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What Jesus Has to Say at the Onset of the 21st Century about


Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men. Matthew 4:19
Prove that you are My disciple by showing love.
Come, My children, & forsake fleeting pleasures, having food & raiment, let us therewith be content, learning to
be content in whatsoever state, and find out about the thrills of the REAL winners & champions of the
universe. The kind of happiness that money just cant buy, the bliss of living for love. Find out how much more
blessed it is to give than to receive, how much more fun it can be to be consumed instead of consuming, to be
used by Me, instead of seeking to use others to give you self-confirmation & pats on the back. Why not strive for
a higher goal & wait for a pat on your back from Me: Well, done, thou good & faithful servant: enter thou into the
joy of thy Lord? And oh, what a joy that shall be! The joy will be the greater, the more you are willing to forego
the cheap, fleeting & fake joys of this world. Besides, you will already be able to enjoy glimpses of that heavenly
bliss in this life.
Some people are just looking for an excuse to do what they would really like to do: Quit. Throw in the towel &
say Uncle to the Devil. Get me back into the matrix! I dont want any more of this hard life of faith...
Count the cost, lest you find out in the middle of the road that the price is higher than what you are willing and
able to pay, and you might have to turn around again. Determine whether youre really willing to pay the
maximum price of surrendering all
Many people who said they were going to follow & serve Me went back ashamed, because the price turned out
to be higher than what they had expected.
The first step to becoming My disciple is forsaking all. Matthew 19:29 still applies & works today! I can only give
you a hundred-fold of all you leave & forsake for Me if you actually do so. Forsaking all is never done just once
& for all; its a process that goes on.
Discipleship is more than just making a living for yourselves! It is living for others & bringing Me to them,
salvation and all that youve found in Me.
A missionary is a man or woman who is utterly dedicated and yielded to Me, not holding anything back. Nothing
else matters to them but to give, to pass on that which they have received from Me. They are compelled, driven
by that force, that love unspeakable, peace that passeth the understanding of your mind, My supernatural Spirit.
The love of Christ constraineth them.
A missionary is a picture of utter trust in Me vs. the flesh. They know they are doing My work, and that Im a fair
Boss and Husband, and will never fail to fulfill My part of the deal. They can count on My supply and My
faithfulness to reward the faithful.
A missionary is a picture of true wisdom, for he has seen through the vanity and emptiness of this World, that
its got nothing to give that could ever truly satisfy, and thus they rush forward to fill that aching need in their
fellowman for that only real and lasting treasure that truly satisfies: My Love & Salvation.
A missionary is humble, yet proud. Proud to be working for Me, the King of kings & Lord of lords, doing even
the humblest & lowest & most menial task, just to follow My example in gratitude, and to fill the need.
A missionary does that which no one else would do, what nobody else can do or is willing to do, and thus they
become superhuman. My missionaries are My supermen.
Just like I was raised from the humiliating death on the cross and ascended into the sky in glory and am set at
the right hand of My Fathers throne, so shall My humble missionaries be highly exalted above all men.
They are the rulers of My future. For who else will be worthy? Who else will have the love necessary but those
who have already given their lives in love?
All those who think they are something shall stand in shame in that day when I will exalt those carriers of My
What is a missionary? Theyre all Ive got.
If youre a disciple, a fully grown, mature doer of the Word, then show Me your faith by your works!
Show Me that you are willing and able to sacrifice! Show me that you are willing and able to act on what Im
showing you to do, even if those dearest to you dont understand and think youre making a mistake. Show Me
whose follower you are!

If you want to be My disciple, youre going to have to spend time with Me.

Im calling My chosen ones to Me, constantly, & they have to follow & obey that call, either leaving the rest
behind or bringing them along, according to their choices, but their motives must also be right. Not hitched
on some personal dream they might be having, but to find & follow the radical truth & die for it daily, and
whenever it is required. Its a real life & death battle, not a vacation.
One great requirement of any of My true followers is the willingness to confront themselves, keep book with
their own souls &, if necessary, come to the conclusion, Ive been wrong all along, I must start from scratch!
