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Mercenaries: Blood Money

Created by Dylan McClure

Table of Contents:
1. Introduction to Borneo
2. Creating a character
3. Primary SPECIAL stats
4. Action Rules
5. Skills
6. Level up rules
7. Merc Perks
8. General Rules
1. Beginning Combat
2. Eating, Drinking, and Sleeping
3. Darkness and Sound
4. Crouching and Prone
5. Gambling
6. How to roll a SPECIAL attribute check
7. Critical Fumbles
8. Excessive Strength and/or Endurance modifiers to Damage Reduction

9. Skill and Attribute Caps

10. Trip
11. Healing while sleeping
12: Armor Class and DR Minimum
13. Armor
14. Dying
15. Point Blank, close distance fighting, and distance combat
16. Crippled Limbs
17. Critically low SPECIAL scores
18. Swimming
19. Character Sheet, your skills, and your SPECIAL
20. Intimidate Checks
21. Critical hits, Sneak Attacks, and Sneak Attack Criticals
22. Guns with different reload times
23. Dual Wielding
24. Tied in initiative
25. Stealth Knockout
26. Vehicle Rules
27. Grappling and Disarming
28. Languages
29. Climbing
9. Equipment

2. The Indonesian Coup: An introduction to Borneo, your new

operating headquarters!
In 2017, Indonesia's crumbling government became weak under massive
political and economical tension and strain- and one day, that strain finally
broke it. A coup initiated by foreign internationals of unknown alliance
successfully destabilized the country's government, and left the island of
Borneo without a ruling body. In the strife that followed the collapse of its
government, Indonesia became a battleground of conflicting interests. China
was first to arrive, taking over the country in a militant operation to seize the
oil assets within the area. Unicef arrived to provide aid to the people of
Indonesia, and the Allied Nations, in response to this attack, arrived as a
peacekeeper in opposition to China's annexation. Indonesia is very rich in
natural resources its oil reserves alone make it the only South East Asian
member of NATO, and one of Universal Petroleum's main Asian assets.
Universal Petroleum thrives here, and their assets in Borneo were threatened
by this conflict. Because of this, a shaky alliance with the Japanese Yakuza
crime syndicate operating in the area has been established- their interests
lying solely in fighting their mortal enemy, the Indonesian Mafia. The
Aukusan Pirates in the area profit from everyone's misfortune, their
smuggling operations flourishing in the area. Finally, a rebel militia made out
of pre-destabilization army and citizens of the area has seized major military
assets and have decided to fight the foreign powers that have attempted to
take their home from them. Borneo has become hell on earth. Borneo has
become the mercenary's paradise.
Numerous factions converge on the battleground that is Borneo- and you as
a PMC will take a stake in the war. Profit and death go hand in hand here, and
every faction is looking for outside help. Factions will pay top dollar for
independent services to undercut red tape, and everyone has an enemy. In
this world, everybody pays. Your goal in Indonesia is to make it rich, and to
thrive on the conflict that has erupted. Blood money rains from the sky- who
is to pass up the opportunities in this hellish tropical paradise?
3. Creating a character
1. Choose a Name, Age, Gender, Ethnicity, Birth Country, Hair Color,
Eye Color, and the Month & day of your birthday.
(Note, your minimum age is 20 and your ethnicity refers to your noticeable
physical heritage, such as Caucasian, Hispanic, African or Asian)
2. Generate your SPECIAL!
You get 40 points to spend on your primary SPECIAL attributes, your most

important stats. You must have a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 10 in

each SPECIAL stat- the average is 5. These attributes on their own will be
very important to you, but they also affect your skills.
See Primary SPECIAL stats more information regarding your choices.
Choose carefully, your SPECIAL governs how well you character will survive
and adapt in the warzone!
3. Generate starting health.
Your starting health is: 12 x Base Endurance + Base Strength + Base Luck.
Your current health will start as your max.
4. Generate your starting cash.
Each mercenary starts with $1,500 dollars worth of starting equipment. (You
do get to pocket the leftover cash after you pick your starting items) See
"Equipment" in the section below for information on what items you can start
with. Choose wisely! A mercenary with a
Your starting cash gets a bonus depending on your luck. You gain an
additional $100 x Luck in extra starting cash. (Someone with 5 luck would
start with $2,000 dollars, since 1,500 + 100(5) = $2,000.
5. Generate your Carry weight.
Your carry weight is your Strength x 25 . If your strength ever increases,
modify your carry weight accordingly.
7. Generate your starting base Skills
You should generate your skills using the formula below:
Relevant SPECIAL base stat x 1.5 rounded down + Base Luck
After you have done that, you get 45 skill points to spend however you wish.
8. Generate your natural Damage Reduction and Armor Class.
Certain characters are extremely strong or tough. They get natural bonuses
to damage reduction due to this hardiness. See Excessive Strength and/or
Endurance modifiers to Damage Reduction for more information on this
As well, certain characters are easier or harder to hit. See the Agility and
Luck sections under Youre Special to find out what penalties or bonuses

you should add to your Armor Class.

9. Generate your Critical Hit chance
Your Luck attribute will dictate your chance to make a critical hit. The formula
below will say what your chance is.
Critical hit chance:

: You never critical hit

2-3 : 20
4-5 : 19
6-7 : 18
8-9 : 17
10 : 16
10. Generate your starting items
Automatically, mercenaries start with a Communicator Radio, of which is
usually attached to the chest or side. This can be used to contact other
mercenaries who know the same frequency. An engineering check can be
made to attempt to hear faction chatter with the radio. Otherwise, a radio is
$150. It has a weight of 1.
11. Start with 1 Merc. Perk and anywhere from 0-2 traits
At level 1, you may start with a Merc. Perk- an insanely powerful bonus that
should represent your character. Pick carefully! As well, you can pick up to 2
traits that you create yourself, which give both a notable bonus and penalty
to your character- they must be okayed by your Gamemaster. You dont have
to pick any.
12. Review with your Gamemaster, and enjoy your adventure and/or
hideous death in the destabilized zone!
4. Primary SPECIAL stats
The primary attributes in Mercenaries: Blood Money, called SPECIAL
for Strength, Perception, Endurance, Charisma, Intelligence, Agility,
and Luck, are the most important stats in the game- they dictate
what your character can accomplish, and how.

Strength regards your physical prowess. Are you a string bean or do you
have muscles on your muscles? Strength affects your carry weight, bonus
starting health, physical capabilities, and Martial Arts damage +2.
Perception regards your 5 senses: Hear, Taste, Smell, See, and Feel. Are
you deaf and dumb, or are you an eagle with a telescope? Those who are
highly perceptive will be able to find hidden objects, see danger coming
before others, hear conversations not meant to be heard, and tell when
something is amiss.
Endurance regards how tough you are. Characters with a large amount of
Endurance can survive in the harsh elements with ease, go longer without
sustenance, and can take more of a beating. Endurance governs your
starting health and health gained per level.
Starting Health Equation: 12 x Base Endurance + Base Strength + Base
Level Up health equation: You gain your Endurance in health each level-up.
Charisma regards how well you talk to people. Charismatic people can talk
themselves out of certain death, and negotiate with contacts. Charisma
synergizes with skills to add extra modifiers or penalties to your Charismarelated skill checks such as Deception and Speech.
Intelligence regards how smart you are. Intelligent people can problemsolve much better, and can use modern technology to their advantage much
more proficiently. Intelligence governs how many skill points you gain each
Skill points gained each level equal: 10 + Base Intelligence
Agility regards how quick and on-your-feet you are. Agility gives bonuses to
your Armor Class, governs how far you can move per turn, and your turn
order initiative.
Armor Class Agility Bonus:
3-4: -1
6-7: +1



Normally, reloading takes a normal action. With an Agility of 3 or less, it

requires two.
Luck governs every little thing in a small way, for better or worse. Luck
affects your critical hit chance, bonus Armor Class, starting skills, starting
health, and even more unseen elements. Critical hit chance does not rise
above Luck of 10.
Critical hit chance:
1-3 : 20
4-5 : 19
6-7 : 18
8-9 : 17
10 : 16
Armor Class Luck Bonus:
3-4: -1
6-7: +1
10: +4
5. Actions
General Actions: During your turn, you may do a move action and a normal
action. A move action is moving your agility in spaces, while a normal action
is doing something that takes a small but not miniscule amount of time, such
as reloading or firing your gun several times. You may convert your actions,
as well. You can take two move actions to Run, which allows you to move
your agility in spaces twice if you succeed an endurance check of 13. To
move the next turn after a run, you must succeed another Endurance check
of 16. As well, you can take two normal actions to attack twice in your turn.
5-foot step: During your turn, you may take a 5-foot step, which you can use
anywhere before, after, or during your actions during your turn. This 5-foot
step can be used to move 1 space in any direction. When fighting from
cover, you cannot take 5-foot steps, as that action is being used to pop up
from cover.
Reloading: Many weapons need to be reloaded after their clips have been

discharged. Doing so takes a normal action, or two normal actions if your

Agility is 3 or lower.
Fight from cover: At the beginning of your turn, if there is appropriate cover,
you can fight from cover, which decreases your Armor Class (Adding +5 as
a misc stat to it) and still allows you to shoot during your turns. The move
action is spent hiding, the 5-foot step action is spent peeking from cover to
fire, and the normal action to fire your weapon.
Full cover: At the BEGINNING of your turn, you may hide behind cover,
forsaking all actions, 5-ft step, and movement that you cant do behind cover
(Example, you can throw grenades) Being behind full cover gives the enemy
no chances to hit you with most weapons, and it offers +6 bonus against
Armor Class for the sake of weapons or circumstances that can ignore full
cover, such as a Frag. Grenade.
Opportune Action: Say your enemy is hiding behind cover, and every time he
pops out to shoot, you cant retaliate before he hides again. You can opt to
take an action of opportunity if you have 5 or more Agility, which allows
you to take 1 action of your choosing (Move or Normal) DURING an enemy or
other allys turn. You must succeed an agility check of 15 to take an
opportune action. This, in turn, will sacrifice the appropriate action during
your next upcoming turn. You can take an Opportune Action once before your
next turn. Opportune Actions can interrupt even 5ft step actions due to their
swiftness, and can thus negate extra Armor Class from Fight from cover. An
Agility of 7 or more will allow you access to your second upcoming action to
use as an Opportune Action, forsaking most if not all of your next turn. You
can choose to take a 5-ft step as an opportune action as well, if your other
actions are needed during your next turn.
Power Attack: If you are using a Melee weapon or Martial Arts, you may
substitute accuracy for damage, causing tremendous extra damage but a
reduced chance to hit. -1 to hit equals 3 extra damage. You can do this any
number of times during a single attack, but be sure you can still hit! You can
only do as much bonus damage as is your strength score, no more. Any extra
damage will be lost.
Cleave: If you are using a Melee weapon with a blade or something of similar
design or shape, such as a bat or a rolling pin, you may attempt to hit
several adjacent enemies. (5ft step compatible) Each adjacent enemy you
attempt to hit after the first will provoke an additional -2 to the attack. This
-2 stacks, granting a -4 to the next enemy, and a -6 to the next. You can
attempt to hit as many adjacent enemies as your agility score/2 rounded up.
6. Skills:

Skills dictate your effectiveness with certain actions you may wish to take
part in within the destabilized zone. To make a skill check, roll 1d20 + the
modifier. Their effectiveness is dictated by how many skill points you have
given to them, and correlate in modifiers to the table below:
1 - 9| -5
10-19| -4
20-29| -3
30-39| -2
40-49| -1
50-59| +0
60-69| +1
70-79| +2
80-89| +3
90-99| +4
100 | +5
Computer Use: Computer Use, a skill derived from the Intelligence
attribute, is your proficiency with technological software and hardware. It
allows you to make satellite air strikes, hack enemy networks, and use the
technological world to your advantage. It also allows you to implant
propaganda into the media via the internet.
Deception: Deception, a skill derived from the Charisma attribute, is used to
lie to people. People may doubt you or even find out that you are lying with
an appropriate Sense Motive check. You arent the one who killed those 3
civilians? Then who did?
Engineering: Engineering, a skill derived from the Intelligence attribute, is
your proficiency at creating and repairing things. An expert engineer will be
able to make custom vehicles, repair broken machinery, and fortify ruined
buildings for use as bases of operation.
Explosives: Explosives, a skill derived from Perception, is a skill regarding
the operation and usage of explosive weaponry, such as mines, bombs,
rocket launchers, and atomic nuclear weaponry.
Guns: Guns, a skill derived from Perception, is a skill regarding the usage of
conventional weapons such as the .44 Revolver or the .50 Caliber sniper rifle.
Heavy Weapons: Heavy Weapons, a skill derived from Strength, is your
proficiency with high-caliber weaponry such as the Minigun.
Lockpick: Lockpick, a skill derived from Perception, is a skill that allows you
to pick locks. You must make a 1 to open a very easy lock, an 6 to open an
easy lock, an 11 to open an average lock, an 16 to open a hard lock, and a

21 to open a very hard lock.

