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Eberron Overview
Conversion Info
Character Conversion
Daelkyr Half-Blood
Empty Vessels

1 Overview
1.1 Physical Description
1.2 Society
1.3 Relations
1.4 Alignment and Religion
1.5 Adventurers
1.6 Names
2 Pathfinder Version
3 Alternate Racial Traits
4 Favored Class Options
5 Build Notes
5.1 ARG Build
5.2 3.5 Version

Traits & Drawbacks
Equipment & Services


Magical Items

Physical Description

Removed Material
The Epic Campaign

Kalashtar appear very close to humans, although a clear

examination shows them to have almost an alien grace and
beauty. Standing slightly taller than humans and usually a little

The Story So Far...

thinner, their hair color, eye color and skin tone have all the


same ranges as humans. The only definitive difference


between a human and a kalashtar is a complete lack of any

Important Items & Places

natural blemish, regardless of the circumstances.

The Opposition
Credits & Links
Community Use / OGL
d20 Pathfinder SRD
Pathfinder Forums

While the Kalashtar can claim the small mountainous
country of Adar as their homeland, they tend to congregate in
any area that has a large enough population to accommodate
different ethnic districts. The largest collection of kalashtar
outside of Adar is in Sharn.

Kalashtar appreciate all life and respect the harmony that
comes when neighbors are there to help one another. That
said, they don't often understand most of the finer details of
other cultures and come off as a little aloof
or condescending when it comes to cultural matters that have
no direct correlation to their own. Humans are by far the easiest
for them to get along with, but as one moves into stranger
cultures, like the dinosaur riders of the Talenta Plains or the
elves of the Undying Court, the relationship becomes more
formal and less personable. Its important to note that most
kalashtar try very hard to never be rude or disrespectful, but the
confusion caused by tradition for tradition sake often leads to a
simmering sense of frustration.

Alignment and Religion

Kalashtar are more often than not good-hearted and
community-oriented, placing most as lawful good. Certainly, the
need for strong self-discipline is common among adventures,
making lawful of some form more common than not. While
kalashtar respect the faiths of the other races they encounter,
their own religion is more of a philosophy, known as the Path of
the Great Light, or 'Il-Yanah' in the Quor language. While this
faith has few actual clerics, almost all kalashtar venerate the
presence of the Great Light and it's struggle against the Dark
that would cover all of Eberron.

Given the ingrained opposition to the Dreaming Dark, the
Inspired and all that they stand for, many kalashtar become
adventurers in order to best oppose this pervasive enemy. Most
often, kalashtar will take levels in psionic classes to better
combat this specific threat as well as provide an unsuspected
edge to more traditional combatants in Eberron.

Male Names: Halkhad, Kanatash, Lanamelk, Minharath,
Nevitash, Parmelk, Thakakhad, Thinharath
Female Names: Ganitari, Khashana, Lakashtari, Mevakri,
Novakri, Panitari, Thakashtai, Thatari

Pathfinder Version

Ability Score Racial Traits: +2 to any single ability

score, chosen at character creation.
Size: Medium Size
Type: Humanoid (Kalashtar Subtype)
Base Speed: 30'
Languages: Common and Quor. Bonus Languages:
Any, except Druidic and other secret languages
(although they usually take Draconic and Riedran first)
Dream Native: +2 racial bonus vs. mind-affecting saving
throws and are immune to dream-based effects.
Naturally Social: +2 racial bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy
and Intimidate.
Naturally Telepathic: Psi-Like Ability: 1/day,
Mindlink (as per Psionics Unleashed). The manifester
level for this ability is the kalashtar's character level.
Charisma is the related attribute.
Bonus Feat: All Kalashtar gain the Wild Talent feat as a
bonus feat. If they ever take a level in a class that gives
them a manifester level, that bonus feat is replaced with
the Psionic Talent feat instead.
Adulthood: 40 years
Intuitive: +2d6 / Self-Taught: +3d6 / Trained: +5d6
Middle Age: 75 / Old: 113 / Venerable: 150 /
Maximum +4d20
Base Height & Weight:
Height: 5' 4" (male) or 5' 2" (female)
Weight: 135 lbs (male) or 105 lbs (female)
Modifier: 2d6 / Weight Modifier: x3

