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Nicole C. Campbell
The School of Truth
Source p. 205, Aug. / Sep 2005 - The Path of Truth
Be still and know; be still and trust, be still and expect. Know that God is, that God is
Omnipresence, now manifest. He is the solution of all your problems.
Yet many followers of Truth will tell you that they find it easier to tell others how to have faith
than to apply it themselves. Everyone of us becomes frightened, and our minds tend to become
chaotic. When some difficulty appears that we have never before encountered, fear pounds at the
door of our consciousness.
I know the reaction "It is all very well for others to say 'be still'. How can I be still with these
conditions shrieking at me?" "How can I believe in God when this pain tears at my body?" or
"How can I be still when I have no food for my children?" or "when the bank is demanding
payment?" or "when discord has shattered my home life?" How is it humanly possible to be still
at such times?
I know very well just how difficult it is to take your mind off such appearances; to believe that
you have received when there is no relief in sight; to know that you are now living in the very
Presence of all good, surrounded and permeated by the Solution to all your problems. I know
how the mind reacts: "It is all very well believing these things but what use are they to me in
spiritual form? I cannot pay accounts with spiritual substance. I cannot feel health as I lie here
disabled. I cannot see and touch the substance of God. How can I be still?"
It is near impossible for any human being to be still at times like these, to remove the fear in the
pit of your stomach, to lift up your heart and mind into God's good. It is near impossible, but it
can be done. There is available to us all the timeless, immutable Law of God. I did not make it,
nor did the Master Jesus make it, or any other master. If you will but take that irrational and
courageous step of becoming still, you will open the way for the spiritual ideas of health and
harmony and abundance to express through you and out into your lives. Full grown faith cannot
be established in a few minutes but God opens His arms wide to receive every traveler on the
path of Truth.
Almost inevitably, when in peace you face-down a particular problem, you find it has assumed
false proportions and has no reality of its own, that most of the consequences you are imagining
never happen. Your fear has been giving it importance and power it does not possess.
I want to tell you a story about a very intelligent man I still know who had been diagnosed with a
grave illness. He said to me "How can I believe these things? How can I possibly believe that
God cares about me? I have never considered Him before, and now that I am in great difficulty
what standing do I have to turn to Him?" "Do you believe God is law and that God is good
alone?" I asked. "Yes" he replied "of course I do." "Do you believe He is All-power and that
your body is His expression?" "Yes" he nodded. I went on "If you have been sitting in a dark

room for years not knowing that there is electricity, and someone tells you to put on the switch,
will you say 'I cannot put on the switch because I have not used electricity all these years'? The
electricity is quite unconcerned with your presence and that you have not made contact with it
for a long time. It will fulfill itself when you release it through the switch."
He said "This seems reasonable but I do not know what faith is. Paul's words that 'Faith is the
substance of things hoped for, evidence of things not seen' is meaningless to me. I have no grasp
of faith. I simply cannot believe that it will work for me. I cannot imagine or accept the Presence
of God." "Now is your opportunity to prove it" I said. "Well" he declared the only way is to
try to force myself to have faith. I'll say something like this to God 'I want to trust. I want to
believe that You have my interests at heart. I do not understand the meaning of faith or how to
apply it, but I am going to believe that You will help me to have faith in health, so that
manifestation can begin'."
I tell you with joy that God unfolded in him. Every time he thought of his condition he would say
"I know that I have not got faith, but I am trying to be still, and I know You are giving me the
faith to be still, and I know You will not be late in bringing forth your solution." To his surprise
it worked. I say surprise because the change in his condition came before he realised it had
happened. He said to me "I never knew it was so simple."
Out of that wonderful experience my acquaintance thought he had found all there is to know
about faith, but he had not. He was like the lawyer who had just won his first case. But his career
will expose him to many new problems and always he will find he does not know enough and
not every solution comes as easily as ones before. Sometimes problems seem to come out of the
air and before we can meet them with firm faith we find ourselves completely swamped.
There are many who believe sincerely in God and that they are trying to the best of their ability
to trust Him for the manifestation of some good in their lives or the lives of their loved ones. Yet
it seems the more they hold on to Truth, exercising their faith, the worse the condition appears to
become, until they cry out "Will it work for me? Is there really a power called God who desires
good for me?" I have found in every instance where there is this impasse, regardless of the
person's love of God or the faith they think they have, the blockage is always in the person, never
in God. To "be still" means to be at peace, to be so convinced of the Presence of God that the
problem has no power whatsoever in your life.
This is only the first step - to be still, to still the emotional panic and fear. We are then told not
only to be still and know, but to be still and trust. And the trust must be in God alone, in His
good, love, peace and happiness, and cannot include any trust in the problem or in any other
power. So, after I have stilled my fears I have to trust. I have to go about my daily duties doing
the things I have to do, rendering service, but unconcerned about the problem. That is not for me
to solve, not for me to work out. I have to be still and know that there is only one Presence. It is
apparently not yet manifest but is now coming into expression from invisible Substance for my
particular benefit.