Martial Arts: Martial Arts, a skill derived from Endurance, is the skill that
dictates how good you are at kicking ass with fists and feet. Masters of the
unarmed can disarm opponents, punch them in the face, kick them in that
place too, and knock people out with their superior martial arts. Martial Arts
allows two attacks per normal action, and the damage dealt is your strength
score +2. Once the opponent is brought to 0hp, you may choose your attack
to be either lethal or nonlethal. Lethal will allow your damage to go beyond
0hp, nonlethal will knock them unconcious at 0hp. You must have 50
unarmed or better to deal nonlethal unarmed damage.
Medic: Medic, a skill derived from Intelligence, regards your medical knowhow, and how well you can heal yourself and others. Your Medic stat is how
many points you heal yourself or others when you use a medkit. (Using a
medkit takes a full round action)
Melee Weapons: Melee Weapons, a skill derived from Strength, is a skill
regarding your effective usage of close-range weapons such as the Knife.
Pilot: Pilot, a skill derived from Perception, is a skill used to pilot vehicles
such as cars, helicopters, boats, and airplanes effectively.
Sense Motive: Sense Motive, a skill derived from Perception, governs your
ability to discern lies from truth. Sense Motive can also keep you cool and
calm when people attempt to Intimidate you.
Sneak: Sneak, a skill derived from Agility, allows you to remain undetected,
whether it be to sneak past enemies, or pickpocket an unsuspecting soldier.
Sneak checks where enemies can only hear you or sneak checks made to
evade someone while you are in darkness get a +5 bonus to them. They do
not stack.
Speech: Speech, a skill derived from Charisma, is the skill that dictates how
well you speak to people. Those with a silver tongue are more likable, and
will get more out of interactions with contacts. Speech can be used to talk
ones way out of a bad situation in a hurry, or to haggle with a stubborn
Survivalist: Survivalist, a skill derived from Endurance, is your survival
know-how. Survivalists know what plants are good to eat, where to find food
and water, and how to hunt wildlife. Survivalist can be used to stay alive in
unsavory conditions.
7. Level Up rules:

When you gain enough battlefield experience in the field, you grow tougher,
and you get a bit better at surviving the mercenary's life. Thats called
leveling up, and it feels good.
When you level up, you gain skill points: 10 + Base Intelligence
Then, you gain health equal to your Endurance
Every third level, you gain 1 SPECIAL point.
When you level up, you do not heal any of the current health you have lost.
This is not true if you are at maximum- Your current health updates if it is at
max when you level up to accommodate the new health gained.
8. Merc. Perks
Tough Mercenary: You start with 3 damage reduction
Skilled Mercenary: You start with 20 extra skill points
Quick Mercenary: You may move an extra space faster every movement, and
you may draw your weapons as a 5-ft step action
Intimidating Mercenary: You gain +5 to Intimidate checks
Veteran Mercenary: You start with 5 more health, +1 to initiative, +2 to
Opportune actions, and 10 more carry weight
Strong Mercenary: You start with 25 more health
Accurate Mercenary: You gain +1 to hit
Vicious Mercenary: You deal 2 more damage every time you deal damage
Trained Mercenary: You gain +4 to initiative checks
Tactical Mercenary: You start with 40 extra carry weight
Stylish Mercenary: You critical hit range is increased by 1, (19-20 would turn
into 18-20 for example), you get a +1 to confirm critical hits, and you deal
+5 damage when you critical hit.
Paid Mercenary: You are personally paid an additional 10% bonus by factions
who contract you or your PMC
Hardened Mercenary: You need to eat, drink, and sleep only half as much

Specialized Mercenary: You start with 2 Extra SPECIAL points

Bandolier Mercenary: Ammunition weighs nothing for you. Large ammunition
like rockets and tank shells still have weight.
SpecOps Mercenary: You gain an additional 2 armor class when fighting from
cover, and you can go into full cover even if you did not start your turn in full
cover. (You still cannot fight from cover in full cover however)
9. General Rules:
1. Beginning combat: Combat is done in a turn-order fashion. When
combat is began, you must roll for initiative. Initiative is an agility check.
2. Eating, Drinking, and Sleeping: Survival is key in the warzone. You
must routinely eat, sleep, and drink water to stay healthy and alive.
Starvation Table

Minor Starvation

Strength -1

Advanced Starvation

Strength -2, Charisma -1

Critical Starvation

Perception -1, Charisma -2,


Deadly Starvation

Perception -1, Charisma -2,

Strength -4, Endurance -1

Fatal Starvation

Your SPECIAL skills are all 1

except Luck, You can only move
while prone. You have your
endurance in hours to live before
you die.

Dehydration Table
Minor Dehydration

Endurance -1

Advanced Dehydration

Perception -1, Endurance -2

Critical Dehydration

Intelligence , Perception ,

Deadly Dehydration

Agility , Intelligence , Perception ,


Fatal Dehydration

Your SPECIAL skills are all 1

except Luck, You can only move
while prone. You have your
endurance in hours to live before
you die.

Sleep Deprivation Table

Minor Sleep Deprivation

Agility -1

Advanced Sleep Deprivation

Intelligence -1, Agility -2

Critical Sleep Deprivation

Endurance -1, Intelligence -2,

Agility -3

Extreme Sleep Deprivation

Endurance -2, Intelligence -2,

Agility -4

Comatose Sleep Deprivation

You will pass out instantly, and go

into a comatose state for 20 hours

minus your base Endurance;
minimum of 10 hours.
3. Darkness and Sound: Darkness adds +3 to sneak checks, whether they
be at night or in the shadows. Being unseen and only able to be heard adds a
+3 to sneak checks as well, though this does not stack with darkness.
Darkness also penalizes Perception checks related to sight by -5, unless you
are carrying a light, which will reduce the penalty by a certain amount.
Example: A flashlight will bring the penalty down to a -2.
4. Crouching and Prone: Being crouched allows sneak checks and adds a
+1 to hit with ranged weapons. You cannot run while crouched.
Prone: You get a +3 to hit with ranged weapons while prone and a +1 to
sneak checks, though you can only take 1 action per turn while prone.
5. Gambling: You may gamble by rolling either an Intelligence or Luck check
against the opponent/opponents you are gambling against.
6. How to roll a SPECIAL attribute check: To roll a SPECIAL check, such
as a Strength check, roll 1d20 + the SPECIAL attribute. Say you have 5
Strength, and you must make a Strength check. Roll 1d20+5 to make that
Strength check.
7. Critical Fumbles: On the roll of a natural 1, no matter what, something
shitty comes to fuck your day up. No luck rolls can save you from a critical
fumble- although other skills can.
8. Excessive Strength and/or Endurance modifiers to Damage
Reduction: When you are so strong and so tough, you take damage much
better. If you have a base 9 or 10 of either stat, you get a natural bonus
damage reduction:
Strength or Endurance damage reduction table:
1-8: +0
9: +1
10: +2
These modifiers stack, so if you have 10 Strength and 10 Endurance, you will
have 4 extra damage reduction. 9 Strength and 10 Endurance? 3 extra
damage reduction.
9. Skill and Attribute Caps: Skills have a max cap of 100. You cannot
bring them any higher than that. SPECIAL attributes have a max cap of 10.

Nothing can make them higher.

10. Trip: You can trip enemies with a successful Martial Arts attack against
their Armor Class. On success, they are thrown prone. You may trip enemies
while having weapons equipped, but you get a +2 to tripping while holding
11: Healing while Sleeping: Sleep heals (Almost) all wounds, and you can
sleep to alleviate pain. Sleeping a natural nights sleep heals your Endurance
x 3 in hit points. Sleeping will never heal crippled limbs. They require medical
attention. Minor crippled limbs can be healed over time.
12: Armor Class and DR Minimum: Your Armor Class and damage
reduction can never be below 0.
13: Armor: You may wear armor to protect yourself in combat. Here is a
chart of how Armor affects your stats based on heaviness:
Light: +1 to Armor Class, -1 Movement Speed
Medium: +2 to Armor Class, -2 Movement Speed
Heavy: +4 to Armor Class, -3 Movement Speed
14: Dying: If you are hurt so badly that your health goes to 0 or under 0,
you are dying. When you are dying, you lose 1 health a turn, and you are
prone. Your health can go negative as your current endurance: If you have 10
Endurance, you die at -10 health. If you have 5, you die at -5 health. If you
take so much damage that the damage alone forces you to go past your
negative health threshold, you die instantly.
You must beat an endurance check of 10 to stay conscious while you are
You may roll an endurance check each round to resist the -1 damage if you
managed to stay conscious. If you beat an Endurance check of 22, you will
delay the dying for that round.
Gaining any health will be enough to stop your dying, but it will not restore
any health at this stage. You will need to be operated on by a doctor within a
place with abundant medical tools. If you are stabilized, you have your
endurance in hours to live, and you must be operated on before that window
is up.
If you wish to do actions while you are dying, you must succeed an
endurance check of 15. This includes getting up, shooting your weapon,

using a medpack, etc. Failure will cause you to fall prone again if you are
standing, and you wont be able to do the action you intended if you fail
while prone.
15. Point Blank, close distance fighting, and distance combat: More
often than not, firefights will take place with a minor distance between the
opposing parties: 10-50 feet or so. But sometimes, that normal window of
distance is not available. This is what happens when fights get too close or
too far.
Close Distance Fighting: Fighting adjacent (5 feet away from your target) will
give a +3 to hit, and will automatically critical hit the target if the attack is
successful. This is only for ranged weapons.
Point Blank Shot: When you have a gun up to someones head, that pretty
much means that theyre dead. If you manage to get close enough to a
target to make a point blank shot, you will deal x4 the normal damage and
automatically hits. However, if the enemy knows your gun is to their head,
an opportune action can be made to avoid getting shot, if they choose. You
can roll a counter perception to their agility check to dodge out of the way or
disarm you, etc. If you succeed, you shoot them before they have time to
react. (The x4 will automatically become a x6 due to the fact that it is also
considered Close Distance Fighting.)
Long distance fighting: Sometimes, sniping the enemy from afar is the best
approach. You must succeed a perception check to get a good shot on them.
You get a +6 to the success of this check if your weapon has a scope on it,
and a +4 if your gun is suited for long-ranged shooting. Bonuses for stance
also give bonuses to the perception check, like when crouched or prone. You
must make a 24 to succeed the perception. If that perception check is failed,
you miss anyway. After the perception check, you may then roll your normal
16. Crippled Limbs: Your arms, legs, and head are venerable parts of your
body, and can become crippled. Bladed Melee weapons and Explosives can
sever limbs if the damage they deal is substantial. (Explosives have a 15%
chance to sever a limb when it cripples one.) If your head is crippled, you
suffer -4 to Perception and -2 to Intelligence and get knocked unconcious
unless you succeed a 25 Endurance check. If your torso is crippled, you get
-2 to Endurance and -1 to Strength. If your arms are crippled, you get a -2 to
attacks and skill checks that require the use of that arm and -1 Strength. If
one of your legs is crippled, you suffer -3 agility for each leg crippled. Your
Endurance x 8 equals the amount of damage you can take in a specific limb
before it is crippled.

