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Panchatantra story-The Foolish Lion and the clever

Long time ago there lived a ferocious lion in the forest. It was a greedy lion and started
killing all the animals in the forest. Seeing this, the animals gathered and decided to
approach the lion with the offer of one animal of each species volunteering itself to be
eaten by the lion everyday. So every day it was the turn of one of the animals and in the
end came the rabbits' turn. The rabbits chose a old rabbit among them. The rabbit old was
wise. It decided to take its own sweet time to go to the Lion. The Lion was getting
impatient on not seeing any animal come by and swore to kill all animals the next day.

The rabbit then went to the Lion by sunset. The Lion was angry at him. But the wise
rabbit was calm and slowly told the Lion that it was not his fault. He told the Lion that a
group of rabbits were coming to him for the day but on the way, an angry Lion attacked
them all and ate all rabbits but himself. Somehow he escaped to reach safely, the rabbit
said. He said that the other Lion was challenging the supremacy of the Lion. The Lion
was naturally very enraged and asked to be taken to the location of the other Lion.

The wise rabbit agreed and led the Lion towards a deep well filled with water. Then he
showed the Lion his reflection in the water of the well. The Lion was furious and started
growling and naturally its image in the water, the other Lion, was also equally angry.
Then the Lion jumped into the water to attack the other Lion and kill it but lost its life in
the well. Thus the wise rabbit saved the forest and all animals from the proud Lion.

Story moral: Intelligence wins over might.

2.Panchatantra story-The Sparrow and the elephant

Long time ago there lived a sparrow with her husband on a tree. She had built a nice nest
and laid her eggs in the nest. One morning, a wild elephant with spring fever feeling
came to the tree in search of shade and in a rage broke the branch of the tree on which the
nest was residing. Unluckily all the sparrow eggs were lost though both parents were
saved. The she-sparrow was deep in sorrow.

Seeing her sorrow, the woodpecker bird, a friend of hers offered her consolation that she
would think of a way of killing the elephant. Then she went to her friend the black fly,
who in turn went to the counselor frog for advice. The frog then devised a scheme for
killing the elephant. He asked the black fly to buzz in the ears of the elephant, so that the
elephant would be thrilled to listen to the music of the black fly and close its eyes. Then
she asked the woodpecker to pluck his eyes. She herself would be on the edge of a pit and
would croak misleading the elephant to think that it is a pond. The next day at noon the
three carried out the plan and the elephant was killed when he fell flat into a pit after
being blinded by the woodpecker when he closed his eyes in response to the black fly. So
the revenge was taken with collective wit of all three animals

Story moral: Intelligence wins over might

3.Panchatantra story-The Three Fishes

There were three big fishes living in a lake who were very close friends. All three of them
were very different from one another. The first one believed in fate. He thought things
cannot be changed and what had to happen will happen no matter what. The second one
was intelligent. He thought he knew how to solve a problem if he had one, with his
intelligence. The third one was the wise one. It thought long and hard before acting.

So one day, the wise fish was happily playing around in the water, when it over heard a
fishermen talking to another. "Look at that one, what a big fish... This lake is full of big
fishes like this one. Let us come tomorrow and catch them."

It hurriedly swam to it's friends to tell the news. "Let us get out of this lake before those
fishermen come back. A canal I know can take us to another lake," the wise one said.

The intelligent fish said, " I know what to do if the fishermen come and catch me."

The fish which believed in fate said, "Whatever to happen will happen, I was born in this
lake and I am not going to leave it."

The wise fish didn't want to risk its life, so he took the canal and went to another lake.

The fishermen came back the next morning and cast their net. The rest of the two friends
were caught in it along with many other fishes.

The intelligent fish thought of a way to escape, it acted as if it were dead. The fishermen
threw him along with other dead fish back into the lake. But the other fish which believed
in fate was still jumping in the net and the fishermen struck him dead.

Story moral: Intelligence wins over might..

