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Usiminas Sede

Rua Prof. Jos Vieira de Mendona, 3.011

Engenho Nogueira
31310-260 Belo Horizonte, MG
T 55 31 3499-8000
F 55 31 3499-8899


CNPJ/MF 60.894.730/0001-05
NIRE 313.000.1360-0
Publicly Traded Company
Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Board of Directors of Usinas Siderrgicas de Minas
Gerais S/A - USIMINAS, held at the Companys office, in So Paulo/SP, Av. do Caf, 277,
Tower B, 9th floor, Jabaquara, on August 27th, 2015, at 08AM.
Board Members Participants Marcelo Gasparino da Silva, Chairman; Fumihiko Wada,
Yoichi Furuta, Paulo Penido Pinto Marques, Oscar Montero Martinez, Roberto Caiuby Vidigal,
Elias de Matos Brito, Rita Rebelo Horta de Assis Fonseca, Jos Oscar Costa de Andrade.
Secretary-General Bruno Lage de Arajo Paulino.
The Chairman of the Board of Directors appointed Mr. Rodrigo de Mesquita Pereira as the
secretary of the meeting, justifying such appointment in the paragraph four of article 14 of
the Companys Bylaws. The Board members Fumihiko Wada, Yoichi Furuta, Paulo Penido
Pinto Marques, Oscar Montero Martinez, Roberto Caiuby Vidigal, Elias de Matos Brito, Rita
Rebelo Horta de Assis Fonseca and Jos Oscar Costa de Andrade disagreed with the
application of such provision of the Bylaw, since the Companys Secretary General, appointed
by the Board of Directors is present, and requested that the referred General Secretary be
responsible for preparing the minutes of the meeting, pursuant the articles 13, letters v
and aa of the Companys Bylaws and article 19, letter c of the Internal Regiment of the
Board of Directors.
The preparation of the minutes in summary form, pursuant to article 130, 1st paragraph of
the Brazilian Corporate Law with article 14, 8 th paragraph of the Bylaws, was unanimously
It is registered herein that the Board Members Marcelo Gasparino da Silva, Fumihiko Wada,
Yoichi Furuta, Paulo Penido Pinto Marques, Oscar Montero Martinez, Roberto Caiuby Vidigal,
Elias de Matos Brito, Rita Rebelo Horta de Assis Fonseca and Jos Oscar Costa de Andrade
presented writing statements with regards to items of the agenda which will be attached to
these minutes and filed in the Board of Directors minutes book.
The attendance list of the Directors assistants also will be attached to these minutes and
filed in the Board of Directors minutes book.
Items for Approval
I Funding Proposal The Board approved, by the majority of its members and with a
contrary vote from the Board Member Marcelo Gasparino da Silva, the fund raising of up to
US$150,000,000.00 (one hundred and fifty million dollars), with a Club Deal (lead by
Deutsche Bank and ABN-Amro Bank).
The Board also approved, by the majority of its members and with a contrary vote from the
Board Member Marcelo Gasparino da Silva, the granting of powers to the Board of Officers to
execute all the documents necessary to complete the transaction approved herein.
II Ratification of the opening and closing of branches and new request to
granting of powers - The Board approved, by the majority of its members and with a
contrary vote from the Board Member Marcelo Gasparino da Silva, and in accordance with
the material available at the Board Portal: i) the ratification of the opening, modification and
closing of offices, branches and facilities, in national territory, which occurred between
August 2014 and August 2015; and ii) the delegation of powers to the Board of Officers, for
one year, to open, transfer or close offices, branches and facilities in the national territory

Usiminas Sede
Rua Prof. Jos Vieira de Mendona, 3.011
Engenho Nogueira
31310-260 Belo Horizonte, MG
T 55 31 3499-8000
F 55 31 3499-8899

only. The delegation of powers granted herein does not represent authorization to open
III - Appointment of Mr. Oscar Montero Martinez as effective member of the Board
of Directors and Mr. Guilherme Poggiali Almeida as alternate member of the Board
of Directors, pursuant to the Notice received by the T/T Group The Board of
Directors acknowledged the resignation of the Effective Member Daniel Agustn Novegil. The
Board of Directors also acknowledged the appointment of Mr. Oscar Montero Martinez for Mr.
Daniel Agustn Novegils position as Effective Member and the appointment of Mr. Guilherme
Poggiali Almeida for the position of first alternate member of the Board of Directors.
In view of the above, the remaining members of the Board of Directors, by unanimous
decision, approved the appointment, according to Art. 150 of Law n. 6,404/1976, of Mr.
Oscar Montero Martinez, Argentine, married, industrial engineer, bearer of passport No.
14.126.591, resident at Leandro N. Alem avenue, 1067, Buenos Aires, Argentina, for the
position of Effective Member of the Board of Directors, for a term until the first Shareholders
Meeting to be held. It is registered herein the abstention of the Board Member Oscar Montero
Martinez to take part in the deliberations above.
The Board of Directors also approved, by the majority of its members, the appointment,
according to Art. 150 of Law n. 6,404/1976, of Mr. Guilherme Poggiali Almeida, Brazilian,
married, lawyer, enrolled with CPF under No. 045.496.266-58, ID n MG 10838922, resident
at Rua Tito Guimares, 128, apto. 902, Buritis, city of Belo Horizonte, state of Minas Gerais,
for the position of first Alternate Member of the Board Members Elias de Matos Brito, Oscar
Montero Martinez and Roberto Caiuby Vidigal, for a term until the first Shareholders Meeting
to be held. The Board Member Marcelo Gasparino da Silva voted against this appointment
and, as Chairman of the Board of Directors declared his understanding that such
appointment was approved by unanimously of the valid votes.
Adjournment With no further business, the meeting was closed and the minutes were
drawn up in own Book with the signature of the Board Members and the Secretary. So
Paulo, August 27th, 2015. (aa) Fumihiko Wada, (aa) Yoichi Furuta, (aa) Paulo Penido Pinto
Marques, (aa) Oscar Montero Martinez, (aa) Roberto Caiuby Vidigal, (aa) Elias de Matos
Brito, (aa) Rita Rebelo Horta de Assis Fonseca and (aa) Jos Oscar Costa de Andrade.
Secretary-General (aa) Bruno Lage de Arajo Paulino.

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