If your limbs become severed for some reason, (Ripped off, exploded off),
you must have medical attention immediately. A Medic check can be made
by you or an ally to take care of the wound left by the severed limb, and a
doctors bag and an hour of surgery by an extraordinary doctor can repair
the severed limb. If you choose not to seek medical attention, you have your
endurance x 2 in turns to live before you bleed out- in addition to losing 10
health each turn. Even a mediocre Medic check can stabilize the wound, but
getting the limb repaired is much more difficult.
You get a -3 to hit limbs that are not the torso, and when you hit the head,
you automatically critical hit.
17. Critically low SPECIAL scores: If one of your SPECIAL scores
diminishes to 0, you will suffer very detrimental effects.
Strength: If your Strength reaches 0, you will need a cane to walk, sit down,
or roll an Endurance check for every round you stand. Failure of that
Endurance check will cause you to fall. Being this weak leaves you in a sickly
Perception: Having 0 Perception leaves you in a shellshock-like state. Your
vision will become blurry and sounds will become muffled to you. You will be
able to function, but your blurry vision and lack of direction will leave you
significantly weaker than the rest of the party. You must roll Endurance
against dizziness when walking or fall down.
Endurance: Having 0 Endurance will kill you instantly. Drinks cannot do this.
Charisma: Having 0 Charisma will do nothing more than make it incredibly
hard for you to talk to people smoothly. You fail all skill checks related to
Intelligence: Having 0 Intelligence makes it extremely hard to focus on any
one thing. You will be constantly distracted, and you will skip out on
Perception checks, Intelligence checks, Agility checks, etc. that you would
normally take.
Agility: Having 0 Agility makes you unable to walk. You will need crutches or
assistance walking. You can also only take 5-ft steps.
Luck: Having 0 Luck will cause random bad things to happen to you. You will
have to roll luck constantly to avoid bad things from happening to you, and
your Armor Class is 0 until you can raise your luck again. You can also never
critical hit.
18. Swimming: You can swim using your Endurance. Those with low

Endurance may find themselves having trouble swimming.

19. Character Sheet, your skills, and your SPECIAL: Your Mercenaries:
Blood Money character sheet will be where you store the information about
your character based on the stats they have chosen. Your SPECIAL
synergizes with your skills in a unique way: When you make a skill check, you
are given a bonus or penalty based on the relevant SPECIAL stat, as in the
table below:
SPECIAL Stat | Bonus or Penalty Given
1 | -4
2 | -3
3 | -2
4 | -1
5 | 0
6 |+1
7 |+2
8 |+3
9 |+4
10 |+5
Skill level | Bonus or Penalty Given
1 - 9| -5
10-19| -4
20-29| -3
30-39| -2
40-49| -1
50-59| +0
60-69| +1
70-79| +2
80-89| +3
90-99| +4
100 | +5
20. Intimidate checks: Sometimes, you need someone to back down
instead of starting a firefight. Perhaps youd like to make it clear to a poor
sap that theyre doomed when you have a sniper on the ridge over there
aimed at their head. Maybe you think that rebels gun would look better on
you. Your Strength and Charisma will factor into a successful Intimidate
check, as well as various other factors, like having several vs. 1 (+3),
pointing a gun at them (+2), having a tank (+7) or having access to a
nuclear stockpile (+15).
Your Intimidate check equals your Strength + Charisma /2 rounded up.

A Strength, Perception, Intelligence, or Luck check must be rolled to counter

the Intimidate check. If the victim of the Intimidate check succeeds, they
must react accordingly. If theyre strong, they get defensive and act as if the
so-called threat is nothing to them. If theyre perceptive, they can evaluate
the situation and estimate that they are in not as much danger as the
attacker is trying to persuade them that they are, If theyre Intelligent, they
keep their cool and either try to find another way around the threat or tell
them bluntly how wrong they are based on the current variables, and with
luck, they are overconfident in their abilities, un-phased by the Intimidate
check at all.
21. Critical hits, Sneak Attacks, and Sneak Attack Criticals: Chance is
a cruel mistress, who whores herself out only to those who are lucky. When
you succeed on an attack roll so well that you make a critical hit (See Luck
under SPECIAL!), you do your normal damage x2. Sneak attacks also deal a
multiplier of damage. You must succeed an additional attack after your first
to actually critical- this is called critical confirming. You must hit the enemy's
Armor Class with both attacks to critical as well.
Critical Hit: x2
Sneak Attack: x2
Sneak Attack Critical: x4
Point Blank Shot: x6 (x4 + automatic critical hit = x6)
Sneak Attack Point Blank Shot: x8
Note that when a weapon is fired, and it is not silenced, only the first hit will
be a sneak attack usually. If you are unseen and unheard, you may make
another sneak attack.
22. Guns with different reload times: Heavy Weapons, Revolvers, and
Explosive weapons take +1 normal actions to reload.
23. Dual Wielding: When you are dual wielding any weapon, you can
attack during your normal action the normal allotted times with both
weapons, but you take a -2 to the accuracy of every attack. Martial Arts
attacks do NOT count as dual wielding- You always get two unarmed attacks
per normal action.
24. Tied in Initiative: Those who are tied in initiative first look at their
Agility. Whoever has the higher Agility wins initiative. If that is the same as
well, you reroll an Agility check against the other for initiative.

25. Stealth Knockout: In order to knock an enemy out, you must first have
30 in Melee Weapons or 50 in Martial Arts. The melee weapon must be blunt,
and reasonably nonlethal. (No sledgehammer, for example) If you do have
the skill prerequisite met, you may sneak attack an enemy (In the head for a
-2 penalty to hit) and roll a strength check opposed by their endurance if you
hit the enemy. If the enemy fails the opposed check, he is knocked
unconscious. If you fail the opposed check, the enemy takes 1/4 lethal
damage from your attack, and has the option to take an opportune action
against you.
26. Vehicle Rules: To hijack a vehicle, you must be within 5-feet of the
vehicle. Once you are, you may hijack it. To steal the vehicle from its owner,
you must make a Strength check vs. the driver. If you succeed, you are able
to board the vehicle.
Vehicles are prevalent all over the large island of Borneo - especially with the
war and all. Civilian cars, Military APC's, tanks, helicopters, commercial
airliners, fighter jets... they can all be found here.
For the purpose of shooting just the vehicle with a gun or heavy weapon, a
vehicle's AC is 5 + the car's move bonus AC. To hit a vehicle with an RPG or
SAM or an Anti-Air stinger you must beat the pilot in an opposed check, as a
missile can be evaded.
For combat rules, civilian land vehicles can move 15 spaces per full turn.
Tanks and APCs can move 5.

Vehicle Stat Layout

Average Speed: The average speed in MPH is the speed you normally drive
to get from place A to place B, in no real rush.
Mpg: The amount of miles you get on a gallon of gas while going average
Pedal to the metal: The Mercenary's preferred method of transportationhauling ass! You must make Pilot checks every 3 miles you drive erratically
like this to keep from crashing in a non-urban area, or once every half of a
mile in an urban zone with lots of buildings, cars, people, etc.
This method also uses considerably more gas, but it is slightly countered by
the Mph to Mpg ratio. Overall, unless you are in a hurry, it is not cost
effective to haul ass everywhere you go. It is fun though.

Hauling Ass Mpg: The amount of miles you get on a gallon of gas while going
Handling Bonus: This bonus or penalty modifies your Pilot checks to pilot the
vehicle. Some vehicles are harder to drive and handle than others.
Health: The damage the car may take before being rendered inoperable.
Land vehicles and water vehicles have a 50% chance (1-50) to catch on fire
and explode, while helicopters and planes are rendered unable to fly and
begin to fall to the ground. If a vehicle is to be destroyed by an explosion,
either by the vehicle catching fire or an explosive being used on it, a luck
check or an agility check of 15 must be used to survive the explosion with no
damage. Otherwise, you take the explosion damage as if it was a point-blank
shot. If you are surprised, such as with an unseen land mine, you may only
roll luck at that point.
Damage Reduction: All vehicles can shrug off some damage, but some better
than others. Civilian vehicles may be able to shrug off damage dealt by a
pistol, but not so much by a grenade. Likewise, a tank may be able to
withstand many explosions before it is rendered inoperable. This damage
reduction is NOT given to the drivers inside, however.
Occupant Cover bonus: The occupants in a car can be hit if the enemy fires
at them instead of their vehicle. However, being inside a vehicle always
gives a slight bonus to Armor Class.
Move bonus: How much extra AC both the occupants and the vehicle gain
while moving.
Full Cover (Yes or No): This states whether an occupant of a vehicle may take
full cover from enemy fire or not within the vehicle. If the vehicle can give
full cover, you may fight from cover while in the vehicle. The driver can fight
enemies with a -2 to her pilot checks, fight from cover for a -3 to her pilot
checks, and drive whilst under full cover for a -6 to her pilot checks. (For
example, to avoid the shots from an enemy sniper)
Occupancy: This tells you how many people can fit inside of a vehicle
comfortably. In land and water vehicles, you may fit an additional 3
occupants uncomfortably.
Storage Capacity: How much the vehicle can store.
Built in weapons: If the vehicle has a built-in weapon, it is displayed here.
Most vehicles can ram enemies, at the very least. All vehicle-built in weapons
are considered heavy weapons, such as a tank's shell or a dual-mounted
machine gun on a helicopter.

