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B: All right, I

ll say: how are you all this day of your time, as you know time to

AUD: Good. Great. Perfect.

B: We will begin with questions.
Q: I have a question. We have had a physicist in history -- I believe it was Si
r Isaac Newton -- he said for each action there is an equal and opposite reactio
n. Is that true in your culture?
B: All right, understand, first of all, there will be many ideas and interpreta
tions along that line, as you understand that idea to exist. First of all, reali
ze that we are, in many, many ways like you, firm within the overall idea of phy
sical dimensionality. Therefore, understand that to that degree there will be, w
ithin the expression of our reality, as you know it, that action/reaction idea.
Understand, however, that within terms of what
technology, we utilize quite a different form
rse, as you understand it. Within its own flow
of formation within the idea of the viewpoint
say, version -- or perspective of the universe

you would call it to be our space

of the understanding of the unive
of momentum, within its own sense
of the holographic, as you would
as you know it.

Therefore, there will be, as within the usage of your rocketry with respect to g
ravity, not so much the use of the action/reaction principle, but simply the ide
a of the transformation or identification principle with regard to the (--?) pro
perty inhabiting and forming the idea of an object; and that object s existence with
in any space or location within the universe at any particular point within that
universe. Are you following me?
Q: Somewhat.
B: All right. Understand, simply, that in terms of your immediate physical dime
nsionality, there will be that principle. Also understand there will be more tha
t principle of action/reaction, mostly within the metaphysical or non-physical u
niverse, with regard to how you create your reality. Understanding that for ever
y action that you identify with, that you find yourself to be equal with, there
will be the reaction of the creation of that universe round and about you. Do you f
ollow me?
Q: Okay. All right.
B: Understand that in terms of physics there will be action/reaction for every
action. In a sense there will simply be a manifestation or transformation of rea
lity, according to the type of that action. But understand that to us, what you
call action, in many ways, and a reaction, are quite the same act.
Q: Yeah. Okay. I get that. Can I ask you also last week I asked you about why in n
ine of our years there will be a mass landing. And from what I understood your a
nswer to be, we will be more on an equal plane or an equal level with you. Is th
at correct?
B: All right. You will be at that time. Then understand it may not be mass, as y
ou understand mass landing, but the opportunity will manifest to the degree to w
hich you are willing to be equal to the vibration of that encounter between your
mass consciousness and the mass consciousness of other civilizations.

And at that time, therefore, being equal to that idea, you will be acting within
that idea and, as such, you will find the reaction will be the creation of that
reality -- which will allow for that manifestation to take place.
Q: Yeah. So does that mean that in nine of our years we will, to a great extent
, have caught up to the gap (--?) that you see as a 300-year gap?
B: Only in part, understand there will be many ideas which at that time of the
formation of the identification -- the equalization of yourselves with that idea
, to a degree -- you will still be in a sense forming an equalization, an identi
fication, with still a portion of the mass consciousness as you understand it. Y
ou will be at the beginning of the ability to allow yourselves then to create mo
re of that understanding of your future selves.
Q: Mhmm.
B: Do you follow me?
Q: Yes, I do.
B: Thank you. Question.
Q: On the mechanics of the space shuttle, you talked one time about something r
otating at 2-1/2 times the rotational rate of the Earth, and that would he a ver
y slow rotation.
B: Yes.
Q: About once every eight hours, because
B: No. No-no-no-no-no-no. Understand that what is being described is a rotation
approximately for your own planet of 2,300 times per your minute.
Q: 2,300 times a minute.
B: Which will be 2-1/3 times the idea of your rotational speed upon your axis - not translating literally. You follow me?
Q: Yes.
B: In revolutions per minute, it will be that number representative of 2-1/3 ti
mes the rotational speed per your hour. (--?) 1,000, in terms of your miles.
Q: 1,000 miles per hour? You mean the surface of the Earth goes 1,000 miles per
B: Yes.
Q: Okay, so the outside of the device has to go 2,300 miles per hour.
B: Per minutes. Not miles; revolutions. Simply understand that will be one phas
e of initiation. Realize there are many, many, many different levels of revoluti
on per minute, as you understand time, that will accomplish different effects. Y
ou will find that that particular rotational speed at this time will relate prim
arily to your Earth crystal within a specific dynamic ratio, which will allow yo
u to observe many of the effects that you need to observe within the beginning o
f your understanding of that particular effect.
You will find that as you allow yourself to expand your understanding, there wil
l be opportunities for you to achieve rotational speeds of many million times pe

r your minute, depending upon the idea you wish to accomplish. You follow me?
Q: Mhmm, I think so.
B: Understand simply, that at the slower rotation you will be able to experimen
t with that idea that you have labeled anti-gravity. Understand that as you incr
ease the rotation and effect a combination of rotations within the various porti
ons of the craft, sometimes to a degree within opposite rotation of certain comp
onents, you will find yourself creating variations within the field round and about
that craft, which will be generated by that rotation. Which will enable you not
only to move about, as you say, within one dimensionality of your understanding
, but within many different dimensionalities, including that which you call time
. You follow me?
Q: I think I do. Would it he a good idea to experiment with rotating vectors (?
) of 2,300(?)
B: Yes.
Q: Thank you.
Action - Reaction

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