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6th February 2015| v 2.

Table of Contents

1. Welcome ................................................................................................................... 4
2. Whats next first steps .......................................................................................... 6
2.1 Login to the Teachers Dashboard ................................................................................ 6
2.2 Contact your Area Representative ................................................................................ 6
2.3 Read the Teachers Manual ............................................................................................ 7
2.4 Structure your education ............................................................................................... 7
2.5 Book your lessons ........................................................................................................... 8
2.6 Read the IVA newsletters and emails ............................................................................ 8
2.7 Join the IVA Teachers Only Facebook Group ............................................................... 8

3. How to plan your education ................................................................................... 9

3.1 Local events ..................................................................................................................... 9
3.2 Private voice lessons ...................................................................................................... 9
3.3 Mock Teacher Tests ..................................................................................................... 10
3.4 Teacher Testing ............................................................................................................ 11
3.5 Required Reading ........................................................................................................ 12
3.6 Online Written Tests .................................................................................................... 13
3.7 Elective Courses ........................................................................................................... 14
3.8 Reflective Learning ...................................................................................................... 14
3.9 Mentoring ..................................................................................................................... 15

4. How to book and journal your lessons ................................................................ 16

4.1 Master Teacher lessons ............................................................................................... 16
4.2 Advanced and Mentor Teacher lessons ..................................................................... 16
4.3 Journaling lessons ....................................................................................................... 17
4.4 Journaling Other Education ........................................................................................ 18

5. Payment of Education ........................................................................................... 19

5.1 Annual License Fee ...................................................................................................... 19
5.2 Lesson fees ................................................................................................................... 19
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5.3 Event fees ..................................................................................................................... 19

6. How to prepare for teacher testing ...................................................................... 20

6.1 Practice the six (6) main IVA patterns ........................................................................ 20
6.2 Attend Teacher Trainings ............................................................................................ 20
6.3 Study and use specific terminology ........................................................................... 20
6.4 Include IVA lesson structure and knowledge in your lessons .................................. 21
6.8 Observe the Master Teachers teaching ...................................................................... 21
6.5 Teach many different singers ..................................................................................... 22
6.6 Review the lessons you have taught .......................................................................... 22
6.7 Do mock testing on a regular basis ............................................................................ 22
6.9 Calm your nerves ......................................................................................................... 22

7. The test itself (Master Teacher observing).......................................................... 23

7.1 Focus on the singer ...................................................................................................... 23
7.2 Listen to the singers voice and needs ....................................................................... 23
7.3 Talk to the singer, NOT the Master Teacher .............................................................. 23
7.4 Stick with the IVA lesson structure ............................................................................. 23
7.5 Be flexible ..................................................................................................................... 24
7.6 Dont teach into the two-minute warning ................................................................. 24
7.7 Take a second and breathe ......................................................................................... 24
7.8 Focus on the improvement of the singers voice ...................................................... 24

8. What else can I do to improve my teaching? ....................................................... 25

8.1 Attend IVACON ............................................................................................................ 25
8.2 Participate in IVA book club discussions (Currently on hold) .................................. 25
8.3 Exchange with other IVA teachers ............................................................................. 25

5. Important contact information ............................................................................ 26

Appendix 1 IVA Scale Patterns............................................................................... 27

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1. Welcome
Dear IVA Student Teacher,
Thank you for signing up with the Institute for Vocal Advancement and welcome to
our voice teacher community. We are happy to have the chance to work with you, and
we are committed to provide you with the best educational experience possible!
Ahead of you lies an exciting journey of studying and learning, joining a supportive
community, making new friends, participating in discussions with like-minded voice
professionals, facing new challenges, and growing above and beyond as a professional
voice instructor.
Everyone at IVA is committed to providing you with the most current and up-to-date
vocal and pedagogical knowledge, and supports you in your development as a voice
instructor. It is our goal to help you feel safe and comfortable in your voice studies, as
well as in the IVA community, and to create an inspiring environment for every teacher
to learn and grow.
We all know what it feels like to be a student and to get started with new studies.
Weve all been there, and we believe that all of us, from Student Teachers to Master
Teachers, will never stop learning. You will have many questions, maybe some
insecurities, and probably lots of motivation and dreams for your professional future.
At times you might feel challenged, and at other times a breakthrough. All of this is
part of the process and part of growing as a person and as a professional voice
teacher. Please know that we are here to support you and make the process as smooth
as possible.
You are probably aware of the Student Teacher requirements needed in order to
receive your IVA Instructor I Certificate. In this Getting Started Guide we are offering
guidance on the best ways to start your education.

