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Exam Activities

First Trimester: !

Cell structure (cilia, flagella, cocci, bacilli) and organelles function

Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cell differences
Taxonomy (autotrophs, heterotrophs)
Scientific Method Steps and What is a Hypothesis?

Second Trimester:! Nutrient cycles (Carbon & Nitrogen cycle and human disruption)
Community interactions (niches, competition, predation, mutualism,
Third Trimester:!
Kinetic and Potential Energy
Measurement unit and kinematic concepts chart workshop
Density (d=m/v , buoyancy)
mass, weight
Lab instruments
First Trimester: !
Second Trimester:!
Third Trimester:!

Energy in the cell (ATP--> ADP conversion, ATP production)

Enzymes (composition, active site, competitive inhibitor)
Photosynthesis (stomata importance,
Cellular respiration (Glycolysis-sugar and ATP role,
cell membrane and cell transport (osmosis,diffusion)
Urinary system anatomy
Circulatory system
Wastes removal mechanism on circulatory, respiratory and
excretory systems.
Digestive system function relation with a poor diet (lack of lipids,
vitamins, minerals and protein consumption).
Immune System (cell-mediated/humoral response, allergy,
antibodies specificity and antibodies types production,
Endocrine System (hormones vs neurotransmitters, GH,
insulin/glucagon production, main endocrine glands function and
location, negative/positive feedback, diabetes I and II,
Antibiotics vs Antivirals
Nervous System (CNS, PNS, chemical synapsis,
Senses (auditory sense anatomy, rods vs cones,
Skeletal system functions and structure.

First Trimester: !

Cell cycle, Mitosis and Meiosis (spermatogenesis, oogenesis)




Second Trimester:!
Third Trimester:!

Reproductive System (sexual, asexual reproduction, menstrual

cycle, spermatogenesis, oogenesis
cell communication
Endocrine system (endocrine communication, insulin/glucagon,
diabetes I and II
Patterns of Inheritance (punnet squares, heterozygocity, genotype,
probabilities, blood types,
Enzymes function and action, catalysis reaction, change of
activation energy, endergonic/exergonic reactions, catalysts,
Cell respiration (glycolisis, fermentation,
Photosynthesis (light-dependent reactions, factors influencing rate,
lowest/highest rate of ATP production wavelengths, enzymes and
light-dependent reactions
Organism Interactions (ecological niche, competition, predation,
herbivory, parasitism, mutualism, commensalism, mimicry
Nutrient cycles and Human Disruption, acid rain, ecosystem
recovery, carbon cycle and global surface temperature, nitrogen
cycle (fixation, denitrification, nitrification), dead zones,
Decomposers, detritivores Role
Macronutrients and Micronutrients
Greenhouse effect, reduction actions from Humans
Food chain and web levels and functions
10% law
Energy flow, Energy input from sunlight.Abiotic/biotic factors,

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