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Things My Father Has Said

As Recalled By A Loving Daughter

A Missive for Creativity and Understanding


Amandrea Smith

(Not my real name)


My Father’s Rage


Published by lulu
Copyright 2007 by Amandrea Smith, all rights reserved.
ISBN 978-0-557-00345-7


Garm Breaks Free …(divorce)……………………………………………………………….7

The Unpleasant Task...(work)……………………………………………………………….25

The Speed of Dark.... (culture)……………………………………………………………....33

The Secret Fire…(God)……..………………………...……………………………………. 41

Render Onto Caesar …(finance)…………………………………………………………… 51

Thought I Had to Fart...(philosophy)………………………………………………………..55

Talking the Talk.... (language)………...…………………………………………………… 63

Useful and Necessary Skills...(memory)…………………………………………………… 71

Lesser Demons...(wrong thought)………………………………………………………….. 77

The World is Not Your Mother...(maturity)………………………………………………... 85

Fenrir Howling into the Wilderness…(education)…………………………………………. 93

Epilogue ……………………………………………………………………………………192


Dad, why are you saying such horrible things to me?


Why would I write such a politically incorrect book? The answer is because it is needed. I was
watching TV one evening and kept seeing a commercial for the news. This commercial
promised I would see a father’s rage as he confronted the murderer of his daughter. What I saw
was a man standing in the back of a courtroom pathetically scream a couple of incoherent
words. The newsreaders attempted to look impressed.
We live in a society where people are expected to suppress anger. No one wants to hear it
and many are frightened by it. You are expected to keep it to yourself, to undergo therapy,
obtain counseling, to learn to accept and move on for the convenience of others who don’t care
and don’t want to be bothered by your sorrow. This is fine but before you do you need to have
your rage validated, to know there is no shame in what you are feeling. You need to realize that
your anger is normal, your rage is natural and it is shared by many. By getting in touch with
your reptilian brain, by giving voice to your Id, you will gather strength, understanding, and the
ability to express yourself, to act and most importantly, to heal. This book’s appeal then is not
to reason but to emotion.
In writing about my father’s rage it was impossible to place his statements and stories in
chronological order so I have tried to arrange them according to what seems to be his own
themes that have meaning to him. What emerges from this categorizing is not just an angry rant
but a journey by a meandering path from murderous anger, torture slaying hatred to benevolent
Hopefully my father’s rage will help with your own journey.


I was concerned that my financial problems combined with the continual legal struggle just to
maintain my right to see you and your sister would eventually result in my having to leave. I
posed for myself the problem of how to reestablish contact or at least leave something that
would influence you positively, a legacy that would help you to be a better, happier person. In
the mean while I wanted the time we did have together to be as joyous as possible. I realized
quickly that there would have to be a reason, a motivation for you to seek the legacy out rather
than to be indifferent to me after years of my absence and nothing to counter the slanderous and
defamatory lies you were being told by your mother’s family. I decided that whatever it was it
would have to be linked to money.
One night I started watching a movie. It began with a daughter and mother discussing the
girl’s father. I learned from the conversation that he had been gone since the girl was little. The
mother had plenty of derogatory things to say about the father but the girl wasn’t interested in
hearing what she had heard a thousand times before. As the conversation continued, I learned
they had heard of the father’s death and the girl was going to Australia to claim her inheritance.
Once there the girl started going through her father’s things looking for information. She
found a big cardboard box full of letters addressed to her and marked return to sender,
something the mother had admitted to doing. She opened one and in her father’s voice I heard
him start to say how much he loved her. She threw it back in the box in mid-sentence with an
air of indifference and continued her search.

Anger is My Muse
Anger is my muse. I am at my most imaginative, my most glib, most motivated and creative
when filled with hatred. My muse turns the incoherent screaming of blind rage into words.
Sitting alone in my car in the dark for many nights with only my anger for warmth, I
considered how I could destroy all life on earth, yes, even kangaroos. The darkness has been so
enduring, so deep that I have been enlightened by it.
While enjoying myself reading in the dictionary and savoring the meaning of words for pain
and hate like perdition, malevolence, pernicious, rancor, and other such ugly words I had an
epiphany. Under kill was a quote from the Bible, “The letter kills but the spirit gives life.” I
realized that if I cannot kill everyone then maybe I could improve people so that they are no
longer recognizable. By this means I could destroy everyone.
I tell you these things so you may understand the other world view of burning anger,
consuming hatred, and unrelenting rage. What purpose does this serve? You are very
intelligent. This qualifies you to be an excellent clerk or technician. I’m sure in one of your
school classes you learned about creativity and innovation. You were told that creativity is
putting things together in a new, different way. How is this done? Do you randomly take one of
these and one of those and that off a shelf, put them in a box, shake it up and see what comes
out? To be creative and an innovator you need a different viewpoint, another understanding,
and a different way to think from everyone else. This is largely a matter of a different
experience. My gift to you is that adventure, my rage.

Police Related Murders

I have had a situation arise that has caused me to consider just what are the details of the
“drug related murders” of young black males as reported in the news media.
Having been arrested on drug related charges your sister was given the opportunity to “narc”
(become a confidential informer) on someone else. In exchange for this the arresting donut
eater (cop) said she would receive reduced or dropped charges for her offense.
This seems rather circular in results. If she narcs on someone they narc on someone else, that
person narcs on her. It is like musical chairs that ends only when someone won’t or can’t narc
on someone else. Having all committed the same offense, it seems unequal justice is being
The only purpose served seems to be to increase the involved cop’s arrest record and so
advance his career at the expense of valuable resources and the lives of those involved. My
daughter’s drug friends having all been arrested and offered the CI program (confidential
informer) know she was offered the same. She received one death threat as a result. Told of
this, the arresting officer said she could narc on someone else. It seems to me the police and the
courts don’t take the crime seriously and only prosecute those who don’t help their careers.
As I said, she had received a death treat. It seems to me then that the CI program is
responsible for a number of what has been termed drug related murders. Many of these killings
could more accurately be called police related murders.

An Argument Against the Murder of Judges

In the novel “Moby Dick” the captain shouts at the whale, “From the heart of Hell I strike at
thee!” His speech is colored by the times in which he lives. This is an era in which a large
majority of the population has deep religious convictions and attends church on a regular and
frequent basis.
Were this story written today the captain would have shouted at the whale, “F- you” This is a
contraction of the sentence, “I am going to F- you!” It is a threat of violent homosexual assault
and physical domination that originates in the prisons. That this jailhouse talk has become
mainstream language suggests that too many people have spent too much time in prison.
The purpose of the courts, the institution that is putting all these people in jail, is to punish or
remove or correct people who deviate from society’s norms and values. By imprisoning such a
large portion of the population as to affect language usage demonstrates the courts have
deviated from society’s norms and values. Such a malfunctioning organization tends to drive
out the competent and capable, leaving it in the hands of the incompetent. This problem is then
compounded because it becomes a haven for and even a magnet for deviates and degenerates
turning it into a perversion of its original purpose. This is why in New Jersey a self admitted
insane pedophile has been described by his peers as having been a good judge.
Individuals and eventually society will react to this. For many people their only direct contact
with the government is through the courts at the municipal level for traffic violations. Long
suspected and denied, now openly acknowledged in the headlines of the NJ Star-Ledger, these
courts are more concerned with raising revenue then with dealing out justice. Justified or not,
real or perceived, many leave these courts angry, believing they have been robbed.
The terror event in New York City had made many people very angry, feeling frustrated at
wanting to strike out at this evil. Those responsible are out of personal reach but just down the
street are those thieves in the courthouse. This should lead to a number of assaults on and even
murder of municipal court employees, their homes, cars and places of work vandalized and
burned, even more Timothy McVeighs.
Another source of seething anger is the Family Part of the Superior Court. Everyone
connected with this institution knows the child support laws are unjust, unfair and
discriminatory toward males earning below a certain income. They speak of it in whispers least
they are seen as rocking the boat and so jeopardize their careers. They allow these men to be
driven into poverty with a 16% deduction of their gross paycheck. To reach that income level
where they can survive they must work a second job and forgo seeing their children. Because
they are earning more they must pay more thus must work more and again pay more until they
physically collapse. Harassed and jailed so that they lose their job for failure to pay what they
cannot afford, their driving privilege revoked for nonpayment, so they can not work a second
job they become desperate and angry. To survive many flee.
The courts cover up this wrong by dehumanizing its victims. These men are contemptuously
called deadbeat “parents.” Their children are portrayed as hungry and shoeless because the
mother is unable to support them by herself and he has selfishly refused to support them.
Others in their anger murder their ex-wives, how often is not published. Instead, each murder is
portrayed as an individual act by a mad man rather than more common actions of men made
mad, certainly not as part of a sociological phenomenon.
The more intelligent are beginning to realize what is going on. It is the power of the court and
state working through their ex-wives that is doing this to them for their own reasons. This court
system seems to obtain some kind of voyeuristic gratification from the slaughter of mothers.
With the mothers dead and the fathers in jail for their murder the children become wards of the
state. Having disappeared into the state institution for family services, the most luscious of the
children can be easily turned over to those that would use them for pornography and
Knowing their true enemy, many fathers are directing their anger toward the courts. Under
violent attack, the government has labeled the actions of these men as acts of individual
domestic terror rather than as a leaderless revolution. Mainstream society will never believe
their government is so corrupt. This means bombs and bullets are not the answer. For every
pervert killed there would be a dozen willing to replace him or her and reap the rewards of the
position. The only thing persons engaging in violent actions against the courts would
accomplish is the removal of their selves.
How to kill the hydra then? Remove the rewards; turn it against itself so that each head
consumes the other. These creatures suffer many hedonistic vices: greed, jealousy, and
unfaithfulness. They bare grudges and in their covetousness do not forgive. By investigating
individuals and revealing what they would keep hidden, particularly the wrong they have done
others of their kind, we can turn them one against the other. Let one profit from putting a knife
in the back of another, or learn another has stolen from him and they will quickly start
imprisoning each other.
If I am correct in what I have been saying then an investigation of financial honesty will bring
them down. If I am wrong then no unjust harm will be done. Instead of F- you say to them,
Audit You. Once in jail others can tell them they have placed there, F- You.

The Big Lie

I had thought to involve you and your sister in an organized activity. I chose 4H and because
I knew something about it, bee keeping.
Well, this didn’t sit well with your mother and grandparents. They got a court order
prohibiting me from having you and your sister around honeybees. They claimed both you and
your sister were allergic. As proof they offered an emergency room record from around five
years before. Your sister had disturbed a nest of yellow jackets and received about four stings.
At the emergency room she received a cortisone shot and was sent home. The hospital record
stated she was treated for a, singular, bee sting.
I explained this to the judge and that there was no indication of a life threatening allergic
reaction as well as it was a totally different type of venom. The judge ordered that I present to
him the results of an allergy test before he would allow me to take you and your sister to the
beehives. This would have cost six hundred dollars.
In the mean time the Struck family terrorized the two of you saying that you were allergic and
would die a horrible death if you received a single sting. They went so far as to purchase an
epidermal kit and frightened you with the needle of the epinephrine pen as the only way to save
your life. As a result of this there was no 4H and you and your sister are convinced to this day
that you are allergic to bee stings.
What makes this just so much more horrible is your grandparents did the same thing to your
mother when she wanted a puppy. It was, “No Caroka, you can’t have a puppy because, uh,
you’re allergic. If you get a puppy you’ll swell up, turn blue and choke to death.” This is child
abuse and apparently it has moved through the generations. Now that you understand,
hopefully you won’t do the same to your children.

Lysenko, Enemy of Your Father

A lab technician by the name of Lysenko went to Stalin and said, “I can prove the validity of
communist theory by applying it to biology.” Stalin said, “You’re my boy!” Anyone who
disagreed with him thus wound up in the Gulag. The result was famine and a few million dead.
Even though Lysenkoism ended in the mid ‘60s, when an American fast food chain wanted to
open a restaurant in Moscow they found the local beef and potatoes of too poor quality for their
What does this have to do with you? Your grandmother lost a few relatives in that famine. I
heard several times at the supper table a tale from her child hood of the time Jack Sprat came to
dinner at her parent’s farm. It seems Jack was a survivor of the famine and at the end of the
meal he moistened his finger and picked up every last poppy seed that had come off the bread
in his plate. She thought this was very virtuous behavior.
As a result, food was a big issue in the Struck household. Your mother felt she had to have
three meals a day or she would get sick even though she was on a diet all her adult life.
As I would feed you in your high chair your grandmother would sit and watch and if she felt I
didn’t feed you enough she would criticize me although you obviously felt that you had
enough. On one occasion when I told her this she said that after I left for work she would feed
you more. This was the first time that I yelled at her that these were my children not hers and I
would raise them as I see fit. Well, I guess she showed me.
Anyway, you can see how the past can affect you regardless of if you are aware or not.

A King Named Solomon

Had I had a king named Solomon for a judge instead of a clerk named Epstein I would have
had custody of you and your sister. Instead of truth and justice I received stereotypes and
preconceived notions. Justice is a thing of caprice.
When you two were born I stood next to each of your incubators and reached inside to have
you both clutch my little finger. With each experience as I stood there, I saw myself grow old
and gray and thought how I would teach you the things you need to know and love you and
protect you and do everything else a loving father would do. The thought never occurred to me
that I would ever have to struggle for your hearts and minds, that to protect you, to keep you
from being cut in half I would have to back off from you. I am still standing there, crying.

Catching Fireflies
One summer evening, while I was still under court order for supervised visits, I decided to
take you and your sister outside on the lawn to catch fireflies. Your grandmother blocked my
way and demanded to know where we were going. I told her we were going to catch fireflies.
She said I could take your sister but not you. I asked why and she said she didn’t want you to
get bit by mosquitoes. I told her you were my children and I would raise you as I see fit. She
snatched you from my arms; I had to let go to keep you from being hurt in a struggle. She
then ran upstairs leaving me at the bottom shouting that you were my children, not hers. Your
mother called the cops and I had to leave.

Nothing New Learned Since 1945

For some reason, during a conversation with your grandfather, maybe in response to
something on the news, I told how while watching a baseball game at a local elementary school
a little girl had fallen over dead. Someone had fired a rifle in the air and when the bullet came
down it struck her in the head. Your grandfather said this was impossible because the bullet
was spent. I told him the bullet wasn’t spent until it was lying on the ground. Until then it had
enough velocity to do harm. He did, as you are familiar with, wave his hands in the air and
blither that the bullet was spent.
Another time, while at the dinner table, your grandfather started telling you and your sister
that if you should choke on your food you should raise your arms over your head to signal to
others that you’re choking.
I told him it was an inappropriate topic to discuss with the children while they were eating. He
disagreed saying it was important and you needed to know. I said to him that his information
was outdated and wrong. Raising your arms over your head further reduces the air passageway
and the modern universal sign for choking was to cross your arms and place your hands on
your chest near your neck, which was a more natural reaction. As usually he waved his hands
in the air complaining and blithering in front of you and your sister and to everyone else
present, “Oh this guy, you put your arms in the air, that’s the way it’s done!” He had not
learned anything new since 1945.

The Women’s Center Dirty Little Secret

My friend was arrested for domestic violence. Wasn’t the first time his wife had called the
police to put him out and win an argument. Didn’t tell them on any occasion that she was
bipolar or anything else. The lady judge, rumored to have behaved like a five-dollar crack-head
whore with Stitch, the police chief, in a downtown alley where drunks out of the go-go bars
urinate, set his bail high and refused him ten percent bail. We both suspect this was done at the
chief’s request. Stitch gave my friend’s wife a ride home from the police station and offered to
pay her rent in exchange for sex on demand if she would leave her husband. When my friend
got out of jail his wife quickly moved him back in and there has been no trouble in twelve
I know of one woman in the next town where Stitch started his police career that had a
restraining order against her husband for domestic violence. She was expected to “Date” the
police department before they would enforce the restraining order against her husband who was
a personal friend of several members of the police department. She refused to date them and
eventually committed suicide.
If I know about this type of behavior from the cops then so do the women at the domestic
violence center. Because they have to rely on the good will and cooperation of the cops they
have remained silent. This is the price they pay to save some.

Your Mother
Your mother and I were married I think for six years, maybe seven, I’m not sure. I have been
remarried for nineteen while your mother has had quite a parade of men. This includes the guy
in a wheelchair from the bar down the street. I think it averages out to a new one every couple
of months. You can see from this that I am not the one who can’t work out problems and
maintain a stable relationship.
My home is filled with laughter, the only time I recall laughter in the Struck home was when
Johnny Carson did his dialogue. That was the time I came home from work and so was not
allowed to talk. My dinner was sitting on the stove, the Struck’s leftovers, which I would often
just eat cold then go to bed after turning on the vaporizer in your bedroom.

What Are We Doing in New Jersey?

Your mother came to Arizona to obtain a master’s degree in anthropology. We met and
married. I don’t remember proposing to her. I do remember your mother knocking on the door
while I was in the rest room. I hollered some thing like, “ what do you want?” She mumbled
something back to which I replied “Sure, whatever you want.” Next thing I know we were in a
store looking at wedding rings. When she graduated she refused to do anything with her
Master’s degree and enrolled in the local community college to get an AA degree in medical
Your grandmother in New Jersey, while waiting for a bus had her purse snatched. She was
knocked down and broke her arm. Your mother was very upset by this saying her parents were
old and might die soon. Because of this I told your mother that as a graduation present she
could go to New Jersey, find a job and a place for us to live. I’d sell the house and join her.
Rather than one of several supervisory positions in southern NJ that her degree qualified her for
she took the same low paying clerk job she had in Phoenix but was close to her parents. When I
came, she showed me two single-family homes and told me to pick one and we would purchase
it with her parents and live there with them. I refused to do this and instead we rented a house
and lived with her parents.
Your mother stayed on me about getting a New Jersey driver’s license while always finding
excuses to not put me on her checking account. Three months to the day after I obtained a New
Jersey driver’s license establishing legal residence in the state I was out the door with
accusations of domestic violence. (She had come home at 2AM for the second night in a row
and I asked her to talk to me.) I believe I had to be a legal resident for three months to get a
divorce. I know that three days prior to the domestic violence your mother removed all the
gas credit cards from my wallet.
Your Sister’s Tears
I heard your sister crying. I saw the tears of a 4-year-old after saying to those who were
suppose to love her, “Don’t say that about my Dad,” and they gathered around her shouting,
“Your crazy, your stupid, you will never amount to anything, just like your father!” I would
have killed them all but you and your sister would not have understood and would have been
further traumatized. I had to put your best interest before my desires.
As it was, after a lifetime of church attendance and prayer, many of which they made seeking
divine intervention against me, your grandparents died separate, protracted, miserable deaths.
This may have been justice for them but not for me.

Read this with Fear and Tremble

(A Halloween story)
I am going to tell you a frightening story. It is one so scary that women, children and cowards
should not read or be told of it. It is a story of your own death. What makes it so terrible is that
its true, it is real, it is happening now.
Because of you, your indifference to justice, your refusal to right wrongs within your
community and society I have spent many nights alone in the dark with only my anger to keep
me warm. Not your problem, I have made it your problem. I spent this time considering how I
can destroy all life on earth, yes, even kangaroos. I have thought about how if I can’t kill you
all how can I make sure that when your grandchildren’s children cry it won’t be for you but for
When Timothy McVeigh hit the news I was able to say he was a punk who accomplished
nothing except his own death. Tim destroyed some valuable property that could be rebuilt and
killed some people who could be replaced at a dime a dozen. This proved I was right when I
decided bombs and bullets, at least from my direction, was not the solution. You would know
you were under attack and hunt me down. I would be stopped before I had completed my goal.
I knew even before Tim, one alternative was an army of angry men who could be moved to
violence and manipulated or at least influenced by me. Such people as I was looking for, as
individuals and organized groups, could be found in the lunatic fringe and on the web. The
Freedom of Information Act had also been useful in this quest. All I needed was a charismatic
leader to unite and direct them. A tremendous task but one I had the remainder of a lifetime to
All this changed on 9/11/01. I had my army. I only needed to enter into a dialogue with them,
influence the Jihadists’ thinking and direct their efforts toward meeting my objectives. I opened
this dialogue by asking why the World Trade Center was a target. The answer was predictable.
Jews control the U.S. government. That is why when Israel goes to war the United States goes
to war right along with it, airlifting all the supplies Israel needs. Jews control international
banking and trade. The trade center then was full of Jews. Striking the towers was a blow
against Israel. Americans worship money. By knocking down the trade center our Holy of Holy
was destroyed, sparking a religious war.
I told Ray Daly about this. As a child playing ball in the street he had gotten his head caught
in a storm grate while trying to retrieve a ball that had rolled into the drain. The fire department
had to be called, he got his picture in the paper and it was all around a big event. Ray wanted to
argue with me on a spiritual and moral base. My response was to say he was talking to the
wrong end of the horse. I was only repeating what other people with violent intentions have
told me. My intention was to understand their anger and hatred so I could manipulate them. In
response to his comments about anti-Semitism I replied that the Reverend Jessie Jackson had
referred to New York City as Hymmietown. He was forced to apologize but I doubted if by
simply silencing him his mind was changed and that there are many others who agree with
what Jessie said. I then reminded him I am not anti-Semitic but anti-life.
I also shared my “An Argument Against the Murder of Judges” on the web. This essay offers
proof that murdering pedophiles control the courts. It concludes with the suggestion that
individual judges should be investigated and their wrong doings exposed as a means of closing
down unjust courts. My audience enjoyed this and offered the suggestion that before the judges
were revealed they should have added to their misdeeds the acceptance of a bribe from al
Qaeda. Ray argued this was not necessary. He said corrupt officials are being revealed and
charged with their crimes all the time. I gave the opinion this was not so much the result of
sincere people on a crusade for honest government but villains conducting vendettas against
other villains. It was kind of like a drive by shooting or a mob rub out without the physical
violence. With enough money to finance the investigation of a significant number of public
officials the government could be shut down. Ray sputtered a bit about this but agreed it was
Eventually the conversation moved to the subject of terror groups obtaining a nuclear weapon.
The Jihadists said New York would remain a target but with all the extra security it would be
difficult getting a nuclear device into the city. If they only had one they would have to be that
much more careful. It was suggested that an atomic bomb is a proximity weapon; it only had to
be near New York to do its job and might have a more disastrous effect that way as half of the
blast would not just blow out to sea.
Adjacent to New York City is the state of New Jersey. There the governor saw the terror
event in New York City as simply creating another plum job to be given to his friends. For this
Governor the main qualification for Homeland Security Director was a willingness to engage in
a homosexual affair with him. When this issue was raised on a national political talk show one
opponent stated that both political parties in New Jersey had a long-standing tradition of
corruption. Everyone laughed and they moved on to another topic. In this state is the county of
Somerset whose prosecutor, caught in his misdeeds, fled to the gambling tables of Los Vegas
and killed himself. In this county is the 1.8 square mile town of Bound Brook, which has been
issued a consent order from the Department of Justice regarding discrimination. In addition
to this a town a building inspector has been accused of using his position to blackmail women
into having sex. The town’s police chief is rumored to have engaged in misconduct ranging
from stealing from the station house coffee fund to ticket book rape. A female judge of that
town is said to have behaved like a $5 crack head whore in downtown alleys where drunks out
of the go-go bars urinate and a mayor is rumored to have shook down a charity for wounded
veterans. It was discussed that in such a town not only could a base for nefarious activities be
established but also protection purchased from the local officials at reasonable cost. Security
for transportation of the weapon within the state was also possible. All that was necessary was
the purchase of a PBA (Police Benevolent Association) shield to display in the windshield of
the transporting vehicle. This would provide them with immunity from being stopped by the
police even if the vehicle had a bumper sticker that read “Honk if you love Osama.”
A topographical map overlaid with a highway map was examined. It was observed that
central New Jersey formed a natural corridor between New York and Philadelphia. The features
of this corridor would serve to funnel a majority of the blast toward the two cities. Midway
between the cities is the town of Bound Brook. Here a few highways come together and there
are railroads and pipelines that would be destroyed by a blast occurring there thus disrupting a
much larger area.
Ray Daly became agitated on hearing this, said he would go to the FBI and inform them, that I
would be stopped. I told Ray it was too late, the deed was done. Instead, Ray seems to have
disappeared. I had suggested he first investigate local storm sewers as a possible blast shelter
for him and his family. Perhaps he did and became wedged in one in a way similar to what
happened to him as a child. There is a nasty smell of rotting corn beef and cabbage coming
from a near by storm drain since July.
Before Ray disappeared we discussed if the people of Bound Brook and Central New Jersey
deserved this. While the Jihadists had an argument with the U.S. government was the average
Joe, the typical American also their enemy? Ray told how Abraham pleaded for Sodom saying
to the Lord,

“Will you really sweep it away and not spare the place for the sake of the fifty righteous
people in it? Far be it from you to do such a thing, to kill the righteous with the wicked, treating
the righteous and the wicked alike.”

I asked this of the Jihadists. Viewing the various discussion forums for Bound Brook and
reading the archives for these sites the Jihadists obtained their answer. It became clear that like
Sodom, the people of Bound Brook were a hateful and wicked people.
Perhaps if you had held your officials to higher standards of integrity this could have been
stopped but you did not. Maybe if you were not such a hateful people this would turn out
differently but you are not. If you had not been so indifferent to the needs of others this might
not have happened. What you are is ashes. By your own vices are you destroyed. Good
riddance to you.
This has been only a Halloween concoction, the equivalent of throwing a sheet over my head
and shouting, "BOO." Or is it BOOM! Or is it?

To Destroy All Life on Earth

I do not have the means to destroy all life on earth so I have looked for an acceptable
alternative. It finally came to me, humor. More precisely, a good practical joke that becomes an
integral part of the culture.
There is a tribe of herdsmen in Africa who feel their cattle are too valuable to use for food.
Because of this they take milk and blood from their cattle that then forms an important part of
their diet.
The joke is played on young boys who are told that if they blow hard and frequently into a
cow’s butt its milk production will be increased. During tribal manhood ceremonies they are let
in on the gag and decide to perpetuate it.
In South America there is a primitive tribe that in long ages past was visited by a God. This
God told them it would be really cool if they would all pound a stick through their face. They
have done this for many generations.
I would be very happy to author such a thing as these.

Your Stepmother
Your stepmother was thrilled she was going to have two little girls. That was until we had to
go to court. I countered by asking that she be allowed to pick up and drop you and your sister
off for visitation, that you be allowed to engage in girl activities with her such as going to the
beauty parlor and having your hair and nails done. The courts said your stepmother had no
independent rights and that I must be present.

Here is a conversation you and your sister had with your stepmother.

Your sister: We don’t like you.

You: Yea.
Stepmom: Why is that?
Your sister: You broke up my Daddy and Mommy’s marriage.
You: Yea.
Stepmom: That is not true Honey; there was another girlfriend before me. Remember Patty?
Your Sister: That’s right, she lied!
You: Yea!

Here is another conversation.

Your sister: My mommy said you’re a N-I-G-G-E-R.

You: Yea.
Your stepmother cried.

When we first married, your stepmother was too embarrassed to use the restroom while I was
home. After a couple of years she farted in the bed. She was very upset and to calm her down I
said it smelled like roses to me.
Twelve years later she did it again. As I tried to leave the room with burning eyes she shouted,
“Hey, hey! What happened to the roses?” I got back in bed.

Your stepmother and I had an argument and I won. I laid out the truth just as plain and self
evident as 5+4=9. No one can deny that 5+4=9. I won! Her response was, “Your mother didn’t
raise you right.”

I picked you and your sister up for visitation. On the way home your sister announced she
had chicken pox. I had to turn around and return the two of you to your mother’s home.
When we arrived there I told your mother she should have informed me your sister was sick.
I told her my wife had never had chicken pox and to expose her to it now could cause her
considerable harm. Your mother giggled.

I came back from the beehive and told your stepmother that with all these little Italian girls
working for me I wanted to be called Pimp Daddy. Your stepmother said, “No pimps allowed
in the house.”

My dog and I were a team. He would let me pretend the girls were smiling at me and I’d let
him think the cats were running from him. It was at Christmas time that he became very sick. I
decided to take him to the vet. Your mother demanded to know how I was going to pay for it. I
showed her I had taken the checkbook out of her purse. (I was not allowed access to money, not
even an allowance.) She came over to me and tried to take the checkbook from me. When I
pulled away she fell and then shouted I nearly caused her to break her arm. I tried to apologize
but she jumped up and snatched the checkbook from me. I took Smokey to the vet. anyway
where I was told the only thing that could be done was to put him out of his misery. I called my
sister and she came with twenty dollars to pay for it.
A few weeks later I heard your mother say to a friend, “Yea, like the time his son died.” I was
very hurt to hear the contempt in her voice.
The first item on your mother’s divorce complaint was that I had knocked her down causing
her to nearly break her arm.

At the Library
When your mother and I first separated I was sleeping in my car while saving my paycheck to
pay for an apartment. One place that I would go to get warm was the library. While there I read
all the books on divorce. All of them were the same saying be civil, think of the children, do the
right thing and pay your child support. They were very adamant about the child support. The
only book that was different was one put out by a women’s rights group explaining how to find
your husband’s hidden assets.
I was in a rage and none of this was what I wanted to read. Where were all the angry men? I
found what I wanted in the lunatic fringe with titles like “F the B.”

The Bloody Pillow Case

It was wintertime and your sister would get nosebleeds during the night. I found the cure for
this was to put a vaporizer in your bedroom at night. The problem was I worked on the second
shift getting home late at night. I asked your mother to please turn on the vaporizer after putting
you and your sister to bed. She refused to do it.
Your grandfather said your sister would get nosebleeds because she picked her nose. I told him
that may be so but whenever the vaporizer was turned on she did not do this because her nose
did not bleed. I pleaded with your mother to please turn the vaporizer on. No matter what I said
or how I said it she continued to refuse to do this little thing and instead would be hateful and
angry with me for insisting. It had to wait until I came home at night and do it myself.
I never understood why she would not turn the vaporizer on until after our divorce. Your
mother was fully under the influence of her parents who were such tight fisted misers they
didn’t care if your sister had nosebleeds. They wanted to save money on the electric bill and
your mother went along with it.

Baby Joshua
When I was a much younger man I was much too inexperienced to have much of an opinion on
anything. I did find there were many people happy to provide me word for word with what they
felt my opinions should be. On the topic of abortion on demand I said I thought it was a selfish

Baby Joshua wanted to live.

As I grew older some of my peers asked what was the meaning of life. I answered that life was
its own meaning. To exist was the purpose of life.

Baby Joshua wanted to live.

Many people said the children of marginal members of society, the poor, ignorant, criminals,
were undesirable, a burden on society and should be allowed to die thus decreasing the excess
population. Others said we might loose the next Edison that way. They were countered with the
statement that it was not likely and someone else would then invent the light bulb.

Baby Joshua wanted to live.

My three-month pregnant daughter was in the South Bound Brook court in June. She dropped
the domestic violence charges against her alcoholic husband. I told the judge that had he killed
her there was enough evidence to prosecute him. Why could the court not do so now with the
same evidence, why did the court need her permission? The judge said there was nothing he
could do. I asked him if he knew how this would end. He said yes.

Baby Joshua wanted to live.

Outside the courtroom I told the father if he did not keep his hands to himself I’d cut him up.
He said I’d never see his son. I told my daughter her child wanted to live. In a drunken rage he
would beat the child out of her. She should get away from him before he murdered the child.

Baby Joshua wanted to live.

I spoke to politicians, rights organizations, lawyers, anyone I could think of. They all said they
could not advocate for the life of Baby Joshua.

Baby Joshua wanted to live.

Six months later I received what I at first thought was a late Christmas card. Inside the typed
envelope with no return address was a copy of the obituary announcement for Baby Joshua.
From it I learned the funeral had already occurred.

Baby Joshua wanted to live, and he did, for 25 minutes.

Dealing with the Devil

While drunk one night I called the devil’s name. He showed up saying, “Who called me?
What do you want?” I told him it was all a mistake, sorry to have bothered him. He said as long
as he was there he would make me a deal. I could be rich, famous and live a long and healthy
life in exchange for my soul. I turned him down and he became very irate with me for having
wasted his time. He said he’d get me for that.
Shortly after this frightening incident you mother showed up.

