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Catherine Giordano on HubPages

5 days ago
There are a lot of claims made about the resemblances between Christianity and earlier myths and
religions. Some of those claims are true and some aren't.
2 weeks ago
The historians of the 1st and 2nd centuries were barely aware of the Jewish messianic sect of
Christianity and wrote nothing about Jesus Christ. The few mentions that exist are forgeries.
4 weeks ago
Albert Einstein wrote and spoke extensively about God and religion. What you think you know about
his beliefs may not be true. What did he really believe and why?
5 weeks ago
Bees are little wonders. They pollinate our plants and give us honey. Plus bees are funny--rather, the
jokes, puns and idioms about bees are funny. Here are a few facts and lots of laughs.
5 weeks ago
History shows that the clear intent of the founding fathers of the United States was to allow
individuals to have freedom of religion while the government remained secular.
8 weeks ago
I look back on my first year at HubPages and report on the seven most important lessons I have
3 weeks ago
Honey bees are very important to food resources because they pollinate many crops. Beekeepers are
seeing massive die-offs. What is killing our honey bees?
5 days ago
There is no evidence that Jesus actually existed as an historical person. Some Biblical scholars have
concluded that Jesus is totally mythological--a melding of Jewish, Hellenistic and pagan religion.
3 weeks ago
The Pew Research Center gives us religion by the numbers. They do a huge survey every seven
years to measure trends in religious identity. Their biggest finding in 2015--irreligion is growing.
3 weeks ago

Neil deGrasse Tyson is an astrophysicist who does scholarly research, but also can explain
cosmology to the average person. I provide a bio and include some quotes that reveal the inner man.
3 months ago
Bread pudding has been around as long as there have been frugal cooks and leftover bread. Try this
inexpensive basic recipe for a quick and easy dessert. Includes tips for variations.
7 weeks ago
Religion has its good points, but does it do more harm than good? This essay does a cost-benefit
analysis and discusses the good, the bad, and the ugly of religion in modern times.
2 weeks ago
Are there atheists in the pulpit? More than you think. Some stay, some leave, some try to change
what it means to believe, some start atheist churches. How will this affect religion?
2 months ago
"Emerging Adults" is now recognized as a life-stage occurring after the teenaged years and before
full adulthood. What are the characteristics, problems, and advantages of these years?
4 weeks ago
Mother's Day is celebrated the world over. What is the history of the holiday and how has it changed
over the years? What are some famous quotes abut mothers?
4 months ago
Remember the Paul Simon song, 50 Ways to Leave Your Lover? Breaking up is hard to do, and so is
saying goodbye with style. Here is a facetious and humorous look at 50 plus ways to say it's over.
4 months ago
The Naughty Grammarian instructs on the finer points of English grammar and usage, points either
never learned or long ago forgotten. This lesson is about how to love, and use, the comma.
4 months ago
Writers need to learn their craft and their business. Fortunately, there is lots of free how-to advice
available as well as inspirational articles and even writing prompts.
2 months ago
Calling all logophiles and lexophiles--it's time to have some fun wordplay fun. Paraprosdokians use
puns and other techniques to alter meaning in an unexpected and funny way.
4 months ago
Arthritis afflicts millions of people. Learn more about this condition and learn how a simple home-

remedy--gin-soaked raisins--can bring relief from the pain of arthritis.

5 months ago
The calendar is divided into four seasons, each with its own characteristics. This essay discusses
how the seasons are determined and provides some thoughts about each using poems, quotes, and
5 months ago
Why is English is the greatest language in the world? The history of the English language along with
some interesting facts, weird words, and quirky features of English.
2 months ago
Do you know the difference between beliefs, values, morals, and ethics? They are the principles we
live by. How can we find the "good"?
2 months ago
Getting old is not so bad when you consider the alternative. The statistics show us that the world's
population is aging, so let's take a humorous look at getting old.
5 months ago
Balanced energy is about living in harmony. The path to wellness includes nutrition, exercise, and
spirituality. I provide some thoughts on how to be a spiritual person.
9 days ago
Everyone has to make money. I've distilled the wisdom wit, inspiration, and cynicism from the quotes
of famous people and swirled it around some of my own thoughts.
6 months ago
CarFit is an educational program to help older drivers be safer on the road. It is a free 20-minute
check-up designed to help the older driver have a good "fit" with his vehicle.
6 months ago
The roar of a car engine is so emotionally satisfying--it suggests power and performance. Newer
fuel-efficient cars don't roar so manufacturers are amping up the sound electronically.
2 months ago
What is the origin of April Fool's Day? What is the meaning of tomfoolery and other fool-ish things?
What are some common proverbs and sayings about fools?
6 months ago
Sometimes you have a brief chance encounter with someone, but it makes a lasting impression. This