Alternate Racial Traits

The following alternate racial traits may be selected in place of
one or more of the standard racial traits above.
Dream Warrior: Many kalashtar train their minds to fight
the darkness of quori. They gain Mind Thrust as a psilike ability, usable once per day. The manifester level for
this ability is the kalashtar's character level. Charisma is
the related attribute. This racial trait replaces naturally
Keeper of Dreams: Some kalashtar seek to heal other's
sleep rather than fight. They gain Slumber as a psi-like
ability, usable once per day. The manifester level for this
ability is the kalashtar's character level. Charisma is the
related attribute. This racial trait replaces naturally
Naturally Suspicious: Kalashtar have many enemies
and know they could be hiding anywhere. They get a +2

racial bonus to Perception, Sense Motive and Stealth.

This racial trait replaces naturally social.
Razor Sharp Concentration: Some kalashtar can hold
a thought so focused that little can be done to break
their train of thought. They get a +4 racial bonus to
concentration checks. This racial trait replaces dream
Soul of Taratai: Some kalashtar are more connected to
the original source of Dal Quor, for good or for ill. They
get the Unlocked Talent feat as a bonus feat. This racial
trait replaces dream native.

Favored Class Options

The following favored class options are available to all
characters of this race who have the listed favored class, and
unless otherwise stated, the bonus applies each time you
select the favored class reward.
Any: Kalashtar can always spend their favored class
point to gain 1 additional power point instead of a hit
point or skill point.
Monk: Add +1/4 point to the monk's ki pool.
Oracle: Add +1/2 to the oracle's level for the purpose of
determining the effects of one revelation.
Psion: Add +1/2 psionic power from the telepath power
list or psion / wilder power list to the list of powers
known. This power must be at least one level lower than
the highest-level power she can manifest. This option
can be used to select discipline talents, from the psion's
own discipline or the telepathy discipline, which are
treated as 0th level powers and have the same
limitations as the discipline talents the psion gets
Rogue: Add +1/2 to Bluff checks to deceive or lie and
+1/2 to Sense Motive to see through deceptions and lies
Soulknife: The soulknife gains +1/6 of a new blade skill.

Build Notes
ARG Build
Type: Humanoid (Kalashtar): 0 RP
Size: Medium: 0 RP
Speed: Normal (30'): 0 RP
Ability Score Modifier: Human Heritage: 0 RP
Language: Linguist (Common and Quor): 1 RP

Racial Traits:
Skill Bonus (+2 racial bonus to Bluff): 2 RP
Skill Bonus (+2 racial bonus to Intimidate): 2 RP
Skill Bonus (+2 racial bonus to Diplomacy): 2 RP
Resistance (+2 racial bonus on mind affecting effects and
poison, but drop the bonus vs. poison for immunity to dreambased effects): 2 RP
Psi-Like Ability, Lesser as Spell-Like Ability, Lesser (1/day,
Mindlink, Manifester Level at Character Level): 1 RP
Static Bonus Feat (All Kalashtar gain the Wild Talent feat as a
bonus feat. If they ever take a level in class that gives them a
manifester level, that bonus feat is replaced with Psionic Talent
instead): 2 RP
Favored Class Option: Kalashtar can spend their favored class point to
gain 1 additional power point instead of a hit point or skill point.
Total: 12 RP

3.5 Version
Humanoid Type (kalashtar subtype)
Medium Size
Base Speed: 30'
No Attribute modifications
+2 racial bonus vs. mind affecting abilities and possession
+2 racial bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy and Intimidate
Psi-Like ability: Mindlink with ML at 1/2 Character Level
Naturally psionic: +1 power point / character level
Automatic Languages: Common and Quor. Bonus Languages: Draconic
and Reidran
Favored Class: Psion
Source: ECB, pg. 16

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