Toss everything over & start clean slated: Forget your old ideas & attitudes...
If you can see the shape youre in with My eyes, thatll be a good place to start on your way up again.
Discipleship means laying down your life for each other without ever really considering it a sacrifice. It means
that you will prefer doing something WITH somebody else, simply because I have said in My Word that it is
better for you to do so.
A revolution isnt some kind of spare time hobby you can pursue when all the other things have been taken care
Most people wont think favorably of you, if you go & do exactly what I want!
The only thing that brings life is to live the life: being a furious voice for the truth out there everyday, where it
counts, & being a sample of the real thing by laying down your life for the sheep down there every day of your
life, not just talking about it as if it would be some nice thing to do
What will you do with your life? Who are you going to be? Just another half-hearted, lukewarm compromiser,
afraid of what people might think of him, or a true disciple who is not too selfish, not too concerned about his
own wee little life to lay it down for others in the firm belief that Im not a liar, but that My Word is true: there ARE
sheep out there right now who are starving for My love, and I will hold you accountable for each & every one of
them that was there in your power to reach & find, but you would not because you were too selfish, too
occupied with your own little affairs & too concerned what people might think about you.
Will you be a loser, who was too afraid to look like a loser in the Systems eyes & thus compromised & danced
according to their fiddle? Another sheep, howling with the wolves? Or will you be a winner, one of the few rare
true conquerors who, by being willing to appear as the seeming losers, overcame this World & will shine like the
stars forever & ever?
If its this life you put your money on, go on. I will not condemn you. The sheep you have failed & will yet fail to
find will condemn you some day. Why didnt you obey your Lord & why did you never go out to find us?
The sacrificial option, the option of laying down your life for Me, of taking up your cross, the option of truly
denying yourself & your own desires, that's the only option that truly results in life.
When I'm putting before you an option to do the absolutely radical, contrary-to-all-your-rational-reasoning thing,
how radical are you? How sold out for Me are you? How willing to really say "Yes!" to Me without reservations?
Usually, time & history have proven that the harder way was the more fruitful way. What if I had not chosen to
take My Father's cup & not gone the hard way? My Father could not even have sent the Comforter, because it
was expedient for My flesh to go away, so that My Spirit could come. Even so, it is expedient for you that your
flesh should be crucified & mortified, so that the Spirit might come to life in you.
The hour has come that I'm asking you to take up your cross. Are you ready for it? Have you been wasting your
time & letting your spiritual muscles become all lax & weak, or have you been preparing, so that when I would
call you, you would be ready?
Nobody ever said that dying daily would be fun or easy.
If you've been freed from the Matrix, "unplugged", saved, your life is a constant war against the agents of the
Devil, & often you don't feel like fighting at all, & you feel like, "Plug me back in! I don't want to fight! Give me
some kind of lie or half-truth, so that I can live in peace again, so that I don't have to fight this ugly war
That's why some of the most deluded people in the World are Christians, people who have been saved from
their sins, but who don't really care to find out exactly what that means. They think, "Oh, sure, it's easy: just
basically try to be a 'good person', don't do anything bad..." It's sort of like the way I tested the rich young ruler,
who asked Me what he should do to go to heaven, & I told him the basic commandments, "Thou shalt not kill,
thou shalt not steal," etc., and of course, he proudly stated that he had kept all those. So now came the real
clinch: "Well, there is one more thing you can do, if you really want your treasure to be in Heaven, not on Earth:
go, sell all that you have & give it to the poor & come, follow Me!" But that was a bit too much too ask.

Losing your life in order to find it & denying oneself is the exact opposite of what the World preaches. It also
means going against that what you want, and that's the real crux of the matter with some. As long as I allow
them to keep their little idol, it's okay to be a Christian. And as long as they hold on to it, the Devil won't even
attack them too much, because he knows, they're still partly his. "Huddersfield belongs to You AND me", he can
say about them, and he knows they won't be nearly as effective as if they would really forsake all.
