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Ferndale, 1918-1943 : 25 years of progress.

[Ferndale, Mich.] : Harvey S. Jacobs, c1943.

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1918 - im

25 1/eaU

Bantky Historical


Un!versitv of Michigan

TO the young men and women who

have left Ferndale to serve their coun-

try in two World Wars; to those loyal citi-

zens at home, daily making unselfish sacri-

fices to win this war, and to the American

tradition of free enterprise upon which the

nation grew and upon which it must build

for the future, this book is dedicated.

Copyright, 1 Ml

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HarAay S. Jocobt, PM!ihmr: C. L. Thomptou, Edrror; OamAo Farmar Thomptou, Metopropoor

EVEN in new America the celebration of the twenty-

fifth anniversary of the founding of a City is unique.

Most Cities and Towns have enjoyed a much longer his-

tory. But OUR CITY of Ferndale is NEW. In twenty-five

short years we have grown to full stature.

On the following pages of this book, the reader will

discover the story of this startling and decidedly amazing

growth. Every loyal citizen will thrill with pride at this

narrative of our unparalleled development. Keep this

book, not only as a portrayal of what has happened but,

also, as a challenge to keep our civic pride at a high level

for the years to come.

Finally, let us on this twenty-fifth anniversary dedi-

cate ourselves again to the American way of life. Let us

here and now resolve that the City of Ferndale, twenty-

five years hence, shall continue to be a monument to the

vitality and inherent courage and faith of the American

principles of life and government.

&U W. 3*


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February 12, 1943

My dear Mayor Forsythe:

The President asks me to extend

hearty greetings to the community of Ferndale

on the happy occasion of the twenty-fifth

anniversary of the founding of the city. He

hopes that the celebration will be an out-

standing success and that all of the fine

things accomplished during the last quarter

of a century will be the forerunner of greater

achievements in the years that lie ahead.

Very sincerely yours,



Secretary to the President

Honorable Carl W. Forsythe,

Mayor of Ferndale,

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Ferndale, Michigan.


Ferndale Progress

Ferndale At War

HistoryA Quarter Century

Ferndale Area Map

Ethyl Corporation

DeVlieg Machine Company





Turner Gauge Grinding Company 21

Civilian Defense 24

Reichhold Chemicals Inc. 27

The Forging and Casting Corp. 29

Ferndale Churches 32

Approved Manufacturing Company 33

A A Gage Company 35

Great Lakes Greyhound Lines, Inc. 36

Schools of Ferndale 37

Syncro Devices, Inc. 41

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Wabeek State Bank 43

Triangle Engineering Company 44

C. M. Smillie Company 45

Fastcut Tool Company 47

Ardmore Hospital 48

Kraetke Tool Company, Inc. 49

Police Department 51

N. A. Wood worth Company 53

Siegel & Caldwell Pattern Works 56

Standard Plumbing Supply Co. 56

Earl A. Thompson Manufacturing Co. 57

Eclipse Counterbore Company 59

Fire Department 61

Steel & Tubes Division 63

Ferndale Theatre 64

Hodges Auto Sales, Inc. 65

Associated Tool and Gear Engineering 66

Pratt-Wright Machine Products Co. 66

Library 67

Ferndale Buildings 69

Nu-Engineering Company, Inc. 70

Views of Old Ferndale 71

Easley Engineering & Manufacturing

Company 72

Bousfield and Company 72

Punch Press Repair Corporation 73

The Wesson Company 75

Tilt-A-Door Corporation 76

Excelda Manufacturing Company 77

Kaltz Fuel & Supply, Inc. 78

DeRay Tool Company 79

Ferndale Gage Company 79

Bennett Woodcraft 79

Studios of Stuart A. Friedrich 80

Suprex Gage Company" 80

Homes in Ferndale 81

Cunningham Drug Stores, Inc. 82

Central Appliance & Furniture Co. 82

Grand Rapids Outfitting Company 82

State Packing House Market 83

Fern-Wood Chevrolet, Inc. 83

Rienacker Industries 84

Consumers Power Company 84

Board of Commerce 85

McCaul Lumber and Coal Co. 87

S & C Coffee Car 87

Neisner Bros. Inc. 88







Number of Families



Assessed Valuation



Tax Rate



Bonded Debt


Area, Square Miles



Annual Budget


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Number of Schools

School Membership



School Valuation





Stores and Businesses


Manufacturing Plants


Clubs and Organizations


Building Permits, Homes


Home Building Cost


Building Permits, Factories


Factory Building Cost


Total Miles of Streets



Miles of Paved Streets



Miles of Sewers


Miles of Water Mains


Miles of Gas Mains


Telephones in Service




FERNDALE1918a quiet little vil-

lage of 1,600 residents who had left

Detroit to build their own homes "in the


That was Ferndale 25 years ago, the

second year for the United States in

World War I.

There were no factories here manufac-

turing war materials but there was plenty

of activity. There were Liberty Loan

drives and other fund-raising campaigns,

the women and school children of the

village were knitting for the men in

service, making bandages, hospital gar-

ments and other articles.

From the village, 85

men had marched off to

war, five of whom did not


Though removed from

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the rush and roar of

feverish war production,

Ferndale residents

yielded to no others in

patriotic spirit. It was the

first community in the

country to reach its quota

in the Patriotic Fund

Drive by the Red Cross.

For this achievement

Oakland County awarded

the village an American

flag, which was presented

with appropriate cere-

monies on June 8, 1918.

A roll of houor for rha FarpuaU mau aup

Momau iu tarA!a, at 9 Mila apu Woop-

Marp, arapap qy tha Farpuala V.F.W,

FERNDALE 1943 a grim, deter-

mined city of more than 31,000 peo-

ple, whose 'round-the-clock labors bow

to none for patriotic accomplishments.

That is Ferndale today, the second

year for the United States in World

War II.

There are many factories producing

materials for war. In most of them the

race of machines never ebbs. Twenty-

four hours a day, seven days a week, the

weapons needed for war flow as thou-

sands of men and women keep the ma-

chines rolling at a relentless pace.

From the city about 1,000 men and

women have donned the

uniform in military serv-

ice. Many women who

knitted and sewed 25

years ago are doing the

same thing again while

their sons and daughters

are either in the service,

in the war factories, or

busy in the many home

front services.

Once again Ferndale

heads the patriotism pa-

rade in home front efforts.

Farupala't Traatnry AMarp qauaur. Wayor Carl W. Fortytha, autar, apu Frauk N. Isbay, right, >hairmau

for Wih!gau War Bopu talat, holp!ug flag as Thomat H. Ealapu, Farupala >ha!rmau, look ou.


Ferndale was one of the first to go

"over the top" in the Liberty Loan drive

that year. Pioneers recall the circum-

stances with many a chuckle. The village

justice of the peace, Frank Hooley, was

chairman of the loan drive and a good


One day the late U. S. Senator, James

Couzens, then mayor-elect of Detroit,

was charged with speeding on Wood-

ward Avenue. Justice Hooley found him

guilty. The "fine" was that the late sena-

tor subscribe, in Ferndale, to $2,000 in

Liberty Bonds. Mr. Couzens complied

and this subscription, coupled with those

of the villagers, put Ferndale over the


This has been a brief summary of part

of Ferndale's place in the war of 25 years

ago, a pleasant little community which

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backed up the men away at war with one

of the most patriotic demonstrations of

that war period.


in the United States now proudly flies


The well-known "Bull's-eye" flag,

awarded to those firms which have 90

percent of their employees subscribing,

by payroll deduction, to at least 10 per-

cent of their income in War Bonds, flies

from a greater percentage of Ferndale

flagstaff.s than any other city. For this

a national honor!

Ferndale's activity doesn't end there,

however, for school students have been

large purchasers of war stamps, hun-

dreds of volunteers have donated blood

to the Red Cross, scrap and salvage col-

lections have been the envy of neighbor-

ing communities, the civilian defense or-

ganization is one of the best, and every

patriotic job finds ready volunteers to

win this war.



A qny Snpuay aftarnoou at WooMparp apu !Nau Wila Roap E0 yaar ago.

FERNDALE city of home-loving,

home-owning Americans a vital

artery feeding Detroit, the heart of the

world's war arsenal, this year is observ-

ing its twenty-fifth anniversary.

Though it was 25 years ago that Fern-

dale was incorporated as a village, the

real history of the city dates back more

than a century ago.

It was in 1821 that Jabez White built

a tavern along what the Indian guides

called Saginaw Trail. That was Ferndale,

though it had no name. It was known,

though, to those hardy settlers who ven-

tured from Detroit to establish home-

steads in Oakland County. These settle-

ments later became known as Pontiac,

Birmingham and Bloomfield.

Long before these travelers reached

their destinations they sought food and

lodging at White's tavern. The Saginaw

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Trail was a winding track leading

through the swamps and forests to a

ridge at the county line. The trail turned

west from about Seven Mile Road and

was the only route north, as the troops

at the fort in Detroit had not yet com-

pleted building roads leading from De-

troit to the outposts.

As the weary travelers neared the

county line they saw the welcome candle

burning in White's tavern window as a

cheery beacon guiding them to a night's



Lookiug uorth ou WooMparp to Blaiau lop.

Thus the first building in Ferndale was

this tavern, located on Eight Mile Road,

west of Pinecrest, 122 years ago. Today

on the same site is the world's greatest

fuel research laboratories.

Ferndale has traveled a long distance

since then. For generation after genera-

tion it was farming country, with great

areas of almost swampland and sand,

overgrown with ferns, from which it

took its name. There are several versions

as to how Ferndale acquired the name.

The most popular is that an electric com-

pany lineman stringing some wires here,

was unable to learn the name of the

countryside to include in his report. In

looking around from atop his pole he

saw the sea of ferns and decided on

"Ferndale." There are some who will

dispute this, but many historians vouch

for its authenticity.

Shortly after the turn of the century,

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farmers began settling here, endeavoring

to make the reluctant sandy and swamp-

like soil yield crops. Quickly the years

slipped by. As Detroiters came out this

way looking for homesites the farmers

subdivided their acreage and sold lots

"out in the country."

In 1917 a group of citizens decided it

was time that Ferndale

break away from Royal

Oak Township and have

its own government. A

charter commission was

elected in December,

1917, with Elbert J.

Chase as chairman. Four

public meetings were

held so residents could at-

tend and have a voice in

the type of government

and the framing of the

charter. It was finally de-

cided, but only after some exciting gath-


April 1, 1918, was set as the date for

election of village officers of the new

village, and Lovell G. Turnbull became

first president. Thus this book commem-

orates, almost to the day, the birth of the

Village of Ferndale.

Ferndale was quiet and peaceful in

those days. Life moved easily and leis-

urely, for World War I had not yet

brought this country into hostilities.

About 400 families lived here, having

ventured from the bustling industrial life

Wat !Nua Wil Roap Mith tra>kt for "piuky" liua.


Lookiug from uorthMt oruar of WooMparp, Cautral thool iu qa>kgronpu.

of Detroit. They were hardy souls, too,

for there was only well water, there was

no gas for cooking, all streets were sand

and dirt, except the narrow Woodward

strip; less than half the homes had elec-

tric lights and there were but four tele-

phones in the entire village.

There were but two churches and

three schools. Local shopping was limited

to six stores, mail came on the R.F.D.

route from Highland Park and the boxes

were strung at Woodward Avenue and

Nine Mile Road. There was one fireman

and one policeman.

Residents of that era recall many amus-

ing incidents. There was one about the

only "public" telephone, located in the

office of Justice Hooley, who had his own

"pay station" arrangement. He kept the

top drawer of his desk locked and in the

desk top had cut a slot through which

coins could be dropped.

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Shopping presented a problem, and it

wasn't a traffic problem. It was burrs,

sand and dust. Many donned old cloth-

ing before venturing across the fields to

the Woodward shopping section. Many

women walked to Royal Oak stores, re-

turning pushing a loaded perambulator.

Once incorporated, Ferndale's first

commission embarked on

a program of public im-

provements after voting

to spend $25,000 in its

first year. The next two

years Ferndale increased

its population -to about

2,600 and the assessed

valuation of property

jumped from $2,500,000

to $8,350,000. The tax

rate leaped from $10.00

to $18.80, and the police

department rose from one

officer to five.

Though the village was growing,

transportation for residents employed in

Detroit was a problem, being restricted

to the interurban line connecting De-

troit and Pontiac. On summer days com-

muters south of Nine Mile Road could

stand on their porches and see the De-

troit-bound car rounding the turn into

Woodward Avenue from Royal Oak and

saunter leisurely to the stop.

But in winter it was different. There

was a shelter at Nine Mile Road and

Woodward and one day the "community,

commuter" bonfire idea was born. There-

after, each morning a commuter would

leave home carrying a stick or two of

wood as his contribution to the bonfire

while the group huddled in the shelter

awaiting the interurban.

During this period of the early '20s

agitation was begun for a wider street.

First Village President Turnbull is cred-

ited with having conceived the idea, for at

that time there was only an 18-foot strip

Part of moparu WooMpard apu !Nau Wila Roap hoppiug >autar,

bounced out of the ruts into the stately


As a result of this campaign, Governor

Groesbeck's interest was aroused and he

pushed the idea. There was dancing in

the streets here the night of August 4,

1924, to celebrate the pouring of the first

concrete at Woodward and Eight Mile

Road. The governor was here, too, and

it was a great event as Ferndale brought

about the "World's Greatest Highway."

It was the first concrete-paved super

highway in the United States.

During the period of building and

completing Wider Woodward, Ferndale

passed through a period of phenomenal

growth. Real estate prices boomed from

$20 a front foot to $200, hundreds of

new homes were erected, and Ferndale

in 1927 became a city, having outgrown

its swaddling village clothes. At this time

two annexations were completed. The

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population exceeded 14,000, there were

142 retail stores, nine schools, seven

churches, 28 men on the police force and

13 in the fire department. The assessed

valuation of property was nearly twice

the 1920 figure of $8,350,000, the bonded

debt had been increased tenfold in seven

years, and the tax rate was $19.70, or

more than it was in 1942.

Through the development period of

the 1920s, when Ferndale was riding the

crest, it was due for a blow. The Ford

Motor Company moved from Highland

Park to River Rouge, and many hun-

dreds of families disposed of their homes

to follow the company. A general policy

of readjustment set in, but new families,

engaged in more diversified lines of busi-

ness, acquired the properties of the de-

parting families. When the nation was


Traff! jam at WooMparp apu N!ua

M!la, look!ug tonth.

WooMparp apu 9-M!la !" 19l9 Mhila

npar-h!ghway wot qa!"g qn!lt.

struck by the business depression of the

early 1930s, Ferndale went through a

period of realignment, inflated realty

values were written down, assessments

were made on a scientific basis, and the

city began building on a firm foundation

under the leadership of far-sighted and

aggressive city management.

Since that time the story of Ferndale

shows a steady and stable growth. As the

nation grew nearer to war, Ferndale at-

tracted many light manufacturing indus-

tries, and today there are more than

three-score. The city's population exceeds

31,000 and there are about 7,000 homes,

of which 75 percent are occupied by their


This, briefly, has been the story of

Ferndale, through 25 years and two wars,

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a community of peace-loving Americans

going "all-out" every day to win this

war and secure a just peace the world

so eagerly desires.


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WHEN the half-dozen men charged

with Ethyl research duties were

housed in a converted garage in Yonkers,

N. Y., some years ago, Charles Ketter-

ing, god-father of the anti-knock idea,


"Research is a state of mind."

It is a good remark to recall when you

visit the new Ethyl Corporation Labora-

tories on Eight Mile Road in Ferndale.

For the excellence of planning, the clean,

efficient design of the test rooms and

equipment might lead you to think that

this thoroughly-organized plant might

run itself.

