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Green Message: The Evergreen Messages of Spirituality, Sanskrit and Nature
Home > Sanskrit Mantras & Slokas > Devi Annapoorna > Annapoorna Stotram: Nityana
nda Kari Varabhaya Kari - in sanskrit with meaning - Stotra on Devi Annapoorna
Annapoorna Stotram: Nityananda Kari Varabhaya Kari - in sanskrit with meaning Stotra on Devi Annapoorna
- composed by Sri Adi Shankaracharya
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Annapoorna Stotram: Nityanandakari Varabhayakari Saundarya Ratnakari
Devi Annapoorna
Devi Annapoorna
????????????? ???????? ????????????????
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Nitya-[A]ananda-Karii Vara-Abhaya-Karii Saundarya-Ratna-[A]akarii
Nirdhuuta-Akhila-Ghora-Paavana-Karii Pratyakssa-Maaheshvarii |
Praaleya-Acala-Vamsha-Paavana-Karii Kaashii-Pura-Adhiishvarii
Bhikssaam Dehi Krpa-Avalambana-Karii Maata-Annapuurnne[a-Ii]shvarii ||1||
1.1: (Salutations to Mother Annapoorna) Who always give Joy to Her Devotees, alo
ng with Boons and assurance of Fearlessness (under Her Motherly care); Who is a
repository of great Beauty and makes their minds beautiful by the touch of the G
em of Her (inner) Beauty,
1.2: Who Purifies all the Poisons and Sufferings of their minds (by the touch of
Her Compassion and Bliss), and Who is the Great Goddess manifested visibly in K
1.3: Who Sanctified the Lineage of the King of the Mountain of Himalayas (by tak
ing birth as Devi Parvati); Who is the Ruling Mother of the city of Kasi,
1.4: O Mother Annapoorneswari, Please grant us the Alms of Your Grace; Your Grac
e which Support all the Worlds.

Devi Annapoorna
?????????????????????? ???????????????
????????????????????????????????????????? ?
?????????????????????????? ???????????????
??????? ???? ????????????? ?????????????????? ???
Naanaa-Ratna-Vicitra-Bhuussanna-Karii Hema-Ambara-[A]addambarii
Muktaa-Haara-Vilambamaana-Vilasad-Vakssoja-Kumbha-Antarii |
Kaashmiira-Agaru-Vaasita-Angga-Rucire Kaashii-Pura-Adhiishvarii
Bhikssaam Dehi Krpa-Avalambana-Karii Maata-Annapuurnne[a-Ii]shvarii ||2||
2.1: (Salutations to Mother Annapoorna) Who is adorned with many Gems shining wi
th various Colours, and with Garments striking with the shine of Gold (i.e. Gold
en Laced),
2.2: Who is decorated with a Garland of Pearls which is Hanging down and Shining

within the middle of Her Bosom,

2.3: Whose Beautiful Body is Fragrant with Saffron and Agaru (Agarwood); Who is
the Ruling Mother of the city of Kasi,
2.4: O Mother Annapoorneswari, Please grant us the Alms of Your Grace; Your Grac
e which Support all the Worlds.

Devi Annapoorna
??????????? ??????????? ?????????????????
??????????????????????? ????????????????? ?
?????????????????????????? ???????????????
??????? ???? ????????????? ?????????????????? ???
Yoga-[A]ananda-Karii Ripu-Kssaya-Karii Dharma-Artha-Nisstthaa-Karii
Candra-Arka-Anala-Bhaasamaana-Laharii Trailokya-Rakssaa-Karii |
Sarva-[A]ishvarya-Samasta-Vaan.chita-Karii Kaashii-Pura-Adhiishvarii
Bhikssaam Dehi Krpa-Avalambana-Karii Maata-Annapuurnne[a-Ii]shvarii ||3||
3.1: (Salutations to Mother Annapoorna) Who gives the Bliss of communion with Go
d through Yoga, and Who destroys the attachment to the Senses (which are the ene
mies of Yogic communion); Who makes us devoted to Dharma and righteous effort to
earn wealth (as a worship of God),
3.2: Who is like a great Wave shining with the Divine Energies of Moon, Sun and
Fire which Protects the Three Worlds,
3.3: Who gives all Prosperity and fulfills all Wishes of the Devotees; Who is th
e Ruling Mother of the city of Kasi,
3.4: O Mother Annapoorneswari, Please grant us the Alms of Your Grace; Your Grac
e which Support all the Worlds.