story is about one of those times, the time I "almost met" Joe, at a meetup.
5 months ago
Buddha's 'Eightfold Path" is still relevant today. This ancient guide to living can bring you happiness,
success, and personal fulfillment.
6 months ago
Why do writers write? What advice can they offer us on the art of writing? The quotes of writers
from ancient times up to the present can teach us a lot about writing.
6 months ago
The yearning for do-overs is universal. Most of us would love to undo some things in our past, but
would different choices really be better choices?
5 months ago
Sometimes you have a brief chance encounter with someone, but it makes a lasting impression. This
story is about one of those times, the time I "almost met" a baby in a swim class.
6 months ago
Sometimes you have a brief chance encounter with someone, but it makes a lasting, even lifechanging, impression. This story is about Aanya, a little girl I "almost met" at a yard sale.
6 months ago
Martin Luther King, Jr. is remembered as a courageous leader who used the tactics of non-violence
to fight against racial discrimination. He is remembered for his achievements and his eloquence.
5 weeks ago
Florida has a lot to offer, and that is why the state is growing in population. A lot of people want to
live there. Thinking of moving to Florida? Here are 20 reasons to think again.
6 months ago
Many people are very anxious about giving a speech or presentation. I've given hundreds of
speeches, and I will show you how you can give a great speech with confidence.
6 months ago
Have you ever said, "I don't know what to write about."? I found 30 ideas in 30 minutes. I hope my
ideas will spur you to use my techniques to find your own ideas.
6 months ago
Sometimes you have a brief chance encounter with someone, but it makes a lasting, even lifechanging, impression. This story is about the ladies I "almost met" at a cosmetics counter at

EDITOR'S CHOICE2 weeks ago
The famous "Pascal's Wager" asks us to consider the question of the existence of God as a wager.
Which is the better bet--belief or disbelief?
6 months ago
Sometimes you have a brief chance encounter with someone, but it makes a lasting, even lifechanging, impression. This story is about the time I "almost met" an elderly gentleman in the
6 months ago
Sometimes you have a brief chance encounter with someone, but it makes a lasting impression. This
story is about one of those times, the time I "almost met" a little girl in the ladies room.
2 months ago
Sometimes a brief chance encounter makes a lasting impression. It can even be life changing. This
story is about one of those times, the time I "almost met" Lily at the pool.
5 months ago
Balanced energy is about living in harmony. The path to wellness includes nutrition, exercise, and
mindfulness in all things. Exercise will add years to your life and life to your years.
3 weeks ago
A quick and easy dessert recipe--part pumpkin pie, part cake, part cobbler; 100% delicious. The
chocolate pecan topping makes it extra special. This recipe will be a favorite all year long.
7 months ago
The Naughty Grammarian instructs on the finer points of English grammar and usage, points either
never learned or long ago forgotten. This lesson is about homonyms.
4 months ago
Sometimes you have a brief chance encounter with someone, but it makes a lasting, even lifechanging, impression. This story is about one of those times, the time I "almost met" a boy on a
7 months ago
There are many cases of innocent people being executed in the U.S. There are many reasons why
innocent people are on death row. One reason underlies all the others: Humans are imperfect.
6 months ago

Can you move mountains? Unlikely, but you can probably nudge a molehill. Move enough molehills,
and you may find that you have moved a mountain. It's just an inspirational metaphor for success.
2 months ago
Cranberry Orange Nut Bread is a delicious treat for breakfast and snacking. It's made with
wholesome cranberries, vitamin-packed oranges, and nutritious walnuts. It's sure to be a family
2 months ago
Politics are full of catchphrases and clichs. Some express serious political ideas; others are merely
catchphrases. What are the definitions, origins, and meanings of some common political phrases?
3 months ago
Do you want a recipe for a healthy cranberry pie with made without added refined sugar?
Cranberries and cherries and walnuts are all antioxidant rich super foods. This all-natural pie is
sweetened with honey.
3 months ago
You are never too old to act like a kid. You can bring back the laughter and joy you felt as a kid by
acting like a kid. Surprisingly, acting like a kid may aid in longevity.
3 months ago
The Naughty Grammarian instructs on the finer points of English grammar and usage, points either
never learned or long ago forgotten. This lesson is about apostrophes.
8 months ago
A small act of kindness can "make someone's day." Quotes from famous people can help us
understand the importance of kindness and the effect it can have in our lives.
2 months ago
Albert Pierrepoint was known was "The Last Hangman" of England. At first, he was proud of his
work as a hangman, but he later became disillusioned and turned against capital punishment.
2 months ago
The life of a beekeeper is filled with hard work, but also a lot of personal satisfaction. Do you have
what it takes to be a beekeeper? Two beekeepers explain what it is like to keep bees.
9 months ago
Everyone wants to be healthy. An examination of advice of famous people given in the following
quotations can help. I've taken their wisdom and distilled it into "Four Prescriptions for Health."
8 months ago

