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Whether you're looking for your first job or your fifth, you're after an
entry level sales position or top management spot, there are some
universal rules to successful interviewing. An interview is not a two
way street! It is your job to sell yourself with a positive attitude and
enthusiasm. Regardless of your initial impression of the job
opportunity, your main objective is to obtain a JOB OFFER by
outshining the competition. It is impossible to properly evaluate a
position before a bona fide offer has been extended. Preparation for
an interview should be a serious matter. Interviewers are looking at
you not only as a candidate but as a performer in their organization.
1. Go to the library or use the Web and research the company. Find things
to discuss during the interview. This impresses the interviewer.
2. Know the five year growth of the company and future direction.
3. Know the company's financial position, i.e. net worth, stock price etc.
4. Know the competitors.
5. Know the product line.
6. You should call on at least three possible customers to get their opinion
of the company and the product. Let the interviewer know this. Tell the
interviewer with whom and where you investigated their company.
1. Employers reject improperly dressed candidates. Accept the fact that
many employers have an unwritten dress code and like to hire properly
dressed candidates. Forget your own personal preference. You should
dress according to the impression you want to create, i.e., successful,
conservative, and business-like.
2. Men--Conservative blue or gray suit, white starched shirt, conservative
tie with contrasting colors, shined shoes dark socks over calf, avoid
3. Women--Skirted suit or tailored dress, dress feminine not sexy, avoid
excessive make-up and perfumes.
4. Hairstyles for both men and women should be modest.
5. Men, Facial hair, if any, should be modest and neatly trimmed.
6. Your attire/appearance WON'T get the job, but it CAN certainly rob you
of it.
a. No sports jacket for men.
b. No pantsuits for women.
c. Dress for your boss's job.
d. You can't be TOO conservative.
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1. Get exact directions to the interview site at least one day ahead of time.
2. Be 15 minutes early.
3. Be courteous to the staffespecially the secretary. An employer is
always influenced by opinions of other employees.
Take a resume with you even if the interviewer has one.

Do not fold it!

Offer the resume to the person in a new file folder.
Take your "that a boy" letters and offer them at the appropriate time.
When requested, provide a typed list of names, addresses, phone
numbers, and letters of personal and professional references.

1. Example: "Good morning, Larry. I am"
2. Shake hands firmly and look the person in the interviewer eyes.
Maintain good eye contact during the interview.
3. Maintain high energy level.
4. Sit up.
5. Back straight.
6. No coffee, (to spill).
7. No smoking.
Note: It is to your advantage if a subject of mutual interest arises, but
do not fake knowledge. Be yourself. Poise, confidence, and selfrespect are of great importance.
The Site
1. Motel room: Position yourself for good eye contact, (Don't be afraid to
move a chair; it shows positive traits. i.e., control.
2. Employer's office: If there is more than one chair, take the one closest
to the side of the interviewers desk. The desk is the barrier!
3. Bar/Restaurant: Sit across from the person and wait for the interviewer
to order drinks before you do. Do not feel compelled to drink if you
normally don't drink.
1. Eye contact! Look directly at the interviewer.
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2. Listen! Give the person the opportunity to talk. Do not touch anything
on the interviewer's desk. Do not fidget with anything you have, such as
a pen, tie, etc.
3. Relax and be confident (do deep breathing to relax).
4. Be enthusiastic-use your eyes, hands, and voice inflection to show
Fielding Questions
Be Succinct - Keep your answers brief, concise, and to the point.
Everyone gets nervous in an interview, but some try to disguise it by
talking-excessively. The more nervous you get, the more you talk. The
more you talk, the more you convince the interviewer that you are not
right for the position. Avoid negatives by returning to a positive and
stress that positive. As an example: "Well, Susan you have had three
jobs in five years. Answer: Mary, I made a mistake on that Acme job
by not checking their financial situation closely. I have been with U.S.
Surgical for two years now and, as you can see, I've done a fine job.
I'm seeking a career opportunity that offers greater stability and
that's why I'm here."
Be Specific - If you're explaining your accomplishments, try to
support your claims by citing figures or specific accomplishments.
Ranked #2 out of 10 people in my region; I was $75,000 over quota
last year; my W2 has increased x thousands of dollars over the last 2
years. If you're discussing skills or talents that you can bring to the
job, give clear examples of how you've demonstrated these abilities in
other relevant situations.
Sell Yourself - Now is not the time for humility. It is not bragging, and
no one will find it offensive if you cite your achievements or awards or
describe unique business programs that you have devised. It's an
accepted and expected part of the interview process. Make sure that
the interviewer knows about your accomplishments or special
experiences. If the interviewer doesn't ask, find a way to bring them
into the conversation. Be sure to mention any that aren't listed on
your resume. No one else is going to sing your praises, and you
usually don't get a second chance in these situations. Now is the time
to bring out your that a boy' file and show written rankings or letters.
Note: Translate your achievements, accomplishments, and personal
qualities into benefits to the employer.
Maintain Credibility - and don't over inflate your responsibility. Don't
try to make a low-level position sound as if you were actually the
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CEO's right-hand man or woman. Most interviewers have a good idea