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The guide will assist you in structuring your education so you can get started right
away. It will also give you some hands-on advice on preparing for your first IVA teacher
test so youre set up for success from the beginning.
We hope you enjoy your studies at IVA. We wish you continued success in your
endeavors as a voice teacher and we are looking forward to working with you.
Kind regards,
Stephanie Borm-Krueger
Director of Student Teacher Program

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2. Whats next first steps

2.1 Login to the Teachers Dashboard
Now that you have signed up for the Student Teacher Program, take a moment to log
into the teachers dashboard and take a look around. The dashboard is central to your
education so its important that you familiarize yourself with it. On the dashboard you
will find:

Details of your Area Representative

Your Educational Requirements

Your Education Journals

Your payments to IVA

Details of upcoming events and webinars

Access to the IVA Core Pedagogy keynotes

The recommended reading list

Voice Trainers list

Its important that you log in regularly to the dashboard, as this is your central resource
as a teacher.

2.2 Contact your Area Representative

As a first step you should contact your IVA Area Representative (AR) via email or phone
to introduce yourself. You will find their contact information on the home page of the
The Area Representative is an IVA teacher who is selected by IVA to look after an area
of teachers. They are responsible for organizing events, answering your questions and
looking after teachers in their area.
Its important that you stay in touch with your AR. The AR will be able to answer most
of your questions regarding the certification process, assist you in journaling your
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fulfilled requirements, and keep you informed about upcoming IVA events in your

2.3 Read the Teachers Manual

There is a comprehensive Teachers Manual available to download from the teachers
dashboard, as well as information about the educational requirements. The manual
also has details regarding requirements needed once you achieve the Instructor I
certificate. There are additional details about IVAs procedures and what happens
when you reach higher levels. We highly recommend you read everything so you
know what to expect as you continue with IVA.

2.4 Structure your education

Before you begin you should structure your education, spreading out the
requirements so they make sense in the learning process and you dont put too much
pressure on yourself.
The dates of regional IVA events, IVA webinars and online training and IVACON, IVAs
Teachers Conference, will be announced in the IVA newsletters. Check the teachers
dashboard often so you can mark your calendar and work these events into your
Private voice lessons with Master Teachers (MTs), as well as Advanced and Mentor
Instructors, Mock Teacher Testing and Testing lessons are flexible time wise and
scheduling is your responsibility.
Teacher testing lessons can only be scheduled once all other educational
requirements have been completed and must be completed between September and
October of each year.
In order to create the best learning situation and process possible, make sure to start
with your private voice lessons immediately and take them on a regular basis.
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You will find more detailed recommendations on how to structure the elements of
your education in Chapter 3.

2.5 Book your lessons

Now its time to schedule your first lessons with the IVA Master Teachers (MTs) and the
IVA Advanced and Mentor Teachers.
You will find more information on how to structure your private lessons in Chapter 3.2.
The contact information of the IVA Master Teachers, as well as IVA Advanced and
Mentor Teachers can be found on the IVA web site:
All Master Teachers have a 24 to 48 hour cancelation policy. You will be charged for
the lesson if appropriate notice is not given.

2.6 Read the IVA newsletters and emails

Please make sure to read the current IVA newsletters and emails, as well as all Area
Representatives emails. These notifications will provide you with important
information about the IVA organization, upcoming dates of events, and updates about
IVA education.

2.7 Join the IVA Teachers Only Facebook Group

IVA has a teachers forum on Facebook where you can network, share resources, ask
questions and get support from your fellow teachers. IVA will also post important
updates from the newsletters and emails.
You can request to join the group by emailing Corey: corey@vocaladvancement.com.