Devi Annapoorna
??????????????????? ???? ??? ??????
?????? ??????????????? ??????????????? ?
????????????????????? ???????????????
??????? ???? ????????????? ?????????????????? ???
Kailaasa-Acala-Kandara-[A]alaya-Karii Gaurii Umaa Shangkarii
Kaumaarii Nigama-Artha-Gocara-Karii Ongkaara-Biija-Akssarii |
Mokssa-Dvaara-Kapaatta-Paattana-Karii Kaashii-Pura-Adhiishvarii
Bhikssaam Dehi Krpa-Avalambana-Karii Maata-Annapuurnne[a-Ii]shvarii ||4||
4.1: (Salutations to Mother Annapoorna) Who has made the Caves of Mount Kailasa
Her Abode, and is known by various names like Gauri, Uma, Shankari, ...
4.2: ... and Kaumari; Who makes the deepest meaning of Nigamas (Vedas or Sacred
Scriptures) perceptible in Her Divine Form which vibrates with the Seed Syllable
4.3: Who opens the Gate of Moksha (Liberation) within our (Spiritual) Heart by H
er Grace; Who is the Ruling Mother of the city of Kasi,
4.4: O Mother Annapoorneswari, Please grant us the Alms of Your Grace; Your Grac
e which Support all the Worlds.

Devi Annapoorna
???????????????????????? ???????????????????
???????????????????? ????????????????? ?
???????????????????????? ???????????????
??????? ???? ????????????? ?????????????????? ???
Drshya-Adrshya-Vibhuuti-Vaahana-Karii Brahmaanndda-Bhaannddo[a-U]darii
Liilaa-Naattaka-Suutra-Bhedana-Karii Vijnyaana-Diipa-Angkurii |
Shrii-Vishvesha-Manah-Prasaadana-Karii Kaashii-Pura-Adhiishvarii
Bhikssaam Dehi Krpa-Avalambana-Karii Maata-Annapuurnne[a-Ii]shvarii ||5||
5.1: (Salutations to Mother Annapoorna) Who bears within Her many Visible and In
visible Divine Attributes, and holds the whole Universe within Her,
5.2: Who (by Her special Grace) discloses the (Divine) Source of this Divine Pla
y of Creation, thereby sprouting the Flame of the Lamp of (Divine) Knowledge wit
hin us,
5.3: Who makes the Meditative Mind (i.e. Meditative Absorption) of Sri Visweswar
a Gracious, i.e. make it flow down as Divine Grace to the World; Who is the Ruli
ng Mother of the city of Kasi,
5.4: O Mother Annapoorneswari, Please grant us the Alms of Your Grace; Your Grac
e which Support all the Worlds.

Devi Annapoorna
????????????????? ????? ??????????????????
???????????????????? ?????????????????? ?
???????????? ??? ?????? ???????????????
??????? ???? ????????????? ?????????????????? ???
Urvii-Sarva-Jane[a-Ii]shvarii Bhagavatii Maata-Annapuurnneshvarii
Vennii-Niila-Samaana-Kunta-Laharii Nitya-Anna-Daane[a-Ii]shvarii |
Sarva-[A]ananda-Karii Sadaa Shubha-Karii Kaashii-Pura-Adhiishvarii
Bhikssaam Dehi Krpa-Avalambana-Karii Maata-Annapuurnne[a-Ii]shvarii ||6||
6.1: (Salutations to Mother Annapoorna) Who is Mother Earth Herself and the Godd
ess of everyone, Whom the Devotees call as Bhagavati Mata Annapoorneswari,
6.2: Whose Dark Braids of Hair flow down like the Waves of Her Grace; Who (being
Mother Earth Herself) is always devoted to bestowing Food to Her Children,
6.3: Who brings all Joys to the Devotees and Her presence always bring Good Fort
unes in their lives; Who is the Ruling Mother of the city of Kasi,
6.4: O Mother Annapoorneswari, Please grant us the Alms of Your Grace; Your Grac
e which Support all the Worlds.