It was Easter and with some effort and arguing I managed to obtain some money from your
mother. I thought it would be fun to buy her an Easter basket and picked out a nice one. The
day before Easter your mother wanted to go to a local restaurant to use a buy one get one free
coupon she had for an ice cream Sunday. Alarm bells went off in my head and I was filled with
dread. Carefully I asked if she had any cash because I did not have any money. She did not
answer but made her usual hateful face instead.
When it was time to leave she told me to pay the bill. I shouted at her, causing everyone there
to look at us, that I had told her I didn’t have any money and that I had spent it all on a gift for
her. She cried as she paid for it.
The next day when your mother received the gift she angrily ridiculed it. I didn’t care. Your
mother spoiled much with her controlling hatefulness, even her own surprise bridal shower.

Correcting Your Sister

When we lived in Phoenix I sometimes had to discipline your sister. To do this I would send
her to her room. On one occasion I heard her open and slam her bedroom door and thought she
must be mad.
When I looked down the hall I saw she had pulled her blanket off her bed and threw it in the
hallway. When I looked again, the blanket was half way down the hall. When I next looked it
was almost in the living room. Suddenly, it was in the living room and out from under it
popped your sister! Was I ever surprised! We laughed and laughed.
When I joined you and your sister and mother here in New Jersey an occasion arose where I
had to discipline your sister. I told her to go to her room. She refused so I placed her there. She
refused to stay there so I held the door while she screamed and banged on the door. Your
grandmother came to me and told me to let her out, she couldn’t take the noise. I told her these
were my children and I would raise them as I saw fit. She physically struggled with me to let
your sister out while your mother and grandfather shouted hatefully at me. This was described
by the Strucks as an incident of child abuse to the courts.

The Divorce Agreement

The divorce agreement between your mother and I stated I was to be consulted and involved
in any major decisions involving you and your sister. If we could not come to an agreement the
issue was to be settled by arbitration in conciliation counseling provided by the court. It never
happened. The Struck-Monsters did with you and your sister as they pleased leaving me to
find out about these decisions however I might and after the fact. This of course led to
Your sister described to me what sounded like psychological testing. Your grandfather was
always shouting that your sister was crazy and need psychological help because she was
physically active like any four-year-old that had been raised in a house that did not shake when
someone walked across the floor. A house with a yard and that was on a residential street where
everyone parked in their drive way and not only had side walks but walks that were not in
serious need or repair.
That Saturday when I came to pick you two up for visitation your mother was not home.
Your grandmother was in the backyard hanging laundry that I noticed included yours and your
mother’s. I stood at the gate and shouted that I wanted to know what you people were doing
with my children. Your grandmother came up to me and said it was none of my business. I
shouted at her that you were my children, not hers. She did something, I thought she pushed
me, she probably just blew in my face and I shoved her. She fell down and your grandfather,
watching from the window came running out with his fist drawn behind straight armed like a
sissy behind him and swung at me. He got a black eye and as I held him on the ground he
shouted, “Help, help, someone call the police!” I was arrested.
Another degrading incident happened when I spoke to you on the phone. You said Scouts
were having father and daughter bowling night in three days and it would cost fifty dollars. It
was five days until payday and I had no money at all. You pleaded with me but there was
nothing I could do. I felt miserable.
I never received school report cards. I went to the schools and asked for them but the schools
acted as if they were guarding state secrets. Any time I wanted to see a report card I had to go
to court. This cost twenty dollars and took a month.
I learned that your sister had been seeing a psychologist. After receiving a court order
allowing me access to your sister’s records I obtained a summary of her treatment. It concluded
saying she was making progress and gaining insight into her behavior when treatment was
discontinued due to the refusal of family members to participate. In my mind I could see your
grandfather sitting in his recliner and waving his hands in the air shouting why should he go, he
wasn’t the one who was crazy. Knowing how these things work, I’m sure your sister’s
treatment plan went with the money and was based only on what the Struck-Monsters said.
Your sister’s school district decided she couldn’t meet the new, higher standards for high
school graduation. They sent her to the county vocational high school instead which is the
traditional dumping ground for unwanted, unclassified students. I disagreed with the decision to
place her in this school but by the time I found out she had already been hyped on the idea that
she was going to learn a marketable skill. This was going to be food service, an industry where
she would be competing with immigrants for low paying jobs. When the situation arose I asked
if the vocational school taught her how to fill out a 1040-A for her federal income tax. She said
that class was conducted by the teacher who taught the cosmology classes and it always
deteriorated into a hair dressing session.
I tried but the only part of the divorce agreement the courts were willing to enforce was child
support. Every time I went there I would have to quit my part time job first because your
mother would counter complain with a demand for more child support.

Evil Triumphs!
So you don’t want to talk to me or even have anything to do with me. You complain that I
wasn’t there as you were growing up.
Think Honey, I was there. I didn’t brake up our family, that was your mother and her parents
doing. Told to get out I didn’t do it fast enough to satisfy them so they falsely accused me of
domestic violence. I was not allowed any money from our bank account but instead was
harassed for child support even though I was sleeping in my car. Your mother even wanted that
from me saying I should take the used car with a cracked block that her father had gotten a
good deal on through his social connections at church. I was accused of sexually molesting my
own children, had my bank account seized by the state at your mother’s insistence because I
was behind on my child support even though I was paying it and the court required amount for
arrears through a payroll deduction. These are only some of the things the Struck’s did in their
attempts to drive me away.
No Sweetheart, constantly harassed through the police and courts, humiliated and degraded, I
was forced away while your mother’s family did all they could to have you share their hate for
life itself and me specifically.

Evil triumphs! Garm has broken free; he has swallowed the moon.

Always remember, anger is just one letter away from danger.


OSHA Visited
Old Mohamed, a worker in a medical laboratory, told me that in ’85 all the white people
started quitting due to the AIDS scare. Unable to locally replace them the corporation
sponsored people from the Philippines to come work there. It has been a destination for those
people every sense. Next to them the largest group is Pakistanis and Indians. The contracted
cleaning crew is all non-English speaking Spanish immigrants.
I worked there on the third shift for three years. During this time a gurney with five shelves
sat in a major isle narrowing it to about half. Each of these shelves held about twenty-four racks
of open test tubes, about forty in each. An exit hallway in the rear of the building was choked
every night with garbage carts that often had to be shoved out of the way to use the exit.
Every month this employer had a fifteen-minute safety meeting. The supervisor would talk
and everyone had to sign a paper saying they had attended and under stood. This paper was
then filed.
During one meeting they announced OSHA, the Occupational Safety and Health Agency, was
going to do an inspection. At the safety meeting following this visit I stated the employer
wasn’t serious about safety. I pointed out that of the last three hundred and sixty five days the
gurney and trash carts had sat where they are right at this moment for three hundred and sixty
four days. The one day they weren’t there was the day OSHA came through. This proves
management was aware of the safety hazard they posed and chose to cover it up and continue
to allow this unsafe practice.
Nothing was done but I did begin to get written up for small infractions of procedures and

The Union Locals

I have been in two unions, three locals. All of these locals were in northeast New Jersey. It
seems it is more important for the locals to be near New York City than to be in Central Jersey
with easy access to the union shops here.
Both unions were in receivership because union management had stolen most of the union’s
money and fled the country. While in one I read a story in the newspaper that the thieves had
worked out a deal with the new management to return half the money in exchange for
charges being dropped. Shortly after a union representative came to my place of work and
explained why we were not going to have any dental coverage in our union provided heath
insurance. He did not mention anything about what I had read in the paper. I can’t say for sure
why but I smelled a rat.

5-S is an industrial program coming out of Japan. The five pillars of the program are Sort, Set
in Order, Shine, Standardize and Sustain. These are all things that our mothers should have
taught us; clean up your room, put things away, throw out things you are not using and keep it
clean! She didn’t because she was at work trying to support her family because Dad couldn’t do
it on his paycheck.
I don’t trust the Japanese. Having been defeated in WWII they remain our economic rivals.
We went to them and asked the secret of their success. I’m sure they said among themselves,
“What should we tell them so that they do not surpass us?” The answer was to tell us that we
should spend the first two-hours of the workday not in production but exercising. Afterwards
we should send everyone to the company nurse for a suppository. Someone said the
suppository might be too much and to reduce the exercise period to one hour or we might get
suspicious that they are pulling a gag on us.

Blood Borne Pathogens

At work I had to attend a health and safety meeting on the subject of blood borne pathogens.
This meeting consisted mostly of a short film.
After the meeting I pointed out to the boss, the film was produced by office workers for office
workers. These people don’t produce much and spend a lot of time at work wanting to have sex
with each other. Out on the shop floor we weren’t trading bodily fluids with each other and
were more concerned with tetanus, a daily danger.
This must have made sense to her and in a couple of days there was a nurse there to give
tetanus shots to anyone who wanted them at company expense.

Fire Safety
At one job I worked with a group of young boys who were all graduates of North Plainfield
HS. They not being particularly bright or knowledgeable I found I had to teach them many
things. One day I decided to teach them something they might find useful in life such as “Stop,
Drop and Roll.” At the conclusion of the instruction I decided to test them to see if they had
really learned anything. Because little Mario was the smart one in the bunch I set him on fire.
As Mario ran around the room screaming the others shouted advice to him such as go out side
and put snow on it. I finally had to knock him down and stomp him out. They had not learned a
I Hear Voices
While discussing with my boss my annual performance evaluation I told her I needed a large
raise. The reason for this was I was hearing voices. The voices were saying horrible things to
me, urging me to do terrible things, things that I didn’t want to do. With a large raise I could
afford the medicine I needed to stop the voices. My supervisor was their looking worried and
he asked what the voices were saying to me.
Using different scary voices I repeated what they were saying; Pay the rent! The utility bill is
past due! In a desperate voice I begged for her to make the voices stop. I received the same
raise as everyone else.

Gun Ho!
Gun ho is a Chinese term meaning work together or all together. At a lot of jobs management
talks a lot about teamwork. You’re not even referred to as an employee but as a team member.
Management’s definition of teamwork and mine are different. Management’s is exploitive,
telling the team members that every job is their job and to use their own initiative to make sure
every thing gets done. Management’s goal is to get as much work as possible out of each team
member. My definition of teamwork is employees working cooperatively to help each other
and get the job done.
The problem with being a team player is you need a team to play on. Without a team the team
player does more than their share of work because others are slacking. The slackers, usually
brown nosers, hog the easy work for themselves and keep a close eye on everyone else to make
sure no one does less work than they do. They will fight for this to the point of causing
themselves and others to lose their jobs.

How to Avoid Work

Work my dear, is any unpleasant task. Having dinner with relatives you dislike can be work.
Driving a train can be a leisure activity if that is what you truly enjoy. This is an important key
to happiness in life. Because so much of your life is devoted to work, choosing the right job is
about the most important thing you can do. To get paid, a living wage, to do something you
enjoy and might very well do for free is a blessing.
There is a danger though. Many people, usually well paid white-collar workers, when you ask
who they are, will give you a job title. Too much of their identity and self-esteem is dependent
on their jobs. Some of these people, should they loose their job, suffer dire emotional harm.
They will kill themselves, they may kill their boss and coworkers, many will drink heavily or
just will generally do all sorts of crazy things that are not good for them. A lot of times their
wives empty out their joint bank accounts, get a divorce and run off with their boyfriend. A
person needs a variety of interests.
The Old Age Outlaws
I work with a bunch of old greasers. Most of these guys have worked together for so long
they have watched each other go bald and develop gastrointestinal problems. Most are veterans,
ride motorcycles, have tattoos and arrest records. They are “The Old Age Outlaws”.
Riding herd on this gang of misdemeanoring no goods is Megan. She is the child of two
English teachers and has been chubby and a straight A student all her life. While explaining to
her one morning why Bad Bob didn’t come to work she interrupted me with, “Oooh, can I have
the PG version please?” like there could be a PG version of Bad Bob. She comes off as sweet
but she is ambitious and knows how to throw a knife.
The reason Bad Bob wasn’t at work is while in a NJ shore bar the head of a lesbian biker
gang, covered with scars, sores and tattoos, came up to him and wanted to know why he was
called Bad Bob. (I’m giving the reader the PG version too.)
There is a second Bob, Hungry Bob, the starving artist. This former paratrooper is a graduate
of that famous artsy-smartsy school.
Chevy, who was named for the car his father drove seems to have inherited the same problem
with recalling nouns and proper nouns. To compensate for this he renames things with names
he can remember. I’m Charlie-O. While working with him he asked me to hand him the thing-
a-ma-jig. He said what I handed him was the do-hickey.
The Dirty D, the rip-roaringest, rootin-tootinest old age outlaw this side of the Pecos even
after the colonostomy his wife got him for his birthday.
Jesus, the meanest man from Mexico, every sentence begins with “hey gringo”, and ends with
“bend over”. On 9/11 I learned of the event in NYC by walking into the break room and
finding him in the middle of the floor waving his arms in the air and shouting, “Who ever did
this, they weren’t Spanish! We love this country, we love it!” After he had calmed down a bit
he observed they waited until the Spanish cleaning crew had left the building and all the Jews
should have been at their desks.
Richie, the wise old man I can go to with any question or problem and receive an answer. I
told him I had been with over 100 women and none of them could achieve an orgasm. What is
wrong with them? The answer, maybe they have the same problem as the woman in the movie
Deep Throat. I should go back and check, they’ll thank me for it. If that doesn’t work, try
another orifice. I really annoyed Richie one time. He threatened to shove Mean Dean’s head up
my butt and won’t I look silly that way?
Mark has a sister who was dating Big Foot until she embarrassed him with her bad table
manners at the Deer Club all you can eat fish fry. That and she left a nasty stain in her chair.
Mark denied having a sister. I told him if Big Foot had dumped my sister I’d deny having a
sister too.
Rateye wears a number of Band-Aids on his fingers. When asked why he said it was to protect
some warts from getting cut or banged around. Only thing is no one has seen these warts. I
suggested it was from cutting himself while shaving. When asked why he would cut his fingers
shaving I replied with a question stating why would anyone need to shave hair on their
hands? What has he been doing to cause it to grow? Some people got the joke, some didn’t. A
tall and lanky person, Rateye spends a lot of his free time hanging out in grocery stores. He
walks the isles waiting for little old ladies to ask him to get something down from a top shelf. If
he says yes or no is unknown.
Jim is the guy who had to study to get his GED. Seems he didn’t get his high school diploma
because he failed gym class. How can a guy named Jim fail a class called gym? I can just see
what went on in the class. The teacher would ask Jim what he had done today and he would
respond with I don’t know. The teacher would then call on the top student in the class who
would answer that Jim had cut 2nd period metals shop to smoke in the bathroom with the cool
kids. Jim received an F for the day while the smart kid got an A.
JB is a prankster. He spent most of his youth in the slums of Newark and Camdem. He looked
around him at the community and people and decided he wanted more and better, to be free of
the violence and drugs and other ugliness. To tease him his family calls him white boy.
One time JB said I was as old as his father. I told him I might be. I asked him what his
mother’s name is, does he have a picture? Mom might have been a bit wild back in the day. He
said his mother was never wild, got huffy about it too.
When I started this job I took a look at all the gray hair and bald heads and thought there was
going to be a level of maturity in the place that I was not accustomed to. I was wrong.

Wood Chucking Woodchucks

Dad: How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck two cords of
woods in two hours and would chuck wood for eight hours.
Me: What is a cord?
Dad: It is a unit of measure.
Me: Eight cords of wood.
Dad: That is wrong. The answer is less that eight. After the first two hours he would be tired
and slow down.
Me: Humph!

I told Danny that Dean wanted to see his butt. I then told Dean to go see Danny, he had
something to show him.

Loading Cargo
I read an account of a conversation between a cargo ship’s captain and his First Mate
concerning the proper loading of perishables in the ship’s hold. The mate felt that if they gave
more space to the product they would not be able to pack as much but the spoilage rate would
be lowered to the point that they would arrive with more at the market. The captain explained
the mate’s math was wrong because he did not factor in that the cargo, slaves, had not read
Virgil and therefore would not die. “Is quisnam teno quam morior mos nunquam servio” (He
who knows how to die will never be a slave).

Paid Time Off

The word holiday is derived from Holy Days. Those who do not believe in God should not
celebrate these occasions and either work through them or not accept pay for the time off. To
do so makes them hypocrites.
Many people call Thanksgiving, Turkey Day. I don’t like this. I find it offensive. I prefer ham. I
correct people and tell them to wish me a Happy Ham Day.
I do recognize Thanksgiving as an important day. We should be thankful for the food we
have. In the middle of the winter we can have fresh grapes to eat! Our ancestors were thankful
for bread and gruel, salted or smoked meat.
I really enjoy the songs of the Christmas season. I think anyone who does not appreciate the
message of joy and hope contained in them, of peace and good will to all would benefit from a
visit by Scrooge’s old partner, Jacob Marley and his fellows.
While it is not an official holiday or paid day off, my favorite special day is Halloween. I like
it because it is about fun, mostly for children. People can make all the claims they want about
what the event use to mean but now it is about dress up and candy.
I recall reading something once where the author made reference to some people who wrote a
book about their son killed in World War I. They said by denying their son scary stories and
such they had not prevented night terrors but had banished Sir George. I said on the topic that
no child that, through literature, had stood vicariously before the gates of Leidhra could fear the
dark. I won’t go into it but anyone who has children should read a book called The Uses of
Back on topic, the rest of the holidays are meaningless to me except as paid time off.

Concepts of Time
Old Tommy was retiring soon. From time to time he would fall asleep. No one would bother
him because they knew he’d wake up in ten or fifteen minutes and go back to work. Everyone
also knew if he was to be startled awake they might get cut.
One day, young Roberto was complaining about Tommy. He said he had been watching
Tommy for three whole days and Tommy wasn’t pulling his weight. Tommy was slacking, not
doing his fair share.
I told Roberto that Tommy had already done a lifetime of work. Tommy was waiting for him
to catch up. Everyone present agreed with me.
I was Fired
Applying for many jobs is degrading. The application contains many questions concerning
the applicant’s family’s acceptance of government assistance. By hiring off the bottom of the
job barrel they can take advantage of tax breaks that the government gives for the chronically
unemployed. Other questions ask how they plan to get to work, if they own a car or have other
reliable transportation. A long section of the application is some sort of psychological
evaluation test with a lot of questions about honesty. They also advertise a competitive wage
that actually means they pay the same low wage as everyone else.
I worked a second job for one of these abusive companies as a security guard. Every other
payday the cops had to come to their offices because someone was raising a ruckus about they
had been shortchanged on their paycheck. They did this to me also. For four weeks I both went
to the office and called at all different times of the day only to be told no one was there that
could handle the problem and to leave a message. In the mean while they shortchanged me two
more times. After this I became a little more aggressive in my demands for my money. I left the
message that I had some rope in the trunk of my car. I was going to use it to set a snare at the
entrance of their building and as they came out I was going to snapped it around their ankles
and pull their heads out of their butts. I got a response rather quickly on that with the owner
wanting to know who authorized me to make threats. I demanded to know who authorized him
to cheat me on my pay. He asked what sites I worked at. I told him only one of three and he
fired me. To get the money I was owed I had to get the state involved.
I worked another job (not Wal-Mart but very similar). At ten p.m. when the store closed and I
started work the air conditioning and half of the lights were turned off. To offset the assumed
lack of productivity of these low paid workers; the supervisors were expected to watch them
closely. If someone were to stand up straight and stretch their back or simply walk from one
area to another the supervisor would be right there demanding they get to work. Another
function of the shift supervisor was to insure no one went to the time clock a minute early to
punch out.
An interesting thing about the time clock is it was always five minutes fast. The shift
supervisor always had the correct time. This situation gave the store several free minutes of
labor per employee on each of three shifts, seven days a week creating noticeable savings on
labor costs. I tried my best to work under these conditions but couldn’t take it any more after
four months.
When I started another job a co-worker told me not to expect to work there much more than
two years. At that time I would have advanced on the pay scale more than the employer was
willing to pay. He had seen it happen to others and it was about to happen to him. He would be
harassed and nick-picked by management until he quit or they have a flimsy excuse to fire him
shortly after he got his raise. He was right.
The guy they hired to replace him was not as good. We were all team players, which means
there is no such thing as “not-my-job” so we all had to work harder.

I worked part time at a grocery store for three years. I never took sick time and always came
to work on time. Many times they called and asked me to come in to work when someone
called out and always did. On the job I was patient, helpful and kind to the customers. The
customers knew this and those that the other cashiers didn’t want always came to me.
After the terror event in New York I was laid off and I applied for unemployment. Most of
what I was making from the part time job was deducted from my unemployment check. I
quickly found another full time job but at night. The start date caused me to give the grocery
store only one-week notice that I was quitting instead of the two that they wanted. As a result I
was placed on the do not rehire list. All my other good work did not matter.

Two ravens flew at Highbreeks. The hawk met them with beak and claws. Unscathed, they
pecked him to death.

The End of Work

There has been a lot of talk about increasing the retirement age. I watched a pencil neck old
geek on TV talking about it saying he was in favor of raising the retirement age because he felt
he wasn’t ready to retire. (The heck with the rest of us.) The thing about him was he worked in
a hermetically sealed, climate controlled building where he wore a tie and jacket in complete
comfort year round. His office was ergonomically designed making it more comfortable than
his own home.
I stand on a rubber mat all day, have an electric fan for cooling in the summer and depend
heavily on the strength of my back to earn my living. If my body does not hold up until I retire
then the cost of my old age will be transferred from my employer who would have to pay me a
pension, to the tax payer who would have to pay me disability, a lesser amount.


Primitive Needs of Society

At some long distant time, people lived in small family groups of hunter-gatherer-fishers.
Their educational needs served the interest of simple day-to-day survival and were taught
within the group principally by example and learned through imitation. Society was based on
tradition and necessary tasks were performed according to custom. Most cultural values were
transmitted through the performance of rituals, imitation, and role modeling.

Civilized Needs of Society

The transition from subsistence savagery to food producing barbarism and eventual
civilization saw the development of agriculture, crafts, mathematics, written and spoken
language and social-political organization on an increasingly higher and more complicated
level with the function of ritual becoming institutionalized. Because of an increase in the food
supply, created by more efficient means of production, people began to have the leisure time to
specialize in occupations and relied on others to provide those things they need and did not
produce themselves. A student could enter into one of these specialized areas of knowledge by
being apprenticed to someone within the extended family or by paying a fee to someone in
need of extra help. This person then became responsible for the student’s education.
The printing press, with its ability of cheap and mass production of books, provided the
means of accomplishing a change in the educational needs of the masses by providing
information to anyone who could read. In those areas of the Christian religion, there were two
main reasons to learn to read.
The Protestant Reformation required the layman to study the Holy Bible independently to
obtain his salvation. For craftsmen and other artisans, the availability of books eliminated the
need for direct contact with a master as well as memory as the only means of obtaining and
storing knowledge. The thought created by this new religious expression, information
explosion increased the quantity, quality, and affordability of goods, improved, and created
new processes and devices. This accelerated the rate of change in society with one effect being
the conversion of what were once luxuries into necessities. Another effect was standardization
of practices.
The ability to read and perform other basic skills such as math computations enhanced the
value of the student seeking to enter a trade and the possibility of being accepted. To meet this
need, communities and trade organizations began setting up secular schools and hiring teachers.

Simi-nomatic tribes were by necessity democratic. Any tribal member could easily pick up
his household and leave. Among such groups would be those who had distinguished
themselves. Among the other members of the group were the mean (average) persons who
did not see the hard work, sacrifice and other virtues employed by the exceptional but viewed
the achievers as lucky, as favored by the gods. Such persons were looked to for wisdom and
leadership. This kind of honor was earned by merit with each generation.
It was settled agricultural and fishing communities that developed well-defined social classes
and by necessity, authoritative rule. One of Pharaoh’s symbols of authority is a simple but
ornate digging stick. With that he is proclaiming himself the head ditch digger.
At the top of the settled societies then were still those who had distinguished themselves and
passed on to their offspring their wisdom and authority. Present at all times was the less than
the mean, the sycophant. Always ready to flatter the great man’s ego the sycophant would also
tell exaggerated and even false tales of the great man and his ancestors. Listening to the mean
and the sycophant and believing would have been the great man’s children. From there it was
an easy step for the hereditary leaders to be convinced they were not just favored by the Gods
but descended from them. Caesar believed he was descended from Venus, Mark Anthony a
descendant of Hercules. This justified the hereditary right to rule, the resulting riches and
accompanying luxuries. To be noble was based on being more than human. To these dimi-gods
the rest of us were cattle.
Because of the divine nature of the early nobility the community had certain expectations of
them that involved interacting with larger gods to insure things necessary for survival such as
the timely arrival of rain. Failure could mean the nobles would be sacrificed to appease angry
Such a situation was intolerable to the nobles and they worked to change this. As their
communities grew the nobility became isolated from many members of their group by physical
and social distance. They took on greater mystical aspects and gathered to themselves loyal
military cadres that were often outside mercenaries. If the locals said the nobles must be
sacrificed to appease the gods they could counter that the gods were upset with the populace
because of their sins and had the muscle to back it up. If it was the noble’s duty to insure the
sun rose every morning by dressing in his full regalia before sunrise and sitting in an east
facing window for a couple of hours then it might be discovered this power could be transferred
to the noble’s crown. Servants then could set the crown in the window every morning while the
noble slept in. The loyal, well-paid military made certain criticism was silenced.
This is essentially the beginning of the concept and power of nobility. Things changed as
different people in different stages of cultural development moved about interacting with each
other creating new dynamics but the idea remained essentially the same.

Communities of Will
The survival and prosperity of communities and the stability of the affluent classes depends
in a large part on their nations being well governed. To accomplish this, the leaders need
knowledge of diverse things. This requires a liberal education covering many topics. With the
re-emergence of democracies, it became necessary for the voting public to have the same
liberal education as their leaders. This ensures the ability to make informed and consistent
decisions based on common knowledge and understood needs of a culture, rather than those of
special interest groups that may serve to weaken and fragment the nation.
Having a vested interest in the education of its citizens, government is the only agency
capable of financing, organizing and insuring equal access by all its citizens of a universal and
uniting education system. To meet the needs of government, this education system would have
to be mandatory and free.
The goals of government sponsored education then should be:
1. Develop primary skills for entering into occupations.
2. Instill national identity and citizenship skills.
3. Prepare a collective, common mind for participation in the governing process.
4. Provide additional instruction a community deems valuable.

The Needs of the Individual

The needs of the individual can vary from those of the government and society. The individual
conforms to the rules and rituals of society when it benefits him to do so or the forces and
effect of coercion, persuasion, education, religion and blunt force compels him to. When the
will of society, as determined primarily by its leaders and dictates of culture conflicts with that
of the determined individual, the individual frequently is judged as criminal. Society, to protect
itself, then takes action to correct, punish or remove that deviating individual.
A psychologist named Abraham Maslow proposed a theory concerning the needs of the
individual centering on the phrase “self-actualization.” He believes people are innately good
and that normal, healthy development depends upon fulfilling potentialities. Anything that
blocks obtaining self-actualization makes a person frustrated and neurotic. Aggression and
destruction are viewed as unnatural and the results of an environment that prevents the
satisfaction of human needs. What Maslow considers true human needs he groups in an order
of priority for obtainment:
Physiology - Satisfaction of hunger, thirst, sleep and sex.
Safety – Security of body, of employment, of the family, health and property.
Love and Belonging- Friendship, family and sexual intimacy.
Esteem - Including self-respect, confidence and feelings of success.
Self-actualization - The realization of one’s own full potential and satisfaction of the thirst for
knowledge and beauty.
The Global Community
From the first days of surplus food production and the resulting population growth, the trend,
with some set backs, in human interactions has been towards the amalgamation of peoples into
larger associated groups. This process is continuously being accelerated by improvements in
communications and transportation and trade. Barring a disaster to civilization, the accelerated
intellectual and educational exchange occurring between respectful civilizations will lead to
the synthesis of a dominant, generalized global culture, communicating in two or three
common languages that may eventually lead to an altogether new language.
This is occurring among the elite of societies, the social, political and business leaders. These
are the trend and fashion setters who develop and implement policies and direct economic
growth. They are disseminating this new culture to the masses through behavior modeling and
other means that leads to cultural adaptation and change. In some situations these leaders have
become alienated from their parent cultures. As a result they are viewed with hostility and
suspicion by the masses. This happens particularly when the elite attempt to force change
through the application of law and taxation and can result in a fundamentalist cultural backlash.
By nature of its development as a land of immigrants, the United States of America is the
melting pot of the world. For this reason, supported by its economic power, scientific
leadership and entertainment industry, it has been in a position of leadership in establishing this
global culture. As a result of this it is accumulating resentment in varying degrees from the
cultures it is encroaching on. The U.S. cultural domination is now being challenged by a united
Europe and an emerging China. The problems and methods these three mega cultures and
economic blocks have had in absorbing and adjusting to internal diversity and local variations
as they developed into nation states is the same that the global culture will encounter. This is
not to say all other cultures will be abandoned. In the process of their assimilation they will
contribute to the main culture and create local variations of it. Within these variations there will
remain linguistic enclaves that preserve cultural heartlands.
It is the factor of recognized mutual interests and benefits that is presently the dominant cause
of the amalgamation of diverse people into one. German and Japanese businessmen and
investors are achieving the goals the soldiers of a previous generation failed to obtain. The U.S.
is further achieving its manifest destiny doctrine through its economic power and Europe is
uniting. I know of no writers that are considering the disaster to civilization scenario.

The Role of Education

A civilization is a group of people cooperating together to enhance individual survival and
quality of life through community well being. The unique consensual and imposed forms,
rituals and symbols used by a community to give meaning and structure to social interactions is
that group’s culture.
Through the operation of culture an individual is indoctrinated into specific modes of
behavior and thought that reflects a coherent community worldview, philosophy and values.
The directed and deliberate attempts at this are largely performed by institutions that provide
routine services necessary for the day-to-day functioning of the community and oversees the
performance of rituals and traditions.
The existence of formal education institutions indicates a community has the means and
desire to perpetuate a certain view. The content of the education provided by the schools
indicates the priorities of the group operating it, reveals in what terms it regards the world
around it and the direction in which the community considers that its own development should
go. Confusion in the schools then is the results of confusion in the culture.
The task of education and the role of culture then are not separable things. Both serve the
purpose of assimilating the individual into society as a functioning and contributing member.
This is accomplished through the guided development of the individual in amassing diverse
information and training in its application.
For educators to attempt to remove values and other cultural and sub cultural indicators from
the curriculum results in a state sponsored nihilistic society. Many argue this results in the
production of hedonistic sociopaths. At the same time there are those who wish to use the
schools as a tool for social change according to what they think is best. The role of the school
in a cooperative multicultural community is not the teaching of values but virtues that everyone
can agree on such as truthfulness, honesty, hard work and family fidelity.

Such an education would have among its goals the following:

1. Recognize recurring patterns of human behavior and association.
2. Develop an understanding of the political, social and economic development of the world
that provides a basis for political thought and activity.
3. Familiarize the student with the development and function of science and technology.
4. Identify how human behavior in recurring situations has led to change and innovation and
the resulting social impact.
5. The students realize they are makers of themselves, develop self-responsibly and
6. Teach skills necessary for self directed study and learning.
7. Apply knowledge in adult situations.
8. Develop specialized and marketable knowledge and skills.

The Color Blue

You may have noticed the U.S. government has a preference for the color blue. There is a
reason for this. If you look at depictions of American revolutionary soldiers and British soldiers
their uniforms appear essentially identical except for their color. The British are in Red because
when their government authorized a standing army it was looking to save as much money as
possible. Red was the cheapest dye available so they chose that color for the uniforms.
It was different with the Americans. George Washington liked blue. When authorized by the
state of Virginia to establish a militia he chose the color blue for their uniforms and called them
the Virginia Blues. As commander of the Continental Army and then as President of the United
States he established this personal preference as a tradition. Even today the dress uniforms of
the U.S. armed forces are blue.

