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Eloqua Insight
Data Model Guide:
Attributes & Metrics

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Copyright January 2013 Eloqua.

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This guide provides descriptions of the attributes and metrics that are available for inclusion in Eloqua
Insight reports.
The structure of the document mirrors the folder structure in Eloqua Insight. You can also search this
document for the attribute or metric you wish to use.

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What are Attributes and Metrics?

In Eloqua Insight, the items that you want to report on are referred to as Attributes. An attribute is usually a
noun. For example, an Email, Form, Landing Page, and Campaign are all attributes. But other items' data that
describe or are directly related to those items are also attributes, such as campaign start date, campaign type,
email send date, etc. Attributes are the items that normally appear on the left hand side of reports. They are
the criteria by which you wish to run the report.
Metrics, on the other hand, are what are the results of activities that occurred for a particular attribute. For
example, # of Emails sent, # of Emails opened, # of visits to a web page, # of Form submissions are all metrics.
The majority of reports that you will view or create have both attributes and metrics.
For more details on what an attribute and metric are, please refer to the Eloqua Insight Reporter User Guide
under Introduction to Eloqua Insight Reporting Terminology

Account Folder
Account Name
Address 1
First line of Accounts Address
Address 2
Second line of Accounts Address
Address 3
Third line of Accounts Address
Business Phone
Accounts Business Phone Number
Accounts City
Accounts Country
Date Created
Date the Account was Created
State or Province of Account's location
Zip/Postal Code
Zip Code or Postal Code in Account's address
Integration Fields:
Fields from different Integration sources
MS CRM Account ID
NetSuite Customer Address ID
NetSuite Customer ID
SalesLogix Account Address ID
SalesLogix Account ID
SFDC Account ID
Siebel OnDemand Account ID
* You can also report on Account Custom Fields . They are in the folders Custom_DateTime,
Custom_Numeric and Custom_Text, depending on the Data Type of the field in Eloqua.
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If you do not see any attributes in any of these 3 folders, please contact your Eloqua Account Director and
request that they enable your Insight custom fields.

Campaign Folder
Activity Type

Type of Activity that occurred for that campaign, which
includes one of the following options:
Emails Sent
Emails Opened
Email Clickthroughs
Email Bouncebacks
Email Unsubscribe
Email Visitors
Emails Received
Possible Email Forwards
Form Submitted
Landing Page Visits
Note: Clients that upgraded from E9 to E10 may see
some of the following attributes as well:
Print Mail Sends
Call Center Calls
Search Campaign Visits
Online Referral Visits
Batches Sent to Distribution List
Emails Sent to Distribution List
Contact Group Add
Company Group Add
Prospect Group Add
Hypersite Visits
Event Registration
Put on Waiting List
Surveys Sent
Surveys Completed
Fax Send
Hypersite Page Visits

Campaign End Date

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Campaign Name
End Date of Campaign - The time saved for the
campaign end date is 11:59:59 pm ET. Once the
campaign reaches the end date/time, the campaign is
deactivated. In addition, the standard prompt in
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Insight that asks the user to specify the time span or

range for the active campaigns for inclusion in the
report, relies on both the start date and end date to
determine if the campaign was active at any point in
the time span or range selected.
Most recent response date that the lead (i.e.
responder) was first associated to the campaign.