Devi Annapoorna
??????????????????????? ??????????????????
???????????????????? ???????? ???????????? ?????? ?
?????????????? ???????? ???????????????
??????? ???? ????????????? ?????????????????? ???
Aadikssa-Anta-Samasta-Varnnana-Karii Shambhos-Tri-Bhaava-[A]akarii
Kaashmiiraa-Tri-Jale[a-Ii]shvarii Tri-Laharii Nitya-Angkuraa Sharvarii |
Kaama-[A]akaangkssa-Karii Jano[a-U]dayakarii Kaashii-Pura-Adhiishvarii
Bhikssaam Dehi Krpa-Avalambana-Karii Maata-Annapuurnne[a-Ii]shvarii ||7||

7.1: (Salutations to Mother Annapoorna) Who makes all the Letters manifest from
within Her, starting with "A" and ending in "Kssa", and is the repository of the
Three Bhavas of Shambhu (Sattva, Rajas and Tamas leading to Creation, Preservat
ion and Destruction of the Universe),
7.2: Who is Reddish in colour (signifying Shakti) and is the Goddess of the Thre
e Waters (signifying the Three Shaktis) which flow as the Three Waves (of Iccha
[Will], Jnana [Knowledge] and Kriya [Activity] Shaktis); thus always Sprouting c
reation with Her Feminine Power,
7.3: Who fulfills the various Wishes of the Devotees and Raises the lives of Peo
ple (by providing Food and other essentials of worldly life); Who is the Ruling
Mother of the city of Kasi,
7.4: O Mother Annapoorneswari, Please grant us the Alms of Your Grace; Your Grac
e which Support all the Worlds.

Devi Annapoorna
???? ???????????????????? ????????? ???????
???? ??????????????????? ???????????????? ?
????????????? ??? ?????? ???????????????
??????? ???? ????????????? ?????????????????? ???
Devii Sarva-Vicitra-Ratna-Racitaa Daakssaayannii Sundarii
Vaamam Svaadu-Payo-Dhara-Priya-Karii Saubhaagya-Maahe[a-Ii]shvarii |
Bhakta-Abhiisstta-Karii Sadaa Shubha-Karii Kaashii-Pura-Adhiishvarii
Bhikssaam Dehi Krpa-Avalambana-Karii Maata-Annapuurnne[a-Ii]shvarii ||8||
8.1: (Salutations to Mother Annapoorna) Who is studded with Gems of all Colours,
and Who was the Beautiful Daughter of King Daksha,
8.2: Who holds a bowl of Sweet Milk (signifying Food) on Her Left which She ende
aringly distributes to Her Childen; Who is the Great Goddess Who brings Good For
tune to Her Devotees,
8.3: Who fulfills the Desires of the Devotees and always brings Good Blessings t
o them; Who is the Ruling Mother of the city of Kasi,
8.4: O Mother Annapoorneswari, Please grant us the Alms of Your Grace; Your Grac
e which Support all the Worlds.

Devi Annapoorna
?????????????????????????? ???????????????????
???????????????????????????? ???????????????????? ?
???????????????????????? ???????????????
??????? ???? ????????????? ?????????????????? ???
Candra-Arka-Anala-Kotti-Kotti-Sadrshaa Candra-Amshu-Bimba-Adharii
Candra-Arka-Agni-Samaana-Kuntala-Dharii Candra-Arka-Varnne[a-Ii]shvarii |
Maalaa-Pustaka-Paashaasa-Angkusha-Dharii Kaashii-Pura-Adhiishvarii
Bhikssaam Dehi Krpa-Avalambana-Karii Maata-Annapuurnne[a-Ii]shvarii ||9||
9.1: (Salutations to Mother Annapoorna) Whose Divine Splendour is like Millions
and Millions of Moons, Suns and Fire; Whose Face shines like the Moon, radiating
the Cool Rays of Compassion, which is also reflected on Her Red Lips resembling
the Bimba Fruit,

9.2: (Similarly) Whose Locks of Hair Shine with the Splendour of the Moon, Sun a
nd the Fire; and Who, the great Goddess, also has the Complexion radiating the S
plendour of the Moon and the Sun,
9.3: Who holds a Rosary (signifying Repetition of God's name), Book (signifying
Divine Knowledge), Noose (signifying Divine Attraction) and Hook (signifying Div
ine Goading) in Her four Hands; Who is the Ruling Mother of the city of Kasi,
9.4: O Mother Annapoorneswari, Please grant us the Alms of Your Grace; Your Grac
e which Support all the Worlds.