An example of change occurring within a culture can be found in our wedding vows.
The wording was developed to fulfill certain needs and provide for situations that arise
based on experience. There is a reason for the words, “forsaking all others” and “What
God has joined together let no one set asunder.” These words no longer have meaning
and anyone can come into a marriage and break it up. The victim, the aggrieved spouse,
has no recourse and if he attempts to take any can be jailed. A marriage anymore is a
simple financial agreement for joint property and debt ownership and division.
The statement “Until death do us part” serves a purpose. It represents cultural wisdom
gathered over many generations. People are not too familiar with the meaning of the
marriage ritual today. Many don’t understand it and attempt to write their own vows.
This is why there are widows angry at God, “Why did he take him from me?” They are
angry at their deceased spouse, “He said he wouldn’t leave me.” They seek counseling
for understanding of what they should have already known.

The American Dream

At one time the American Dream was of a family farm. It changed and became a
house in the suburbs. It is now of a nice, new car.

The Cultural Center of the World

New Yorkers and people within that area seem to feel New York City is the cultural
center of the world. From what I have experienced of the locals all that culture must be
for the tourists and is not partaken of by them.

Scientists now believe the catastrophic emergence of Polio was caused by the then relatively
new knowledge about sanitation that had wiped out earlier scourges. Previously, children had
become infected with Polio at an earlier age (when the disease tended to be nearly harmless and
invisible) and would then achieve lifelong immunity to it. Better sanitary conditions meant
Polio now struck may more children latter in life with terrible results.

Alien Encounters
If aliens from other planets are visiting us why are they being so secretive? It seems
unreasonable that after all the time, effort and expense, and they must be enormous, of traveling
here these visitors would hide from us. What was the point of coming? To figure this out it is
useful to ask if anything like this has ever happened before. The answer is yes.
A good example is Cortez and the other conquistadors. These guys did not sneak around
but got right to the business of recouping their expenses and establishing profitable
Another is the Chinese fleet. It traveled around all over for a while showing off how
wonderful it was to be Chinese and extracting tribute. Eventually the cost became too much and
the fleet was abandoned.
In both cases the aliens made themselves known to the locals and their governments. That no
outer space aliens have made themselves known to us must mean they are not here.

Barring a Disaster to Civilization

In speaking of culture I told you that from the first days of surplus food production and the
resulting population growth, the trend, with some set backs, in human interactions has been
towards the amalgamation of peoples into larger associated groups. Sometimes this was
voluntary and sometimes it was done by force. I said this process is continuously being
accelerated by improvements in communications and transportation and trade. Barring a
disaster to civilization, the accelerated intellectual and educational exchange occurring between
respectful civilizations will lead to the synthesis of a dominant, generalized global culture.
This sounds rather nice, surely benign, at least until we look at it from a different perspective.
What you may not have paid much attention to is the phrases, “…the trend, with some set
backs” and “Barring a disaster to civilization…” As I have suggested, the principle motive
force of this interaction and assimilation is commerce. You have been told that we have moved
from an industrial based economy to that of an information and service based one. What has
really happened is the industrial jobs have been relocated to other areas. This was not done in a
search for better educated and prepared but rather cheaper labor and the lack of other
constraints to profit. The cost of the essential international shipping is offset by this cheap labor
and is further supported by cheap oil. A radical change in either of these two factors can upset
the whole global economy.
The question to ask is, has anything like this ever happened before? The answer is yes, in
England which was said to have become a nation of clerks and shop keepers, its wealth based
on its overseas possessions and investments secured by the might of its military. A major
problem that existed within the British Empire concerned the limits of its population. My I.Q.,
a test I had to take as part of your mother and my divorce, ranked me in the bright normal
range. I am unimpressed with my abilities. Because of its small size, the British population did
not produce enough people of superior intellect to efficiently run the empire. These capable
desired only to serve overseas for a limited time. Talented native managers were not allowed to
rise to top levels of administration and authority resulting in bitterness and frustration. Unstable
political and economic world events saw the loss of much of this source of income to the local
control of subject people demanding a larger share of the wealth they produced and created.
They proved capable of providing for themselves much of the administration and other services
formerly dominated by the British. I have read that the British, in negotiating with Gandhi
for his backing in WW II offered to seriously discuss home rule after the war was won. His
response was something like, “This is a post dated check drawn on a failing bank.” After the
war the British had to substantially reindustrialize.
When I came to Bound Brook, I saw the mall size parking lots of three manufacturing plants
in the area slowly returning to forest. One is partly open doing something with recycling while
the other two have been replaced with shopping centers, their thousands of full time jobs
replaced with a few hundred low paying, part time, service jobs.
All this economic turmoil, at least turmoil from the workers point of view, translates into
higher profits for the corporations provided prices remain stable. An event such as a global
recession would force prices and credit interest to drop to a level affordable to workers who
have seen a decrease in their pay. The workers of the new foreign industrial economies will
demand an increase in pay bringing the cost of labor there more in line with that here which
will decrease due to competition for available work. As the foreign industrial plants age and
new technology makes them obsolete and in need of replacement more labor will return to the
original industrial nations providing more local production for local needs. A disaster in the oil
fields will accelerate this.
As of now, many jobs have gone away, sent to other countries. This was not because the
workers there were better educated and able to meet the needs of today’s and tomorrow’s work
force. It has nothing to do with better schools as educational reformers would have us believe.
The jobs went overseas primarily because the workers would labor for a significantly lower
wage. In this country the work force planed for today and tomorrow is destined for the service
and administration industry in all its myriad forms.
Why the drive, the desire for a service based economy? It is good to be rich. It is better to be
rich in The United States. A wealthy person in another country can buy a top of the line luxury
car. They might not have top of the line roads to drive it on. Here we have an essentially stable
political and social system and docile work force. Here there is peace, security and easy
obtainment and enjoyment of what wealth has to offer in a clean, unpolluted environment with
white snow at the ski resorts unsullied by factory pollution. This will attract the best and
brightest from all lands who will telecommute world wide to run the global economy.
Occasionally some will have to fly somewhere else in the world for a few days or months but
the problems previously faced by the British Empire will be solved. All is being prepared for
this New World Order. The election of a person of color to the Presidency will signal that the
U.S. has become a cosmopolitan society where all this can now be possible. The accelerated
influx of the world’s best and brightest will create intense competition with the indigenous
population for the best and lesser jobs creating resentment towards the forengie.

If We Come From Monkeys

If we have evolved from apes then why am I afraid of heights? Why do I suffer from vertigo?
I understand that the startle reflex of expanding your arms and legs is a hold over from living in
trees. Its purpose is to stop a sudden fall by reaching out for a branch. If we have retained this
then I should be able to walk on the top of a fence without getting dizzy.

What Came First, The Chicken or The Egg?

If you believe in divine creation then God created a chicken that laid the first egg. If you
accept current theories of evolution then something laid an egg out of which came the first true
A ridiculous story, eh? I have told you before that a measure of your understanding can be
obtained by your ability to explain to another so they obtain the same understanding. Another is
that you apply your understanding consistently and in various situations. Not doing either of
these, not knowing which came first reveals a lack of depth in your understanding of your own
beliefs. So tell me, why did the chicken cross the road?

Human Evolution
I think humans did not evolve as anthropologists tell us on the African savanna as scavengers
turned hunters but rather at the shore as beachcombers turned fishers. Anthropologists say there
were several different anthropoid species present on the savanna. Having learned to walk
upright they then went extinct being eaten by lions and eagles. Only the one that evolved into
humans survived.
I think the human ancestors didn’t become extinct just like the other anthropoids on the
savanna because they were not there. They were at the beach, in marshes, estuaries and river
deltas where they finished evolving into humans on a diet of seafood. This is why a seafood
diet is so healthy.
Because we evolved where fresh water was plentiful we did not develop the ability to go all
day without it as the forest apes can. Another indication of this may involve the need for iodine.
As you move inland further and further, iodine deficient symptoms increase. A study that
reveals this occurs more often among human populations than adjacent local animal
populations would support this supposition by suggesting humans in their evolution never
needed to adjust to environments containing less iodine than that available at the shore.
The other day I was watching some chipmunks playing. I thought, “Why not them?” There are
other creatures that I’m sure are just as smart as the early human ancestors, they have hands and
some use tools. The main difference then is that the human ancestors learned to walk on two
legs. The radical physical changes necessary for walking upright seemed to be something
impossible until I consider that they evolved around water. Having to move through different
depths of water they would be motivated to walk on their hind legs while the buoyancy of
the water would assist in this task. After about a zillion years the anatomy of the prehumans
would adjust to this upright posture until they would be able to walk effortlessly without the
support of water.
Having learned to walk upright in an aquatic environment how did the other anthropoids end up
on the savanna? Perhaps the river creating their fortunate environment suddenly changed
course as the result of an earthquake or volcano. They might then have followed the dry river
bed inland. Instead of the beach their aquatic paradise might have been provided by an inland
sea or lake that dried up again stranding them on the savanna.
From their beach locations, once they were equipped to do so, humans would have spread
worldwide by following the cost line and inland by moving first up rivers and then following
streams, staying close to plentiful water supplies and their resources. As situations and seasons
demanded they would have adapted their fishing tools to hunting.

Observations at the Beehive

The difference between a worker bee and a Queen is nutrition. A queen gets fed a better diet,
one consisting of more royal jelly, while in the pupa stage and thus emerges fully mature. The
worker gets less and thus emerges with a less mature body. This strikes me as unnatural, a
perversion of nature to not allow your young to mature. What could have caused it? An inferior
diet suggests severe and prolonged environmental stress and deprivation.
Among animals in nature, a response to severe and prolonged environmental stress is to
reduce their population thus creating less demand for reduced resources. In an experiment with
rats placed in a deprived environment they did just that. The sex drive being too strong to turn
off it became diverted and many became homosexual. In addition to this some became infertile
and others cannibalistic with many acquiring more than one symptom. This indicates that there
are natural homosexuals, individuals who are born with a predisposition in different strengths
to become so. It can then be considered a type of birth defect unless there is an environmental
cause. Under such a scenario there would be a rapid increase in the occurrence of
homosexuality and in such numbers that society would have to change and accept it as a viable
life style. Viewed as a biologically induced tendency child molestation can be considered a
type of cannibalism that cannot be controlled or corrected but would be much harder to gain
Because the beehive is a cooperative community requiring a certain population according to
the season, reducing the population below needed numbers would mean the death of the
community. Not allowing the young to mature would reduce the number of hives and the
demand for food by the individual colony. In this way the perceived perversion is explained as
a survival of the species mechanism as is homosexuality.
Of course this raises the question of what was the event the honeybees were responding to?
A meteor or a comet strike? Was it a super volcano or some other global disaster? Not
necessarily. It could have been more local. Melting glaciers, plate tectonics or some other such
event or combination of events could have isolated a group of bees on islands thus creating
limited resources that had to be adapted to. With the passage of time they may have been
reunited with the mainland through similar processes with no need to readapt.
I had published this on the web and it was received with extreme hostility. It seems some with
closed minds and poor reading comprehension and math skills thought I was saying
homosexuals were child molesters. Had they been paying attention they would have realized I
implied some child molesters are homosexual and some are not.

Lysenko and Scientific Creationism

I have told you before about Lysenko and how his bad science was forced on the people of
the Soviet Union because it was politically correct. History is repeating itself and bad science
has again become a big political issue. It is called Scientific Creationism or Intelligent Design.
By deviating from modern accepted principles of biology it too could result in famine. To know
how it may develop, what could happen and how it can affect you it may be useful for you to
read up on Lysenkoism and its implementation.

Free Speech
You have the truth, as revealed through divine scripture and interpreted by me. Free speech
among the laity only serves to promote doubt and confusion that leads to blasphemy. It is
therefore a tool of the Devil and should not be allowed.
Priest or what ever else you may wish to call them, Pastor, Father or something else possess
divinely revealed truth. Their learning then is mostly rote learning of dogma. As a result they
can be quite closed minded, intolerant of any heresy, and resistant to any change. If such things
threaten their authority or mental security they often respond with some form of
The big idea in the Protestant movement was that people should gather together and study the
Holy Bible themselves. A group of friends once gathered for this purpose and asked how could
they better understand God’s will so that they might better serve him. The fiery gospel that
came from this group sent the British navy to blockade the cost of Africa and armies marching
in the US singing “…as he died to make men holy let us die to make men free.”
Now-a-days, most bible study is conducted by church elders and it serves two purposes, to
identify and correct heresy and to indoctrinate people into established church beliefs. People no
longer ask how they can understand God’s will but instead turn everything over to him to deal
with according to his plan because they can not do it themselves. God now serves them.
Good and Evil
Chaos is energy and motion. Because it is disorganized, objects come into violent conflict and
collision with each other resulting in destruction and change. Once things come to rest, lose
their energy or are moving in paths that don’t bring them into conflict with each other then
Order exists. Order is what is left after the destruction of Chaos. Perfect order then would be
the complete lack of energy and motion.
If we equate Chaos with Evil because it is destructive and unpredictable then Evil has the
victory over Good. Because of the nature of Evil/Chaos it will feed on itself until it is self-
destroyed. This gives the illusion of Good triumphing over Evil. Order is really just left over

God’s Humor
We are made in God’s image, we have a sense of humor, therefore God has a sense of humor.
Where is the evidence? Perhaps it is so very dry we do not recognize it. Perhaps also it was
edited out as a result of translation from one language to another: Hebrew to Greek to Latin to
English. Maybe when God spoke to Moses from the burning bush he opened the conversation
with “Knock, knock!” Just on observation of life and the world I’d say God’s humor runs
towards puns and fart jokes. I like puns and fart jokes.

The Nature of God

If God is good, what is good? Outside of Mound City Missouri, while traveling the West on
my motorcycle I discovered something about the nature and goodness of God. I pulled into a
gas station at the intersection of two highways in the middle of nowhere. As I was leaving, a
car in a big hurry pulled out cutting me off and sped away. As it did so I saw the car’s gas cap
come flying off the roof. Being a nice guy I picked up the cap that matched the car’s trim and
chased after the car. The car sped across the bridge and entered the southbound ramp going
about 80 miles an hour. I stopped in the middle of the bridge and watched it disappear over a
hill. I threw the gas cap on the ground, turned around to go to the northbound ramp, and
discovered my rear tire was flat.
Had I been excessively silly about doing good I would have dumped my bike at 80 mph. Had
I not tried I would have lost control of my bike and crashed at 55 mph. Instead, the tire went
flat while I was stopped. It seems that God will reward good but not to the point of foolishness,
even punish you for it worst then if you had not tried. The difference between the two might be
determined by how much kindness the recipient has earned and is deserving of. This can often
be an unknown to me. The rule to follow then would be the one I had applied, to place no more
at risk than I can afford to lose.
I violated this principal by moving my family to New Jersey. As a result my children who I
had raised from birth all but in name as a single parent were taken from me and eventually, lost.
Silly, foolish me.

Why We Need God

I hope there is a Heaven so there can be a Hell. That statement might sound hateful and cruel
but it also expresses a hope for justice.

A Test for Truth

In religious dogma and axioms there is a test for truth. Simply ask, does this sound like the
words and actions of a loving and forgiving father or those of a priest seeking power and
authority. As a loving father these things are obvious to me.

Your mother turned you and your sister over to your grandmother to raise and became a
sibling. While your mother attended church only on the holidays and other times slept until
noon your grandmother had you two go every week and participate in the various things the
church required such as confirmation.
I’m concerned you were taught some wrong things and ideas. One of these is Revelations. I
find it hard to believe that God became man, lived as a man, taught his message, died on the
cross then returned to Heaven only to have to come back and say, “Oh, by the way, there is
something I forgot to tell you.” If it were important, if it mattered, if it was real, he would have
mentioned it the first time around. This means that things such as Revelations are false.
More important than this is, can you answer the question, What was it Jesus called his
teachings, what did he teach? The answer is, The Obtainment of the Kingdom of Heaven.
Nothing else matters or is of relevance.

The Word of Man

In ancient times, as with other occupations, priest was a job that went from father to son or at
least was kept within the family. Because they were so involved in dealing with the spiritual
world on behalf of everyone else they could not grow their own wheat. They asked the wheat
cutters and others who produced necessities and luxuries to contribute a portion of their wealth
to support the priests. The priests, in making sure all paid their due accepted more than they
needed and so grew wealthy. This was justified by saying a first class god needs first class
accommodations, with indoor plumbing; otherwise the wheat might not grow. The same went
for the priests; they had to be first class also with the best of cloths, food and what ever else
they desired so they may be worthy to come before God.
Having lived this way for a few generations, the priests recognized a problem. They had to let
the unwashed masses whose stench could not be covered up by incense into the house of God.
Telling the masses their souls were as dirty as their bodies and both had to be washed before
they could come into the house and presence of God solved this problem. For this they set up
baths outside for which they charged.
Into this set up came a guy who didn’t want to cut wheat. Not able to join the priests he set
up his own scam and says come down to the river and he'd give you a bath for free. He only
asked for a donation according to what could be afforded. This annoyed the priests, cutting into
their take. They couldn't kill him because of his popularity and looked for someone else to do
their dirty work and leave them with clean hands.

Evolution of Religion
Religion has evolved. First to come was animism then shamanism. To very primitive man,
operating on the cognitive level of a child, (see Freud, Erikson, Piaget, and what’s his name)
everything was alive, even rocks, and possessed a spirit. Schizophrenics, from their behavior,
were considered to be in close contact with this spirit world and therefore capable of interacting
with it in behalf of the community. Others, seeking to do so, had to rely on hallucinogens and
extreme and prolonged physical stress and deprivation to accomplish the same state of mind.
This means religion has its origins in insanity. Because it produces nothing tangible it attracts
many con men and sociopaths.

Know Your Audience

How do you explain evolution to a primitive, how can you describe DNA to someone who
does not have the vocabulary or concepts for understanding? A measure of your own
understanding is your ability to explain to others. Perhaps you might say something along the
lines of from the fish were brought forth fish and from each kind came its own kind in their
myriad numbers.
There are many modern people who do not understand the functioning of a cell any better than
these primitives. They will how ever vote on topics involving cell research or argue that the
teaching of biology in the schools indoctrinate children into secular humanism. Maybe it does
but I doubt if it is intentional.
God is the greatest thing imaginable. If you can think of anything greater then your original
concept of God was wrong. There are many people who say the Bible is literally correct. The
Bible says we were shaped from dust and life was breathed into us. The name Adam means,
more or less, man of red clay. We are clearly not solid clay. To me, a God who designed atoms
and cells is a greater God. Again it is a matter of ability to understand and explain. Francis
Bacon explained it this way back in 1605 in his The Advancement of Learning:
Nay, the same Solomon the king, although he excelled in the glory of treasure and magnificent
buildings, of shipping and navigation, of service and attendance, of fame and renown and the
like, yet he maketh no claim to any of those glories, but only to the glory of inquisition of truth;
for so he sayeth expressly, “The glory of God is to conceal a thing, but the glory of the king is
to find it out”; as if, according to the innocent play of children, the Divine Majesty took delight
to hide his works, to the end to have them found out; and as if kings could not obtain a greater
honor than to be God’s play-fellows in that game.

Nearly Dead
A guy who popularized astronomy with TV shows and books addressed the topic of near
death experiences. He suggested the going to the light event people described might be a
remembrance of the birth process. He said if we encountered an alien species with a very
different birth procedure such as that of kangaroos we could compare their near death
experiences with ours. If the two were the same it would give validity to the assertion of a real
It seems to me this whole near death thing is nothing more than a cultural fad. Previous to
going to the light people would have their whole life flash before their eyes as if they were
experiencing judgement day. I don’t hear this too much now days. The change in the fads
suggests a change in religious beliefs is occurring.

The Talents
Much of what is in the Holy Bible is unpleasant and makes little sense to me. Take this one
story about how heaven is like a greedy and grasping man who goes on a journey. To try to
understand it I retold it with familiar people, behavior and settings.
Megan had to make a trip to Ohio on company business. Before she left she wanted to secure
her secret slush fund and so divided it up among three employees in different amounts
according to their abilities. When she came back she said to Bad Bob, “Where’s my money?’
Bad Bob said he had spent it all on lottery tickets and doubled the money. Megan took it and
said to Bad Bob, “I see now that you have been slacking on me and are capable of more than
you have been doing. I am going to give you more responsibility and more work to do at the
same rate of pay”.
Megan then went to Chevy and said, “Where is my money?” Chevy responded by telling her
she didn’t give him any instructions on what to do with the money so what he didn’t spend on
liquor and cigars he lost gambling. Megan responded to this saying, “You knew when I gave
you the money that I was a greedy and grasping person and would want the money back. You
are a bad employee and will be cast into the outer darkness of unemployment where there is
much wailing and gnashing of teeth.”
She then went to John and said, “Where’s my money?” John replied, “I knew you were a
greedy and grasping woman who reaped what you did not sow and harvested what you did not
plant so I hid the money in the bottom of my toolbox and now here is what is yours.” Megan
told him she did not expect much from him and that is why she gave him the least amount.
Because he had proven himself to be a good and faithful employee by returning the money he
could keep his job the same as it had always been. What she didn’t know is he had actually
gone partners with Bad Bob but kept back his share of the lottery winnings.
This is not quite the story as told in the Bible but it shows a wider range of responses from the
money giver that are controlled by the results from the money receivers. It makes sense.

What Would Jesus Say?

If my family and I were starving and I stole a loaf of bread would Jesus say I had sinned? If a
mass murderer asked for forgiveness just before he died would he then avoid Hell? If I had
sinned with my theft and in running from the store been hit by a bus and killed would I go to
Hell for my unrepented sin?
Would Jesus say there was no sin in my heart so there was none in the act? Would this mean I
will go to Hell for sins committed in my heart only or must they be accompanied by an act? I
believe a just God would require both for a sin to take place.

The Emblem of David

King David of the Christian Holy Bible started out as a simple shepherd. As such it is
possible that he was additionally a bee keeper. Not being in an occupation that required literacy
he would not have been able to read and write. He would still need to mark his property and
identify himself for such tasks as paying taxes and engaging in other social and financial
transactions. For this purpose he well might have chosen as his identifying emblem a rendition
of a piece of honeycomb. Because the heavens were the abode of gods and other supernatural
creatures, symbols pertaining to them or their celestial domain would have been reserved to the
upper classes; those favored by and even related to such denizens as dwelt there. A common
shepherd would not be allowed to use, and it would probably be illegal for him to do so,
anything that could be connected to the firmament as his totem or emblem.
David’s rise to king would have cause consternation among the courtly and priestly classes.
In a stable society these people would have occupied their professional niches of astrologer,
mathematician, priest and so forth for generations, passing the secrets of their methods and
knowledge from father to son. The necessary small size of this elite group required them to
participate in foreign delegations and the receiving of foreign embassies as the principle means
of interacting with their peers. By this socialization they further developed an institutionalized a
sense of self-importance and learned ideas that were not always in compliance with the beliefs
of the unwashed masses beneath them. Having a common shepherd for a king would have then
been an embarrassment and they would have felt antagonistic towards him. An attempt would
have been made to upgrade and stylize his emblem to ease their anguish. In drawing this
emblem, a discovery would have been made. Within the honeycomb was a star! A sign from
the heavens that David was the chosen of God! This would have been flattering to the king’s
ego and helped to legitimize his reign while allowing the courtiers to hold their head up again
in their international relationships and intercourse. In The Land of Milk and Honey, God would
favor as King not the astrologer with delusions of grander but rather the humble bee keeper.

“Over and over I cast the runes. Always they came up direful. When I gazed into the cauldron,
I got no sight or hearing save that…that far off in a highland, someone bellowed till the
mountains tolled back his grief and wrath; and he was not human…I think maybe we have been
used, you and I.”

Faith in Spilt Milk

You have heard the saying don’t cry over spilt milk. It comes from a branch of philosophy
known as stoicism. The root word is stone, its main concept is we should be like a stone and
extinguish desire for all things. We knew the milk was capable of spilling hence it spilled. By
this method our souls remain free and unencumbered.
When holy men say we should have faith they mean believe them without logical proof or
material evidence. They claim this is the will of God and to do otherwise is to risk his wrath.
To me faith is based on a confident belief in truth and trustworthiness based on experience and
reason. Faith is an expectation of consistency so that proof is not required with each
occurrence. I have faith in the spillability of the milk and so prepare for it.

Shit Money
I’ve been trying to learn to shit money. So far I’ve gotten the color right but it still comes out
in the same old shape.

Child Support
The state talks a lot of gobbly-gook about how the child support amount is figured but no
matter what it comes out to 20% of the non-custodial parent’s (the father) after tax income. No
consideration is given to if there is enough left over for the non-custodial parent (the father) to
survive on.

This Form Should Be Sent To All Collectors Via Certified Mail.

[City state ZIP]
[City State ZIP]
[Phone number]
Re inquiry dated ___: account no.
Thank you for your recent inquiry. This is not a refusal to pay, but a notice that your claim is
disputed. This is a request for validation made pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices
Act. I dispute your debt collection-related allegations, deny the same, and demand strict proof
and verification thereof. This dispute, denial, and demand are made in accordance with federal
Please limit your communication with me to writing only. If I receive any telephone calls from
your company, I will consider them to constitute harassment. Please be advised that unwanted
telephone calls are an offense in this state and I will file a complaint against the caller with the
attorney general's office and police. I maintain a telephone log of each phone call and in some
cases, make an audio recording when necessary.
Be advised that you have the right to remain silent. If you ignore this notice and contact me by
telephone, you and your employees agree to allow me to make an audio recording of our
conversation and you and your employees agree to allow the recording and any other
information obtained to be used against you and your employees in a court of law. I will accept
only your written communication.
Be advised that I am not requesting a "verification" that you have my mailing address, I am
requesting a "validation;" that is, competent evidence that I have some contractual obligation
to pay you.
You should also be aware that sending unsubstantiated demands for payment through the
United States Mail System might constitute mail fraud under federal and state law. You may
wish to consult with a competent legal advisor before your next communication with me.

The Reunification of Germany

A good portion of the German male population was killed in World War II and a large number
of its females raped while the country was nearly sent back to the Stone Age. Fifty years latter
the western portion was able to finance the reunification of the two halves of that country while
the victor, the United States, couldn’t even pay to rebuild one city, New Orleans.
This has been the result of the policy of bearing any burden, paying any price. We may not
have socialized medicine but we have nuclear powered aircraft carriers and submarines.

The Governor’s Money Grab

The Governor of New Jersey wanted to raise the state sale’s tax by 1% then raise the state
minimum wage by one dollar. This means everyone who is making minimum wage had their
income increased by more than two thousand dollars a year. If the state’s take from this through
income and sells tax is two hundred dollars each that is two hundred million dollars for every
million people earning minimum wage.
Another benefit to the state is this increase will disqualify many people from receiving state-
sponsored programs and charity thus decreasing costs to the state. Very clever.

Leaving Home
I read a magazine article once that listed where the most notorious speed traps were in each
state. When they came to New Jersey they just said the whole state.
When I leave home I do not worry about burglars, car-jackers, muggers or any other
criminals. Who I am on the lookout for are the police, who don’t patrol but lurk, waiting to
pounce on unsuspecting motorists and rob them through the traffic courts. I have seen them in
the morning driving through the lot of the convenience stores and running plate numbers as
people on their way to work were buying a cup of coffee. The joke is that the cops can’t solve a
crime that doesn’t first involve a traffic stop.
As part of the court proceedings the cop will cite what a wonderful, high tech, finely tuned
and accurate device the radar gun is. This radar gun’s technology with its digital speed display
exceeds that of my car’s speedometer with its dial marked off in increments and worn, gear
driven needle that bounces with ever pothole, rut and bump in the road. To expect comparable
precision speed measurement out of my car is ridiculous and I should be allowed a couple of
MPH variance that anything above would adequately demonstrate a blatant disregard for the
speed limit.
The towns though are hungry for revenue so the police follow the letter rather than the spirit
of the law. When you drive your car you need to be on the lookout for the thieves with badges.

Employer Charity
I worked for a nonprofit agency. It was nonprofit after all its operating expenses were met.
The founder and director paid himself what he was worth. He employed family members and
paid them a competitive salary. This did not leave a whole lot of money for achieving the
nonprofit agency’s mission.
I worked part time at night stocking shelves in a popular chain store. When the store closed
and I started work the air conditioning and half the lights were turned off so as to save money.
This store aggressively advertised it gave a certain amount of its profits to local charities. I
thought it was interesting that the store’s low paid employees did not live locally with most
riding the bus to the nearest bus stop and walking the rest of the way.
Something most people don’t consider is the store’s statement of how much it gives to charity
is deceptive. Of what it gives to charity it receives back a large percentage as a tax deduction. I
think if the tax laws for charity donations were changed the store would donate much less. If
the store were sincere about helping the community it would use that money to pay its
employees more and to reduce prices.

Jesus was asked about paying taxes to the Romans. He held up a coin and asked who’s image
was on the coin. Told it was Caesar’s he replied “Render onto Caesar what is Caesar’s and to
God what is God’s.” What does this mean? After you render onto Caesar in the form of income
tax and to God in tithes and to Caesar again in sales tax there isn’t too much left for you and

Living below the Mean

The law is written and administered by people who earn above the mean income ($43,970).
There is considerable disparity between the concerns and values of these people and those who
earn below the mean income and it has an impact. For the wealthy, material things are easily
replaced. Their concern is for their physical safety.
For such as me, my physical well being is dependent on my material things. My car is my
life. I will defend it with my life because without it I am lost. My car was old. I couldn’t afford
to buy another but I had taken care of it, putting money when I could into maintenance and
repair so it ran well.
My day is controlled by a time clock. This placed my car and me in a particular intersection
everyday at approximately the same time. For what ever reason an expensive sporty red car full
of rude and careless people was there most days at about the same time so I saw them
frequently. It had to happen by the law of their being. Unfortunately they involved me in their
ugliness. They only had to pay me for the value of my car. Had such as myself written the
law they would not have had to pay me my car’s cash value but replace it with something of
equal utility regardless of cost. That would have been justice as I see it.

Here Ends the Saga of the King

Long would the years and the hundred of years be until the kingdom would be whole again.
Now watchfires burned anew to warn of foes on their way. Outlaws, Vikings and wild men
harried dwellers throughout the land. They wrought no worse harm than did the kings,
unnumbered and uncurbed: torch, sword, free folk dragged off to thralldom, the wariness of
men and the weeping of women. Nothing but a tale was left of a day which had been.


Thought and the Individual

Philosophers and psychologist agree, with the exception of a few basic reflexes and automatic
body functions, all actions are rooted in thought. A person is otherwise incapable of performing
an act without having first thought in some fashion of doing it and then often does not do it
well without practice. For this reason they advise controlling and directing your thoughts.
Those thoughts that you chose and encourage have an effect on all aspects of your life:
character, circumstance, health and happiness. By exercising this control, you create yourself.
Knowing and believing this you are now able to direct your own mental growth and
development rather than let it be something of chance.