4.Panchatantra story-The Brahmin's gift

Once there lived a pious brahmin in a village. He used to perform religious rituals. On
one occasion he was rewarded with a cow by a rich man for his service. The brahmin
started to bring the cow to his home. On the way, three rogues saw the brahmin bringing

the cow. They were lazy and wanted to cheat the brahmin so that they could take away
the cow. They hatched a plan.
The first person approached the brahmin and said, "Are you a washer man that you're
pulling a donkey." The brahmin was annoyed at being mistaken for a washer man. He
went on. A little later he was met by the second of the rogues. The second person asked
him why being a brahmin he needed to pull a pig. Now the brahmin was confused but he
went on. Some distance later he was met by the third person who asked him why he was
pulling along a wild animal. Now the brahmin was totally confused and also afraid. He
thought that it was a devil animal which took different forms. He ran away leaving the
cow behind. The three tricksters laughed at the brahmin at having cheated the cow from
the brahmin.

Story moral: Believe your own eyes than what you hear.

5. Panchatantra story-The greedy jackal

Long time ago there lived a lazy jackal. Also in the hills there lived a hillman and a wild
boar. One day when the hillman went to hunt, he saw the wild boar. He took a sharp aim
with his arrow and stuck the boar. But the boar was only injured and it attacked the
hillman and he died on the spot. Later the boar also collapsed due to the injuries and died.

The jackal happened to pass the site of both the dead bodies and the bowstring, and the
jackal decided to eat them slowly. But he was excessively greedy and first wanted to eat
the bowstring, before the other bodies. As he tried to eat the bowstring which was tightly
attached to the bow, it snapped and the end of the string pierced its mouth and the jackal
died on the spot.

Story moral: Too much of greed is harmful.

6. Panchatantra story-The mongoose and the farmer's

Long time ago there lived a farmer and his wife. They had a new born son. The farmer's
wife wanted to have a pet animal to protect the child which would also be a companion to
the child. They had a talk and decided upon a mongoose. So they brought a mongoose
and started rearing it.

A couple of months later, one day the farmer and his wife wanted to go out of the house
leaving the child at home. The farmer thought that the mongoose would take care of the
child while they were away. So they left the mongoose and the child at home and went

The farmer's wife returned earlier and on returning home found that the mouth of the
mongoose was stained with blood and she immediately inferred that the mongoose had
killed the child. In anger she threw a box on the mongoose and the mongoose was hurt
badly. She then rushed inside to see what happened to the child. She was surprised to find
a dead snake lying in the room. She could guess that that the mongoose had saved the
child's life by killing the snake. Realizing the mistake she went out of the room only to
find the mongoose dead on the floor. She cried out load at her hasty action.

Story moral: Don't act in haste. Think and act.

7. Panchatantra story-The gold giving serpent

Long time ago there lived a poor brahman. He used to work hard on the fields but all his
efforts did not bear fruit. He one day found an anthill on his field and found a serpent
there. Thinking that he had not paid respect to the guardian deity of his field, he procured
milk and started feeding the anthill with milk from that day. One day he found a gold
coin in the plate. So he used to get a gold coin everyday he fed the serpent with milk.

Then one day he had to go to the town and asked his son to look after the serpent by
feeding him the milk. The son was greedy and he thought,"This anthill must be full
of gold coins". And he stuck the serpent. Unluckily the serpent did not die and it
attacked the boy and he died.

8. Panchatantra story-The crows and the serpent

Long time ago there lived a crow couple who had built a nest on top of a tree. But
unfortunately the tree was inhabited by a serpent at its bottom. So the serpent used to
crawl up the tree and eat all the eggs that the lady crow used to lay. The crow couple
were deeply grieved and when this happened time after time, they decided that the
serpent has to be get rid off by a plan.