The new buildings at Eight Mile Road,

Ferndale, and the apparatus installed in

them have been designed and constructed

because the demands and opportunities

for Ethyl research called for better tools

than were available before and because

the rewards for successful completion of

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only a reasonable part of projected re-

search work promised to justify the cost

of building the more efficient workshop

required. The new laboratories opened


just in time to enlist. Nearing comple-

tion when the United States entered the

war, the 26-acre plant designed for re-

search in civilian transportation was of-

fered immediately to the government for

solution of the problems of military fuels

and engines.

All of the Ethyl Corporation's research

personnel and facilities, formerly located

in Detroit, are now in the laboratories

in Ferndale, with the five units of the

plant devoted to the Engineering, Chem-

ical, Aeronautical, Gasoline Testing and

Technical Service Departments.

Service facilities include an auditorium

and library; machine, carpenter and elec-

trical shops; forge and paint rooms; blue

print, photostat and photographic sec-


Single-cylinder engine research can be

conducted on 29 motors, most of which

are used for studies on deposits, wear of

parts, or other projects requiring long

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operation. Two standard C F R engines

are located in individual rooms for stud-

ies requiring isolation. Knock ratings on

experimental fuels are made on engines

in another room. In two other rooms,

C F R engines are mounted so that they

may be connected either to induction

motors or to direct current dynamome-

ters. This arrangement allows them to

be run at either variable or constant

speed, as needed for special studies of

pre-ignition, combustion chamber de-

sign, ignition-timing, flame-propagation,

research on fuels and anti-knock com-


The Dynamometer Section has 16

dynamometers with power absorption ca-

pacities ranging from 75 to 700 horse-

power as well as two chassis dynamome-

ters in temperature-controlled rooms.

Control panels of all these engines were

designed and assembled in the laboratory

shops, and incorporate improved provi-

sions for the precise manual and auto-

matic control of the variables of engine

operation. There is also equipment for

testing the resistance and minimum pri-

mary firing current of spark plugs, as

well as indicators for oil pressure, fuel,

and air consumption and air fuel ratio.

Control of throttle opening and ignition

timing is accomplished through hydraulic

devices operated from the panel board.

To adapt dynamometer test conditions

to variations of speed and load encoun-

tered in normal road operation, specially

designed equipment has been provided.

These speed-load control units may be

connected to any dynamometer so that

the speed and load of the engine will be

varied throughout the duration of a test

to reproduce the exact conditions experi-

enced in operating a truck or passenger

car over any given section of the test road

selected. The record of actual road con-

ditions experienced is recorded on a tape

by holes and in the control unit this tape


JbeVlief Machine 3omfxnuf,

win nmiijiuiti

FREE enterprise is an avenue of op-

portunity open to all, in the opinion

of C. B. DeVlieg, president and founder

of the DeVlieg Machine Company, one

of Ferndale's industries whose products

are shipped all over the world.

Free enterprise permits those with am-

bition and ability a freedom of action to

develop products, adds Mr. DeVlieg, at

the same time cautioning that freedom

of enterprise does not guarantee success.

"The road is open to those with a cre-

ative desire to do things," he says. "But

the road is hard. It not only requires a

certain amount of genius, but fortitude

and character. It is just like raising a

flower. First the seed is planted, then care-

fully tended and nursed along until the

first shoot pushes through the soil. Then

the stem grows, a bud appears and finally

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it blossoms.

"It is the same with business and in-

dustry under our American way of life.

One just doesn't say: 'I am going to have

a factory,' and then proceed to have one.

It takes long years of hard work, experi-

ence, headaches and heartaches before

that individual has his factory. Often he

doesn't reach his goal. There are many

hazards and risks. The mortality rate is


high. Trade reports show that only 15

per cent of new businesses survive their

first year. It is only those with fortitude

and character, plus the essential ingredi-

ents of imagination, ambition and abil-

ity, who are successful.

C. B. DeVlieg

"Ferndale is fortunate in having been

selected as the business address of men

who, venturing up the avenue of freedom

of enterprise, have found success, but

only after having used their ambition and

ability to develop products and provide

opportunities for others to join them.

"I refer in particular to two of the

city's best examples of what freedom of

enterprise has made possible, N. A.

Woodworth and Earl A. Thompson,

whose genius and hard work have trans-

formed their dreams and ambitions into


"Freedom of enterprise did not guar-

antee them success when they chose the

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line of work which appealed to them as

the one in which they would be most

likely to succeed. They are but two of

many Ferndale examples of what free-

dom of enterprise, freedom of action to

develop products without restraint and

interference, means to us here.

"The same is true of those employed

in our Ferndale industries. Freedom of

enterprise permits a man to decide in

what Ferndale industry he thinks he will

be most successful. He is free to choose

his employer, just as he is free to decide

if he wants to farm or enter any profes-

sion. There should be no restrictions upon

his decision.

"Ferndale industries, in providing resi-

dents of the city with an opportunity to

join them, have been led into becoming

something of public benefactors, though

they would be the last to admit it. Our

industries here have a responsibility to

the community today and recognize it.

"Just as they visioned and worked to

make possible the organizations they

have today, they are planning for the

post-war period. Our industries know

that returning soldiers and the workers

at present employed in the war indus-

tries must have peace-time jobs. They

know this must be done if industry and

the worker are to enjoy a free society.

No hurdles or barriers should be placed

in the avenue of free enterprise. It should

be kept clear to permit creators a free-

dom of action to carry on and develop

products and provide work.

"Our industrial leaders are aware that

civilian production must be stepped up

to keep pace with the disemployment of

war workers and demobilization of the

armed forces. They are now engaged in

practical planning, studying plant re-

conversion, changes in processes, product

development, sources of supply and mar-

keting facilities. The industries must

have the right answers when peace comes


BOYHOOD and schoolday dreams

that some day they all would be in

business together have come true for the

Turner family of Ferndale.

Today the Turner brothers own and

operate Turner Gauge Grinding Com-

pany, one of the largest firms in its field

in this section. The majority of their em-

ployees reside in the Ferndale area.

In addition to their contribution to

the industrial growth of the city, the

Turner family also is active in Ferndale

community and civic life.

Though the Turner brothers, Robert

N., Charles R., Frank W., Cort B., and

William J., had planned and discussed

their future while still attending school,

it required years of preparation, study

and hard work before the day arrived

when they could launch their venture.

Their decision to attempt to establish

their own business is another demonstra-

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tion of our democratic freedom of enter-

prise which permitted the Turner broth-

ers to select the business in which they

thought they could be the most success-

ful. They realized the risks and hazards

which confronted them. But they were

eager to take the step. Ferndale can be

thankful and proud that they were suc-


Robrt N. TnnMr

cessful, for the Turner organization has

been a tremendous asset to the city's in-

dustrial and civic life and its patriotic


The background of the Turner broth-

ers in the grinding business goes back 22

years when Robert Turner entered the

Ford Trade

School, not only

to learn his trade

but to earn a liv-

ing. From 1921,

when Robert en-

tered the school,

until 1935, when

the last brother

completed his

training and was

graduated, there

was a Turner brother at the school. They

are grateful for the opportunities af-

forded them by the school to prepare

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themselves for the future.

While the boys were preparing for

their future business careers they talked

and planned for that day when they could

establish their own company. That day

dawned in April, 1939, when they

started "on their

own" at 430 W.

Eight Mile Road.

But there were

but four of the

brothers there to

open the busi-

ness so long in

the planning.

William J. had

joined the U. S.

Navy. On May 7,

1942, the family received word that

William was missing in action in the

Coral Sea battle. While the news was a

tremendous shock to the family it served

only to spur the brothers on to greater

Frauk W. Tnmai

production and intensified action in the

war effort.

The Eight Mile Road plant was small

as the Turners had but one machine and

all worked after they had completed a

day's work in another plant, when they

first started the grinding business. Three

months later they embarked upon pro-

duction of gauges. The business grew as

their products continued to gain wider

recognition in the trade and expansion

of its manufacturing facilities was neces-

sary. They ob-

tained a site at

2625 Hilton Rd.

and erected a

building. In a

short time an ad-

dition was need-

ed, and then an-

other. Today they

have a handsome

two - story brick

production after the war. "We like Fern-

dale as a place to work and a place to

live. We have a number of Lincoln High

School graduates employed and more

than half of our organization lives in the

Ferndale area.

We have an 'in-

plant' training

program, super-

vised by the Fern-

dale Board of

Education, which

is helping our

workers improve

themselves, in-

creasing their

skill and their

earning capacity."

The Turner company has not confined

its productive efforts to producing equip-

ment needed for war. No company has

been a more enthusiastic supporter of the

many additional demands placed upon

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everyone for all-out efforts. It was one of

the first to respond to the call by the Red

Cross for blood donors. Workers were

Cort I. Tnruar

given time off to contribute their blood.

Since the first call the Turner company

has responded twice more to the plea for

blood donations.

It is proud of its Bulls-eye flag, for

every one of its employees is subscribing

10 percent, or more, to the purchase of

war bonds. War activity has reached

into the Turner brothers' homes as well,

for their wives are all actively engaged

in volunteer Red

Cross work.

Though busy

day and night

with his com-

pany in war

work and active

in all efforts to

further the na-

tion's ever-in-

creasing demands

Robert Turner

still finds time to devote his attention to

Ferndale civic activities, serving as vice-

president of the Board of Commerce and

as a member of the Rotary Club.

Will!am r. Tnruar


Ferndale has 16 churches within the city

limits. They are: Church of God, Church of Naza-

rene, Drayton Ave. Presbyterian Church, Fellow-

ship Baptist Church, Ferndale Church of Christ,

Ferndale Gospel Center, Ferndale Gospel Hall, Fern-

dale Evangelical Church, First Baptist Church, First

Church of Christ Scientist, First Methodist Church,

Free Methodist Church, St. James Catholic Church,

St. Luke's Episcopal Church, Seventh Day Adven-

tists, Zion Lutheran Evangelical Church.


A year-around schedule of recreational activi-

ties is maintained in Ferndale under the direction

of David C. (Bud) Brown, city recreational chief.

There are six Softball diamonds, one large ball dia-


7<4e Jfome fyiont

IN measuring civilian defense activi-

ties, Ferndale, the nation's first

"Bull's Eye" city, yields to no municipal-

ity in enthusiasm and support of this vital

cog in the nation's war machine.

Nearly 2,000 men and women, or ap-

proximately eight percent of the entire

population of the city, are engaged in one

or more of the many branches of activity

that the civilian defense organization di-


The Ferndale group has been acknowl-

edged as one of the best-equipped, best

drilled and trained civilian defense units

in the entire state. The members have

been schooled, certified and graduated

from the many courses established by

the Michigan Council of Civilian De-

fense. Many of the courses require long

hours of instruction and study under the

supervision of registered Red Cross in-

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structors and other specialists before the

trainee is properly trained and prepared

to cope with an emergency.

Under the guidance and direction of

its commander, Maurice F. Cole, named

to the post by Mayor Carl W. Forsythe,

co-ordinator, the Ferndale force has been

built into one of most outstanding and

effective civilian defense units in Michi-

gan. Commander Cole, in addition to

taking active charge of the local aggre-

gation of volunteer groups, also is co-

ordinator for the civilian defense pro-


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Gronp of Farndale Homa Onarpt Whata Wamqarth!p Totalt E50

gram in Pleasant Ridge, Hazel Park, Oak

Park and Royal Oak Township.

There are many units comprising the

Ferndale protective organization, among

them auxiliary police, auxiliary firemen,

rescue squads, decontamination squads,

medical squad, hospital squad, messen-

gers, motor corps, stretcher bearers, air

raid wardens, fire watchers, nurses' aides,

and a demolition squad. Technical ad-

visers supervise blackouts and buildings,

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public utility, road repair and mainte-

nance of roads.

The Ferndale group has established

five field hospitals, a base hospital has

been supplied with auxiliary fire-fight-

ing equipment, official helmets, stretch-

ers, and first-aid kits.

The spirit of co-operation and mutual

assistance reflected in the organization it-

self has gone far beyond the civilian de-

fense enthusiasts. They have organized

their neighbors in individual blocks and

nearby streets, and have developed a sin-

cere spirit of co-operation.

As a result of the local civilian defense

council's activities a new community

spirit has been engendered. It has helped

to generate a feeling of friendliness and

neighborliness. The usual reluctance of

neighbors to mingle, so evident among

residents of large cities, has been dis-

solved through the "get-together and co-

operate" philosophy created by these

volunteers for protection in emergencies,

who, without design, have been ambas-

sadors of a new and firm community


In the years to come this will be recog-

nized as a major milestone in Ferndale's

march to greatness.


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THE nerve center of a world-wide

producing organization, Reichhold

Chemicals, Inc., is located in Ferndale.

Under the direction of its founder,

Henry Reichhold, who also is chairman

of the board of directors, Reichhold

Chemicals located in Ferndale in 1925

and went into production. Its original

plant was small and almost secluded on

Woodward Heights Boulevard, but now

the factory spreads over 13 acres in one

of Ferndale's most desirable industrial

sites. Today that original building

wouldn't fill a corner of the company's

modern research laboratories.

Expansion and growth of the Reich-

hold organization were steady. Today it

operates modern subsidiary plants in

Elizabeth, N. J., Brooklyn, N. Y., Tus-

caloosa, Ala., San Francisco, Calif., Liver-

pool, England, and Sydney, Australia.

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Company representatives and warehouses

distribute Reichhold products in every

principal city in the Western Hemi-


Synthetic resins were greatly responsi-

ble for Reich hold's rapid development,

and today the company is the largest pro-

ducer of surface coating resins in the

world. The average person cannot ap-


predate the important part the industry

has played in everyday life in the past

and how important the business is des-

tined to be in the future. Few realize how

vital resin production is to the war effort.

Millions of pounds of synthetic resins

were consumed annually before the war,

and today the government is placing

additional demands on the suppliers of

this product.

Synthetic resins are most widely used

by the paint and varnish industry.

Twenty years ago, many manufacturers

scoffed at the possibility of ever finding

it advantageous to use synthetics exten-


Some considered with absurdity the

idea that an "imitation" could ever hope

to successfully compete with, or more

than partially replace, the inexhaustible

supply of natural resin yielded by na-

ture. That was when it took a week to

paint an automobile, days to dry a coat

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of wall paint, and floor varnish was much

too temperamental.

Today, thanks to the development of

synthetics, better all-around surface coat-

ings are available to the public for every

conceivable purpose.

The government's race for armament

presented additional problems to the

resin manufacturer that never could have

been considered, much less developed, if

it were not for his knowledge of syn-

thetics. Protective coatings had to be pro-

duced, and in a hurry, for the Army and

Navy with which they could combat ele-

ments never before considered in the

realm of man.

Imagine the elasticity of a paint that

today is used on our fighting planes from

sub-zero temperatures of the stratosphere

to the blazing heat of the tropics. Imag-

ine the size of the paint shop which would

be required to paint the bombers flowing

from Willow Run if synthetics were not

employed to produce a better finish that

thoroughly dries in a few minutes.

Planes, tanks, guns, boats, trucks, every-

thing that requires a protective coating

in our Armed Forces, can be grateful to

synthetic resins.

Ferndale is proud of the role that

Reichhold Chemicals has played in the

manufacturing and developing of this

vital material.

Several of the raw materials used in

the manufacturing of resins are produced

in the Ferndale plant. There is a com-

plete glycerine distillery which produces

much of the glycerine used in resins. The

same distillery also produces dynamite

glycerine which, when formulated with

other materials, yields TNT.

An oil refinery for the purification of

vegetable fats and oils is located within

the walls of the Ferndale plant. Soya, co-

coanut and linseed oils are treated in this

unit before being formulated into resins.