Campaign Lead Association Date

Campaign Product

This is a standard campaign field where you select the

product (if any) that the campaign was for. If you want
to use a pick list for this field, you set that up in the
campaign fields area under Setup.
Campaign Region
This is a standard campaign field where you select the
region (if any) that the campaign was for. If you want
to use a pick list for this field, you set that up in the
campaign fields area under Setup.
Campaign Start Date
Start date of Campaign. This field is for reporting
purposes only. The campaign is not actually set to
active status on the start date. The time saved for the
start date is 12:00:00 am ET. Like Campaign End Date,
it is used in the standard Campaign Active prompt to
determine if the campaign was active during that time.
Not necessarily running on Eloquas campaign canvas
but considered active by the marketer, as there may
have been activity on the campaign outside of the
Eloqua system.
Campaign Type
This is a standard campaign field where the user
selects the type (if any) that the campaign was for. To
make this field a pick list, navigate to the Setup
function in the campaign fields area.
Created by User
Username of user who created the campaign.
* You can also report on Campaign Custom Fields . They are in the folders Custom_DateTime,
Custom_Numeric and Custom_Text, depending on the Data Type of the field in Eloqua.
If you do not see any attributes in any of these 3 folders, please contact your Eloqua Account Director and
request that they enable your Insight custom fields.

Contact Folder
Address 1
Address 2
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First line of Contact's address
Second line of Contact's address
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Address 3
Business Phone
Contact Name
Date/Time Created
Email Address
Email Address Domain

Email Address Status

First Name
Last Name
Mobile Phone
Zip/Postal Code
Integration Fields:
Last Siebel OnDemand Campaign Name
Last Siebel OnDemand Campaign Status
MS CRM Account ID
MS CRM Contact ID
MS CRM Email Opt Out
MS CRM Lead Rating
NetSuite Contact Address ID
NetSuite Contact ID
NetSuite Customer ID
NetSuite Email Opt Out
NetSuite Lead Rating
SalesLogix Account Address ID
SalesLogix Account ID
SalesLogix Contact Address ID
SlaesLogix Contact ID
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Third line of Contact's address

Contacts Business phone number
Contact's City
Contact's Company Name
Contacts first and last name combined into one field
Contact's Country
Date and Time Contact was created in Eloqua
Contact's Email Address
Domain of Contact's Email Address (e.g. Eloqua.com).
Note: If you are creating a filter to include everyone at
a particular company (domain), your report will run
faster if you do an exact match on the domain, rather
than a contains or ends with filter on the email
address field.
Status of Contact's Email (subscribed, unsubscribed,
validated, Bounceback, etc.)
Contact's Fax Number
Contact's First Name
Contact's Last Name
Contact's Mobile Phone Number
Salesperson for Contact
State or Province of Contact's location
Contact's Title (e.g. Mr., Mrs., Ms., Dr., etc.)
Zip Code or Postal Code in Contact's address
Fields from different Integration sources

Page 5

SalesLogix LeadAddress ID
SalesLogix Lead ID
SFDC Account ID
SFDC Contact ID
SFDC Email OptOut
SFDC Lead Rating
Siebel OnDemand Account ID
Siebel OnDemand Contact ID
Siebel OnDemand Email Opt Out
Siebel OnDemand Lead ID
Siebel OnDemand Lead Rating
Siebel OnDemand Province
Siebel OnPremise Account ID
Siebel OnPremise Contact ID
Siebel OnPremise Lead ID
Lead Scoring:
Aspect 1
Aspect 2
Contact Model Definitions

Aspect1 represents profiling of the contact and is

represented by:
Aspect2 represents the contacts engagement and is
represented by:

* You can also report on Contact Custom Fields . They are in the folders Custom_DateTime,
Custom_Numeric and Custom_Text, depending on the Data Type of the field in Eloqua.
If you do not see any attributes in any of these 3 folders, please contact your Eloqua Account Director and
request that they enable your Insight custom fields.

Email Folder
Email Batch

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A batch is a specific set of emails that are sent out of
the Eloqua system in a group. This field is the name
given to the email batch, and displays the email name
and the date/time by which all the emails in that batch
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were sent. If you break up an email send so that it only

sends x number of emails at a time, or only during
certain hours, there will likely be multiple batches in
your overall email send. In addition, if you have a
campaign that continually brings in new contacts to be
emailed, there will be multiple batches sent.
Type of Delivery that occurred for that email, which
includes one of the following options:
Test Send
Email Batch
Personal Email to 1 Person