So the crow approached his friend jackal and asked for a plan. The jackal then told him to
go and fetch a costly thing from the palace of the king and throw it in the burrow of the
snake. The crow went to palace, and stole a necklace of the queen while she was bathing.
The guards of the palace ran after it. The crow then dropped the necklace in the burrow of
the snake beneath the tree.

The guards on reaching the bottom of the tree found the necklace guarded by the serpent.
They then killed the serpent and recovered the necklace. The crow family was now happy
that their eggs were safe now.

Story moral: Intelligence wins over might.

9. The Fisherman and the Bear

One fine day an old Maine man was fishing and fishing on his favorite lake and catching
nary a thing. Finally, he gave up and walked back along the shore to his fishing shack.
When he got close to the front door, he saw it was open. Being of a suspicious nature, he
walked to the door quietly and looked inside. There was a big black bear. It was just
pulling the cork out of his molasses jug with its teeth. The molasses spilled all over the
floor and the bear rubbed his paw in it, smearing it all over.

Well, the old man was not the timid sort. He went to the back of the shack, put his head
in the window and gave a loud yell. The bear jumped and ran out the door. It was running
strangely. The old man saw that the bear was holding up the foot covered with molasses
so it wouldn't get dirty.
The bear ran to the lake shore. Standing on its hind legs, it held up the paw full of
molasses. Soon all the flies and bugs and mosquitoes were swarming all over the sticky
sweet paw. Then the bear waded into the water with his sticky paw full of bugs. It held
the paw out over the water. Suddenly, a big trout came jumping out of the water trying to
get to the flies. The bear gave it a swat and it flew to the shore and flopped there. Then
another fish jumped into the air after the flies, followed swiftly by another. Every time a
fish jumped after his paw, the bear cuffed it ashore. Soon it had a large pile.
Finally, the bear decided he had enough fish and waded to shore. The bear had caught a
mess of fish any fisherman would envy. The old man had caught nothing. He watched
that bear eat half a dozen trout, his stomach rumbling. All he had for dinner was some
bread and what was left of the molasses. Finally the bear paused in his eating, and looked
over to the bushes where the old man was hidden. The bear stood up and laid the
remaining fish in a row. Then it walked away up the shore. It kept looking back at the
bushes where the old man stood.
The old man crept out of the bushes and down to the shore. Sure enough, the bear had left
six large trout for him. He looked over at the bear. It was standing at the edge of the
wood watching. "Thanks a lot," the old man called to the bear. The bear waved the now-
clean paw at the old man and disappeared into the thicket. "Well," said the old man,
"That's the first time a bear has ever paid me for my molasses."

10.The old man never hunted bears again. Jack and the
Corn Stalk
Once, a Kansas farmer sent his son Jack to check on the growth of the corn in the field.
Now Jack was not a tall lad, so he decided to take a ladder with him. When he found a
nice big stalk of corn, he leaned the ladder against it and climbed up until he could reach
the first joint. From there, he proceeded to the top of the cornstalk, and looked out over
the field. There was enough corn there for a rich harvest.

Excited by his discovery, Jack started back down the corn stalk. He realized suddenly that
it had kept growing while he was at the top. He stepped from joint to joint, but it grew so
fast he never reached the ground.

Meanwhile, Jack's father wondered what was taking the boy so long. He knew there was
no use in hunting for him in the forest of corn, so he climbed to the top of the windmill.
He saw Jack's predicament soon enough, and gathered the neighborhood men. They tried
to chop down the cornstalk, but the cornstalk was growing so fast there were eighteen
inches separating every chop. Finally, they gave up, and Jack was forced to stay on the
corn stalk until a drought came and it finally stopped growing.