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3. How to plan your education

3.1 Local events
Local IVA events will be organized and hosted by your Area Representative (AR). The
event is usually one full day of Teacher Training with an IVA Master Teacher (MT),
additional days of private lessons with the MT, and a Public Master Class.
Your AR, the IVA newsletter and teachers dashboard will keep you posted on
upcoming events as early as possible. We recommend taking advantage of local
events even if you have already attended an IVA webinar.
Events specific to your area are the opportunity for intensive study with an MT,
networking with IVA teachers in your area, and personal involvement in the IVA
teacher community. Add these events to your calendar and schedule your teaching
around them.
Take advantage of observing the MTs teaching private lessons during regional events
whenever possible. Observation of MT lessons are not mandatory, however, they carry
enormous learning potential towards your education.
If Public Master Classes are offered at your local event you may also bring your
students to learn from an MT and have them study with them while youre observing
and receive important input on how to keep working with them in the future.

3.2 Private voice lessons

When you sign up with IVA you have 12 to 24 months to complete all the education
You are required to complete three (3) hours of private voice lessons with a Master
Teacher and five (5) hours of private lessons with either a Master Teacher, or Advanced
or Mentor Instructors, also known as our Voice Trainers, before August

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31st of each year, totaling eight (8) hours of private lessons. (Details of the Voice
Trainers can be found on the teacher dashboard)
The Teacher Testing season is September through October of each year, and testing
lessons are to be taken during this time.
These eight (8) hours of private lessons are meant for your vocal development only.
They are not meant for mock testing. Those hours are in addition to your private
We recommend taking private lessons on a regular basis instead of rushing to take all
of them in a short period of time.
You should plan to have 30 or 60-minute lesson every other week. Please remember
that the Master Teachers have a busy schedule so you will need to schedule your
lessons far enough in advance so they are able to accommodate you.
If you get the chance to work with a Master Teacher in person at a regional IVA event
you should definitely take advantage of it, instead of only taking lessons via Skype.
Make sure to book these lessons immediately when registration of the regional event
goes online as they fill up quickly.
Keep in mind that the required ten (10) hours of private voice lessons are the
minimum requirement. Most teachers require more lessons for their vocal
development or just choose to do more so they increase their education.

3.3 Mock Teacher Tests

You are required to complete 3 (3) hours of Mock Teacher Testing to prepare for
your testing at the end of your Student Teacher (ST) Phase (September to October).

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We recommend completing Mock Tests no later than early August so you have
enough time to reflect and implement the Master Teachers (MT) suggestions
regarding your teaching.
Mock Testing is a simulated testing situation. You will teach a singer that you havent
worked with before and one of the MTs will observe you, just like in a real testing
situation. You have 20 minutes to complete the lesson. Then the singer leaves the
room and the MT will give you feedback on your lesson regarding all aspects required
in an IVA testing lesson. The feedback will help you work on specific areas of teaching
that need improvement before your official testing lessons.
The three (3) hours of Mock Testing is the required minimum. For most teachers it is
extremely useful to complete additional Mock Tests before their actual testing.

3.4 Teacher Testing

At the end of your Student Teacher phase you will complete testing lessons with a
Master Teacher (MT) of your choice. Its very important to remember that you will not
be allowed to test with an MT you have studied with the year you are testing in.
Your Testing will involve one (1) 60-minute Voice Test and two (2) 30-minute lessons
of you teaching two singers (30 minutes each), while the MT is observing you (20
minutes of teaching + 10 minutes of feedback for each 30 minute session.) These
testing lessons where the MT observes you teaching must be completed with a
student you have not taught before.
The Voice Test will be structured like a regular voice lesson. The MT will check your
ability to transition through your first bridge in the exercises and will give you
feedback and exercises to improve your voice further. You may also be asked to sing
part of a song.
In the two (2) 30-minute testing lessons with the MT observing you, you will be
teaching a singer that you havent worked with before. You will be asked to teach a 20Copyright 2015 Institute for Vocal Advancement

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minute lesson containing all the aspects of an IVA lesson for the Instructor I Certificate.
You will learn all of these aspects in your Teacher Training and Webinars. In the 10minute discussion afterward you will receive feedback on your lesson and learn if you
passed or failed.
In order to complete all your requirements for the IVA Instructor I Certificate you must
pass ALL parts of your testing.
If you fail any part of your testing you may repeat that part of the test any time after
four weeks have passed from your original testing date, with the same MT.
Since testing season is always a very busy season for MTs please make sure to schedule
your testing lessons well in advance.