Email Delivery Type

This is an Engage email to one person

Personal Email to 2 or more people

This is an Engage email to more than one person

Form Processing
Embedded Email
Note: Only clients that upgraded from E9 to E10 may
see these additional types:
Ongoing Email
Refer a Friend
Email Stress Test
Simple Email
Name of the Email Group
Name of the Email
Date/Time Email was opened
Date/Time Email Batch was scheduled to be sent
<Fill in>
Subject line of the Email

Email Group
Email Name
Email Open Date/Time
Email Scheduled Date/Time
Email Status
Email Subject Line
Bounceback Folder
Bounceback Date/Time
Bounceback From Address

The date/time that the email bounced back

Either the branded or standard bounceback address
configured for the install
Additional detail provided by the SMTP server on the
Indicates whether the bounce back was processed via
our main bounceback filter or via a contact upload,
which includes one of the following options:
Contact Upload
Error code from the SMTP server

Bounceback Message
Bounceback Type

SMTP Error Code

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SMTP Reply Code

Clickthrough Folder
Clickthrough Link
Clickthrough Query String Value
Email Clickthrough Date/Time
Existing Customer

Email Send Folder

Email Sent Date/Time
Recipient Email Address
Recipient Email Address Domain

Reply code from the SMTP server

The URL set up to have clickthrough tracking
The query string information that was on the tracked
The date and time the clickthrough occurred
Indicates if the clickthrough was done by an existing
contact or by a new visitor not yet in Eloqua: 1 =
existing customer, 0 = new customer.
Full date/time that the email was sent
The email address of the recipient of the email
The email domain of the recipient of the email (e.g.
If you are doing a filter to include everyone at a
particular company (domain), your report will run
faster if you do an exact match on the domain, rather
than a contains or ends with filter on the email
address field.

Unsubscribe Folder
Spam Unsubscribe
Spam Unsubscribe Date/Time
Spam Unsubscription Email Address
Spam Unsubscription Email Subject Line
Unsubscribe Date/Time
Field Name
Form Host Type:

Name of the field on the Form
Type of Form Host, which includes one of the following
-Specify a new form to be placed on a website
or to be used in an e-mail campaign
-Integrate with an existing form on a website
-Integrate with an existing form in an Email or
otherwise not publicly accessible
-Use internally in Eloqua as an agent proxy form
Name of the Form
Type of Form Submission, such as Submitted by 3rd
party application

Form Name
Form Submission Type
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Date/time that the spam unsubscribe was processed

Email address of the spam unsubscription
Subject line of the email where the spam unsubscribe
request originated.
Date/time that the unsubscribe was processed

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Form Submit Date/Time

Date/Time Form was submitted

City (from IP)
Country (from IP)
State/Province (from IP)
Zip/Postal Code (from IP)

City detected from contact's IP address
Country detected from contact's IP address
State or Province detected from contact's IP address
Zip Code or Postal Code detected from contact's IP

Landing Page
Landing Page

Name of Landing Page


When a contact in Eloqua responds to a campaign (ie.
performs an activity that you have identified as a
response rule), a lead is then created for that contact.
There can only be one lead for a contact. That lead is
then associated to other campaigns if they respond to
the campaign.
Age of lead in days, from creation time to today.
Date/Time Lead was created in Eloqua, by the contact
responding to its first campaign.
Date/time the response was made. If used in
conjunction with the lead and campaign attributes, the
lead's date/time of the response will be displayed.

Lead Age [days]

Lead Created Date/Time
Lead Response Date/Time

Opportunity Closed Date/Time
Opportunity Created Date/Time
Opportunity ForecastToCloseDate
Opportunity Name
Opportunity Stage Status
Opportunity Stage Type
Probability of Closing

Revenue Suite Folder (Available only if you have

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Date/Time Opportunity was closed pulled from the
Date/Time Opportunity was created pulled from the
Date Opportunity is forecast to close pulled from the
Name of Opportunity
Status of Opportunity Stage
This field is no longer used. It has been replaced by
Funnel Stage Type
The % probability that the Opportunity will close,
pulled from the CRM
Page 9

purchased and enabled Revenue Suite)

