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A. F. FERGUSON & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 9, SCINDIA HOUSE, KASTURBA GANDHI MARG, NEW DELHI - 110001 INDEPENDENT AUDITORS’ REVIEW REPORT TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF NESTLE INDIA LIMITED 1, We have reviewed the accompanying Statement of Standalone Unaudited Financial Results of NESTLE INDIA LIMITED (“the Company”) for the Quarter and Six Months ended 30/06/2015 (the Statement”), being submitted by the Company pursuant to the requirement of Clause 41 of the Listing Agreements with the Stock Exchange, except for the disclosures in Part Il - Select Information referred to in paragraph 4 below. This Statement is the responsibility of the Company’s Management and has been approved by the Board of Directors. Our responsibility is to issue a report on the Statement based on our review. 2. We conducted our review of the Statement in accordance with the Standard on Review Engagements (SRE) 2410 *Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity’, issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. This Standard requires that we plan and perform the review to obtain moderate assurance as to whether the Statement is free of material misstatement. A review is limited primarily to inquiries of Company personnel and analytical procedures applied to financial data and thus provides less assurance than an audit. We have not performed an audit and accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion. 3. Based on our review conducted as stated above, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the accompanying Statement, prepared in accordance with the ‘Accounting Standards notified under Section 133 of the Companies Act, 2013, read with Rule 7 of the Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014 and other accounting principles generally accepted in India, has not disclosed the information required to be disclosed in terms of Clause 41 of the Listing Agreements with the Stock Exchange, including the ‘manner in which itis to be diselosed, or that it contains any material misstatement, 4. Further, we also report that we have traced the number of shares as well asthe pereentage of shareholding in respect of the aggregate amount of public shareholding and the number of shares as well asthe percentage of shares pledged/encumbered and non-encumbered in respect of the aggregate amount of promoters and promoter group shareholding in terms of Clause 35 of the Listing Agreements with the Stock Exchanges and the particulars felating to investor complains disclosed in Part Il - Select Information for the Quarter tnd Six Months ended 30/06/2015 of the Statement, from the details furnished by the Management For A.F.Ferguson & Co. 5 Chartered Accountants, om (Firm’s Registration No. 112066) fh fayla h- Manjita BAe = Pittner (Membership No. 86423) NEW DELHI, 29 July, 2015 ‘TELEPHONES : 91-11-2331 5884, 2331 S885, 2331 5704 BANGALORE « CHENNAI « HYDERABAD + JAMSHEDPUR + KOLKATA « MUMBAI « PUNE + VADODARA. ‘6 Nestle NESTLE INDIA LIMITED Registered Office: M-5A, Connaught Circus, New Delhi ~ 110 001 UN-AUDITED FINANCIAL RESULTS FOR THE QUARTER AND HALF YEAR ENDED 30™3UNE 2015 PART TT eed) aRTiCuLARs fiemanesy”” [fear sod soonzus |3108.205 soosa0te sooszeis |so.oszn | itaaei 1 INCOME ROH OPERATIONS v7z@3| 2260] rane | | corer comesne sss sums | sss] s.02ns vei} 1m3| umes | | — q@erorrsass soo | 322| sans ssooes | 250679 | 2aae8| |) sersaes cnr oF xcs OUT) weaoss | a7aza7| stoce7 BLT 69 120.6 | |b) OTHER OPERATING INCOME ms) ma 485.7 19,570.1 | 25,1648 | 24,319.7 | | TOTAL INCOME FROM OPERATIONS (NET) 44,7349 | 98,548.4 7 eswenses 7ae00| soso | s12s.7 | [oycosr oF mxrents consumo sezeio| ma7ms| sansa oi | 287| saas|_ py puRauses or srockn Tae soa| oa | 1060s sso3 | can] cay] [PSAIGESMBVERORIES OF rH Goons, WORKIN | 53| cuisos)| (43) woo] 2028| 19185 | loemovercevems orese sexe) 3303] 79191 Smo | st) est | |e oepRECATION AD AMORTISNTION | tos) sna] Sars si23| e209| s7aso| jpomtenexrases | asa) stesa] aon 139 |g) IMPAIRMENT LOSS ON FIXED ASSETS | 139 BL ai| “tei 205] fonerenovstouron comnoeces ron orsarins) | ica] ueaa] asta s62438 | 200075 | 20009 | frovaL expenses so3si3 | seas | anezze pROrTT TROM OPERATIONS BEFORE OTHER INCONE T&T] [neiwer coors fel ennover veneris expense GUE gazes) sasra| zane 2 RMMCECESTs Lents comrmcenets (os/ aaeas| eons | 172058 Saree soci Resognsietiry DePeNSE 1, ANG fSeennowsc res t}iait sacs} oar] a | fore noone ce F Dror reow_ ORDINARY ACTIVITIES BEFORE FNavce | nore" (aTenmcover sewers. wence bor To asar6| saizo| aaeus 5|pasanod be ane P71 OTN cORTINGENGEES (8]/ 99996 | 89440 | 367587, lSeeorare soca: Kontanis EXPENSE 10), Ano | fScenriows eb [ii}ie Tse | 06 34h 37.7 | 6 [FINANCE COSTS 347 1403 | 142.3 isos | ong | 10 | Lore eheFiTs PORE DUE TO HSEGE OF Tne seg | ss | os i 3015 ET PRMSION FR CONTINGENCIES (THES) sis] aes [2095 PROFIT PRON ORDINARY — ACTIVITIES — FORE | sansa | sos] «2600 |0 Conronare Socia. esronsiansTy ExpENEe (0) ano] gazuo| 92257 | 17,7506 Seer aare Seb tlie ie 70 _glaeronn Soave NEO c TY BOLSEUS TOF Sa] 202 Ol companies ACT, 2013, = =| aaiK6 THftcerOWc Tes - GURGETEOTD ass oy (ass.6)| aes) _aa60. 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Results for the quarter have been impacted by the MAGGI Noodles issue. The trust of its consumers and the safety and quality of # products is Neste’s foremost priory. Unfortunately, recent developments and growing concerns about the product had led to an environment of confusion forthe consumers to such an extent that the Company, on 5" June, 2015,

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