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From Struggle Comes Success (Transcrio)

[Escrita do comeo do vdeo] Five years ago, Josef Azam was loading luggage at an airport. Today,
he is the CEO of a multi-million dollar marketing and design agency. To date, Josef has generated
over 250 million dollars in sales for his clients.
[Comeo da fala] Everybody sees me today in the position Im in, a fast growing company. They
dont really understand the story and the struggle behind my success; where Ive come from, and
really what it takes to achieve success.
My story starts like many others around this world; it starts unfortunately growing up in poor
situation. I grew up in a pretty wealthy area being poor, and I think theres nothing worse in life
than growing up poor in the face of people having everything. It makes you really realize what you
dont have. When you grow up in an area where nobody has anything, youre kind of all on a level
playing field. But when you grow up in a wealthy area where everybody seems to have so much
more than you, you know, you know that you dont have as much as them. You know your parents
dont have as much money. I realize what I dont have, I realize what I wanted, and I made sure
from a very young age that I would succeed at every goal Ive ever dreamt of.
Seeing my parents work, and struggle inspired me to work. I didnt have the money like everybody
else did when they went to University where their parents paid for them, and they had the nice cars,
I worked three jobs to put myself through University. I graduated, and till this day Im so thankful
that I had to go through those experiences because its those struggles, and those hardships that
define me as a person.
You need to sacrifice almost everything to achieve your goal. So when people say Youre lucky,
they dont know what theyre talking about. And people that say that will never achieve their goal
because luck has nothing to do with it because if I was that lucky I wouldnt have fallen on my face
so many times. I wouldnt have failed so many times. I wouldnt have had so many sleepless nights.
Perseverance is the key to success, and then when you succeed people are going to try to justify to
you in a very simple way why you succeeded. I know what Im capable of, I know what Im going
to do, and I know where I want to be, and nothing is going to stop me.
I look at myself, and I say Well, what else do I want to achieve? And the answer is still the same
from when I was a kid, I want to achieve greatness. In many peoples eyes, Ive achieved success,
but in my eyes its not enough, I want to achieve greatness. That is my story in life, it was my story
in the past, and itll be my story in the future. The ability to never give up, and to always know
where I want to go. I will not let anybody deter me from that goal, and I will never let anybody
discourage me from achieving my goals.

The Pursuit of HappYness: My Favourite Scene #1 (Transcrio)

Martin Frohm: Hi Chris.
Chris Gardner: Mr. Frohm, Im good to see you.
Martin Frohm: Nice shirt.
Chris Gardner: Thank you sir.
Jay Thistle: Chris.
Chris Gardener: Hi Jay.
Martin Frohm: Good, sit down please.
Chris Gardner: I thought Id wear a shirt today, you know, being the last day and all.
Martin Frohm: Well thank you, thank you we appreciate that. But wear one tomorrow though
okay, because tomorrows going to be your first day if youd like to work here as a broker. Would
you like that Chris?
Chris Gardner: Yes sir.
Martin Frohm: Good, we couldnt be happier. So welcome. Was it as easy as it looked?
Chris Gardner: No sir, no sir it wasnt.
Martin Frohm: Well, good luck Chris.
Chris Gardner: Thank you, thank you sir.
Martin Frohm: Oh Chris, I almost forgot.
Chris Gardner: Thank you.
This part of my life, this little part, is called happiness.

A Unique Friendship Brought Together By Skype (Transcrio) 3

Sarah: I consider Paige like a long-lost sister that I never had that I should have had. The crazy
thing is that me and Paige have been so close, but we actually have never met.
Sarahs mother: Well this is the first time that I held Sarah.
Sarah: My mom was pregnant of me, and just found out that I had one arm at 20 weeks, I think.
She wanted to find someone else that was experiencing the same thing. So she went on a website,
and found Teresa and Paige.
Paige: When me and Sarah were born, our parents were sending letters and pictures to each other
and stuff, so they became close.
Sarah: And then we kind of lost touch, because Teresa had two more kids. When I was eight, I
needed someone there that could understand everything about me, and I was like I want to find
Paige: My mom got an email from her mom, and apparently they had been looking for us for three
years. We started emailing first. I asked her one day if she had Skype. What time is it for you?
Sarah: When I first saw Paige, it was like Id seen a mirror image of me.
Paige: When I saw Sarah, it was kind of like, Oh, this is how people see me.