Funnel Stage
Funnel Stage Category

Funnel Stage Type

Contact List

Outlines whether contact is subscribed or

unsubscribed to a particular Email Group. The format
of the field outlines the Email Group and concatenates
that with whether the contact subscribed or
unsubscribed to the Email Group.
For example, if a contact subscribed to an email which
was in the Email Group Events, then the Contact List
value would be Events-Subscriptions. If the contact
then unsubscribed from that email in the Email Group
Events, then the Contact List value would be EventsUnsubscriptions
Date/Time Segment was last evaluated. i.e. Last time
segment was refreshed
Segment Name

Last Evaluated Date/Time

Time Folder
Fiscal Month

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The name of the activated funnel.

The custom funnel stage names based on the client
The category of the Funnel stage, which includes one
of the following options:
The type of Funnel stage, which includes one of the
following options:
Qualified Lead
Sales Accepted Lead
Sales Qualified Lead

Date of week
Fiscal Month (based on the Fiscal Start Month you set
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Fiscal Quarter

Fiscal Quarter (based on the Fiscal Start Month you set

Fiscal Week
Fiscal Week (based on the Fiscal Start Month you set
Fiscal Year
Fiscal Year (based on the Fiscal Start Month you set up)
Calendar Month
Calendar Quarter
Calendar Week number
Calendar Year
* For best results when using a Time attributes, be sure to include only 1 date/time attribute in the Report
Objects of the report, such as one of the following options:
Campaign Start Date
Email Sent Date/Time
Email Clickthrough Date/Time
Form Submit Date/Time
Lead Created Date/Time

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Name of the User in Eloqua

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Browser Type
Company DNS Name
Company From IP
Current Total Pages
Customer Flag

First Marketing Campaign

Visitor's Browser Type (e.g. Firefox, Internet Explorer, etc.)
Name of the Company the visitor is from, if it can be
determined from the DNS
Name of the Company that Eloqua derives from visitors IP
Number of pages that visitor visited on last visit
This is a bit flag that is set to true if the visitor record is to be
filtered out by analytics (E9). In E10, this would key off the set
up in Setup | Tracking | IP Filters | Visitors to be filtered from
First campaign that visitor visited

First Marketing Channel

First Page in Visit
First Visit Date/Time

First page that visitor visited on this visit

Host Name
IP Address
Last Visit Date/Time
Most Recent Form Submitted
Most Recent Search Query
Visitor Name

Host name URL for the visitor

IP Address of visitor
Date/Time that the Visitor last visited
Name of the most recent Form submitted by visitor
Most recent search query by visitor
ID of Visitor

Web Tracking

Name of the browser the visitor used (e.g. IE, Netscape,
Firefox, etc.)
The version of the browser used by the visitor (e.g. Firefox
The search query used to get to the Entry Web Page
The first page the visitor viewed in the session tracked by
The last page the visitor viewed before leaving the session
tracked by Eloqua
The individual words used in the search queries
Last page visited in the session tracked by Eloqua
Microsite URL as set up in Eloqua
Page Tags are used to tag web pages so that they can be easily
and quickly shown in reporting. The page tag attribute is the

Browser Version
Entry Search Query
Entry Web Page
Exit Web Page
Last Page In Visit
Page Tag
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Date/Time that Visitor first visited

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Page Tag Group

Page View Date/Time
Previous Web Page
Query String

Query String Cluster

Query String Cluster Group
Query String Parameter
Query String Parameter Set
Query String Parameter Value
Referring URL
Search Query
Source Domain

