anne Hope's (1978)

A Pledge to Pagan Spirituality

Posted by Rev. Carol A. Ingle (Raven)
I am a Pagan and I dedicate Myself to channeling the Spiritual Energy of my Inner Self
to help and to heal myself and others. I know that I am a part of the Whole of Nature.
May I grow in understanding of the Unity of all Nature. May I always walk in Balance.
May I always be mindful of the diversity of Nature as well as its Unity and may I always
be tolerant of those whose race appearance sex sexual preference culture and other ways
differ from my own. May I use the Force (psychic power) wisely and never use it for
aggression nor for malevolent purposes. May I never direct it to curtail the free will of
May I always be mindful that I create my own reality and that I have the power within
me to create positivity in my life. May I always act in honorable ways: being honest with
myself and others keeping my word whenever I have given it fulfilling all
responsibilities and commitments I have taken on to the best of my ability.
May I always remember that whatever is sent out always returns magnified to the
sender. May the Forces of Karma move swiftly to remind me of these spiritual
commitments when I begin to falter from them and may I use this Karmic feedback to
help myself grow and be more attuned to my Inner Pagan Spirit.
May I always remain strong and committed to my Spiritual ideals in the face of
adversity and negativity. May the Force of my Inner Spirit ground out all malevolence
directed my way and transform it into positivity.
May my Inner Light shine so strongly that malevolent forces cannot even approach my
sphere of existence. May I always grow in Inner Wisdom & Understanding. May I see
every problem that I face as an opportunity to develop myself spiritually in solving it.
May I always act out of Love to all other beings on this Planet -- to other humans to
plants to animals to minerals to elementals to spirits and to other entities.
May I always be mindful that the Goddess and God in all their forms dwell within me
and that this divinity is reflected through my own Inner Self my Pagan Spirit.
May I always channel Love and Light from my being.
May my Inner Spirit rather than my ego self guide all my thoughts feelings and actions.
So Mote It Be!

Crystals for boosting your energy

Posted by Foxglove

In the aftermath of extreme physical or emotional exertion, the effects of fatigue are
sure to follow. Periods of tiredness can last a few hours or, in extreme cases, much
longer. And, in today's trying times with stress bombarding us from all sides work (or
lack thereof), family, children (or teenagers, in my case), physical illness, finances it
may all seem overwhelming, and our bodies and minds will, eventually, come to the
conclusion that they will shut down in 5...4...3...2...!
Fortunately, the battle over fatigue can be overcome. There are a number of crystals that
can assist you and give you that much-needed boost of energy. Generally speaking,
when faced with fatigue, choose stones that are associated with the element of Fire. This
element is energy personified. You'll notice, also, that stones ruled by fire are often
ruled by the Sun or the planet Mars and are almost always red in color. Mars is often
known as the planet of warriors. If you want to combat fatigue, you'll need to think like
a warrior. That being said, the crystals in this category are Ruby, Garnet, Red Jasper,
and Amber. And because fatigue may also bring with it bouts of depression and/or
insomnia, Amethyst and Green Aventurine are also on the list.
Ruby is a deep red crystal that is ruled by the element of Fire and the planet Mars. This
powerful energizer increases blood flow, enhances stamina, and gives you renewed
energy. Use it on the sacral or root chakra. Raw, uncut rubies are much less expensive
and are perfect for this type of healing. Recharge rubies using a soft cloth to wipe them
down with and placing them on a windowsill at night to be charged by the stars.
Garnet is a burgundy-red stone that is also ruled by Fire and the planet Mars. Placed on
the root chakra, it can improve circulation as well and increase that sense of vitality you
may be missing. This warming crystal can be worn or carried in a pocket (as with all of
these listed crystals) and it can be recharged even on a cloudy night.
Red Jasper is the warrior stone. This red stone is, like Ruby and Garnet, also ruled by
Fire and Mars. It is indispensable when you need to increase stamina, enhance
circulation and give a great boost of energy to the system. It is associated with the root
chakra and can be recharged by passing it through a red candle's flame.

Amber, the fossilized remnants of ancient tree resin, is associated with Fire and the Sun.
This fiery, golden-orange stone recharges your energy levels by stimulating a more
positive attitude. If your emotions are running rampant due to emotional overload,
place amber on the solar plexus or sacral chakra to even out those emotional stresses. It
can be recharged by placing it on a sunny windowsill.
Amethyst is a calming stone for those suffering from fatigue due to emotional overload.
This purple crystal is ruled by the element of Air and the planet Jupiter. It's regarded as
an excellent healing stone for emotional fatigue, insomnia and headaches. It also
balances blood-sugar levels and has been known to recharge other stones. Place it on
your brow chakra or under your pillow at night. Of course, it can be worn or carried.
Recharge amethyst by placing in moonlight, as this stone should not be put in direct
Aventurine, although green, is a wonderful crystal for clearing away negativity,
increasing optimism and bringing about a more positive outlook. It's a more gentle
energizing stone, but can still encourage a renewed zest for life. It is an Earth stone and
is ruled by Mercury. Aventurine is used on the heart chakra to calm panic-attacks and
anxiety associated with emotional fatigue. It can be recharged by putting it in amongst
the leaves of a plant during the day.
Some of you may be wondering why the elements and planets are listed with the crystal
descriptions. I'll explain. Each element Earth, Air, Fire and Water and each planet
from the Sun to Pluto correspond to different energies, emotions, attributes, colors,
etc. Fire, for example, is associated with the color red and is used for physical strength,
stamina, protection, energy and courage. Water is blue and is used for healing,
relaxation, sleep, and psychic abilities.
Earth is governed by green and is used for grounding, peace, stability, fertility, money
and gardening/agriculture.
Air is yellow and is the element of communication, travel and all things regarding the
intellect. I won't go into all of the planets here, but some of those mentioned in this
article were Mars, the Sun, Jupiter and Mercury.
Mars is for courage, passion, protection and strength and is ruled also by red. The Sun
deals with physical energy, protection, healing and success and its color is gold or
yellow. Jupiter is for meditation, spirituality, success and psychic awareness and its
color is purple. Mercury governs communication, wisdom, self-improvement, study and
travel, and its color is yellow.