The Physiology of Anger

Inside our bodies there are two nervous system networks that keep our autonomic systems
running as needed: breathing, food digestion, body temperature and such. Normally these two
systems work in an equal balance. When out of balance there are observable physical
One branch of this automatic system, the parasympathetic, working in excess produces the
symptoms seen in an old man sleeping in front of the television. This system slows your heart,
increases saliva flow and allows the elastic walls of the breathing passages to constrict. The
opposite extreme condition of the body, the fighting-ready, tensed and excited state comes
about when the second branch of your automatic control system, the sympathetic, is operating
on high. This raises a fundamental question. What does it, what causes one system to shut
down and the other to turn on high? Is anger an unstoppable sensation that comes over a person
or can it be controlled?
These two networks are connected to the hypothalamus, an organ located near the base of
the brain. A lot of what the hypothalamus does is fully automatic. It senses and regulates those
and other activities mentioned earlier.
Connected to this is another part of the brain, the amygdala, which fires when you are angry.
The nerve fibers connecting to this from other parts of the brain come not from the emotional
centers but from the rational, thinking cortex and memory storage centers.
This means your brain is constructed to keep your physical reactions to situations under your
thinking, reasoning, control! You must first decide what will make you angry. When these
situations are recognized as occurring, your brain produces commands to your body that results
in the symptoms of anger. Anger then is not a consequence of blind emotion but the result of
your brain choosing to switch the sympathetic system into high.
Health and the Body
The body is the servant of the mind. It obeys the operations of the mind whether they be
deliberately chosen or automatically expressed.
Sickly thoughts will express themselves through a sick body. Anxiety quickly demoralizes
the whole body and lays it open to the entrance of disease. Impure thought, even if they are not
indulged in, will soon shatter the nervous system.
Strong, pure and happy thoughts build the body in vigor and strength. The body will respond
to the thoughts impressed upon it. Habits of thought will produce their own effect, good or bad.
If you would improve your body, you must guard your mind. Evil, wrong thoughts rob your
body of its health.
You are what you think. Your character is the sum total of all your thoughts. Anger comes
from forming and holding angry thoughts. Happiness is the result of happy thoughts.
Imagine you are leaving a crowded theater through a narrow door and someone steps on
your toe. The angry thinker will become upset; he may even shout at or push the person he
thinks did this. These actions do not repair the damage or eliminate the pain in the toe. If the
other person is also an angry thinker, there is sure to be an argument, even a fight.
The happy thinker will not engage in this conduct. His shout of pain may draw the attention
of the offender who, should he also be a happy thinker, will apologize. Perhaps this will lead to
a conversation and a new friend. One action, two different possible reactions, which is better?
By the choice and true application of right thoughts, your life is improved. By the abuse and
wrong application of thought, you become ugly and unpleasant. Between these two extremes
are all the grades of character and you choose your own.
You are the master of your thoughts, the molder of your character, the maker and shaper of
your condition, your environment and future. Thought and character are one and the same. You
hold within yourself the ability to become what you will. If you will watch, control and alter
your thought, discover their effects on you and others; you will obtain understanding, wisdom
and power.

Your mind produces and absorbs thoughts. You may allow this process to occur haphazardly
or choose those that are useful to you and ignore those that are destructive. By following this
process, you will discover that you are the master of your soul, the director of your life. You
will realize how thought shapes your character, circumstances and future.
Your soul attracts that which it truly desires and also that which it fears. Circumstances are
the means by which the soul reveals itself. That circumstances grow out of thought becomes
evident to anyone who spends time practicing self-control. The change in these circumstances
occurs according to the amount of change in your thinking.
Every thought that you allow to exist in your mind eventually results in action. Good
thoughts bring good results, bad thoughts bring bad actions. The outer world of circumstances
shapes itself according to the inner world of thought.
A person does not send himself to jail by circumstances but by the path of groveling
thoughts and mean methods of obtaining their desires. A good-minded person does not
suddenly fall into crime by stress of any mere external force. The criminal thought had long
been secretly kept in the heart and the hour of opportunity revealed its gathered power.
Circumstances do not make you, they reveal you.
You do not receive what you want but what you earn. Your wishes and prayers are only
answered when they are in harmony with your thoughts and actions. People who are anxious to
improve their circumstances but are unwilling to improve themselves do not prosper. You are
where you are by the law of your being. The thoughts that you have built into your character
have made you who you are. In the arrangement of your life there is little element of chance.
To change your life, you must change your thinking. You are the victim of circumstances, of
things outside your control as long as you believe so.

Until thought is linked with purpose and knowledge there can be little intelligent
accomplishment. If you have no central purpose in your life, you can fall as easy prey to petty
worries, fears, troubles and self-pity. All of which leads, just as surely as deliberately planned
sins (through by a different road) to failure, unhappiness and loss.
You should conceive of a legitimate purpose in your heart, make it the central, main point of
your thoughts, and set out to accomplish it. This is the method of establishing self-control and
true concentration of thought. Even if you fail again and again to accomplish your purpose, as
you must until weakness is overcome, the strength of character gained will be the true measure
of your success. This will be a new starting point for future power and triumph.
To put aimlessness and weakness away and to begin to think with purpose and direction is
to enter the ranks of the strong ones who only recognize failure as one of the pathways to
attainment; who make all conditions serve them, and who think strongly, attempt fearlessly and
accomplish masterfully.
Having conceived of a purpose, you should mentally mark out a straight pathway to its
achievement. Doubts and fears can be planned for and so having been dealt with lose their
power to stop you.
The will to do springs from the knowledge that you can do. Thought allied fearlessly to
purpose becomes creative force. By these means, you become the conscious and intelligent
wielder of your life and mental powers. The alternative is to be blown this way and that by
All that you achieve and all that you fail to achieve are the direct results of your own
thoughts. Your weakness and strength are your own and nobody else’s. They are brought about
by your thoughts and actions or the lack of either. They can be altered only by you. Your
condition is caused by you and you alone not by someone else. Your suffering and your
happiness come from within. As you think, so you are. As you continue to think, so you
remain. A strong man cannot help a weaker unless that weaker one is willing to be helped.
Even then the weak person must become strong. He must, by his own efforts, develop the
strength that he desires. None but he can alter his condition. He is limited only by the thoughts
he chooses. So are you.
Achievement of any kind is the result of effort of action initiated by thought. By the aid of
self-control, resolution and well-directed thought you achieve. By the vice of indolence,
corruption and confusion of thought you fail.
Successes obtained by right thought can only be maintained by watchfulness. Many give
way when success is at hand and fall back into failure and weakness by becoming indolent, by
allowing arrogant, selfish, lazy and corrupt thoughts to take possession of them.
All achievements, whatever they are, are the result of definitely directed thought, are
governed by the same laws and are of the same method; the only difference lies in the object of

Thought and Language

Language has a great deal to do with thought and intelligence. Language not only allows
people to express their thinking but also is largely responsible for determining their thoughts. In
other words, we tend to think those thoughts for which we have language. Thoughts that we are
incapable of verbalizing do not occur to us or are at best not very well formed. A large
vocabulary then is essential for abstract thought and communication. In all your reading there
should always be a dictionary at hand.

Early Thought
Based on studies of ape behavior and speculations by psychologists there has been some
guessing as to what may have been going on in the minds of very primitive, pre-speech people.
Until language had sufficiently developed there could have been little thinking beyond the here
and now of actual experience, much like that of animals. No clear distinction was made
between living and non-living things: if a stick struck you, you kicked it; if the river flooded, it
was angry. Primitive thought was at the level of a very bright four or five year old.
One concept that would have been present is fear of the old man, the tribal leader, as the
beginning of social wisdom. Objects associated with him were forbidden, enforced with
violence by him, much as a child today may not be allowed to sit in Dad’s chair or touch his
pipe or his gun. The idea of something forbidden, of being taboo then is very fundamental to
the thought process of early people.
Another fundamental idea that probably arose in early people’s minds concerns infectious
diseases and the idea of being accurse. From that, too, may have come the idea of avoiding
certain places and persons in particular stages of health.
As soon as speech developed it may have gotten to work upon such fundamental feelings and
begun to systematize them. By talking together people would reinforce and elaborate each
other’s fears and dreams and establish a common tradition of taboos, of things forbidden and
unclean. With the idea of uncleanness would come ideas of cleansing and of removing curses.
In such things would lay the beginnings of religion and cultural wisdom.
The capacity for telling things increased with vocabulary. The simple individual fancies and
fundamental taboos of primitive people began to be handed on and made into a more consistent
belief system. People began telling stories about themselves, the tribe-past and present, taboos
and why they had to be, about the world, how it functions, how it came to be, their place in it
and their triumphs. In achieving this overall view their explanatory theories gave structure to
natural phenomena and classified nature into a coherent system that described what they
thought it did, how it functioned. People began to be trained from their youth with thoughts
given to them. Indoctrinated into specific modes of behavior and thought, a community mind
was developed that served to bind them together with a particular outlook on life from which
much deviance was not allowed.
Another common factor influencing the development of these diverse first cultures is the
average age of the population. When we speak of the old we are not referring to the old of
today in their 70’s and 80’s. For these primitive people life was short. A person in their 30’s
was old with few seeing much beyond that. The majority of the population was in their teens.
This means the mental maturity level, the method for thought, was not fully developed by those
originating the culture.
These things then, being common to the experience of everyone, help form the common
grounds for the development of cultures.

Thought in Children
Children, like primitive people, still have to learn to think; they do a large part of this by
imagination, the natural way of the untrained mind. It is a flow of images with which the
impulses to act are connected. It is spontaneous and uncontrolled, similar to dreaming. Many
adults never learn to think in a much better way with any consistency.

Reason and Logic

With an increasing vocabulary abstraction becomes possible to the growing mind. People can
then reason things out instead of dreaming them out. They begin to control their predispositions
and observe a logical coherence of cause and effect. They change from responsive
imagination to logical thinking. From this developed the idea that people are able, if they are
willing, to change their way of living.
Eventually, accredited to Aristotle, came the ability to reason through syllogism, the use of
which would help avoid erroneous conclusions. The use of a syllogism is to take two known
facts and produce a third unknown fact. Reaching these conclusions involves two forms of
reasoning, induction and deduction. Induction takes the thinker from the particular to the
general. Deduction goes the other way, taking general information to discover something
specific. In both methods the truth of statements ensures the necessary conclusion.


Jones belongs to the CIO

All members of the CIO pay dues
Therefore, Jones pays dues

Water passes through holes
Water passes through skin
Skin has holes.

It is this yes or no thinking that our modern world is built upon.

The Great Religions and Philosophies

All the great religions and philosophies agree, you only have to wish to be virtuous and virtue
will be at hand. The method is to acknowledge you have done wrong, make restitution or do
penance and then sin no more. This is a really simple to do.

Valhalla I am Coming!
I was a mean little kid, misunderstood of course. That makes me mad. To this day my family
will say to me, “Now you know you have a bad temper.” To them I have not grown nor
changed since I was a nine-year-old.
You should ask what made me so mean. I was always smaller than my peers and I was not a
bully; I did not look for trouble. I don’t like getting beat up. What I did and do is react.
Psychologists say we are suppose to have role models, people we look up to and try to be like. I
didn’t have any. Somehow, perhaps partly in Sunday school, I picked up, learned uncommon,
even unusual notions. One was of manliness: ideas and principles of courage, virtue and honor.
Truth and justice will prevail; the ugly duckling will become a beautiful swan if only I held true
and stood firm. You stood up to bullies, you defended the weak, and you don’t back down. If
an older brother of a bully came up to me and said, “I hear your tough, want to fight me?” he
got popped in the nose right in front of his smirking friends. It was a matter of integrity. The
saying that a coward dies many deaths, a brave man only once is only partly incorrect. There
are many little deaths to be had. They all must be faced with resolution and dignity and some
times you took a beating.
These situations and values placed me in conflict with authority. If there were four bullies in
school then I would have been in four fights. They each would have been in only one fight. The
authorities would then see me as the problem. I was making noise, drawing attention, and
forcing them to act. I was an inconvenience, an annoyance and had a bad temper. They said I
should not have hit the bully but instead suffer the humiliating and degrading taunts that would
follow from him and others for backing down. They had the nerve to say to me, “sticks and
stones…” My rage has its origins in indignation and injustice. True or not there are some things
you should believe in because they should be believed in. Some times you are right.
My beliefs were romantic and archaic. I failed to correctly adapt. We live in a litigious
society. If a person strikes me the proper response from me would be to clutch my chest,
scream “oh my liver, he hurt my liver” and fall on the ground. When the police ask if I need
medical attention the answer would be yes. This would establish legal and monetary liability.
The police, criminal and civil courts would handle the matter from there.
Valhalla lies in ruins.

The Unexamined Life

One of the wise old Greeks, I forget which one, was mouthing off once about the
unexamined life. He said it was not worth living. He said it is better to be a man discontent than
fool content. It was better to be Socrates unhappy than a pig happy in its mud and if the fool
and the pig say different it is because they know of nothing better and therefore will never
achieve it.
There are many, many people who stumble through life with no understanding of their own
beliefs. They will name their astrological symbol and its characteristics and then say they are a
Christian because they do not understand these two things are not compatible. Saint What’s-
his-name explained that if something else is controlling you than you’re not responsible for
your actions. If you are not responsible than you cannot have sinned, making Jesus’ death on
the cross meaningless. They do not know they are Epicureans or Hedonists or anything else and
do not understand that anything in excess is bad for them. They thus become fools and pigs and
I don’t have a problem with the concept of death but why must we rot first?

Dad: Do you know what thought did?

Me: No Dad.

Dad: Thought he had to fart then crapped his pants.

Me: Gasp!

The Man in the Arena

Teddy Roosevelt said in a speech: “It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points
out where the strong man stumbled or the doer of deeds could have done them better. The
credit belongs to the man in the arena, who’s face is covered with the dust and the blood an
who, if he fails, fails while daring greatly and who’s place will never be among those cold and
timid souls who know neither victory or defeat.”


The Power of Language

Before we can educate you, we must be able to communicate through a powerful medium
unique to human beings, spoken language. This power is difficult to measure. Its use and
influence can best be understood through a demonstration. Make yourself comfortable and
listen to the story I am going to tell you.
I want you to close your eyes and imagine it is winter outside. I have gone to the window and
broken off an ice sickle; it is long, cold and bluish white. Imagine that long cold stick of ice
here in my hands. Can you see it, my fingers turning red from the cold as it melts and drips
between them? I walk around the room, stop by your chair and slide it down your back!
Now imagine I am scraping my fingernails across a blackboard!
Did you feel something; did you react to either of the things I said? If you did, then you
experienced the power of language. Your imagination made you react. It was triggered and
guided by my words. What are some similar effects you have experienced?
If your understanding of words were not similar to my understanding of their meaning, then
communication would be difficult, limited and confusing. Think of times when someone has
said something to you, I’m sure there have been many, when what they were saying was
unclear or you completely misunderstood them.
I expect you to learn to speak and write clearly for the purpose of being understood. In other
words, say what you mean and mean what you say.

A Child’s Acquisition of Language

Now that you have an intuitive feel for the power of language, imagine or try to remember
what it was like to be a small child who has not yet learned speech. Think of what a tremendous
difference it makes in an infant’s life when it finally can verbally interact with others.
To get from there to here the child goes through different language developmental phases. It
first cries, develops a repertoire of gestures and babbles. This is followed by producing
meaningful sounds known as phonemes that are consonants and vowels. The sounds it does not
hear it does not practice and learn to produce such as “lt”, a sound in the Navajo language.
The infant then learns to combine these sounds producing morphemes, the units of meaning in
language, words. At first these are mostly nouns: daddy, ball, food and so on. To this they learn
to add verbs such as go and adjectives such as big or blue along with adverbs and prepositions.
Organizing words into meaningful sentences requires the child develops an intuitive
knowledge of syntax, the grammar of language. What is meant by this is the set of rules
governing the combination of words that will be meaningful and correct for the speakers of that
language or dialect of it.
As children practice and master phonemes, morphemes and syntax they must also practice
prosody. This is the manner of expression, the intonations, the accents, pauses and all the subtle
variations that give different meanings to the same morphemes.
Phonemes, morphemes, syntax and prosody are the elements of language. These things you
have been learning through example and imitation as you have grown and developed your
power of speech. By making you more aware of this process we hope to improve your language
development and teach you Standard English.

The Origins of Language

Early humans had to invent language. Its development may have followed a path similar to
that by which a child acquires language. Its origins probably lie in the sounds of alarm and
passion that animals make. Development beyond this is possible due to intelligence and a
physical vocal system that allows the controlled production of a variety of sounds. Using these
two abilities these early people learned to imitate sounds made by or heard in association with
their environment. The use of these sounds, probably as nouns, accompanied by gestures and
intonation constituted the first languages.
The students of language, philologists, are able to trace common features in groups of
languages. Within these groups are similar root words and ways of expressing an idea. In
contrast there are other groups that area dissimilar down to their fundamental structure that
express action and relationships by entirely different devices and altogether different
grammatical schemes. For those groups with similarities that are so numerous and precise that
they can not be contributed to chance or explained by borrowing or universal features a
hypothesis has been drawn that these languages are descended from a common or original

The Indo-European Language Family

One great language family totals approximately half the world’s population covers nearly all
of North America, most of Europe and stretches out to India. It includes English, Persian and
various Indian languages. It is for this reason it is called Indo-European. The same fundamental
roots and grammatical ideas are traceable through this family. Compare for example:

English father mother

German vater mutter
Greek pater matter
French pe’re me’re
Armenian hair mair
Sanscrit pitar matar
Now consider the case of religion. For the Indo-European speaking society we can
reconstruct with certainty the word for God, deiw-os and the two word name of their chief
deity, dyeu-pater. In the different languages of this family it took slightly different forms.

Latin Jupiter
Greek Zeus Pater
Sanskrit Dyaus Pitar
The forms dyea and deiw-os are both derivations of the root deiw meaning to shine and
appearing in the word day in many languages. The notion of a father deity was therefore linked
to the notion of a bright sky.
These languages then are not different things; they are variations of one. The people who use
these languages think in the same way. In this way language is intimately linked to culture. It is
at the same time an expression of culture and a part of it.

Differentiation of Language
Language, like other important patterns of human behavior, slowly but constantly evolves
from older forms into newer ones. Compare the language in the King James Bible with that of
English spoken today and a vast difference is immediately noticeable. When different groups of
people speaking one language become separated not just by time but also by geography and
environment as well as political and social barriers, each group begins to develop its own
culture and variety of the language. So long as the developing differences between varieties do
not make mutual comprehension impossible we call them dialects of the same language.
The tendency of language throughout the early years of human expansion and population
growth as tribal units broke up and migrated away from each other was to split into dialects and
then into dialects of dialects. In time these things became mutually incomprehensible and were
thought of as separate languages belonging to alien people.

The Development of English

As a specific example of what has been said about language we will trace the development of
English. About 1,500 years ago three closely related tribes speaking a variety of Northern
Germanic migrated to the island of Great Briton. So complete was their conquest during the
fifth Century that few words of the related Celtic language being spoken in the island at that
time survive in English. Latter invasions by Latin speaking Romans and then by Vikings,
mostly Danes, and their occupation of large areas of the country had the linguistic results of a
great deal of exchange and assimilation between the languages. Much the same has been going
on in the southwest of the United States between American English and the Mexican variety of
Spanish. Much of the cowboy’s vocabulary comes from the Spanish.
Another drastic change occurred with the total political conquest of the Normans. Because
of their small numbers in relationship to the native population their French dialect did not
supplant English. The replacement of the native upper classes by the French speakers however
resulted in English losing its cultural linguistic center. English continued to exist as an
unwritten language of peasants and laborers. It fell back from being more of a standard
language into diversifying dialects of isolated communities and regions.
To communicate with their subject people it was necessary for the minority French speaking
upper class to also speak English. With political isolation from the mainland they eventually
adapted English as their own language. The Black Death accelerated this process. With one out
of every four people killed it became necessary to replace French speaking government
officials with others who spoke only English. Because the vocabulary of peasants and laborers
is not sufficient for the administration of government many French words were retained and
adopted into English to meet this need.
This reestablishment of English in the 13th and 14th centuries once again made a standard
English dialect inevitable. The capital being established in London, its variety became the
standard dissimulated out to the other areas through the operations of government and other
groups that benefited from headquartering near the seat of power and finance.
American English is descended from the variety of English brought to the British colonies of
North American in the 17th century. In a new biosphere with its many new things, needs and
experiences coupled with interaction with non-European speaking natives and other peoples
and separated from its parent language, American English began to evolve its own dialects.
With the expansion of the nation, the addition of other populations in quantity speaking other
languages and the advancement of technology requiring further vocabulary development,
American English further differentiated from British English that was itself changing.
As has been shown by this history, the fate of a language is that of its speakers. English in
1750 was a language of minor importance. A hundred years latter it had become a major world
language. It evolved to meet the needs of its people; of administering an empire as well as those
of culture and scientific developments. All this requires a standard language, adequate
vocabulary, grammar, and dictionaries to fix the meaning of words so as to facilitate
communication and understanding.
It is because of these met needs that in this age of mass and simultaneous communication;
easy travel and world trade that English, along with a few other languages, is becoming a
global common language. The mastery of Standard English by its native speakers in all its
suppleness and complexities is essential for participation in an international community of
learning and cooperation. China alone has more English speaking people than the United
States. The amount of international mail and telexes written in English, global text stored in
English and Internet home pages and e-mails written in English range between 68 and 80
The average English speaking person’s conversation is made up of the most frequently used
737 words. The number of words they actually recognize and understand is between 10,000 and
20,000. This is not a difficult task to accomplish. The alternatives for individuals and
communities that do not master the English language can be deduced found in this history.

Knife in Head Syndrome

Have you ever asked yourself what does what mean? If so then you were thinking about the
meaning and use of words. A large part of many people’s speaking vocabulary has been learned
by hearing the words used in context. As a result they have a general idea of how to use the
words without clearly understand what they mean.
An example of this is the word disease. I had someone say to me, “I have a disease.” I moved
away and asked what disease. They said they had the disease of alcoholism. I responded
saying; “ My uncle had that disease, caught it off the toilet seat of his local bar. Board of health
closed them down and he is suing.” The guy believed me and wondered out loud if he could
sue too.
A disease is an abnormal condition of an organism as a consequence of infection that impairs
normal physiological functioning. Or, if you want a more complete definition, an impairment of
the normal state of the living animal or plant body or one of its parts that interrupts or modifies
the performance of the vital functions. It is typically manifested by distinguishing signs and
symptoms, and is a response to environmental factors (as malnutrition, industrial hazards, or
climate), to specific infective agents (as worms, bacteria, or viruses), to inherent defects of the
organism (as genetic anomalies), or to combinations of these factors.
Alcohol is a poison. It is knowingly self administered and addictive. It is not a disease you
can catch off of a toilet seat. To allow people to call it a disease is to allow the alcoholic to
deny self-responsibility.
A word similar in meaning that people have learned through hearing it used is syndrome. “I
have a syndrome.” A syndrome is a group of signs and symptoms that collectively indicate or
characterize a disease, psychological disorder, or other abnormal condition. If a doctor were to
say to the donut eaters, “The cause of death is knife in head syndrome,” they might say, “Oh, it
wasn’t murder, he had a medical condition.”
A particular syndrome that has caught my attention is Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, SIDS.
It has a support group for parents of its victims. It is a mutual sympathy and pity group.
While there is no known blanket cause for this syndrome, medical investigators have
determined that 10% of the deaths are murder by one of the parents. They know this because
the investigators caught them doing it. The support group does not like this fact. They don’t
want to be looked at with the suspicion they might have murdered their own child. They don’t
care about those murdered children; they selfishly only want to feel good about themselves. For
this reason I have no sympathy for them.

Son of the Boy

I took a creative writing class at my local community college. The instructor was old and had
been a writer for a TV show about a boy and his dog. In the class she stressed how to overcome
writer’s block.
For one assignment I wrote a story I enjoyed very much. I’ll let you read it.

Son of the Boy



What are you doing laying in the middle of the path for travelers in these dark woods to trip

I’m dying.

What is wrong, certainly it is not the result of my kicking you. How can I help?

No, certainly you delivered a tremendous blow to my ribs with your cudgel like foot but that
is not the cause. I am dying of a broken heart.

Ah, so it is a woman that has caused you to be here to injure my foot.

Yes, now please, go on your way and leave me to die in my own personal misery.

I am afraid I can not do that. My foot is numb and I must sit here awhile to massage some
feeling back into it. As I do so I demand to hear your sad story in payment for the pain you
have caused me.

If it will shut you up then I will tell you in brief.

It is because of a girl?


This girl, she was beautiful?


Yes, as if she were made of flowers.

Being made of flowers she had no heart?

Yes, that is true. How is your foot? Can you leave now?

I believe so. Yes, I can stand. Before I go, let me tell you this. In breaking your heart she has
shown she is not what you thought. This means you have lost nothing but an illusion. You
should be happy because now you are free to find the true love you seek.

Perhaps you are right. It is interesting how easily we two can talk and understand each other.
It is almost as if I am talking to myself. What is your name?

You do not know?

That is the story. The others in my class as well as the instructor did not understand it. It made
no sense to any of them. The lesson learned is don’t try to be too clever or witty, it will be lost
on a majority of your audience. Make everything you say as concrete as possible, stick to
A little off the subject but something that comes to mind that you should keep in mind is that
there is a thin line between subtlety and deception.


How many times have you been told to or tried to remember something and you didn’t. How
many times have you struggled for hours to remember a school lesson; a spelling list, steps in a
mathematical procedure, the parts of the inner ear, only to receive a low grade? Up until now
no one has taught you how to cultivate your memory forcing you to rely on natural memory,
drill and repetition. We will remedy that problem now.
It is by improving you memory that you improve your ability to think. By the process of
memory you take information and make it a part of yourself. An unread book full of
information sitting on a shelf is simply that, it is not of you.
By developing your memory you will improve your ability to organize, retain and recall any
type of information, quickly and accurately. You will learn quicker, have better confidence in
yourself and increase your understanding of many things. Memory then is the mother of all

Chaining Technique

To demonstrate your present memory ability I am giving you a list of 20 words. Read them,
put the list aside and see how many you can recall.

wall stove bike dog

rope can bridge cat
rug bell hole candle
trumpet flag knife face
saw belt wire boat
The usual results is 5 to 7 words, rarely more than 10.

To use the chaining technique link each item together in the order you wish to remember them
like the links of a chain. You do this by telling a story using strong mental images with each
item acting on the next.
In your mind’s eye, see the list of words I am going to give you. Shoe, tree, money, ladder,
pig, suitcase, tomatoes, cactus, dress, golf club, flag, tent, bus, fire hydrant, jewels, boat, chain,
desk, stapler, ink pens.
See a shoe, any shoe you are familiar with. Out of this shoe a tree is growing, see the tree. On
this tree instead of leaves is money. Leaning against the tree is a ladder. On this ladder is a pig.
The pig is carrying a suitcase. The suitcase comes open and out of it falls tomatoes. The
tomatoes fall on a cactus and get stuck on its spines. The cactus is wearing a dress. The
cactus wearing a dress is swinging a golf club. At the end of the golf club is a flag. It can be
any flag, just one you know. The flag comes off and lands on a tent. Inside the tent is a bus, any
bus of your choosing. The bus comes out and crashes into a fire hydrant. The fire hydrant
breaks and begins to pour out jewels. The jewels come down into a boat. The boat takes off but
does not go far because there is a chain holding it back. The chain is connected to a desk. On
the desk is a stapler. Inside the stapler instead of staples there are ink pens.
Now repeat the story. Now repeat the word list. Did you get all 20? If you can remember a
nonsense list like this imagine how it can help with a meaningful list. Practice this technique
often and you will not only become better at it but will expand its usefulness.

Location-Association Technique
With this technique you associate what it is you wish to remember with known objects.
Picture in your mind a location you know well such as your own home. See yourself walking
through it. Look carefully at everything there. Now, place the items you wish to remember
there. A grocery list; look at your refrigerator, open it and see it empty. Place in it what you
wish to remember, eggs, milk. Look in the cabinets, they’re empty. Place in them what is on the
list and goes there. An alternative is to simply walk in the front door and on the couch place
eggs, on top of the TV milk and so on. The more you practice the better you develop your
imagination and ability to use details.
This example was but one variation of location association. With practice you will realize it is
best to tour your memory location in the same order going from room to room, object to object.

Phonetic-Numeral Technique
Using this technique you can quickly and easily commit any numeral data to memory. This is
done by changing the numbers into phonetic sounds that are then turned into words.
Here is a list of numbers and their corresponding sounds and a memory cue of my choosing.
1 B, P ball
2 C, K, G hard sound as in ing. kitchen
3 D,T, Th dig
4 F, Ph photo
5 J, Ch, Sh, soft G jail
6 L land
7 M monkey
8 N none
9 R road
0 S, Z snow
Memorize the provided list using good mental images then use the letter sounds in place of
the numbers. Using vowels form a word sentence. For example, 5 could be shu, a shoe; 39 tre,
a tree. Don’t worry about correct spelling, we’re using phonetic spelling.
If you choose to make a sentence then 22011660 changes to CKSBBLLS and a sentence
could be CoKe haS BuBLLeS. Your words and sentences can be nonsensical, that is
nonsensical to others. They must have meaning to you so as to be memorable. Think of other
variations using sounds in place of numbers, see what works best for you and practice it.
Always remember, the root word of imagination is image.

The Death of Memory

Before the printed book, Memory ruled daily life and learning for through it all knowledge
was preserved. For this reason it was useful for everyone to cultivate the arts of artificial
memory using techniques similar to those previously discussed. Memory was considered the
“mother of all wisdom”.
After the printed book many of the things of every day life once ruled and served by Memory
became governed by the printed page. Books served as an aide and sometimes as a substitute
for Memory. In addition, what ever was in print could be available to anyone who could read.
Such a person could refer to this information any time needed without having to first learn it
and storing it within himself. Some of the consequences of this were predicted two millennia
earlier when Socrates lamented the effects of writing on the memory and soul of the learner. He
recounts how Thoth, the Egyptian god who invented letters, had misjudged the effect of his
invention. Thoth was thus reproached by the god Tamus, then King of Egypt:
This discovery of yours will create forgetfulness in the learner’s souls, because they will not
remember of themselves. The specific which you have discovered is an aide not to memory, but
to reminiscence, and you give your disciples not truth, but only the semblance of truth; they
will be hearers of many things and will have learned nothing; they will appear to be omniscient
and will generally know nothing; they will be tiresome company, having the show of wisdom
without the reality.
It is for this reason that so many people lack a depth of understanding of beliefs that they are
ready to fight about. Many people, in positions of authority, when asked questions concerning
their beliefs and philosophy have given back simplistic and general statements or worse,
contradictory and incoherent garble.
I have argued with these people who did not realize I was quoting from a framed statement on
their wall or from an official brochure in their reception room or employee manual. I have had
people who profess to be devote Christians become angry and hostile towards me when I have
explained St. Augustine’s postulation that Christianity and astrology are not compatible;
astrology denies free will and therefore personal responsibility thus invalidating Jesus’ death on
the cross. They do not know their own minds and therefore speak not words but bark like dogs.

Half Empty or Half Full?

People will ask you if a glass if half empty or half full. Based on your answer they will say
you’re an optimist or pessimist. This is really an exercise in correct speech. If you begin with a
full glass then empty out half you did not half fill it. It is correct then to describe it as half
empty. If you began with an empty glass and half filled it then it is half full having not been
half emptied.
Correct speech can carry much more meaning than many people realize.

The Importance of Patty Cakes

Children have a biological imperative to learn. This implies that successful learning is a
pleasurable activity. This pleasure is expressed through smiling and laughter. Research has
shown that these things are more than just an expression of pleasure but actually influence the
development of neuro-pathways and connections. This means laughter helps with brain
development and suggests with intelligence as well.

The Virtue of Honor

In preliterate societies with no central authority the ability to make a rhyme on demand was
considered to be a sign of good breeding and education. It also served an important social
These people believed in the supernatural, in gods and other such beings with whom they
could interact but did not believe in an after life. Until the Christians turned Hell into a place of
punishment it was a dreary place where souls went and just laid about sleeping and not doing
much of anything. To be denied access was a form of damnation. Immortality was achieved by
being remembered in songs and stories.
If one person were to kill another it was worth while for him to quickly compose a brief ballad
or rhyme honoring the slain. This and the payment of wergild (man payment) justly
compensated the family of the slain. The rhyme then would become part of the family history
of both parties helping not only to immortalize the slain but also to add honor to his family.
Those who engage in ancestor worship seek the assistance and involvement of ancestors in
their affairs. The more honor their family has the more capable that assistance can be. One form
this prestige takes is to advertise to others that they do not want to mess with this family thus
helping to establish greater security against interlopers.
You may point out a certain inconsistency in my story so far. How can a people not believe in
an after life and at the same time believe their ancestors may intervene in their daily affairs?
Were you unaware of the inconsistency of people you know saying they believe in both Jesus
and astrology until I pointed it out to you? The reason for this in both situations is the ideas and
concepts involved are thoughts given to them by others rather than being a product of their
own reason. This having been explained let me return to the original thesis.
If compensation was not made to the family of the deceased they were then obligated to take
revenge. Failure to do so would bring dishonor on them and mark that family as vulnerable to
exploitation by others thus placing their well being at risk. Taking revenge could easily result in
a blood feud that could involve extended families and threaten to engulf more and more
Honor then is something that must be known to others. Among some native peoples of North
America is the tradition of wearing feathers in their hair. To those who know how to read the
message they contain considerable information useful to know before engaging in hand-to-hand
combat. An opponent can read how many throats a person has cut, how many times they have
counted coup and about other deeds establishing the wearer as a fierce and dangerous warrior.
Having read the message a combatant may choose not to engage the great man thus enhancing
the wearer’s survivability.
The obtainment of honor then serves to enhance the quality of life.

