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Tom era un nio desordenado, con muchas cualidades y defectos...

Bien, ms defectos que cualidades...
Tom no se levantaba temprano, no le gustaba ir a la escuela y no se coma
las verduras...
Tom viva con su madre Sally en una vieja casa a las afueras de la
Un da la madre de Tom fue a la plaza a comprar la comida y Tom se qued
en casa jugando con su gato.
Ese da, mientras Tom jugaba en la sala con su gato, escuch un sonido
extrao en la cocina.
Tom, muy asustado sali de su casa y espero hasta que su mam lleg.
Tom le dijo a su madre que l haba escuchado sonidos extraos en la
cocina, pero ella no le crey.
Esa misma noche, en la habitacin de Tom se escucharon algunos pasos y
se vieron unas sombras pasar por la ventana, Tom muy asustado se ocult
debajo de las sabanas.
El da siguiente, Tom se despert y le conto a su mam lo que haba
sucedido la noche anterior en su habitacin pero ella nuevamente no le
Tom tom sus libros, se fue a la escuela y estuvo todo el da pensando en lo
que estaba ocurriendo en su casa.
Cuando Tom estaba llegando a su casa vio que las luces estaban
Tom entr pero no haba nadie en la casa, entonces Tom subi y en
encontr su habitacin ordenada y pens que su madre la haba ordenado.
Cuando la madre de Tom lleg a la casa l le agradeci por haber limpiado
su habitacin pero ella le respondi que no lo haba limpiado.
Esa noche mientras Tom dorma se apareci un monstruo con la piel de
color verde, ojos grandes y colmillos afilados en la habitacin de Tom.
El monstruo estaba ah para llevar a Tom a un pueblo de nios
desobedientes llamado Pueblo de la desobediencia.
Tom intent hablar con el monstruo y hacer un trato para que se pudiera
quedar en su casa.
El monstruo le dijo a Tom que tena que levantarse temprano, ir a la escuela
y comerse las verduras para que no se lo llevara a villa desobediente
Ahora Tom es un nio ordenado, se levanta temprano, le gusta ir a la
escuela y se come las verduras cada da.
Y el monstruo?
El monstruo no se volvi a aparecer jams.


Tom was a disordered boy, with many qualities and defects...
Well, more defects than qualities...
Tom didn't get up early, he didn't like to go to the school and he didn't eat the
Tom lived with his mother Sally in an old house to the outskirts of the city.
The house was very strange, very strange
One day Tom's mother went to the square to buy the food and Tom stayed at home
playing with his cat.
That day, while Tom played in the room with his cat, Tom listened a strange sound
in the Kitchen.
Tom, very afraid it left his house and he waited until his mom arrived.
Tom told to his mother that he had listened strange sounds in the kitchen, but she
didn't believe him.
That same night, in Tom's room some steps were listened by Tom and some
shades were seen go by the window, very afraid Tom hid under the savannas.
The following day, Tom woke up and he told to his mom what had happened the
previous night in his room but she didn't believe him.
Tom took his books, he left to the school and it was the whole day thinking of what
was happening in his house.
When Tom was arriving at his house he saw that the lights were lit.
Tom entered but there was not anybody in the house, then Tom ascended and in
he found his totally orderly room and he thought that his mother had ordered it.
When Tom's mother arrived at the house he thanked her to have cleaned his room
but she said '' I didn't clean your room Tom''
That night while Tom slept a monster appeared with the skin of green color, big
eyes and eyeteeth sharpened in Tom's room.
The monster was there to take to Tom to a town of children disobedient called
Town of the disobedience.
Tom tried to speak with the monster and to make a treatment to that could stay in
his house.
The monster said to Tom that had to get up early, to go to the school and to eat the
Now Tom is an orderly boy, he gets up early, he likes to go to the school and he
eats the vegetables every day.
And what happened with the monster?
The monster didnt ever appear again.

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