So let's take some of our crystal information and put it to some practical use. You've
decided to reduce your daily intake of caffeine; how are you going to get that daily dose
of energy to get you going? Grab that delicious Red Jasper! You can wear it as jewelry,
carry it in your pocket, or hold it in your hand when you feel your energy draining.
Another area you may need a bit of a pick-me-up is that afternoon burn out. You've had
lunch, it's early afternoon and you're about ready for a nap. This type of afternoon
slump can be alleviated with your crystals, rather than caffeinated drinks or sugary
snacks. Crystals that are going to boost that afternoon slump are Ruby, Amber and yes,
Red Jasper. Ruby and Amber are recharging stones, and will jump-start your system.
Another one to try is Aventurine, which will add a bit of optimism to the mix.
Let's try a different scenario. What if you're having trouble sleeping? You're so fatigued,
you think you could sleep for a week, but your mind won't shut down. Cup of warm
milk or Chamomile Tea? Perhaps some calming music and a bit of meditation? Go for it.
Rose Quartz and Amethyst will also bring a more restful sleep when placed under your
pillow. These are calming stones that will greatly help those with overtaxed minds and
bouts of insomnia. Another stone to help you relax is Blue Lace Agate that, when held in
your hand, will help your whole body to relax. It will also improve the quality of your
sleep, as will the crystal Iolite, which also helps with headaches, eyestrain and mental
stress, by calming those overtaxed nerves.
So, whether you're a marathon runner or just running through the minefield of every
day, I hope one or more of these crystals will enable you to combat your fatigue and
bring you peace and energy.
Written by Sonia Acone

Angel Water
Posted by Willowroot
Angel Water refers variously to Jordan River Water, or to a sixteenth century
complexion remedy that had, by the eighteenth century, evolved into a love potion.
Its name may have come from those angels described In the Book of Genesis who
seduced the daughters of man with lessons of magic. Another source may be found
in the legend of Aphrodite, who was clothed in myrtle (the crucial ingredient of Angel
Water) leaves when she first arose naked from the sea.
Myrtle is a small tree native to the Mediterranean coast; it was considered sacred to
Aphrodite. The basic formula for Angel Water consists of myrtle, orange blossoms
(neroli) and rose. All of the basic ingredients are available in the form of essential oils.
Angel Water typically is used externally.
The Smart Witch Recommends:
Add substantial quantities Angel Water to a bath to maintain romance (whether
bathing solo or together) and to provoke erotic dreams. Purportedly, the greater the
quantity of Angel Water, the greater the aphrodisiac effect.
Blend Angel Water with alcohol for an erotic massage potion.
If using Angel Water as a love potion, make sure that all materials are safe for
human consumption.
Consider homemade floral waters or infusions of fresh and dried flowers and leaves
instead of essential oils. Homegrown roses are preferred to those commercially grown
due to pesticides.
Allegedly, angels love the scent of myrtle. So if you wish to summon an angel, fill
glass or crystal bowls with Angel Water and verbally request the angel's presence.

Magickal Waters
Posted by Willowroot
Recipes for Magickal Waters
Sometimes you come across a spell that utilizes magickal waters. Below are recipes for
the most common.
Take a bottle and fill it with Spring Water, add a black onyx or obsidian into the bottle
of water. Place outside During the 3 nights of the New Moon (the night befor, the
night of, and the night after). After this time, cap the bottle. This water should only be
kept until the next New Moon, when any remaining water should be givin back to the
earth, and a new batch made, if desired.
On the night of the full moon, take a jar or bottle of water outside and set it where the
light of the Full Moon will shine on it. Ask the goddess to bless the water. Leave it
outside overnight basking in the rays of the Moon. At dawn, go outside and take the
jar and cap it tightly. When the next Full Moon comes, Give the remaining water back
to the earth and make up a new batch, if desired.
WATER OF TRANQUILITY This is sometimes used in ritual consecration. Crush 1 1/2
oz of white rose petals in 16oz of spring water. Let the rose petals steep for three days,
strain and bottle the liquid.
Place cut nails (old fashioned ones with the rectangular cross section) into a jar and
add water. Close the jar and allow it to stand for a week or two until the nails have
begun to rust, then add more water and reclose the jar. Open the jar occasionally so
that fresh air can continue the rusting process. Use a little at a time the water has a
rusty tinge to it. This water should be stored in a cool place.
Add 1 drop gardenia oil, 1/2 drop lavender oil. and 1 drop cucumber oil to 2oz highproof vodka or rubbing alcohol. Bottle, cap and store in a safe place.
To 100mls of distilled water, add 20 to 30 drops of your preferred essential oil. Allow to
stand in a dark cupboard for up to 30 days, strain through coffe filter paper and you
have your water ready for use.

Posted by Willowroot

Burn those herbs and feel the warmth and the glory of the Sun surround you, casting
away the shadows of the past and the cold in every human heart. May you all shine
like the Midsummer Sun.


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