On November 27, 1942, less than one


*7Ue %otof4Uf and Gadfauj, Go*fUtoaUo*i

A Snqipiary of Allaghauy Lnplnm Sual Corporallou







Nitrl->att-irou >autrifngal atl!ug ma>hine-t

IONG a fixture in Ferndale, a pioneer

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4 in fact, among the city's important

metal-working industries, the Forging

and Casting Corporation shipped its first

completed product from the original

plant on Jarvis Avenue in September,


Even in today's age of industrial mir-

acles, the speed with which this new en-

terprise was developed from an idea into

a substantial going concern would excite

wonder. Incorporated in June, 1929, by

Kenneth L. Clark, Thomas A. Moorman

and a small group of their forward-look-

ing business friends, construction of the

plant was started the following month.

Installation of equipment was com-

menced before the buildings were com-

pleted, and actual manufacturing opera-

tions were under way September 15.

From the beginning, direction of sales

of the company's various products has

been in the able hands of Kenneth L.

Clark, FCC president. Starting in the face

of the greatest financial depression in his-

tory with a few customers, chiefly auto-

mobile manufacturers, FCC has been in-

creasingly successful, until, long before

World War II began, its products were

a stand-by in a wide variety of industries


Part of FCC Plaut iu 1646

from the Atlantic to the Pacific, from

Canada to the Gulf.

Prominent among The Forging and

Casting Corporation's products are FCC

cast-to-shape air hardening and oil hard-

ening tool steels.

In making dies for the blanking out

and forming of metal parts, and in the

manufacture of cams, bushings, gauges

and the like, the old method was to start

with a solid block of tool steel and cut it

into the desired shape by machining and

grinding. This was an expensive opera-

tion, not only from the standpoint of

the machining cost, but also in waste of

cut-away material. By the FCC method,

molten steel is. poured

into a mold having the

shape of the finished

piece, and so closely ap-

proximately its finished

size, that no more than

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an eighth-inch of steel has

to be machined or ground

from any surface.

Although the cast-to-

shape principle is not ex-

clusive with The Forging

and Casting Corporation,

this organization prob-

ably has the advantage of

the most varied experi-

ence in the field, the most

sustained research and

modern equipment.

It will be obvious to

the reader how FCC cast-

to-shape tool steel pro-

vides important savings

in time and material.

Another FCC operation,

the forging division is a

never-ending source of

wonder to the layman

and, for that matter, to the experienced

metal worker as well. Here, teams of

highly-skilled, powerful men, working

together in perfect co-ordination, shape

hot billets of high-speed and tool steel

under mighty steam hammers, some of

them capable of striking 5,000-pound

blows. Yet so delicately can these blows

be controlled that expert FCC hammer-

drivers have been known to demonstrate

their prowess by dropping a hammer to

the level of a watch resting on the anvil

without breaking the crystal. And so

skillful do the hammer crews become in

their teamwork that, by utilizing tricks

of the trade, such as rebound of the ham-


Origiual Plaut iu 16E6


mer, they are able, jointly, to manhandle

billets weighing 2,000 pounds or more.

The forging of cutting-tool blanks,

such as milling cutters, dies and parts at

FCC, accomplishes more than mere shap-

ing of the billet. It is actually a kneading

process that compresses and rearranges

the grain of the steel so that the forged

piece will have the desired degree of

hardness or strength after heat treating.

FCC is noted throughout the steel in-

dustry for the excellence of its smooth-

hammered forgings.

And what about The Forging and

Casting Corporation's place in the war

production period?

When discussion of our national de-

fense program first started, Mr. Clark, a

World War I flier, recognized that The

Forging and Casting Corporation, with

its special manufacturing techniques and

products, was in an ideal position to

serve importantly in any plan of muni-

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tions-building our government might

undertake. He lost no time in bringing

this fact to the attention of the proper

authorities. As a result, FCC products be-

gan almost immediately to be diverted

from peacetime manufacturing to war

production. For almost two years now,

every pound of FCC forgings, castings

and electrically-welded composite steel

has gone into the making of strategically-

important cutting tools, dies or parts for

the manufacture of planes, tanks, guns,

submarines, shells and other munitions.

Censorship and space limitations will

not permit discussion of certain new war-

time developments that have resulted

from FCC's constant research. Some of

these have brought about almost unbe-

lievable savings in time and materials.

But FCC's remarkable story would not

be complete without some mention of

W.lpiug Waka Spark. Fly

Nitri-cast-iron, the development of which

is a tribute to the foresightedness and

stick-to-it-ive-ness of FCC's management.

Some seven years ago the alloy, a

French discovery containing chromium,

aluminum, molybdenum and iron, and

capable through special treatment of ac-

quiring a surface as hard as an emerald,

came to FCC's attention. The manage-

ment visualized great possibilities in its

use as liners for internal combustion en-

gines, pump cylinders, valve guides and

numerous other parts subjected to exces-

sive surface wear.

Farly experiments were discouraging.

Even in France, manufacturing tech-

niques had not been sufficiently devel-

oped to assure consistent results. Thou-

ands of dollars were spent by FCC in re-

search, tests and experiments. Still re-

sults were unsatisfactory. Time and

again, after unaccountable failures, FCC

was at the point of calling a halt to fur-

ther experiments. But something, Mr.

Clark says, always urged them to try

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Draytou A*a. Pruqytar!au

Fint M.ihop.lt



CaMra Stndy of Variety of Mahiua S>raM Produ>t!

FERNDALE has won wide recognition

as being the home of one of the out-

standing leaders in the screw machine

products industry.

With more than 25 years of training

and experience in the business, from sell-

ing to manufacturing, Asa W. Bonner

has climbed the ladder in his chosen field

and won for himself, and indirectly his

home city, considerable renown.

Today he is serving as a national di-

rector of the Screw Machine Products

Association and is also the president of

the Michigan Division of the national

body. Ten years ago Mr. Bonner traveled

all over the country for the former NRA

as chief of field operations of the screw

machine products industry. He directed

compliance with the codes governing the

industry and made them work.

Although in constant touch with the

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screw machine products industry, Mr.

Bonner has branched into other activi-

ties. He is founder of Approved Manu-

facturing Company here in Ferndale, as

well as Approved Engineering, and is

vice-president and general manager of

M. B. Fetcher Company of Detroit, one

of the oldest manufacturers of screw ma-

chine products in this section.

Mr. Bonner's career in the industry

dates back to 1921 when he joined the


Fetcher firm, and for three years he filled

successfully many positions with the com-

pany. He left there to go with C. M. Mil-

ler Company of Wayne, where he stayed

until 1927. Then Mr. Bonner went with

McLaren Screw Products Company,

where he remained until 1930 when he

Asa W. Bonner

joined the Detroit Screw Works. In 1932

he returned to the McLaren Company

and remained until 1934.

Mr. Bonner's activities and success in

the industry in the meantime had already

drawn attention to his ability. NRA was

in need of an executive of proven ability

and in its search for a qualified and re-

spected figure, asked Mr. Bonner to fill

the vital and difficult post. Mr. Bonner

accepted and made the codes of the in-

dustry work.

The following year Mr. Bonner made

his home in Ferndale and in 1937 he

established his own manufacturing busi-

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ness in Detroit. In June, 1939, Mr. Bon-

ner, who was "sold" on Ferndale by the

present mayor, Carl W. Forsythe, and

Jay Gibbs, city manager, moved his busi-

ness here.

The Ferndale companies, both the

manufacturing division and the engineer-

ing unit, were highly successful and Mr.

Bonner, who was gaining prominence as

a leading figure in the screw machine

products industry, won the plaudits not

only of his business associates but his

Ferndale friends and neighbors as well.

Long before Pearl Harbor all of the

industries with which Mr. Bonner is con-

nected began making preparations for

conversion. When the demands were

made, all three civilian operations were

put aside for the duration but they will

be taken off the shelves and put into ac-

tion when conditions permit.

Mr. Bonner's counsel and advice are

constantly sought when problems con-

front the screw machine products indus-

try. He has been forced to devote much

time conferring with the industry chief-

tains and leading figures, aiding the wel-

fare of the industry and its part in the

war program.

Mr. Bonner's entire time is devoted to

his several interests and with his execu-

tives and aides, operations continue at a

maximum efficiency. His four brothers,

Thomas R., Rayburn, Ben V. and Harry

W., are all partners in the Approved

Manufacturing Company, located in

Ferndale at 650 Troy Avenue, East. The

Approved Engineering division opera-

tions are handled with the assistance of

a partner, F. M. Erbecker, and William

L. Smelt. The M. B. Fetcher Company,

where Mr. Bonner first went to work 22

years ago, is headed by M. B. Fetcher,

president, and C. R. Fetcher as treasurer.

Mr. Bonner is vice-president and general


While this account of a prominent


The most modern equipment and fa-

cilities for the production of gage blocks

to be found anywhere in the world are

right here in Ferndale.

AA Gage Company, now busy filling

the needs of companies producing for

war at its new plant at 350 Fair Avenue,

is building and planning for the future


The company has installed the most

modern constant temperating rooms of

any plant in the country, say its execu-

tives. These rooms are electrically heated

and cooled, with thermostats holding the

temperature within a half-degree range

at all times. The rooms are soundproofed,

the air is filtered, there is no dust nor vi-

bration. The walls are in-

sulated and sealed and

the doors are of double

thickness. All these pre-

cautions are necessary to

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insure accuracy in check-

ing and finishing gage


These gage blocks,

which are in use in Eng-

land and Russia and all

over this country, are

made to a tolerance of a

millionth of an inch. In fact, one of the

company founders, Bernard Schabot, says

they can split a millionth if the customer

orders it.

AA Gage is one of two or three com-

panies in the world with a machine for

hard chrome plating gage blocks, adding

years to a block's length of service. This

is a new development by the firm in the

gage block industry. Another partner,

Arvid V. Lundgren, has created a new

checking comparator, a device for check-

ing the accuracy of gage blocks. Other

partners in the firm are Oliver Laszlo and

George Kuriluk. Another new product

is a pano-precision marking machine,

which places identification marks on

blocks and all types of gages.

AA Gage looks forward to a long and

successful future in Ferndale.


(Cout!uued from

imagination, ambition and ability to suc-

ceed. Thirteen long years of study and

night school after working through the

day, serving his apprenticeship as a ma-

chine operator in a Detroit factory, are

samples of the barriers he hurdled along

the road.

Mr. Bonner is frankly appreciative of

page 34)

those who befriended him and who had

confidence in him, giving him the oppor-

tunity to display his enterprise and ini-


That is why Ferndale is proud to have

the distinction of being the home of Mr.

Bonner, "Ace" to his friends and an

"Ace" in the industry.


Wodaru Comfortaql Coahes SarAa Farpuala

FROM sluggish, truck-like buses to the

sleek, comfortable coaches now op-

erating, is the transition in motorbus

travel Ferndale folk have experienced in

a brief 10-year period.

In 1933, only 63 trips were made

daily to Detroit, and the service was pro-

vided by vehicles which would be archaic

by today's standards. Buses today make

194 trips daily to the Motor City, and

bus patrons are able to return home at

a time to suit their convenience. The

same number of trips are made to Royal

Oak, a division point, where buses are

routed to Clawson, Birmingham and


Ferndale, now on the main route of

Greyhound Lines, the world's largest bus

system, knows, too, the development of

highway transportation by motorbus.

The "Morning Star" and "Evening

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Star," the first

buses, were owned

by the Star Motor

Coach Line, later

absorbed by Peo-

ples Motor Coach

Co., which, in turn,

became the prop-

erty of Eastern

Michigan Motor-


Th. Olp "Moruiug Star"

Two years ago the Eastern Michigan

company became a unit of Greyhound

Lines and interurban buses operate as

Great Lakes Greyhound Lines, Inc., while

the new suburban buses bear the Grey-

hound Suburban insignia.

Manferd Burleigh, of Clarkston, a na-

tive of Michigan, is president and gen-

eral manager, and P. L. Radcliffe, of De-

troit, is general traffic manager of Great

Lakes Greyhound Lines, Inc.



a/ Qe*daL

WHILE Ferndale this year is observ-

ing its 25 th anniversary, the his-

tory of its schools actually dates back to

the 1880s and beyond, when a school-

house was erected at what now is Pine-

crest and Maplehurst Avenues.

In every sense a rural school system in

the 1918 era, when Ferndale was being

pioneered and settled, the city's school

system has long since discarded its swad-

dling clothes to emerge as a full-blown

metropolitan educational organization.

The Ferndale Board of Education

through the last quarter-century has

operated with vision and foresight, de-

veloping a long-range program of pro-

viding educational facilities for its future


In 1918, when Ferndale was incorpo-

rated as a village, there were but three

schools here with a total enrollment of

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319 students. Eighteen of them were high

school students who were sent elsewhere

and their tuition paid as there was no

high school at the time. During that year

the school authorities purchased about

three acres at West Nine Mile Road and

Livernois Avenue as a high school site.

A temporary building was erected.

This structure, though officially the high


school, might also be described as the

first city hall. The minutes of the school

board show that on July 27, 1918, the

village commission asked permission to

hold meetings there.

Edgar F. aown

As the village population continued to

swell, residents of the fast-expanding

northeast section asked for a school in

that area. In 1919 the school board voted

to spend $15,000 for a school in the

northeast section, which became the

Harding School. The board also set aside

$100,000 for the construction of the Lin-

coln High School in that year.

Perhaps the most graphic example of

the growth of the city's educational sys-

tem can be obtained from a report of the

graduation exercises of the high school in

June, 1919, which were held in the Bap-

tist Chapel. William Paul, then village

treasurer, presented to the high school

graduating "class"Miss Catherine Ren-

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tona diploma. Miss Renton then be-

came the first and only member of the

Class of '19. Since then, 3,535 students

have received diplomas from Lincoln

High School.

In the same year John Andrews re-

signed as superintendent of schools and

was succeeded by William E. Harris. For

the next six years Ferndale grew rapidly.

The population soared from approxi-

mately 2,500 to more than 14,000 as the

migration of Detroit families soared to

unexpected heights. School membership

blossomed from 600 students to more

than 2,900. It was necessary to erect three

more schools to fill the demands made

upon the school authorities for addi-

tional facilities.

In 1925, the present school superin-

tendent, Edgar F. Down, was persuaded

to relinquish his post as principal of

Francis E. Willard School since 1912, and

assume the post as school head here. Mr.

Down had heard quite a bit about Fern-

dale years before from Lovell G. Turn-

bull, first village president, who was in

the butter and egg business and included

among his customers Mr. Down.

In addition to his school duties in

Highland Park, Mr. Down served as

mayor of the city from 1920 to 1924.

This year he is observing his forty-third

year as an educator.

From 1925 to 1927, when Ferndale

blossomed into full stature as a city, the

valuation of its school properties rose

from $906,000 to $1,877,000, under the

direction of Mr. Down and the school

board. When the widening of Eight Mile

Road got under way in 1927, the Ridge-

wood School building and a portion of

the land was sold to the state for $63,000.

This sum was used to erect the Taft


Two years later a gymnasium and a

16-unit junior high school addition was

made to the Coolidge School and a six-



was recognized, and from 1925 to 1930

the total was raised from one to six.

The school system was not exempt

from the many problems which beset the

business world between 1932 and 1940,

but the school board, due to some bond

refunding and some additional funds,

was able to build the present high school

gymnasium and remodel the building.

The gymnasium has been extremely pop-

ular with Ferndale residents and, though

it was not built as an auditorium, it can

accommodate an audience of more than

2,000 persons.

The Ferndale school district extends

beyond the city's limits as a result of three

annexations. The first took place in 1920

and included an area bounded by Ten

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Mile Road, Wyoming Avenue, Nine Mile

Road and Scotia Road, with the excep-

tion of 75 acres. A few years later a north-

east area was absorbed into the system.

The final annexation was in 1942 when

a triangular area bounded by Eight Mile

Road, the Grand Trunk Railroad and

Hilton Road was taken into the district.

