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Methods in Computational
Fluid Dynamics
A four-day course ideal for Continued Professional Development
(CPD) (With hands-on Open Source CFD Solver training)

This course will address the analysis of modern approaches to turbulence

modelling, different models and their applications to the solution of
industrial problems including external and internal aerodynamics, heat
transfer, combustion and aero-acoustics.
The School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering
Science & Technology Facilities Council, Daresbury Labs

Date: 7 - 10 September 2015

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Advanced Methods in Computational Fluid Dynamics

Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is required in many industrial applications including external and
internal aerodynamics, heat transfer, combustion, aeroacoustics, etc. It is therefore, if not more, at
least equally important as experimental Fluid Dynamics. Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) for high
Reynolds number flows is highly time consuming and only possible for relatively simple geometries.
There are many existing turbulence modelling techniques which allow a significant reduction in this computational cost. However, different models can provide very different results for the same problem. The
appropriate choice of a turbulence model, thus requires a deep enough understanding, significant experience and computational skills in the field of turbulence modelling. The course will address the analysis of
modern approaches to turbulence modelling and their applications to the solution of industrial problems.
The course consists of two parts: theoretical course on advanced CFD approaches and tutorials with
open-source Code_Saturne for solving the Navier-Stokes equations.
The main focus of the first part will be on RANS (Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes) models, LES (Large
Eddy Simulation) and DNS for turbulent flows, fluid-structure interaction methods, artificial boundary
conditions for compressible flows and aeroacoustics.
The second (practical) part of the course will be held at the Hartree Centre, on the campus of the Science & Technology Facilities Council (STFC) Daresbury Laboratory. This part is devoted to learning
how to use the open-source CFD solver Code_Saturne, which is developed by EDF R&D for solving the
Navier-Stokes equations. Code_Saturne is a co-located finite volume solver handling any type of mesh,
structured or unstructured. It includes a large range of RANS/LES models with additional modules for
compressible flows, combustion, radiative heat transfer, magneto-hydrodynamics, two-phase flows, atmospheric flows. Through various projects, STFC Daresbury Laboratory have tested Code_Saturne's
High Performance Computing (HPC) capabilities. They also have excellent training and HPC facilities;
the Hartree Centre currently hosts 25th and 30th fastest supercomputers in the world (Top500 supercomputers, Nov 2014).
This is a very successful course which has been running every year since 2012. It is delivered by the academic staff from The University of Manchester and researchers from Daresbury labs, STFC. The School
of MACE is a world-class Centre in CFD with the long term experience in the development of turbulence models and their implementation to the solution of real-life industrial problems.
Learning Objectives:
This course is concerned with the key turbulence models and their applications. Main objectives are the

fundamentals of CFD

principal approaches to turbulence modelling

fluid-structure interaction methods

industrial applications

challenges in implementation of turbulence models

best practice guidelines for CFD

The School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering

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Dr. Sergei Utyuzhnikov (Course Director), is working on the development of sophisticated mathematical methods with
their application to engineering problems. In turbulence modelling, his research involves near-wall domain decomposition approaches based on surface potentials.
Dr. Imran Afgan (Course Administrator/Leader) is an expert in High Performance Computing (HPC) related to nuclear
and renewable energy. He is currently involved in many industrially funded projects and has previously worked at lectricit de
France R&D and University Pierre et Marie CURIE on uncertainty quantification in CFD

Prof. Brian Launder's principal research has been in developing and testing models of turbulent momentum and
heat transport within the framework of RANS and URANS numerical solvers, particularly in the presence of strong
buoyant or rotational forces. His work is documented in his recent research-level textbook with Professor Hanjalic: "Modelling turbulence in engineering and the environment" CUP, 2011. He was elected a Fellow of both the
Royal Academy of Engineering and the Royal Society and received the prestigious 2013 Nusselt-Reynolds Prize in
recognition of his achievements.
Prof. Dominique Laurence specialises in CFD for complex geometries, statistical turbulence models and Large Eddy Simulation in a wide range of applications in nuclear power plant thermo-hydraulics, aerodynamic and environmental flows. He is the
Head of CFD group at the University of Manchester and also works as a senior researcher at EDF R&D in France