Do you want a recipe for a healthy cranberry sauce that even people who hate cranberry sauce will
love? This recipe has been wowing my Thanksgiving guests for years.
2 months ago
The naughty grammarian instructs on the finer points of English usage, points either never learned
or long ago forgotten. This lesson is about "I couldn't care less" and other idioms.
6 months ago
Why does the United States have political parties? Why are certain colors and symbols associated
with these parties? What is the origin and meaning of some common political terms.
4 months ago
"Good without God" may be an idea whose time has come. A recent spate of dueling billboards on
this topic has people talking.
5 months ago
Who are some of the most notable First Ladies of the United States? How did they contribute to the
success of their husband's careers in politics and to the life of their country?
9 months ago
We all have to work. What can the quotes from famous people tell us about how to work harder,
smarter better while being happier and more successful?
8 months ago
Right livelihood is earning a living in an ethical way. The goal is not just prosperity, but personal
fulfillment and the benefit of all humanity. It is based on traditional Buddhist teaching.
3 months ago
Capital punishment, the death penalty, is immoral, unfair, unjust, and barbaric practice. It demeans
the United States. What part of "Thou shall not kill" do we not understand?
3 months ago
The incidence of people living alone has been trending upward for decades because people are
choosing to live alone. Here are 25 reasons to love living alone (and some reasons not to love it.)
3 months ago
The Naughty Grammarian instructs on the finer points of English usage, points either never learned
or long ago forgotten. This lesson is about when to use good vs. well and bad vs. badly.
2 weeks ago
Secular humanism is a little understood human-centered philosophy of life. It is non-theistic, rooted

in science, with explicit moral and ethical directives.

EDITOR'S CHOICE5 months ago
What jobs did some of the United States' most famous presidents do before they were president?
What kind of jobs, professions, and careers did they have?

7 weeks ago
How did the childhood experiences of some of the United States' most famous presidents influence
their lives?
10 months ago
The resplendent quetzal is a vibrantly colored bird characterized by the long tail feathers of the
males. Learn the facts about the quetzal.
5 weeks ago
Honey bees are complex and mysterious creatures. Here are 20 questions--with answers-- to help
you understand honey bees and their place in our world.
10 months ago
Dragons sometimes take human form and beguile humans into a romantic affair. Dragons are
generous and tender lovers, however you must keep your promises. Enjoy three stories of dragon
10 months ago
They are stupid. They are tasteless. They are corny. They make you groan. They make you laugh.
They are corny jokes. What makes a joke corny and why do we laugh at corny jokes?
5 months ago
The Naughty Grammarian instructs on the finer points of English usage, points either never learned
or long ago forgotten. This lesson is about perspective and prospective, I and me, who and whom.

10 months ago
Laughter benefits your health, your emotional well-being, your social interactions, and even your
spirituality. You can learn to laugh more and be happier and healthier.
10 months ago
Why do kids like dragons? Whatever the reason or age--babies, toddlers, school-aged and beyond-your kids will love these dragon toys, costumes, books, and DVD's. Great gift ideas!
6 months ago
How do you turn ideas into words? How do you turn words into a poem, an essay, a story? These
writing tips (and poems) may help you get your words from mind to page.
3 months ago
The naughty grammarian instructs on the finer points of English usage, points either never learned
or long ago forgotten. This lesson is about the confusion between the verbs "lie" and "lay."
2 months ago
Hercules is a mythical hero of ancient Greek mythology who slew dragons--Hydra, Ladon, and
another one in Troy--among other feats of strength and bravery, including the "12 Labors of
5 weeks ago
Honey bees are amazing creatures. Some facts, and poems, about honey bee life (and death), their
benefits to humans (pollination and honey), and hive and social organization.
3 months ago
The naughty grammarian instructs on the finer points of English usage, points either never learned
or long ago forgotten. This lesson is about misuse of the past tense.
11 months ago
Who is Perseus? Perseus is a hero of ancient Greek mythology who slew dragons--the Gorgon,
Medusa, and the sea serpent, Cetus. He married Andromeda after rescuing her from Cetus.
4 months ago
WordPlay can be puns, anagrams, palindromes and more. A lipogram is a form of word-play which
requires the omission of one or more letters from a text.
EDITOR'S CHOICE5 weeks ago
Bee hives are alive with activity. How is a bee colony organized? How do bees construct their hives?
How do bees make honey? What is life like for a bee?