Throughout the years the residents of

Ferndale have been fortunate in having

at the head of their school system indi-

viduals capable of operating the schools

at the peak of efficiency. The present

board is composed of the following:

President, Dr. William E. Jahsman; sec-

retary, Mrs. Elizabeth Beasley; treasurer,

Dr. M. L. Richards; Dr. W. Ray Smittle;

P. T. Sawyer, and Cyril Meng.


KEEPING in step with the growth

of Ferndale, St. James Parochial

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School, under the able leadership of the

Rev. Father James E. O'Brien, has grown

and expanded through the years since it

was first established 20 years ago.

The school opened with an enrollment

of about 350 students and, as it grew in

stature, additional grades were added

and classrooms increased. In 1925 a sec-

ond addition was finished and a complete

school plant was in operation. Five years

later, high school grades were added.

Some idea of the growth of the school

can be had by comparing the first high

school graduating class of eight with the

85 graduates in 1941. As the school in-

creased in size the teaching force was ex-

panded to the point where 26 instructors

are now required. School enrollment now

is 650 in the grade school and 275 high

school students.



Holpiug Syu>ro' "BnII'-ay." flog ora, lft to right: Hoqort D. Apuroaa, Liant. Com. Harry 0. K!pka, WayU A.

Apuraa*, Liant, (jg) Woyuarp R. Apuraaa apu Gaorga E. LaMit.

THE name of Ferndale has been

spread around the world by Syncro

Devices, Inc., whose products long have

been favorites of home workshop hobby-

ists and model airplane fans.

Today the company is engaged in pro-

ducing many essential parts for Army

and Navy planes, guns, tanks and sub-

marines as well as machine tools.

When the victory and peace are won,

Syncro once more will resume production

of jigsaws and other products which

have won for it far-flung fame. Though

engaged in war production these days,

syncro, like the scores of Ferndale in-

dustries now working at top speed to

produce the materials of war, is making

plans for the day when it may resume

production for civilian markets.

While Syncro jigsaws and other prod-

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ucts are known throughout this country,

its foreign business has proved one of

the company's greatest markets among

hobbyists and home workshop devotees.

England, Australia and South America

always have been Syncro fans, but its

largest volume of foreign business has

come from Johannesburg, South Africa,


where jigsaws, before the war, were most


Syncro Devices was established in De-

troit in 1932, but has been located in

Ferndale since the fall of 1940. The pres-

ent firm is the consolidation of two com-

panies, now united here in the company's

modern, attractive plant at 3265 Ber-

muda Avenue.

Syncro Devices is another example of

the institution of free enterprise which

permits all Americans to enter that field

of activity which they may select. The

three Andreae brothers, descended from

a long line of manufacturers, in 1938

saw in the growing home workshop and

hobby industry a field which attracted

their particular talents. Accordingly they

acquired an interest in Syncro Devices,

then owned by Clifford Rogers.

The brothers, Hobart D., Wayne A.

and Maynard R., by adding model air-

plane motors, hobby items and games to

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the firm's products, increased its produc-

tion from a seasonal business to a year-

round operation.

Two years later, in October, 1940, the

Andreae brothers organized Welco Pre-

cision Products of Detroit with George

E. Lewis, formerly with P. R. Mallory

Co. and Commerce Pattern Foundry &

Machine Co. The two companies were

operated by the Andreae brothers. In the

fall of that year Syncro Devices purchased

the Ferndale property, erected a modern

one-story building and moved here. In

July, 1941, an addition was erected and

the Welco company moved here.

On January 1, 1942, the two compa-

nies merged as Syncro Devices, Inc., with

Hobart Andreae as president, Wayne An-

dreae as treasurer and George Lewis as

vice-president. The third brother, May-

nard Andreae, is on leave of absence as

a lieutenant (jg) in the U. S. Navy.

Syncro Devices has taken a prominent

position in Ferndale's industrial life. It

is looking to the day when it can return

to the production of jigsaws and other

hobby items as well as machine tools, to

which its operations have been converted.

The company employs a high percentage

of Ferndale residents.

When the war ends, the name of Fern-

dale once more will be carried 'round the

globe by Syncro's famed products.



WaUek State Rank

THE Ferndale office of the Wabeek

State Bank of Detroit was opened

December 1, 1934, in response to a peti-

tion signed by Ferndale business men and

residents of this community to the Wa-

beek Bank of Birmingham.

This occurred a year after the tempo-

rary closing of all banks throughout the

nation. Ferndale at the time was without

the services of a local bank.

The building at 141 West Nine Mile

Road, which houses the Ferndale office,

was purchased by Wa-

beek at that time and

when the bank opened

there were five employ-

ees. The Ferndale office

has had a steady growth

since that time, accord-

ing to George B. Judson,

president of Wabeek, and

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it was necessary to en-

large the quarters in Feb-

ruary, 1942.

This expansion of the

quarters, due to increased

business, doubled the size of the lobby

and increased the tellers' cages from five

to 12, the actual enlargement consisting

of a 36-foot-deep extension of the build-

ing at the rear. Other additions included a

new vault.

There are now 17 employees in this of-

fice, headed by Louis N. Williams as

manager. Mr. Williams took the place of

Charles D. White, who was manager

from 1938 until early in 1942, when he

joined the armed forces.

The main banking office of Wabeek is

in the Fisher building, while other offices

in Detroit are in the Ford building and

at 7443 West McNichols. The Birming-

ham office is in the Wabeek building in




before our national defense program

started, success came at last. And what


Now, Nitri-cast-iron, centrifugally

cast, is on a 24-hour-a-day schedule at

FCC and every piece of it is going into

strategically-important parts that can't

be described here for obvious reasons.

from page 31)

But this product, made in America only

by The Forging and Casting Corporation

this exclusive product of Ferndaleis

doing a most important job for the armed

forces of the United Nations in every

part of the globe. Ferndale is proud to be

known as the home of The Forging and

Casting Corporation.



A FRIENDSHIP born in Flint when

they were associated with A. C.

Spark Plug Division of General Motors

Corporation ripened into a successful

Ferndale business enterprise with the

formation of Triangle Engineering Com-

pany by E. P. Saunders and George L.

Atherholt, Sr.

The company was established here in

September, 1940, locating in the Medical

Building. In July, 1941, increased vol-

ume of business necessitated building a

modern, one-story stone, brick and glass

building at 400 East Nine Mile Road.

Both Mr. Saunders and Mr. Atherholt

have had many years of experience in

tool engineering, the latter having spent

about 30 years in the business, 20 years

with General Motors in various divisions.

Mr. Saunders was with General Electric

before going to Flint in 1923 to join Gen-

eral Motors.

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The company has been active in the

designing and processing of tools for the

automotive industry's conversion into the

armament program, serving plants man-

ufacturing machine guns, gun turrets,

aircraft armament, tanks and aircraft.

Designing of special tools for war pro-

ducers has been another activity of Tri-

angle. Though now engaged in war pro-

duction activities the company is also en-

gaged in post-war planning so that it will

be ready to carry on its tool engineering

operations in Ferndale after the war and

peace are won.



Q. Af. Smillie Ga.

SIXTY-THREE years ago, C. M. Smil-

lie, St., a precision toolmaker, ar-

rived in Detroit from his native Montreal.

He went to work as superintendent for

a Detroit manufacturer.

Ten years later, in 1890, Mr. Smillie

decided to start his own tool manufac-

turing business, becoming the first tool

shop in Detroit.

Today, after 53 years, the name of

Smillie is symbolic of quality and crafts-

manship in the industry, known through-

out the world where precision tools and

parts are used.

Today the firm of C. M. Smillie Com-

pany is a Ferndale institution. The

founder of the business, 83 years of age,

still is active in management of the com-

pany's affairs. He visits the plant at 1100

Woodward Heights Boulevard regularly,

where his son, C. M. Smillie, Jr., man-

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ages the business. Executives and work-

ers alike look forward to the visits of

the founder of the firm, for they know

his advice and suggestions will help solve

any problems confronting them.

When the elder Mr. Smillie first

reached Detroit he went to work for a

Detroit manufacturer. He had pride in

his work and had set a goal for himself


to make the finest product he could

and some day start his own business. He

knew that freedom of enterprise permit-

ted him to choose his own business. He

also knew that it did not guarantee he

would succeed.

In 1890, Mr. Smillie started his own

tool-making shop at 130 West Larned

C. M. Smillie, Sr.

Street. He manufactured special tools,

taps and die heads for the lubricator in-

dustry. The business and organization

grew and in 1900 larger quarters at 520

East Larned Street were obtained.

In the meantime his son was preparing

to enter the tool-making business. Like

his father, who learned his trade as a

youth in Montreal, the younger Smillie

in 1914 began serving his apprenticeship

in Detroit tool rooms by working after

school, Saturdays and during summer


His career was interrupted in 1917

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when he joined the Army as a Balloon

Corps Observer, serving 15 months over-

seas. After his discharge he returned to

school and work. After three years at

the University of Michigan he transferred

to the University of Detroit, where he

won his B.M.E. degree in 1923.

He started his industrial career by tak-

ing a position at Ternstedt Manufactur-

ing Company as methods engineer. In

1926 he transferred to become superin-

tendent of manufacture of instruments

for AC Spark Plug in Flint. Having had

21 years' training in modern production

operations, which emphasized the grow-

ing need of precision work, he was pre-

pared to relieve his father of some of his

duties. In 1935 he became sales manager

and gradually the elder Mr. Smillie re-

linquished more of the active operation

of the business to his son. Today he is

active manager.

The Smillie Company had grown

through the years until further expansion

was necessary and father and son sought

a new location for the business. They

chose Ferndale because of more ideal

working conditions, light and fresh air

and Ferndale was close to the labor and

material supply.

In 1942, the company moved into its

new plant, which covers over 22,000

square feet of floor space and is com-

pletely equipped with modern precision

machinery, set up according to the latest

standards of working efficiency and


The company does its own tool engi-

neering of parts under rigid standards of

inspection and has won considerable in-

dustrial fame for the inauguration of the

Smillie Precision Award. The Smillie

Company was the first of its kind to award

its employees a citation in the form of a

company pin for meritorious war pro-


The Smillie plant also flies the Treas-


Qadud loot C.

THOUGH engaged today in "around-

the-clock" war production, Fastcut

Tool Company eagerly awaits the day

when peace-time operations can be re-


The company, whose products have

won for it nation-wide fame, is one of

the younger members of Ferndale's ever-

broadening industrial community, but

one which has attained high ranking for

its progressiveness.

Fastcut Tool Company transferred its

operations from Detroit to Ferndale in

March, 1942, moving into a new brick

building at 2525 Hilton Road. Six

months later, in September, it was nec-

essary for the company to erect an addi-

tion to the original structure. Fastcut re-

cently acquired an additional building

adjoining its present plant.

On the drawing boards today are plans

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for still a larger building which the com-

pany needs, not only for its present war

production activities, but which it will

require for its post-war business, which

is expected will reach substantial heights.

Fastcut Tool manufactures a line of

combined drills, countersinks and keyset

cutters, which are in heavy demand to-

day, both from plants engaged in produc-


ing the arms of war, and from jobbers

and distributors all over the country.

The company was organized originally

in Detroit by Harry Purdy and Philip

Ash, a partnership, doing business as

Fastcut Tool Company. They foresaw the

ever-increasing demand for tools and

realized that the scarcity would seriously

hamper the war effort. Both Mr. Purdy

and Mr. Ash have had 17 years' experi-

ence in the tool manufacturing industry.

Fully aware that the American way of

life, which guarantees freedom of enter-

prise, but does not insure success and

that the number who succeed is limited,

they embarked upon their manufacturing


"We chose the line of activity in which

we thought we would be most likely to

succeed and one in which we felt we

would be making a valuable contribu-

tion to 'the war effort," says Mr. Purdy.

"That is the true meaning of freedom of

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enterprise in a democracy."

The new company's products met with

instant success and in a short time the

need for expansion arose. The company

looked for a new site, and after consider-

ing many possible locations, selected

Ferndale. Purchase of the property and

erection of the building followed. The

entire organization followed the firm


Discussing the company's operations,

Mr. Purdy says that additional facilities

are needed now, but it is unlikely that

Fastcut will be able to build another ad-

dition because of present conditions.

But when peace-time operations are

resumed, Fastcut will be among the first

to re-convert its production facilities to

fit the demands of civilian markets. Plans

have been prepared, not only for larger

quarters, but for new and improved

products. The company is keeping abreast

of the changing conditions which will

greet resumption of post-war manufac-

turing, and is taking every step which

can be taken now, so it will be ready to

re-enter normal peace-time operations

without delay.

"Preparing now for the time when in-

dustry must be ready to take the lead for

the climb back to normal business activi-

ties is one way of maintaining the free-

dom of enterprise which democracy

guarantees us," say Mr. Purdy and Mr.



Emergency industrial hospital service

now is a reality in Ferndale at the Ard-

more Hospital, a private institution at

814 West Nine Mile Road, directed by

Miss Eva E. Clemenshaw, superintendent.

This was brought about by the Board of

Commerce Industrial Division, which ob-

tained priorities for the construction of

an addition now equipped to handle

emergency cases from Ferndale industries.


THE 3 5-year-old tradition of the

Kraetke name in the early life of the

automobile industry is being maintained

here in Ferndale by the son of one of the

men who founded the original company

in 1908.

The Kraetke Tool Company, Inc., of

380 Fair Avenue, manufacturers of

gauges, jigs, fixtures and special machin-

ery, today is producing equipment for

many firms which did business with the

original company nearly two-score years


That the same high quality of crafts-

manship has been maintained through

the years is demonstrated by the fact that

three of Kraetke's principal customers

Cadillac Motor Car Company, Ford Mo-

tor Company, and Hudson Motor Com-

panythrough peace and war, have

maintained continuous business relations

with Kraetke.

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Thirty-five years ago, when the com-

pany was known as Kraetke Brothers,

Inc., having been organized in Detroit

by three brothers, Ernest M., William L.

and Richard, the first customer was Cad-

illac. Through the years up to World


War I the company supplied gauges, jigs,

fixtures and special machinery needed by

Cadillac to manufacture automobiles.

When Cadillac began producing war

materials in 1917-1918, Kraetke supplied

much of the vital equipment needed.

When hostilities ceased, the business re-

lationship was resumed for civilian pro-

duction. Again in this war the company

is turning out the equipment needed by

Cadillac and other producers of war ma-

terial, but the company is looking to the

day when again it can build the machin-

ery needed to turn out products for auto-

mobiles and other civilian needs.

The present company started opera-

tions in the quarters used by its prede-

cessor on East Grand Boulevard, Detroit.

The original firm began business on Jef-

ferson Avenue.

In March, 1940, the remaining brother,

William, decided to retire and dispose of

the business. Ernest F. Kraetke, son of

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Ernest M. Kraetke, one of the founders,

had followed his father into the business

and was secretary of the company. The

original business had been made possible

by our American democracy which guar-

antees freedom of enterprise and eco-

nomic liberty, and the younger Kraetke

knew that our way of life permitted him

to choose his field of activity.

Accordingly, a new company was or-

ganized, which purchased some of the

original firm's equipment and business.

Ernest K. became president and treasurer

of the present company. Paul Blicharz,

who was with the old Kraetke firm, is

vice president, and Miss Jean Reddie is

secretary. A number of the older em-

ployees are stockholders.

Thus the established name of Kraetke

in the industry was maintained and is

being carried on. The new organization's

business grew and, as the demand for its

products broadened, it became necessary

to seek additional space.

Seeking more ideal conditions but still

anxious to locate near their customers,

the company selected Ferndale as their

new home. They acquired the present

site and erected a modern one-story brick

and concrete building, one of the most

attractive in the city. The company moved

here in June, 1942. Its entire organiza-

tion transferred with it, as many of them

had been with the firm for years. When

building conditions permit, it is expected

that a large number will make their

homes in Ferndale. Since the original

building was completed, an addition has

been erected, with the result that the floor

space is more than double that of the

Detroit location.