Prof. Hector Iacovides specialises in the field of computational modelling of unsteady turbulent flows, turbulent free and
mixed convection flows, turbine blade cooling flows and experiments. He is also the head of the thermo-fluids research group at
the University of Manchester

Dr. Tim Craft works on the development and application of mathematical models for predicting turbulent momentum and
scalar transport. He is a co-author of several models widely used in turbulence modelling

Dr. Robert Prosser works in the field of numerical modelling of turbulent combustion via multiresolution wavelet techniques,
industrial applications of DNS and LES approaches

Dr. Alistair Revell actively works with the open-source CFD software Code_Saturne. He has been involved in several large
EU funded projects which focus upon improving the prediction of turbulence modelling & simulation in aerospace applications

Dr. Alex Skillen completed his PhD from The University of Manchester on new overset grid formulations for complex industrial flows. He is presently working as researcher on hybrid RANS-LES simulation techniques and synthetic turbulence generation, with a particular focus on embedded LES

Dr. Juan Uribe is an active developer of the open-source CFD software Code_Saturne. He is also involved in the development of turbulent closures for RANS models. Currently he is working in the field of numerical modelling of industrial turbulent
flows for edf ENERGY UK

Dr. Charles Moulinec has been a Senior Computational Scientist at STFC Daresbury Laboratory for over five years. He has
experience in CFD for 20 years, mainly on numerical methods and in HPC for eight years

Dr. Stefano Rolfo holds a PhD in Mechanical Engineering focused on LES and Hybrid RANS-LES modelling applied to reactor
thermal-hydraulics. He is currently working for the computational engineering group at STFC Daresbury Laboratory

The School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering

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The Course Programme

Day 1: Monday 7 September 2015

Registration and welcome address

Dr. S. Utyuzhnikov


Introduction to turbulence modelling

Prof. B. Launder


Fundamentals of Direct and Large Eddy Simulations

Dr I. Afgan


Refreshments (Coffee/Tea)


LES for industrial applications

Dr I. Afgan


Numerical Methods for Direct and Large Eddy simulations

Prof. D. Laurence




Hybrid RANS-LES models

Dr. A. Revell


Interface boundary conditions and domain decomposition for near wall turbulence

Dr. S. Utyuzhnikov


Refreshments (Coffee/Tea)


Turbulence inlet conditions for LES

Dr. A. Skillen

Day 2:Tuesday 8 September 2015


Refreshments (Coffee/Tea)


Immersed boundary methods for fluid-structure interaction

Dr. A. Revell


Near wall modelling of non-equilibrium flows

Dr. T. Craft


Refreshments (Coffee/Tea)


Conjugate heat transfer problems

Dr. T. Craft


Artificial boundary conditions for compressible flows and aeroacoustics

Dr. R. Prosser


Lunch-break (Staff House Sackville street)


Group photograph session (George Begg building entrance, Sackville street)


Linear eddy viscosity models (both as a complete model and as a simple sublayer treatment)

Prof. H. Iacovides


Wall function (AWF and NWF)

Prof. H. Iacovides


Refreshments (Coffee/Tea)


Closing Lecture - Best Practice Guidelines for CFD


Distribution of certificates

Prof. D. Laurence

Please note: This is a preliminary programme and the order of the lectures may be subject to change.

The School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering

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Open Source Code_Saturne Lectures and Practicum

Science & Technology Facilities Council (STFC Daresbury LaboratoryHartree Centre)
Day 3: Wednesday 9 September 2015

Travel to STFC starting from University of Manchester Conference centre


Registration and refreshments


Introduction to Code_Saturne V 3.0 and its structure

Dr. J. Uribe


Hand-on Session: Code_Saturne (Laminar flow through Tube Bundles)

Dr. J. Uribe
Dr. S. Rolfo, Dr. C
Moulinec & Dr. I. Afgan


Refreshments (Coffee/Tea)


Introduction to Code_Saturne user subroutines


Visit to the Machine room (STFC computational facilities)




Code_Saturne's HPC capabilities

Dr. C. Moulinec


Hand-on Session: LES of flow through tube bundles with GUI

Dr. J. Uribe
Dr. S. Rolfo, Dr. C
Moulinec & Dr. I. Afgan


Refreshments (Coffee/Tea)