Twelve Years On
I had tried to teach you memory skills but you did not seem too interested or to pay too much
attention. As a result you were only able to remember fifteen of the twenty words from a
random list. Twelve years latter you are still able to recite those fifteen words in order. This
should convince you I was not just talking nonsense.
Over the years I have said a few things to you. If I had been able to I would have said much
more. Of those things I did tell you I wonder how much you can accurately recall and if any of
it means anything to you.


It Goes Without Saying

I asked a guy whose wife was pregnant for the second time if he was hoping for a boy or a
girl. His response was, “I don’t care what sex the child is so long as it is healthy!” I had heard
this, word for word, many times before.
This is a very strange statement. It goes without saying that everyone wants his or her child to
be healthy. Clearly birth defects do occur but certainly not with such frequently that it is a
major concern. I’m sure he didn’t look at his wife and say, “Hey, there are some interesting
deformities in that family. Maybe if I have children with her they will come out with one big
eye in the middle of their forehead.”
This leads to the question that if it goes without saying then why are so many people saying
it? A method of thought control or of influencing people is to link the thought you want to
implant in people with something that everyone can agree on, in this case, healthy babies. The
linked thought is that the sex of the child does not matter. To help implant it an appeal is made
by various methods, in this case, fear is used.
Who would want to influence people to believe the sex of the child does not matter? I have
heard many men say they would like a son, that a man needs a son. On some occasions there
has been a woman present whose political views involved women’s liberation, and they replied
in an offended tone that the sex shouldn’t matter, they should be concerned that the child
should be healthy.
I used the term thought control. To many people this implies that I believe there is some Big
Brother character deliberately manipulating society. This is incorrect. What has happened is
people are communicating and exchanging ideas. This is simply an example of how society
Wrong Thought
In Pakistan a skinny old man in thread bear cloths was interrupted from his routine of turning
over rocks looking for something to eat. Asked what he would rather have, an atomic bomb or
a sandwich he chose the bomb. The Hindus had to be kept in line.
This is an example of the results from others manipulating you to meet their desires and
needs. In their schemes you are not important, only a tool and have been lead into wrong
Another result of wrong thinking can be found in the story of Popei. He was a black man who
as a child had been adopted into the Indian tribe that was in conflict with Daniel Boone and his
group. Having surrounded the white fort, Popei was brought out as a translator to demand the
fort’s surrender. They refused and the Indians attacked. Seven of the fort’s occupants claimed
they were the one who shot Popei dead. Popei’s mistake, he thought he was just another Indian
while the people in the fort saw a black man with feathers in his hair thus making him a
specific target.
Yet another example of a person engaging in wrong thought is the story of a Jewish chemist in
WWI era Germany. As a patriot he wished to contribute to the war effort. He did this by being
an important figure in the development of Germany’s gas warfare program. After the war he
continued his research disguised as developing pesticides. In doing so he developed Zyklon B,
the poison used in the death camp showers.
My favorite is of Captain Bucky O’ Neil. A crony of Teddy Roosevelt he was an important
figure in the commercialization of the Grand Canyon as a tourist attraction. During the
Spanish/American War he made the statement, “The Spanish bullet has not yet been made that
could kill me.” The Spanish however were using German Mausers. The bullet passed between
his teeth and out the back of his head.
Vomiting Filth and Ugliness
Do you know the difference between pussy and chicken? Pussy is something a man has to first
take to dinner and afterwards have sex with. Chicken he can have sex with and then it is dinner,
finger licking good.
Yes, it is gross and repulsive. Many things in life are. The world is not what you want but
what it is. Many things you can hide from or just ignore. Some things just jump out at you
unexpectedly like this little story did from people who are just determined on intruding on you.
Their purpose varies. Sometimes they just want to gross you out as the above story did. Most of
the time they want something from you, for you to believe in a particular way, to act as they
wish or to sell you something. It is all deceptive. Simply saying “ugh” is not always enough.
They insist on vomiting their filth and ugliness into your life.
Look at the play on words they use and you obtain a lesson in how to lie. Take for an example
the WWII propaganda slogan used by the Japanese, “Asia for Asians.” It sounded good to
people subject to Western rule. What they really meant by Asians was the subset Japanese.
They didn’t use this slogan in China.
When the founding fathers said all men were created equal they were speaking about
themselves to their betters in England not to themselves in behalf of their slaves.
The generation that experienced it called the attack on Pearl Harbor a sneak attack. They
called it a day that would live in infamy. That generation has not yet quite passed and reformers
are now calling it a surprise attack. The Japs have not apologized for either one.
During the war between Iran and Iraq officials of the Iranian government emptied elementary
schools and took the children to the battle front. They were each given a plastic key from a
baby’s toy that they were told was the key to the gates of Heaven. This would guarantee their
entrance into Paradise. They were then told to go ahead of the soldiers and clear a path through
the minefields.
A little more relevant to your day-to-day life is what I receive almost every day in my mail
telling me I have been prequalified for something or other connected to money. To most people
this suggests they already qualify for what ever is being sold, usually involving a loan. What
the salesmen really mean is they have not been qualified yet.
Another deception can be found when you are looking for a job. The statement competitive
wage means we pay the same as everyone else. If an add states the job is near public
transportation or you go their and hear a radio playing Spanish music you can be certain the
pay is low.

I Am Not Married to Another Man

My wife does not work but is a housewife. This offends some men who say in angry tones
“That wouldn’t happen in my house!” They say they’d kick their wives’ in their butts and make
them get a job.
In response I have said, “That pain in your chest, that’s angina. The uncomfortable feeling in
your stomach, that’s gas. The over all malaise and feeling of discontent your suffering from,
that is because some where in the back of your mind you realize you are married to another
My wife is feminine. She provides me a comfortable home filled with laughter and good food.
The services she provides make it possible for me to work another job. Without her I would
have to do these things myself making it more difficult to work a second job and pay to have
these things done requiring me to work more hours.
The working wives of these men make more money than they do. The men say they do most
of the cooking and are better cooks. The men do the laundry and so forth as well. The wives are
tired from work and need to relax. I ask them, what is the difference between them and their
wives? I tell them as men and women become more alike there will be an increase of gender
confusion and homosexuality because it just won’t matter. It won’t matter except for that
feeling of discontent they suffer from.

Illegal Immigration
When future historian write about the Spanish migration to the U.S. they will say allowing
illegal immigration was an act of racism.
As in the U.S., The white population of Europe has been declining and is aging. Younger
workers are needed in such large numbers to fill essential jobs and maintain the economy that
immigration is the only answer. The resulting cultural diversity has created social problems and
People watching from the U.S. don’t want to repeat the same mistake. What they want are
white people with an European cultural back ground who are Christians. Such people would
assimilate much more easily than others. True, many of the Spanish-speaking people are off
white but they are white enough to maintain a white America. While many are Catholic they
are still Christian, speak a European language and come from a transplanted European culture.
These people are our cousins and have a family and territorial claim on us with many having
native-American blood.
Why should we not give them preferential treatment over say, an Indonesian Muslim who
simply wants to come here for a better life? The answer is current immigration law is not
written that way. By turning a blind eye to illegal immigration the responsible federal officials
are circumventing the law. By doing so they are keeping America white and Christian.

Let There Be Peace

There is an elementary school that right after the terror attack in New York City placed on its
marquee the message, “Let there be peace and let it begin with me.” What the people who put
that message up didn’t seem to realize is we were at peace. Not only were we at peace but we
were working for peace and justice for other people all over the world. The trade center attack
was made by people who disagree with our version of what form that peace and justice should
The people responsible for the sign are the kind that favor gun control. If you had them over
to your house and announced that there was a gun in the other room they would be very
uncomfortable and want to leave.
On the surface this appears to be unreasoning fear. It is not unreasoning but rather primitive
fear and reasoning. The name for this is animism. If you look at the chart I had once given you
that cross-references the various developmental theories you can see that belief in the
supernatural is part of human intellectual development. Primitive people functioned on the
intellectual level of a six-year-old. They did not know what was alive and what wasn’t. Other
people were alive; animals looked somewhat like people and were alive. Plants were capable of
growth and change and even rocks could move. What made things move? The answer, there is
another little animal inside moving it, a spirit or soul that can’t be found when you open a thing
up to look for the little animal because it is part of the unseen spirit world. This means the gun
spirit could decide to come in from the other room and start shooting people.
Why so much fear of the gun spirit? If these people were told there is a gun in the next room
and a table saw in the garage they would not react with the same fear to the table saw. A simple
first answer for this is there is no political movement for banning table saws. As teachers these
people would feel justified in imparting gun fear into their students. Similarly, our police force
has been indoctrinated into the belief that if they use their firearms they will be traumatized and
require counseling and therapy. On reflection it seems they are not just suffering a
psychological condition but enacting a cultural ritual.
It appears the peace movement in all its manifestations is not simply a political movement but
phenomena in a dynamic, changing and maturing culture situated among other cultures. One of
these other cultures is the Moro. Descended from Muslim pirates their tradition teaches there
is pleasure to be had in killing an enemy with a knife, feeling their guts twist and having that
enemy exhale his last breath in their face. It was for knocking down these killers hopped up on
religion and drugs into a killing frenzy that the American Army began arming its officers with
45s. Even with this shots to the head or hip helped insure they went down.
A traditional enemy and competitor of the Moro were the headhunting Dyak. The Dyak
believed that in taking a head they were trapping that person’s soul and used it to make sure
their rice grew. Because the soul would leak out and eventually be free it was necessary to
have a supply on hand that continually needed to be renewed. Should a van load of such Dyaks
drive past the school mentioned earlier they would not read it and agree. They would think,
“Here is an easy harvest.”
Such cultures could not be tolerated among us or as neighbors. They would have to be
subdued by military might and reeducated. The Dyak are now Christians but they remember
their traditions and have among them, held in high honor, some that have taken heads.
The pacifism represented by the previously mentioned school marquee is clearly the wrong
thing to be teaching our children. It does not fit into the world and may well result in an
obscenity similar to the one that occurred in Japan. At the same time it is representative of a
culture growing and changing much as an individual develops and grows through
developmental stages. What we need to be teaching our children then is courage, honor, valor
and that they can be healed.
The current method of healing wounded souls, of treating violence-traumatized police and
warriors is to provide them with counseling and therapy. The effectiveness of this approach is
unsatisfactory. It is impersonal, conducted by strangers, ends when the ability to pay runs out
and is of varying effectiveness.
To correct this problem it is useful to see how other cultures may have solved this problem.
One that has is the Navajo or as they call themselves, De’ne. These people, cousins to the
Apache, cultural slogan is essentially “walk in beauty.” A shy people, they hold that to
maintain eye contact is rude and aggressive.
When their warriors return home they are in need of healing. The extended family comes
together and holds a “sing” for them. Growing up all members of the family have previously
participated in such events and each knows their part. Assisted by a medicine man the ritual is
performed, often with a relevant supernatural creature becoming involved, and the individual is
Such a thing, a similar ritual needs to be adopted into our culture. Families need to look into
their religion, their ethnic and cultural background for similar rituals they can update and use. It
would have to be practiced so that all can adequately be involved and most importantly, it has
to be performed while the family’s children are young so that they will believe. Twenty years
latter when an intervention may be needed for any purpose all will be ready and success

A Quaint Custom
In India a quaint custom for solving social, economic, inheritance and probate problems was to
simply throw a man's widow on the funeral fire with him. This practice was called Suttee, and I
understand it was practiced only by the Rajput caste (the ruling caste in India).
It was outlawed by the British, although they had some difficulty in stamping it out. The
widows themselves were not always reluctant to be burnt. Females had been taught from
childhood it was their obligation to cooperate. In compensation they were told that once the fire
had been lit they would have the gift of prophecy. Of course, most of them, when they could be
heard above the noise of the flames, had pretty much the same to say, “Aaahhh, aaahhh!”
That was the general idea, though there could be some variation across the country. In some
provinces and time frames merely climbing up on the pyre in your bridal attire and climbing
down would be considered sufficient devotion and release you from your obligations and other
times and places required that the wife/wives/concubines be burnt.
Suttee as so many have pointed out is to our way of thinking a quite barbaric custom. Yet
many, many women willingly followed their lord and master into the pyre (no I am not
overlooking those who were definitely not willing), I think the negative alternates facing a
Hindu widow should be addressed, if she lived.
She would be vilified as being a bringer of evil. She must become an unpaid and disrespected
drudge to her husband’s family and to never have any social contact with the outside world
again. Always she must dress in white and never again wear any adornment. Under no
circumstance can she marry or have children. All of these things and many more I think would
tip an already fragile mind.
General Sir Charles Napier, conqueror and later governor of Sind was in his sixties when
confronted by Brahmins claiming the custom of suttee to be a sacred Hindu custom. He
"Be it so. This burning of widows is your custom. Prepare the funeral pile."
Then he added:
"But my nation also has a custom. When men burn women alive, we hang them and confiscate
all their property. My carpenters shall therefore erect gibbets on which to hang all concerned
when the widow is consumed. You may follow your customs, and we shall follow ours."

I dislike you not for the quality or quantity of your manliness nor for your mildly nauseating
personality. These things are far too common. What is unbearable is you chose, for reasons of
spite and vindictiveness rather than for necessity, to make yourself an enemy of others and can
never be trusted behind anyone’s back.

There are people who have had a stick up their wazoo for so long they have grown
comfortable with it there. If someone were to remove it they would suffer feelings of grief and
loss followed by angry demands for its return.
There is an old saying that the insults of an enemy are badges of honor.
There is another old saying that the greatness of a people can be measured by that of their
An insult I find very offensive is the phrase “poor white trash” or its derivative “trailer trash.”
It originated in the South and contemptuously means the referred to person may be white but
they are no better than a nigger.
Pickett’s charge was made by poor white trash. When they got hung up on the fence a great
moan went up from them that the Yankees could hear above the noise of muskets and cannon.
It was the sound of the breath being knocked out of the chests of many men at once and still
they came on right into the Union lines. Such men of valor should not be dishonored as trash.

Axioms and Dictates

There are people who do not engage in much thought. They are content to accept truths given
to them by authority. There is little intellectual difference between them and a rock with a
sentence carved on it. Told of this, many would be proud.
There are others with closed minds that hear only what they want to hear. They either can’t or
won’t comprehend a complete thought choosing instead to key on certain words and interpret
everything according to their preconceived ideas and values. Don’t try to reason with either of
them, they are not subject to those rules.

The War on Smoking

Unfortunately, I had to work with a guy who I did not like and who did not like me. A wrong
look from one to the other could lead to a fistfight. If one died the other would be happy. One
time I lit up a cigarette in front of him. He responded without thought by saying smoking was
bad for my health.
This is true, smoking is bad for my health but as I said, If one of us died the other would be
happy. He responded as he had been conditioned to, stimulus-response. You need to be aware
of this kind of mental trap where a truth is linked to a desired thought and so channels your
thinking into the same intellectual groves as everyone else.
As a dynamic thinker you will find yourself having to navigate through truths quite often. A
good example is the war on tobacco. In thinking about this you have to consider that there are
other social change wars. One failure is the one on poverty. A victory in the war on drugs
would put a lot of people out of work and cause a massive shift in governmental spending and
income. It has become a part of the regular economy. The war on alcohol is mostly limited to
stopping drunk driving. Curiously, the war on smoking has been much more successful than
these other wars.
Your question should not be why has it been so successful but why a war at all? I’m sure that
with the asking of this many truths leap to your mind: smoking is bad for your health. Second
hand smoke is more dangerous than first hand. (I’m trying to figure this one out but people
accept it blindly as true.) Smokers have more health problems causing everyone’s insurance
cost to go up, no one wants to kiss an ashtray and probably a few more intellectual groves.
These are peripheral truths that support the anti-smoking campaign but not the cause.
When smoking was first being popularized it was touted as a tonic for the body and even an
aphrodisiac. Smokers quickly learned these things were not true and that smoking was actually
bad for them. Despite this there was no serious effort to discourage it. The long existence of
this knowledge then is not the cause for the war on tobacco.
So why so much concern today for my health and in such a narrow scope? If the concern was
truly for my well being then why has there not been similar concern, effort and success in
providing for other aspects of my health such as universal health care.
You’re now ready to look for the prime truth that motivates the drive to end smoking in
society. The place to begin is where the movement was really established with determination
and grew in strength to the point where anti-smoking laws are being implemented. This implies
a correlation with the growth of some factor (other than altruistic concern for the health of
others) that is not compatible with smoking. This would be the increasing common use of the
computer in the work place. Smoke is not just bad for you but bad for the computer. As the
computer became more and more common in the work place the effort to end smoking
increased. It is to meet the needs of the computer and the employer that is the originating cause
in this aspect of societal change. This is the Prime Truth. In any personal or executive decisions
you make on the topic of smoking this primary truth must be involved.

Sexual Thought
Psychologist tell us and by so doing convince many, that we all think about sex many times
during the day. If this is true, what thoughts are we then not having?


Big Head
I live in some apartments where there are a number of stray cats. The head maintenance man
for the past several years has made it his mission in life to get rid of all these cats. Right now
outside my kitchen window there are three generations of one family. They sit there at
dinnertime looking from one window to the next waiting to have food thrown to them.
A few years ago I made friends with one stray cat, a small black female. Over time, by putting
food out and slowly moving it closer to me I convinced her to allow me to touch and then pet
her. One night, while feeding and petting her, the dominant male, a large, old, orange tom ran
up. He pushed her out of the way and started eating the food. I thumped him in the head and he
remembered his manners, sat down, curled his tail around his feet and waited for her to finish.
Once she was finished he stepped up and ate the leftovers. This went on for a while with the
tom always being the gentleman until the black female disappeared. I suspect Jorge the
maintenance man was involved in that.
I continued feeding Big Head as my wife had named him but not on a nightly bases. This was
due to a part time job that had me coming in at 1 a.m. a couple of nights a week. Big Head
figured my schedule out and started working for his food by operating a security escort service.
Wherever I parked in the parking lot when I opened my car door there he was to greet me with
a meow and walk me quickly to my door where he would wait for his pay.
Eventually, my wife, who is afraid of cats, let him come in. She even placed a cashmere baby
blanket under the dinning table for him. His routine was to come in doing his pimp walk, go
past my wife who he would give a nod to and go in the kitchen to eat. When he came out he
would curl up on his blanket and purr until it was time to go out.
On one occasion when Big Head was on his way to his blanket he stopped and looked at me
lying on the coach. I had the impression he was thinking about jumping up with me but then he
changed his mind and continued to his blanket.
Sometime latter, I didn’t see what happened, Big Head came in and as he walked past my wife
she jumped up and yelled that he had disrespected her. She grabbed a broom and chased him
out. He was never allowed back in but continued his security escort service until one night he
wasn’t there. I never say him again and suspect Jorge.
The cats outside my kitchen window have his markings and one is orange.

Car Keys
A difference between an adult and a child can be seen in how you get out of a car. A child will
get out, hit the lock and slam the door too hard. An adult gets out, shuts the door then locks it
with the key. This is an action showing responsibility that prevents you from ever locking your
keys in the car or damaging the door.

Old Time Racism

Not everyone who is out spoken about illegal immigration is a racist. All racists however are
against doing anything about illegal immigrants except deporting them. They are easy to spot
despite the law and order mask they try to hide behind. This is because they just can not help
expressing their hatred and xenophobia in racist terms. This harms efforts to do anything by
distracting people from the topic and broadening it to other concerns. It is obvious they want a
final and immediate solution even if it means implementing the methods used in Germany
during the early part of the last century.
Given a choice between concentration camps and amnesty and nothing else, most Americans
would choose amnesty.

The Great Goose Battle

When you were two we went to the pond to feed the geese. The baby geese were out and the
parents were being very defensive. As a result one parent hissed at you. Your sister picked up a
stick and chased it. It joined its mate and the two chased her back to us. She then turned and
chased them. The battle went back and forth like this a few times until I decided that your sister
was getting tired. I then stepped in and chased the geese into the pond.
Told of this years latter your sister didn’t remember it. She asked why I didn’t help sooner. I
told her she was doing fine on her own and didn’t need my help. I was very proud.

Put Down the Fork

Diets fail. What they all have in common is the calorie, which is a measure of heat energy.
Dieters are not concerned with energy but with mass. They need to realize that a pound of lard
weighs just as much as a pound of lettuce. Eat one or the other and you will gain a pound in
mass and no more. The calorie count is a measure of how long it will take you to lose that
What you need to do then is weigh yourself on say, Sunday morning. After that you need to
weigh every thing you eat until the following Sunday morning. If you started out weighing 200
pounds, ate 70 pounds of food and maintained the same weight then your body is eliminating
an average of 7 pounds of mass a day. If you gained 7 pounds you are consuming one pound of
mass a day more than you need. To loose weight, reduce the pounds of food you eat in
proportion to the number of pounds you want to lose. This diet is called put down the fork.

The War on Drugs

Driving down the street you can see signs that say drug free school zone. What this means is
a retreat has been made in the war on drugs. We now have to DARE children to stay off drugs.
Our leaders have given up on the present harvest and are trying to protect our seed crop of
the next generation.

Boys have Cooties

Dad: Your sweet sixteen and never been kissed?
Me: Yes Dad.
Dad: That’s good. You know boys have cooties.
Me: No they don’t.
Dad: What do you think happened to your sister?
Me: Gasp!

Crossing the Street

Look both ways before crossing the street. Also be careful when crossing a driveway or the
entrance and exit to a parking lot. People in their cars exiting these things often fail to stop
before entering the road. They do so looking left for on coming traffic and seldom to the right
for pedestrians on the sidewalk.

There are Monsters

Dad: There are monsters.
Me: No there aren’t.
Dad: Why do you think your not suppose to talk to strangers?
Me: Gasp!

Your First Joke

When I would feed you in your high chair I would often say, “hum” as I presented a bite of
food. For this reason you decided food was called hum. One day as I was changing your diaper
you took my forearm in both hands and said, “Daddy hum” and bit me. We both laughed and
laughed as if this was the funniest thing in the world.

Toilet Training Your Sister

Your sister toilet trained herself. In between the kitchen and the living room was a little space
where I kept the training potty with a few picture books next to it. Your sister knew what it was
for; she had a picture book on the topic and had barged in on me a few times when I had failed
to lock the bathroom door. One time she caught me standing up and said “What that?” I told
her then told her to go on and get out. She said, “I not have peanut” and left. A little while later
she came out of her room with a Mr. Peanut doll and said, “Here my peanut.” So any ways,
she knew what it was for and one day simply walked over to it, pulled down her diaper and
used it. When she was done we both laughed at my surprise.
I guess because of the sound, she called using the potty going peep. Because I thought it
showed intelligence and creativity I always called it “Go Peep.” Once we were living with your
grandparents I had to insist they use that term also. Years latter the subject came up and your
sister said she thought it was her grandmother’s word and did not recall her own creativity.

Christmas is coming soon. I really enjoy the songs of the season. I think anyone who does not
appreciate the message of joy and hope contained in them, of peace and good will to all would
benefit from a visit by Scrooge’s friends.

Time Travel
If you found yourself suddenly in the past what would you do with your foreknowledge?
Would you use it to undo personal mistakes? Perhaps bet on the bay instead of the bob tail nag
or stay out of Camptown altogether?
Would you use it to enrich your self? Would you have sufficient knowledge and skill to do
this? Could you invent the light bulb or even be able to find adequate employment? Do you
understand the present any better than the future?
Perhaps you would try to prevent a catastrophe to human kind and kill Hitler? If he was
eliminated might someone more capable replace him thus making matters worse?
Perhaps it would be better to attempt to change ideas. Could I write an altered version of such
books as “The Prince” or “The Wealth of Nations”, publish them before the real authors, and
thereby change society?
In any discussion of time travel the Grandfather Paradox must be included. This suggests that
if you returned to the past and killed your grandfather before he met your grandmother you
would never have been born. This means you could never have returned to the past preventing
your birth.
A paradox may only exist when there is insufficient information or adequate vocabuary.
Perhaps a return to the past involves moving into a parallel universe where the person you kill
is the grandfather of the person who, if born, would travel to your universe and kill your
Sitting comfortable and secure in the present it is easy to say what you would do in the past.
If it came right down to it, would you? Would you have the desire, the courage, and ability? Is
your knowledge of the future any better than that of the present that you would know how to
alter it for the better? Had I killed Lamar would that have prevented Tony or another like him
and only serve to remove myself from the equation?
To Prevent Live Burial
In an eastern European village (your maternal grandmother’s) there was an ongoing serious
problem. People would get so drunk they had the appearance of being dead. Eventually they
discovered they were burying many people who were still alive. They knew this because some
times a live buried person was able to dig their way out of their grave.
The problem of live burial was of great concern to everyone because it could easily happen to
them. Keeping the bodies around long enough to insure they were dead prior to burial proved to
create a public health crisis.
The solutions they came up with such as bells and flags that could be operated from within a
coffin were too expensive for these poor villagers. Finally, one of your grandmother’s relatives
spoke up. He said they were looking at the problem from the wrong perspective. If they asked
instead of how to make sure they didn’t bury anyone alive but how to make sure everyone they
buried were dead the problem became simple. Before they buried anyone they would drive a
stake through there heart.

The Fall of Government

A labyrinth is a maze, a place through which it is hard to find one’s way. In ancient times it
was also the name for a government office building. Somewhere inside is the minotaur, the
angry, evil bureaucrat who must be sought out and whose cooperation must be obtained.
The earliest writing ever found is on clay tablets in what is now Iraq and are the records of
“crats”. In ancient Egyptian tomb paintings depicting every day life can be seen activities such
as a group of men reaping wheat. Right behind them are the scribes, in equal numbers, writing
everything down.The purpose of crats then, regardless of the type, bureau-, educ-, or some
other kind is to gather and record information and to a lesser degree, disseminate information.
In the 90’s I read that because of the computer, by the year 2000 forty percent of the work
force would be working in information processing. This means, for instance, for every three
men on forklifts there are two people processing the information they create. This seems like
quite an extravagant use of labor with much of the information being unnecessary and even
redundant. Because of the large numbers involved in these jobs they would have to be low
paying and the first to go when there are layoffs. If this information processing system were
available in ancient Egyptian times it would have changed the ratio of wheat cutters to scribes
from one-to-one to three to two.
It is the bureaucrats, the scribes, who run the institutions of government. What controls the
bureaucrats are the forms they fill out. These daubers of mud turned paper pushers now button
pushers follow intellectual paths clearly marked out for them; their work well defined by ridged
and specific rules. The way to change government then is to change the forms the bureaucrats
One historian I read said institutions, staffed by crats are the depository of culture. Another
historian said in the demise of civilizations he could detect the dead hand of the bureaucrat.
These two statements are not contradictory because they have a separation. At the head of
these institutions is an appointed director. These positions can become plum jobs handed out as
rewards to a politician’s supporters regardless of ability or qualification. The assumption is that
the lower level bureaucrats will efficiently perform their jobs with little supervision. These
low-level functionaries, seeing the antics of their superiors, begin to see not merit but social
and political networking skills as the means of advancement. The office building then becomes
a place of intrigue with corruption and incompetence working its way from the top down.
Once the bureaucrats become politicrats, government institutions become dysfunctional and
fail in their purpose. This politicization of workers is well documented in how the eunuchs
came to run the Forbidden City, a butler became Caliph and governments fall.

I know you don’t remember Pup. Pup was a Dalmatian dog that lived across the hall from
me. His owner had fish tanks and other pets that you and your sister liked looking at.
One night you were over there while I was in my apartment with the door open so you could
come and go as you pleased. All of a sudden I heard running feet and you and your sister
screaming. The two of you came in with your sister hiding behind a chair while you took a
flying leap from the end of the bed landing face down on the pillow. Pup ran in, jumped on the
end of the bed, barked in every direction then ran out. You and your sister ran after him
giggling to return very soon after in the same way.
I let this go on a couple of times then put a stop to it because I was concerned Pup might get
over excited and accidentally scratch or hurt one of you. That would have resulted in another
trip to court where your mother would ask for my visitation to be reduced and child support

A Monster Story
There was a pretty little girl who was lazy and disobedient. Her parents always told her when
walking home from school to always walk to the corner and then turn on their street. Never,
never take a short cut through the parking lot in the rear of the empty store on the corner.
One day, a monster was driving down the road looking at all the sweet, delicious looking
children walking home from school. He saw the pretty little girl and said to himself, “Yum! I’d
like to have that for my dinner!”
Then it happened! The pretty little girl, being lazy and disobedient, took the short cut just like
her parents told her not to and the monster saw it! The monster knew, because she was on her
way home from school, that she would go that way again. All he had to do was wait.
The next day he waited behind the empty building for the pretty little girl but she didn’t
come. The next day she still didn’t come but walked to the corner like she was suppose to do.
On the third day, maybe she thought it was to hot or maybe she was in a hurry to get home to
see her favorite TV show, we don’t know but she took the short cut where the monster was
waiting. He simply stepped out, took her by the arm and led her away.
We know this because in looking for her the police saw it happen on the video tape of an
outside security camera of the store next door. They caught the monster but no one ever saw the
pretty little girl again.

There are three things that are foolish: riding horses (motorcycles) at night, marrying young
and I forget the third. Sorry.

Maslow’s Duck

Dad: Duck.

Me: What?

Dad: Duck!

Me: Why?

Dad: It is a good thing something large and hard wasn’t coming quickly at your head. I tell you
to always question authority, reality and everything else but sometimes you just have to go with
what life throws at you and ask questions latter.

My grandmother once told me to hold out both hands. She then said spit in one hand and want
in the other and see which one filled up first.
You may have noticed that many of the things I have said to you are contradictory. That is
because I am not trying to make you believe certain things or instruct you in certain forms of
behavior. The time for that is twenty years past. Instead I have tried to leave the things I have
said open ended for you to form your own opinions and to understand and learn from according
to your ability. Hopefully I have given you some small reason to think and reflect upon the

Graduation Hats
The hat people wear during school graduation is an insult to labor. It began in a European
university town were the professors were having some dispute with the local craftsmen. As an
insult they began wearing a mortarboard and pedestal on their heads as an insult. From there it
just caught on with other schools.

Blue Ribbon Panels

If you read the literature about efforts to reform education you should be aware this procedure
is conducted by Blue Ribbon Panels. These panels are always composed of outstanding
educators, leaders in business and industry and community leaders. You may notice there is
nobody representing labor. As a result you get nonsense like the following example of a social
studies question for a nationally administered test.

Workers in the United States (U.S.) High pressure hose industry

(a small and specialized labor force) received a substantial
increase in wages, making the hourly cost of their wages and
benefits the highest for blue collar workers in the U.S. and much
higher than those of high pressure metal hose producing workers
in competing countries.
The wage increase described above is most likely to result in an
increase in the:

(A) Profits of high pressure metal hose companies in the U.S.

(B) Sales of products that are made with high pressure metal
hoses in the U.S.
(C) Number of high pressure metal hoses imported into the U.S.
(D) Number of high pressure metal hoses sold in the U.S.