3.5 Required Reading

In order to broaden their understanding of subjects such as vocal pedagogy and voice
science, teachers must read one (1) book or one (1) online article per year. Books and
articles should be chosen from the Required Reading list, accessible through the
Teacher Dashboard. This list is organized by educational level and you are expected to
choose a book or article at your level.
After reading each book and article, the teacher should write a write book report of
300-500 words in the Journals section of the Teacher Dashboard. For the book report,
the teacher should include the book title and a short summary of the main points.
For those of you who have no experience writing book reports or have concerns, here
are some informative articles that you may reference:
This article simplifies while touching on the main aspects of the structure of the report:
A proper introduction, a body that covers the content (main thesis and arguments of
the book), and a conclusion. Since it's only 500 words this should be brief.
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While more involved, the "critical comments" section in this article is extremely
informative. Basically, you should describe the main thesis or point of the book and
article, if you thought the author did a good job developing their argument, and if you
agree or disagree (or maybe you agree with some points and disagree with others.)
We are not as concerned so much about spelling or grammar; however, we are
interested in what you learned from the book and article.

3.6 Online Written Tests

Every teacher will be required to complete online written tests based on the IVA core
pedagogy Keynotes that are available on the Teachers Dashboard. These tests consist
of multiple choices and true/false questions where you are required to score 100%.
The system will indicate correct and wrong answers, giving you the opportunity to
revise any wrong answers.
These are open-book tests, which means you can answer the questions using the
Keynotes for the answers.
The core pedagogy is set at 100, 200, 300, etc. levels. Basically, teachers are required to
complete all tests for their level of certification; meaning, Instructor 1 teachers will
complete 100 tests, Instructor 2 teachers will complete 100 and 200 tests, Instructor 3
teachers complete 100, 200 and 300 tests, etc.
You will not need to complete all online tests every year. You have the two years you
remain in a certification level to complete all 10 tests for each level. So Student
Teachers have 2 years to complete all ten (10) 100 tests, Instructor I have 2 years to
complete all ten (10) 200 tests etc.

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If you are a higher level you will need to take the previous levels retroactively as they
become available, otherwise, you will take the required level as you achieve that
certification tier.

3.7 Elective Courses

It is important to IVA that teachers begin to develop their skills in areas outside of
technique in order to facilitate them becoming a well-rounded teacher. The elective
modules of education cover a variety of things we feel teachers would benefit from
learning as well as those that have been requested. These cover elements of style,
business, musicality, performance and more. Every year we re-examine the elective
modules we offer and introduce new classes as well as refining and expanding old
All of these classes are delivered online and each course is offered twice a year at
different times of the day to allow teachers all over the world to attend at a convenient
All classes are recorded, however we expect teachers to attend a minimum of two (2)
out of three (3) live webinars. The majority of modules consist of 3 60-minute long
group classes plus an individual 60-minute lesson with the course lecturer.
In some modules the individual lesson may be substituted for another learning tool of
similar value.
Details of the elective courses available are listed on the teacher dashboard with the
links to book a place.

3.8 Reflective Learning

You will be asked to record two 30-minute voice lessons with two of your students
(different students), and listen back to your teaching of that lesson. IVA will provide

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sample questions to help you assess the lesson. You can then journal these thoughts
in paragraph or point form in order to receive educational credit.
There is no additional cost for this educational item, however, if you want additional
feedback on your lesson you have the option to book a Master Teacher Assessment of
your lesson. If you choose this option the MT will listen back to the recording you have
uploaded to the system and provide you detailed feedback of your lesson. This can be
helpful if you have a specific student you are struggling with and want a Master
Teachers opinion, or if you want to compare your own assessment of the lesson with
that of an MT. The optional cost for this will be $70 per lesson and can be scheduled
through the teachers dashboard.

3.9 Mentoring
You will need to undertake four (4) hours of mentoring with an Advanced or Mentor
level Instructor. This is still to be finalized by IVA, but will involve the Instructor guiding
you through an IVA keynote, and answering any questions you have.