11.Back to Square
As usual a lot of people were present in Akbar's durbar.
A famous astrologer had come from a far away country.
He was talking about the Solar System and the Earth's shape.
At one point Akbar said, "If the earth is round, and if one travel strait towards one
direction, he will come back to the same Onepot from where he has started the journey."
"Theoretically it is correct", said the astrologer.
"Why not in real life?", asked the king.
"One has to cross oceans, mountains and forests to keep the path straight." the astrologer
"Sail through the oceans, make tunnels in the mountains and use elephants to cross the
forests." Akbar found the solution.
"Still it is impossible" said the astrologer.
"Why?" Asked Akbar.
"It may take years to complete the whole journey" said the astrologer
"Years? How many?" asked Akbar.
"I don't know. May be a hundred years or more" said the astrologer
"Don't worry I will ask my ministers. They have an answer for everything" Akbar looked
at the ministers.
"Impossible to calculate"
"Around 25 years"
"Fifty years or less"
"80 days"
"Why Birbal, you haven't uttered a word" the king showed his surprise at Birbal's silence.

"I was just calculating the time required to go round the earth" explained Birbal.
"And did you get the answer?" asked the king.
"Sure." Said Birbal "It will take just one day."
"Just one day! Birbal it is Impossible! Even it will take more than one day to cross our
country." Said Akbar.
"It is possible. Provided you travel at the speed of the Sun" said Birbal with a smile.

12.The Best Artist

A despotic sultan who was blind in one eye invited three artists to paint his picture.
“If you do a bad portrait, I will punish you,” he warned, “ but if you do a good one I will
reward you. Now start!”
The first artist produced a picture that showed the sultan as he was: blind in one eye.
The sultan had him executed for showing disrespect to his monarch.
The second artist showed him with both eyes intact.
The sultan had him flogged for trying to flatter him.
The third artist drew him in profile, showing only his good eye.
The sultan, pleased, rewarded him with gold and honours.

Developmental Milestones Chart for babies

after One year of age:

of Most Attain Some Attain Few Attain Few Attain
1 -1.5 • Stands by • Builds 3- • Understands • Produces
years self 4 cube tower simple commands new words each
and questions month
• Walks by • Turns • Listens to
self pages in books simple stories and • Puts 2
songs words together

• Points to
pictures in book
when named
1.5 - • Carries • Imitates • Understands • Uses 2-3
2 object while circular scribble most language word phrases
years walking • Imitates • Majority
• Kicks large crayon strokes of speech is
ball understood by
• Walks • Drinks familiar listeners
backwards from cup
• Refers to
• Squats objects by name
2- • Runs • Removes • Understands • Uses 2-3
2.5 • Jumps with pull down pants most language word phrases
years both feet with elastic waist • Majority
of speech is
• Walks • Assists understood by
down stairs by self with putting on familiar listeners
• Refers to
objects by name
2-3 • Throws ball • Does 3-4 • Understands • Uses 2-3
years over - and piece puzzles most language word phrases
underhand • Copies a • Majority
circle of speech is
• Catch balls understood by
of various sizes • Unbuttons familiar listeners
large buttons
• Refers to
objects by name
3-4 • Rides • Builds an • Understands • Talks
years tricycles 8 cube tower simple "who", about activities
• Walks up • Strings "what", "where", outside of home
and down stairs beads "why" questions • Speech is
• Jumps • Puts on clear
forward and up socks, shoes,
underwear • Uses
• Does many 4+ word
consecutive • Feeds self sentences
jumping with spoon and
4-5 • Advanced • Traces a • Answers • Uses
years running & line simple questions detailed
coordination • Copies a about short stories sentences
• Skips square • Sticks to
• Walks • Can lace • Understands subject when
balance beams & zip clothes most language at telling story
home and school • Says
• Somersaults • Shows most sounds
hand preference correctly

• Uses
5 • Walks up & • Prints • Answers • Uses
years down stairs holding first name simple questions detailed
object • Cuts out about short stories sentences
shapes • Sticks to
• Rides bike • Buttons 1, • Understands subject when
with training buttons most language at telling story
wheels • Cuts with home and school • Says
knife & fork most sounds
• Colors
within lines • Uses

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