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Alcohol and health

Social drinking is usually undertaken in social settings without

intending a drunken state. It has been increasingly noted that this
form of drinking is compatible with both happy and morose social
occasions and is almost an indispensable aspect of the social
routine nowadays

Its party time and maybe you have an occasion to celebrate. The
food at the table looks yummy and yonder the liquor section
beckons you for that little bit of an appetizer that you tell yourself
you need to gorge away on the lip-smacking menu. You begin with
a drink, take another, get into a chattering match with your
friends, down another couple of whiskeys and before long you are
stuttering your way towards the dinner table.
Post dinner, you are zonkedand your driver helps you onto your
car anddrives you home. Well, if this is only an occasional
episode, its fine.But does it sound like a familiar routine? If so, you
may be abusingalcohol.

The alcohol problem

Alcoholism is a chronic disease that makes your body dependent
on alcohol. You may have alcohol-related problems, but not
exhibit all the characteristics of alcoholism. In other words,
alcohol abuse does not mean you are an alcoholicbut it does
mean that you will soon get there if you do not seek help. Alcohol
abuse happens when you drink excessively despite health or
relationship problems, but are not dependent on alcohol or still
have control over the use of alcohol. But alcoholism, on the other
hand can be catastrophic. It makes you dependent on alcohol
you just cannot do without that drink. It can ruin your personal
and professional life.

Fortunately, alcoholism is a treatable disease. A combination of

medication and psychological counseling can help you recover,
provided you are willing to come to terms with your alcohol
addiction and musterup the courage to seek medical help.

Symptoms of alcoholism
Some of the common indicators of alcoholism are:
1. Drinking secretly or alone.
2. Forgetting what you spoke or did while you were drinking
also known as alcohol blackout.
3. Loss of interest in things that you enjoyed doing before.
4. Hiding alcohol at unlikely places for future consumption.
5. Feeling a deep urge to have a drink.
6. Irritability when your drinking time approaches.
7. Restlessness and irritability if alcohol is unavailable.
8. Storing alcohol for the weekend, anxious that it may not be
9. Drinking too much too fast.
10. Having relationship, social, legal or financial problems due to
11. Getting angry or irritated if someone questions your

Alcohol addiction happens gradually. The following factors can
lead to excessive drinking that contributes to the addiction

Genetics: Alcoholism can run in families. Some individuals are

genetically prone to alcohol addiction.

Emotional state: Stress, anxiety, depression or emotional

disturbances can lead some people to drink alcohol to get relief.
This becomes a habit over time.

Psychological: Low self-esteem, feelings of inferiority,

domestic problems and poor family background can get
individuals to take to alcohol.
Social factors: The way society views drinking also play a role. In
modern society drinking is considered cool, sending the wrong
message that drinking in excess is fine.

1. Heavy drinking affects your thoughts, emotions and
2. Excessive alcohol impairs speech and muscle coordination.
3. Excessive alcohol damages the vital centers of your brain.
Heavy drinking can also lead to coma.
4. Heavy drinking is associated with fatigue, memory loss, stroke
and paralysis.
5. Drinking heavily can cause inflammation of the liver leading to
liver cirrhosisthe destruction and scarring of liver tissue.
6. Heavy drinking can also damage your pancreas, cause
abnormal fluctuations in blood sugar levels and cause
diabetes-related complications.
7. Alcohol can result in inflammation of the lining of the stomach.
8. Excessive drinking can lead to high blood pressure and heart
9. Alcohol abuse can cause erectile dysfunction in men. In
women, it can interrupt menstruation.

10. Alcohol use during pregnancy may result in birth defects

and can affect the physical and mental development of your child.
11. Alcohol can lead to thinning bones and an increased risk of
12. Chronic alcohol abuse can lead to various types of cancers,
including cancer of the mouth, throat, liver, Rectum and breast.

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