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The Harmans

July, 2015

Field Address

Praa da Bandeira, 71
Caixa Postal 92
Campina Grande, PB 58400-970

(336) 685-3199


Sending Church

Temple Baptist Church

7035 Franklin Rd.
P.O. Box 130
Lewisville, NC 27023
(336) 945-3944
Pastor: Dr. Bud Owen

Sent Through
The Gospel Preacher Association
P.O. Box 465177
Lawrenceville, GA 30042-5177
(770) 995-7045

Any support can be made

out to The Harmans and
sent to the above address.

That ye should shew

forth the praises of
him who hath called
you out of darkness
into his marvellous

Serving In The Country Of Brazil

Dear Friends and Supporters,
Go up to the mountain, and bring wood, and build the house;
and I will take pleasure in it, and I will be glorified, saith the Lord. Haggai 1:8.
We are so grateful for God's provision for the construction of the new church
property we have been working on. Through the generous donations of several churches
and individuals, as well as a grant from Baptist Mid-Missions, we have been able to make a
lot of progress. It has been slow, but steady, as we and the people of the church have been
doing about 90% of the labor to stretch every penny that has been given. Structures here do
not tend to be of wood, as Haggai stated, but the people have hauled concrete, bricks and
other supplies uphill to build.
We have now reached a point in the building that we have to contract out the rest.
We have reached the limit of what we can and know how to do. We have just hired a team
to come in and finish the church property and it should be ready in a couple of months.
Even with the money we saved doing everything we could, things will still be tight. We will
not be able to get the building finished with what we have left, but we should be able to get
the building functional. Please pray that be the case and we could have our first services in
the new building by or before October 1st.
We had mentioned before the possibility of starting a Bible study in the home of a
young couple. That has not worked out so far as he has shown less interest now than
before and has not wanted to set up a time. Please pray that the Lord will direct where this
is concerned.
We are still in plans, once the church building is complete, to start a new work in
the area of Malvinas with our new co-worker, Sergio and his family. He and his family have
a great heart for ministry and are hard workers. We look forward to beginning a new work
with them and are grateful to have help as we begin. Our plan, as the congregation grows,
will be for him to be the pastor, so we would not have to search for a national pastor later
on. This is truly a blessing as searching for the first national pastor is usually a difficult
phase in any church plant; one which we should not have any difficulty with. Sergio is
scheduled to do his ordination later this year and that will be a big step in making these
plans a reality.
The church we are with currently is doing well. Just last Sunday they had a young
lady come to know the Lord as Savior. They will be baptizing four people in the upcoming
Sunday service and, Lord willing, will have a lot more room to grow in the new property. The
church has also been busy doing evangelism in a neighboring town called Vila Florestal.
Some 5 or 6 have come to know the Lord as Savior, and the church voted to concentrate
more efforts in this area. This seems to also be an open door for a new church congregation
and we will be helping the church with this new work as well. It will also be a good
experience for the church as it would be the first church plant they as a church will have
taken on.
Jon and Tonya have both been very busy with teaching, Jon has been preaching in
several churches around the state. Kyle has also been lending a hand with both the
construction of the new property and the remodel of the current meeting place. Tonyas
sister and her husband, Joey, and their children also came to visit and helped us with the
construction and preparing lesson materials. It was good to have family here and Joey tiled
the rooms of the current meeting place and poured a sidewalk around the new building. We
are grateful to them for the work that they did while they were here.
As always, we would like to thank everyone for your continued prayers and
support. We could not do what we do here without you! You are instruments in the Lords
hands, just as we are also. We are thankful to Him for the privilege of working together for
His glory and honor.

In His Service,

I Peter 2:9
Jon, Tonya, and Kyle Harman

Work on the current church meeting facilities:

Work on new church property:

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