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4. How to book and journal your lessons

4.1 Master Teacher lessons
Currently there are Six (6) IVA Master Teachers (MT) available for your required Master
Teacher voice lessons. You can choose freely what MTs you would like to study with,
but remember that you cannot test with an MT you have private lessons with that
year. All MTs teach out of their own studios as well as remotely (via Skype.)
We recommend the following:

Take your private voice lessons with more than just one MT. You dont have to
study with more than one MT, however, it is good to get another perspective
on your voice.

Pick one of the MTs in January you wish to test with and make sure you dont
study with that MT during the year.

Some of the MTs use an online scheduling service on their web site, and some
of them are contacted via email to schedule lessons. All MTs are to be paid
directly for their lessons at a rate of $160.00 USD. This is the IVA rate and is the
same no matter which MT you choose to study with.

Since the MTs have a fairly busy schedule, make sure to plan and schedule your
lessons well ahead of time.
Contact the MTs directly to schedule your lessons. You will find the MTs contact
information on the IVA web site in the teacher directory.

4.2 Advanced and Mentor Teacher lessons

You can take three (3) of your eight (8) required private lessons with an IVA Advanced
or Mentor teacher who is part of the Voice Trainer group.

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You will find those teachers, including their contact information, on the teachers
dashboard under Education.
All Voice Trainers must be paid directly:

Advanced Instructor lessons are $100.00 USD per hour.

Mentor Instructor lessons are $125.00 USD per hour.

If you are planning to journal your lesson with an Advanced or Mentor Instructor you
must inform them of in advance.
If you wish to take all ten (10) hours of required private voice lesson with an MT, this is
also acceptable.

4.3 Journaling lessons

You must journal all of your lessons and fulfilled requirements in your online
education journal within 48 hours after completion.
When you log into the teachers dashboard under Journals > My Journal
Requirements, you will find your educational requirements for the Student Teacher
phase. Under the Private Lessons header you will see where to journal these private
The online education journal entry form will ask you for the name of the Master
Teacher (MT) or the instructor, the date and length of lesson, as well as comments
regarding your completed lesson.
Please make sure to compose a comment that clearly reflects what you have learned in
this lesson.
Only journals with clearly stated comments will be approved by the MT. A few lines are
sufficient in the comment session; it does not need to be lengthy or describe a blowby-blow account of everything that was done in the lesson.
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As soon as the MT has approved your journal you will receive an email notification.
Once the journal has been saved you will received a notification email. You will receive
a second email once the Instructor has approved the lesson.
Sometimes an Instructor will require more information from you, in which case the
system will send you an email asking you to provide more information on the journal.
Once submitted the system will email the instructor and you will receive confirmation
once its approved.

4.4 Journaling Other Education

When you log into the teachers dashboard under Journals > My Journal
Requirements, you will find your educational requirements for the Student Teacher
phase. Under each header you will see where to journal sessions that belong under
that header.
When you are journaling the session please ensure you select the correct instructor
from the drop-down list.
Once the journal has been saved you will receive an email. You will then receive a
second email once the Instructor has approved the lesson.
Sometimes an Instructor will require more information from you, in which case the
system will send you an email asking you to provide more information on the journal
Once submitted the system will email the instructor and you will receive confirmation
once its approved.

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5. Payment of Education
5.1 Annual License Fee
During your Student Teacher phase there are no annual fees. Your application fee
covers all administration fees during this portion of your education.
Once you are certified you will pay a yearly license fee of $450. You can choose from
different payment plans (annually, bi-annually, quarterly or monthly) on your profile.

5.2 Lesson fees

Payment of Master Teacher (MT) private lessons, mock testing and testing hours are
paid to the MT directly. Most MTs use PayPal, Credit Card and/or check/cash.
Payments for Advanced and Mentor Instructors are paid directly to them.

5.3 Event fees

Payment for local events, webinars and IVACON (Teacher Conference), are paid via
Credit Card or PayPal on the IVA teachers dashboard, or by invoice from IVA.

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6. How to prepare for teacher testing

Here is some advice on how to prepare for your first IVA testing at the end of your
Student Teacher (ST) phase. Depending on your previous experience some points will
apply more than others.