11 months ago
What is slam poetry? It is high energy, anything-goes, no-holds-barred performance art. I entered a
slam poetry contest and won with my poem, "Old Witches Never Die."
3 days ago
Why are pink flamingos so fabulous? Learn the facts about flamingos in the wild and and pick up
some ideas for collecting flamingo-themed items.
5 months ago
Edith Piaf was known as "The Little Sparrow." I wrote a biographical poem to honor Piaf and her
talent and to tell a little about her success and, also, her sadness.
3 months ago
Women must learn to tolerate and transcend the many indignities age inflicts upon their bodies in
the post-menopausal years. This funny poem lists the complaints, but ends on a positive note.
11 months ago
Everyone can learn how to forgive. Understand why forgiveness benefits the forgiver even more
than the one forgiven. Follow a few easy steps to begin the process of letting go of anger and grief.
5 months ago
A humorous poem about apologies, the non-apology apology, and advice about the proper way to
apologize. Just saying "I'm sorry" is a good start but not enough.
11 months ago
Apologizing made easy. This article shows you how to say "I'm sorry" using three simple rules and
how to get your apology accepted.
5 months ago
Why do people collect stuff? What are psychological motivations and joys of collecting? What are
some tips and ideas for creating, organizing, and displaying a collection?
10 months ago
Many people enjoy collecting teapots. People collect teapots for various reasons and they have
different organizing themes for their teapots. Here are some suggestions for animal themed teapots.
2 weeks ago
Unitarian Universalism is a humanistic religion well-suited for modern times. Unfortunately, many
people have not heard of it or do not understand its tenets, practices, and history.
5 months ago

The Naughty Grammarian instructs on the finer points of English usage, points either never learned
or long ago forgotten. This lesson is about when to spell out numbers and when to use numerals.
3 months ago
The naughty grammarian instructs on the finer points of English usage, points either never learned
or long ago forgotten. This lesson is on the misuse of the words "literally" and "awesome."
3 months ago
Everyone wants to have love in their life. An examination of the advice of famous people given in the
following quotations can help. Here is their wisdom distilled into "The Seven Questions of Love."
6 months ago
Dragons are found in the myths of cultures all over the world. What is the origin of the myths about
these terrifying creatures? What is the reason for our current fascination with dragons?
5 months ago
The Naughty Grammarian instructs on the finer points of English usage, points either never learned
or long ago forgotten. This lesson is about the confusion between "titled and "entitled."
5 months ago
Bamboo is beautiful and easy to grow in your backyard. Learn how t0 buy, plant, and maintain
bamboo. It will quickly transform your landscape, provide a privacy shield, and look stunning.
6 months ago
The naughty grammarian instructs on the finer points of English usage, points either never learned
or long ago forgotten. This lesson is on the misuse of the word "less" in place of the word "fewer."
3 months ago
Balanced energy is about living in harmony. The path to wellness includes nutrition, exercise, and
mindfulness in all things.
5 months ago
The naughty grammarian instructs on the finer points of English usage, points either never learned
or long ago forgotten. This lesson is on words often confused despite their very different meanings.
7 months ago
Everyone wants to be successful. An examination of the advice of famous people given in the
following quotations can help. Here is their wisdom distilled into "The Top 10 Rules for Success."
4 months ago
Everyone wants to be happy. An examination of the advice of famous people given in the following

quotations can help. Here is their wisdom distilled into "The Top 15 Rules for Happiness."
9 days ago
Why are zombies so popular? What are the origins of zombie mythology, and how does interest in
zombies relate to psychology, philosophy, and morality. Lastly, could there be a real zombie
5 months ago
A motto provides words to live by. It can be inspirational and motivational. This artile discusses
some famous mottos and explains how to choose and use a motto to live a better life.
3 months ago
Found poetry is a type of poetry that creates poems from existing texts--books, letters, newspapers,
etc. I completed a one year project to "find" a poem a day in my local newspaper. Here's how.
12 months ago
Tarot is an ancient system of wisdom. Its origin is shrouded in the mists of time, but it has universal
meaning that speaks to all eras and cultures.
Click here for more about car dealers and cars.

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