When you trust God you are happy. Not for one moment do you allow negation to color your
attitude. You refuse to see it or accept it because you know that it can intrude only if you give it
credence, if you have "faith" in it.
Be still and expect. Many people pray to God for abundance but expect poverty, for health and
expect disease, for happiness and expect misery. You do not get what you pray for with your lips
but what you expect in your heart, because expectation is the substance of your faith. "Tomorrow
it may happen, or a month from now" but it never happens because you are always pushing it
away into the future.
If I am still in heart, and know that God is All-power, what is there for me to fear? If I know He
is All-presence and therefore fills the nothingness we call evil, and if I know He is Allknowledge and that I am the temple of Him, what possibly can shake me? The knowledge is
stored up within me, waiting to press itself into my consciousness at the right time - never late. I
am enthusiastic in expectancy. I live in the consciousness that it is done, already there in being,
and I have consented to Its finding expression through me.
When your mind is holding on to a negative condition you are in effect holding on to it with both
hands, afraid to let go. Your hands are clenched and, although you are asking God to be the good
you need, you cannot accept it because your hands are closed. You must literally let go, not of
the Presence of God, but of the presence of the condition. God cannot do your part, nor can you
do His. I have seen people who strongly believe in God but cling to their problem and at the
same time cry out "God, if I could only get rid of this..." Then they talk to us and, after we show
them what they are doing and assure them, they let go with a tremendous feeling of relief. We
ask them to leave their problem with us and they declare "I feel better since telling you. I know
things will be all right." It is not we who have given them this peace. Their letting go has
dissolved the power of the problem.
If with mind and heart you give away the phantom of disease, or unhappiness, or fear, you are set
free, and Good, Which is the only Reality, moves in and takes the place you were reserving by
your anxiety. There is nothing supernatural about spiritual law. Another way of looking at it is
that you are the channels through which the Substance of Life is flowing. You are either
damming it up with thoughts of distrust, or letting it flow naturally through you. You are not
trying to change the mind of God. You are not trying to change universal Law. You are trying to
get in tune with Him. Just as a father takes care of his children, so is it Gods pleasure to love
and bless you.
When you close your mind to the power of the condition you will be suffused by a wonderful
feeling of calmness. To face up to a problem, face up to it with poise instead of with a terrible
fear in the pit of your stomach, is the most important confirmation that you are on the path of
Truth: "I know God is in being now. and now is the accepted time. My whole being sings a song
of gladness."
He is waiting this very minute to free you. When you have "the mind that is in Christ," the mind
that ignores conditions, the mind that sees straight through all problems, the mind that knows

there is only one Power in the universe, all else vaporises into the nothingness of delusion from
which it arose.
When I look downwards and see and believe in the appearance of negation, I merely give it more
substance within me. When I lift up my eyes from temporal things which have no power of their
own, my whole being is lifted up into the reality of the kingdom of God.
Will you, those who have major problems and who feel perhaps that you have been let down, not
only by man but also by God, will you take my word for it that He is saying in and through you:
"Be still and know that I am your good. Be still and know; be still and trust; be still and expect."
(Ref POT 0682)

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