It's a choice between the ordinary - the System way, doing it like everybody else - and the extraordinary: My way.
A choice between the mountain or the valley. Being a mountain man means to be willing to make a break with
the System's ways of conformity.
It's as if every morning when you wake up, the Devil has woven a new web around you, consisting of habits,
selfish attitudes & chains of conformity, and you must decide whether you're going to live with them or not.
There's nothing like life on the mountain! Valley life will never ever truly be "it" for you, it'll always only be the
same old "cage". Choose freedom, choose the mountain! Leave the System valley cage of conformity to
everybody else's way behind.
If you want Me to use you, you're going to have to resist the temptations of the flesh to settle for the easy &
comfortable way! Being a soldier & fighter for Me is definitely not the comfortable way. Nor is the comfortable
way in any way being a soldier & fighter for Me.
Every soldier also needs some time of relaxation & recuperation, but I'm talking about when your whole life just
seems to revolve around finding an easier way to do it, following the path of the least resistance constantly,
avoiding confrontation, settling for the less challenging compromise. If that's the pattern of your life, then you
can tell that your life hasn't really been guided by Me. It's just not My way to seek the easy way out, to look for
the comfortable way, because that is the way that seeks to avoid the cross, the hardships & any sacrifice.
Just because it's there, doesn't mean you have to use it or do it or that it's of Me.
Making things more comfortable for you is not My will! To hell with the comfortable way! The comfortable way is
landing an awful lot of people quite uncomfortably in hell, when you could have saved them from it! A lot of
people are going through an uncomfortable hell-on-Earth type of life, while you are busy being comfortable! The
most uncomfortable place for a Christian is a comfortable place. So, beware of the comfortable place!
It's easy to follow God & be a disciple when you "know" that everything's going to go to pot. But that same kind
of conviction is pretty hard to maintain when the World around you just keeps going & going without the
judgment ever happening, & you wonder whether you've been fooled.
"The judgments aren't coming, anyway, so why should I keep leading this difficult life of sacrifice, when
everybody else around is having so much fun? I wanna have some fun, too."
But real conviction stands its ground. You know right is still right, and wrong is still wrong. You know that
you're going to be rewarded abundantly for the right you do, and for avoiding the wrong.
If you do things for Me and as unto Me, you'll reap eternal benefits and more permanent blessings than paper
money. I'll reward your faithfulness in the little things by being faithful to you, even and especially during the
tough times.
I called My disciples to become fishers of men. Fishing is a skill. You can't just stand there in the middle of the
brook or river or lake or sea & wait for the fish to jump into your net. It takes a little skill to trick them into the
net, a certain way to swing the fishing rod, or to cast your net in the right way, without scaring the fish away.
My path is a rough and rugged mountain path, and those who choose it must be strong in spirit, not fat and
pampered, and they must be ready for sacrifice.
It activates My power in your life when you decide to obey Me and take up your cross, deny yourself and lay
down your life for Me!
Don't withhold from them the golden opportunity, the chance of a life-time to be employed by the best Employer
in the world, to find the best cause anyone could ever live & fight for!
It requires faith to go out there & die daily for Me, and not many have got what it takes. That's why I'm using
whoever I can who is simply willing to do the job, even if they're far from perfect.
The ones I have chosen to do the most difficult job in the world aren't those who think themselves perfect.
Becoming more open for My new, unknown elements, the factor that is so strange to your egos & habits is what
it truly means to be revolutionary!
To be truly revolutionary is to whole-heartedly jump into a new thing, a direction I'm leading you, even if it
doesn't make any sense to you or is contrary to everything you have believed or known thus far!

I love it when you just follow Me along blindly, not seeing or knowing where I lead you, but you just trust Me,
that I'll lead you aright!
Don't just idly seek to enjoy the situation as much as possible, trying to squeeze the most fun or ease out of it,
but work at it! Put something into it!
You determine what kind of a revolutionary & obedient disciple you're going to be, & there's nothing & nobody
you can blame that's supposedly stopping or hindering you! It just takes work, that's all.
