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Food Vegetarian Non vegetarian and Non-violence

My friend asked me some of his difficult questions. He said, "Why you non vegetarian people, kill
and eat flesh of poor creatures? Suppose, instead of creatures; someone kills you for his food; how you
people would like to experience the dyeing pains? Is it right, to kill poor and helpless creatures; just for the
sake of food? There is a vast option, variety of crops; vegetables and fruits are available for food. You, meat
eaters; you are certainly killers and violent people! Do not you people know the importance of word
nonviolence? It means never to kill even a tiny insect as small as an ant! Understanding his emotional
disturbances, kindness, love and feelings for the creatures, I told him the following imaginary story.
(A) Food - There was a man of strict principles. For the sake of good principles, he would sacrifice
anything, if needed; even his own life. He was enjoying every type of food and drink in his life. Once, his
friend asked him the same type of questions. The questions deeply touched; the man of principle's heart.
From that moment, he stopped eating all kind of fleshly foods and became the great preacher of vegetarian
diet. Once, while he was preaching a man in the audience questioned him, "If, only for the sake of saving
creatures lives you became vegetarian, but how about the plants you eat? Science has proved that plants are
also living beings like creatures. Plants are born, they need food, water, air and sunlight to grow, plants
reproduce their own kind, become old and die as well. They do have senses and feelings of pains too! Their
pains are not detectable to human beings. May be in the future, some machine will be able to measure their
pains too!" After hearing this scientific truth, the man of principle stopped taking even vegetarian diet. He
decided to live on only water. Medical Science says without food, man can survive only for several weeks.
Therefore, the man of principle started living on water only. He decided to shorten his own lifetime, for the
(B) Water - Medical Science, with the help of microscope; showed him that, there are countless
microorganisms and bacteria in the water, which are killed by simply drinking the water. Therefore, the man
stopped even water intake! Due to this decision, his lifetime shortened further and was limited for few days.
(C) Air - But even to live for those few days, he had to breathe. Again science revealed him that, by intake
of every breath, we kill thousands of airborne microorganisms, fungi and bacteria. Then the man of principle
stopped his own breathing and died within few minutes. The moment he understood the cause of any killing
or violence, he instantly removed it from his own personal life. Thus, he sacrificed his own life, under the
strong determination of practicing the principles of nonviolence! My story ended. Then I threw my question
punches at him. I asked, "which class will you give; to the death of the man of principle?
(1) Sacrifice for nonviolence. (2) Waste of own life for nonviolence. Explain with reasons! My friend kept
quite. Then I said that was not a sacrifice. Knowing he would die, the man let himself die. Actually it was a
suicide. It was self-killing; a self-violence, self-murder. Even while dying; he killed someone. This time he
killed himself. He not only killed himself but he also killed thousands of living tissues and cells of his own
body and all the parasites, bacteria, fungi etc. living inside his own body. Wasnt it a mass killing and a huge
violence? Made for the sake of, unscientific the false principles of non-violence?
Then I demanded, "Please explain me, what do you people mean by words 'nonviolence' or 'killing?
Then my friend replied, "Because of science, today you know these things. But ancient people's ideas about
nonviolence were different". I said, "People often believe the thoughts spread in the society that ancient

