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The Soothing Effects of Acupuncture

Acupuncture is an ancient form of Chinese medicine that has been practiced for t
housands of years. Commonly used to treat bodily pains, acupuncture actually has
a wide range of uses that range from addictions, to injuries, to disease preven
tion. If you are thinking about trying acupuncture, the following will give you
a better idea of its many benefits.
Acupuncture is most commonly known to treat bodily pains such as muscular pains
and arthritis. There are many types of arthritis, and each have a different acup
uncture procedure. However, the healing effects may vary from person to person.
Acupuncture for arthritis usually takes several sessions and takes a lot of coop
eration your therapist for best results.
Other pain related ailments that can be cured by acupuncture are severe headache
s and migraines, acute backaches, shoulder and neck aches, leg pains, trapped ne
rves, muscle related injuries, after surgery, carpal tunnel syndrome, sports inj
uries, menstrual pains, tooth aches, abdominal pains, and rheumatic pains.
Acupuncture is widely recommended for symptoms of depression and anxiety such as
irritability, insomnia, loss of appetite, loss of interest in social activity a
nd suicidal tendencies. Acupuncture is thought to relieve stress and improve flo
w of energy that may be causing the depressive symptoms. Improvement in symptoms
can be seen as early as the first session. Experts have found acupuncture to be
a beneficial complement to other forms of depression therapy such as psychologi
cal counseling, and healthier than chemical alternatives such as anti-depressant
Acupuncture has become a popular alternative to common remedies such as sleeping
pills. It works at the nerve levels, relaxing and soothing your senses. Acupunc
ture is thought to be a safer route for insomnia because it brings back your nat
ural sleeping cycle through natural means and not through chemicals, which can t
urn into an addiction. Using acupuncture for insomnia usually starts working aft
er the very first session. The treatment is usually stretched out for a period o
f time, until your body returns to its natural sleeping cycle.
Studies show that acupuncture is a beneficial form of complementary therapy for
women who are having undergoing treatments for fertility problem. Acupuncture is
believed to relieve the anxiety of women undergoing fertility treatment. Also,
acupuncture's success in aiding fertility is more pronounced in in-vitro fertili
zation. In addition, the rate of miscarriages has been found to be lower for wom
en who do acupuncture.
The following are other ailments that acupuncture has been known to remedy:
Menopausal problems such as hot flushes, infertility, and premenstrual tension.
Bladder or bowel problems, difficulty or pain in urination, and urinary infectio
Digestive disorders including nausea, indigestion, heartburn, and diarrhea.
Respiratory problems such as rhinitis, hay fever, prickly heat, rashes and ulcer
s, eczema, and some types of dermatitis and psoriasis.

Conditions of the eyes and mouth such as cataracts, dry eyes, conjunctivitis, re
tinitis and toothache, and post extraction pains.
Heat problems such as poor circulation, stroke recovery, and hypertension.
Addictions such as smoking, drinking, or other harder drugs.
If you as suffering from any of the ailments mentioned above, acupuncture may ju
st be the remedy for you. Acupuncture is harmless, and is known to promote healt
h and a sense of well-being. It is a healthy, chemical-free alternative to tradi
tional forms of medical treatment.

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