You will notice the way the question is worded controls the answer. A decrease in profits is
not something that can even be considered. Our children are being taught that if they ask for a
raise they will lose their job.
Why is education so anti-labor? Apart from the role of business in conducting education
reform the teachers are ignorant. What have the teachers done all their lives but go to school?
Maybe they had a part time job at a burger joint for a year or less while in high school or
worked as a waitress some during college.
What do they know about careers other than to tell the children they can become doctors or
lawyers or maybe an astronaut or some other occupation they have seen on TV? A welder or
some other blue-collar job is out of the question and outside their experience and knowledge.

Pirates and Nazis, Oh My!

I visited a web site on which teachers discussed teaching. A very hot topic was decorating the
classroom for the New Year. A favorite theme was pirates. What they did not realize is pirates,
past and present, were and are very nasty people committing robbery and murder. All that the
teachers understood was a good-looking guy played a cute and lovable pirate in a popular
This raises some startling concerns. If instead of a pirate the good-looking guy had played a
lovable Nazi they would be enthusiastically decorating their classroom with swastikas. Staying
with a nautical theme, had the good-looking guy played a cute and lovable slave ship captain in
a popular movie, how would they then decorate their classrooms?
They can do this type of thing because of the shallowness of their thought. They have no
sense, understanding or moral development above that of a ten-year-old or possibly less. Being
perceived as mostly women, these women contribute very strongly to the stereotype view of
women as silly.

Which is correct: pi r squared or pies are round?

Wood Chucking Woodchucks Revisited

Currently, a major concern of educational planners is placing computers in the classroom.
This represents a major turn around in thinking when in the ‘70s expensive pocket calculators
were being confiscated in the classroom for what were said to be valid reasons. Now-a-days
many schools provide pocket calculators and instruction in their use.
Justification for this apparent dumbing down of the curriculum can be found in the
mathematics section of New Jersey’s Core Curriculum Content Standards. “With the
availability of technology students need no longer spend the same amount of time practicing
lengthy computational processes. More effort should be devoted to the development of number
sense, spatial sense and estimation skills.” The reasoning behind this statement involves the
way projected advances in computer design and abilities will alter information storage and
retrieval. With iconic computers presenting information more like it is available in the natural
world, the “literacy” skills required of a learned person of today will no longer be essential.
Reading, writing and associated skills will become less important as society moves beyond the
need for these alpha-numeric codes much as it has the skills of fire making and flint napping as
functions of daily life. The required skills for working with these machines will primarily be
those described in the C.C.C.S. These things are considered more intellectually valuable than
learning quadratic equations or memorizing the table of elements. With much of the mental
drudge work automated, the special, intuitive “navigational” talents are considered to be better
adapted to accessing and using knowledge. The development of the “generalist” who can think
divergently, see the interplay of parts, and grasp the overall effect of the whole is preferred over
that of the “specialist”.
This curriculum change then involves the way computers can present data in the form of a
“web” on which all the information contained in a database is interlinked. Any individual link
in this loop of related data provides a start point for other loops, in which any link could initiate
other loops, worlds without end. “Knowledge” then would be the experience of having traveled
on the web. The journey therefore, would be more valuable than the destination and
relationships between data more valuable than the data. It may be that we will come to value
intelligence no longer solely by information retrieval but by the imaginative way a student
constructs such a journey.
We can consider just what all this means by applying it to the question of wood chucking
woodchucks and asking it of the high achiever and the class clown in both 1959 and today. In
1959 the high achiever would have answered 8 cords of wood. The reasoning involved: 2 cords
divided by 2 hours equals 1 cord of wood an hour. The results, placement in gifted or
accelerated classes.
Asked of the class clown, he answers less than 8. The reasoning involved, after two hours of
chucking wood he would get tired and slow down. For this he would be admonished as a wise
Asked of the computer augmented high achiever the results could end up with an
identification and evaluation of the capabilities of other wood chucking capable species or a
written report on Zen and the art of wood chucking. This is because with the question being
considered open ended and vague the high achiever is capable of and therefore retrieves a
bewildering amount of information, an overload of data from the database. This results in an
esoteric dissipation of effort and more than one correct answer.
The augmented class clown would recognize the question could be interpreted as vague and
containing insufficient information. He asks why do you ask? He is then ready to select
relevant information for a specific purpose and use. The result of both of these approaches is
the high achiever still is selected for advanced placement while the class clown is again
admonished for being a wise guy.
In both cases the motivated high achiever follows a learned formula and seeks to please
authority Based on the correct answer or the volume of information presented she receives high
marks and goes on to be a clerk or technician who performs routine tasks according to
established procedure. The divergent thinking, authority questioning class clown who plays
with words and their meaning, whose rebel, anarchist tendencies have been retained without the
crushing of his spirit is the change causing innovator and creative leader. He is the one who
most often grasps the general effect of the whole and sees the interplay of the parts and
understands how they are interchangeable. This is the student the educators claim they are
trying to create.
With access to the same technology what makes the difference between the two? Efforts have
been made to understand and thus manipulate the psycho-sexual, psycho-social, behavioral,
moral and creative development of children but not enough has been done to develop a
student’s sense of humor. It is this sense of humor that gives the class clown the advantage.
With different nations competing for economic supremacy and using the same technology
they look to the training their children receive in school to provide the random element that will
give them the advantage. This will be determined by culture, the deciding element, humor.

In School
When I was in elementary school my teachers said of me that I daydream, I don’t pay
attention in class, I don’t turn in my homework, I don’t try hard enough. Not a one said I was
struggling with division because I haven’t mastered the multiplication tables. I knew this and
finally did something about it. Because of this I am essentially self educated.

The P2R
The P2R, Plan to Radically Revise Special Education was test piloted for five years in the
special needs school districts of New Jersey. In 1989 it was hailed by its developers as a
tremendous advance in the rendering of services to the state’s special education populations.
An objective evaluation of the P2R reveals it contained nothing new or radical. Had the state
monitored more closely for compliance with P.L. 94-142, the 1975 Education of All
Handicapped Children Act, the P2R would have been unnecessary. Rather than a cure for
educational woes, the P2R appears to be a symptom of some problem plaguing the educational
reform movement.

The Great Wind

There has been a great wind blowing across the country for many years, even generations. This
hot air is the result of politicians and bureaucrats patting themselves on the back in self-
congratulations for the wonderful job they have been doing to reform our nation’s educational
This has not happened, or at least is perceived as having not happened as evidenced by the
continued demands and efforts at change. The constant and ineffectual tinkering with the
curriculum by reformers has resulted in a continual change in educational strategy and
emphasis that culminates approximately every ten years. The reform movement itself then is a
disruption to learning at least once during the time spent in school by each of our nation’s
children. This makes the reform movement a symptom of rather than a cure for educational
The comparisons and evaluations of our educational system have been accompanied by
concern, even hysteria over eminent social, moral and economic collapse. In April of ‘92 at a
dinner to “kick off” “Central Jersey 2000" a speaker characterized the problem this way:

“Our standard of Living is at stake...

America is in a crisis of national proportions...
The products of today’s U.S. education
system don’t meet the knowledge and
skills level of either today or tomorrow’s
work force.”

The strident urgency for change demanded by many of the reformers is being accomplished
on a geological time scale.
The person responsible for the above quote was speaking to a homogeneous telling them
what they wanted to hear. I doubt if he was concerned about the truth of his statements, that
was not his goal. What I think he was concerned with was a free dinner and building his
prestige by being politically correct for the purpose of social and political net working.
Many political bureaucrats and especially new teachers right out of the teacher training
colleges have been indoctrinated into this way of thinking, they accept the concept of education
in crisis as true because it is politically correct rather than a product of their own thought. There
are words for such people such as: sycophant, brown noser, butt kisser, butt licker, toady, suck
ass, flatterer, yes man. Such persons are a hindrance to the educational process.

I’m the Bad Guy?

There has been such a choir of voices advocating change, putting forth so many arguments
and counter arguments for reform that the layman, attempting to understand the issues is often
left confused by the resulting babble. This confusion suggests there is some underlying
sociological problem.
The brief history of society and education that I have given you is based on change and
innovation by which society advanced and survival been enhanced. Historically, important new
technological innovations aroused fear, mistrust, misunderstanding, and hostility. Change has
been resisted by tradition that sees innovation and its resulting change as possessing dangerous
and disruptive tendencies. It profoundly and permanently alters people’s way of life, challenges
contemporary dictums and reshapes religious tenants. Often resistance to change is violent.
The end result is abandonment of past traditions and the establishment of new ones once
society comes back into equilibrium. Many argue that change is now so rapid that equilibrium
can not be reestablished. This inability may be the sociological problem causing confusion in
society and thus in the schools.
In post World War I England, H.G. Wells wrote a book he titled “The Outline of World
History.” In the introduction he states there was a need for such a book.

“Men felt they had come to a crisis in world

affairs… they did not know if they were facing
a disaster to civilization or the inauguration of
new phase of human association… the huge
problems that had been thrust so suddenly and
tragically upon the world were insufficiently
understood. How had these things come about…
why had it come to affect the whole world?

At the same time in Germany, education reforms brought a drastic reduction in the teaching
of mathematics and physics. The Prussian Secretary of Education, Carl Becker, said: “The
inherent evil is the over valuing of the purely intellectual… we must acquire again reverence
for the irrational.”
History repeats itself. Many a little man has waved his hands in the air and shouted, “What’s
a fella to do!” He lives with change and innovation without understanding it. To him the
objects and systems created by technology operate independently and impersonally.
Technology speaks a language he does not understand, it operates against him, dominates and
controls his life and corrupts his beliefs, and perhaps most importantly, has not fulfilled its
promises to him.
In an effort to find answers, to cope and gain a measure of control over his life, the little man
often engages in irrationalism. As in post WW I Germany, there are those who are ready to
provide him with simple, easy to understand answers. This has resulted in the rise of diverse
cults, the acceptance of pseudo-science and other strange manifestations arising from confused
minds and hearts. By such means the little man achieves a measure of emotional security and
closes his mind.
As a consequence of all this, the little man has transferred many of his old prejudices to
technology and the technocrats who have become the new, sinister “They.” “They” are the ones
who are keeping him down, rendering his skills and knowledge obsolete, sticking it to him,
exploiting the environment, who understand and run it all without any consideration for the
needs or concerns of the little man.
Many people fear technology and its consequences. There is a strong anti-science movement
forming in this country growing out of a general disenchantment with science and technology.
There are protests against what are called “Frankenfoods” and visual depictions of the world
after the return of Jesus with the lion laying down with the lamb in the background of an
idealistic park setting where there is no sign what so ever of technology. For those who feel a
mental revolution of understanding is needed to bring society back into equilibrium the place to
begin the process is in the schools. This requires a swing again to the left of the chart
outlining educational movements for use of the schools for social change.
The sentiments expressed by H.G. Wells are echoed by other modern authors.

“…we appear to be at yet another major

crossroads in history. We are increasingly
aware of the need to assess our use of tech-
nology and its impact on us…the layman is
aware also that he has not been adequately
prepared to make that assessment.”
-James Burke, Connections

“The present epoch is a major crossroads for

for our civilization and perhaps our species.
Whatever road we take, our fate is indissolubly
Bound up with science.”
-Carl Saga, Cosmos

H.G. Wells further stated that the people of his time tried to understand how all this had come
about by recalling the history they had been taught in school. What was available was an
inadequate listing of dates and kings.
James Burke wrote for the purpose of challenging the methods of teaching history. He
believes by studying the past students can identify how human behavior in recurring situations
has led to change and innovation. He states: “Given average intelligence and the information
available to the innovators of the past, anyone could independently duplicate their
achievements.” This has implications for the innovations of the future.
It appears this may be the key to meaningful reform. Through the teaching of history,
society’s mental and emotional equilibrium can be restored. By teaching history for the purpose
of understanding the development and functioning of civilization, the why and how of its
systems and technology, history can serve to help teach fundamental skills and develop
reasoning powers. Taught from a broad human perspective, integrated and correlated with the
other academic areas, the teaching of history can become a type of therapy contributing
towards resolving the little man’s concerns and the sociological problem of educational reform.
To achieve their goals the educational reformers would have to produce a curriculum that
synthesizes over five-millenium of human activity; history, technology, science, philosophy,
literature, sociology and political history that has proceeded them, is an integral part of their
lives and is shaping their future into a comprehensible whole that provides a coherent
worldview, working philosophy and transferable working skills. This is a function of culture
and its institutions. The effect of such a curriculum on our rapidly evolving culture should be to
help establish emotional and intellectual equilibrium. By this means the little man can
obtain an understanding of the way the world is, why it is this way, how it functions and his
place in a changing society. This is an accomplishable task.
A Curriculum of Unquestionable Value and Lasting Relevance

The Failure of Educational Reform

The Rhetoric
To many of the people concerned with educational reform it may appear real progress is
being made. They know the ‘80s were the decade of the “Back to Basics” movement that
established minimum competency standards. Building on this structure the ‘90s was the decade
in which standards of excellence were established. Towards this goal a self-proclaimed
Education President established a program he named “America 2000.” Renamed “Goals 2000"
by his successor, its objective was to provide our nation with world-class schools by the year
2000. In this spirit the state of New Jersey has produced its “Core Curriculum Content
Standards.” Hailed by its developers as a major innovation it was described by an assistant
commissioner in that state’s Office of Standards and Assessment as being “... more
comprehensive than that of any other state’s working on the problem.”

The Reality
Being sincerely concerned the purpose of educational reform is being achieved we must ask
if this is really happening, does the rhetoric match the reality? The traditional explanation for
the existence of the debate is to correct a perceived failure by our schools to provide what is
described in the Constitution for the state of New Jersey as “A through and efficient
education.” The provided time lines for the trends in educational reform during this century in
the U.S. demonstrates the major means of determining this deficiency exists has been to
compare our schools with those of other nations and cultures, identify sociological problems
and determine the needs of employers. The themes and ideas of the present reform efforts are
revealed by this time line to be a part of a repeating cycle of alternate emphasis between
progressive social concerns and often reactionary and conservative, skills dominated programs
for work force development. Rather than representing a new application of enlightenment
concerning how children learn, the reform movement simply responds to those forces external
to the schools: political, social, technological or economical currently dominant in society’s
Movement for the professionalization of teaching.
(Estimate of only ten percent graduates of normal schools.)

Progressive Movement
(Child study.)
Essentialist Movement
(Rejected the use of the schools
for social reconstruction. Teach
only the essentials.)
Life Adjustment Education
(Teach for social development.)
Technological Skills
(Under former General then President
Eisenhower schools were compared to
those of Europe where the Iron Youth
of Germany failed, in two wars, to
accomplish the cultural, economic and
racial dominance taught in their schools
as their destiny.)
(Child centered concerns.)
Back to Basics
(Schools accused of being centers for
crime and drug abuse. Teach only the
basics. Alternate route to certification.)
America/Goals 2000
Conference of some state governors finds American schools lacking when compared to those
of Europe and Asia. Establish standards of excellence. List of seven goals drawn from both
sides of the debate.

1990s Federal mandate for annual testing

State of New Jersey
Core Course Proficiencies

May 1980 Following a five-year study on high school graduation requirements a statewide
panel recommends the establishment of student proficiencies.

Dec. 1987 A panel studying the issue reports to the educational commissioner’s office their

June 1988 The commissioner reports the findings and recommendations to the state board
of education.

May 1989 Recommendations for establishing core course proficiencies adopted by the state

July 1990 Panels of outstanding educators, members of business and industry meet to
identify core course proficiencies.

Aug. 1990 Educators statewide review the panels’ drafts of the proficiencies.

Oct. 1990 Panels meet to revise drafts based on reviews and present Core Course
Proficiencies to the state board.

July 1991 Core Course Proficiencies published.

State of New Jersey

Core Curriculum Content Standards

1992-1993 Panels of outstanding educators, business people and other citizens develop
preliminary draft standards in seven academic areas and career education.

1995 Similarly constituted working groups built upon these preliminary

standards and engaged the public in a review process that resulted in
several revised drafts.

Feb. 1996 Core Curriculum Content Standards proposed for adoption by the New Jersey
State Board of Education published.

May 1996 Proposal adopted.


This constant and ineffectual tinkering with the curriculum by reformers results in a continual
change in educational strategy and emphasis that culminates approximately every ten years.
The reform movement it self then is disruption to learning at least once during the years of
schooling by each of our nation’s children. This makes the reform movement a symptom of
rather than a cure for educational problems.
The comparisons and evaluations of our educational system have been accompanied by
concern, even hysteria over eminent social, moral and economic collapse. In April of ‘92 at a
dinner to “kick off” “Central Jersey 2000" the keynote speaker characterized the problem this

“Our standard of Living is at stake...

America is in a crisis of national proportions...
The products of today’s U.S. education
system don’t meet the knowledge and
skills level of either today or tomorrow’s
work force.”

The strident urgency for change demanded by many of the reformers is clearly being
accomplished on a geological time scale.

The slow progress of educational reform made clear by the time lines presented for the
national history of educational reform and of the state of New Jersey to develop its Core
Curriculum Content Standards does not represent any kind of competent progress. With more
study and development proposed, New Jersey’s Content Standards was described by the then
state educational commissioner as “general and sometimes vague.” In a national comparison of
standards conducted in 1996 by the American Federation of Teachers it was rated as “weak”
and “doesn’t go far enough.”
The response to the Core Curriculum Content Standards by the schools has been to reevaluate
their present curriculum to insure these standards are met. This is being accomplished through
curriculum committees that review existing programs and make suggestions for revision and
updating of specific areas. Referred to as fine tuning, an attempt is being made to correlate their
programs with the various state wide standardized tests that are being administered to measure
the success of the schools in meeting the standards which is tied into state funding. From the
new formats developed by these committees recommendations for the purchase of material and
resources are being made, to be acquired according to the schools’ existing budget and
schedule for doing so. In other words, business as usual.
To better understand what is happening it is useful to look at the recommendation for dealing
with criticism and attacks on the schools found in a 1960s educator’s encyclopedia. This book
states critics and attackers should be invited to serve on committees and advisory councils with
information, recommendations and suggestions being compiled from them so as to help all
concerned arrive at an amicable understanding. Suggestions then can be incorporated into the
curriculum. When last quired concerning its progress in ‘96, representatives of Central Jersey
2000 stated they were formed into committees.
The results of this approach can be measure through a comparison of the Core Curriculum
Content Standards with the 1958-1959 Goals curriculum for the state of Arizona, “Teaching
Today for Tomorrow”. While the Goals curriculum is much more conversational, what
concerns us here is not which one is better but their similarity. This comparison suggests the
Core Curriculum Content Standards is a re-invention of the wheel. The continual return to first
principles it represents reveals stagnation in the efforts of the educational reform movement.

Goals - Teaching Today for Tomorrow Core Curriculum Content Standards


Problem Solving Standard 4.1 All students will develop the

ability to pose and solve problems in
mathematics, other disciplines and everyday

To help pupils gain in ability to solve Descriptive Statement: Problem-solving

problems, the best preparation is to teach and posing involve examining situations that
understanding of the problem and the arise in mathematics and other disciplines
essential facts of the problem. The important and in common experiences, describing
part of the problem is the question asked. these situations mathematically, formulating
The following suggestions should help the appropriate mathematical questions and
pupil in problem solving. using a variety of strategies to find solutions.
By developing their problem-solving skills,
students will come to realize the potential
usefulness of mathematics in their lives.

Use discovery-orientated, inquiry-based

Have the pupil read the problem carefully, and problem-centered based approaches to
help him to understand there is no pressure, investigate and understand mathematical
but it is important that he asks himself these content appropriate to early elementary
questions about the problem: What does the grades.
problem ask? What am I to find out? What
facts are given in the problem? What does
the problem tell?
Recognize, formulate and solve problems
How can I use facts to answer the arising from mathematical situations and
question? In other words, teach the child to everyday experiences.
read the problem carefully, to think about
what it asks and what it tells.
Construct and use concrete, pictorial,
Help the student to visualize the problem symbolic and graphical models to represent
and understand it by: dramatizing the problem situations.
problem, using representative materials as Pose, explore and solve a variety of
substitutes for the articles of the problem, problems, including non-routine problems
clarify words and their meanings by and open-ended problems with several
discussion and demonstration, give pupils solutions and/or solution strategies.
practice stating facts about the problem and Construct, explain, justify and apply a
asking the question in their own words. variety of problem-solving strategies in both
cooperative and independent learning
Provide much practice in story problems. environments.
Verify the correctness and reasonableness
Provide practice in reading problems of results and interpret them in the context
answering: What the problem tells and what of the problem being solved.
it asks? Are they putting things together? Know when to select and how to use grade-
Taking them away? Or dividing them into appropriate mathematical tools and methods
group? What words help us know? as a natural and routine part of the problem-
Read new kinds of problems together; help solving process.
children understand what is meant by the Determine, collect, organize and analyze
problem. Give children similar problems - data needed to solve problems.
using activities they usually perform. Recognize that there may be multiple ways
Have children formulate their own story to solve a problem.
problems. Have them tell the class the
meaning of their problem and the key words.
Work problems together at first. Place each
child on his own as soon as possible.
Clearly the reform movement has failed. The repetitive nature of its efforts and
recurring themes demonstrates an inability among professional educators, with or without the
help of leaders from outside the schools, to develop, after nearly a century of effort, a
curriculum that is of unquestionable value and lasting relevance. This failure indicates the focus
of the debate is incorrect, the wrong questions, based on erroneous assumptions, are being


Before significant and meaningful reform can occur, a new perspective on the problem must
be obtained and a consequentially different approach implemented. Without this what has been
referred to as the swinging pendulum of educational reform will remain a disruption to the
educational process.
At first thought it would seem what is needed is another Locke or Rousseau, a pre-eminent
intelligence of conviction and foresight to provide a new application of the available
knowledge concerning education and learning. With further reflection comes the realization
that education, like politics, religion or philosophy is heavily reliant on theories. History shows
that all such unquantifiable and intangible things are most effective when applied by their
originators. Once the founding principles and ideas of “The Enlightened One” become
institutionalized, the property and responsibility of followers of average intelligence, they are
misapplied or not adhered to because they are not fully understood or agreed with or even form
the bases of the working philosophy of the inheritors. It is for these reasons that John Dewey
spent his latter years fighting against corruptions of his educational ideas.
This is due largely to a theory having little intrinsic value. Its worth is in its usefulness,
which is determined by its user’s creativity and imagination. Who this person is, their beliefs,
values, needs and other prior existing personal characteristics compromise with any theory they
take on. Imposed as part of a job requirement it becomes degraded. Seized by an adventurer
seeking a means to self-aggrandizement it is discarded. This behavior requires that anything
new must be made concrete, something of substance that is adaptable to its user and the fads
and fashions of the times while maintaining its essential integrity. From the two curricula
presented earlier it can be seen that what we teach, 5+4=9, has remained the same. That this is a
fact all children should learn is validated by history that demonstrates it to be an enduring truth
despite attempts to attach to it temporal dogma. Only the rhetoric of the reformers varies
according to the emphasis of those earlier identified forces external to the schools concerned
children are not learning.
A further direction needed is revealed by this concern. Despite the disruption to learning
caused by the reform movement, children do continue to learn, as is their biological imperative.
The problem lies in knowing what they have learned.
Before an instructor can teach a student division, she must know if that student has
mastered the multiplication tables. The records available to the instructor at best only imply this
information. Walk into any classroom and request documentation of each student’s attendance
and the teacher will produce from her desk a record book detailing days present, absent and
times tardy. If the day’s math lesson is on division and you ask for similar documentation
concerning prerequisite skill, the information will be less forthcoming. This teacher then is
engaging in bad practices regardless of how clever her lesson plans and instructional material.
What has been neglected or at least not properly developed because political interests place
emphasis on report cards and standardized testing is the articulation of instruction and
accounting for learning.
The record system presently being used serves the interest of administrators and bureaucrats.
The teacher’s grade book explains nothing about what a student has learned without referring it
to a particular edition of a publisher’s textbook. The student’s cumulative record mostly lists
classes taken and a grade assigned. The teacher’s lesson plan book is similarly oblique and the
school’s curriculum guide, if available, is gathering dust on a bookshelf because it is equally
useless as a tool in the daily planning for and management of a learning environment.
Presenting them for direct examination can make the clearest, most convincing argument for
the inadequacy or these things.

Grade book

School___________ Teacher__________

School Year________ Semester_________


Students Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri.

Cumulative record

Last Name__________ First Name________ Parent_____________

Entering Date______ From__________
Transfer Date________ To____________
Left School Date_______ Reason for Leaving:
Rank in Class_________

Summer School Dates:

Date Place Final Exam. Final Mark Credit
Classes taken:
Subject First Second Third Forth Number Final Final Teacher
Period Period Period Period Weeks Exam. Mark

Lesson Plan Book

Teacher____________ Week of___________

Subject Subject Subject


What is needed is not the creative, insightful product of a brilliant mind but the skills of a
competent clerk. Not the repackaging of old ideas, learning theories and methods, but a
quantification of the curriculum and a clear and precise listing of acquired knowledge and skills
by each student.

Accounting for Learning

Using the Records Based Program

The following record and planning system solves the problem of accounting for learning and
provides a substantial improvement in the planning for learning. It consists of a combined
format of the teacher’s grade and lesson plan books (fig.1) that is correlated with a similar
revision of the school’s curriculum guide and student cumulative record (fig.2).
The preparation of the curriculum guide/cumulative record requires a quantification of the
user’s course of study. Using the techniques of task analysis a concrete and continuous listing
of the specific knowledge and performance abilities to be acquired and displayed by all
students is tabulated in blocks of clear and concise instructional units (fig.3).
The objectives of these units are then entered into the grade/lesson plan book as they are
With this accomplished, specific learning experiences are selected and entered into the
grade/lesson plan book for which grades are assigned (fig4).
Once a student demonstrates concept mastery a notation regarding this is made on the
curriculum guide that then serves as an individual cumulative record (fig.5). By this means a
permanent record of individual learning across the entire spectrum of the curriculum is
established that accurately describes and specifically states what a student has learned and at
what rate he is learning. This then provides a foundation to be built on with future learning.
Access to this type of information increases teacher efficiency and enhances and accelerates
student learning and performance. This record system is then diagnostic of individual learning
deficiencies and prescriptive of learning needs. The implications for the No Child Left Behind
Act involves a significant cost savings. Knowing what their students have learned, a school’s
teachers can devise their own annual test rather than hire a testing agency. For example, if the
records indicate all students have learned to multiple 1-digit numbers times 2-digit numbers
with no regrouping then an appropriate test question would be, multiple a 1-digit number times
a 2-digit number without using regrouping.

Textbook: Curriculum: Goals:

Program of Study:
Resources: Course of Study:
Unit of Instruction:




Cumulative Record of: Curriculum: Goals:

Program of Study:
Objectives: Course of Study:
Unit of Instruction:

(Fig. 2)

Cumulative Record of: Curriculum: Mathematics Goals:

Program of Study: Arithmetic
Objectives: Course of Study: Whole Numbers
Unit of Instruction: Multiplication
Basic Facts: Displays memory
knowledge of basic
facts for numbers 0-
1-digit numbers 2-digit numbers, no Multiples of 10, no 3-digit numbers
times: regrouping. regrouping. with regrouping to
10, 100 and 1,000.

3-digit numbers
with internal zeros.

2-digit numbers 2-digit numbers, no Multiples of 10 with 3-digit numbers

times: regrouping. regrouping. with regrouping to
10. 100 and 1,000.

3-digit numbers
with internal zeros.

Larger Numbers: Applies learned

principles and
methods to solve
larger problems.

(Fig. 3)

Textbook: General Math Curriculum: Mathematics Goals:

Program of Study: Arithmetic Memorization of
Resources: No Frills Math Course of Study: Whole Numbers times tables.
Unit of Study: Multiplication
Objectives: Basic Facts for 1 Reversibility Basic Facts
Facts and 0
Lessons: 2XN 0XN 2XN 3XN
Learning Gen. NFN Gen. Gen. Gen. NFN Gen.
Experiences: Math p. 36 Math Math Math p.63 Math
p. 21 p. 18 p.19 p.45 p.22

Amandrea A A A A A A
Dick A A B A A A
Jane D C C D O D
Puddrick O D O O D O

(Fig. 4)

A = 95-100% Mastery
B = 85-94% Knowledge
C = 80-84% Further instruction needed.
D = 0-79% Failure to obtain concept.
O= Assignment not completed

Cumulative Record Curriculum: Mathematics Goals: Demonstrate

of: Program of Study: Arithmetic ability to use
Amandrea Course of Study: Whole Numbers arithmetic principles
Unit of Study: Arithmetic Concepts and methods to
identify and pose
Objectives: problems.
Addition: States addition is Checks addition by Checks addition
Completed putting things redoing work. with subtraction.
10/06/LS together. 8/06 LS 8/06 LS 10/06 LS
Subtraction: States subtraction is Relates addition and Checks subtraction
taking things away. subtraction as with addition.
Completed 10/06 9/06 LS opposites. 10/06 LS 10/06 LS
Multiplication: States multiplication Checks answers by Checks
is repeat addition of inverting problem. multiplication with
equal division.
Division: States division is Relates division and Checks division
repeat subtraction of multiplication as with multiplication.
equal numbers. opposites.
Defines and Commutative Distributive Associative
demonstrates Property Property Property
principles of:
Word Problems: Distinguishes Distinguishes Solves verbal
between verbal between verbal problems requiring
statements that statements that more than one-step
imply addition or imply multiplication and operation.
subtraction. 9/06 LS or division.

(Fig. 5)

By concentrating on recording academic achievement and determining appropriate learning

experiences this system contains the solution to the problem of writing a curriculum that is of
unquestionable value and lasting relevance. This is accomplished by establishing congruence

between the system and the user, the user being either an individual or a group ideology.
For example, after reviewing the sample mathematics curriculum the reader may decide its
focus is too much on the “what” and not enough on the “why” and “how” or that the student
should develop certain “attitudes” or express “appreciation” for things. These needs of methods
and philosophy can be incorporated into the system by adding them to an existing or as their
own individual unit of instruction. They can also be removed according to the phase of reform
currently dominant in the criticism of the schools.
For this reason my sample curriculum cannot be considered complete. It must be altered by
the individual user to reflect their own style, tastes and needs within the limits of their ability
and administrative constraints. By this means, the user creates their own living curriculum for
which they have understanding, agreement and passion, three factors vital to the success of any
By allowing this creativity and by being adaptable to change, this system can maintain a
stable core curriculum composed of those things that are always taught that is articulated and
functioning regardless of embellishments. By this means, the disruptive influence of the reform
movement and its fragmenting effects on classroom instruction will be minimized.
Failure to follow this program will not result in the collapse of our economy and the decline
of civilization. Following it will not cure a host of social ills. What it will do is assist in the
accomplishment of the purpose of education, the development of the individual and the
amassing by the individual of diverse information and skills with the ability to use them to their
advantage and society’s benefit.

Use with a textbook base curriculum

The sample curriculums were developed with the intention of demonstrating the use of my
record system on a district-wide level encompassing a K through 12 curriculum. The individual
grade level teacher using it independently with a textbook-based curriculum has a need for a
much briefer composition. This person’s curriculum guide and student record would look like
Curriculum Mathematics

Program of study Arithmetic

Course of study Textbook name

Units of instruction Chapter titles

Objectives Chapter sub-titles

Completion of this then prepares the teacher to design lesson plans and learning outlines for

the year. This results in similar benefits of accountability and efficiency but not necessarily
articulation between the grades, as use on a district wide- level would provide.


A large part of many people’s vocabulary is based on context. They have heard or read certain
words so many times that they have developed a sense of how to use the words without
obtaining a clear definition of their meaning. For this reason, I have found it necessary to
include a vocabulary for the teacher’s use.

Scope - The total range of learning experiences provided in a subject or school program often
used to determine the sequence in which learning experiences will be arranged.

Sequence - A following of one thing after another.

Curriculum - The total experience a learner has under the supervision of the school:
mathematics, language arts, science, etc.

Program of study - An organized list of procedures such as a sub-unit of a curriculum topic:

language arts: grammar, penmanship spelling; mathematics: arithmetic, geometry, algebra.