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people were far advanced than people of present world. Therefore, many people just blindly accept or
believe any teachings and propaganda made today in the name of religion, ancient age, ancient culture etc.
They never try to verify the truths and facts hidden inside the history; nor do they try to test and accept the
things in the light of today's advanced science and researches. It is an open secret that, in the present times
science, knowledge and technologies are at their peaks, they were never in ancient ages.
Now for the ancient age believers: - There is a verse ('Shloka') in the ancient Sanskrit Language - "Jivo
Jivasya Jivanam". It clearly meant, "Every living being feeds upon another living being". That is what
we actually see in the nature too! Therefore, I wonder in INDIA, how two opposite thoughts of people came
into existence from ancient times i.e. (1) Non vegetarians (2) Vegetarians.
Actually, non-vegetarian class people eat mixed type of food, vegetables plus flesh. They are not like
carnivorous animals; which live on only flesh. Therefore, actually vegetarian means those are not eating
flesh at all. During recent years in some places, in between above classes enmity started to develop. I read
an article published in the newspaper under the heading "New caste system - Vegetarians and Nonvegetarians" In that article following practices of discrimination are criticized. The discrimination described
is unbelievable.
(1) Some of flesh eaters laugh at vegetarians who miss to eat testiest non-veg. food stuffs. So by making
their fun, name them grass eaters (as if they are like herbivores animals). They consider, vegetarians are
timid, mentally and physically weak, medically anemic and unfit to live as vegetarians are not consuming
healthy, strong, heavy and manly non-vegetarian food.
(2) And some of vegetarians think, flesh eaters are cruel, barbaric, butchers, cannibals, filthy and low class
people. Therefore, some vegetarians never eat or share their food in the company of flesh eaters. Some even
do not like to become neighbors of non-vegetarians. Therefore, in some vegetarian peoples residential
colonies they do not allow flesh eaters, to buy or rent flats. When passing nearby flesh fish markets or by
non-veg. restaurants, orthodox vegetarians close or cover their noses with tissue papers, as if they smelt a
rotten rat. Other orthodox vegetarians show the same reactions, if only they smell or even see any nonvegetarian foodstuffs, in the public dining places, as if they smelt or saw very dirty or unholy thing.
When I was in school, after reading boards on some vegetarian restaurants, I use to wonder, why they all
write "Pure Vegetarian". Is there any "Impure Vegetarian" food too? Instead of writing only single word
"Vegetarian" in the boards of veg. restaurants. Do they need to adding word "Pure" before the word
vegetarian? Now I came to know the actual reason, discrimination and rivalry hidden behind it!
However, some restaurants serve both types of food stuffs. They write in their boards "Veg. and Non-Veg."
or they do not mention anything (food classification) at all. In such restaurants, vegetarians who are liberal
(not orthodox) even do not mind eating on one dining table with flesh eater. Some liberal vegetarian wives
do not mind to cook and serve non-veg. food in their families. What an extreme differences in thinking, in
India! Liberal verses Orthodox?
Medical Science does not differentiate food as per Indian classification (caste?) system. It teaches us that,
both type of eatable food is essential for human body. Excessive eating or even lack of eating, either class
food may become harmful for some individuals. If needed doctor advices some patients to reduce their
fleshly foods and increase vegetarian foods. However to some weak or anemic patients, doctors recommend
eggs and fleshly foods to consume. For the quick recovery from serious accidents and in some prolonged
sickness when patients become too weak in such cases, non-vegetarians food is the best diet. From ancient

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times, until present age, in human treatments, herbal medicines and medicines prepared from some fleshy
organs of some creatures are used all over the world and even in India. So, why should be a discrimination?
It seems, some people with negative religious ideologies must have added emotional values to make the diet
discrimination so serious.
Non-violence - I think wrong interpretation of word "non violence" or inserting of word "violence" in the
kingdom of food may be responsible for this discrimination. However, the above ancient 'Sanskrit Shloka'
has given the clear picture with understanding about food and the lives on earth. Yet it seems, the true'
teaching of the Shloka' is totally forgotten. Unknowingly occurred killings in natural process of life cycles
and killings made for food must not be ranked in the same category as "violence".
How would you classify killing of harmful and disease spreading microorganisms, insects like
mosquitoes, fleas, flies, bed bugs, diseased dogs with rotten wounds, mad street dogs etc. violence or nonviolence? Such killings have to be exempted from the title "violence".
However, unessential killings of creatures, just for fun, just for shooting or hunting can be ranked as
"violence". All over the world, human food includes herbal eatables plus flesh too! I think, the Idea of
vegetarian food might have first developed in ancient Babylon and spread in the ancient world.
In my Bible study, I found, The Idea of vegetarian food or herbal food is in "The Holy Bible".
Concepts of food in Bible - Just after creation, God Almighty, told humans to eat herbal food only (Gen.
1:29). In The Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve were living only on fruits. They started cultivating crops, as a
punishment of labors and hard works, only after they were driven out of Eden Garden. (Gen. 3: 17 to 19).
Here reference of eating flesh is nowhere found! There is no wonder, if people disobey Godly commands or
blew off Godly plans, there are many examples in The Bible itself. So, what food God gave for the
creatures? God gave only the herbal food to every kind of creature, he created on earth (Gen.1:30). Nobody
will believe this verse. On earth, not every creature is herbivorous. There are many carnivorous creatures,
some of the carnivorous creatures, live only on the fleshly foods, example tigers, lions etc. Certainly, they
will die with hunger; without fleshly food but will never eat herbs. Therefore, the above verse in the Bible, is
fake? On the other hand both the verses, are fake (Gen. 1: 29-30)?
Biblical Times - After fall of Adam and Eve, century after centuries, human sins went on increasing. God
had to destroy the whole world by flood. Only righteous Noah's family and pairs of every creature, God
saved in the ark of Noah, for the continuation of life on earth again. Therefore, the creation from Adam to
Noah's floods is termed as first creation and from post floods onwards is termed as second creation. After the
floods, God permitted Noah to include flesh in the food as well (Gen. 9:3). Why?
God promised Noah, that he would not destroy the whole world by water again. Therefore, for the
forgiveness of human sins, God gave laws of animal and bird sacrifices, in the Bible (in the booklet of
Leviticus). It was symbolical to sacrifice of Jesus to follow in future. So eating some portion of flesh; of the
sacrificed creatures; also was symbolical to consuming Jesus' broken body on the cross by the sacrament of
Lord's Supper, for resurrecting perishable bodies of dead humans into imperishable bodies, on the day of
resurrection. Then after the judgment into glorious bodies. With above plans and intentions God might have
included flesh in the food. As per Bible, God created earth and everything on earth only for human beings.
In the period of (first) creation, God created food first, after wards living creatures and lastly human beings.
God planned only herbal food for humans, so it was also the food for all the creatures (Gen. 1: 29 to 30).
There is no record of eating of flesh by humans or by animals in The Bible during that period. However,