When the company was formed many

craftsmen who had been with Kraetke

more than 10 years became stockholders

in the new firm. That Kraetke employees

are veterans of many years' experience

is no better demonstrated than by Albert


FERNDALE has grown up in the last

25 years and keeping pace with its

development has been the Ferndale po-

lice department.

A quarter-century ago, when Fern-

dale was a quiet little village of about

1,600 persons who had settled here to be

"out in the country," there was but one

police officerWilliam H. (Rube) Mills.

In those days, and until 1925, when

it was widened to become the world's

greatest highway, Woodward Avenue

was but a narrow single thoroughfare 18

feet wide.

Sunday traffic jams provided consid-

erable entertainment for the villagers,

though it must be said that Sunday driv-

ersdusters and gogglesdid not relish

their experience. Often it was two or

three hours before a Sunday touring

party could pass through the village.

Some of the more impatient often ven-

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tured off the strip of pavement into a

ditch beside the road in an attempt to

pass the line of waiting cars. The results

usually were disastrous as tow cars in

those days were rare as sub-zero winter


As the city's population mounted with

the influx of settlers from Detroit, the


police department increased to a force of

five men in 1920, when George W. Smith

became chief. Headquarters was located

on the same site as today but the build-

ing was scarcely larger than the lobby in

today's present quarters.

Chief Roy Butcher

In 1927, when Ferndale was incorpo-

rated as a city and Roy Reynolds became

police chief, a period of expansion fol-

lowed. The headquarters building was

enlarged and the force increased to 28

men. Its equipment was expanded from

the single all-purpose touring car and

two motorcycles to three autos and three


During 1934, when radio-equipped

cars were being installed by all metro-

politan police departments, Ferndale was

among the leaders in taking part in the

development. The department, then

headed by Chief C. J. Barnett, equipped

four cars with one-way radios. Four

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years later all cars had two-way radios

as standard equipment.

Further expansion of the department's

quarters took place in 1940 under Chief

Carl L. Dick, who had been named to

head the department five years pre-

viously. The force by that time had

grown to 24 officers.

While the size of the force was grow-

ing, its reputation for efficiency of its

members was receiving wide recognition.

Many .officers were studying and taking

training in all phases of crime preven-

tion and detection to keep abreast of the

new developments in police work, ac-

cording to Sergeant William E. Evily, de-

partment secretary and "historian" of

the force. Crimes of violence are rare

in Ferndale, the principal reason that the

members of the force pride themselves in

living up to the traditions of their ca-

reers and being real police officers.

In June, 1940, Chief Dick died and

Captain Roy Butcher was appointed head

of the department. Chief Butcher has

been a member of the Ferndale police

department 17 years, having begun his

career as patrolman in 1926. In 1927,

when Chief Reynolds was department

head, Butcher was promoted to sergeant.

Two years later he wore lieutenant's

stripes and in 1933 he was elevated to a

captaincy, the position he held until tak-

ing charge of the department.

The police roster today is made up of

28 officers and its equipment includes six

scout cars. Headquarters is located in

the handsome two-story brick building

on East Nine Mile Road.



Small Sa>t!on of Lappiug Dapartmaut

ONE of Ferndale's outstanding in-

dustries and one of the most im-

portant sources of precision aircraft en-

gine parts in the entire country is the N.

A. Woodworth Company.

Less than three years old, the company

has been acclaimed publicly by the U. S.

Army Air Forces for its sound manage-

ment and production programs and has

received the Army-Navy "E" and Bull's

Eye Flags. When the first unit of the

plant was opened in May, 1940, there

were 25 employees, and while its em-

ployee personnel today is cloaked in

secrecy because of wartime restrictions,

it may be said that there are now many

thousands of men and women carrying

on a 24-hour-a-day and seven-days-a-

week schedule.

Mr. N. A. Woodworth, who founded

the Ex-Cell-O Corporation in 1919 and

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built it into one of the principal precision

parts producers in the country, retired in

1937. However, he returned to the indus-

trial field two years later when he ac-

quired the Par Tool Company in Detroit.

By the end of 1939 Mr. Woodworth

realized the necessity for a rapid growth

of the aircraft industry to meet with

President Roosevelt's analysis of the na-


tion's requirements. He disposed of heavy

machine tool building equipment and

facilities, and in May, 1940, moved into

the first unit of the Ferndale plant.

In its rapid growth since then the com-

WnlripU Groo*iug Oparat!ou

pany has expanded three times, now

having four large adjoining buildings.

Three are devoted to the production of

precision aircraft engine parts and the

third to heat treating and plating. These

plants are models of design and contain

the latest equipment.

Among the more than 120 precision

war parts which the company makes are

knuckle pins, valve tappets, valve tappet

sockets and adjusting screws, and bearing

containers. These are said to require as

exacting machine work as that required

to make precision gages and measuring


Since the Woodworth Company began

government production in March, 1940,

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it has manufactured several million items,

the exact number of which is a mili-

tary secret. The company is able to attain

a very high production rate, Mr. Wood-

worth said, because it has a systematic

training program for unskilled labor

which in a minimum of time qualifies

men and women for skilled work, and

in addition its plant equipment can be

tooled for war work with a minimum

loss of time.

While the company has established

production records it has made a record

in another direction, that of "human con-

version," to use Mr. Woodworth's words.

He realized very early the conversion of

human ability into wartime production

was just as important as the conversion

of machinery.

Precision production is required on all

the aircraft parts produced in the plant,

yet no apprentice school is needed. Wood-

worth precision training is carried out

right on the job itself. Ninety percent of

the workers in the plants today started

green, and women are playing an increas-

ingly important part in the Woodworth

production picture. At present the ratio

is 65% women and will increase to

80%. Women are used as grinders, drill

press and other light machine operators.

The Woodworth program is based

about 75 percent on teaching supervis-

ory employees (group leaders) how prop-

erly to teach new employees the job. So

important is this phase of the work con-

sidered that in order to train leaders to

offset losses of men going into the armed

services, women candidates for group

leadership are given up to an eight-week

training course. Some qualify in less


In this training period they must meet

production schedules on each machine in

their groupup to eight different type

machinesand they must be able to set


Safaty Aitort liftap from fa>at at girlt panta for lnu>h.

up each machine for a given job. New

employees are given an intelligence test

and an aptitude test, and an effort is made

to place them in work for which they are

suited. The number of quits because em-

ployees didn't like the work assigned

them was reduced 70 percent in four

months, by a continuing study of the rea-

sons for quits.

The training of leaders is elementary,

and starts with the premise that a person

remembers only seven percent of what he

hears, and 50 percent of what he sees.

It is stressed because many of the new

women employees have never worked in

a shop before.

Thus, describing a job and demonstrat-

ing it are considered not enough, and

continuing emphasis is placed on patient

follow-up by each group leader with each

new employee.

Not only is the Woodworth plan a

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practical answer to the immediate prob-

lem of obtaining skilled labor, but it is a

sensible approach to the vital objective

of satisfactory and productive manage-

ment-labor relations.



TWO of the best-known craftsmen in

the pattern making industry, John

R. Siegel and Robert T. Caldwell, vet-

erans of many years' experience, are

among Ferndale's newer members in its

rapidly-expanding industrial develop-


The Siegel & Caldwell Pattern Works,

while new to this city, was established

more than a year ago in Hazel Park. The

partners, seeking a more convenient lo-

cation and anxious to erect their own

building, acquired a site with a frontage

of 140 feet at 1820 East Nine Mile Road.

There the company has

erected a one-story con-

crete block building oc-

cupying 2,400 square feet

of floor space.

Mr. Siegel and Mr.

Caldwell, both of whom

spent 14 years with Gen-

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eral Motors pattern de-

partment as foremen, are

widely known in the pat-

tern-making business.

Though they are concen-

trating their output now in producing

wood patterns for war manufacturers,

they are looking toward the future here.

The firm includes among its customers

three of the General Motors divisions as

well as several Ferndale firms. They are

currently engaged in turning out patterns

for automotive and plane part manufac-


The firm reports that all of their em-

ployees are from the Ferndale area and

that every effort will be made to continue

to give employment preference to Fern-

dale residents both now and after the



THOUGH its business address is

Ferndale, Standard Plumbing Sup-

ply Company is known to residents

throughout the greater Ferndale area

and neighboring communities as one of

the finest plumbing supply firms.

Ferndale was selected in June, 1940,

by Bernard and William Weinberg as

the location for a plumbing supply store

and they obtained a store at 22742 Wood-

ward Avenue. The company does a retail

business only.

The owners say that greater business

opportunities are offered in Ferndale

than in more congested areas and they

have found Ferndale a pleasant place in

which to operate. The company does all

its own estimating and installation work.



FERNDALE residents well remember

when they first heard the phrase


But few Ferndale residents know that

the engineer who spent years developing

and perfecting syncro-mesh is one of

Ferndale's leading industrialists, employ-

ing a large force of war workers.

The engineer who contributed so much

to the improvement of motor cars

through syncro-mesh is Earl A. Thomp-

son, general manager of the Earl A.

Thompson Manufacturing Company,

1300 Hilton Road.

Automobile manufacturers hailed Mr.

Thompson's syncro-mesh development as

one of the outstanding refinements and

improvements in the industry. One man-

ufacturer introduced it as an innovation

in transmission perfection. Now all auto

manufacturers use it.

Mr. Thompson, whose reputation and

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fame in the engineering field are nation-

wide, was born in Elgin, Oregon, July 1,

1891. After his graduation from Oregon

State College his first business experience

was with hydraulic engines. He designed,

built and installed hydraulic engines to

supply domestic water for some of the

arid districts of Oregon. Mr. Thompson



still is interested in this development.

He left the west coast for Detroit in

September, 1923, and later became asso-

ciated with the Cadillac Motor Car Divi-

sion of General Motors Corporation.

During the period from 1925 to 1928,

Earl A. Thompson

although not employed by Cadillac, Mr.

Thompson spent much of his time at the

Cadillac plant developing syncro-mesh


After perfecting syncro-mesh, Mr.

Thompson sold his transmission develop-

ment to General Motors. It was intro-

duced by Cadillac in 1928 and since has

been adopted by all automobile manu-


Mr. Thompson officially became con-

nected with the Cadillac organization on

September 1, 1929, as engineer. He be-

came assistant chief engineer on August

1, 1930. From then until 1934, when Mr.

Thompson left Cadillac to join General

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Motors Engineering Department, he was

extremely active in production, design

and development work.

He was with General Motors until May

1, 1940, when he resigned to enter busi-

ness for himself.

Mr. Thompson designed and built the

Thompson Automatic Profile Milling

Machine, which is used in many gun

plants throughout the country.

In Mr. Thompson's search for the ideal

location to establish his business he se-

lected Ferndale because of its conven-

ience and accessibility to the trade and

the labor supply. The Hilton Avenue site

covers five acres and has railroad facili-

ties which, it is expected, will be vised at

a later date. Ferndale's lower tax rate

and the convenience of having his plant

near his Bloomfield Hills home also were

factors contributing to Mr. Thompson's

decision to select Ferndale as his business


The Ferndale factory was erected in

the fall of 1940, and had 10,000 square

feet of floor space. The company recently

completed an addition to the one-story

brick building, increasing its size to a

total qf 24,000 square feet.

A majority of the company's employees

are local residents. The company is build-

ing the Thompson milling machine",

which is used by manufacturers in the

production of arms, plane, tank and gun


When it is possible for the company

to return to civilian production, Mr.

Thompson will be ready to resume his

development and engineering work,

creating new products and providing

employment for Ferndale residents.

Mr. Thompson is married and has two

sons in military service.



IN 1913 a new-type tool was developed

by a pioneer Detroit merchant. This

tool was not only original in its design

from the standpoint of economy but the

mechanical features were such that it

made other similar purpose tools obso-


This same merchant, the late C. H.

Michell, the father of the president of the

company, having foresight and imagina-

tion, formed a small company. The first

field of operation was in the basement of

the founder's home. This was the start of

the Eclipse Counterbore Company.

The Eclipse Counterbore was so en-

thusiastically received that immediately

it was necessary to start a small shop,

which was located in a loft of a down-

town building in Detroit.

As is true of so many industries in

America, and especially in Detroit, there

was romance connected with Eclipse.

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When the first World War made de-

mands on the cutting tool manufacturers

to do their part in making motors for

cars, trucks and planes, Eclipse was

available to serve her country, located in

a modern well-equipped plant. The orig-

inal plant is on St. Aubin Avenue, and

since it was built has been enlarged three


times, now covering more than a half a

city block.

The present World War did not find

Eclipse lacking. When called upon to

quadruple production, the company rose

to the occasion and built the Ferndale

plant, which was in production early in


The policy of the company has been

unique in that it has concentrated upon

the improvement and production of one

type of end-cutting tools to the exclusion

of other cutting tools. While this policy

may have restricted the scope of the busi-

ness, however, it undoubtedly redounded

to the advantage of users of Eclipse pro-

ductions, since by specializing on counter-

boring types of tools to the exclusion of

other kinds, improvements of far-reach-

ing importance have resulted.

In 1920 the "multi-diameter" cutter

was originated by Eclipse engineers. This

type of cutting tool concentrated on one

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body, alternate blades of varying diame-

ters. In some respects it was similar to

the "step tool." In performance and

length of life it far surpassed the step

tool. The multi-diameter counterbore en-

abled users to machine several different

diametered holes or surfaces in one pass

and do it more accurately than it had

theretofore been done.

In 1922 the balanced-drive inverted

counterbore, or "back spotfacer," was

originated and developed within the

Eclipse organization. Previously, miscel-

laneous types of back spotfacers of vary-

ing degrees of success were manufac-

tured. The Eclipse company was the first

to standardize on a design and group of

popularly-required sizes. The Eclipse in-

verted counterbore, due to the location of

parallel driving lugs, permitted the

greatest regrinding life. Also the opposed

parallel lugs insured balance on the

driver as against misalignment with most

miscellaneous type back spotfacers.

The great expansion in production

of automobiles in the 1920s, with the

consequent greater strains on cutting

tools, brought out the need for a "super"

counterbore capable of withstanding

much greater stresses and feeds than the

earlier type counterbore. Eclipse engi-

neers developed the radial drive counter-

bore, which incorporated the "integral"

drive of construction of the driving and

driven parts. Integral construction was

not new but a new adaptation was found

in the Eclipse grouping of the driving

members closer to the actual cutting

edges, thereby reducing torque.

A main feature is the fact that all driv-

ing stresses are exerted exactly on a line

of center, resulting in a turning motion

rather than a possible wedging effect.

Radial drive Eclipse counterbores are do-

ing yoeman service in the present war

besides multi-diameter boring tools, pin

drive counterbores and balanced-drive


DURING the last 25 years the Fern-

dale Fire Department has grown

from a single little chemical engine,

known affectionately in those days of

1918 as the "potato bug," to its present

stature the best-equipped and most

modern fire-fighting organization in


Because of its excellently-geared, effi-

cient force of firemen, the City of Fern-

dale has won the most coveted honor

which can be conferred upon a munici-

pality in the fire insurance worldthe

lowest residential rate in the state.

Fire Chief Norman Pritchard, who has

grown up with the department, points

with pride to the accomplishments of his

organization. Long strides have been

made, both in equipment and personnel,

since that day when the "potato bug"

was stored in the garage of Lovell G.

Turnbull, first village president.

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Today the department has a force of

25 men, three pumpers, one ladder truck,

one booster truck, an ambulance and a

chief's car. Department headquarters and

most of the equipment are housed in a

modern, two-story brick building on East

Nine Mile Road. In addition there is an-

other fire station. That the department


buys good equipment and keeps it in con-

dition is demonstrated by one of the

pumpers, purchased in 1920, and still in

excellent condition.