Sarah: Well talk about boys, and life, and compare things.
Paige: She doesnt really worry about what other people think about her. She can walk around
happily in a short sleeve top. She helped me a lot, and gave me a lot of confidence. There werent
less challenges after I met her, its just that I wasnt going through the challenges alone anymore.
Sarah: And I like move the brush, or I move my finger.
Paige: And so I move my finger?
Sarah: yeah.
Paige: I could tell Sarah things that I wouldnt be able to tell my friends. I trust her with my life.
We have been so close for eight years, but thousands of miles away from each other. We definitely
wouldnt be very close if it wasnt for Skype and how its brought us together.
Sarah: Some best friends come and go, I feel like Paige will always be my best friend no matter
what. Its crazy that weve never met. Weve both dreamed of it, but its just never happened yet.
[On screen captioning] And then it happened.
Sarah: I cant believe it, I dont think its really sunk in.
Paige: Im really nervous
Sarah: It doesnt seem real.
Paige: Five minutes and thirty four seconds
Sarah: Youre so beautiful.
Paige: So are you.
Mothers: I finally get to hug you.
Sarah: I cant do that.
Paige: Im sure well always find time for each other, because its one of those friendships that you
dont find twice.
Sarah: Were like two needles in a haystack that just found each other.

James Robertson Walks 21 Miles Each Way to His Job in Detroit (Transcrio)
David: And finally tonight here, our Person of of the Week. You know we love visiting American
factories and celebrating workers across this country, but tonight one worker who is beyond
committed. Not just walking to work, walking ten miles each way because he couldnt afford a new
car. Tonight here, the big surprise for him just today. We were there for it and for our Person of the
James: Hello. My names is James Robertson. Im 56 years old and I live in Detroit.
David: Like so many Americans, James Robertson gets up every morning to go to work. His
commute on foot, 21 miles. Thats right, more than ten miles each way.
James: I walk 21 miles every day just to get to the job that I love.
David: A factory worker at Schain Mold and Engineering, hes never missed a day of work in his
13 years there.

James: Its fine. At work, were like a second family.

David: A family worth walking to ever since his car broke down more than a decade ago.
James: I had bought a 1988 Honda for $500 and it only lasted about three or four months.
David: He said he could never afford a new car. Over time, driving to work himself, a Detroit
banker, Blake Pollack, notices something.
Blake: The thing that I saw was this man walking down the road at all different points on this road
in all types of weather.
David: One day, he offers James a ride and a friendship soon forms.
Blake: This commute is just astonishing to me.
David: The banker tells the newspaper, The Detroit Free Press, then the article, then a 19 year old
college student reads it. Enter Evan Leedy.
Evan: I read in the comments that people were asking how they could donate, which inspired me to
create the GoFundMe page.
David: The goal? To raise $5,000 to get James a used car.
Evan: Within four hours, we had $25,000 donated and $25,000 turned into $50,000 and turned into
$100,000 and now its up to $300,000.
David: First the banker, then the student and then the Detroit giant, Ford who invited James today
to test drive some cars aware of all those donations, but when James got there, they simply gave
him the car instead.
Ford Person: The keys to your new Ford Taurus. Lets come take a look at it.
David: He was overwhelmed that they gave him the car.
Ford Person: Do you like it?
James: I dont like it. I love it!
David: And then it hits him.
James: You know if only my parents could see me now.
David: Saying if only his parents could see him, but tonight the whole country has.
James: I feel like Im just a simple, average guy having fun and Ive been blessed to do what Ive
been blessed to do.
David: So we choose James Robertson. A team is helping him to plan his retirement and home
repairs with those donations. Hes back to work on Monday, driving this time. Im David Muir. I
hope you have a great weekend. Well see you Monday night. Good night.
Inspiring Scene from the Movie Rocky Balboa (Transcrio)
Robert: This is only gonna end up bad for you and its gonna end up bad for me.
Rocky: You think Im hurting you?
Robert: Yeah, in a way you are.
Rocky: Thats the last thing I ever wanted to do.
Robert: I know thats not what you want to do, but thats just the way that it is. Dont you care
what people think? Doesnt it bother you that people are making you out to be a joke and that I

might be included in that? Do you think thats right? Do you?