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from the starting of (second) creation, God included flesh in the food. Therefore, obviously God changed
many of the creatures into carnivorous and some plants into insectivorous categories too! In order to keep
the existence of each kind of species, most of the carnivorous and flesh eater species started feeding on other
kinds but protected their own kinds. God the creator changes his plans as per the requirements in his times.
In (Gen. 1:29 and 9:3) God gave people every plant for food and later on, every creature for food. Every
kind of food was pure in those periods. However, due to increasing human sins, in due course of time on
earth, poisonous and non-poisonous species (plants and animals) were developed. Therefore, God classified
clean creatures and unclean creatures afterwards. God removed unclean ones from food menu (De. 14: 3 to
21) so both people and creatures came under God made natural rules for their diets. If anyone breaks those
rules, will suffer from diseases or even may lose ones own life. God of plans and purposes works in due
course of his times. In The Bible, a complete booklet of "Ecclesiastics" explains it.
After the major sacrifice of Jesus on the cross, all other sacrifices in the Old Testament stopped in the
times of New Testament. However, eating of flesh available in the markets allowed. Why?
All over the world, in the food, fleshly items are the most popular ones, since they are testier than the
vegetarian items. Even chosen people of Israel rebelled with Moses for meat though God provided them
food of angels "Manna" in the wilderness of Sinai. Therefore, God provided Quail birds too! Just to satisfy
their test. Is meat testier than heavenly Manna? I think now; people in perishable earthly bodies will prefer
meat to Manna. However, the same people after rising from deaths, into imperishable bodies will love
heavenly Manna than earthly meat.
Therefore, even after Jesus' sacrifice, God did not cancel the permission of eating meat given to mankind
nor God changed carnivorous creatures habits. God is creator of life, death and everything; he can allow or
stop any food at any time. He always works with some plans and some purpose. Therefore, human
obedience becomes our part. On earth humans are the center of Cod's every plan and purpose. Other living
beings, nature etc. things are of secondary importance for God in the Bible.
Actual form of non-violence, given in The Bible commandments
(1) You shall not commit murder (Ex. 13: 20). (Bible teaches God created only man in his own image.)
(2) Love others like yourself (Matt. 19:19). (To remove hateful and revengeful nature in the mankind.).
(3) Do not take revenge (Rom. 12: 19) (To grow forgiving attitudes among people) God will take revenge.
(4) The Day of Judgment - God takes revenge of every violence and every wrong did, in his time and in his
ways on the earth (or) God will certainly take revenge on the special day called The day of Judgments.
Therefore, Bible teaches humans not to hate and not to take revenge; but to forgive one another.
These verses, if practiced by every nation and every race, then the "violence" on earth will finish in the true sense.

Therefore as, per Bible, killing of creatures for food is not considered as violence but killing of human
being is surely considered as a 'violence' for the following reasons (1) God created only man in God's own image. No creature/s, plant/s, any type of life form (or) hybrid
living/non-loving thing, resembles God, fully or not even partially.