27. Grappling and Disarming: To grapple an enemy that is 5 feet away

from you, roll a Strength check vs. the enemy's Strength. If you succeed, you
successfully grapple. You can only use one-handed weapons while grappling
an opponent. If you only have one hand free to grapple the opponent, you
get a -2 to your grapple. The opponent can roll a counter strength to escape
using either strength or agility. Using agility this way gives a -2 to the
escapee. Having an enemy as a human shield this way gives the enemy an
incentive to not attack you, as you gain 5 Armor Class from a human shield,
and can only be struck in the head or legs. If they miss you, they hit their
To disarm an enemy, you must make a Martial Arts check against the
enemy's Strength. For each hand the person disarming the enemy has free,
they get a +2 to their martial arts check to disarm. When you disarm an
enemy, make a luck check. If you succeed 15, you can choose to equip the
gun you disarmed from the enemy if you want. Otherwise, it flies off.
28. Languages: Your starting languages are determined by your starting

# of Languages

You also start with a bonus language in addition to this, which should
normally be English or a language native to your birth country. (Though most
Mercs will speak English). (It is wise to be creative with your starting
languages- a mercenary born in Norway would have a good chance to speak
Norwegian, no?)
The languages can be any reasonable language on the planet, but the most
common ones will be:
English (Used by Unicef, Universal Petroleum, Allied Nations, and a
numerable amount of citizens in Borneo)
Indonesian (Used by the Rebels, Mafia, and a majority of citizens)
Malaysian (Used by pirates and small amount of citizens in northern Borneo)
Japanese (Used by the Yakuza)
Chinese (Used by the People's Liberation Army of China)
In order to dismiss metagaming that is prevalent among tabletop games, to
speak Indonesian, you must use up two language slots instead of one, due to

the rarity of the language, balance, and how uncommon and lucky it would
be to come across a speaker in a mercenary group, especially one that just
happens to be conveniently heading to Borneo, most of which is Indonesian.
The only way around this is if your character's birth country is Indonesia,
especially Borneo in particular.
29. Climbing: You may climb with an Endurance check.
9. Equipment
Note that this equipment does not compile EVERYTHING that you can obtain
in the game. This is just a general list of items you will see very often.
MRE Ration: $12 for one Merc. Cures hunger and never rots. Weight: 1
Ramen Noodles: $1 for a packet of noodles for one Merc. Just add water! Cures hunger, must
beat an endurance or survivalist check of 15 to continue eating it multiple days in a row.
Weight: 1
Fast Food: $7 for one Merc. Cures hunger Weight: 1
Average Diner Dish: $15 for one Merc. Cures a lot of hunger Weight: 1
Exquisite Meal: $22 for one Merc. Completely cures hunger Weight: 1
Wild game: Usually hunted, can be bought for $5. Cures hunger and has a chance to give
food sickness if not prepared correctly, giving a temporary -1 to endurance. Weight: 1
Chocolate bar: $1 for one Merc. Cures hunger only if you have minor starvation, otherwise
no effect to starvation. Cures sleep, sugary goodness!

Water Bottle Weight: 1 Value: $3 Effect: Cures a lot of Dehydration.
Soda Can Weight: 1 Value: $2 Effect: Cures Dehydration
Energy Drink Weight: 1 Value: 4 Effect: Cures a lot of sleep- though you may only use this to
keep sleepiness away once before your nest rest.
Beer Weight: 1 Value: $1 Effect: +1 Charisma, -1 Intelligence, +1 Strength, -1 Endurance
Martini Weight: 1 Value: $1 Effect: +1 Charisma, -1 Intelligence, +1 Strength, -1 Endurance
Scotch Weight: 1 Value: $2 Effect: +1 Charisma, -1 Intelligence, +2 Strength, -2 Endurance
Vodka Weight: 1 Value: $3 Effect: +1 Charisma, -2 Intelligence, +2 Strength, -2 Endurance
Whiskey Weight: 1 Value: $3 Effect: +1 Charisma, -1 Intelligence, +3 Strength, -1 Endurance
Wine Weight: 1 Value: $4 Effect: +3 Charisma, -1 Intelligence, +1 Agility, -1 Endurance
Exquisite Wine Weight: 1 Value: 100 Effect: +4 Charisma, -1 Intelligence, +1 Agility, -1 Endurance

*A 6-pack of drinks multiplies the price by 6.

Drinks cannot kill a character via Endurance drain- they can only knock them unconscious.

Armor and Clothing

Casual Clothing (Blue Jeans and Shirt, Hawaiian shirt and khakis, turtleneck, etc.): Weight:
10 Value: $50
Business Clothing (Formal Shirt and dress pants, etc.): Weight: 10 Value: $100
Expensive Clothing (Fine suit, expensive watch, etc.): Weight: 10 Value: $350
Generalized Apparel (Piercings, earrings, rings, etc.): Value: $20
Mercenary Combat Clothing (Leather vest, tattered pants, combat boots, bandolier, leather
gloves, old jackets, etc.): Weight: 15 Value: $30
Sunglasses: Weight: 1 Value: $5 Effect: +1 Intimidate
(Note that the above prices for clothing are an average- many clothing types may
vary from this range. Notably, this is a guideline that may be used by players to
generate starting items, and otherwise a basis for what the actual price of
clothing is for your Game Master.)
Military Uniform: Weight: 12 Value: $100
Ghillie Suit: Weight: 20 Value: $50 Effect: +5 Sneak modifier while within brush that
corresponds to the camouflage type

Light Armor
Bulletproof Vest: Weight: 15 Value: $100 Effect: Damage Resistance +8 (Body), can be
stacked with non-armor clothing
Light Combat Armor: Weight: 20 Value: $350 Effect: Damage Resistance +12 (Body)
Light Combat Helmet: Weight: 3 Value: $150 Effect: Damage Resistance +5 (Head)

Medium Armor
Flak Jacket w/ combat gear: Weight: 25 Value: $500 Effect: Damage Resistance +14 (Body)
Medium Combat Armor: Weight: 27 Value: $670 Effect: Damage Resistance +18 (Body)
Medium Combat Helmet: Weight: 5 Value: $300 Effect: Damage Resistance +8 (Body)

Heavy Armor
Riot Armor: Weight: 30 Value: $900 Effect: Damage Resistance +23, -1 Perception (Does not
bring Perception below 1)(Head and Body)

Riot Shield: Weight: 15 Value: 100 Effect: allows fight from cover behind Riot Shield,
potential to take full cover behind Riot Shield, reduces movement speed to 3 spaces or less
per movement action, uses one hand. Requires 5 Strength or more to use without a -2
penalty to any weapon used in the other hand. (One handed weapon slot)
Juggernaut Armor: Weight: 40 Value: $2000 Effect: Damage Resistance +30, -2 Perception
(Does not bring Perception below 1), +2 Endurance (Head and Body)

(Note: Without an explosives skill of 40 or greater, you must make an
explosives check of 10 or greater to make an air strike. If you fail, you must
succeed a 15 luck check. If you fail, this will most likely lead to that Merc's
demise by airstrike. This includes those with beacons and satellite, as the
radio call in will have incorrect coordinates)
Bombing Run - $75,000 Targeting method: Smoke Signal and Radio.
Fuel Cost: 140 Gallons. The Bombing Run is simple yet effective. Two
mark-82 bombs are dropped by plane, and explode upon impact on the
target zone. It is probably the most cost efficient airstrike, being sold at
$75k. While this is good against small structures, it is inaccurate (meaning
the user can cause unwanted collateral damage if the smoke is outside of
the intended area). The blast radius of this strike is tiny compared to others,
fortunately it causes high damage and will destroy any target building aside
from bunkers.
Factions: All factions except Unicef.
Artillery Strike - $150,000 Targeting method: Beacon and Radio. Fuel
Cost: None, but you must have at least 1 ally faction other than
Unicef or the Pirates to fire it. Covering a sizeable area, very large
howitzer shells rain down in quick succession around the beacon killing and
destroying everything (except bunkers) in the radius. The only drawback is
that fast moving targets are nearly impossible to hit, and there is a high
chance for collateral damage, so this airstrike should be used outside of
cities, towns, and villages to maximize its effectiveness and minimize civilian
Factions: Pirates, Rebels
Tank Buster - $200,000 Targeting method: Smoke Signal and Radio.
Fuel Cost: 200 Gallons. This airstrike is very self-explanatory, it busts
tanks. In this airstrike, a plane will launch AGM-65 missiles at all armored

vehicles (APCs, tanks) in the vicinity of the user indiscriminately. It is best

used when the user is surrounded by large amounts of enemy armor. This
strike will do nothing when there are no armored units in the area.
Factions: Pirates, Rebels
UP Tank Buster - Same as the Tank Buster, except it is fired by UP air
support and costs no fuel. It also does not require a plane.
Factions: Universal Petroleum
Rocket Artillery Strike - $350,000 Targeting method: Satellite, Visual
Confirmation, and Radio. Fuel cost: 120 Gallons. A Chinese rocket
strike is launched that packs quite a punch. Dense rocket artillery fire
showers down in a straight line, perpendicular to the direction the user is
facing. This strike does heavy area damage to everything.
Factions: Yakuza, Pirates
Laser Guided Bomb - $200,000 Targeting method: Laser designator.
Fuel Cost: 460 Gallons. A plane will drop a single, powerful Mark-84 bomb
on target. This airstrike uses laser guidance, the longer the designator is
pointed at the target, the more precise the impact will be. This airstrike is
relatively low powered and has a small radius, but it will still destroy most
targets in a single hit, it is better used for precise bombings and to avoid
collateral damage.
Factions: Allied Nations, Universal Petroleum
Surgical Strike - $200,000 Targeting method: Satellite, Visual
Confirmation, and Radio. Fuel Cost: 460 Gallons. This F-15E Strike
Eagle is an extremely precise airstrike when used on even terrain and
unmoving targets. It is great when there is no line of sight between the user
and the target, this can be used to destroy dangerous targets without
exposing the user to enemy fire.
Factions: Rebels
Bunker Buster - $300,000 Targeting method: Laser designator and
Radio. Fuel Cost: 300 Gallons. A massively powerful GBU-28 strike is
made. It is capable of taking out conventional bunkers and any structure. It
has a small radius but very high power.
Factions: Allied Nations, Rebels
MOAB - $500,000 Targeting method: Laser designator and Radio.