Rocky: You aint gonna believe this, but you used to fit right here. Id hold you up and say to your
mother this kids gonna be the best kid in the world. This kids gonna be somebody better than
anybody I ever knew and you grew up good and wonderful. It was great just watching. Every day
was like a privilege. Then the time come for you to be your own man and take on the world and you
did. But somewhere along the line, you changed. You stopped being you. You let people stick their
finger in your face and tell you youre no good and when things got hard, you started looking for
something to blame, like a big shadow. Let me tell you something you already know. The world
aint all sunshine and rainbows. Its a very mean and nasty place and I dont care how tough you
are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody
is gonna hit as hard as life, but it aint about how hard youre hit. Its about how hard you can get hit
and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward! Thats how winning
is done! Now if you know what youre worth, then go out and get your worth, but you gotta be
willing to take the hits and not pointing fingers saying you aint where you want to be because of
him or her or anybody. Cowards do that and that aint you! Youre better than that! Im always
gonna love you no matter what. No matter what happens. Youre my son and youre my blood.
Youre the best thing in my life. But until you start believing in yourself, you aint gonna have a
life. Dont forget to visit your mom.

Habit 1 Of Highly Effective People Be Proactive (Transcrio)

Hi there,
Steve Kaufmann. This is going to be the first in a series of 7 videos where I deal with each of the
seven habits of highly effective people that Stephen Covey covers in his book, which I made a
reference to in my video last week. First of all Ill go over very quickly the 7 habits and this is
advice for people in their lives, advice for Managers, advice for business people and for people
generally. The Stephen Covey, and you can Google Stephen Covey, C.O.V.E.Y, 7 habits and you
will get a lot more information, but there are 7 habits.
The first 3 have to do with Independence. The second 3 have to do with interdependence and the
7th one has to do with constantly renewing yourself and constantly improving.
So the first one today, I am going to talk about, is the need to be proactive. I think its true in many
things in life, if we wait for things to happen to us, some things may have, I mean, many things will
happen to you. However by being proactive, by taking initiatives, by pursuing your goals, it is more
likely that good things are going to happen to you. And certainly I found in language learning that
as long as I was a passive learner in school with a Teacher teaching me and as long as I waited for
the Teacher somehow or the text book to teach me, I wasnt making very good progress.
Once I took control of my learning, once I went out and this meant looking for things in the
language that interested me; books, in the case of Chinese, books with, in those days before the
internet, books with vocabulary lists behind each chapter. Taking the initiative in terms of what I
wanted to learn about, what aspects of the language I needed to work on.
Taking the initiative not to stay with the program that the Teacher is leading you into, in the
classroom. Many Teachers dont like this. They dont want the students to get ahead of them, this is
so wrong because the language isnt just chapter 1, chapter 2, and chapter 3. The language is
basically a whole package and we learn different parts of it again and again and again and so for the
student to go out and find things of interest to him or her and then go back and do what they are
doing in class, all of this is good. You have to take the initiative, you have to take responsibility.
There are people who say that theres no bad learners, theres only a bad teacher. I dont believe that
at all. I think whether you are in a classroom, or whether you are studying on your own, only those

learners who take the initiative, who are motivated enough to take charge of their learning, are
going to be successful. And we have ample evidence of this in our school system in Canada, and I
am sure in other language schools where a small percentage of the learners actually improve and
equally large numbers can improve on their own if they are motivated, so that the important point is
not the number of instructional hours, the important point is; to what extend are you prepared to be
proactive and take charge of your own learning.
So that is the first of the 7 habits that Stephen Covey talks about and it might even be the most
Be proactive. Take charge of your own learning. And that is the first of the 7 habits of
highly effective people.
Thank you for listening.
Bye for now.
The Ultimate Motivational Clip Rise & Shine (Transcrio)
Rise and shine.
Its 6am and your hand cant make it to the alarm clock before the voices in your head start telling
you that its too early, too dark, and too cold to get out of a bed. Aching muscles lie still in
rebellion, pretending not to hear your brain commanding them to move. A legion of voices are
shouting their unanimous permission for you to hit the snooze button and go back to dreamland, but
you didnt ask their opinion.
The voice youve chosen to listen to is one of defiance. A voice that says there was a reason you set
that alarm in the first place. So sit up, put your feet on the floor, and dont look back because weve
got work to do. Welcome to The Grind.
For what is each day but a series of conflicts between the right way and the easy way, 10,000
streams fan out like a river delta before you, Each one promising the path of least resistance. Thing
is, youre headed upstream and when you make that choice, when you decide to turn your back on
whats comfortable and whats safe and what some would call common sense, well thats day one.
From there it only gets tougher. So just make sure this is something you want. Because the easy way
out will always be there, ready to wash you away, all you have to do is pick up your feet. But you
arent going to, are you? With each step comes the decision to take another Youre on your way
now, but this is no time to dwell on how far youve come. Youre in a fight against an opponent you
cant see, but oh you can feel him on your heels cant you? Feel him breathing down your neck You
know what that is? Thats you
Your fears, your doubts and insecurities all lined up like a firing squad ready to shoot you out of the
sky. But dont lose heart, while they arent easily defeated, they are far from invincible. Remember
this is The Grind, The Battle Royale between you and your mind, your body and the devil on your
shoulder whos telling you that this is just a game, this is just a waste of time, your opponents are
stronger than you.
Drown out the voice of uncertainty with the sound of your own heartbeat, burn away your self
doubt with the fire thats beneath you, remember what were fighting for and never forget that
momentum is a cruel mistress. She can turn on a dime with the smallest mistake. She is ever
searching for that weak place in your armor. That one tiny thing you forgot to prepare for. So as
long as the devil is hiding the details, the question remains, Is that all you got? Are you sure?
And when the answer is yes. That youve done all you can to prepare yourself for battle
Then its time to go forth and boldly face your enemy, the enemy within only now you must take