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(2) God is spirit (John 4:24) therefore, only humans are created with spirit inside them. Like other forms of
life on earth, human sexes do possess bodies, souls and life too! However, spirit is an additional element
from God present in only human beings (first Th. 5:23). Therefore, only human beings are masters on the
earth, when they die; spirit, soul and life go out of their bodies. However, when all other creatures die, only
souls and life goes out of their bodies.
(3) Therefore, theory of reincarnation in some other form of creature / life is not in the Bible too! Bible
preaches that: new birth (in the same body) that is the change in bad attitudes and sin. Bible tells about the
resurrection of only dead humans on the day of resurrection too!
As per Bible predictions, Jesus is coming back to rule the earth for one thousand years. Present world will
be in the period of (second) creation until Jesus returns. In his rule, Jesus (The Second Adam) is going to
restore earth's and every living being's status back to their original forms i.e. like it was in first Adam's
ancient-age. Therefore, the people resurrected from deaths, will be in their imperishable bodies. So human
beings' and all the creatures' food will be only herbal again (Isa. 11: 6 to 9 & 65:25). Jesus rule will be the
only period of perfect non-violence on the earth. Therefore, in the Bible there are the times of violence and
non-violence. In the Bible, there are the times of vegetarian and non-vegetarian diets too! Therefore, no
discrimination in food should be observed in the present times. However, eating too much of food (any
category) is condemned in the Bible too!(Pr. 23:2). Inserting of food category or essential things required
for living life, has nothing to do with the principles like, violence or non-violence,
As per Bible references, it seems; Manna is the only food in heaven. Manna is neither herbal nor fleshly
food. It is a unique food. God provided this heavenly bread to his people in the desert of Sinai for their
perishable bodies to survive on earth. It is again symbolic. Jesus is called bread from heaven as well, just
like Manna. Eating this bread, in Lord's Supper is mandatory to survive spiritually and to gain imperishable
body after death to enter into heaven. Jesus' body gives imperishable body and Jesus' blood washes from all
the sins and purifies the spirits and souls to enter heaven with glorified body. Therefore, Lord's Supper is an
essential sacrament and food as well.
To live on earth, food is essential, to enter in heaven food is essential and in heaven, Manna is a food too!
Therefore, God made provisions of every food before hand, from the times of Genesis to the times of
revelation. Jesus in Lord's Prayer also taught to pray for daily bread. So Christians pray before eating meals.
In Lord's Supper, why Jesus broke bread, served as his body, and served wine as his blood, instead of
serving some actual fleshly foodstuffs, like roasted meat over the fire served in the feast of Passover in The
Old Testament? Why Lords Supper in the New Testament resembles and replaces feast of Pass over?
(1) All over the world, meat is the most popular and highly eatable item in the meals. Bible restricts eating of
more meat. There is no meat in heaven, only Manna is bread in heaven. Jesus is heavenly bread too! Hence
instead of meat Jesus used earthly bread, for the people on earth, as a symbol of heavenly bread and his own
body as well in Lord's Supper (John 6: 51).
(2) All over the world, alcoholic drinks are most popular among the drinks. Wine in the Bible is a soft
fermented drink. As per some Bible references, Bible is not against fermented drinks. Bible approves their
joyous (John. 2: 1 to 11) and Medicinal effects (1Tim. 5:23, Luke 10:34). Bible is mainly against the
drunkenness. Bible strongly condemns only drunkenness (Pr. 23:20). Nasserites were forbidden even to
drink soft wine (Nu. 6: 2 to 3).

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Nevertheless, Drinking of Blood is totally forbidden in The Bible (De. 12:23). However, Blood of Jesus is
the only heavenly purifying substance, for the cleansing of sins, inner spirit and souls of human beings.
Jesus used wine considering wines Red Color (resembles blood). Its Medicinal use (healing). Its Joy after
the removal of sins (joy of purification). Therefore, wine is in the Lord's Supper as symbol of Jesus blood.
(3) Feast of pass over commemorates Journey of Israelis from foreign land of Egypt to the promised land of
Canaan (both countries are on earth). However, Lord's Supper is for an individual's journey from earth to
heaven. Therefore, Lords Supper in the New Testament replaces Passover meal in Old Testament. After
Jesus arrival on earth, for the next journey beyond Canaan i.e. journey towards heaven. Lord's Supper is
heavenly spiritual meal for the people on earth. Jesus paid heavy price on the cross, took many pains and
suffered so much to make it available on earth. Therefore, it is serious, precious and holy meal. Therefore,
blessings are in its properly consuming. Blames and punishments are applicable by improperly consuming.
After one thousand years rule, Jesus will go back to heaven. Thereafter, there will be Day of Judgment.
Then New Heaven, New Earth and New Jerusalem will replace old ones. On The New Earth, for the saved
righteous people, even herbal food will not be there. Therefore, no vegetarian or non-vegetarian food will be
on New Earth. Manna will be the food and the fruits of "Tree of Life" will be there. Adam, Eve and entire
mankind missed an opportunity to eat those fruits, only saved people in imperishable glorious bodies will be
able to eat those fruits and drink from, river of the water of life forever (Rev.22: 1 to 2). These are the
spiritual aspect of earthly and heavenly foods, water and drinks in the Bible.
[ Nevertheless, in India, many people believe in the theory of reincarnation:- After death, getting new life
form in human category (or) in the category of any creature, depending up on good or evil works done in
the previous life cycles. Therefore, with this concept, killing any life form (even for food) has become
violence only. Therefore, in recent times, preaching of vegetarian diet has become one of top agenda in
India. Even though it is contradictory, to above 'Sanskrit Shloka', contradictory to the living styles of many
creatures in the nature, contradictory to Science and Medical needs, contradictory for many non-vegetarians
who are citizens of India or are visitors in India.]
(The Bible Used -"THOMPSON CHAIN-REFERENCE BIBLE - XI" --- "New International Version - vii ")
Author Mr. Anil Pacharne.

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