Fuel Cost: 400 Gallons. A GBU-43/B Massive Ordnance Air Blast bomb, one
of the most powerful non-nuclear weapons ever designed and put into
military use, is launched by plane at the target zone, annihilating anything in
its vicinity.
Factions: Allied Nations, Rebels

Nuclear Bunker Buster - $5,000,000 Targeting method: Satellite and

Radio. Fuel Cost: 500 Gallons. Launch your very own mini-WMD at the
target, annihilating it, its grandma, and any memory of it! The Nuclear
Bunker Buster is a low-yield nuclear weapon that will irradiate an area in a
50-mile radius, and obliterate everything in that radius.
Factions: Unknown

Name: .32 Snub Nose Revolver
One Handed
Ammunition: .32 Caliber
Damage: 16
Weight: 2
Max Attacks per normal action: 3
Clip Size: 5
Value: $100
Name: Taser
One Handed
Ammunition: Taser Cartridges
Damage: Incapacitates in a maximum of 15 feet out who fails a 20 Endurance check. Hitting
them again makes them roll another check, so if the enemy succeeds the check at first, it is
no guarantee that they succeed the second one. You can do stealth knockouts with it with
your Melee Weapons skill and are 5 feet away from them, which have no chance to do lethal
damage and are not required to hit the enemy in the head.
Weight: 1

Clip Size: 1
Value: $25
Name: 10mm Glock-20
One Handed
Ammunition: 10mm
Damage: 21
Weight: 3
Max Attacks per normal action: 3
Clip Size: 12
Value: $225
Name: Chinese QSZ-92
One Handed
Ammunition: 10mm
Damage: 15
Weight: 2
Max Attacks per normal action: 4
Clip Size: 12
Value: $190
Name: .357 Magnum revolver
One Handed
Ammunition: .357 Magnum
Damage: 32
Weight: 2
Max Attacks per normal action: 3
Clip Size: 6
Value: $260
Name: .44 Magnum revolver

Two Handed, 7 strength for One Handed

Ammunition: .44 magnum
Damage: 42
Weight: 4
Max Attacks per normal action: 3
Clip Size: 6
Value: $340
Name: Colt M1911
One Handed
Ammunition: .45 auto
Damage: 32
Weight: 2
Max Attacks per normal action: 3
Clip Size: 6
Value: $270
FN Five-seven
One Handed
Ammunition: 5.7mm (Armor Piercing, ignores 5 damage reduction from armor)
Damage: 24
Weight: 2
Max Attacks per normal action: 4
Clip Size: 8
Value: $300
Name: Desert Eagle
Two Handed, 7 strength for One Handed
Ammunition: .50 AE
Damage: 45
Weight: 6

Max Attacks per normal action: 3

Clip Size: 9
Value: $500
Horrid Recoil: -1 to hit
Sniper Rifles
Name: DSR-1 Sniper Rifle
Two Handed
Ammunition: 7.62mm
Damage: 45
Weight: 15
Max Attacks per normal action: 1
Clip Size: 5
Value: $460
Scoped by default
Name: Anti-materiel rifle
Two Handed
Ammunition: .50 MG
Damage: 105
Weight: 20
Max Attacks per normal action: 2
Clip Size: 8
Value: $900
Scoped by default
Name: Kushnapup
Two Handed

Ammunition: 12 ga
Damage: 30
Weight: 7
Max Attacks per normal action: 3
Clip Size: 12
Value: $500
For every space beyond 4 spaces away, add -3 to the hit chance
Name: Double-barreled shotgun
Two Handed
Ammunition: 12 ga
Damage: 45
Weight: 6
Max Attacks per normal action: 1
Clip Size: 2
Value: $175
For every space beyond 4 spaces away, add -3 to the hit chance
You can unload both shots at the same time if you take a -3 to accuracy for both shots.
Benelli M4 Super 90 Pump
Two Handed
Ammunition: 12 ga
Damage: 35
Weight: 5
Max Attacks per normal action: 2
Clip Size: 7
Reloads as a revolver
Value: $300
Submachine Guns
Name: MP5

Two Handed
Ammunition: 9mm
Damage: 8
Weight: 11
Max attacks per normal action: 6
Clip Size: 18
Value: $300
For every space beyond 7 spaces away, add -3 to the hit chance
Name: TDI Vector
Two Handed
Ammunition: .45 Auto
Damage: 10
Weight: 11
Max attacks per normal action: 10
Clip Size: 30
Value: $426
For every space beyond 7 spaces away, add -3 to the hit chance
Name: Micro Uzi
One Handed
Ammunition: 9mm
Damage: 6
Weight: 4
Max attacks per normal action: 12
Clip Size: 24
Value: $424
For every space beyond 7 spaces away, add -3 to the hit chance
Horrid Recoil: -1 to hit

Assault Rifles
Two Handed
Ammunition: 5.7mm (Armor Piercing, ignores 5 damage reduction from armor)
Damage: 18
Weight: 8
Max attacks per normal action: 5
Clip Size: 30
Value: $640
Name: Magpul PDR
Two Handed
Ammunition: 5.56mm
Damage: 18
Weight: 7
Max attacks per normal action: 5
Clip Size: 20
Value: $500
Name: G36
Two Handed
Ammunition: 5.56mm
Damage: 24
Weight: 6
Max attacks per normal action: 6

Clip Size: 30
Value: $636

Name: AK-47
Two Handed
Ammunition: 7.62mm
Damage: 26
Weight: 10
Max attacks per normal action: 5
Clip Size: 30
Value: $645

Name: Minigun
Two handed
Ammunition: 5mm
Damage: 25
Weight: 18
Max attacks per normal action: 30
Clip Size: 240
Value: $1000
Spray: If someone is behind or adjacent a victim of a Minigun bullet, the adjacent
person/person behind them takes the damage as well. Spray doesnt work on those over 10
feet behind a victim.
If you have less than 7 Strength AND less than 50 Heavy Weapons, you take a -6 to hit.
Having either 7 or more Strength or 50 or more Heavy Weapons will allow you to fire the
Minigun with a -3 penalty instead, and if you have both 7 Strength and 50 Heavy weapons or
more, no penalty.
(If you are using a helicopter variant of the Minigun, you take a -3 penalty unless you have
50 Heavy Weapons due to the extreme challenge it is to fire a Heavy Weapon from an
airbourne craft.)

Name: Flamethrower
Two Handed
Ammunition: 1/2 Gallon of Fuel per shot
Damage: 42 (Spray, Flamer: Fires in a maximum of 3x3 space area, which means it can
attack up to 9 people in its radius, but very close ranged. The same attack qualifies for
EVERY attack made that turn to hit the other 2-9 people)
Weight: 15
Max attacks per normal action: 1 (Potential 9, if in range)
Clip Size: 5 gallons of Fuel
Value: $500
Name: RPG-7
Two Handed
Ammunition: Rocket
Damage: 150
Weight: 20
Max Attacks per normal action: 1
Clip Size: 1
Value: $800
Splash damage (Deals damage in an area around the blast)
Name: Anti-Air Stinger Missile Launcher
Two Handed
Ammunition: Rocket
Damage: 150, deals 200 to aircraft
Weight: 20
Max attacks per normal action: 1

Clip Size: 1
Value: $700
Heat Seeking Stinger: You get a +7 to hit a helicopter if you can succeed an opposed Heavy
Weapons check against the enemy pilot's Pilot skill. If you succeed, you continue the attack
as per normal with the +7. If not, you still continue the attack. You must take a full round
action to do this, as you are locking onto an enemy helicopter.
Name: M249 Light Machine Gun
Two Handed
Damage: 12
Weight: 14
Max attacks per normal action: 20
Clip Size: 200
Value: $842
If you have less than 6 Strength AND less than 35 Heavy Weapons, you take a -4 to hit.
Having either 7 or more Strength or 50 or more Heavy Weapons will allow you to fire the
Minigun with a -2 penalty instead, and if you have both 7 Strength and 50 Heavy weapons or
more, no penalty.
Name: MGL-140 Grenade Launcher
Two Handed
Ammunition: Grenades
Damage: The grenade's damage + 30
Weight: 10
Max attacks per normal action: 2
Clip Size: 6
Value: $500
Name: DShK 1938 Emplaced Turret
Turret Mounted
Ammunition: 12.7mm
Damage: 15

Weight: 20
Max attacks per normal action: 20
Clip Size: 200
Value: $450
Name: M2 Emplaced Turret
Turret Mounted
Ammunition: .50 MG
Damage: 30
Weight: 20
Max attacks per normal action: 20
Clip Size: 100
Value: $920
Name: Grenade MG
Turret Mounted
Ammunition: Grenades
Damage: The grenade's damage. Can make it much further than throwing it can.
Weight: 20
Max attacks per normal action: 2
Clip Size: 10
Value: $450
Name: Anti-Aircraft SAM Rocket System
An anti-aircraft SAM is essentially 2 Anti-Air Stinger Missile Launchers combined into one
fireable SAM rocket system. A heavy weapons expert must use the SAM, and it fires as if he
were firing two seperate Anti-Air Stinger Missile launchers in the same turn, during the same
action. Reloading takes twice as long due to the twin-barrel nature of the missile system.
Value: $7000

Name: Fire Axe

Two Handed/One handed at -2 accuracy

Damage: 20
Weight: 6
Max attacks per normal action: 1
Value: $30
Name: Chinese officers sword
Two Handed/One handed at -2 accuracy
Damage: 20
Weight: 3
Max attacks per normal action: 1
Value: $75
Name: Medieval Broadsword
Two Handed/One handed at -2 accuracy
Damage: 22
Weight: 4
Max attacks per normal action: 2
Value: $200
Name: Combat Knife
One handed
Damage: 7
Weight: 1
Max attacks per normal action: 3
Value: $50
Name: Machete
Two Handed/One handed at -2 accuracy
Damage: 20
Weight: 3
Max attacks per normal action: 1

Value: $75

Name: Tanto
One handed
Damage: 14
Weight: 1
Max attacks per normal action: 3
Value: $50
Name: Kitchen Knife
One handed
Damage: 4
Weight: 1
Max attacks per normal action: 3
Value: $20
Name: Katana
Two handed
Damage: 40
Weight: 3
Max attacks per normal action: 2
Value: $200
Name: Shovel
Two handed
Damage: 12
Weight: 3
Max attacks per normal action: 1
Value: $30
Name: Switchblade

One Handed
Damage: 5
Weight: 1
Max attacks per normal action: 3
Value: $35
Bonus: It takes no action to draw or sheath a switchblade- not even an opportune action can
interrupt the drawing of a switchblade.
Name: Baseball Bat
Two handed
Damage: 9
Weight: 3
Max attacks per normal action: 2
Value: $55
Name: 9 Iron
Two handed
Damage: 9
Weight: 3
Max attacks per normal action: 2
Value: $55
Name: Lead pipe
One handed
Damage: 9
Weight: 2
Max attacks per normal action: 2
Value: $75
Name: Crowbar
One handed
Damage: 7

Weight: 2
Max attacks per normal action: 2
Value: $55
Name: Police Baton
One handed
Damage: 4
Weight: 2
Max attacks per normal action: 3
Value: $50
Name: Pool Cue
Two handed
Damage: 4
Weight: 1
Max attacks per normal action: 2
Value: $15
Name: Sledgehammer
Two handed
Damage: 20
Weight: 12
Max attacks per normal action: 2
Value: $130
Name: Tire Iron
One handed
Damage: 6
Weight: 3
Max attacks per normal action: 2
Value: $40

Unarmed Bonus Damage Weapons:

Name: Brass Knuckles
Two handed
Adds to Martial Arts Damage: +2
Weight: 1
Value: $20
Max attacks per turn: 2. (One attack for each fist)
Name: Nunchaku
Two handed
Adds to Martial Arts Damage: +6
Weight: 1
Value: $70
Max attacks per turn: 1
Style Bonus: +1 to Intimidate.