that fight into the open, into hostile territory. Youre a lion in a field of lions, all hunting the same
elusive prey with a desperate starvation that says:Victory is the only thing that can keep you alive.
So believe that voice that says you can run a little faster and that you can throw a little harder
and that, for you, the laws of physics are merely a suggestion.
Luck is the last dying wish of those who want to believe that winning can happen by accident.
Sweat on the other hand is for those who know its a choice. So decide now because destiny waits
for no man.
And when your time comes and a thousand different voices are trying to tell you that youre not
ready for it, listen instead to that lone voice of descent, that one voice that says: you are ready
you are prepared. Its all up to you now!
So Rise and Shine.
The Straightest Road to Success (Transcrio)
You know, to be great, I think you have to fight. And I very much think that my success is a
product of some level of skill. But I do think I win because I outwork people. I really do believe
that. I do believe that 100%. And Im not sure that if my dad didnt set that example, that I didnt
have the ability to think one could work that hard.
The fact that Ive been working 19 hours a day every day for the last 20 years is easy for me. Its
the only gear I knew, right? I was poor, I sucked shit at school, it was the only gear I had. You
know I think we need to recognize that your biggest advantage is that youre hungrier than your
competitor and that if youre not applying your one advantage which is your work ethic and the
hours that you have to put into your business, well then youre going to come up short.
I sit here with enormous assumptions around all of you that youre just too soft to beat me, right,
that I think youve had it better and that that alone doesnt allow you to beat me. Somebody will
come with the counter cultural point of view, and theyre like, Gary, thats cool. But I dont have
to work that hard because Im working smarter. Yeah, me too, asshole, I work hard and smart,
now what? Look theres a 12-hour, 10-hour, 8-hour, 15-hour workday. You can finish a lot of
things in those 18, 12, 9 hours or you can finish medium amounts of things or lightweight things.
People focus on too many small details.
Way too many in this room are going to spend the next 30, 40 years of their lives trying to check the
boxes of the things that theyre not as good at, and that youre going to waste a fuck load of time
and lose. I highly recommend for all you hustlers, because theres a lot of you, theres a lot of you
that are always talking about, Gary, I do work hard. And you do. You work for 16 hours. Some
people just dont have the attention span or the capacity to remember. Theyre like Theres a lot of
things I cant learn.
I was a very poor student because the subject matter bored me. And if I was forced to become great
on understanding the great artists of the 20thcentury, Im in big trouble. And so I would tell people
to bet on their strengths. You need to bet on your strengths and dont give a fuck about what you
suck at, and to put themselves in a position to win with their strengths because that is absolutely the
straightest line to success.
Greatness comes from adversity and looking the challenge in the eye, and having the intestinal
fortitude to kind of to step up and go after it.
How to Flip Food in a Pan Like a Chef! (Transcrio)
Hello! This is Chef John from foodwishes.com with How to Flip Stuff in the Pan like a Chef!

