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President Obama's, campaign was based on change which we all felt was needed aft

er 8 agonizing years of George Bush, driving the country into unprecedented debt
and demoting the US Constitution to the status of nothing more than tissue pape
r for him to place his waste on.
We believed in Barack Obama, to the point that he was elected as the President o
f the United States and placed in the position to rescue us from the debacle of
the previous administration.
"Yes We Can", was the battle cry and the nation rose up believing that we should
and that we could.
And by the Grace of God, we were successful in putting a man in office who we be
lieved could restore some of the luster that had been lost.
America is viewed as the "Land Of The Free" and the "Home Of The Brave"' yet the
re are too many who are aware of their freedom being stripped away and denied by
intelligence agencies operatives and their sub contractors who are too willing
to assist with the illegal imprisonment and denial of guarantees and privileges
supposedly afforded to all who are citizens of this country.
We have what is suppose to be a democratic society but as with all things there
are those who are placed in positions of authority who have a hidden agenda and
who are not above allowing those who have placed their trust and faith in them t
o be violated, disregarding the promises that they made and the oaths of office
that they took to uphold the Constitution.
When this occurs then it is up to those who know and oppose what is occurring to
speak up loudly letting others know and voicing their disapproval to what is oc
What is brave about subjecting someone to torture from a distance thereby protec
ting your identity?
What is brave about manipulating and influencing someones' mind causing them to
inflict hurt to themselves or others which can and does oftentimes result in dea
This country has intelligence agencies that in their quest to exert control over
the population have been endorsing and funding illegal operations that are in d
irect violation of laws created to protect us all.
Despite the fact that the appropriate checks and balances are in place those who
have been appointed to oversee those positions are allowing these violations to
occur and to continue unabated.
When situations such as these take place then all of those involved are culpable
and should be held accountable.
One group of sub contractors who have been caught are agents of the state of Del
aware or as their official title states, correctional officers from the departme
nt of corrections et. al.
The reason why I say et. al., is due to probation officers also amongst others h
aving direct access to the equipment being used to subject us all to the denial
of privacy and any of us to torturous treatment.
In 1997, when this system was initially activated I appealed to those within the
DOC seeking intervention but was ignored and advised to write a letter to the w
arden saying that I was scared or that I was crazy and a threat to myself which
I refused to do.
They were seeking to discredit my testimony in regards to what I knew was happen
ing, so they instead launched a character assassination campaign to portray me a
s being suicidal, temperamental, insane and a host of other labels so that no on
e would believe and would disregard what I had to say regarding what was happeni
Then, I appealed to the clergy and afterwards began writing to elected officials
and human and civil rights organizations.
I did receive responses from some but was totally ignored by the majority of tho
se that I sought assistance from.
Some of the responses showed genuine concern while others touted their past acco
mplishments but offered no assistance nor possible solutions to remedy my situat
This was during the years of 1997 to 1997 and here we are now in the year 2008 a
nd what was only affecting those inside of the prison system is now impacting on
people globally.
I am not saying that this one system that the DOC activated is responsible for a
ll of the pain and suffering that people globally are complaining of but it is d
efinitely a link in the chain that is holding all inhabitants on the planet Eart
h imprisoned in what my friend Harlan Girard of the International Committee On o
ffensive Microwave Weapons (www.icomw.com) refers to as the electronic concentra
tion camp.
The reference is understandable in that all inhabitants of this planet at anytim
e can be subjected to torture covertly and from a distance so that they can neve
r positively identify who is responsible thereby preventing them from petitionin
g the courts or of being believed by anyone including their own family who will
in turn view them as being delusional and a schizophrenic.
The effects created by these class of weapons mirrors the complaints of a person
who is schizophrenic which poses a serious problem from those who are being tar
geted in getting anyone to believe their complaints.
(A person diagnosed with schizophrenia may demonstrate auditory hallucinations,
delusions, and disorganized and unusual thinking and speech; this may range from
loss of train of thought and subject flow, with sentences only loosely connecte
d in meaning, to incoherence, known as word salad, in severe cases. Social isola
tion commonly occurs for a variety of reasons. Impairment in social cognition is
associated with schizophrenia, as are symptoms of paranoia from delusions and h
allucinations, and the negative symptoms of avolition (apathy or lack of motivat
Dr. Carole Smith, has written a paper regarding this dilemma titled, "On the Nee
d for New Criteria of Diagnosis of Psychosis in the Light of Mind Invasive Techn
ology" (http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=7123), and it shou
ld be read by all mental health officials and medical personnel.
Individuals from almost every state in the US who are aware of being targeted ha
ve written to their respective elected officials seeking their assistance only t
o be ignored.
I have a manila envelope filled with faxes that I have personally sent to electe
d officials from all over the country and serving in Washington, DC, and I have
yet to hear from any of them.
But in 1998, I wrote to then Sen. Carol Moseley-Braun, and she was caring and gr
acious enough to answer my letter advising me to contact my state representative
s because she could not do anything due to her not representing Delaware.
She is a special person because no one else who has served in Washington has bot
hered to answer except for a reply from a senator here advising me that he was f
ederal and my problem was a state matter.
This country is in a state of denial regarding the use of these weapons on citiz
ens here and all are refusing to intervene on the behalf of those who are aware
of what is happening which leads to the conclusion that this is just the beginni
ng and that the eventually all will be mind controlled and nothing more that mea
t puppets doing what Big Brother dictates.
An electrical current to the appropriate area of a persons brain will cause them
to perform a particular action that the puppeteer desires for you to do.
In a brief summary that I wrote dated December 7, 1998, I stated that my continu
ed targeting was a result of my refusal to be a mindless non thinking robot as t
hey desired.
Dr. Jose Delgado said, "The individual may think that the most important reality
is his own existence, but this is only his personal point of view. This lacks h
istorical perspective. Man does not have the right to develop his own mind. This
kind of liberal orientation has great appeal. We must electronically control th
e brain. Someday armies and generals will be controlled by electric stimulation
of the brain."
Delgado also once stated that if wireless technology was available when he was d
oing his research that he could have controlled every brain in the world.
These are scary and disturbing statements which seem to be inevitable in light o
f how many in positions of authority who can bring about changes are turning a d
eaf ear and a blind eye to the use of this technology on the populace.
Is this what awaits all of mankind? Is this the ultimate plan for all except the
chosen ones? Is mankind to be relegated to the status of nothing more than robo
ts, meat puppets dancing to the tune of the puppeteer who controls their every a
ction with an electrical current to their brain?
If government agencies are allowed to continue along the path that they are now
travelling a bleak future awaits the future generations.
The HAARP system in Alaska has electrically charged the atmosphere so that all l
iving things on the planet can be targeted.
We are standing on the precipice and about to fall into a chasm that once entere
d will permanently alter the lives of those who inhabit this planet.
Action was needed years ago so due to its denial we have moved closer to a desti
ny that will deny us of the ability to think for ourselves.
Is the future that George Orwell spoke of in his book, "1984", upon us?
We are a nation in denial and heading rapidly towards God's Judgement.
Dannie Moore

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