Source Type

Sub Site
Visit Date/Time
Visitor Click Depth
Web Page

name you gave the page tag when you created it in Eloqua
Page Tag group is a way to group together several page tags
created for reporting purposes
Date/time the page was viewed
Page viewed prior to current page
This allows you to see a set of URLs that contain specific
parameters. You determine if the URLs must contain all or
some of the parameters selected in order to be in the set
This allows you to group together query string groups into a
cluster for reporting purposes
This allows you to group together query string parameters into
a group for reporting purposes
The parameter name you set up in the Query String area
under the Setup menu in Eloqua.
The set of parameters within Query String
The values captured for the query string parameter
URL of web page that referred the visitor to the Eloqua
tracked session
Search query string that was used to enter website
Name of the referring source (e.g. Google, Bing, Linked In,
Facebook, Referrer Website, or a particular Eloqua email)
More detailed information on the source. For example, for
search engines, it can be country-specific information (e.g.
Google (CA) or Google (UK)). For referrer website, its the
actual URL. For Eloqua emails, the source domain is Eloqua
Options include:
No Referrer
Search Engine
Social Media
Name of the subsite set up in Eloqua
Date/Time that a website visit happens
Levels of menu clicks (1-2, 3-5, or more than 5)
URL of the Web Page
-End of Attributes-

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Campaigns Folder
Campaign Count
Campaign Members
Activities and Responses Folder
Average Responses
Inbound Activity Rate

Total number of campaigns
Total number of members in Campaign

Response Rate
Total External Activities

Total Inbound Activities

Total Outbound Activities
Total Responses
Unique Inbound Activities
Unique Inbound Activity Rate
Unique Outbound Activities
Unique Response Rate
Unique Responses
Budget and Cost Folder
Actual Cost
Budgeted Cost
Cost/Attributed Opportunity

Cost/Attributed Opportunity Won

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Total Responses/Number of Campaigns

[Total number of Inbound Activities/Total number of
Campaign Members]*100
[Total number of Responses/Total number of Campaign
Number of external assets for the campaign. External assets
are all marketing activities which were done outside of Eloqua,
such as tradeshow sponsorships, webinars, direct mail,
telemarketing, etc.
Sum of all inbound activities for an individual campaign or
Sum of all outbound activities for an individual campaign or
Sum of all responses for an individual campaign or folder.
Total inbound activities deduplicated by Contact ID across
each campaign.
[Total number of unique inbound activities/Total number of
campaign members]*100
Total outbound activities deduplicated by Contact ID across
each campaign.
[Total number of unique responses/Total number of campaign
Total responses deduplicated by Contact ID across each
Actual Cost entered for the campaign. Manually entered in the
Financial tab of the campaign settings
Budgeted Cost entered for the campaign. Manually entered in
the Financial tab of the campaign settings
Total Actual Cost of the Campaign / Total number of
Opportunities (open, won or lost) associated with the
Campaign using the attributed revenue model.
Total Actual Cost of the Campaign / Total number of won
Opportunities associated with the Campaign using the

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Cost/Attributed Revenue

Cost / Inbound Activity

Cost/Influenced Opportunity

Cost/Influenced Opportunity Won

Cost/Influenced Revenue

Cost / Lead
Cost / Response
Cost / Response by New Leads
Cost / Unique Inbound Activity
Cost / Unique Lead
Leads Folder
Lead Age (Avg)
Lead Age (Max)
New Leads
Total Leads
Unique Leads
Revenue, ROI and Opportunities Folder
Attributed Revenue
Attributed Revenue Lost
Attributed Revenue Open
Attributed ROI
Average # of Opportunities
Influenced Revenue
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attributed revenue model.

