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Applications for Light Weight Deflectometer

The Light Weight Deflectometer is a hand-portable device based on the same principles as a
falling weight deflectometer. It is typically used to evaluate the qualities and capacities of
paved roads. Still underutilized in certain places in the world, perhaps because of lack of
awareness and device availability, it is fast gaining acceptance, particularly in North
America. The light weight deflectometer is now being utilized and accepted by the
Departments of Transportation of different American states as a prescribed tool for
compaction quality assurance.
What the light weight deflectometer does provide measurements of the soil's dynamic
modulus of elasticity, comparable with the static modulus measurements determined by
static plate bearing tests. Since its arrival in the industry, light weight deflectometers have
been used for determining compaction rates and for quality control and assurance of road
bases, coarse-grained aggregate foundations, earth dam fill materials, and other types of
paved surfaces.
In some cases, light weight deflectometers are also used side by side with nuclear
densometers (nuclear density testing) in order to assess the existing relationship between
the soil's or pavement's in-situ dynamic modulus of elasticity and dry density. Other
common applications for this innovative device include testing ore stockpile cover
foundations, multiple overpass foundations, fuel tank station, and backfills.
The light weight deflectometer was first developed in Europe, and it was originally meant for
measuring in-situ dynamic modulus of soils. It is a lot similar to huge falling weight
deflectometers used in roadways, only it is portable, using weights of only 15 to 25
kilograms. Unlike sizable falling weight deflectometers, light weight devices can easily be
operated by a single person. Tests can also be carried out in as little as 1 to 2 minutes,
making the device an ideal alternative that offers accurate results.
Today, light weight deflectometers are gaining wider acceptance in construction and
engineering environments. It is now used not only for measuring in-situ soil density but also
for compaction control of different pavement structure. Light weight deflectometers are
advantageous in construction control and design as they are non-destructive. With these
devices, soil is not penetrated, and tests can be performed even in narrow trenches
something that sizeable devices like traditional falling weight deflectometers have a difficult
time measuring. Tests can also be performed in proximity to metal elements as the
equipment doesn't have any source of radiation. Its real value for many is its suitability for
use in gravelly and cobbly soils, where other devices cannot be used.
About The Author:
TERRATEST GmbH is world leader in development and manufacturing of Light Weight
Deflectometers for dynamic load plate test. They offer the worlds first light weight
deflectometer TERRATEST 5000 BLU with Bluetooth and voice navigation. For more
information about their products visit their website!

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