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TG Transfer Goal
the overall goals for our subject
Where do you find it? TG source document
Where do you use it? You do not use it in its original form- you use the ELTG for your
ELTG Exit Level Transfer Goal
the Transfer Goals broken down for Gr. 1-3, Gr. 4-6, Gr. 7-10 so that each
grade level knows what to do to get to the Transfer Goals by Gr. 10
Where do you find it? TG source document
Where do you use it? C-map, Unit Plan (required)
Unit TG Unit Transfer Goal
the goal just for one unit; its about the topic in that unit
Where do you find it? You make it
Where do you use it? C-map, Unit Plan (not required)
EQ Essential Question
-important questions that guide a whole unit
-no correct answer!! even you might not know the answer!
-takes the whole unit to develop an answer; should be repeated many times so that
this answer gets deeper; students will have different answers
-can also involve strategy for skills subjects like art
-match the TGs
Where do you find it? It depends see OAEQ and Unit EQ
OAEQ Overarching Essential Question
an EQ that repeats in many units and grades
Where do you find it? TG source document (under each TG; pick one for the
TG you used)
Where do you use it? C-map, Unit Plan (required)
UNIT EQ Unit Essential Question
EQ that is just for one unit; its about the topic in that unit
Where do you find it? You make it; should match the Unit TG
Where do you use it? C-map, Unit Plan (not required)

TT Transfer Task
-a realistic task where students apply their knowledge and skills
-everything in the unit prepares them for it (this is called scaffolding)
-analogy: sparring
Where do you find it? You make it
Where do you use it? Unit Plan
MT Milestone Task
-a Transfer Task that is really really realistic!
-students should be able to do it independently
-it usually takes more than one quarter or unit to prepare students for it
-analogy: competition
Where do you find it? You make it
Where do you use it? Unit Plan (one per year only)
FA Formative Assessment
-checks what the students understood from your lesson so that you can adjust your
-happens many times during each unit
-can be written or informal
-must give feedback ASAP (whether FA is practical or written)
(most important FA for art: going around and giving individual coaching /feedback)
(most important FA for music: rehearsal with coaching/feedback)
-you must respond to what the FA shows
(ex. FA showed that students didnt understand color schemes give an extra
exercise about color scheme. Dont just repeat the explanation because it may not
be enough)
SA Summative Assessment
-measures what the students learned
-never ever give an SA without FA first (preferably several FAs first); students must
be ready for the SA

-form to be filled out and given to parents if a student does not do well on an SA
-let me know ASAP if a student needs one
Where do you get one? Team Leader
Let me know as soon as
-Youre deviating a LOT from your Unit Plan
(dont worry, small adjustments are not only normal but necessary)
-Your SAs are delayed
-You have a student who is not doing so well, and it looks like she will have trouble in
an SA

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