Total Actual Cost of the Campaign / Total Won Revenue
associated to the Campaign using the attributed revenue
Total Actual cost of the campaign(s)/Total number of inbound
Total Actual Cost of the Campaign / Total number of
Opportunities (open, won or lost) associated with the
Campaign using the influenced revenue model.
Total Actual Cost of the Campaign / Total number of won
Opportunities associated with the Campaign using the
influenced revenue model.
Total Actual Cost of the Campaign / Total Won Revenue
associated to the Campaign using the Influenced revenue
Total Actual cost of the campaign(s)/Total number of leads
Total Actual cost of the campaign(s)/Total number of
Total Actual cost of the campaign(s)/Total number of
responses by new leads
Total Actual cost of the campaign(s)/Total number of unique
inbound activities
Total Actual cost of the campaign(s)/Total number of unique
The average age across the leads for the attribute chosen
The longest age across the leads for the attribute chosen
First response that a contact makes for the attributes chosen
The total leads for the attributes chosen
Total leads deduplicated by Contact ID
The amount of revenue associated to the won Opportunities
based on the attributed revenue model.
The amount of revenue associated to lost Opportunities based
on the attributed revenue model.
The amount of revenue associated to open Opportunities
based on the attributed revenue model.
[Attributed Revenue - Actual Cost]/Actual Cost
Total Opportunity Count/Number of Campaigns
Total revenue of the Opportunity is given to all campaigns
where the Contact linked to that Opportunity responded to

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Influenced Revenue Lost

Influenced Revenue Open
Influenced ROI
Total Attributed Opportunities
Total Attributed Opportunities
Total Attributed Opportunities
Total Attributed Opportunities
Total Influenced Opportunities
Total Influenced Opportunities
Total Influenced Opportunities
Total Influenced Opportunities
Total Opportunity Amount
Total Unique Opportunities
Weighted Attributed Revenue

that campaign.
The amount of revenue associated to lost Opportunities based
on the influenced revenue model.
The amount of revenue associated to the open Opportunities
based on the influenced revenue model.
[Influenced Revenue - Actual Cost]/Actual Cost
[Total Revenue Actual Cost] / Actual Cost
Count of all attributed Opportunities for an individual
The attributed dollar value of the lost Opportunities
The attributed dollar value of the open Opportunities
The attributed dollar value of the won Opportunities
Count of all influenced Opportunities for an individual
The influenced dollar value of the lost Opportunities
The influenced dollar value of the open Opportunities
The influenced dollar value of the won Opportunities

Total amount for all opportunities (won, lost, open)

Total Opportunities deduplicated by Opportunity ID
(Total attributed revenue of the Open
Opportunity)*(Probability of closing %) is given to all
campaigns where the contact linked to that Opportunity
responded to the campaign.
Weighted Influenced Revenue
(Total influenced revenue of the Open
Opportunity)*(Probability of closing %) is given to all
campaigns where the contact linked to that Opportunity
responded to the campaign.
Weighted Revenue
(Total revenue of the Open Opportunity)*(Probability of
closing %) is given to all campaigns where the contact linked to
that Opportunity responded to the campaign.
* For more information about attributed revenue and influenced revenue, please refer to the Eloqua Blog:
Dueling Revenue Attribution
Contacts Folder
New Contacts
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Number of new contacts in the Time Span/Range specified
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Total Contacts

Number of total contacts

Emails Folder
Total Agents Who Sent Batches
Total Batches Sent
Activities Folder
Clicked Sents
Clickthrough Link Count
Clickthrough Rate
Click To Open Rate
Existing Visitor Clickthrough

Total number of unique users who sent batches
Total number of batches sent

Form Conversion Rate by Email

Most Recent Clickthrough Date
Most Recent Open Date
New Visitor Clickthroughs
Open Sents
Open Rate
Possible Email Forwards
Possible Forwarders
Possible Forward Rate
Total Clickthroughs
Total Form Submissions from Emails
Total Opens
Unique Clickthrough Rate
Unique Clickthroughs
Unique Form Conversion Rate from
Unique Open Rate
Unique Opens
Deliverability Folder
Bounceback Rate
Delivered Rate
Global Unsubscribe Rate
Hard Bounceback Rate
Soft Bounceback Rate
Total Bouncebacks
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Number of email sents that had at least one clickthrough