Since 1918, when the department was

Chief Norman Pritchard

manned by volunteers, through the years

when George W. Smith, police chief, also

was head of the fire department, new

equipment has been acquired and more

men added to the force as it kept abreast

of the steady growth of the village to a

lively American city.

Ferndale firemen have won a wide

reputation for efficiency and ability. They

have answered calls from many neigh-

boring communities and have won the

commendation and praise of all whom

they have been summoned to serve.

As the city grew and new home sites

and subdivisions were added, water hy-

drant and call box installations increased.

Today there are 335 hydrants and 62 call

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boxes located at strategic points through-

out the city.

While this year marks the silver an-

niversary of Ferndale, it is Fire Chief

Pritchard's eighteenth with the depart-

ment. He became a fireman in 1925 and

was elevated to lieutenant six years later.

In 1928 he was promoted to captain and

on July 1, 1940, was elevated to chief of

the department, succeeding Donald D.

Post, who retired because of ill health

after serving as chief nine years.

While hundreds and hundreds of new

homes have sprung up in Ferndale the

last few years, the efficiency of the fire

department, and the stringent building

code requirements have assured home

owners that only the best of materials

will be approved. Good construction of

buildings, strictly supervised, and an ef-

ficient fire-fighting force go hand in hand

to make this community the finest place

to build and own a moderately-priced


Through the 2 5-year existence of the

Ferndale fire department runs a,n un-

broken thread of romance and dramatic

achievement, with many chapters of

bravery facing death and saving homes.

It is a strong human interest story, one

of loyalty, devotion to duty and fine mo-

rale, so ably demonstrated in the past and

in the present by the fine personnel which

has brought to Ferndale the recognition

and acclaim of all the best and safest

place to build a home.



^biaUian o^ RefuUUic Steel Gotfi.

REPUBLIC Steel Corporation's Steel

and Tubes Division maintains one

of its most complete steel tube manufac-

turing and fabricating plants here in

Ferndale. Operating under the manage-

ment of T. F. Marlowe, superintendent,

the plant forms steel into Electrunite

Tubing, ranging

in size from a

half-inch to three

inches. It then

cuts, bends and

shapes the tubing

into parts for all

types of war ma-


The Ferndale

plant was built in

1928 and, as a

part of Steel and Tubes, became a sub-

sidiary of Republic Iron and Steel Com-

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pany in that same year. When Republic

Steel Corporation was formed in 1930,

Steel and Tubes, including the Ferndale

plant, became first a subsidiary and then

a division of the large steel corporation.

Mr. Marlowe, who was one of the earliest

industrialists in Ferndale, became super-

intendent shortly after the plant was put

in operation.

The Electrunite Process by which the

company produces tubing takes flat rolled

steel, passes it through a series of rolls,

and cold forms it to tubular shape. As

T. F. Morlow.

the edges of the steel are brought to-

gether, they are electrically welded. The

fabricating sections of the plan cut and

bend tubes to special shapes. One of the

procedures takes straight tubes and forms

them into various types of tapered tubu-

lar parts.

In pre-war days, a large portion of the

plant's output was produced for the auto-

motive industry. Today similar tubes, as

well as a number of new types, are be-

ing produced in greater quantities than

ever before.

Bapuiug Straight Tnaq





AFTER trouping over most of the

. world as producer, manager and

agent in the theatrical business, Thomas

J. Ealand, who operates the Ferndale

Theatre, selected Ferndale as the best

place to establish his own business.

That was in 1931, and the success of

the theatre under the guidance of this

widely-traveled showman proved that

Mr. Ealand made no mistake in choosing

Ferndale. Currently president of the

Board of Commerce and the man credited

with the city's brilliant record of war

bond purchases, he recently received a

citation for distinguished service from the

Treasury Department in Washington for

the sale of war bonds.

For a great many years Mr. Ealand

traveled the United States, Canada, Mex-

ico and Cuba with various theatrical pro-

ductions. He produced stock company

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and vaudeville shows, managed Keith's

Union Square Theatre, New York, was

general manager of the Miles Circuit con-

trolling four Detroit theatres.

Mr. Ealand recalls one of the bright

spots of his career when for three years

he was a stock company producer in

Grand Rapids. His leading man was

Spencer Tracy, popular movie star, be-

fore the latter entered pictures. Leaving

there Mr. Ealand went to Columbus, O.,

and then came to Ferndale. '

% komos Calling



FERNDALE, on the world's greatest

highway, is the best location in the

world to sell automobiles, according to

one of Michigan's largest dealers, Hodges

Auto Sales, Inc., 23048 Woodward Ave.

The firm has

been in business

here since 1924

when Giles E.

Hodges opened an

auto sales agency

on Woodward

Avenue. Two

years later James

A. Mason joined

Mr. Hodges as

sales manager. He

was followed by Charles J. Mason and

Major Wauu

Frank J. Hill, at which time the present

company was formed.

The firm's business grew and expan-

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sion followed. Today it occupies a front-

age of 390 feet on Woodward Avenue.

For several years it was the largest Dodge

dealer in Michigan, employing as many

as 70 persons during peak business.

The Hodges business is being operated

today by Charles Mason and Mr. Hill in

the absence of James Mason, who is a

major in the Army. Many employees are

on leaves of absence, serving in the armed

forces and working in war plants.

Major Mason, a former president of

the Ferndale Board of Commerce, also

is a past president of the Detroit Auto-

mobile Dealers Association. Before being

called for military duty he was active in

directing the sale of War Bonds and

Stamps here.



WHILE Ferndale this year is observ-

ing its twenty-fifth anniversary,

Pratt-Wright Machine Products Com-

pany is marking its tenth anniversary.

It was in 1933 that Glenn E. Wright

organized and established the American

Screw Company on Burdette Avenue and

began manufacturing screw machine

products. Mr. Wright's plant adjoined

that of Fred J. Pratt, who was engaged

in developing and perfecting special

tools and grinding gauges.

Success marked Mr. Wright's opera-

tions, and as his business grew, addi-

tional manufacturing facilities were re-

quired. Mr. Pratt's building next door

was larger and offered the necessary

space Mr. Wright's com-

pany required. As they

were in allied lines, both

supplying the automotive

industry, the two compa-

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nies were merged as the

Pratt-Wright Machine

Products Corporation in

1936, taking over the

present building at 1956

Burdette Avenue.

Mr. Pratt retired in

January, 1941, and the

business is being operated

under its present name

by Mr. Wright with his son, Robert L.

Wright, as general manager, and R. J.

McFarland as shop superintendent.

Having built the business by supply-

ing the many needs of the automotive in-

dustry, Robert Wright anticipates that

the company's products will register even

further gains, once peacetime operations

are resumed. Today its production facili-

ties are engaged 100 per cent on orders

from war material producers, many of

whom were pre-war customers and who

are expected to resume civilian produc-

tion relations with Pratt-Wright.

The operators of the business are resi-

dents of Ferndale and many of their em-

ployees make their home here.


BECAUSE Ferndale provided the ideal

location for a manufacturing busi-

ness, M. F. Buckingham established Asso-

ciated Tool and Gear Engineering here

10 years ago.

Mr. Buckingham decided on Ferndale

because of the city's accessibility to the

companies with which he was doing busi-

ness in Detroit and Pontiac.

The opening of his plant not long after

the bank closings in 1933 was a boon to

other Ferndale manufacturers, as Mr.

Buckingham persuaded Detroit suppli-

ers, who in the past had refused to travel

beyond the Eight Mile Road, to make de-

liveries here.

Associated Tool has maintained a

steady force of employees in the produc-

tion of riveting anvils, machine parts,


FORMALLY opened in November,

1930, the Ferndale Public Library is

one of the finest in this section. It has

kept apace with the reading habits of

residents and its shelves are filled with

carefully-selected books.

When it was opened, under the direc-

tion of Miss Etta Vivian, the library had

about 2,000 volumes, plus 200 loaned by

the State Library. In spite of the limited

number of volumes, the 1,500 library

cards showed that circulation was 25,000.

In 1942, total circulation exceeded 92,-


Housed in the old Central School after

the city offices were removed, the original

library was a decided contrast with the

building today. In 1940 the entire build-

ing was remodeled. The interior is pleas-

ing to the eye, quiet and efficiently ar-


Especially decorated for juvenile tastes

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is the children's room, where books for

children up to 16 are available. The li-

brary now has about 15,000 volumes and

8,000 membership cards in circulation.

There is a reference library and technical

section, which has become extremely pop-

ular the last year.

When the library first opened, Miss

Vivian had one assistant. The staff now

consists of seven. Residents of Pleasant

Ridge and part of Oak Park are served

by the Ferndale library.



(Coat!aued from page 18)

on the road. Blowing equipment is gov-

erned by the speed of the rolls so that air

velocity always equals rear wheel speed.

In the basement under the chassis dy-

namometer rooms are the rolls and dyna-

mometers, the refrigerating equipment,

the motor generator sets with which all

electric dynamometers are operated on

the Ward-Leonard principle, and the Cut*

ler-Hammer Unitrol equipment used for

starting the alternating current motors

for the motor generator sets. Because of

the heat generated in this room by the

motor generator sets, transformers and

other electrical equipment, thermostati-

cally-controlled ventilating fans are in-

stalled to maintain the temperature

within safe limits.

Throughout the laboratories, the main

ventilation system provides automati-

cally-controlled heating and ventilation

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to all rooms used for engine testing, the

handling of chemicals and similar work.

A substantial amount of road testing

is based in Ferndale and Detroit, partly

because of the many tests that are con-

ducted in cooperation with automotive

and oil companies nearby. Most of the

west wing of the main buildings at Eight

Mile Road is used by the Road Test Sec-

tion. Complete equipment for servicing,

weighing, adjusting and repairing test

vehicles is installed in this garage.

Among these are rear-wheel motoring

rolls, which provide automatically-con-

trolled speeds of 2.5 and 5 miles per hour

for measurements of compression pres-

sure, and either forward or reverse speed

of one mile per hour for ignition timing.

Since large quantities of many types of

fuel are needed by the engine laborator-

ies and road test sections, a separate

building houses unique equipment for

blending and distributing fuels. Thirty-

four underground tanks, ranging in ca-

pacity from 500 to 10,000 gallons, store

the gasoline, the total storage capacity

being 75,000 gallons.

From each of the buried tanks two

lines lead to the fuel building. Anti-

knock fluids may be blended with gaso-

line in any underground tank and the

fuel may be transferred from any tank

to any other tank, or may be supplied to

any engine on test by means of automati-

cally-controlled pumps.

Throughout the fuel building safety

precautions have been taken. All electri-

cal connections lights, motors, tele-

phones, switches, ventilatorsare explo-


The new laboratories represent the

second move since the establishment of

research facilities in the early days of the

corporation. Originally located in Yonk-

ers, N. Y., the laboratories were moved

later to Milwaukee Avenue in Detroit.

The quarters there became inadequate as

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Boord of Enpat!ou



ONE of Ferndale's newer industries,

busy seven days a week producing

plastic moulds for companies manufac-

turing equipment used by the Army air

force and the Navy, is Nu-Engineering

Company, of 310 Livernois Avenue.

Nu-Engineering began operations in

Ferndale a year ago under the leader-

ship of John Neuman and Ormond Mil-

ler, both of whom were aware of the pos-

sibilities offered by the plastic industry.

They obtained a location at 3262 Hil-

ton Road and surrounded themselves

with an organization of men skilled in

precision operations and mould produc-

tion. Nu-Engineering's business grew

and it was necessary for them to move

to the larger Livernois location.

Mr. Neuman and Mr. Miller are plan-

ning for the post-war day in the plastic

industry, which has opened for those

with vision and ability a new field.

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(Coat!uued from page 20)

"These things must be done if our

American way of life, if our democracy

is to be maintained. Ferndale industries

are aware of it and are preparing for that

day when they must meet the post-war


"Our industrial leaders know that

democracy means the establishment of

the dignity of man. There isn't much dig-

nity left to a man who, through no fault

of his own, leans hopelessly on the end

of a shovel and lives on a miserable dole.

"Today democracy can safeguard the

dignity of man by assuring his economic

security, by providing him with work.

That is what industry can do with free-

dom of action in a democracy enjoying

free enterprise. Then we can view de-

mocracy as a guarantee of free enterprise

and economic liberty and an opportunity

for financial security."


Ferndale has many means of transportation. The

Detroit Street Railway operates street cars between

Ferndale and downtown Detroit. Great Lakes Grey-

hound Lines operates through buses to all points

in the state, stopping in Ferndale, and also has its

suburban line, which operates on a few minutes'

schedule. Grand Trunk Rapid Transit service is

operated between Ferndale and Detroit or Pontiac.

D.S.R. buses operate on Woodward Avenue, Eight

Mile Road, Nine Mile Road, Livernois Avenue,

Pinecrest Avenue, and Marshall Street, as well as

special wartime service to the industrial section.

aw ormiALS

Mayor, Carl W. Forsythe; Commissioners, Ar-

thur F. Bartlett, Arthur J. Capstraw, George F.

Kline and Harold B. Wilcox; City Manager, Jay F.

Gibbs; Clerk, T. H. O'Donoghue; Treasurer, W.

A. Laking; Attorney, Orph C. Holmes; Engineer,

Roy F. Goodspeed; Assessor, Roy F. Goodspeed;

Sealer of Weights and Measures, George W. Martin;

Health Officer, Dr. C. A. Mooney; Superintendent

of Department of Public Works, Charles Knechtel;

Building Inspector, Roy G. Tilden; Plumbing In-

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ZaUey Zna. and Mfft. 3a,

IT isn't just the size nor the quantity

of the product that determines its

importance in war production.

If this were so, one Ferndale manufac-

turer, Easley Engineering and Manufac-

turing Company, would be far down the

ladder. Butexactly the opposite is true.

While many of Ferndale's industrials

are building big machines needed to

carry on the war, and turning them out

in huge quantities, Easley Engineering is

just as busy with items of atom-like size.

But they are just as important and vital

to the war production program.

One of the Easley products is measured

in hundredths of a gram, so delicate and

exacting are the requirements for per-

fection. They are special weights and are

used by aircraft manufacturers. The de-

gree of perfection demanded is demon-

strated by the fact that a tiny piece of

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aluminum but a quarter-inch square and

a bare 20,000th of an inch in thickness,

would throw the weight from one end

of its limits clear out of range. Even

moisture from handling will affect them.

Creation of products with such exact-

ing specifications calls for craftsmen of

utmost skill and temperament, says May-

nard M. Easley, who owns and operates

the company. Patience and pride in per-

fection is another essential in building

these special weights. This is evident by

daily production figures of one man, who

in a full day's work can produce but six

of these tiny weights. The Easley com-

pany also manufactures special tools, all

of which have stringent specifications.

Before starting his present company he

was engaged in building thermostati-

cally-controlled temperature tanks for

photographic developing.


TWO precision machinery craftsmen,

J. Earl Hepler and Alfred B. Ward,

with a background of experience gained

in two of Ferndale's larger industries,

nearly a year ago established Bousfield

and Company, at 239 East Nine Mile

Road, to produce materials for war

equipment manufacturers.

Today the company's greatly-expanded

force of highly-trained precision experts

are engaged nearly 24 hours a day, seven

days a week, fulfilling contracts with

manufacturers throughout the east and


Both Mr. Hepler and Mr. Ward, part-

ners in Bousfield and Company, were

formerly with Earl A. Thompson Manu-

facturing Company and N. A. Wood-

worth Company, where they were en-

gaged in precision grinding and tool


Propn>t of Skill



MACHINES, like men, often

break down.

A disabled machine can cripple

an entire production line just as

much as an absent worker inter-

rupts the flow of vital war goods.

Ferndale, home of many indus-

tries, has a corps of "doctors of

machinery," experts in curing the

ills of production-weary machines.

