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Enough Is Enough

I recently ran across 2 news stories, one of which at first glance I thought was
America being punked, the second so absurd in its stupidity in this age of political
correctness it left me almost speechless. But fortunately for some and
unfortunately for others, that never lasts too long. Having regained my voice I
decided these events would be the means of introducing an issue I have been
promising to go full bore on for some time now…racism in America. Or what the
liberals call racism in America.

The first event, I’m sure you know about. Rush Limbaugh was removed from a
list of potential partial owners of the St. Louis Rams after being courted by the
NFL Commissioner himself. This does not bother me in that I have wished only
the worst for the Rams since they left my hometown of Anaheim and I personally
do not think they deserve someone of Rush’s caliber. I’m sure whoever they end
up with will only continue to flounder in the curse placed by Anaheim tailgaters
upon Georgia Frontiere and her descendents for destroying the religion of many
in Anaheim.

But the reason for his removal really yanked my chain. Rush was pulled because
shakedown artists Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton made such a fuss you would
have thought the plan was to turn the Rams into a cotton plantation. Had Rush
been allowed to buy a minority share (I am not referring to the players here, so
save your insults) we would have been force fed sermons in black churches all
across America as well as morning gossip shows (Are they still called news
shows?) by these 2 Obama predecessors, ACORN loving community organizers
about how Jesus came to eradicate all racism in the NFL and they are His
prophets and Rush is the devil. Not to mention a sound bite or 2 from Jeremiah
Wright on CNN’s Situation Room or Campbell Brown (no bias no bull my ass) on
how God wants to damn white America because salary caps keep more black
jocks from becoming billionaires instead of millionaires for playing a child’s

After all, it takes big money to defend one’s self today from rape, drugs, assault
and dog fighting charges so these “role models” need the cash if they are to
continue to look cooler than white athletes by sporting the latest bling at their

Personally I think in Jackson’s case he was concerned that Rush would just be too
close to his son’s beer distributorship (the largest Budweiser distributorship in St.
Louis) but then again it could be he just needs the self-esteem fix he gets from
publicity…publicity that now belongs to the anointed one instead of him.

The second event however, was a little less noticeable because it occurred within
the liberal realm and we all know when liberals get caught at what they accuse
others of, the media hides it. In this case it was the surreal world of fashion.
According to the PC police at CNN.com, the October edition of Vogue Magazine
dedicated its issue to “Supermodels” and yes you guessed it, there were no
mentions or photographs of black supermodels Naomi Campbell, Tyra Banks,
Iman, Alek Wek, Liya Kebede or Chanel Iman.

But to make matters worse the magazine used Dutch model Lara Stone in
blackface. (Just for the record, I saw the photos and the model was covered
completely in black, not just her face and it was obvious the idea was to look like
a statue or mannequin rather than a mock up of a colored woman). Where is
Perez Hilton’s loud obnoxious presence when you need it? But hey, never let the
facts get in the way of a good story, right? Anyway, these 2 things roused my
reckless sense of right and wrong and I feel someone has to just say it.

Enough is enough. This racist crap has simply gone too far. And we in America
that know this have got to do what is necessary to stop it. And now is the time.

Having been awakened from a too-long sleep by those in state and federal politics
who seek once and for all to forever enslave us in tyranny for our own good,
conservative America is making a comeback. More than just a little pissed at
being disturbed we have dusted off our trophy of liberty, rekindled our sense of
patriotism, been freshly inspired by our God-given inalienable rights and been
reminded once again there are those who seek to destroy us not only from outside
but from within. In response we have drawn a line in the sand and simply stated
for all to hear, “Don’t tread on me.”

Taking a stand is sufficient when dealing with politicians. We can simply vote
them out. The challenge is dealing with the all too many whiney, self-victimized,
race baiting, lazy ass hyphenated humanists that call themselves champions of
justice for those who have not been born into this world Caucasian.

As those of us who are real Americans continue to witness and participate in this
revival of constitutional conservative philosophy and government in American
politics, it’s time for all of us, regardless of color, race and/or religion to not only
“defend” but to go on the “offensive”. Rather than stand behind the line we have
drawn, we need to be the ones to step over it and demand we be given back not
only our national heritage but our spiritual identity as well. We need to remind
those of the liberal persuasion we are “…one nation under God, indivisible, with
liberty and justice for all.”

Political correctness is the cause and effect of liberalism run amok. It has been
left unattended and allowed to go on too long, much like that nagging cough you
ignore. You know you should take care of it but you need to go to work. You have
more important responsibilities that need to be handled. Yet if the cough persists
and is not treated, it eventually turns into something deadly. And nowhere in
America are these symptoms more evident than within the arena of racism. We
have ignored them and therefore the disease of liberalism has reached epidemic
proportions. And like any deadly disease not treated, it threatens the body's
balance and order. Those infected by it must be quarantined, treated and
rehabilitated back to a place of usefulness in our civil society. If their condition is
terminal they need to be isolated like the lepers they are.

I think I have a great cure for political correctness. It works kinda like a flu
vaccine. You get a shot of flu virus so the body can build immunity against it. I
think we can take his concept and use it for the good of all that is good in
America. And by good I mean conservative.

Let me start my proposal by recounting something that happened to me earlier

this year on my show, Right and Wrong .