Number of times a specific link was clicked through
Number of Total Clickthroughs/Total Emails Delivered
Number of Unique clickthroughs / Total Open Emails
Clickthroughs by contacts who were already visitors in Eloqua
(i.e. had previously visited a tracked page or clicked through
on a link).
Number of form submissions/Total emails delivered
Date the most recent click through occurred
Date the most recent open occurred
Clickthroughs by contacts who are new visitors in Eloqua (i.e.
had never visited a tracked page or clicked through on a link).
Number of email sents that had at least one email open
Unique opens/Total Emails delivered
Number of Emails that were possibly forwarded by the
Number of recipients that possibly forwarded the Email
Possible Forwarders/Total Emails delivered
Number of times tracked links in the Email were clicked
Total number of Form submissions that came from an Email
Number of times the Email was opened
Number of Unique Clickthroughs/Total Emails Delivered
Number of contacts that clicked on tracked links in the Email
Number of Unique Form submissions/Total Emails delivered
Number of contacts that opened the Email / Total Emails
Number of contacts that opened the Email
Numberof Unique bouncebacks/Total sends
Number of unique Emails delivered/Total sends
Unique Hard Bouncebacks/Total sends
Unique Soft Bouncebacks/Total sends
Number of Emails that were recorded as a Bounceback (hard

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Total Delivered
Total Email Group Global
Total Global Unsubscribes
Total Hard Bouncebacks
Total Personal Sends
Total Sends
Total Soft Bouncebacks
Total Spam Unsubscribes
Total Templated Sends

or soft)
Emails Sent - Hard Bouncebacks - Soft Bouncebacks
Number of Contacts who unsubscribed from Emails in this
Email Group
Number of Emails that were recorded as Hard Bouncebacks.
Number of Emails sent from Eloqua for Microsoft Outlook or
Number of Emails that were sent.
Number of Emails that were recorded as Soft Bouncebacks
Total unsubscriptions done via the spam unsubscribe process.
The number of Emails that were sent from Engage or Eloqua
for Microsoft Outlook templates

Forms Folder
% of Fields Complete
% of Fields Incomplete
% of Fields Incomplete by Field
Form Abandonment Rate
Form Completed Fields
Form Conversion Rate
Form Conversion Rate from Email
Form Count
Form Field Number
Form Field Value
Form Submitted Sents
Form Submit to Clickthrough Rate
Form Submit to Delivered Rate
Form Submit to Open Rate
Form Submit to Send Rate
Form Submit to Visitor Rate
Form Total Fields
Total Form Submissions
Total Form Views
Unique Form Submissions
Unique Form Conversion Rate
Unique Form Submissions

Percent of completed fields in a submission
Percent of incomplete fields in a submission
Incomplete Fields/Total Fields
Percent of people who viewed Forms but do not submit them
Number of fields completed on Form
Form submits/Total page views
Number of Form submissions/Total Emails delivered
Number of Forms
Number of fields in the Form
Value of the field on the Form
Number of email sents that had at least one form submission
Number of Form submissions/Clickthroughs
Number of Form submissions/Delivered Emails
Number of Form submissions/Opens
Number of Form submissions/Sends
Number of Form submissions/Visitors
Total number of fields on Form
Total number of Form submissions
Number of times the Form was viewed.
Total form submissions deduplicated by Visitor ID
Unique Form submits/Unique Visitors
Total Form submissions deduplicated by Contact ID

Revenue Suite Folder


Visible only if you are on the Revenue Suite beta

program. To get on the list for the beta program, please
contact your Eloqua Account Director

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Page 18

Avg Lead Cnt

Avg Opp First Lead Age
Avg Opportunity Cnt
Avg Opp Primary Lead Age
Avg Primary Contact Cnt
Funnel Value
Lead Age (Median)
Lead Age in Stage (Avg)
Max Lead Cnt
Max Opportunity Cnt
Max Primary Contact Cnt
Max Primary Contact Cnt - MQL Stage
Max Primary Contact Cnt - Prospect Stage
Max Primary Contact Cnt - SAL Stage
Max Primary Contact Cnt - SQL Stage
Median Opp First Lead Age
Prospect Close Rate
Total Closed Deals
Total New Primary Contacts
Total New Primary Contacts - Prospect Stage