Punch Press Repair Corpora-

tion is an organization specializ-

ing in machinery repair and main-

tenance. The company is headed

by its president and founder,

Percy Boyd, who designed and

built the nearly all-glass building

at 1975 Hilton Road, considered

a model plant. Directing opera-

tions with Mr. Boyd is Robert

Wright, vice-president and gen-

eral manager.

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Mr. Boyd and Mr. Wright

with their crews of machinists,

repairmen and mechanics, all

highly trained through the years

in handling punch presses and

other equipment, large and small,

are on the go all the time. They

are summoned to nearly all the

major plants in Detroit when ma-

chines break down, for Punch

Press Repair is regarded highly

in the industry for "operations"

on mechanical patients.

It is not only Detroit and Fern-


dale manufacturers who call them, for

one day there may be an urgent plea

from Traverse City, somewhere in Illinois

the next, or from a plant in New York

or Connecticut. If, at times, these menders

of metal are unable to leave to repair a

broken machine halfway across the coun-

try, the parts are shipped here for re-

building in the Punch Press Repair "hos-

pital" for disabled equipment.

Some of the equipment serviced is tre-

mendous, weighing many tons, which

have to be handled carefully in the tall,

window-lined "operating room" where

machines are repaired. The room is 34

feet high and 50 by 100 feet, and has

more than 3,000 panes of glass. The tools

and equipment used are multiple, just as

in a hospital operating room. The finest

and most delicate instruments are re-

quired even though the "patient" weighs

several tons. Daylight is much more sat-

isfactory for this type of work, says Mr.

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Boyd, and that is why he designed his

building of glass, for it enhances effi-

ciency in either repairing crippled ma-

chinery or building new presses.

The company not only is engaged in

this vital emergency repair work from

one section of the country to another but

also is a designer and a builder of impor-

tant machines. Unlike the majority of

manufacturing plants which have to re-

tool equipment for each new job, Punch

Press Repair never has that problem.

The company's equipment is tooled for

any job, whether in peace or war. It must

befor nearly every task these experts

are given provides a different problem.

Mr. Boyd and Mr. Wright have been

in punch press repair and maintenance

business many years, and formerly were

located in Detroit. They erected this

model Ferndale plant more than three

years ago because the location speeded

up their emergency service and minutes

are precious today when every machine

hour means so much to the men in the

armed forces.



*7Ue WeAAxm Go+nfLO+uf,

THE Wesson Company originated 20

years ago in a small garage in De-


Today its modern factory in Ferndale

provides 20,000 square feet of manufac-

turing space and houses some 200 em-


The business of the Wesson Company

has been, and still is, the design and

manufacture of special high-speed cut-

ting tools of high production steel, ce-

mented carbide and other hard alloy cut-

ting tools.

In 1941 the company was reorganized

with Ray Smith as president, Frank W.

Archer, Jr., as vice-president, and W. B.

Duncan as general manager. These men,

thoroughly experienced in the machine

and tool industry, have pioneered some

of the most important developments in

cutting tool design, manufacture and

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The company's facilities are concen-

trated on the engineering, design and

manufacture of carbide cutting tools,

with particular thought to their applica-

tion in the aviation motor industry. An-

ticipating the wider use of lighter weight

alloys and the resultant need for new

methods of cutting these tougher alloys,


The Wesson Company developed carbide

cutting tools that have revolutionized

metal cutting, particularly in the manu-

facturing of aircraft motors.

Outstanding Wesson accomplishment

is the recent complete tooling-up of an

airplane manufacturing plant from start

to finish with carbide cutting tools. This

was the first complete installation of its


The results have been gratifying in the

speed with which tough, hard alloys are

cut, the closer tolerances achieved with

the new tools, the decreased waste of

critical materials and the higher percent-

age of finished work that is acceptable

after the most critical inspection.

The company engineers are now work-

ing on new tools for forged aluminum

heads for aircraft engines. That, in it-

self, is another example of how Wesson

is developing faster and lower-cost meth-

ods in producing aviation motors. It typi-

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fies, too, the determined manner in which

Wesson engineers approach a new prob-


There seems to be no question of "can

we do it?" They assume they can . . .

and exercise ingenuity and research to

perfect the new tools and new methods.

Research has enabled Wesson to use

non-critical materials in some tools, thus

releasing critical materials for other war

needs. A staff of engineers is maintained

by Wesson to anticipate the needs of in-

dustry for cutting tools that will reduce

costs and produce better products.

These engineers are specialists in the

application of cutting tools of all kinds,

and carbide tools in particular. Their

services are available to any manufac-

turer in the improvement of metal cut-

ting methods and equipment. American

industry has taken advantage of this en-

gineering service to solve many a "tough"


The Wesson Company's plant at 1220

Woodward Heights Boulevard was built

in April, 1941.


HAVING manufactured steel garage

doors for the last eight years,

Tilt-A-Door Corporation today is en-

gaged in finishing of metal parts for


Tilt-A-Door Corporation, designer

and builder of the patented all-metal

garage overhead door, which operates

without tracks or springs, began opera-

tions in Detroit in 1935. Two years later

the company acquired property here at

503 East Nine Mile Road and purchased

a building with about 4,000 square feet

of floor space.

In 1940 the company expanded its

operations, adding a line of steel kitchen

cupboard doors and just recently moved

its offices from Highland Park to Fern-


Operations are directed by Wesley A.


PROFIT-SHARING between man-

agement and labor will go a long

way toward curing the ills of the indus-

trial world, in the opinion of Fred G.

Coxen, founder and president of Excelda

Manufacturing Company, whose indus-

trial, automotive and household chemical

specialties are known throughout the


While recognizing profit-sharing as a

vital factor in maintaining business sta-

bility, Mr. Coxen also is aware that only

under continuance of the American sys-

tem of free enterprise can business suc-

ceed, either for its owners in the form of

earnings, or for its employees in the form

of wages or sharing of profits.

Mr. Coxen is no romanticist nor theor-

ist. He has no patience with either. Imagi-

nation and ability, plus a large portion

of hard work, win his respect. He has his

own ideas and is an individualist. Like

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so many other successful men in business

today, Mr. Coxen took advantage of the

freedom of action which our country

grants us and started his own business.

But he didn't do it overnight, but had

prepared himself for years so that he

would be ready when the proper time


In the late '20s, when lacquering of

auto bodies was being introduced, Mr.

Coxen, who was then in the electrical

business, became interested in developing

formulae of various kinds, usually in

waxes and polishes. This was done eve-

nings in his home when his day's work

was over.

Convinced that he had developed an

auto polish cleaner to a state of perfec-


tion, Mr. Coxen decided the time had ar-

rived to launch his venture. He located

in Ferndale. Days he was busy selling his

product to dealers. Nights he and his

family made and packaged the cleaner

to fill the orders Mr. Coxen had obtained

during the day.

Orders increased and the company was

forced to expand. A small building was

erected on West Marshall Street. In 1934

a second building was needed and three

years later a third. The business

flourished as Excelda products gained

fame. The company was producing as

many as 34 different products for differ-

ent firms under their own trade names.

Sales and distribution offices were estab-

lished in New York, Chicago and Cleve-


The demand for Excelda products

crossed the oceans of the world and or-

ders came from England, India, Switzer-

land, Singapore, South Africa and South

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America. So great was the volume from

the 19 outlets in South America that the

company printed catalogues in Spanish.

Excelda was preparing to establish

plants in England and South America

when Pearl Harbor was attacked. Expan-

sion plans for civilian production were

immediately shelved and Excelda offered

its services to the chemical warfare divi-

sion of the U. S. Army and now is pro-

ducing certain vital chemicals.

Determined to devote its entire facili-

ties to the war program, Excelda last

November absorbed the Ferndale Man-

ufacturing Company, precision tool pro-

ducers, and operates it as the machine

products division of Excelda, with T. W.

Hockett as vice-president in charge. This

unit is producing precision tools, jigs and

fixtures and production parts for plants

engaged in building the tools of war.

Excelda also is manufacturing waxes for

use in planes and other military equip-


Mr. Coxen's two sons, Fred A. and

Douglas G., have followed their father

into the business, in fact they were in it

when high school students, and will

maintain the traditions established by

the company's founder, that profit-shar-

ing with key employees is one answer to

the industrial world's problems.


IN 1919, a year after Ferndale was in-

corporated as a village, S. J. Kaltz

and his brother, Edward, established the

Kaltz Fuel & Supply, Inc., first coal and

builders' supply dealers in Ferndale.

There were no buildings near the

Kaltz yards at 730 East Nine Mi'e Road,

nothing but ferns, sand and lowland.

The company had one team when it

was started. In 1923 the first motor truck

was acquired. By 1926 the last team had

given way to motor transport. A few

years ago the company eliminated the

building supply line and now specializes


A definite example of the freedom of

enterprise, which makes it possible for

Americans to freely choose their life's

work, is shown in the career of Ralph L.

Ricketts, who

owns and oper-

ates the Ferndale

Gage Company,

at 1701 East

Nine Mile Road.

In June, 1928,

Mr. Ricketts,

having selected

the precision tool

business as his

vocation, entered

Henry Ford Trade School. After finish-

ing his course there he completed his

training at River Rouge.

When war came, Mr. Ricketts, having

acquired some machinery and set it up in

the garage at the rear of his Ferndale

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home, decided to tool the machinery to

war use. His workmanship and skill

brought immediate orders. Soon it was

necessary to employ more help and seek

larger quarters and acquire more ma-


R. L. R!kan


Though its facilities are engaged in

100 per cent war production for prime

contractors, De Ray Tool Company at

23225 Woodward Avenue already is

planning for the

return of peace-

time production.

The company,

which is owned

by Ray A. Harris,


high-speed preci-

sion tools and is

a substantial pro-

ducer of small

parts. Mr. Harris,

a member of the American Society of

Technical Engineers, has had 18 years of

experience in the tool manufacturing

business as a precision tool maker. His

training and background also include

tool designing and plant management.

De Ray Tool was established here in

July, 1942, locating its manufacturing

plant at 22061 Woodward Avenue. Soon

it became necessary to seek larger quar-

ters and shortly after the turn of the year

the company moved to its new location.

Roy A. Harr!


A home workshop, set up to pursue a

woodworking hobby, has developed into

the outstanding cabinet manufacturing

company in Ferndale.

Bennett Woodcraft today is the result

of that home workshop, which had its

origin in the home of Elijah C. Miller a

few years ago. Russell A. Bennett, a

friend and neighbor, spent considerable


VIRTUALLY unknown two years

ago, Suprex Gage Company has pro-

gressed not only to one of Ferndale's

leading industries but to one of the larg-

est manufacturers of precision gages, taps

and cutting tools in the country. Presi-

dent of Suprex is Mr. N. A. Woodworth,

who is also president of N. A. Wood-

worth Company.

Suprex personnel in July, 1942, moved

into its modern new homethe result

of a $750,000 expansion program. The

machine tool and plant equipment in-

ventory was balanced to meet the require-

ments of a carefully planned production

schedule, and each machine was selected

with a view to quality and the nature of

the task that was expected of it.

For inspection purposes the very latest

in optical and precision instruments has

been the goal. High-power instruments

are used to check the gage surfaces for

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flaws, the leads of thread gages, and so

on. Comparators are used to check the

angles and shapes of threads, clearances,

and other important parts of gages of all


One of the features of the Suprex plant

is the final finishing and inspection in the

"temperature control" room, where a

constant temperature of 68 to 70 degrees

is maintained, winter and summer. In

this room various gages are finished to

limits as close as 20 millionths (0.00002)

of an inch.


COVER DESIGN of this book com-

memorating the twenty-fifth anni-

versary of Ferndale is from the studios

of Stuart A. Friedrich, Lincoln High

School graduate, who operates one of

the leading commercial art studios in


Mr. Friedrich was business manager of

his class in 1929 at Lincoln high, where

he majored in commercial art. He spent

six years in art studios in Detroit before

opening his own studios in 1934 at 3105

East Grand Boulevard, where more than

half the third floor is required for his

firm's operations.

Studios of Stuart A. Friedrich have

been converted practically 100 percent

to war work, with the firm doing busi-

ness principally with their former peace-

time clients, as well as other prominent

national advertisers.

Mr. Friedrich, who is a former director

of the Adcraft Club of Detroit, is mar-

ried and has two children.



EVERY 33 hours for the last 25 years

a new home has been erected in

Ferndaledefinite proof that this city is

a community of home-owning, home-

loving citizens. Today there are more

than 6,500 homes here, of which more

than 75 percent are occupied by the own-

ers, a testimonial to Ferndale as the best

place to own a home. Fine schools for

the children, many churches and a mod-

ern, convenient shopping and business

section all contribute to Ferndale's at-

tractiveness as the finest place to build

and own a home.


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GutuUHtfUcun Jb>uuf Stated,

TWELVE years ago, when the busi-

ness depression was engulfing thou-

sands of business establishments through-

out the nation, Nate S. Shapero, presi-

dent of Cunningham Drug Stores, had

the foresight to see a greater Ferndale.

Operating with the vision and plan-

ning that has marked the success of the

Cunningham chain of fine drug stores in

Michigan, Cunningham's opened the

Ferndale store on May 1, 1931, at its

present location, the southwest corner of

Woodward Avenue and Nine Mile Road.

From the opening day, when the new

store was jammed with well-wishers and

customers, the judgment of the company

has been vindicated. One reason for the

instant and continuing success has been

the management's policy of giving the

same fine service available in all its stores

and offering the same high-class mer-

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Two years ago, so popular had the

store become with Ferndale residents, it

was necessary to expand. The floor space

was doubled and the personnel was more

than doubled to handle the growing vol-

ume of business. Today the Cunningham

store is acknowledged to be the finest

drug store in Ferndale.


VISUALIZING Ferndale as the fast-

est-growing community in this area,

the Central Appliance & Furniture Com-

pany opened a large store, fully-stocked

with nationally-advertised products, here

in July, 1939.

Specializing particularly in household

appliances, the operators of the business

were able to meet the demands placed

upon them by the steadily mounting pop-

ulation and the construction of hundreds

of new homes.

Under the direction of the associate

managers, Morris Brose and Marvin Car-

ter, Central Appliance has moved to the

front as an appliance store of unusual

qualities. It is located at 198 West Nine

Mile Road.


ALL furniture and furnishings for a

.coast-to-coast hotel chain is supplied

by a Ferndale firm, the Grand Rapids

Outfitting Company, which operates one

of the finest retail furniture stores in the

North Woodward section.

The company chose Ferndale as its lo-

cation only after a careful study of nearby

communities. That the judgment of its

owners was not misplaced has been

shown in its constant increases in retail

sales throughout Ferndale and its neigh-

boring communities.

Contributing to the success of the busi-

ness here have been Mrs. M. A. Mattice,

popular manager, and her assistant, R.

W. Jervis. The store is owned by Earl R.

Milner, nationally-known hotel operator.


home of State Pack-

ing House Market, the

largest independently -

operated super food mar-

ket in Michigan.

The business was orig-

inally established on

Seven Mile Road, Detroit,

in 1925, by two brothers,

William and Phil Rossen.

They handled only high-

class meats. Among their

customers were many

Ferndale and Pleasant

Ridge residents who

urged them to establish a store here.

In 1929 the Rossen brothers opened a

store with 20 feet frontage on West Nine

Mile Road. They had two employees.

The business prospered and three years

later the brothers added 20 feet more to

their frontage and installed a grocery

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department. They discontinued the De-

troit store in 1932.

This expansion was insufficient to

handle the growing business and in 1934

the Rossen brothers acquired the pres-


U^H ^z*zT


1 h .. i^^fl


ent site and in 1937 erected a modern

food market 80 by 120 feet.

The business has grown through the

years, one of the principal reasons being

that State Packing always has featured

champion prize-winning beef and other

meats acquired at livestock shows and

4-H Club expositions. In the new loca-

tion baked goods, groceries, fresh fruits,

vegetables, etc., were added to complete

the super market service. About 70 em-

ployees are required to serve customers.


