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Ab Planks
Protocol: 2 minutes (or failure)
Primary Muscles: Abs (All), Transverse Abdominis
1. Stretch out into full plank position with your elbows slightly in front of your shoulder joint.
Press forward into your forearms, squeeze your core, and keep your back flat your back
shouldnt droop or hump upwards.
2. Hold for 2 minutes, or until failure.

2. Crunches w/ Raised Feet

Protocol: 15 center, 15 left, 15 right
Primary Muscles: Abs (All), Obliques
1. Lie on the floor and place your feet up on a chair, bench, couch, or table; anything that
keeps your feet elevated works.
2. Extend your arms out in front of your chest thats starting position.
3. Complete 15 extended arm crunches down the center, and then repeat the movement for
15 reps to both the left and right sides. Thats 45 total reps. On reps to your left/right,
contract through your obliques and reach over your knees.

3. Reverse Crunches
Protocol: 20 reps
Primary Muscles: Abs (All), Lower Abs
1. Lie flat on the floor with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Lace your hands
behind your head.
2. Tighten your core, contract your lower abs, and raise your hips off the floor your knees
should pulse up and in towards your chest.
3. Squeeze the contraction for 1s, release down to the floor, and repeat for 20 reps.

4. Side Planks
Protocol: 1 minute/side
Primary Muscles: Abs (All), Obliques
1. Turn onto your right side and prop yourself up with an extended arm and stacked feet.
Your body should form a straight line diagonally.
2. Raise your left arm straight into the air, tighten your core, and hold the position for 1
minute (or failure).
3. Flip over and repeat a side plank on your right side.

5. Flutter Kicks
Protocol: 30 seconds
Primary Muscles: Abs (All), Lower Abs
1. Lie on the floor with your hands under your butt.
2. Keeps your legs straight and raise them off the floor about 6 inches.
3. While maintaining a TIGHT core and strong lower abs, flutter your legs up and down for
30 seconds (no more than a foot in either direction).

6. Bicycle Crunches
Protocol: 30 reps
Primary Muscles: Abs (All), Lower Abs, Obliques
1. Lie flat on the floor with your legs extended and hands behind your head.
2. Pull your right knee into your chest and simultaneously crunch your left elbow across
your body your knee and elbow should point at each other.
3. Immediately kick your right leg out, pull your left leg in, and crunch your right elbow
across your body. Repeat for 30 reps (each cross-crunch is 1 rep).

7. Ab In & Outs
Protocol: 15 reps
Primary Muscles: Abs (All), Lower Abs
1. Lie flat on the floor with your arms by your sides.
2. Simultaneously contract your upper and lower abs, and form a V with your body bend
your knees when youre bringing in your legs and maintain a flat back.
3. Release down to the floor and repeat for 15 reps.

8. Plank Knee Tucks

Protocol: 15 reps/side
Primary Muscles: Abs (All), Obliques, Lower Abs
1. Start in full push up position.
2. Tighten your core and bring your right knee into your chest arch your back upwards
slightly to amplify the contraction.

3. Kick your right leg back out to start and repeat for your left leg. Continue to alternate until
youve done 15 reps/side.

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