Devi Annapoorna
?????????????? ????????? ???? ?????????
???????????????? ??? ?????? ????????????????? ?
?????????????? ????????? ???????????????
??????? ???? ????????????? ?????????????????? ????
Kssatra-Traanna-Karii Mahaa-[A]bhaya-Karii Maataa Krpaa-Saagarii
Saakssaan-Mokssa-Karii Sadaa Shiva-Karii Vishveshvara-Shrii-Dharii |
Dakssaa-Kranda-Karii Niraamaya-Karii Kaashii-Pura-Adhiishvarii
Bhikssaam Dehi Krpa-Avalambana-Karii Maata-Annapuurnne[a-Ii]shvarii ||10||
10.1: (Salutations to Mother Annapoorna) Whose Great Power Protects the Devotees
and grants them Great Fearlessness; Who is the Great Mother and an Ocean of Com
10.2: Whose Divine Form is a Visible bestower of Liberation and Whose presence a
lways brings Auspicious blessings; Who is indeed the repository of the Sri (Pros
perity, Welfare and Auspiciousness) of Visweswara (Shiva),
10.3: Who makes Daksha (symbol of ego) Cry and in that repentence makes him Pure
; Who is the Ruling Mother of the city of Kasi,
10.4: O Mother Annapoorneswari, Please grant us the Alms of Your Grace; Your Gra
ce which Support all the Worlds.

Devi Annapoorna
?????????? ????????? ???????????????? ?
??????????????????????? ??????? ???? ? ??????? ????
Annapuurnne Sadaa-Puurnne Shangkara-Praanna-Vallabhe |
Jnyaana-Vairaagya-Siddhy[i]-Artham Bhikssaam Dehi Ca Paarvati ||11||
11.1: (Salutations to Mother Annapoorna) O Mother Annapoorna, You Who are always
Full (with the gift of Food and Blessings), You Who are the Beloved of Shankara
, ...
11.2: ... O Mother Parvati, Please grant me the Alms of Your Grace, to awaken wi
thin me Spiritual Knowledge and Freedom from all Worldly Desires.

Devi Annapoorna
???? ? ??????? ???? ???? ???? ???????? ?
???????? ??????????? ??????? ?????????? ????
Maataa Ca Paarvatii Devii Pitaa Devo Maheshvarah |