Thats right. This has to be one of the most popular non-recipe food wishes of all time.
So Im going to show you my secret training method and were not going to use real food! Were
going to use cheese balls. And the reason I like the cheese balls for this in addition to theyre kind
of tasty and go good with beer, the reason I like the cheese balls is because theyre very light which
means theyre going to fly out of the pan if you dont do this right. But if they do fly out of the pan,
theyre not going to do any damage or make a big mess. So I think they work really well for this.
So Im going to pour those in the pan. Looks like Ive got a couple extra. Let me take care of
those. So here we go. The secret here is not to try the food up and catch it. Thats why people have
a problem with this. They think youre supposed to throw the food up and then somehow catch it
with the pan. Thats not what youre trying to do. Its not an up and down motion. Its a back and
forth motion. Thats the key. And to help you do that, theres an old saying, and by old, I mean I
just made this up, but it goes like this: Up and down is very lame, back and forth shows your
game. Okay? So remember that.
So I dont want your pan coming off that cutting board. I want you to press against the cutting
board, I want you to push it forward, and give it a quick pull back. Alright, so push forward, pull
back, push forward, pull back. And as long as you dont lift the pan off the cutting board, and you
keep experimenting with that back and forth motion, you will eventually get it.
And here it is in slow motion so you can really see whats happening. Youre pushing everything
forward and then youre giving it a quick pull back. And when you pull that pan back, youll see it
will hit that curved edge of the pan and flip up over itself. And thats the whole move. Theres
really not much to it.
Now some of you are saying here, John, show me more of the up and down motion. No! I just
went over that. Its not up and down. Its back and forth. But anyway, practice that motion and
you will be a pan flipping fool just like your favorite celebrity chef on TV!
So I hope you give this a try. Head over to Foodwishes.com for new ingredients. But I will write a
little something so check it out. And as always, enjoy!
Habit 2 Begin With the End in Mind (Transcrio)
Hi there, Steve Kaufmann here. Today is the second in this series of short videos about Stephen
Coveys 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. His second habit was what he calls Begin With the
End in Mind. This is very important. Ill give you an example.
I had a meeting with about 50 Chinese immigrants, here in Vancouver, who were complaining about
the difficulty that they had in speaking English. They claimed that they could read, perhaps didnt
understand quite a well when they were listening, but they had real trouble saying something. My
question to them is: What is their vision of what they would like to be able to do in English? If their
vision of what they want to do in English is to be able to, when suddenly confronted with an
English-speaking person is to be able to say something in English.
I should point out that these were housewives, wives of wealthy Chinese immigrants who dont
have much interaction with Canadian society, but then when they are confronted with the need to
speak English, of course, cant do so. I said, whats your goal and they werent really clear. I said
that if I were you, if I had immigrated to another country, my goal, because Im an adult and I can
communicate as an adult in my own language, my goal in this new language, especially if Im
living there, is to be able to communicate as an adult in the new language therefore on a wide range
of subjects without struggling, without seeming to be foolish. Thats the goal.
You have to have a clear idea of that goal. If you have a clear idea of that goal you will achieve it. If
you dont have a clear idea of that goal, if you think youre just going to learn some words and try

and learn some grammar rules and then you wonder why you cant communicate properly you will
probably not succeed. I always make the case if you dont know where the top of the mountain is, if
you cant visualize yourself reaching the top of the mountain you probably wont make it to the top
of the mountain.
So I think the second of Coveys habits, is this habit of saying, insofar as language learning is
concerned, heres what I want to achieve. I can visualize myself achieving this and, therefore, I will
work as hard as I can to achieve it.
So that is habit number two. Thank you for listening, bye for now.
Golden Rules by Steve Jobs (Transcrio)
Steve Jobs: One of the keys to Apple is Apples an incredibly collaborative company. And so, you
know how many committees we have at Apple?
Interviewer: No.
Steve: Zero. We have no committees.
Interviewer: No committees.
Steve: We are organized like a start-up. One persons in charge of iPhone OS software. One
persons in charge of Mac hardware. One persons in charge iPhone hardware engineering. Another
persons in charge of worldwide marketing. Another persons in charge of operations. Were
organized like a start-up. Were the biggest start-up on the planet and we all meet for three hours
once a week and we talk about everything were doing, the whole business. And theres tremendous
teamwork at the top of the company which filters down to tremendous teamwork throughout the
company and teamwork is dependent on trusting the other folks to come through with their part
without watching them all the time, but trusting that theyre going to come through with their parts.
And thats what we do really well and were great at figuring out how to divide things up into these
great teams that we have and all work on the same thing, touch basis frequently and bring it all
together into a product. We do that really well. And so what I do all day is meet with teams of
people and work on ideas and solve problems, to make new products, to make new marketing
programs whatever it is.
Interviewer: And are people willing to tell you youre wrong?
Steve: Yeah.
Interviewer: I mean other than snarky journalists, I mean people that work for you.
Steve: Oh yeah. No, we have wonderful arguments.
Interviewer: And do you win them all?
Steve: Oh no, I wish I did. Now see you cant. If you want to hire great people and have them stay
working for you, you have to let them make a lot of decisions and you have to be run by ideas, not
hierarchy. The best ideas have to win, otherwise good people dont stay.
Interviewer: But you must be more than a facilitator who runs meetings. You obviously contribute
your own ideas.

Steve: I contribute ideas, sure. Why would I be here if I didnt

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