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GVW BelAZ. El camin de carga ms

grande del mundo es elctrico

La mayor parte de la gente cuando piensa en un vehculo elctrico, piensa en un coche

pequeo y sencillo que apenas puede mover su propio peso. Pero los motores elctricos han
ido mucho ms all, y como ejemplo tenemos al impresionante camin de carga GVW

Todo lo que rodea a este monstruo sobre ruedas son cifras apabullantes. Cuenta con un
cuerpo de 20 metros de largo y 360 toneladas de peso. Para moverse utiliza cuatro
motores Siemens de 1.200 kWcada uno. En total 4.800 kW (6.528CV). Para alimentar
estos cuatro mastodontes elctricos, el GVW cuenta con dos generadores gasolina de 16
litros y 1.700 kW.

Esta configuracin le permite moverse hasta una velocidad mxima de 64 km/h cuando
est vaco, y transportar hasta 450 toneladas de peso en cada viaje. Una cifra equivalente a
la de un Airbus A380, y que supone mejorar un 25% la capacidad de los modelos de la
Entre los puntos ms interesantes del sistema de traccin total elctrica, est que el
conductor puede contar con una distribucin de la traccin dinmica. Esto le permite
adaptar las necesidades de potencia en cada eje en tiempo real, algo muy importante en las
difciles condiciones en las que tienen que trabajar estos gigantes.

Otro de los aspectos que ms valoran sus propietarios es la fiabilidad. Los motores
elctricos se Siemens permiten disfrutar de un nivel de productividad elevado. Por ejemplo,
el GVW BelAZ puede seguir trabajando incluso con uno de los motores elctricos
averiados. Tambin importante es la cada vez mayor presin de las leyes de emisiones
dentro de las minas cerradas. Un aspecto que hace que este tipo de modelos ganen terreno.
No queremos imaginar el ahorro econmico de lograr hacer funcionar exclusivamente
con electricidad a estos monstruos. Ya sea con una mastodntica batera, o mediante un
sistema que la propia Siemens est probando en Suecia, y que traslada la idea del
pantgrafo de los tranvas al transporte en carretera.

Zhodino, Belarus
On the 25th of September, BELAZ celebrated its 65th anniversary. The customers,
dignitaries, suppliers and special guests witnessed the unveiling of three new products: a
90mt (100) electric drive truck, a remotely controlled 136mt (150) truck and the worlds
largest capacity mining truck, the 450mt (500) model 75710. All three trucks were
available for hands-on inspection and in-operation viewing at the BELAZ engineering test

Datos Tcnicos

The 75710 was designed at the request of long time BELAZ customers. Those customers
operate trucks ranging in capacity from 130 to 360 metric tons. They demanded that the
75710 incorporate all of the design characteristics of their current trucks

Excellent performance and reliability provide by high performance engines from

leading manufacturers, AC electric drive systems and efficient body hoist systems
Good maneuverability and superior ride comfort based on optimal integration of the
truck and steering system and application of the innovative BELAZ designed
pneumohydraulic suspension.
Operator safety and comfort with a modern cab, hydrostatic steering, and a highperformance electrodynamic retarder.

Long service life as a result of using advanced propulsion systems, latest technology
components and assemblies and high strength materials in the frame and body.

Through a combination of unique designs and engineering innovations, the BELAZ product
development experts were able to incorporate the traditional BELAZ truck characteristics
into a hauler capable of carrying 450 metric tons of material and operating in the same
footprint as its 320mt and 360mt predecessors. The model 75710 is designed to present a
compact profile, achieve a significant performance increase and meet world safety
Unique design features include:

450mt payload capacity by using 8 tires

Excellent maneuverability by using two pivoted axles and BELAZ engineered
steering kinematics. The turning radius of the 75710 is 19.8 meters. (Turning radius
of a 360mt capacity truck is 17.2 meters)
Perfect stability without sacrificing ride comfort due to use of anti-roll bar struts in
the suspension system
The ability to operate at or near rated capacity in high rolling resistance
environments through the standard all-wheel drive configuration.
Superior dumping performance with power enhanced hydraulic hoist drive
Optimized fuel efficiency by operating only one of the two engines when the truck
is not loaded.
High performance, reliability and safe operation are provided by a smart AC
electric drive system with electronic differentials and antiskid system

Performance characteristics of the 450mt truck are impressive: The ability to climb
protracted longitudinal grades to 14% and short slopes up to 18%. Maximum truck speed of
64km/h. Resistance to bogging down or reducing payloads is very wet or unstable soil
25% Productivity Gain: As a result of its innovative design and unique features the
BelAZ-75710 is estimated to provide a productivity gain of 25% versus the largest capacity
trucks currently in use.
Discussions are being held with a number of customers to determine where the truck will
make its debut in the dirt. Field trials are ready to begin. The sale of trucks will begin
during 2014.

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