Average Lead Count

Average Opportunity First Lead age
Average Opportunity count
Average Opportunity Primary Lead Age
Average Primary Contact Count
Funnel Value
Median Lead Age
Average Lead Age in Stage
Maximum Lead Count
Maximum Opportunity Count
Maximum Primary Contact Count
Maximum Primary Contact Count in MQL Stage
Maximum Primary Contact Count in Prospect Stage
Maximum Primary Contact Count in SAL Stage
Maximum Primary Contact Count in SQL Stage
Median Age of the Lead first linked to the opportunity
Conversion Rate from first prospect stage to closed won
Total Closed Deals
Total New Primary Contacts
Total New Primary Contacts in Prospect Stage

Time Folder
First DateHour
Last DateHour
Web Tracking Folder
# of Navigations For a Page
% of Keyword
% of Query String Clusters
% of Query String Parameter
Average Page Time
Average Page Views per Visit
Average Page Views per Visitor
Bounce Rate
Contact Visitors
Count of Search Query
Entry Page Views
Copyright January 2013 Eloqua.

Number of navigations to a page from another page

Keyword value count/Total Keyword values recorded
Query String Cluster Value Count/Total Query String Cluster
values recorded
Query String Parameter Value Count/Total Query String
Parameter values recorded
Total Page Time/Total Page Views
Total Page Views/Total Visits
Total Page Views/Total Visitors
Common web analysis metric representing the % of visitors
who left your site after viewing only the Landing Page
Total visitors linked to Contacts
Number of times the Search Query was recorded
Number of views of the entry web page within a session
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Page 19

Exit Page Views

Keyword Value Count
Last Page In Visit
Most Recent Visit
Navigation Rate
New Visitors
Non-Contact Visitors
Query String Cluster Value Count
Query String Parameter Value Count
Returning Visitors
Return Visitor Rate
Total Keyword Value Count
Total Navigations for Site
Total New Visitors
Total Page Time
Total Page Views
Total Page Views by Contact Visitors
Total Page Views by Non-Contact Visitors
Total Page Views for Query String
Total Page Views in Session
Total Page Views Ranking
Total Query String Cluster Value Count
Total Query String Parameter Value Count
Total Visitors
Total Visits
Total Visits (Bounced)
Total Visits by Contact Visitors
Copyright January 2013 Eloqua.

Number of views of the exit web page within a session

Number of times a keyword value has been recorded (from a
search engine)
Last Page in the session (visit)
Date/time of the last visit
Number of navigations for a page/Total navigations for the
Number of Total Visitors who are net new to the database
(Visitor ID created in the time range of the report)
Total Visitors who are not linked to contacts
Number of web page Pages Viewed with no Form submits
Number of times a query string cluster value has been
Number of times a query string parameter value has been
Total number of visitors with an existing visitor ID who visited
in the time range specified
Total Returning Visitors/Total Visitors
Number of times the keyword value was recorded.
Number of navigations for the site
Total number of visitors who visited in the time range and did
not have an existing Visitor ID
Sum of the time spent on each web page
Number of times a web page was viewed
Number of times a web page was viewed by visitors who are
linked to contacts
Number of times a web page was viewed by visitors who are
not linked to contacts
Number of times a web page was viewed for each Query
Number of page views in the visit session
Number of values recorded for the parameters in the query
string cluster
Number of values recorded for the parameters in the query
Total number of visits deduplicated by Visitor ID
Total number of visit sessions by all visitors
Total number of bounced visit sessions by all visitors
Total number of visit sessions by visitors who are linked to

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Page 20

Total Visits by Non-Contact Visitors

Unique Page Views
Unique Visitors

Copyright January 2013 Eloqua.

Total number of visit sessions by visitors who are not linked to

Total Page Views, deduplicated by Visitor ID
Total visitors deduplicated by Visitor ID

All Rights Reserved.

Page 21

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