(Explosives have a unique ability to point-blank shot- if an explosion occurs on the
space you are in. It deals damage as if it were a point-blank shot, which is incredibly
lethal. Grenades can be escaped with an opportune action, but the thrower may
make an explosives check of 15 to cook it to deny that opportunity. However, if you
fail, you cook the grenade too long and it explodes in your hand. This would be an
example of the grenade's ability to point blank shot, as it is in your space
when this occurs.)
Name: Frag Grenade
One Handed
Damage: 101
Weight: 1
Value: $50
Name: Flash Bang Grenade

One Handed
Damage: No real damage, but blinds anyone within a 20x20 radius who fails a perception
check of 10 for a single round. If they succeed the check, they still take -4 to Perception for
the round.
Weight: 1
Value: $40
Name: C-4 Plastic Explosive
Damage: 250
Weight: 1
Value: $150
Required Explosives to set: 15
Required Explosives to disarm: 50
Needs Detonator
Name: Frag Mine
Damage: 150
Required Explosives to set: 25
Required Explosives to disarm: 40
Weight: 2
Value: $50
Name: Claymore
Damage: 200, deals damage in a 180 degree cone in a single direction 15 feet out.
Required Explosives to set: 25
Required Explosives to disarm: 40
Weight: 5
Value: $50
Name: I.E.D.
Damage: 130, has a 20% to dud.
Required Explosives to set: 5

Required Explosives to disarm: 30

Weight: 15
Value: Crafted, otherwise $30
Name: Smoke Grenade
One Handed
Damage: No real damage, but gives -4 to perception to anyone within a 30x30 foot radius.
Weight: 1
Value: $20
Name: Tank Mine
Damage: 60 damage, 400 to tanks
Required Explosives to set: 10
Required Explosives to disarm: 35
Weight: 20
Value: $80
Name: Tazer Mine
Damage: Incapacitates anyone in a 180 degree cone in a single direction 15 feet out who
fails a 22 Endurance check
Required Explosives to set: 5
Required Explosives to disarm: 15
Weight: 5
Value: $50
Name: High-Explosive Detonated Bomb
Damage: 1000 damage, destroys the area as if a Bombing Run hit it. A time of detonation on
a big red, impending clock can be set if you wish, otherwise it is exploded by a detonator.
Required Explosives to set: 50
Required Explosives to disarm: 70 - You can also try a luck check to beat 25. If you do, the
bomb is disarmed. Otherwise, it explodes.
Weight: 60
Value: $10,000

(Except for the Rocket and Tank Shell, every type of ammunition has the same weight
increment. For every 10 rounds you have in your inventory, you gain 2 additional
ammunition weight, rounded down. In other words, your ammunition gains 2 weight every
10. For example, if someone held 100 bullets, those 100 bullets would be 20 weight. If
someone held 107 bullets, those bullets would still be 20 weight.)
12ga: Value: $1 per shell
.32 Caliber: Value: $1 per bullet
.357 Magnum: Value: $1 per bullet
.44 Magnum: Value: $3 per bullet
.45 Auto: Value: $1 per bullet
.50 MG: Value: $15 per bullet
.50 AE: Value: $15 per bullet
5mm: Value: $1 per bullet
5.56mm: Value: $1 per bullet
5.7mm: Value: $4 per bullet
7.62mm: Value: $1 per bullet
9mm: Value: $1 per bullet
10mm: Value: $1 per bullet
12.7mm: Value: $3 per bullet
Tank Shell: Weight: 30 Value: $100
Rocket: Weight: 5 Value: $200
Gallon of Fuel: Weight: 8 Value: $6


(Ranged Weapon mods can either be bought or created via the engineering skill.
They add a bonus to a certain type of weapon)
Weapon Silencer (Can be used on non-revolver Pistols, Sniper Rifles, and Submachine Guns,
as well as the Kushnapup shotgun): Value: $300 Effect: Silences Weapon, can only be used
on a weapon that matches its caliber. (For example, a 10mm silencer only works on weapons

that use the 10mm ammunition type)

Revolver Long Barrel: Value: $150 Effect: +3 Damage, can only be used on a weapon that
matches its caliber. (For example, a .357 Magnum Long Barrel only works on weapons that
use the .357 Magnum ammunition type)
Revolver Speed Loader: Value: $50 Effect: Revolvers reload as fast as normal guns do, can
only be used on a weapon that matches its caliber. (For example, a .357 Magnum Speed
Loader only works on weapons that use the .357 Magnum ammunition type)
Revolver Light Frame: Value: $200 Effect: Revolvers with a light frame weigh 1 less
Pistol Laser Sight (Can only be used on non-revolver pistols): Value: $300 Effect: +1 to hit
Extended Magazine (Can only be used on non-revolver Pistols, submachine guns, and
Assault Rifles): Value: $70 Effect: +3 clip size)
Sniper Rifle Enhanced Scope: Value: $700 Effect: +1 to hit

Misc. Items
Binoculars: Weight: 2 Value: $50
Doctors Bag: Weight: 5 Value: $50 Effect: Heals Crippled limbs and health by Medic x4.
Must succeed Medic check to use, takes up to hours to use.
Medpack: Weight: 1 Value: $100 Effect: +Medic skill of user in health, takes a full round
action to use
First Aid Medpack: Weight: 1 Value: $300 Effect: +Medic skill of user in health x2, takes two
full round actions to use
Painkillers: Weight: 1 Value: $20 Effect: Damage Reduction +5 and +2 Endurance for 5
Communicator Radio: Weight: 1 Value: $150
Smoke Signal Grenade: Weight: 1 Value: $10
Detonator: Weight: 1 Value: $25
Laser Designator: Weight: 1 Value: $50
Laptop: Weight: 3 Value: $100
Hacking Laptop: Weight: 3 Value: $1500 Effect: Gives +2 to Computer Use
Computer Mainframe: Weight: Lots Value: $100,000 Effect: Gives +4 to Computer Use.
General computer hacking equipment (Spikers, USB cards, blank CDs, etc.): Weight: 1 Value:
50 Effect: Allows advanced, untraceable hacking if used by the right skill set.
Toolbox: Weight 1 Value: 50 Effect: Allows you to use the Engineering skill away from a

workbench at a -1 penalty
Workbench: Weight: $40 Value: $200 Effect: Allows you to use the Engineering skill
Lava Lamp: Weight: 1 Value: $15
Boombox: Weight: 3 Value: $50
Dog Tag: Value: $30
Car Stereo: Weight: 5 Value: $100
.MP3 Player: Value: $30
Juke Box: Weight: 50 Value: $600
Trafficked Human: Value: $1000
Playing Cards: Value: $4
Hula Girl: Value: $10
Local Cigar: Value: $2
Cigar Box: Value: $20
Imported Cigar: Value: $100
Imported Cigar Box: Value: $1000
Cigarette: $1
Box of Cigarettes: $14
Expert Survival Gear: Weight: 40 Value: $1000 Effect: Gives a +3 to Survivalist checks. The
items inside must be able to be used in order to gain the bonus.
Low Quality Drugs: Weight: 20 Value: $500
Medium Quality Drugs: Weight: 20 Value: $2000
High Quality Drugs: Weight: 20 Value: $10,000
Water Purification Pills: Weight: 1 Value: $200 Effect: Gives a +4 to Survivalist checks meant
to purify water.
Grappling hook: Weight: 1 Value: $300 Effect: Can be used to zip up to enemy aircraft that is
up to 30 feet away for the purpose of Hijacking by making a guns check vrs. the enemy's
pilot. you get a +2 if the vehicle is only 20 feet away, and +4 if the vehicle is only 10 feet
away. Grappling hooks can also be used to climb up buildings that are 30 feet tall, or to
rappel down them.
Parachute: Weight: 40 Value: $2000 Effect: May be used to survive long falls. In order to
successfully pull your parachute at the correct time, you must succeed either a Survivalist,
Perception or Intelligence check- Perception to try to land based on your current view,

Intelligence to calculate the exact time based on the distance you are from the ground and
the visible surrounding area. You must make a 7 check. If you fail, you must make a luck
check of 10 to survive, otherwise you will be injured or killed from the parachute jump. Once
you parachute successfully, you must make a Perception check to make the selected mark.
If you fail that, you will end up in a location 1d20 miles away from your original drop zone,
and must find your way to the rendezvous point. Those who have 40 or more Survivalist
need not make any checks to use a parachute successfully.
Expert Military Survival Manual: Weight: $1 Value: $100 Effect: Gives +1 to Survivalist
checks when in your inventory. The book must be read in order to be used correctly.

Civilian Land Vehicles
Name: Ambulance
Average Speed: 30
Mpg: 10
Pedal to the metal: 60
Hauling Ass Mpg: 4
Handling Bonus: -2, bulky
Health: 90
Damage Reduction: 10
Occupant Cover bonus: 2
Move bonus: 2
Full Cover (Yes or No): Yes
Occupancy: 2 in front, 2 wounded in back, 6 back
Storage Capacity: 500
Built in weapons:
Ram: 80 damage, chance to damage the vehicle depending on what it hits.
Value: $10,000
Name: Austin Semi Truck
Average Speed: 20
Mpg: 4
Pedal to the metal: 60

Hauling ass Mpg: 2

Handling Bonus: -2, bulky (-6 if towing cargo container)
Health: 150
Damage Reduction: 15
Occupant Cover bonus: 2
Move bonus: 1
Full Cover (Yes or No): Yes
Occupancy: 2 in front (Over 20 if towing cargo container)
Storage Capacity: 30 (500+ if towing cargo container)
Built in weapons:
Ram: 150 damage, chance to damage the vehicle depending on what it hits
Value: $10,000
Name: Belmont Muscle Car
Average Speed: 35
Mpg: 15
Pedal to the metal: 80
Hauling ass Mpg: 6
Handling Bonus: +2, Powerful Vehicle
Health: 80
Damage Reduction: 7
Occupant Cover bonus: 2
Move bonus: 3
Full Cover (Yes or No): Yes
Occupancy: 2 in front
Storage Capacity: 30 in front, 70 in trunk
Built in weapons:
Ram: 70 damage, chance to damage the vehicle depending on what it hits

Value: $9,000
Name: Junker Belmont Muscle Car
Average Speed: 25
Mpg: 12
Pedal to the metal: 70
Hauling ass Mpg: 3
Handling Bonus: 0, poor quality vehicle
Health: 60
Damage Reduction: 5
Occupant Cover bonus: 1
Move bonus: 3
Full Cover (Yes or No): Yes
Occupancy: 2 in front
Storage Capacity: 30 in front, 70 in trunk
Built in weapons:
Ram: 60 damage, chance to damage the vehicle depending on what it hits
Value: $2,000
Name: Carbyne Sports Car
Average Speed: 40
Mpg: 4
Pedal to the metal: 120
Hauling ass Mpg: 1
Handling Bonus: -1, speedy but may be too much speed to handle!
Health: 80
Damage Reduction: 1
Occupant Cover bonus: 1
Move bonus: 5

Full Cover (Yes or No): Yes

Occupancy: 2 in front
Storage Capacity: 30 in front
Built in weapons:
Ram: 90 damage, chance to damage the vehicle depending on what it hits
Value: $870,000
Reputation: Using this fancy car makes many respect you, and many factions will be
impressed by your success.
Name: Carbyne GT Sports Car
Average Speed: 60
Mpg: 2
Pedal to the metal: 140
Hauling ass Mpg: 1
Handling Bonus: -3, speedy but may be too much speed to handle!
Health: 80
Damage Reduction: 2
Occupant Cover bonus: 1
Move bonus: 6
Full Cover (Yes or No): Yes
Occupancy: 2 in front
Storage Capacity: 30 in front
Built in weapons:
Ram: 100 damage, chance to damage the vehicle depending on what it hits
Value: $2,000,000
Reputation: Using this fancy car makes many respect you, and many factions will be
impressed by your success.
Name: Chopper Motorcycle
Average Speed: 40
Mpg: 30

Pedal to the metal: 70

Hauling ass Mpg: 13
Handling Bonus: +1, maneuverable
Health: 40
Damage Reduction: 0
Occupant Cover bonus: 0
Move bonus: 3
Full Cover (Yes or No): No
Occupancy: 2 in front
Storage Capacity: 10 per saddlebag, 2 saddlebag capacity
Value: $7,000
Reputation: Using this badass bike makes many respect you, and you gain +1 Intimidate
Name: City Bus
Average Speed: 15
Mpg: 15
Pedal to the metal: 40
Hauling ass Mpg: 6
Handling Bonus: -4 bulky
Health: 80
Damage Reduction: 10
Occupant Cover bonus: 3
Move bonus: 1
Full Cover (Yes or No): Yes
Occupancy: 45
Storage Capacity: Lots!
Built in weapons:
Ram: 150 damage, chance to damage the vehicle depending on what it hits

