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Sixteenth Senate

Minutes Thursday 12 October 2006

I. Call to Order
A. Meeting called to order at 4:15pm.

II. Roll Call

Senators in attendance: Baireuther, Wiggins, Richards, Graham, Webster,
Weiss, Moon, Bartle, Delon, Nunnally, Marko.
Chair: Gibson.
Recorder: Delon.
Guests in Attendance: Robert Cox, George McCoy, Patterson
Excused absence: None.
Unexcused absence: None.

III. Additions or Corrections to Agenda

Webster wants to add the webpage – put down as 9 on the agenda under New
Business. Motion passes.

IV. Motion to Approve Agenda


V. Motion to Approve Minutes


VI. Reports
A. President McCoy: The executive staff has a leadership conference in Reno, open
spots for Senators –Nov. 11th-15th. Contact McCoy if you’re interested.
B. Vice President Gibson: Mandatory Senate retreat for Jan. 4th on campus; time
TBA. Before classes start. To form goals, etc; because we have new Senators and
didn’t have successful attendance last time.

VII. Old Business

A. Time change: Bartle moves to set meeting time at 4:15P on Thursday. Moon seconds.
Motion passes.

VIII. New Business

A. Bill 16.006: First reading by Wiggins. Bartle moves to 2nd reading, Baireuther seconds.
Marko asks how many attend these events and do they do their own advertisements. Wiggins
says that being the co-sponsor the cost should be spent 50/50 by the club and the Senate.
Delon says that they advertise and have a significant amount of people in attendance at their
events. Webster: Senators shouldn’t speak on behalf of Warren Duggour, he should be here
to defend his bill. Baireuther says that $200 isn’t a lot of money, but the Senate has been
giving the Anthropology a lot of money. Delon says that a club shouldn’t be punished for
being active. Marko says that they should raise their own money too. Webster says that
there’s a difference between being active and putting forth a bill. Bartles moves to put to a
vote. Wiggins seconds.
Sixteenth Senate
Minutes Thursday 12 October 2006

Baireuther – aye
Bartle – aye
Wiggins –aye
Richards – aye
Marko – aye
Graham – aye
Nunnally- aye
Webster – nay
Weiss – aye
Moon – aye
Delon – aye

Bill passes 10-1-0.

B. 16.007 – First reading by Bartle. Bartle moves to second reading. Delon 2nds. Motion
passes. Patterson speaks on behalf of Speech and Debate club. Advisor speaks to Senate on
speaker phone because she had an emergency in California. Says she had been a couch for
many years; experience brings a lot to WSUV. Will be teaching 1st Communication classes
at WSUV. Patterson is from LCC and is a national champion for debate. Received over 40
awards. When clubs start out they need a foundation, Patterson says; need to put on events
constantly. Patterson says that we will see her club on a regular basis; they are planning to be
active on- and off-campus. Six people in the club right now this is who the budget is based
on. Richards raises concern that the Senate only has a 31K budget, if we only supported local
events, it would be more realistic. Patterson says that she doesn’t know the budget and it
isn’t any of her business. She says that all the events listed are local events. Richards says
he can’t realistically support so much money going to just one club. Marko asks about 6
members and whether this is specifically for WSU Vancouver. Patterson says yes. Webster:
how can S&A fees support something ongoing? If it’s competitive, is there another resource
they can tap into? If we do this for them, then all clubs would want us to do this. Cox
answers that they can support a competitive event. Wiggins: is this creating a new club or
bringing it back to life? Patterson says that this is a brand new club. Wiggins: 6 members?
Patterson: Yes, 6 have been attending. Wiggins: Frightening to donate 1/3 of the budget to
so few students. What needs to be funded 1st? Scheduled mentioned. Delon motions to
move this to the Finance committee. Weiss seconds. Motion passes.

C. Webpage: Webster – can we have webpage up and running? It’s inactive; it should be
active. McCoy needs confirmations to get personal e-mails from all Senators to update them
on the webpage.

IX. Announcements
A. None.

X. Adjournment
A. Meeting adjourned at 5:00pm.

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