During a segment on racism I was trying to point out the double standard in
today’s society about the use of the N-word. I asked the question, “If blacks find
the word so offensive, if they feel it is a derogatory statement based on their
color, implies disenfranchisement and second class citizenship, why do they use
it between themselves with such apparent disregard?”

The problem with my discussion it appears was that within the context of my
statement and alongside other cultural slang used to identify not only other races,
but religious beliefs, I actually said the N-word. The following week I was
reprimanded by the station manager for speaking the word on my broadcast.
Apparently someone listening was offended. Though the station manager
understood what I was doing I was told not to use the N-word again. I was then
“coached” on the proper way of referring to black people on the airways.

So, if there is such concern by the politically correct for the feelings of those who
battle esteem issues because of their perception of how society see them in terms
of their color or religion I think it is about time we of other colors need to hold
these PC police to the same standard. Now I’m sure out there somewhere a liberal
might be reading this (I emphasize “might”) and say, “Hey Jon, I agree. We
should all hold each other’s race and faith in high regard in the name of
diversity.” To that I say, “Pffft”. If you are a liberal, you’re not even close.

The term nigger as defined by Dictionary.com is, “…now probably the most
offensive word in English. Its degree of offensiveness has increased markedly in
recent years, although it has been used in a derogatory manner since at least
the Revolutionary War. Definitions 1a, 1b, and 2 [below] represent meanings
that are deeply disparaging and are used when the speaker deliberately wishes
to cause great offense. Definition 1a, however, is sometimes used among
African-Americans in a neutral or familiar way. Definition 3 is not normally
considered disparaging — as in “The Irish are the niggers of Europe” from
Roddy Doyle's The Commitments — but the other uses are considered
contemptuous and hostile.

1. Slang: Extremely Disparaging and Offensive.
a. a black person
b. a member of any dark-skinned people.
2. Slang: Extremely Disparaging and Offensive. a person of any race or origin
regarded as contemptible, inferior, ignorant, etc.
3. a victim of prejudice similar to that suffered by blacks; a person who is
economically, politically, or socially disenfranchised.

But in yet another publication, Urban Dictionary the word is defined as, “A
word that everyone else is afraid to define except in utter seriousness, for fear of
being branded a rascist, in total ignorance of the colloquial usage of the word,
its characterization in popular culture, and the populations of people it is used
most by.”

It goes on to say the word is a, “…term that is racist, as long as the speaker of it
is not black. Forbidden on most all of television and other forms of public
entertainment, at times referenced to as the ‘n-word’. However, ‘cracker’, a
term racist against whites, is a completely acceptable term used in any context
of any national broadcast.”

Within this same thread of though let’s look at “cracker” as mentioned above.
Dictionary.com states, that among other more common definitions it refers to,
“Sometimes Disparaging and Offensive; A native or inhabitant of Georgia (used
as a nickname); A poor white person living in some rural parts of the
southeastern U.S.”

Both the n-word and the c-word refer to color, social standing and esteem as
perceived by others. Therefore I think it is safe to we need to, in all fairness, treat
one with as much disdain as another.

Personally I could care less what anyone thinks of my color or culture, though it
did not go unnoticed by me that the Irish are looked at in Europe the same as
blacks in America to some extent. History confirms this as neither blacks or Irish
were considered citizens before the Civil War. Maybe this gives us some form of
common ground on which to bond…naaa, don’t think so. Unless Chris Matthews’
reference to Obama being the last Kennedy brother indicates something we do
not know about. Anyway, I digress.

Cracker is a lame word for a lame reason so I will let it be. I’ll tell you though the
word I believe white America can grab and make their credo for a counter
revolution. The word that can become our catalyst, our inoculation against the
continued spreading of liberalism and condemnation by the PC police. That word
is ”redneck.”

Wikipedia states a redneck, “…refers to a person who is stereotypically

Caucasian and of lower socio-economic status in the United States and Canada,
particularly referring to those living in rural areas. Originally limited to the
Southern United States and then to Appalachia, the term has become widely
used throughout North America.

The term has been used for different groups in different time periods. The most
common American usage, that of the working class rural white Southerner, is
generally believed to derive from individuals having a red neck caused by
working outdoors in the sunlight over the course of their lifetime.

In the Dictionary of American Regional English, the earliest citation of the term
in this context is from 1830, as ‘a name bestowed upon the Presbyterians of
Fayetteville [North Carolina]’. A citation from 1893 provides a definition as
‘poorer inhabitants of the rural districts...men who work in the field, as a
matter of course, generally have their skin burned red by the sun, and
especially is this true of the back of their necks.”

I happen to like this term as it implies above all else a people that are not afraid
to work, don’t let their lack of education hold them down and apparently have a
spiritual identity. Sounds like our forefathers does it not?

So here is my pitch. The next time you hear someone use the word ”redneck” in a
disparaging and/or offensive manner jump their case…jump it hard. Inform them
they are racist. Tell them no one can use that word toward you or someone else
but another redneck. Make them aware there were just as many redneck
inventors, educators, leaders and soldiers as there were black, brown, red, yellow
or liberal. And let them know that in spite of the discrimination rednecks have
experienced throughout American history we overcame through hard work and
determination. And then let them know that the red they are now seeing on your
neck is the emotion you feel about their misconceptions, racism and prejudices.
Tell them that red on your neck identifies you as a conservative, Christian
American…and be proud of it.

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