Value: $20,000
Name: Hedgehog Civilian car
Average Speed: 25
Mpg: 20
Pedal to the metal: 50
Hauling ass Mpg: 9
Handling Bonus: +3, slow!
Health: 60
Damage Reduction: 4
Occupant Cover bonus: 2
Move bonus: 3
Full Cover (Yes or No): Yes
Occupancy: 2 in front
Storage Capacity: 30 in front, 70 in trunk
Built in weapons:
Ram: 70 damage, chance to damage the vehicle depending on what it hits
Value: $7,000
Name: Junker Hedgehog Civilian car
Average Speed: 20
Mpg: 15
Pedal to the metal: 45
Hauling ass Mpg: 6
Handling Bonus: +1, slow!
Health: 50
Damage Reduction: 4
Occupant Cover bonus: 2
Move bonus: 2
Full Cover (Yes or No): Yes

Occupancy: 2 in front
Storage Capacity: 30 in front, 70 in trunk
Built in weapons:
Ram: 60 damage, chance to damage the vehicle depending on what it hits
Value: $4,000
Name: Hummer H3
Average Speed: 40
Mpg: 6
Pedal to the metal: 70
Hauling ass Mpg: 2
Handling Bonus: +4, powerful but a tad bit bulky, 4x4!
Health: 70
Damage Reduction: 7
Occupant Cover bonus: 3
Move bonus: 2
Full Cover (Yes or No): Yes
Occupancy: 6, 2 in front
Storage Capacity: 50 in front, 70 in trunk
Built in weapons:
Ram: 80 damage, chance to damage the vehicle depending on what it hits
Value: $50,000
Name: Inferno Civilian Car
Average Speed: 45
Mpg: 15
Pedal to the metal: 60
Hauling ass Mpg: 6
Handling Bonus: +4, fast and great handling!

Health: 80
Damage Reduction: 7
Occupant Cover bonus: 2
Move bonus: 3
Full Cover (Yes or No): Yes
Occupancy: 2 in front
Storage Capacity: 30 in front, 70 in trunk
Built in weapons:
Ram: 70 damage, chance to damage the vehicle depending on what it hits
Value: $6,000
Name: Junker Inferno Civilian Car
Average Speed: 20
Mpg: 20
Pedal to the metal: 40
Hauling ass Mpg: 10
Handling Bonus: +2, fast and great handling!
Health: 50
Damage Reduction: 4
Occupant Cover bonus: 2
Move bonus: 3
Full Cover (Yes or No): Yes
Occupancy: 2 in front
Storage Capacity: 30 in front, 70 in trunk
Built in weapons:
Ram: 40 damage, chance to damage the vehicle depending on what it hits
Value: $3,500
Name: Luxury Car
Average Speed: 40

Mpg: 15
Pedal to the metal: 80
Hauling ass Mpg: 11
Handling Bonus: +3, good handling.
Health: 100
Damage Reduction: 7
Occupant Cover bonus: 2
Move bonus: 3
Full Cover (Yes or No): Yes
Occupancy: 2 in front
Storage Capacity: 40 in front, 70 in trunk
Built in weapons:
Ram: 70 damage, chance to damage the vehicle depending on what it hits
Value: $50,000
Reputation: Using this fancy car makes many respect you, and many factions will be
impressed by your success.
Faction: Yakuza
Name: Taxi
Average Speed: 25
Mpg: 20
Pedal to the metal: 50
Hauling ass Mpg: 9
Handling Bonus: +3, slow!
Health: 60
Damage Reduction: 4
Occupant Cover bonus: 2
Move bonus: 3
Full Cover (Yes or No): Yes

Occupancy: 2 in front
Storage Capacity: 30 in front, 70 in trunk
Built in weapons:
Ram: 70 damage, chance to damage the vehicle depending on what it hits
Value: $7,000
Name: Off-road Bike
Average Speed: 30
Mpg: 30
Pedal to the metal: 50
Hauling ass Mpg: 13
Handling Bonus: +4, very maneuverable
Health: 40
Damage Reduction: 0
Occupant Cover bonus: 0
Move bonus: 3
Full Cover (Yes or No): No
Occupancy: 2 in front
Storage Capacity: None.
Value: $4,000
Name: Motorcycle
Average Speed: 30
Mpg: 30
Pedal to the metal: 50
Hauling ass Mpg: 13
Handling Bonus: +1, maneuverable!
Health: 40
Damage Reduction: 0

Occupant Cover bonus: 0

Move bonus: 3
Full Cover (Yes or No): No
Occupancy: 2 in front
Storage Capacity: None.
Value: $3,000
Name: Veloce GT sports car
Average Speed: 120
Mpg: 1
Pedal to the metal: 200
Hauling ass Mpg: 1/2
Handling Bonus: -5, super speedy but may be too much speed to handle!
Health: 50
Damage Reduction: 2
Occupant Cover bonus: 1
Move bonus: 10
Full Cover (Yes or No): Yes
Occupancy: 2 in front
Storage Capacity: 30 in front
Built in weapons:
Ram: 100 damage, chance to damage the vehicle depending on what it hits
Value: $10,000,000
Reputation: Using this fancy car makes many respect you, and many factions will be
impressed by your success.
Name: Valorous Civilian Car
Average Speed: 20
Mpg: 30
Pedal to the metal: 50

Hauling ass Mpg: 14

Handling Bonus: +0, average civilian vehicle
Health: 100
Damage Reduction: 6
Occupant Cover bonus: 2
Move bonus: 2
Full Cover (Yes or No): Yes
Occupancy: 2 in front
Storage Capacity: 30 in front, 70 in trunk
Built in weapons:
Ram: 50 damage, chance to damage the vehicle depending on what it hits
Value: $5,000
Name: Junker Valorous Civilian Car
Average Speed: 15
Mpg: 26
Pedal to the metal: 35
Hauling ass Mpg: 8
Handling Bonus: -1, poor quality civilian vehicle
Health: 100
Damage Reduction: 6
Occupant Cover bonus: 2
Move bonus: 2
Full Cover (Yes or No): Yes
Occupancy: 2 in front
Storage Capacity: 30 in front, 70 in trunk
Built in weapons:
Ram: 50 damage, chance to damage the vehicle depending on what it hits
Value: $5,000

Name: Van
Average Speed: 20
Mpg: 10
Pedal to the metal: 40
Hauling ass Mpg: 20
Handling Bonus: -2, bulky
Health: 80
Damage Reduction: 8
Occupant Cover bonus: 2
Move bonus: 1
Full Cover (Yes or No): Yes
Occupancy: 2 in front (8 in back)
Storage Capacity: 200
Built in weapons:
Ram: 70 damage, chance to damage the vehicle depending on what it hits
Value: $4,000
Name: Pickup Truck
Average Speed: 20
Mpg: 30
Pedal to the metal: 40
Hauling ass Mpg: 14
Handling Bonus: +2, 4x4 average civilian vehicle
Health: 120
Damage Reduction: 6
Occupant Cover bonus: 2
Move bonus: 2

Full Cover (Yes or No): Yes

Occupancy: 2 in front, 4 in back with no cover bonus and -3 to fight from cover AC.
Storage Capacity: 30 in front, 200 in trunk
Built in weapons:
Ram: 50 damage, chance to damage the vehicle depending on what it hits
Value: $2,500
Name: Summit SUV
Average Speed: 20
Mpg: 35
Pedal to the metal: 40
Hauling ass Mpg: 16
Handling Bonus: +3
Health: 120
Damage Reduction: 6
Occupant Cover bonus: 2
Move bonus: 2
Full Cover (Yes or No): Yes
Occupancy: 3 in front, 4 in back with cover.
Storage Capacity: 30 in front, 50 in trunk
Built in weapons:
Ram: 50 damage, chance to damage the vehicle depending on what it hits
Value: $2,000
Name: Mark Semi Truck
Average Speed: 20
Mpg: 4
Pedal to the metal: 60
Hauling ass Mpg: 2
Handling Bonus: -2, bulky (-6 if towing cargo container)

Health: 150
Damage Reduction: 15
Occupant Cover bonus: 2
Move bonus: 1
Full Cover (Yes or No): Yes
Occupancy: 2 in front (Over 20 if towing cargo container)
Storage Capacity: 30 (500+ if towing cargo container)
Built in weapons:
Ram: 150 damage, chance to damage the vehicle depending on what it hits
Value: $10,000
Name: Spectrum Civilian Car
Average Speed: 20
Mpg: 30
Pedal to the metal: 50
Hauling ass Mpg: 14
Handling Bonus: +0, average civilian vehicle
Health: 100
Damage Reduction: 6
Occupant Cover bonus: 2
Move bonus: 2
Full Cover (Yes or No): Yes
Occupancy: 2 in front
Storage Capacity: 30 in front, 70 in trunk
Built in weapons:
Ram: 50 damage, chance to damage the vehicle depending on what it hits
Value: $5,000
Name: VIP Sedan

Average Speed: 40
Mpg: 15
Pedal to the metal: 80
Hauling ass Mpg: 11
Handling Bonus: +3, good handling.
Health: 100
Damage Reduction: 7
Occupant Cover bonus: 2
Move bonus: 3
Full Cover (Yes or No): Yes
Occupancy: 2 in front
Storage Capacity: 40 in front, 70 in trunk
Built in weapons:
Ram: 70 damage, chance to damage the vehicle depending on what it hits
Value: $50,000
Reputation: Using this fancy car makes many respect you, and many factions will be
impressed by your success.
Faction: Mafia
Tanks and APCs
Name: Light Tank
Average Speed: 5
Mpg: 4
Pedal to the metal: 15
Hauling ass Mpg: 2
Handling Bonus: +0
Health: 150
Damage Reduction: 20
Occupant Cover bonus: Full cover