6.1 Practice the six (6) main IVA patterns

The ability to play the Six (6) main IVA patterns in all keys is a prerequisite to join IVA.
Make sure to keep practicing the patterns on the piano in all keys so you are able to
play them during a lesson without looking at the piano. Its important to focus on your
student 100% while playing the scales in all keys and different tempos. Appendix 1
has all the patterns in all the keys for practice.

6.2 Attend Teacher Trainings

Attend at least one Teacher Training day in your area during the ST phase. If you can
attend additional webinars its a definite advantage for you.
Teacher Training will provide the latest IVA pedagogy, terminology and teaching
advice from the MT. It is also a great opportunity for live, private voice lessons and
mock testing with an MT, as well as networking with other IVA teachers in your region.

6.3 Study and use specific terminology

In voice pedagogy there is specific terminology that is used in Teacher Training and
private lessons. Make sure to become familiar with this terminology and its meaning.
Use this terminology in the lessons with your students in ways that the singer
You will learn the specific terminology in your private voice lessons with the MTs, on
Teacher Training days and at IVACON (Teacher Conference.) If English is not your
native language make sure to find the appropriate translation.
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You are required to do the main parts of your IVA testing in English so you must be
fluent in the specific terminology and IVA phrasing.

6.4 Include IVA lesson structure and knowledge in your lessons

Implement your latest IVA studies into your daily lessons. During testing you should be
able to teach the lesson using the IVA lesson structure, however, IVA language and
execution will also be important.
Make sure youve memorized the IVA lesson structure and all other important aspects
and be able to use them under pressure. Teaching all of this in your daily lessons is the
best way to internalize it and have it ready for your testing.
The more comfortable you are teaching these elements in your lessons, the easier and
more natural it will be during your testing.

6.8 Observe the Master Teachers teaching

Even though it is not required for your certification we highly recommend observing
the IVA Master Teachers during their lessons. You will learn a lot of different teaching
aspects by watching the MTs teach. Take advantage of this opportunity whenever you
get the chance. Best occasions are during IVA local events and Teacher Training.
If you live close to an MTs studio you can inquire about joining the MT for a few hours
of their lesson time. Please make sure to observe the MT quietly and not disturb the
lesson or the student in any way.
Some MTs will allow online observation via Skype. You should contact the MTs to ask if
this is available.
Please remember that permission for observing lessons is ultimately with the student
being taught. If they are not comfortable being observed you will be asked to leave
the room.

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6.5 Teach many different singers

The more experience you have with teaching different singers during your ST phase,
the easier it will be for you to be flexible when you teach a brand-new student during
your testing.
If you dont have very many students yet you can ask friends and colleagues if you can
give them a short lesson in order to practice your lesson structure and teaching skills.

6.6 Review the lessons you have taught

Ask your students if its okay to record their lessons. Listen back to the lessons and
write down what worked well and what you would like to improve.

6.7 Do mock testing on a regular basis

There are two (2) 30-minutes of mock testing required in your ST phase that will help
you prepare for testing. Scheduling mock tests on a regular basis with the MTs,
especially in the second-half of your ST phase, will help you to feel more confident in
an testing situation. You can schedule mock testing just like any private voice lesson
with an MT. Additional mock testing will not count toward your certification but can
be entered in your education journal.

6.9 Calm your nerves

In most cases teachers feel nervous when it comes to testing. This is perfectly natural,
however, you want to prepare yourself internally for the testing situations so you can
stay focused. Talk to other teachers who have completed testing to get an even better
idea about what to expect. Sometimes its helpful to walk yourself through a possible
Schedule mock tests with different MTs, (NOT with the one you will be doing your
actual testing with), and receive some feedback on your teaching. This will help you
with the emotional aspect of testing and give you valuable input on your teaching.
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7. The test itself (Master Teacher observing)

7.1 Focus on the singer
You may be nervous during your testing, as you want to teach your best and pass the
testing. Try to focus on your student and give them the best lesson possible. This
usually takes the focus off you and your nervousness and helps you give your all as a
teacher. Remember, it is not about you but about the singer and their improvement.
Remember that the Master Teacher wants you to pass your testing and is there to
support you in the process.
If you are particularly nervous try taking a few deep breaths before you start.