Course of study - A body of prescribed instruction. A sub-unit of the program of study:

arithmetic: whole numbers, fractions.

Unit of instruction - An individual elementary or functional constituent of a whole such as a

sub-unit of the course of study: fractions: fractions, decimals, percent.

Goals - Generalized statement of established purposes; frequently used interchangeably with


Objectives - Specific purposes that form sub-units of units of instruction: decimals; addition
with, subtraction with and so forth.

Lesson plans - Specific learning experiences designed to meet the goals and objectives of the
unit of instruction.

Developmental Theories
Sigmund Freud Erick Erickson Jean Piaget Lawrence Kohlberg Victor Lowenfeld
Development of Creative
Psychosexual Psychosocial Cognitive Development Developmental Aspects
Development Development of Morality

Sexual components of The healthy personality The emergence of Dimensions of moral Creative and mental growth
personality development intelligence behavior

Sexual urges are the A healthy ego is Intelligence consists of Moral behavior is learned Art helps develop self-
primary motivation for developed through stages schemes organized into through social concept and creativity.
behavior throughout life. of conflict. stages. interaction.

Oral Stage Trust vs. Mistrust Sensory Motor Pre-moral Stage Scribbling Stage
(0-2 years) (0-1year) Stage (0-91/2 years) (0-4 years, 3 levels.)
Mouth is source of Mistrust of unknowns vs. (0-2years) Disordered 0-18 months
pleasure. inclination to trust. Motoric intelligence Obedience because of Random marks serve as
Preoccupation with World of here and now. fear of punishment and to kinesthetic activity.
immediate gratification No notion of objective receive reward. Contolled11/2 -31/2 years
of impulse. reality. Judgments are made of Performed for stimulation,
Little reality contact. totally wrong or totally connection between motion
right. and marks made.
Naming 31/2 - 4 years.
Imaginative thinking.

Autonomy vs. Shame

and Doubt
(1-4 or 5 years)
Realization environment
can be manipulated vs.
inclination to regress for
security and comfort. Preoperational
Anal Stage (2-7 years)
(2-4 years) Egocentric
Beginning of delayed Reason dominated by
gratification. perception
Intuitive solutions
No conserving

Freud Erickson Piaget Kohlberg Lowenfeld

Phallic Stage Initiative vs. Guilt Pre-schematic Stage
(4-6 Years) (4 or 5 - 6) (4-7 years)
Frequent masturbation Discover who they are. First representational
Sexual interest in parents Can imagine possibilities attempts.
vs. frustration of Satisfaction obtained
behavior. from activity.
Objects are portrayed in
relationship to self.

Latency Stage Industry vs. Inferiority

(6-11 years) (6-13 years) Concrete Operations Schematic Stage
Sexual identification. Increased importance of (7- 11 or 12) (7-9 years)
peers. Ability to conserve. Achievement of form
Crucial to establish own Logic of classes and concept.
significance, ability and relations. Objects are placed in
competence vs. Development of logical relationship to
feelings of inferiority and reversibility in thought. each other.
insecurity. Understanding of Gang Stage
number. (9-12 years)
Thinking bound to the Realism in drawings.
concrete. Exaggeration of size
Conformity Stage replaced by concern for
(91/2-13 years) details.
Need for approval from
Acceptance of authority.

Freud Erickson Piaget Kohlberg Lowenfeld

Genital Stage Formal Operations
(11 years on, 3 levels) (11 or 12 on)
Homosexual attachments. Complete generalization
Interest in adult modes of of thought.
Development of
sexual pleasure. Propositional thinking.
reasoning and adult
Ability to deal with the
modes of expression.
Development of critical
Identity vs. Identity Development of strong Mature Stage attitudes.
Diffusion idealism. (13 onwards) Growing concern for
(13 - adulthood) Based on rules and naturalism.
Conflict resides in agreements.
selecting and developing Individual principles.
one of several possible (This stage is not reached
selves that may lead to by many adults)
diffusion of self-concept.

Decision Stage
(14-17 years)
Purposeful learning of
technique and skills.

As a special education teacher and like most teachers, a generalist applying what works, I
frequently refer to my textbooks for information on the various developmental theories, while
preparing individualized education programs for my students.
In the past this has required that I lay out several books on the dining room table held open to
the appropriate pages. At dinnertime they had to be put away and afterward brought back out.
Prompted by a desire for efficiency and comments about tidiness from my wife, I began
searching for a better way of doing this. Of the solutions available, the best was the preceding
chart outlining major developmental theories.
Cross-referenced by stages and ages, this outline presents the ideas of Freud, Piaget,
Erickson, Kohlberg and Lowenfield in an easy-to-read format that stimulates thought and
memory and is an aid in lesson planning. I hope you find it as useful as I have.

Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives


KNOWLEDGE: defines, describes, identifies, labels, lists, matches, names, outlines,

reproduces, selects, states.

COMPREHENSION: converts, defends, distinguishes, estimates, explains, extends,

generalizes, gives examples, infers, paraphrases, predicts, rewrites, summarizes.

APPLICATION: changes, computes, demonstrates, discovers, manipulates, modifies, operates,

predicts, prepares, produces, relates, shows, solves, uses.

ANALYSIS: arranges, breaks down, classifies, codes, compares, decides which, groups, lists,
separates, sequences, simplifies.

SYNTHESIS: categorizes, combines, complies, composes, creates, devises, designs, explains,

generates, modifies, organizes, plans, rearranges, revises, rewrites, summarizes, tells, writes.

EVALUATION: appraises, compares, concludes, contrasts, criticizes, describes, discriminates,

explains, justifies, interprets, relates, summarizes, supports.


Goldilocks and the three bears

KNOWLEDGE What are some of the things Goldilocks did in the three bears

COMPREHENSION Why did Goldilocks like the little bear’s chair best?

APPLICATION If Goldilocks had come into your house, what are some of
the things she might have used or done?

ANALYSIS What parts of the story could not have actually happened?

SYNTHESIS How might the story have been different if Goldilocks had
visited the three bluebirds.

EVALUATION Do you think Goldilocks was good or bad? Why do you think

I recently overheard a conversation between a waitress and a group of high school students at a
late night diner. One student was wearing a T-shirt with the faces and names of famous black
Americans on it. When challenged to do so by the waitress the group could not match up the
names and faces with the reason for their celebrity. The best they could do was say Medgar
Evers had some kind of dream.
The waitress then went on to demonstrate they could not estimate the cost of their meal,
compute her tip, make change or name the fifty states and their capitals. In response to their
comments that these things had not enriched her life or improve her material circumstances, she
was just a waitress, she stated she had a richer intellectual life and made explanations for other
Once the waitress had finished bemoaning the poor quality of our nation’s future leaders I
butted in with my comments. I pointed out that these were not future leaders, but clerks, service
representatives and laborers whose jobs were being dumbed down and consequentially pay
reduced by computers. With the computer doing the thinking, reasoning, computing, analyzing,
etc., they were to be “fetch and carries” doing the physical manipulations dictated by the
computer. This statement was not disputed by the students and made them uncomfortable.
The previous taxonomy describes those skills and abilities needed by the students to compete
with and use the computer. They should be provided for in the daily lesson plans.

Blank Forms
Textbook: Curriculum: Goals:
Program of Study:
Resources: Course of Study:
Unit of Instruction:



Activities and
(Sample for copying)

Cumulative Record of: Curriculum: Goals:

Program of Study:
Course of Study:
Objectives: Unit of Instruction:

(Sample for copying)


The Articulation of Instruction

The statement 5+4=9 has been an enduring truth regardless of attempts to attach temporal
ideas to it. For this reason, I chose to develop the mathematics curriculum as an example of
how to use my record system and how useful it is. To demonstrate the record system is
applicable to other areas of the curriculum I have adapted it to the Language Arts curriculum as
I began this a long time ago before abandoning it for many years. During that time, other
educators have come close to duplicating it with what is known as Curriculum Maps and
electronic grade books. Do not be misled by these things. They still serve the needs of the
politician and bureaucrat, ensuring that the Standards are being taught to. My record system
does that and also ensures that the teacher knows what the student has learned and needs to
learn without waiting for expensive testing at the benchmark years.
I bring this up to say that these curriculum maps can be easily adapted to become a part of my
record system by simply transferring them to my forms. Why do I not do it for you? Remember
what I said earlier about theories and intrinsic values? Make of it a living thing, something of
your own.


Program of Study

Course of Study

Whole Numbers Fractions Measurement

Units of Instruction Units of Instruction Units of Instruction

Goals Goals Goals

Fractions Decimals Percent


Lesson Plans

Time Length Weight Volume


Numbers Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division Estimation


Cumulative Record of: Curriculum: Mathematics Goals: Demonstrate ability to use

Program of Study: Arithmetic arithmetic principles and methods to
Course of Study: Whole Numbers identify and pose mathematical
Objectives: Unit of Study: Arithmetic Concepts problems.
Addition: States addition is putting Checks addition by redoing Checks addition with subtraction.
things together. work.
Subtraction: States subtraction is taking Relates addition and Checks multiplication with division.
things away. subtraction as opposites.
Multiplication: States multiplication is repeat Checks answers by inverting Checks division with multiplication.
addition of equal numbers. problem.
Division: States division is repeat Relates division and Checks division with multiplication.
subtraction of equal numbers. multiplication as opposites.
Defines and demonstrates Commutative Property Distributive Property Associative Property
principles of:
Word Problems: Distinguishes between verbal Distinguishes between verbal Solves verbal problems requiring
statements that imply addition statements that imply more than one-step and operation.
or subtraction. multiplication or division.

Solves simple computations Estimates solutions mentally.

mentally. Converts given information to other
units to solve problems. (1week equal
7 days)

Checks reasonableness of Applies learned principles and

answers. skills to pose and solve

Cumulative Record of: Curriculum: Mathematics Goals: Develop

Program of Study: Arithmetic number sense and
Course of Study: Whole Numbers counting ability.
Objectives: Unit of Instruction: Numbers and Numeration

Sets: Identifies sets of objectives. Joins and separates objectives into Identifies and specifies parts of
sets. sets.

Recognizes sub-sets. Forms one-one correspondences. Recognizes equivalent sets.

Forms arrays. Associates cardinal numbers with Uses symbols <, > and =.

Whole Numbers Writes numbers 1-100. Recognizes place value for 1, 10, and Recognizes zero as name of
1-100: 100. empty set.

Writes expanded word

names for numbers to 100.

Whole numbers 100 Writes numbers, whole Recognizes place value to one billion. Uses a comma to denote place
to one billion: numbers and expanded word value.
names for numbers to one
Number Series: Defines a number series as a Counts by 2, 5, and 10. Finds the missing number in a
special order or pattern. simple sequence.
Roman Numerals: States value of numerals. Performs addition and subtraction States modern uses of roman
with roman numerals. numerals.

Cumulative Record of: Curriculum: Mathematics Goals: Performs addition

Program of Study: Arithmetic operations with whole
Course of Study: Whole Numbers numbers.
Objectives: Unit of Instruction: Addition
Basic Facts: Display memory knowledge of
basic facts for numbers 0-9.
Adds with no 3 one-digit numbers. Two or more 2-digit numbers. Numbers of different place value
regrouping: size.

Numbers with internal zeros.

Adds with Three or more 1-digit numbers Two and three digit numbers with Regroups across zeros.
regrouping: with regrouping to 10. regrouping to 10, 100 and 1,000.

Applies learned skills to pose and

solve larger problems.

Cumulative Record of: Curriculum: Mathematics Goals: Perform subtraction

Program of Study: Arithmetic operations with whole numbers.
Course of Study: Whole Numbers
Objectives: Unit of Instruction: Subtraction
Basic Facts: Demonstrates memory
knowledge of subtraction facts
for numbers 0-9.
Subtracts from a 2-digit 1-digit numbers. 2-digit numbers. Multiples of 10.
number with no regrouping:
Subtracts from 2 and 3-digit 1- and 2-digit numbers with 1-, 2- and 3-digit numbers Regroups across zeros.
numbers: regrouping to 1’s place from 10 with regrouping across two
place. places.

Large Numbers: Poses and solves larger

problems using learned skills.

Cumulative Record of: Curriculum: Mathematics Goals: Perform multiplication

Program of Study: Arithmetic operations using whole numbers.
Course of Study: Whole Numbers
Objectives: Unit of Instruction: Multiplication
Basic Facts: Displays memory knowledge
of basic facts for numbers 0-9.
1-digit numbers: 2-digit numbers, no Multiples of 10, no 3-digit numbers with
regrouping. regrouping. regrouping to 10, 100 and
1,000 place.

3-digit numbers with internal


2-digit numbers times: 2-digit numbers, no Multiples of 10, no Multiple of 10 with

regrouping. regrouping. regrouping.

3-digit number with 3-digit number with internal

regrouping to 10, 100 and zero.

Larger Numbers: Applies learned principles and

methods to solve larger

Cumulative Record of: Curriculum: Mathematics Goals: Performs division operations

Program of Study: Arithmetic with whole numbers.
Course of Study: Whole Numbers
Objectives: Unit of Instruction: Division
Basic Facts: Demonstrates memory
knowledge of division facts of
numbers 1-9.
Divides 1-digit divisors into: 2-digit dividend with zero 2-digit dividend with non-zero 2-digit dividend, first digit a
remainder. remainder. multiple of divisor, zero and
non-zero remainder.

3-digit dividend, every digit a 3- and 4-digit dividend, first 3- and 4-digit dividend zeros
multiple of divisor, zero two numbers a multiple of in quotient.
remainder. divisor, zero and non-zero

Divides 2-digit divisors into: 2 and 3-digit dividend, zero 4-digit dividend with 2-digit Dividends with internal zeros,
and non-zero remainders. quotient, zero and non-zero zeros in the quotient.

Larger Numbers: Uses learned skills to pose and

solve larger problems.

Cumulative Record of: Curriculum: Mathematics Goals: Perform the mechanics of

Program of Study: Arithmetic estimation for mentally solving
Course of Study: Whole Numbers math problems.
Objectives: Unit of Instruction: Estimation
Rounding: Rounds up and down to a Mentally performs arithmetic
specified place value. operations with rounded
Averaging: States and demonstrates
methods of averaging.

Cumulative Record of: Curriculum: Mathematics Goals: Demonstrates ability to

Program of Study: Arithmetic define and use in context
Course of Study: Whole Numbers mathematical vocabulary and terms.
Objectives: Unit of Instruction: Vocabulary
Numbers and Number Whole Numeral Digit Odd number Even number
Numeration: number

Place value Integer Ordinal number Cardinal number Set

Addition: Addition Add Plus Sum Addend Carry

Regroup Symbol = Symbol +

Subtraction: Subtraction Subtract Difference Subtrahend Borrow Minuend

Minus Symbol -

Multiplication: Multiplication Multiply Product Factor Multiplicand Multiplier

Symbol X

Division: Division Divide Divisor Dividend Quotient

Factor Prime Symbols for

number division

Estimation: Estimate Round Average


Cumulative Record of: Curriculum: Mathematics Goals: Perform arithmetic

Program of Study: Arithmetic operations using fractions.
Course of Study: Unit of Instruction
Objectives: Unit of Instruction: Fractions
Fractional Concepts: States a fraction is a means of Finds a fractional part of a Compares values of fractions
expressing a part of whole. with equal denominators.

Compares size value of States and demonstrates Uses learned skills to pose and
fractions with different changing forms of fractions solve problems.
denominators. does not alter their value.

Forms of Fractions: Reduces fractions to lowest Raises fractions to higher Finds common denominators.
terms. terms.

Determines size, value and Changes whole numbers and Changes improper fractions to
quantity relationships by mixed fractions to improper mixed numbers.
finding lowest common fractions.

Simplifies and reduces Writes word names for

answers. fractions.

Addition, same denominator: Adds whole number and Adds fractions with no Adds mixed fractions with no
fraction. renaming. renaming.

Adds mixed numbers with Simplifies and reduces

renaming. answers.

Addition, unlike denominators: Changes fractions to

equivalent fractions and
performs addition.

Cumulative Record of: Curriculum Mathematics Goals: Continued

Program of Study: Arithmetic
Course of Study: Fractional Numbers
Objectives: Unit of Instruction: Fractions
Subtraction, same Subtracts fractions with Subtracts fractions from whole Subtracts mixed numbers
denominator: same denominators. numbers. with no renaming.

Subtracts mixed
numbers with

Subtraction, unalike Changes unlike fractions

denominators: into equivalent fractions
and performs operation.
Multiplication: States and demonstrates Uses cancellation to simplify Reduces answers to lowest
rule for performing problems. terms.
multiplication of
Division: Determines reciprocal. States and demonstrates rules Reduces answers to lowest
for division with fractions. terms.
Word Problems: States and demonstrates Demonstrates that when given States and demonstrates when
the term “function of” information for one thing and given information for several
requires multiplication. asked for more than one things and asked for one
(2/7 of) multiplication is required. (1 division is required. (5 ½ cost
cost $6, how much for 3 ½) $66, how much for one)

Cumulative Record of: Curriculum: Mathematics Goals: Perform arithmetic

Program of Study: Arithmetic operations using decimals.
Course of Study: Factional Numbers
Objectives: Unit of Study: Decimals
Decimal Concepts: Defines a decimal as a Names place value to States all whole numbers
fraction that obtains its millionths using “th” to are followed by a decimal
denomination by place denote fraction, “and” point.
value. to separate whole and
fractional numbers.

Compares decimals by Uses learned skills to

size and place value. pose and solve

Addition and Explains and

Subtraction: demonstrates rule for
lining up decimal
points prior to
performing operation.
Multiplication: Explains and
demonstrates rules for
multiplication with
Division: Explains and
demonstrates rules for
division with decimals.

Cumulative Record of: Curriculum: Mathematics Goals: Performs arithmetic

Program of Study: Arithmetic operations using percent.
Course of Study: Fractional Numbers
Objectives: Unit of Instruction: Percent
Percent Concepts: Defines a percent as a type of States a percent may be States in a percent a whole
fraction used in figuring represented as a fraction with represents 100/100
discounts, sales tax and the denominator 100.
Percent Operations: Finds a percent of a number Finds a percent of a number Finds what percent a number
changing the percent to a changing the percent to a is of another number.
decimal. fraction.

Finds a whole when a percent Uses the formula Percent times Uses the formula interest
is given. whole equals part to perform equals principal times rate
the last three operations. times time to calculate

Uses learned skills to pose and

solve problems.

Cumulative Record of: Curriculum: Mathematics Goals: Converts forms of

Program of Study: Arithmetic fractions.
Objectives: Course of Study: Fractional Numbers
Unit of Instruction: Interchanging Fractions
Fractions: Changes fractions to decimals. Changes fractions to percents.

Decimals: Changes decimals to fractions. Changes decimals to percents.

Percent: Changes percents to decimals. Changes percents to fractions.

Concepts: States converting forms of fractions does not alter Compares size, quantity and values of
their value. commonly used forms of fractions. (1/2, .5,

Cumulative Record of: Curriculum: Mathematics Goals: Demonstrates ability to define

Program of Study: Arithmetic and use in context mathematical terms
Objectives: Course of Study: Fractions and vocabulary.
Unit of Instruction: Vocabulary
Fractions: Fraction Mixed fraction Improper fraction Cross Reciprocal Reduce

Simplify Numerator Denominator Lowest Least common Equivalent

terms denominator

Cancellation Inverse Symbol /

Decimals: Decimal Mixed decimal Symbol .

Percent: Rate Part Interest Symbol %


Cumulative Record of: Curriculum: Mathematics Goals: Use various

Program of Study: Arithmetic measurement systems to
Course of Study: Measurement perform arithmetic operations.
Objectives: Unit of Instruction: Measurement Concepts
Units of Measurement: Displays memory knowledge of Uses abbreviations and symbols.
unit terms, size and quantity
relationships and equivalencies.
Interchange of Units: Changes from smaller units to Changes from larger units to When changing from one unit to
larger. smaller. another expresses remainder in
smaller units or fractions.
Arithmetic Operations: Performs arithmetic operations
with units of measure.
Time: Tells time to the hour, ½, ¼ Names the days of the week, Differentiates between last, this
hour and minutes. months of the year and seasons. and next.
Length: Finds length in nonstandard Uses a ruler to find length in Uses a yard stick to find length in
units. inches and fraction of inches. yards, feet, inches and fraction of
Weight: Compares weight of objects Uses various types of scales to Estimates weight of familiar
with volume, area and hardness. measure weight. objects.
Temperature: Reads a thermometer to find Identifies temperature
temperature. requirements for various types of
Volume: Compares liquid capacity. Measures liquids. Estimates liquid volume.

Language Arts

Program of Study

Course of Study
Parts of Speech

Units of Instruction

Principle Parts of Speech Modifiers Connectives Independents

Goals Goals Goals Goals

Objectives Objectives Objectives Objectives

Nouns Pronouns Verbs Participles Prepositions Conjunctions

Adjectives Adverbs Interjections Articles


Cumulative Curriculum: Language Arts Goals: Identify and

Record of: Program of Study: Grammar correctly use nouns
Course of Study: Parts of Speech according to function.
Objective: Unit of Instruction: Principle Parts of Speech / Nouns
Nouns: Defines and identifies Defines and identifies proper Defines some nouns as abstract concepts.
common nouns. nouns.

Plural Nouns: Forms plural of most Forms plural of nouns ending Forms plural of nouns ending in Y preceded
nouns by adding an S to in: S, Z, X, CH, and SH by by a consonant by changing Y to I and adding
their end. adding ES to their end. ES to their end.

Forms plural of nouns Names exception to previous Forms plural of compound words and
ending in F by changing rule. (Chief-chiefs) hyphenated words by adding ‘S to the
F to V and adding ES to significant word. (Brothers-in-law.)
their end.

Collective Nouns: Identifies words made Gives examples of words that

plural by changes in are both plural and singular.
spelling. Man = men. Fish, deer.
Possessive Nouns: Uses the possessive form When a possessive is plural When a possessive word is plural and does
of a noun when there is and ends in S forms the not end with an S adds ‘S to the end of the
an ownership possessive by adding an word.
relationship. apostrophe after the S.

Shows separate Shows joint possession by Forms possessive of compound and

possession by placing ‘S placing ‘S on the last hyphenated words by adding ‘S to the last
on each word. participant. word.

Cumulative Record of: Curriculum: Language Goals:

Program of Study: Grammar continued
Course of Study: Parts of Speech
Objectives: Unit of Instruction: Principle Parts of Speech / Nouns
Appositive Nouns: Identifies an appositive noun
as a noun that renames or
identifies the noun that comes
before it in a sentence and as
part of a phrase.
Nouns of address: States a noun of address names
the person being spoken to in a

Cumulative Curriculum: Language Arts Goals: Identify and

Record Program of Study: Grammar correctly use
Of: Course of Study: Parts of Speech pronouns according
Unit of Instruction: Principle Parts of Speech / Pronouns to function and

Pronouns: Defines a pronoun as a word States a pronoun is used when the Names singular and plural
that takes the place of a noun or noun it replaces has been previously forms of pronouns.
pronoun. specified or understood from

States the first, second and third

person and gives examples of
their use.

Pronouns, Nominative Defines a pronoun used as the Identifies nominative forms of States when a sentence has
Case subject of a verb or used after a pronouns as I, you, he, she, it, we, two or more subjects both or
form of the verb “to be” as you, they. all are in the nominative
being in the nominative case. case.
Pronouns, Objective Defines a personal pronoun used Identifies objective case pronouns as: States when the pronoun I is
Case as the object of a verb or a me, you, him, her, it, us, you, and used with other pronouns or
preposition as being in the them. nouns it is named last.
objective case.
Pronouns, Possessive: Identifies two forms of personal Before nouns used in singular case Before nouns used as plurals
pronouns, one used in front of a uses: your, his, her, its. uses: our, your, the, their.
noun, the other by itself.

Cumulative Curriculum: Language Arts Goals: continued

Record Program of Study: Grammar
Of: Course of Study: Parts of Speech
Objectives: Unit of Instruction: Principle Parts of Speech / Pronouns
Pronouns, In place of singular nouns In place of plural nouns uses: States possessive form of
Possessive: uses: mine, your, his, hers, its. ours, yours, theirs. personal pronouns do not use
an apostrophe.
Pronouns, Reflective and Explains reflective pronouns States intensive pronouns States reflective and intensive
Intensive: reflect back to the subject. emphasize the noun. pronouns end in “self” when
singular, in selves when plural.

States that reflective and

intensive pronouns are never
used as subject or verb.

Pronouns, States an indefinite pronoun Gives examples of indefinite States indefinite pronouns area
Indefinite: refers to an unspecified noun, pronouns as: every, any, some, not used before nouns. If they
singular or plural. other, no and words indicating are then they are adjectives.
quantity such as: one, both, few,
several, less, many, much, more,
all, either, and neither.

Cumulative Curriculum: Language Arts Goals: Identify and correctly

Record of: Program of Study: Grammar use verbs according to function
Course of Study: Parts of Speech and context.
Unit of Instruction: Principle Parts of/verbs

Verbs: Defines verbs as words that States verbs can be used in the Identifies two types of verbs: action
express action-physical or active voice (shows action) or in and linking.
mental. the passive voice (shows subject
acted on).
Verbs, Simple States verb tense shows time: States when in the present tense States when in the past tense
Tense: past, present and future. and used with singular or third regular verbs always end in ED.
person pronoun the verb usually
ends with S.

States the future tense contains

two words, the auxiliary verb
plus the basic form of the verb.

Verbs, Perfect States the perfect tense is used States a perfect tense begins with
Tense: for actions that have been or some form of the verb “have” as an
will be completed. auxiliary.
Verbs, Progressive Identifies the progressive tense Demonstrates making a States the “ing” form of a verb is
Tense: as showing continuing action. progressive tense by combining known as the present participle.
some tense of the auxiliary verb
that ends in “ing”.

States all progressive tenses

contain a present participle that
follows a form of the auxiliary
verb “be”.
Cumulative Curriculum: Language Arts Goals: continued
Record Program of Study: Grammar
Of: Course of Study: Parts of Speech
Objectives: Unit of Instruction: Principle Parts of Speech / Verbs

Verbs, Identifies two types of action verbs:

Action: Transitive-an action verb followed by a
direct object.
Intransitive-not followed by a direct
object but often by an adverb or
adverbial phrase.

Verbs, Defines linking verbs, as verbs that tell Identifies words I, she, and they as States the most common linking
Linking: what something or someone is. words to be linked with words that verbs are: am, is, are, was, we, be,
describe or identify them. been and being, all of which are
forms of “to be”.

Defines the verbs for the five senses as Identifies words that can be action or States a linking verb is always
linking verbs. linking verbs, according to use. followed by a predicate
nominative or predicate adjective.

Verbs, States that in a sentence with a transitive States in a sentence using a transitive Sates an active verb sentence can
Active and verb in which the subject is doing verb, where the subject not doing the be changed to passive by making
Passive: something to the object, the verb is action but receiving it, the verb is the direct object of the sentence
active. passive. its subject.

Irregular Identifies irregular verbs as those whose Names the past tense, present tense
Verbs: past tense and past participle are not and past participle of some common
formed by adding D or ED. irregular verbs:
Do (es) did done
Come (s) came come

Auxiliary States every sentence requires a States a verb phrase is composed of Identifies the more important verb
Verbs and complete verb. two or more verbs that function carrying the action in a sentence
Verb Phrases: together in a sentence. as the main verb, others as
helping or auxiliary verbs.

Cumulative Curriculum Language Arts Goals: Identify and use

Record Program of Study Grammar participles, gerunds,
Of: Course of Study Parts of Speech Infinitives, verbals and verbal
Unit of Instruction Principle Parts of Speech/Verbs phrases.
Auxiliary Verbs and States in a verb phrase the main verb States a verb phrase contains only Names as important helping
Verbal Phrases: comes last, the helper first. one main verb but can have a verbs the words: shall, should,
(Continued) number of helpers. can, could, will, would, may,
might and must as well as
forms of the words be, have
and do.
Participles: Identifies participles as having two Defines a participle as a nominal States that participles work
forms: a present verb that always form of a verb that is used with an with auxiliary verbs to form
ends with ING and a past verb that auxiliary verb to indicate certain perfect tenses, progressive
ends in ED if irregular. tenses and that can also function tenses and the passive forms
independently as an adjective. of the main verb.

Gives examples of participles used Determines if a participle is an States a participle is always

as adjectives to modify nouns. adjective. used as an adjective or as part
of a verb phrase, and never as
the subject of a sentence.

Gerunds: Defines a gerund as a verb form that

ends in ING and used as a noun and
the subject of a sentence.
Infinitives: Identifies infinitives as verbs with States an infinitive is never used as
the word “to” in front of them. the verb in a sentence but as a

Cumulative Record of: Curriculum: Language Arts Goals:

Program of Study: Grammar
Objectives: Course of Study: Parts of Speech
Unit of Instruction: Principle Parts of Speech
Verbals States that participles, gerunds States that because verbals are States that when a verbal is a
And Verb Phrases: and infinitives are all verbals; verb forms, they are followed form of a transitive verb, it
verbs that are used as nouns, by or modified by the same can be followed by a direct
adjectives and adverbs. kinds of words as verbs. object.

States a verbal that is a form of

a linking verb can be followed
by a predicate noun, predicate
pronoun or predicate adjective.

Cumulative Record of: Curriculum: Language Arts Goals:

Program of Study: Grammar
Course of Study: Parts of Speech
Unit of Instruction: Modifiers
Adjectives: Defines an adjective as a Uses adjectives closely before the
word that modifies a noun or noun or pronoun they modify.
pronoun by limiting,
qualifying or specifying it.
Predicate Adjectives: Indicates that an adjective
can come after a linking
verb and is then part of the
predicate when it modifies
the subjective.
Absolutes: Identifies absolutes as not States the use of an adjective for an
using descriptive terms of adverb is a serious language error.
Clarity: Places adjectives as closely States adjectives can be used to When compounded,
as possible to the word being modify after “to be” verbs and adjectives are used before a
modified. verbs of sense. noun as a single modifier, and
the words are hyphenated.

Cumulative Record of: Curriculum: Language Arts Goals:

Program of Study: Grammar
Course of Study: Parts of Speech
Objectives: Unit of Instruction: Modifiers
Adjectives, Comparative and Identifies common adjective Identifies three degrees of Forms comparatives and
Superlative: endings as: er, est, ous, able. comparison: superlatives by adding ER or
Positive- no comparison EST to most one-syllable
Comparative- compares two adjectives.
Superlative- compares three or
more nouns.

Uses the words “more” and Forms comparative and States irregular one-syllable
(the) “most” with adjectives or superlative of two syllable adjectives form comparatives
three or more syllables to form words by changing Y to I and and superlatives by changing
comparatives and superlatives. adding ER. their form: Good-better-best
Bad-worse-the worst

Pronouns and Adjectives: States and demonstrates how States pronouns used as Identifies three types of
use in context can change adjectives always modify pronouns that can become
pronouns into adjectives. nouns and pronouns that adjectives: Demonstrative: this,
follow them and are never part these
of the predicate. Indefinite: some, all
Interrogative: which, whose
(but not who or whom)

Cumulative Record of: Curriculum: Language Arts Goals:

Program of Study: Grammar
Objectives: Course of Study: Parts of Speech
Unit of Instruction: Modifiers
Nouns as Adjectives: States possessive nouns can be
used like adjectives to modify
other nouns.
Degrees of Comparison: Identifies three degrees of When forming comparatives and Identifies words that change
comparison using adjectives: superlatives of three or more their form in the comparative
Positive: no comparison syllables uses the words “more” and superlative degree:
Comparative: used to compare and (the) “most” in place of ER Little – less – least.
two things and ending in ER. and EST ending.
Superlative: Used to compare
three or more and ending in
Adverbs: Identifies adverbs as words that States adverbs can be placed States adverbs can modify
modify verbs, usually by telling before the verb they modify, adjectives, verbs and other
how, when and where. after the modified verb and even adverbs.
before the subject.
Adjectives as Adverbs: States adjectives are often
changed to adverbs by adding
LY. (words ending in Y change
Y to I).