Move bonus: Full cover

Full Cover (Yes or No): Yes
Occupancy: 6
Storage Capacity: 300
Built in weapons: (The tank's built-in weapons are considered Heavy Weapons)
Crunch: 100 damage is dealt to whatever it runs over. You need not make a pilot check to do
this unless you are trying to crunch something that would be particularly difficult for a
behemoth tank.
Tank Shell: A 300 damage tank shell is launched at the enemy from the main gun. It can be
fired by the pilot or an independent shooter from within the tank once per turn. It takes a full
turn to reload, and the main gun can be turned 360 degrees in most circumstances during
the same turn that the gun is fired.
Top-mounted machine gun: An M2 Emplaced turret that gives +5 armor class is emplaced on
the top of the tank for use by a secondary gunner, though it does not have full cover, and
denies your agility bonus to AC. It can be pivoted in 360 degrees.
Value: $700,000
Name: Heavy Tank
Average Speed: 3
Mpg: 2
Pedal to the metal: 10
Hauling ass Mpg: 1
Handling Bonus: +0
Health: 350
Damage Reduction: 50
Occupant Cover bonus: Full cover
Move bonus: Full cover
Full Cover (Yes or No): Yes
Occupancy: 6
Storage Capacity: 300
Built in weapons: (The tank's built-in weapons are considered Heavy Weapons)
Crunch: 300 damage is dealt to whatever it runs over. You need not make a pilot check to do
this unless you are trying to crunch something that would be particularly difficult for a

behemoth tank.
Tank Shell: A 300 damage tank shell is launched at the enemy from the main gun. It can be
fired by the pilot or an independent shooter from within the tank once per turn. It takes a full
turn to reload, and the main gun can be turned 360 degrees in most circumstances during
the same turn that the gun is fired.
Top-mounted machine gun: An M2 Emplaced turret that gives +5 armor class is emplaced on
the top of the tank for use by a secondary gunner, though it does not have full cover, and
denies your agility bonus to AC. It can be pivoted in 360 degrees.
Value: $2,000,000
Name: APC
Average Speed: 5
Mpg: 4
Pedal to the metal: 15
Hauling ass Mpg: 2
Handling Bonus: +0
Health: 100
Damage Reduction: 15
Occupant Cover bonus: Full cover
Move bonus: Full cover
Full Cover (Yes or No): Yes
Occupancy: 6
Storage Capacity: 300
Built in weapons:
Crunch: 100 damage is dealt to whatever it runs over. You need not make a pilot check to do
this unless you are trying to crunch something that would be particularly difficult for an APC.
Top-mounted machine gun: A single DShK 1938 Emplaced Turret that gives +5 armor class is
emplaced on the top of the APC for use by a secondary gunner, though it does not have full
cover, and denies your agility bonus to AC. It can be pivoted in 360 degrees.
Value: $500,000
Military Land Vehicles
Name: Military Transport Truck
Average Speed: 20

Mpg: 4
Pedal to the metal: 60
Hauling ass Mpg: 2
Handling Bonus: -4, bulky
Health: 150
Damage Reduction: 15
Occupant Cover bonus: 2
Move bonus: 1
Full Cover (Yes or No): Yes
Occupancy: 2 in front, 15 in back
Storage Capacity: 30 in front, 100 in back
Built in weapons:
Ram: 150 damage, chance to damage the vehicle depending on what it hits
Four DShK 1938 Emplaced Turrets that gives +5 armor class are emplaced on the back of
the truck in the cargo area for use by gunners, though they do not have full cover, and deny
your agility bonus to AC. They can be pivoted 90 degrees. There are two turrets on each side
of the truck, allowing personnel manning the guns to fire to the left and right of the truck.
Very useful for roadblocks.
Value: $20,000
Faction: The Allied Nations, China, and the Indonesian Rebels each have their own variants
of the vehicle with their logos plastered on. The word "Military" in the title is replaced with
the faction name. (For example, Chinese Transport Truck)
Name: Military Infantry Jeep
Average Speed: 30
Mpg: 40
Pedal to the metal: 50
Hauling ass Mpg: 15
Handling Bonus: +2, 4x4
Health: 100
Damage Reduction: 6

Occupant Cover bonus: 0

Move bonus: 2
Full Cover (Yes or No): No, but there is enough cover to fight from cover anyway
Occupancy: 2 in front, 1 on gun, 2 in back
Storage Capacity: 30 in front, 40 in trunk area near the gun
Built in weapons:
Ram: 50 damage, chance to damage the vehicle depending on what it hits
Back-mounted machine gun: A single DShK 1938 Emplaced Turret that gives +5 armor class
is emplaced on the back of the jeep for use by a secondary gunner, though it does not have
full cover, and denies your agility bonus to AC. It can be pivoted in 180 degrees. It faces
forward, ahead of the driver, but it can be moved easily to face backward.
Value: $10,000
Faction: The Allied Nations, China, and the Indonesian Rebels each have their own variants
of the vehicle with their logos plastered on. The word "Military" in the title is replaced with
the faction name. (For example, Allied Nations Infantry Jeep) UNICEF has a version as well,
though it has no back-mounted machine gun.
Name: Raven SUV
Average Speed: 20
Mpg: 35
Pedal to the metal: 40
Hauling ass Mpg: 16
Handling Bonus: +3
Health: 120
Damage Reduction: 6
Occupant Cover bonus: 2
Move bonus: 2
Full Cover (Yes or No): Yes
Occupancy: 6 in main vehicle, 3 in back with cover, 1 on gun
Storage Capacity: 30 in front, 50 in trunk
Built in weapons:
Ram: 50 damage, chance to damage the vehicle depending on what it hits

Back-mounted machine gun: A single DShK 1938 Emplaced Turret that gives +5 armor class
is emplaced on the back of the SUV for use by a secondary gunner, though it does not have
full cover, and denies your agility bonus to AC. It can be pivoted in 180 degrees. It faces
forward, ahead of the driver, but it can be moved easily to face backward.
Value: $6,000
Faction: Universal Petroleum
Name: Cargo Boat
Average Speed: 15
Mpg: 30
Handling Bonus: -2, incredibly slow
Health: 180
Damage Reduction: 5
Occupant Cover bonus: 2, can go below deck for full cover.
Move bonus: 0
Full Cover (Yes or No): No, but there is enough cover to fight from cover anyway. You can go
below deck for full cover.
Occupancy: 5 people comfortably, 30 people with 25 people with no rooms.
Storage Capacity: 800
Built in weapons:
Ram: 50 damage, chance to damage the vehicle depending on what it hits
Value: $10,000
Name: Speed Boat
Average Speed: 50
Mpg: 20
Handling Bonus: +3, fast
Health: 50
Damage Reduction: 3
Occupant Cover bonus: 2
Move bonus: 3

Full Cover (Yes or No): No, but there is enough cover to fight from cover anyway.
Occupancy: 2
Storage Capacity: 50
Built in weapons:
Ram: 70 damage, chance to damage the vehicle depending on what it hits
Value: $50,000
Name: Jet Ski
Average Speed: 30
Mpg: 30
Handling Bonus: +4, fast and small
Health: 20
Damage Reduction: 0
Occupant Cover bonus: 0
Move bonus: 3
Full Cover (Yes or No): No
Occupancy: 2, 1 driver and 1 bitch
Storage Capacity: None
Value: $800
Name: Motor Boat
Average Speed: 20
Mpg: 50
Handling Bonus: 0
Health: 10
Damage Reduction: 0
Occupant Cover bonus: 0
Move bonus: 1
Full Cover (Yes or No): No

Occupancy: 4
Storage Capacity: 20
Value: $200
Name: Military Patrol Boat
Average Speed: 5
Mpg: 8
Handling Bonus: +2
Health: 300
Damage Reduction: 10
Occupant Cover bonus: 2, can go below deck for full cover.
Move bonus: 2
Full Cover (Yes or No): No, but there is enough cover to fight from cover anyway. You can go
below deck for full cover.
Occupancy: 5 people comfortably, 30 people with 25 people with no rooms.
Storage Capacity: 800
Built in weapons:
Ram: 50 damage, chance to damage the vehicle depending on what it hits
Four DShK 1938 Emplaced Turrets that gives +5 armor class are emplaced on the boat for
use by gunners, though they do not have full cover, and deny your agility bonus to AC. They
can be pivoted 90 degrees. There are two turrets on each side of the boat, allowing
personnel manning the guns to fire to the left and right of the boat. Very useful for taking
care of pesky flies.
A single Minigun turret tripod is emplaced in front of the driver's window to be operated by a
Heavy Weapons expert remotely within the bridge. It has 360 degree range, and reloads
automatically if it is pre-loaded with ammunition. The pre-load can hold 600 bullets.
Two torpedo bays within the boat can fire at enemy boats, once per full turn. It takes 2 full
turns to reload a torpedo bay once the torpedo has been launched. They are heavy
weapons, the torpedoes weigh 25 and deal 200 damage, but they can be avoided by enemy
pilot checks. They are fired underwater only.
Value: $10,000
Faction: The Allied Nations, China, and the Indonesian Rebels each have their own variants
of the vehicle with their logos plastered on. The word "Military" in the title is replaced with
the faction name. (For example, Allied Nations Patrol Boat)

Name: Military Aircraft Carrier

Average Speed: 5
Mpg: 2
Handling Bonus: -10, Slow as hell, hard to turn, overall just too big.
Health: 10,000
Damage Reduction: 50
Occupant Cover bonus: 0 can go below deck for full cover.
Move bonus: 0
Full Cover (Yes or No): No. You can go below deck for full cover.
Occupancy: 6000
Storage Capacity: Lots
Built in weapons:
50 DShK 1938 Emplaced Turrets that gives +5 armor class are emplaced on the boat for use
by gunners, though they do not have full cover, and deny your agility bonus to AC. They can
be pivoted 90 degrees. There are 25 turrets on each side of the boat, allowing personnel
manning the guns to fire to the left and right of the boat. Very useful for taking care of pesky
4 Anti-Aircraft automated SAM missile launchers exist on the aircraft carrier. (An anti-aircraft
SAM is essentially 2 Anti-Air Stinger Missile Launchers combined into one fire-able SAM
rocket system. A heavy weapons expert must use the SAM, and it fires as if he were firing
two separate Anti-Air Stinger Missile launchers in the same turn, during the same action. )
SSTD Anti-Torpedo Defense System. (This advanced system makes it impossible to hit the
Aircraft Carrier with a torpedo unless the one firing the torpedo makes a 30 on his Heavy
Weapons check to attack the Carrier. This system is recent and experimental, however, and
can be shut off remotely if the Aircraft's defense server firewall is hacked by an outside
Value: $24,000,000,000
Faction: The Allied Nations and China both have their own variants of the vehicle with their
logos plastered on. The word "Military" in the title is replaced with the faction name. (For
example, Allied Nations Aircraft Carrier)
Name: Castro Transport Helicopter
Average Speed: 60
Mpg: 5

Handling Bonus: +0, fast and great handling!

Health: 70
Damage Reduction: 5
Occupant Cover bonus: 2
Move bonus: 4
Full Cover (Yes or No): Yes
Occupancy: 2 in front, 8 in cargo area
Storage Capacity: 40
Built in weapons: None
Value: $100,000
Pilot skill necessary to fly this vehicle: 30
Name: Dragonfly Helicopter
Average Speed: 100
Mpg: 5
Handling Bonus: +4, fast and great handling!
Health: 40
Damage Reduction: 9
Occupant Cover bonus: 2
Move bonus: 4
Full Cover (Yes or No): Yes
Occupancy: 2
Storage Capacity: 10
Built in weapons: One frontal Minigun that can be operated by a passenger.
Value: $200,000
Pilot skill necessary to fly this vehicle: 50

Name: Annihilator
Average Speed: 60

Mpg: 3
Handling Bonus: -2, huge
Health: 300
Damage Reduction: 30
Occupant Cover bonus: 4
Move bonus: 4
Full Cover (Yes or No): Yes
Occupancy: 2 in front, 2 in back.
Storage Capacity: 50
Built in weapons:
2 frontal miniguns operable by a passenger. They cannot be fired at the same time as the
missile launchers or the AA rocket system.
2 Missile launchers operable by a passenger. They fire and deal damage as an RPG would.
They cannot be fired the same time as the frontal miniguns or the AA rocket system. They
have a clip of 10.
Anti-Aircraft AA Rocket System (Essentially the Anti-Aircraft SAM Rocket System but not
surface to air) operable by a passenger. They cannot be fired the same time as the frontal
miniguns or the missile launchers.
Value: $1,000,000
Pilot skill necessary to fly this vehicle: 75

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