of the responsibilities that accompanied your previous job-especially
if you're interviewing in the same industry. If you inflate your
position, you'll undermine your entire credibility, and the interviewer
will doubt all your other real achievements. Once you're considered
deceptive, you won't have any chance at being hired. Always be
Maintain Your Composure - Regardless of what happens in the
interview keep calm, poised, and professional. If the interviewer
seems to ignore you, don't get flustered. If the interviewer looks
unimpressed, don't assume you have lost. If the individual contradicts
something you say, explain your position but don't lose our temper or
let the interviewer goad you into an argument. Don't become
defensive if the interviewer seems to question certain responsibilities
or achievements that you claim. It's all part of the game. Your
composure may well be tested during the interview.
Pay Attention - Sometimes people are so "charged-up" that they try
to anticipate where the interviewer is going. They just jump in with
the answer before the interviewer has completed the question. Let
the person finish the questions and make sure you know what is
being asked. If you're not sure, ask the interviewer to clarify the
question. The last thing you want to do is plunge headlong into a
story that doesn't give the interviewer the information he's seeking.
You'll come across as rattled and confused-not exactly the stuff
employer's dreams are made of.
Tell-Me-About-Yourself Questions
1. Answer these questions in terms of the qualifications required of the job
being filled and your business background.
2. Keep responses concise and brief.
3. Avoid being derogatory and/or negative when asked about previous jobs
and bosses.
4. "Tell-me-about-yourself" means, Tell me about your qualifications.
a. Prepare ahead of time a five to ten minute discussion of your
b. Discuss your experiences.
c. Tell how well you performed (resulting in raises, promotions,
innovative designs, sales volume, increased profits, etc.)
Your Personality Questions
1. Always answer in terms of your qualifications.
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2. Support your claims by sharing experiences.

3. Answer personality questions in terms of ACCURATE ANSWERS
supported by past experience.
Salary Questions
1. Avoid talking salary until the job has been offered.
2. Negotiate salary from strength.
3. Your present earnings will be on the company application you fill in.
Mark the "expected earnings" portion of the application, "Open or
4. If unemployed, seek a salary equivalent to your last earnings.
5. On the initial interview, you should NOT directly discuss:
Asking Questions When Interviewing For A Job
Interest Questions
Ask yourself are they related to the job, the company, its products,
services and people? An interview is a two-way street. These
questions should communicate your interest in the position.
1. Don't cross-examine the employer.
2. Ask questions requiring an explanation. Questions which can be
answered with a "yes" or "no" are conversation stoppers.
3. Don't interrupt when the employer is answering YOUR question.
4. Ask job-relevant questions. Focus on the job, the company, products,
services, and people.
5. Prior to the interview, write your list of Interest Questions and take
them with you.
6. Ask about your potential peers, subordinates, and superiors. Take notes.
7. Ask the employer how he/she got where they are today.
Job Satisfaction Questions
Do they pertain to the importance of the job, does the authority you'll
have match to the responsibility, the reward for a job well done, and
the long-range career opportunities?
1. Don't ask salary questions or about fringe benefits, retirement, or
2. Don't go overboard, four to eight questions of this type should be
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3. Do ask about long-range career opportunities.

Past Performance Questions
Ask questions like:
1. How many people have held this position in the past several years?
2. Where are these people now?
3. Were they promoted or did they leave the company?
Sale Questions
1. Ask what the employer wants in a candidates, what experience,
educational background, and performance.
2. Always ask what personality characteristics the employer desires.
3. Make a sales statement based on the employer's prerequisites or
desires. (If you lack an asset, sell a compensating asset.)
Ask For The Job
1. "I can perform the job you want. I've done it before and I've done it
2. "I'd like to work for you. What else do you need to know to make this


1. Assume that you are the right person for the position.
2. Summarize all points of agreement.
3. Tell the person you want the opportunity and you are sure you could
work well with him personally from your initial meeting.
4. Close after summary. As an example: "Jim, do you make the final
decision?" "Fine, I'm ready to pursue the next step in the interviewing
process. Can we see Susan tomorrow?" If the interviewer says they
would like to see you again or that the interviewer will be in touch with
recruiter, summarize and close again. Tell the person you are ready to
pursue the next step and ask for a day's notice that you might
coordinate your schedule.
On Your Way Out
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1. Thank the person for the time.

2. Shake his hand firmly and look the person in the eyes.
3. Tell the interviewer you look forward to the next interview.
4. Say good-bye to the secretary.
Follow Up
1. Send a handwritten letter, fax, telegram, or e-mail thanking the
interviewer for the opportunity of interviewing with the company and 3
or 4 good reasons to consider you. If this doesn't go out the day of the
interview or the next day it won't be worth the paper it's written on.
2. If you do not have an answering service or recording device, buy one, or
as an alternative, use the number of a friend who has one.

Career oriented people are more interested in gaining valuable

experience, advancement, opportunities, and enhanced working
environment rather than immediate salary increase.
A lateral salary move, though rare, should always be considered
based on career potential.
1. Make an inventory of what you did and how well you did it.
2. Research prospective employer, the nature of the business, its products
and people.
3. Attire should be conservative and business-like, giving the impression of
success and competence.

Dear suresh
we shall quote for the client's requirement. I do not know the size of the plant. going by
a rough calculation of 150+ fire extinguishers, it should take at least two days for

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detailed study. You may ask vasuki to quote for two mandays, she knows the cost, etc.
Profile of mine is also with her.
our scope would be
taking a survey of existing fire fighting euquipments
finding the adequacy & suitability based on fire load
hazard identifications, besides fire, if any
preventive measures to mitigate the same.
before starting or along with their confirmation, please ensure that following
details reaches me well in advance.
nature of combustibles, quantity, Ignitability chances & type of the same.
storage arrangement made for these fuel
geometry of the enclosure
size and orientation of openings.
With best regards

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