Cumulative Record of: Curriculum: Language Arts Goals:

Program of Study: Grammar
Course of Study: Parts of Speech
Objectives: Unit of Instruction: Connectives
Prepositions: Defines a preposition as a word
that indicates the relationship of
a substantive to a verb, adjective
or other substantive.
Prepositional Phrases: Defines a prepositional phrase States a prepositional phrase
as one that begins with a answers the question “where.”
preposition and ends with a
noun or pronoun.
Objects of Prepositions: States a preposition must be Recognizes that nouns are objects States personal pronouns that
followed by a noun or pronoun that prepositions can modify. are objects of prepositions
that is the object of it must be in the objective case.

States used as adjectives States used as adverbs

prepositional phrases add prepositional phrases add to the
meaning to the noun or pronoun meaning of the verb or verb phrase
in the sentence. in a sentence.

Cumulative Record of: Curriculum: Language Arts Goals:

Program of Study: Grammar
Objectives: Course of Study: Parts of Speech
Units of Instruction: Connectives
Conjunctions: Defines conjunctions as words Names the most common
that join together words, parts of conjunctions as being: and, but,
sentences and whole sentences. or.
Coordinating States coordinating conjunctions Names the seven coordinating
Conjunctions: join equal or similar things; conjunctions as: and, but, or,
nouns, verbs, subjects, nor, so, yet.
predicates and sentences.
Compound Sentences Defines a compound sentence as States in a compound sentence States the words for “so” and
and Independent two sentences joined by a each part is termed a clause that “yet” are conjunctions only when
Clauses: conjunction. contains a verb and subject. they join sentences or predicates.
Correlative States when the conjunctions Identifies the three possible
Conjunctions: and, or, and nor are paired with pairings of correlative
the words both, either and conjunctions as:
neither, they are correlative. Both-and

Cumulative Record of: Curriculum: Language Arts Goals:

Program of Study: Grammar
Course of Study: Parts of Speech
Objectives: Unit of Instruction: Independents
Interjections: Defines an interjection as a States interjections can show Uses a comma for mild
word or phrase that expresses feelings: happy, sad, anger, interjections when linking
strong emotions, usually when pleasant or unpleasant. sentences, an exclamation
something sudden or point for strong.
unexpected happens.
Articles: Identifies the, a and an as States “the” is a definite article States the words “a” and “an”
different forms of the same that names a particular, are indefinite articles referring
word or idea and as an definite noun. to any single member of a
adjective. group.

Uses “a” before a consonant

sound, “an” before a word
beginning with a vowel or
silent H.

Language Arts

Program of Study

Course of Study

Unit of Instruction

Separating Omission Linking Enclosing Emphases

Goals Goals Goals Goals Goals

Objectives Objectives Objectives Objectives Objectives

Apostrophe Ellipse

Semicolon Dash Hyphen Colon

Period Quotation Exclamation Separating Underscore Astrid

Mark Point Comma

Parentheses Quotation Brackets


Cumulative Record Curriculum: Language Arts Goals: Use punctuation

of: Program of Study: Grammar in writing to match the
Course of Study: Punctuation rhythm and emphasis of
Unit of Instruction: Separating Marks speech to better clarify
Objectives: written communication.

Period: Uses a period to Uses a period at the Leaves two spaces

mark the end of a end of a request for after a period ending
declarative sentence. action or an indirect a sentence before
question. beginning another.
Question Mark: Places a question In a series of related Follows a statement
mark at the end of a questions, places a intended as a
direct question question mark after question with a
requiring an answer. each item. question with a
question mark.
Exclamation Uses exclamation Selects words that
Point: points to give convey meaning to
unusually strong eliminate misuse and
emphasis to a word, overuse of
phrase, clause or exclamation points.
Comma: Uses a comma when Does not use a comma Places a comma
necessary for the between parts of a before the coordinate
clarity of a sentence compound subject or conjunction or, nor,
and to indicate a compound verb, a and, but, so, yet, that
pause in speech. subject and its verb or joins the independent
to separate a noun and clauses in a
adjective. compound sentence.

Separates the Sets off an Uses a comma to

elements of a series unnecessary noun, separate
of three or more noun phrase, adjective parenthethetical,
items with commas. clause or adverb introductory or
clause from the rest of transitional items.
the sentence with a

Cumulative Record of: Curriculum: Language Arts Goals:

Program of Study: Grammar
Course of Study: Punctuation
Objectives: Unit of Instruction: Omissions
Ellipsis: Uses an ellipsis to
indicate that one or
more nonessential
words have been
omitted from a quoted
sentence or paragraph.
Apostrophe: Uses an apostrophe to Uses an apostrophe to
indicate letters are form contractions
missing when words using the following
are combined into one. words with others:
not, is, are, am, will,
have, would, has.

Uses ’06, etc., when

the contents of the
sentences indicate
which numbers are

Cumulative Record of: Curriculum: Language Arts Goals:

Program of Study: Grammar
Objectives: Course of Study: Punctuation
Unit of Instruction: Linking
Semicolon: Uses the semicolon Uses a semicolon to Uses a semicolon to
to mark a major separate separate
break in a sentence independent clauses independent clauses
that is longer than a when there is no joined by a
comma but shorter connective word. conjunctive adverb
than a period. that it proceeds.

Uses a semicolon to Uses a semicolon to Uses a semicolon to

separate two connect a compound separate items that
separate sentence with a contain internal
independent clauses coordinate punctuation.
joined by a conjunction that has
transitional phrase. commas within one
of the independent

Dash: Uses a dash to mark Uses a dash to Uses a dash to

an abrupt change or introduce a list introduce a
to emphasize when a mark less summarizing
information that formal than a colon statement after a
follows. is needed to listing.
introduce a list.

Uses a dash to set Uses a dash to show Uses a dash to

off a particular hesitation in speech. separate a word
group that contains between syllables
commas. when there is not
enough space at the
end of a line to
finish writing a

Cumulative Record of: Curriculum: Language Arts Goals:

Program of Study: Grammar
Course of Study: Punctuation
Objectives: Unit of Instruction: Linking
Hyphen: Uses a hyphen to Does not use a Uses a hyphen
connect words used hyphen when the between compound
as a one-thought one thought numbers that are
modifier. modifier follows the spelled out.

Uses a hyphen Does not hyphenate Hyphenates words

between two words expressions ending beginning in self,
preceding a noun in LY. e.g. Self-control.
that forms a single
Colon: States a colon States a complete Uses a colon in a
directs attention to thought should sentence preceding a
what follows. precede a colon. formal list.

Uses a colon in a In literary Places colons

formal introduction references uses a outside closing
for a quotation of colon to separate quotation marks and
explanation. title and subtitle, parentheses.
volume and page,
chapter and verse.

Cumulative Record of: Curriculum: Language Arts Goals:

Program of Study: Grammar
Course of Study: Punctuation
Objectives: Unit of Instruction: Enclosing
Parentheses: Uses parentheses to States parentheses When used in a
include extra de-emphasizes what sentence, places
information in a ever appears inside applicable
sentence. them. punctuation outside
the parentheses.
Quotation Marks: Uses quotation In short quotations Encloses in
marks to enclose the uses a comma to quotation marks the
exact words spoken precede it, a colon if correct punctuation
by someone. the quotation is for the material
long. quoted.

Uses quotation
marks for a stated
title, book, song,
Brackets: For material within
parentheses, uses
brackets to insert

Cumulative Record Curriculum: Language Arts Goals:

of: Program of Study: Grammar
Course of Study: Punctuation
Unit of Instruction: Emphasis
Underscore: Uses the underscore Underscores words
to emphasize referred to as words
material. and words in
Asterisk: Uses an asterisk to
indicate a footnote.

Language Arts

Program of Study

Course of Study

Units of Instruction


Sentences Paragraphs Exposition

Goals Goals Goals Goals

Objectives Objectives Objectives Objectives


Cumulative Curriculum: Language Arts Goals: Form correct

Record Program of Study: Writing and interesting
Of: Course of Study: Composition sentences.
Objectives: Unit of Instruction: Sentences
Sentence Defines a sentence as a Names three basic
Recognition: complete thought sentence patterns:
containing two main Subject and action
parts: a subject noun verb.
and a predicate that Subject, action verb,
talks about the noun. and direct object.
Subject, linking verb
and predicate noun.
Sentence Identifies as the direct States a direct object States a personal
Subject: object of a sentence a is either a noun or pronoun that is a
word that tells who or pronoun. direct object must
what receives the be in the objective
action of the verb. form.
States that a word that
tells to whom or what
or for whom or what
something is done is
the direct object.
Simple Identifies the part of States the predicate States when all or
Predicate: the sentence that tells of a sentence usually any part of the
what the subject is or follows the subject predicate comes
does as the predicate. and is the normal before the subject
order. it has inverted
Identifies a word that States a predicate
follows a linking verb nominative must be
and renames the either a noun or
sentence subject as the pronoun.
predicate nominative,
Subject /Verb States subject and verb States third person Uses a plural verb
Agreement: must agree in reference singular or regular with a plural
and number. verbs end with S. subject.

Cumulative Record Curriculum: Language Arts Goals: Form correct

Of: Program of Study: Writing and interesting
Course of Study: Composition sentences.
Objectives: Unit of Instruction: Sentences
Sentence types Identifies four types Defines a Defines an
and of sentences: declarative sentence interrogative sentence
Classifications: Declarative as one that makes a as one that asks a
Interrogative statement and ends question and ends with
Imperative with a period. a question mark.
Defines an imperative Defines an
sentence as one that exclamatory
gives a command and sentence as one
ends with a period or expressing strong
exclamation mark. feelings or loudness
and ends with an
exclamation point.
Descriptive Uses adjectives, Uses synonyms to States how using
Sentences: adverbs and alter and direct general words (my
prepositional phrases effect of sentence. pet) or more specific
to make sentences words (my dog) can
more vivid, influence the meaning
descriptive and and understanding of a
interesting. sentence.
Combining and Uses compound Uses compound Uses coordinating
Connecting subjects to join short, predicates to join conjunctions to create
Sentences: choppy sentences. short, choppy compound sentences.
Improves sentences
through the use of
subordinating con-
junctions to create
complex sentences.
Incorrect Defines run-on Avoids repetition
Sentences: sentences as those by not using words
that contain that repeat the same
incorrectly two or information in a
more sentences. sentence.

Cumulative Curriculum: Language Arts Goals: Writes

Record Program of Study: Writing correct paragraphs.
of: Course of Study: Composition
Unit of Instruction: Paragraphs
Topic Sentences: Defines a paragraph Defines the topic Makes logical
as a related group of sentence as usually connections and
sentences relative to beginning a transitions between
a main idea paragraph and sentences in a
expressed in the defining its subject. paragraph.
topic sentence.

Focus all sentences

on the topic or
subject of a

Paragraph Writes sequential, Includes relevant Shows logical

Organization: time ordered, logicalinformation in connections using
progression paragraph of who, transition words.
paragraphs. when, what, where,
how and why.
Repetition: Avoids repeating Separates run on
information in a sentences.

Cumulative Record Curriculum: Language Arts Goals:

Of: Program of Study: Writing
Course of Study: Composition
Objectives: Unit of Instruction: Paragraphs
Descriptive Writes paragraphs Writes paragraphs
Paragraphs: that provide visual that explain a
imagery. procedure.
Factual Paragraphs: Writes paragraphs Recognizes the
that contain difference between
information that is fact and opinion.
true and verifiable.
Persuasive Writes paragraphs
Paragraphs: with the intent to
influence someone’s
Summary Writes paragraphs
Paragraphs: that condense
information from
more extensive
work to its main
points or interesting
Sequence of Events: Uses chronological Uses logical order to
order to sequence sequence a
events in a description.
Logical Names transition
Connections: words that help
show logical
connection between
two sentences or
paragraphs such as:
thus, in addition to.

Cumulative Record of: Curriculum: Language Arts Goals: Produce clear and
Program of Study: Writing concise writing.
Objectives: Course of Study: Composition
Unit of Instruction: Exposition
Writing in Sequence: Uses chronological, or time, Uses logical order to Varies a chronological sequence of events
order To sequence events. sequence a description. in a story using flashbacks to tell about
something that happened earlier, by telling
about simultaneous actions in different
places, or by foreshadowing future action.

Adds adverbs to writing to Uses specific verbs to do the Writes an outline to follow.
give specific information job of a verb-adverb
about how, when, or where. combination when possible.

Cause and Effect: Uses the topic sentence in a Lets the reader discovery the Goes from observed effects to probable
cause-and-effect story to cause or causes in a written cause when writing about a science
describe a cause with the mystery with the crime or experiment.
remainder of the story giving fearful situation the effect.
effect, or to describe an effect
with the story giving causes.

When using syllogisms, Uses connecting words,

begins with a generalization such as prepositions,
then reasons to a specific conjunctions and relative
conclusion. pronouns, to link sentences
and to make cause-and-
effect relationships clear.

Cumulative Record of: Curriculum: Language Arts Goals:

Program of Study: Writing
Objectives: Course of Study: Composition
Unit of Instruction: Exposition
Writing Details: Uses details to support and Uses details to create a mood. Uses modifiers to make
describe a topic. writing clear and specific.

Removes unnecessary
modifiers and misplaced or
dangling modifiers.

Writing Comparisons: States comparisons show Explains the unfamiliar by Uses point-by-point order or
likenesses, contrasts show comparing it to the familiar. parallel order when writing a
differences. comparison-and –contrast

Uses figurative language such Avoids mixing metaphors. Uses analogies to clarify and
as similes, metaphors and add emotional appeal to an
personification to make argument.
comparisons more imaginative
and interesting.

Bases analogies on a Replaces dull, unnecessary Form concrete modifiers by

comparison of a partial adjectives with fresh adding endings to strong
similarity between otherwise adjectives and similes to make nouns and verbs.
unlike things. descriptions clear and vivid.

Cumulative Record Curriculum: Language Arts Goals:

Of: Program of Study: Writing
Course of Study: Composition
Objectives: Unit of Instruction: Exposition
Writing Facts and Opinions: Defines a fact as an objective Uses facts that answer the When writing a factual
statement that can be tested or questions who, what, when, statement does not include
checked, an opinion as a where and why. opinions unless they are in
subjective statement that quotations.
expresses someone’s feelings
or ideas.

Bases opinions on facts. Uses specific nouns and verbs

to make sentences clear and

Making a Point: Produces writing that informs, Creates a positive or negative Combines short sentences and
entertains, expresses feelings feeling when writing omits words that are repeated
or opinions, or persuades. descriptions by using words often to give sentences and
that have positive or negative paragraphs better rhythm.
Point of View: States a point of view is the Uses a first person narrator to Uses the third-person
way someone sees, thinks, or describe a person’s personal subjective point of view to
feels about something. experience using I, me, and report the actions of another
my. and their point of view.

Uses the thirds-person

omniscient point of view to
explain more than one
person’s thoughts, feelings and

(Grade 9)

College Preparatory Biology is a molecular based first year Biology course. Emphasis will be
on student awareness of biological principals and the scientific method of experimentation. The
course topics will include concepts such as, The Characteristics of Living Things, Ecology,
Chemistry of Life, Life of a cell, Photosynthesis, Genetics, Biotechnology Natural Selection,
Bacteria, Plants, and Animals. A multi-sensory approach will be used. Study guides, graphic
organizers, learning strategies, models, examples, teacher demonstrations, cooperative groups,
Internet research projects, hands-on activities, student presentations, laboratory work and
chapter tests will be included.

Cumulative Record Curriculum Science Goals

Of: Program of Study College Preparatory
Course of Study Biology
Objectives: Unit of Instruction The Science of Life
Principles Of Summarizes the characteristics Distinguishes between biotic Compares the different levels
Ecology of living things. and abiotic factors in the of biological organization used
environment. in ecology.

Explains the difference Compares and contrasts the Explains the matter and energy
between a niche and a habitat. different types of symbiotic relationships shown by
relationships. ecological pyramids.

Displays the ability to state a Identifies a control. Identifies independent and

problem, formulate a dependent variables.
hypothesis and design a
controlled experiment to test
their hypothesis.

Community Distribution Compares and contrasts Sequences the stages of Identifies the major limiting
primary and secondary succession in different factors affecting the
succession. communities. distribution of terrestrial

Distinguishes among the

terrestrial biomes.

Cumulative Record of: Curriculum Science Goals:

Program of Study College Preparatory
Objectives: Course of Study Biology
Unit of Instruction Cells
Chemistry of Life: Relates the particle Explains how isotopes differ. Distinguishes between
structure of an atom to the covalent, ionic, and
identity of the elements. hydrogen bonds.

Relates water’s polarity to Explains how polymers are formed and Compares the chemical
its ability to dissolve broken down in organisms. structures of
substances. carbohydrates, lipids,
proteins and nucleic
acids, and explains the
importance of these
substances in living

Cumulative Record Curriculum Science Goals:

Of: Program of Study College Preparatory
Course of Study Biology
Objectives: Unit of Instruction Cells
Cell Biology Identifies the main ideas of the Describes, compares and Relates the structure and
cell theory. contrasts eukaryotic cells to function of the parts of a
prokaryotic cells. typical eukaryotic cell.

Relates the structure and Compares and contrast plant Identifies cell organization
function of the parts of a and animal cells. within a multi-cellular
typical eukaryotic cell. organism.

Homeostasis and Explains how a cell’s plasma Relates the function of the Explains how the processes of
Plasma Membrane. membrane functions. plasma membrane to the fluid diffusion, passive transport,
mosaic model. and active transport occur and
why they are important to

Predicts the direction of Quantitatively and

diffusion of a dissolved qualitatively measures the
substance. transport (osmosis and
diffusion) of molecules across
a semi-permeable membrane.

Cumulative Record Curriculum Science Goals:

Of: Program of Study College Preparatory
Course of Study Biology
Objectives: Unit of Instruction Cells
Photo-synthesis Identifies the structure of a Describes the interaction of States the general equation for
and chloroplast. white light with objects photosynthesis.
Cellular Respiration including chlorophyll molecules.

Describes the light Describes how the products of States the end results of photosynthesis.
reactions of the light reaction create the
photosynthesis. products of the Calvin cycle.

Determines the role of

ATP in cellular reactions. Identifies the structure of the States the general equation for cellular
mitochondria. respiration.

Tells the purpose of Identifies the three stages of Identifies the products of each stage of
cellular respiration. cellular respiration and tells cellular respiration.
where each takes place.

Analyzes the relationship Compares the ATP production Describes the role of enzymes in the
between photosynthesis of aerobic respiration and regulation of the cell cycle.
and cellular respiration. fermentation.

Cell Analyzes the reasons why Sequences the events of the cell Describes the role of enzymes in the
Reproduction cells are small. cycle. regulation of the cell cycle.

Cumulative Record of: Curriculum Science Goals:

Program of Study College Preparatory
Objectives: Course of Study Biology
Unit of Instruction Heredity and Genetics
Genetics Analyzes the results obtained by Predicts the possible offspring of a Analyzes how meiosis
Gregor Mendel in his experiments monohybrid cross by using a Punnett maintains a constant number
with garden peas. square. of chromosomes in the body
cells of the members of a

Infers how meiosis leads to Relates Mendel’s laws of heredity to

variation in a species. the events of meiosis.

Genes Determines how the structure of Relates the concept of the gene to the Sequences the steps involved
And DNA enables it to reproduce itself sequences of nucleotides in DNA. in protein synthesis.
Chromosomes accurately.

Categorizes the different kinds of Compares the different kinds of

mutations that can occur in DNA. mutations that can occur in cells and

Applied Genetics Distinguishes between incomplete Compares multiple allelic inheritance Summarizes how internal and
dominant and co dominant alleles. and polygenic inheritance. external environments affect
gene expression.

Interprets testcrosses and pedigrees. Evaluates the importance of plant and

animal breeding to humans.

Cumulative Record of: Curriculum Science Goals:

Program of Study College Preparatory
Objectives: Course of Study Biology
Unit of Instruction Heredity and Genetics
Heredity Predicts how a human disorder Determines the human genetic Compares multiple allelic,
is determined by a simple disorders that are caused by polygenic, and sex linked
dominant allele. inheritances of a simple patterns of inheritance in
recessive allele. humans.

Distinguishes between
autosomal and sex
chromosome aneuploidy.

DNA Summarizes the steps used to Gives examples of Analyzes how the completely
Technology engineer transgenic organisms. applications and benefits of mapped sequence of the
genetic engineering. human genome will advance
human knowledge.

Predicts the future applications Reviews the latest technology

of the human genome project. and the ethical issues that
surround this new technology.

Cumulative Record of: Curriculum Science Goals:

Program of Study College Preparatory
Objectives: Course of Study Biology
Unit of Instruction Describing Life
Summarizes the Distinguishes between biotic Compares the different levels of
Identifying Life characteristics of living and abiotic factors in the biological organization used in
things. environment. ecology.

Explains the difference Compares and contrast the Explains the matter and energy
between a niche and a habitat. different types of symbiotic relationships shown by ecological
relationships. pyramids.

Displays the ability to state a Identifies a control. Identifies independent and

problem, formulate a dependent variables.
hypothesis and design a
controlled experiment to test
their hypothesis.

Community Distribution Compares and contrast Sequences the stages of Identifies the major limiting
primary and secondary succession in different factors affecting the distribution of
succession. communities. terrestrial biomes.

Distinguishes among the

terrestrial biomes.

Cumulative Record of: Curriculum Science Goals:

Program of Study College Preparatory
Objectives: Course of Study Biology
Unit of Instruction Describing Life
Classification Evaluates the history, methods, Demonstrates the use of concepts Explains the purpose of a
and purpose of taxonomy. in classification. phylogenetic classification.

Compares the six Kingdoms of Distinguishes between the

organisms. Kingdoms Eubacteria,
Archaebacteria, Protista, Fungi,
Plantae, and Animalia.

Viruses Designs an experiment to Categorizes the different types of Compares the different
And determine the effects of soap on viruses. reproductive cycles of viruses.
Bacteria bacterial growth.

Identifies the structures of a Evaluates the economic

bacteria cell. importance of bacteria.

Cumulative Record of: Curriculum Science Goals:

Program of Study College Preparatory
Objectives: Course of Study Biology
Unit of Instruction Describing Life
Evolution Summarizes Darwin’s theory of Relates the idea of natural Summarizes the effect of the
evolution by natural selection. selection to the origin of different types of natural
structural and physiological selection on gene pools.

Relates mechanisms of speciation to Explains the role of natural

changes in genetic equilibrium. selection in convergent and
divergent evolution.

Relates mechanisms of speciation to Explains the role of natural

changes in genetic equilibrium. selection in convergent and
divergent evolution.

Cumulative Record of: Curriculum Science Goals:

Program of Study College Preparatory
Objectives: Course of Study Biology
Unit of Instruction Plants and Animals
Plants Compares and contrast structures of Identifies and describe the Identifies the structure of a
monocots and dicots. functions of roots, stems and flower.

Outlines the processes of seed and

fruit formation and seed

Animals Compares the characteristics of Sequences the development of Distinguishes among the body
animals. a typical animal. plans of animals.

Cumulative Record of: Curriculum Science Goals:

Program of Study College Preparatory
Objectives: Course of Study Biology
Unit of Instruction Body Systems
Protection, Support, Summarizes the importance of Outlines the healing process that Summarizes the effects that
Locomotion the skin in maintaining takes place when the skin is environmental factors and
homeostasis in the body. injured. aging have on skin.

Summarizes the structure and Compares the types of movable Explains how the skeleton
functions of the skeleton. joints. forms.

Distinguishes among the three Explains the structure of a Explains the structure of a
types of muscles. myofibril and summarize the myofibril and summarize the
sliding filament theory. sliding filament theory.

Digestion and Summarizes the digestive Outlines the pathway food Summarizes the role of the six
Nutrition functions of the organs of the follows through the digestive classes of nutrients in body
digestive system. tract. nutrition.

Respiratory, Circulatory Lists the structures in external Explains the mechanics of Distinguishes among the
and Excretory Systems respiration. breathing. various components of blood
among blood types.

Traces the route blood takes Describes the structures and Explains the kidney’s role in
through the body and heart. functions of the urinary system. maintaining homeostasis.

Cumulative Record of: Curriculum Science Goals:

Program of Study College Preparatory
Objectives: Course of Study Biology
Unit of Instruction Body Systems
Nervous System Identifies the structure of a Summarizes the major parts of Relates the process of a simple
neuron. the nervous system/ central and reflex arc.

Compares the parasympathetic

and sympathetic nervous

Vertebrates Compares and contrast the

characteristics of different
Western Civilization
You have been told that Western Civilization is built on the ideas of the ancient Greeks and
Romans. Paramount among these thinkers is Aristotle. Lost for a couple of hundred years
during the dark ages this knowledge was regained during the Crusades and the reconquest of
Muslim Spain.
The interesting thing is that during the lost years civilization and culture went on. Once the
learning and knowledge of the ancient Greeks and Romans had been recovered, its study was
confined to the intelligentsia, a rather small group, who studied it in the original Greek and
Latin. The mass of the population from whom western culture truly came remained ignorant of
this knowledge. Even in church, until the Protestant Reformation, the Catholic Mass was given
in Latin to an uncomprehending audience speaking a local dialect of a different language.
As for Aristotle and his ilk, just how wonderful was their philosophy and what effect did it
have on their students? The most famous student that Aristotle tutored was Alexander the
Great. What is it Alexander had done to be called great? Well, he went all over the known
world killing a whole lot of people. True he founded a couple of cities and brought the new,
dynamic, Greek culture to lands that had originated civilization and remained civilized since
but was all the death he also brought with him worth it? If the greatest city he named after
himself, Alexandria in Egypt, were such a great idea, would it not have happened anyway
without him? Yes, he saw the need for a supply depot and fort and chose a location but he did
not design and build that city. The task fell to others in possession of those skill and abilities,
technicians and clerks. The title of “Great” was deferred upon Alexander by generals who
studied his tactics and were his only real claim to fame.
This does not speak well for the teachings of Aristotle. What about others who studied his
teachings long after his death? Remember what I have told you about how history shows that
all such unquantifiable and intangible things, concepts and ideas, are most effective when
applied by their originators. Once the founding principles and ideas of “The Enlightened One”
become institutionalized, the property and responsibility of followers of average intelligence,
they are misapplied or not adhered to because they are not fully understood or agreed with or
even form the bases of the working philosophy of the inheritors. This is due largely to a theory
having little intrinsic value. Its worth is in its usefulness, which is determined by its user’s
creativity and imagination. Who this person is, their beliefs, values, needs and other prior
existing personal characteristics, compromise with any theory they take on. Personal
characteristics include levels of social/psycho development.

Pay Attention
I have said much about thought, reason, and logic. It is time now to disregard all of that.
Thought is for adults. Daydreaming and fantasy is the mental method of children. They are not
subject to the rules and methods of mature adult thought.
Children, like primitive people, still have to learn to think; they do a large part of this by
imagination, the natural way of the untrained mind. It is a flow of images with which the
impulses to act are connected. It is spontaneous and uncontrolled, similar to dreaming. Many
adults who never learn to think in a much better way with any consistency. This means while
being superior to any curriculum available, the one I have prepared for you is still inadequate.
Look again at Maslow’s pyramid of needs and the table of developmental theories I provided
you. Shrinks all talk about how each stage needs to be successfully negotiated, failure to do so
results in a neurotic personality.

(morality, creativity…)

(self-esteem, confidence, respect for others…)

love and belonging

(friendship, family, sexual intimacy…)

(security of body, of employment, of the family, health and property…)

physiological needs
(food, sex, sleep…)
Look again at the statement about shrinks talking about how each stage needs to be
successfully negotiated, failure to do so results in a neurotic personality, from the other end. It
becomes obvious that it is the natural condition of human beings to strive for mental
equilibrium, to develop a mature intellect, to reach the godhead. The natural path of people is to
rise to the good, to stand before God unashamed. Despite the disruption to learning caused by
the reform movement, children do continue to learn, as is their biological imperative.
Many growth experiences are needed to achieve this. With the accomplishment of each step
the individual understands himself better and relate to others in ways that are mutually
satisfying and meaningful. Traditionally, children move through these stages guided by culture
and tradition. I have said teenagers founded civilization. In a society, a culture, that is operating
at the mental level of a 12-year-old we should not expect a majority, regardless of individual
I.Q., to operate at any higher level.
While all possess infinite intrinsic good, the truth is all achieve it in varying quantity, degree
and by situations. When the stages are not successfully negotiated then the path becomes
twisted. Compensation, rationalization, and such mental acrobatics come into play so that the
stages are negotiated if only rather poorly.
Schools teach necessary skills, irrespective of meaningfulness to the learner. The acquisition of
skills, including the ability to read, becomes devalued when what is being taught adds nothing
of importance to the learner’s life. What is taught must be made useful and interesting then to
the individual at their stage of development. To hold the learner’s attention it must entertain
and arouse curiosity. To enrich the learner’s life what is taught must stimulate imagination,
help to develop intellect and to clarify emotions. It needs to be attuned to the learner’s anxieties
and aspirations and suggest solutions to the problems that perturb. In short, learning must at
one and the same time relate to all aspects of the personality, promote confidence in the self
and in the future. This is done not through abstract concepts but through that which is tangibly
right, understandable and therefore meaningful.
Important means of transmitting this culture is rhetoric and pedant instruction and especially
storytelling, a form of amusement. TV has primarily assumed the task of entertainment, rather
poorly. It is principally for vicariously engaging in social behavior and externalizing behavior
and emotions for the purpose of examination and learning that television is watched so much.
I’m very tired right now so I’m sure I’m not pulling all this together too well for you at the
moment. I will further explain the significance of this and how to use this knowledge to you

I have bee told by some of the people who have reviewed what I have written that it is a bit
choppy. They have said that I need to smooth my writing out and make better transitions and
connections between concepts and ideas as well as write better-constructed sentences.
I myself have mentioned this to my father. His reply was that he had written his Curriculum
of Unquestionable Value and Lasting Relevance to help me with my desire to be a teacher. He
could have provided footnotes, a bibliography and everything else that goes with a research
paper. He could have then sought to have it published in a scholarly journal where a couple of
subscribers might read it before filing the magazine away and forgetting about it.
He said if he really wanted to promote the curriculum the way to do it would be to roll it into
some form of popular literature as I am attempting to do where it could reach a wide and
general audience who would demand its implementation. Dad said he had not done this because
most of his statements were not intended for a mass audience and does not feel the need to offer
proof or justify what he says. He feels the structure of his statements required me to think about
what he had said and make the needed corrections according to my own inclinations and ability
to understand. His goal is to cause me to see further and understand deeper and broader than
others rather than indoctrinate. At this moment much of what he says may not make a lot of
sense, I may be skeptical about the truth contained in his statements some of which contradict
each other. He said there may come a time when situations may cause me to recall something
he said as if hit by sudden inspiration and benefit from it.
Dad went on to say that the mean person, that is as in the average, mean and medium, prefers
to follow the axioms and dictates of authority and common wisdom without thought. An
example of this is his story of how the Star of David was not in the beginning a star at all but a
piece of honeycomb. Such original thinking, not coming from authority, is viewed with
suspicion. These people would be concerned with what if it is wrong. Never mind if it is right
or wrong, will others accept it or by expressing this radical idea will the person doing so be
criticized by others? Then again, what does it matter? It is only trivia for conversation and
other, less dangerous, more easily understood simple, silly and pop culture topics are available
for meaningless, common discourse such as what are celebrities doing this week or ancient
white astronauts. The concepts expressed in this book are beyond their comprehension and if
they were would be disturbing. As previously said, their intellect is similar to that of a rock
with a sentence carved on it because their thought is shallow and narrow. This is why there will
be no market for this book and why it is a soliloquy in the strictest definition of the word.

Dad has left us now. He went to bed and did not get up in the morning. Denied most cruelly
the thing he wanted the most, a loving family, he has gone to the ultimate disappointment. In
that place his voice will be added to the great chorus crying out their grief and suffering to God.
Dad may not hear this but I’ll say it any ways,

“I love you Dad.”


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