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o 2 Layers
Epidermisstratified squamous epithelium, divided into 4 (thin)
or 5(thick) layers:
1. Stratum Basale (germinativum)- 3 types of cells:
o Stem cells divide and differentiate into superficial
o Merkel cells- detect light touch
o Pigment- containing melanocytes
2. Stratum Spinosum- mostly keratinocytes but also
contains special macrophages called Langergans cells
3. Stratum Granulosum- cells contain keratohyalin granules
that give it speckled or granular appearance.
4. Stratum Lucidum- only in thick skin, palms of hands,
soles of feet, mostly transparent under microscope
5. Stratum cormeum
Dermisonly 2 layers
Papillary Layer
o dermal papillae
o Meissners corpuscles- soft touch receptors
Reticular Layer
o Glands
Sebaceous (oil)
Suderiferous (sweat)
o Pacinian corpuscles- deep pressure receptors
o Hypodermis Not layered
Associated with, not part of skin
Areolar and adipose tissue
Blood vessels,
Some sensory receiptors- Pacinian corpusles
o Hair
Arrector Pili Muscle
Type of Bone

Identify all Cranial Bones (6 diff, 8 total)

o Flat or Irregular
All bones flat except for irregulars end in oid
What do they make up
Flat bones make up calvaria (cranial vault)
Irregular make up cranial base (floor)
o Single or Double
All single except Parietal and Temporal are pairs
Identify all facial bones (9 different, 15 total)
o Maxilla (1)
o Vomer (1)
o Hyoid (1)
o Mandible (2)
o Zygomatic (2)
o Palentine (2)
o Lacrimal (2)
o Nasal (2)
o Inferior nasal concha (2)
Paranasal Sinuses (5 total)
o Frontal
o Ethmoid
o Maxillary
o Sphenoid
o Mastoid Air Cells
Sutures and Articulating Bones
o Sagittal- parietal and parietal
o Coronal- frontal and parietal
o Squamous- temporal and parietal
o Lambdoid- Occipital and parietal
o Occipitomastoid- mastoid from occipital
Each Cranial Bones features
o Frontal (4 Total )

o Parietal (Just identify)
o Temporal
4 Major Regions (11 features)
1. Squamous
o 2 features
zygomatic process (28)
mandibular fossa (30)
o 4 features
internal acoustic meatus (69)
jugular foramen (40)
foramen lacerum (36)
carotid canal (37)
3. Mastoid
o 3 features
mastoid process (5)
mastoid air cells
stylomastoid foramen (39)
4. Tympanic
o 2 features
external acoustic meatus (11)
styloid process (27)
o Occipital (6 total)
Foramen magnum
Occipital condyles (26)
Basilar part
Hypoglossal canal (70)
External occipital protuberence
Superior nuchal lines
o Sphenoid (12 total)
greater (61, 6, 12)
Pterygoid Process
Medial Plate (33)
Lateral Plate
Sella Turcica (62-63)
Sphenoid Sinuses
Superior Orbital Fissure (67)

Optic Foramen (66)

Foramen Rotundum (68)
Foramen Ovale (34)
Foramen Spinosum (35)
o Ethmoid (8 Total)
Cribiform plate (59)
Crista Galli (58)
Perpendicular Plate
Ethmoid Sinuses
Superior nasal concha
Middle nasal concha
Lateral masses
Orbital Plates (15)
Each Facial Bones Features
o Maxilla (6 total)
Alveolar margin (process)
Palentine Process (52)
Infraorbital Foramen (10)
Inferior Orbital Fissure
Maxillary Sinus
Frontal Process (Below 50)
o Vomer (Just Identify)
o Hyoid (2 total)
Lesser Horn
Greater Horn
o Mandible (10 total)
Mental Protuberance (18)
Coronoid Process (19)
Mandibular Notch (Between 19 and 20)
Mandibular Condyle (20)
Mandibular Angle (21)
Mental Foramen
Mandibular Foramen
Alveolar Margin (process)
o Zygomatic (1 total)
Temporal process along with the process of the temporal bone
forms the zygomatic arch.
o Palentine (1 total)
Horizontal Plate along with the palentine process of the maxillary
bone forms the hard palate.
o Lacrimal (1 total)

Lacrimal fossa
o Nasal (Just Identify)
o Inferior nasal concha (Just Identify)

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