7.2 Listen to the singers voice and needs

Your students voice and needs as a singer will guide you through the lesson. Make
sure to listen carefully so you will meet their needs and help them improve their voice.
Stay as flexible as possible in your approach, adjusting your lesson goals if necessary.

7.3 Talk to the singer, NOT the Master Teacher

During your testing lesson exclusively talk to your student, NOT to the Master Teacher
(MT)! Act as if the MT wasnt there and completely focus on your student.

7.4 Stick with the IVA lesson structure

Make sure to teach an IVA lesson. Try not to forget important aspects of the method
and dont add anything that goes against the IVA philosophy, just like in your regular

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7.5 Be flexible
When following your lesson plan make sure to remain flexible. React to what the
singer brings up and what is happening vocally. If parts of your approach dont work
dont insist, but move on to something else.

7.6 Dont teach into the two-minute warning

The Master Teacher will give you a two-minute warning at the end of your lesson
helping you to end the lesson in time. Stop the lesson then and begin your summary
portion of the testing.

7.7 Take a second and breathe

If you get nervous or confused during your lesson take a few seconds to breathe and
collect yourself. Focus on your student and what you want to teach and keep going.

7.8 Focus on the improvement of the singers voice

Even if you feel like certain aspects of your lesson are not going perfectly, keep
focusing on the improvement of your students voice. This is the most important part
of your testing. The Master Teacher wants you to pass your testing and will not fail you
on little details if the overall lesson is fine.

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8. What else can I do to improve my teaching?

8.1 Attend IVACON
IVA will host a yearly international Teacher Conference, IVACON, that is open to IVA
instructors. This week-long event is the highlight of the IVA year. IVA teachers from all
over the world come together for an intensive week of education, networking and fun.
You do not want to miss IVACON!
The costs for this event are not included in the estimated costs of your Student
Teacher phase. Expect additional expenses for the conference fee, accommodation
and airfare (if applicable).
IVACON dates will be announced as early as possible on the IVA teachers dashboard
and in the IVA newsletters.

8.2 Participate in IVA book club discussions (Currently on hold)

Every IVA Student Teacher and Certified Instructor is welcome to join the IVA book
club. On a regular basis there will be announcements of educational voice literature
that the members will read and discuss online.
The book club is currently on hold and will be re-launched in the future.

8.3 Exchange with other IVA teachers

Studying and learning is always more fun and effective with like-minded peers. Make
sure to get together with other IVA Student Teachers and Certified Instructors in your
area on a regular basis. Local Teacher Trainings and IVACON are great ways to network
and exchange knowledge and experience. Other options are the IVA book club (see
above), the IVA Facebook page and staying connected with your Area Representative.

Copyright 2015 Institute for Vocal Advancement

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5. Important contact information

To schedule your private voice lessons, and for this matter only, please contact the
Master Teachers directly. You will find their contact information on the IVA Web site.
In regard to all IVA matters and inquiries besides scheduling of lessons please contact
Corey: corey@vocaladvancement.com. (Corey does schedule for Jeffrey Skouson, so
you can contact her for his schedule as well.)











All the best in your studies with IVA!

Copyright 2015 Institute for Vocal Advancement

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Appendix 1 IVA Scale Patterns

Copyright 2015 Institute for Vocal Advancement

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5T - 5 Tone Scale


# # w

& # # # # #



& b b b b b b bw

& b b b b bw

& b b w


b b b b b b bw


b b b bw


# # w

# # # # w


# # # # # # #w

1R - Octave Repeat
& 34





& b



b b


b b


& b

# #






# #

b b



& # # #




& b



1.5 - Octave & Half

& 34









b b



# #



& b b


E b7

b b

b b


# #

b b

b b b




F #7

# #

b b


# #


A b7



b b b




& #

& b b

& #



& # # #

b b


B b7

# #



# # #

C #7

# #

b b


# #





1D - Octave Down

& 34 b


& # #


& b




# #



# #


b b
b b


b b
b b



b b


# .



# #

# #
# #

# # #
# #.
# #





b b


b b
b b





1B - Octave Broken
& 34




# #


b b

b b

b b


& #

& b b

b b

b b

b b



# #



& b b



& #




& # # #






# #

# # #

# #


b b

b b

b b


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