Baandhavaah Shiva-Bhaktaash-Ca Svadesho Bhuvana-Trayam ||12||

12.1: (Salutations to Mother Annapoorna) My Mother is Devi Parvati, and my Fathe
r is Deva Maheswara (Shiva),
12.2: My Friends are the devotees of Shiva, and my Country is all the Three Worl
ds (Whose Lord is Shiva-Parvati).
Note: Place the mouse over each Sanskrit word to get the meaning.
Click here to open the mouseover meanings in a new window.
Translated by greenmesg
Kashi Vishwanath Jyotirlinga Kashi Annapoorna Sri Kalbhairav Ganga Aarti, Kashi
- Mukti Puri: Kashi is one of the 7 Mukti Puris.
(Sapta Mukti Puris are: Mathura, Ayodhya, Mayapuri, Kashi, Kanchi, Avantika, Dwa
- Jyotirlinga: Kashi is one of the 12 Jyotirlingas known as Vishwanath Jyotirlin
(The Jyotirlingas are: Somnath, Mallikarjuna, Mahakaleshwar, Omkareshwar, Vaidya
nath, Bhimashankar, Rameshwaram, Nageshwar, Vishwanath, Tryambakeshwar, Kedarnat
h and Grishneshwar - Refer to the Jyotirlinga sloka)
- Shakti Peetha: Kashi is one of the 51 Shakti Peethas known as Varanasi Shakti
(Refer to the list of Shakti Peethas - Refer to Shakti Peetha Stotram)
- Annapoorna Temple: The Annapoorna Devi Temple is located near the Kashi Vishwa
nath Temple in the Vishwanath lane. Devi Annapoorna is the Goddess of food. Food
is served to all devotees daily as prasad in the temple. The festival of Annaku
t is an important festival associated with the Annapoorna Temple. The festival i
s performed for three days and only on these days the golden image of Mother Ann
apoorna is opened for darshan. The festival falls on Karthik Shukla Pratipada.
- Kalabhairava Temple: The Kalabhairava Temple is located in the Visheshwarganj
in Kashi, around a km away from the Kashi Vishwanath temple. Kalabhairava is a f
earsome aspect of Shiva associated with kala or death. He is considered as the k
otwal (guardian angel) of Varanasi. The image of Kalabhairava is shown sitting o
n his dog vehicle and holding a trident. The silver face of the deity is only re
vealed and the rest of the body is covered with cloth. This temple was once a po
pular place of worship mainly by tantriks and ascetics. Now it is visited and pa
tronized by general public as well.
- Ganga Arati: Kashi is the place where the holy river Ganga flows. The famous G
anga Arati is held in Kashi every evening in the Dashashwamedh Ghat.
- Kashi is located in the Varanasi district of Uttar Pradesh.
Sri Adi Shankaracharya
Stotras by Sri Adi Shankaracharya in this site:

Annapoorna Stotram
Bhavani Ashtakam
Devi Aparadha Kshamapana Stotram
Dakshinamurthy Stotram


Ganesha Pancharatnam
Ganga Stotram
Kalabhairava Ashtakam
Kalika Ashtakam
Kamakshi Stotram
Kanakadhara Stotram
Lakshmi Nrisimha Karavalambam
Lalita Panchakam
Meenakshi Pancharatnam
Nirvana Shatakam
Pratah Smarami
Shiva Manasa Puja
Shiva Panchakshara Stotram
Shiva Pratah Smaran Stotram
Subramanya Bhujangam

Bharatavarsha - The Land of Gods and Sages:

1. Stotras by Deity:
Initial: Vedas - Gayatri - Gurudeva - Ganesha - Hanuman
Tridevas: Brahma - (Vishnu - Narasimha - Rama - Krishna) - Shiva
Tridevis: Saraswati - Lakshmi - Parvati
Others: Murugan - Surya - Bhumi - Ganga - Yamuna - Narmada - Tulasi - Others
Final: Brahman
2. Vedic Civilization: Vedic Civilization
3. Hermitages: Hermitages
4. Penances: Penances
5. Puranic Events: Rama - Krishna
6. Sacred Geography: Forests - Lakes - Mountains - Rivers - River Sangams - Cons
7. Pilgrimages:
Ganesha - Devi - Vishnu - Narasimha - Rama - Krishna - Shiva - Murugan
Parikramas - By States - By Districts - Haridwar to Kedarnath - Temples of Chenn
8. Saints: Saints
9. Festivals: Festivals
10. Others: Poems of Tagore
Green Corner: >>
Kanyashrama Shakti Peetha
Kanyashrama Shakti Peetha - Kanyakumari Sea Shore
The Kanyashrama Shakti Peetha is located in Kanyakumari Sea Shore on the conflue
nce of Bay of Bengal, Arabian sea and the Indian ocean.

Puranic Event:
Devi's Pristha (Back) fell at Kanyashrama where She is known as Sarvani and the
Bhairava is called Nimisha.
(from Peetha Nirnaya texts)
The Kanyashrama Shakti Peetha is identified with the Devi Kanyakumari temple in
Kanyakumari district of Tamil Nadu. The Shakti Peetha is identified with the Bha
drakali shrine within the temple complex. Kanyakumari is at the southermost part
of India where the three seas meet - Bay of Bengal, Arabian sea and the Indian
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Green Message: The Evergreen Messages of Spirituality, Sanskrit and Nature
Last updated on Jul-2015



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