SERVICING of autos has been recog-

nized by the government as essen-

tial to the war effort and this is particu-

larly true in a war production area,

according to Fern-Wood Chevrolet, Inc.,

one of the foremost agencies in Ferndale.

Taking care of autos is more important

now than ever before, the company exec-

utives say, in urging motorists not to

postpone any needed servicing.

Fern-Wood Chevrolet is owned by T.

T. Russell and Howard J. Stock, who

established the company here in March,

1938. Prior to locating here, Mr. Russell

had spent 15 years traveling throughout

the country in the insurance business.

Mr. Stock's background includes 15

years in the auto business as salesman,

sales manager and in other executive ca-




MORE than four years ago William

O. Rienacker realized Ferndale

was the most advantageous location for

his manufacturing business, then located

in Detroit.

Doing business with motor car manu-

facturers in Detroit and other manu-

facturers throughout this country and

abroad, Mr. Rienacker discovered that

Ferndale was more accessible to the auto

plants than any location he had consid-

ered. All industrial points in Detroit and

the state could be reached quickly and

with a minimum loss of time from here.

Rienacker Industries was established

in 1933 as the Dentool Products Com-

pany. This at the depth of the depression,

and the founder and owner of the busi-

ness was able to give employment to

skilled workers when there was little

work to do. Four years ago the company's

name was changed to Rienacker Indus-

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tries. The company produces various pro-

duction items and jigs, as well as fixtures.

It also has developed special gages. In

May of last year the company completed

the erection of its new building at 2035

Hilton Road, and got into production


Before transferring from Detroit the

company had converted its operations for

wartime production before Pearl Har-

bor. Mr. Rienacker, who is a graduate

mechanical engineer, has had a long and

successful career in the engineering and

manufacturing business.


FROM far-off Texas and from the gas

fields of central Michigan comes nat-

ural gas to serve Ferndale's homes and


Pipelines connecting Ferndale with the

great gas fields of the Texas Panhandle

and with Michigan's own natural gas

producing centers were completed in

1942, in accordance with arrangements

between the Panhandle Eastern Pipeline

Company and the Consumers Power

Company. The latter company provides

natural gas service in Ferndale and in

many other Michigan communities.

All the industrial, commercial and

household jobs formerly done by manu-

factured gas have been taken over by

natural gas. War Production Board re-

strictions have postponed the time when

the new fuel will be available for all the

additional jobs which industry may wish

to give it, or for additional household

tasks such as house-heating. But the fact

that Ferndale has natural gas service, and

that this service has the resources of Texas

and Michigan behind it, fortifies the city's

wartime position and constitutes another

assurance of its continued development

in peacetime.



tyebndcUe lioamdt oj Commence

THE Ferndale Board of Commerce

enters 1943the most important

year in its long career equipped and

ready to meet and solve the mounting

problems of a city engaged in all-out war

production and participation.

Twenty-five years ago, when Ferndale

was preparing to become a village, busi-

ness men took an active part in the fram-

ing of the village

charter. This was

the Boosters'

Club, which

formed the nuc-

leus for a board

of commerce a

few years later.

In 1937, board

of commerce ac-

tivity, which had

subsided during

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the depression years, was revived when

business leaders re-formed and incorpo-

rated the Ferndale Board of Commerce.

From then until January, 1942, voluntary

efforts on the part of civic-minded busi-

ness leaders accounted for many activi-

ties, one of which was the building and

awarding of the Ferndale model home.

As 1942 dawned, the board retained

the full-time services of an executive

secretary and assistant, established a full-

time office and embarked upon a diversi-

fied program of service. It was two-fold

Thomat H. Ealoud

in design; one, to enlarge and improve

the facilities in the business section; the

second, to better serve the war effort by

assisting Ferndale's fine industries in

their many complex war production

problems. To accelerate the service, the

Roaqrt N. Tnruar

DaA!p C. BroMu

executive secretary was officially named

co-adminstrator for war transportation

for industries.

This service has included such duties

as the placing of 3,500 vital war workers

in the homes of patriotic residents for

the duration. The board assisted in set-


Harry Pnrpy

Mourn. F Col.


ting up war transportation committees in

the larger plants and established one com-

mittee to service all the small plants for

all gasoline rationing problems. Hun-

dreds of other

tasks have been

handled for the


The board

sponsored an ex-

pansion of park-

ing lot facilities

in its program

for the business

section. Other

plans have nec-

essarily been shelved but, when condi-

tions permit, will be revived with new

and greater vigor.

HaraAy S. raoqt

Officers of the Board of Commerce are:

President, Thomas H. Ealand, owner,

Ferndale Theatre; vice-presidents, Mau-

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rice F. Cole, Circuit Court Commissioner;

David C. Brown,

school recrea-

tional director;

Harry Purdy,

president, Fastcut

Tool Co.; Robert

N. Turner, pres-

ident, Turner

Gauge Grinding

Co.; secretary,

Harvey S. Jacobs,

executive secre-

tary Board of Commerce; treasurer, Wal-

ter A. Williams, owner, Williams Bet-

ter Stores.

Waltar A. W!ll!am

(Coat!auep ou page 92)


Jay F. O!bb

N. A. WooMporth

H.ury ft.!chhold

C. 8. D.VI!.g

K.un.ih L. Clark

Thoma R. Bo"nar

Fraukl!u Fr!kar

Earl A. Thomptou



McCAUL Lumber and Coal Com-

pany in Ferndale on March 1,

1921, establishing its main office at 22620

Woodward Avenue. Its sheds and rail-

road siding is located at Parent and Main

Streets, Royal Oak. It is the oldest retail

establishment operating here on its orig-

inal capital and original stockholder,

Fred A. McCaul being secretary, treas-

urer and manager.

The company carries the largest stock

of lumber, builders' sup-

plies, builders' hardware,

paint and coal in Oak-

land County, all kept

under cover in sheds on

both sides of its two-

block-long private rail-

road siding. McCaul was

the first lumber yard in

the state to offer window

displays of its products.

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The people of Ferndale

will tell you, says Mr.

McCaul, that when you




want exactly what you buy, expect it

delivered when promised at prices that

are always reasonable, just call on Mr.



HAVING operated restaurants in the

larger cities of the middlewest for

30 years, George L. Williams selected

Ferndale as the location for a new type

of dining servicethe food car.

The Ferndale S. and C. Coffee Car was

opened in 1935. It was an instant success,

the service, food and price attracting pa-

trons who appreciated good food, neatly

and speedily served at reasonable prices.

After two years of operating here, Mr.

Williams opened another S. and C. Coffee

Car in Royal Oak. Both cars are under

management of his son, G. S. Williams.




Outstanding variety store in Ferndale's

growing shopping area, Neisner Bros.

Nine Mile Road store has been register-

ing yearly sales increases since its open-

ing here in May, 1937.

This outlet of the nationally-famed

Neisner Chain, under the direction of its

manager, Irwin Friedman, operates on a

policy of giving employment preference

to local residents. Every effort is made

to employ. Ferndale residents, and many

high school graduates have obtained their

first business experience with the Neisner


The store features a complete stock of

merchandise usually not available in its

price bracket and, as a result, has at-

tracted an ever-increasing patronage. Its

better-type merchandise, attractive dis-

plays of goods, plus the flavor of local

personnel, have contributed largely to the

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success of the store.


The old-time photographs of Ferndale are from

the collection of H. Edwin Rowley, of 4152 Ken-

more Road, Berkley. Mr. Rowley took the majority

of pictures of the city's progress in the early 70s

while a student at Lincoln High School. The pub-

lishers are grateful to Mr. Rowley for making it

possible to reproduce these old prints.

Having seen the population of Fern-

dale increase more than tenfold in the 22

years he has been in business here, Wal-

ter A. Williams, pioneer merchant,

visions a Fern-

dale of more

than 60,000 pop-

ulation in the

next score of


In 1921, Mr.

Williams, then

operating two

drygoods stores

in Detroit, estab-

lished a store *E- w!iitaim

here on Woodward Avenue north of the

Nine Mile Road. In 1924 he opened a

new store on West Nine Mile Road with

a frontage of 90 feet.

By 1932 Mr. Williams had disposed of

his two Detroit stores to devote all his

time to the Ferndale operation. In 1936

a men's department was added. Though

Mr. William keeps in daily touch with

the business, his son, Robert E., is presi-

dent of Williams Better Stores and di-

rects the operations.


FIFTEEN years ago, Albert Steinbaugh

viewed Ferndale as a thriving com-

munity and established his undertaking

business here. In 1937 he moved to his

present location at 23257 Woodward

Avenue, where the finest in service is


Among the services offered is a chapel

with a seating capacity of 250 people.



























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THE outstanding photographic studio

in Michigan is located in Ferndale

at Woodward and Woodland Avenues.

Operated by Herman F. Barth, the studio

was the scene last year of the Michigan

Photographers' Association convention.

Mr. Barth established the Barth Studio

at 158 West Nine Mile Road in April,

1928. He is recognized as the outstand-

ing photographer in this section and

every senior class since 1929 has been

photographed by Barth.

He is a former member of the Board

of Education, past president of the Ki-

wanis Club, and was one of the organ-

izers of the Ferndale Camera Club. Mr.

Barth is a director of the Detroit Portrait

Photographers' Association.

Barth Studio supplied many of the

photographs of Ferndale's churches,

schools and public buildings used in this


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radio city theatre

NEWEST and largest Ferndale thea-

tre, the Radio City Theatre, in ad-

dition to featuring high-class entertain-

ment from the Hollywood studios, also

is used for public gatherings. The theatre

was built in 1936 by William J. Schulte

and has the best movie equipment obtain-

able. It seats 1,485 persons. The theatre

is managed by Harry W. Hicks.


OLDEST lumber yard in Ferndale,

Ferndale Lumber & Coal Company,

at East Nine Mile Road and the Grand

Trunk Railroad, was first established in

May, 1920, as the Ferndale Lumber and

Supply Company.

The plant, which covers three and one-

half acres, features only the best obtain-

able lumber, interior finishes, builders'

supplies, coal and coke. The company is

owned and managed by E. R. Regan, who

assumed control of the company in Sep-

tember, 1931.


IARGEST Ferndale restaurant and

4 one of the pioneer eating-places in

the city is the Rialto Cafe, on Woodward

Avenue just south of Nine Mile Road.

The restaurant was opened August 2,

1926, by Alex Kelingos and Basil The-

son, who came here from Detroit.

The original restaurant had a seating

capacity of 40 diners. Two expansions

were necessary because of the volume of

business. Now upwards of 200 can be

accommodated. The Rialto is the scene

of luncheon club gatherings, banquets,

weddings and parties.


!Nua Wila Roap Butiauu Sa>tiou


THE Ferndale Gazette celebrates its

silver anniversary the same year as

the City of Ferndale.

Twenty-five years ago this June, the

Ferndale Enterprise made its debutthe

first newspaper in the then village of

Ferndale. In 1923, The Ferndale Gazette

presented its first edition.

Both papers flourished and grew with

the community. In 1935, Sam McGuire

purchased The Gazette and a year later

he acquired The Enterprise. The Fern-

dale Gazette Publishing Company, a cor-

poration, was organized.

For a few years both papers were pub-

lishedThe Enterprise on Mondays and

The Gazette on Thursdays. The Gazette

became a paid-circulation newspaper at

that time.

The Gazette is the only newspaper

owned and operated exclusively in and

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for the people of Ferndale, Pleasant

Ridge and Oak Park by residents of

these communities.



Essman-Caldwell Printing Company

operates one of the most modern print-

ing and binding plants at 925 West

Nine Mile Road.



American Legion Post No. 330

American Legion Auxiliary

American Red Cross

Beacon Light Council

Boy Scouts of America

B. P. O. Elks

Caledonian Club

Camp Fire Girls

Canadian Legion

Catalpa Club

Daughters of America

Daughters of Canada

Daughters of St. George

Disabled American Veterans

Disabled American Veterans Auxiliary

Ferndale Business and Professional Women's Club

Ferndale Camera Club

Ferndale Companion Rebeccas

Ferndale Community Council

Ferndale Exchange Club

Ferndale Garden Club

Ferndale Goodfellows

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Ferndale Home Guards

Ferndale Kiwanis Club

Ferndale Memorial Association

Ferndale Republican Club

Ferndale Rotary Club

Ferndale Stamp Club

Ferndale Teachers' Club

Ferndale Veterans' Association

Ferndale Women's Club

Free and Accepted Masons

Girl Reserves1942

Girl Scouts

Hi-Y Club

Hoosier Club

Independent Order of Oddfellows

Junior AuxiliaryAmerican Legion Auxiliary

Junior AuxiliaryDisabled American Veterans

Lincoln High School Alumni

Liggett Farms Improvement Association

Metropolitan Club

Metropolitan Club Auxiliary

Mothers of Men in Service

Navy Mothers of Southern Oakland County

Oak Park Women's Club

Order of Eastern Star

Parent-Teacher Council

Pennsylvania Club

Protected Home Circle

Safety Patrol Boys

Sons of Legionnaires

The Maccabees

Theta Ro Girls

University of Michigan Alumni

Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 1407

Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary

Waverley' Society

White Shrine of Jerusalem

Women's Christian Temperance Union


(Cout!uued from page 86)

Industrial Board of Control directors

are: Chairman, Jay F. Gibbs, Ferndale

city manager; N. A. Woodworth, pres-

ident, N. A. Woodworth Company;

Henry Reichhold, founder, Reichhold

Chemicals, Inc.; Kenneth L. Clark, pres-

ident, Forging and Casting Corp.; C. B.



350 Fair Ave., Elm 6922


1101 Wanda St., Elm 6900


650 East Troy Ave., Elm 6180


1915 Burdette, Elm 6146


481 East Nine Mile, Elm 6587


23414 Woodward Ave., Li 2-0060


239 East Nine Mile, Elm 6799


22925 Woodward Ave., Elm 6917


430 West Eight Mile, Li 2-1390


1705 East Nine Mile, R.O. 7800


23225 Woodward Ave., Elm 6886

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243 East Nine Mile, Elm 6265


1966 Burdette, Elm 6266


1600 Bonner Ave., Elm 6345


1600 West Eight Mile, R.O. 6940


171 West Marshall, Elm 6732


2525 Hilton Ave., Elm 6262


1701 East Nine Mile, Elm 6616


1101 Wanda Ave., Elm 6900


255 East Nine Mile, R.O. 0962


3262 Hilton Ave., Elm 6348


22857 Woodward Ave., Elm 6533


380 Fair Ave., Elm 6130


523 West Nine Mile, Li 2-5440


1111 East Eight Mile, Elm 6100


523 West Nine Mile, Elm 6290


2421 Wolcott Ave., Li 2-5140


1301 Jarvis, Elm 6850


220 LaPrairie, Elm 6753


310 Livernois Ave., Elm 6097


1956 Burdette Ave., Elm 6590


1975 Hilton Rd., Elm 6930


601 Woodward Heights, Elm 6500


2035 Hilton Rd., Elm 6916


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Generated for mbreenbo (University of Michigan) on 2013-02-20 00:44 GMT / http://hdl.handle.net/2027/mdp.39015071338258

Public Domain, Google-digitized / http://www.hathitrust.org/access_use#pd-google

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Generated for mbreenbo (University of Michigan) on 2013-02-20 00:44 GMT / http://hdl.handle.net/2027/mdp.39015071338258

Public Domain, Google-digitized / http://www.hathitrust.org/access_use#pd-google

Generated for mbreenbo (University of Michigan) on 2013-02-20 00:44 GMT / http://hdl.handle.net/2027/mdp.39015071338258

Public Domain, Google-digitized / http://www.hathitrust.org/access_use#pd-google


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