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Comprehensive exams

List of Books
Comparative Field: Urban History in Latin American and the U.S.
45 Books
1. Edward Murphy. Housing Rights in the Margins of Urban Chile,
1960-2010. Pittsburgh: The University of Pittsburgh Press.
2. Diane Davis. Urban Leviathan: Mexico City in the Twentieth
Century. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. 1994.
3. Diego Armus. The Ailing City: Health, Tuberculosis, and Culture
in Buenos Aires, 18701950. Durham and London: Duke
University Press. 2011.
4. Janice Perlman. Favela. Four Decades of Living on the Edge in
Rio de Janeiro. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2010.
5. Mark Overmyer Velasquez. Visiones de la ciudad esmeralda:
Modernidad, tradicin y la formacin de Oaxaca porfiriana.
Oaxaca: Universidad Autnoma Benito Jurez de Oaxaca.
6. Fischer, Brodwyn. A poverty of rights. Citizenship and
inequality in Twentieth- Century Rio de Janeiro. Stanford:
Stanford University Press, 2008
7. Brodwyn Fischer, Bryan McCann and Javier Auyero (Editors),
Poverty and Informality in Urban Latin America. Durham and
London: Duke University Press, 2014.
8. Mark Healey. The Ruins of the New Argentina. Peronism and
the Remaking of San Juan after the 1944 Earthquake. Durham
and London: Duke University Press, 2011.
9. James
Democracy and Modernity in Brazil. Oxford and Princeton:
Princeton University Press, 2008.
James Holston. The Modernist City. An Anthropological
Critique of Brazil. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1989.
Bryan Mcann. Hard Times in the Marvelous City: From
Dictatorship to Democracy in the Favelas of Rio de Janeiro.
Durham and London: Duke University Press, 2014
Paulo Drinot. The allure of labor. Workers, Race and the
Making of Peruvian State. Durham and London: Duke
University Press, 2010.

Teresa Caldeira. City of walls: Crime, Segregation and
Citizenship in Sao Paolo. Berkeley: University of California
Press. 2000.
Javier Auyero. Poor Peoples Politics. Peronist Survival
Networks and the Legacy of Evita. Durham and London: Duke
University Press. 2000.
Teresa Meade. "Civilizing" Rio: Reform and Resistance in
a Brazilian City, 1889-1930. State College: Penn State Press.
Cathy Lisa Schneider. Shantytown Protest in Pinochet's
Chile. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. 1995.
Silvia Marina Arrom and Servando Ortoll (Eds) Riots in
the Cities: Popular Politics and the Urban Poor in Latin America
1765-1910. Wilmington, Del: Scholarly Resources. 1996.
Richard Warren. Vagrants and Citizens: Politics and the
Masses in Mexico City from Colony to Republic. Lanham:
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. 2001.
Jesse Horst. Shantytown Revolution: Slum Clearance,
Rent Control, and the Cuban State, 19371955. Journal of
Urban History 40:4. 2014. p. 699-718.
Pablo Picatto. City of Suspects: Crime in Mexico City,
1900-1931. Durham: Duke University Press, 2001.
Jose Luis Romero. Latinoamrica. Las ciudades y las ideas.
Buenos Aires: Siglo XXI Editores. 2001.
German Rodrigo Mejia Pavony. Los Aos del Cambio.
Historia Urbana de Bogot, 1820-1910. Bogot: Centro
Editorial Javeriano. 2000.
Alejandro Velasco, Barrio Rising: Urban Popular Politics
and the Making of Modern Venezuela. Berkeley: University of
California Press, 2015

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