Hand-on Session: LES of flow through tube bundles with user subroutines and using

Dr. S. Rolfo & Dr. J Uribe

Dr. J. Uribe
Dr. S. Rolfo, Dr. C
Moulinec & Dr. I. Afgan

Day 4: Thursday 10 September 2015


Travel to STFC starting from University of Manchester Conference centre


Refreshments (Coffee/Tea)


Hand-on Session:

LES with Heat transfer using user subroutines

Use of subroutines for advanced post-processing
Submission of a restart job
Study of the effect of the partitioning

Dr. S. Rolfo,
Dr. C Moulinec, Dr. J.
Uribe & Dr. I. Afgan


Refreshments (Coffee/Tea)


Code_Saturne capabilities for mesh manipulation




Hand-on Session: Flow through T-Junction

Dr. S. Rolfo,
Dr. C Moulinec, Dr. J.
Uribe & Dr. I. Afgan


Open discussions/plenary session/refreshments (Coffee/Tea)

All staff involved


Visit of the Visualization Centre

Dr. C. Moulinec

Dr. S. Rolfo

The School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering

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Organizational details

Advanced Methods in Computational Fluid Dynamics

Date / Duration
Four days in Manchester UK, 7-10 September 2015.
The first two days of the course will be held at the School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil
Engineering on Sackville Street in Manchester. The University is close to the city centre (a five
minute walk). Piccadilly railway station and the central Chorlton Street bus station are also
within walking distance. Manchester Airport is a short rail journey away. The last two days will
be held at Daresbury Laboratories. Transport will be provided from Manchester to STFC for the
last two days of the course (leaving Manchester at 8am and returning from Daresbury at 5pm).
Delegate Fee
Booking and Registration
For online payment of the course use the link provided below
The course fee including lunches is 510 for the first two days (7 & 8 September).
The course fee including lunches is 510 for the last two days (9 & 10 September).
The course fee including lunches is 875 for the whole four days of the course.
All MS/PhD students and University of Manchester alumni/staff are eligible for a 30% discount.
Please contact the course co-leader for details.
Invoice will be sent to the registered email after payment has been cleared. All international
delegates outside of EEA/EU will require a valid UK visa. For alternative methods of payment
i.e. bank transfer etc. and for the visa invitation letter please contact the course administrator.
Cancellation Procedure
Up to three weeks before the event: free of charge; up to one week before; 50%. Nonattendance will not receive a refund. Cancellation must be in writing to the course administrator in advance.
The University reserves the right to cancel the course 10 days before the start (with a full refund) if sufficient delegates are not registered.
Lunch will be provided each day with breaks for tea and coffee in the morning and afternoon.

Official dinner for all staff and delegates arranged for the 9th of September

The School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering

Advanced Methods in Computational Fluid Dynamics

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Course booking form

Please reserve me a place on the above course


Given name:


Post Code:
Telephone Contact (Work):
Telephone Contact (Mobile):
Email address:



Please tick the correct box. I am registering for

the first two days (7 & 8 September) at full rate 510
the first two days (7 & 8 September) at discounted rate* 360
the last two days (9 & 10 September) at full rate 510
the last two days (9 & 10 September) at discounted rate* 360
the full programme (7 to 10 September 2015) at full rate 875
the full programme (7 to 10 September 2015) at discounted rate* 615
* The University of Manchester reserves the right to refuse to apply discounted rate without sufficient proof
(student ID, staff/alumni card etc.)
Personal cheque enclosed (Payable to - The University of Manchester)
I would like to pay by Credit card (See our Online Store)

You can pay through our Online Store!


Other Information.

For further information please contact:

Dr Imran Afgan, Course Administrator

Please delete where appropriate.

Telephone: +44 (0) 161 275 4334

Mobile Telephone: +44 (0) 757 7372 456

I will / will not require vegetarian meals (or other please state)
I will / will not need special facilities for a disability (please give details)

The School of MACE

The University of Manchester
George Begg Building - Room C008
Sackville Street
M13 9PL

The course will be jointly held at The University of Manchester and

STFC Daresbury Warrington

e-mail booking: imran.afgan@manchester.ac.uk

The School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering

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