Once you realize that you're actually working for the King of the universe, the highest-ranking Employer you
could possibly ever have, then you'll actually see it can be quite adventurous & exciting.
Take the responsibility that everything - what you're going to become in the future, your destiny and all that
goes with it - depends on you, your choices & actions right now, today, and the amount of elbow grease &
initiative that you're willing to invest in it!
To become a real revolutionary, start right now, today, by forsaking all, laying down your life, denying yourself &
taking up your cross in every little situation & at every opportunity that you come across!
I'm guiding you step by step. My modus operandi for My army is not one where every step or every path
ahead is clearly laid out in advance, it's one of trusting and following Me blindly, according to last minute
instructions and doors, which I open and close just before it is time to move, without leaving your carnal minds
much room to figure it all out by yourselves!
Remember what I put up with from sinners. False accusations, fingers pointed at you and people hating you &
despising you in a self-righteous frenzy is something you must be prepared for if you follow in My footsteps.
The Devil can truly make them feel oh so right about accusing you. You must be willing to bear this if you follow
Me and will be My disciple, that sooner or later they will shout "crucify him," because you're not one of them.
You will always be one of those outsiders, those strangers & intruders, like Me, that they will resist, because
men love darkness rather than light.
Truly living by faith means, you don't care whether you're going to die or live another day, all you know is, you
want to follow Me blindly wherever I lead.
Following Me requires flexibility & openness to change. Following Me is a constant revolution. I am Revolution.
Stay flexible and revolutionary!
Step into My footsteps. I've had lots of people against Me, in fact, nearly an entire race, plus the majority of the
surrounding peoples, and that in spite of all the good I did. Yet it was My Father's love for Me that saw Me
through. And even so it will be My love for you that will see you through & help you to focus on the few who will
make it worth it all!
Keep the pioneer spirit, the missionary spirit, the "stranger in this world" spirit, the "gypsies of the Lord" spirit,
the "we've just got to keep moving" spirit! Don't allow yourself to settle down!
Listen deeply to the Spirit. The Spirit has got new things to say today, the wind bloweth where it listeth, and it
pays to find out where, and which tune She's singing today.
Maybe we've been getting away with singing yesterday's tune today, but you won't be able to get away with it
Look for opportunities, ways & possibilities in which you could be of help in order to further My cause.
It's a matter of not always being so concerned about the things I do for you, but developing an unselfish
mindset of seeking what you could do for Me each day; to ask Me every morning, "What can I do for you?"
You can only be a prophet who calls out others to "come out from among them," if you have been "called out"
yourself, first, and have obeyed the call, and have exited from the whorish System. It's like what I told My
followers about the Pharisees: what they tell you, this do, but don't do as they do, for they may say it, but they
do it not!
You can't really follow them, because there is nowhere to follow.
Which body do you want to follow: the dying corpse of the old pharisaical church, or the vibrant, new & young
body of My called-out ones?
Memorization is one of the easiest & first ways to be a "doer" of the Word. It's part of discipleship. "The law of
his God is in his heart; none of his steps shall slide." It's one of the best safeguards you've got, and a needed
sample for others to see that you're making an effort to uphold the standard.

If you want to follow in My footsteps, I'm expecting you to reach the level of maturity and ability to forgive and
love unconditionally. You love them in spite of their rejection of you, knowing by faith that they will change
eventually, even as some of My most ardent persecutors turned out to be some of My most loyal and ardent
promoters in the end.
Let them "kill" you, "crucify" you and reject you and love them anyway, and thus become a savior of the world!
Join Me, and take up My cross upon you!
Bring some light into the darkness. Let your light so shine before men! - That they may see your good works...
They may not always consider them "good," but what counts is what I call good, and if I call it good, then it IS.
They glorify the Father by beholding your good works. Just by receiving what you're doing. By accepting it, by
receiving it, by liking what they see, because they're absorbing His light, like a tree, and it is inevitably bound to
bring forth fruit, some new leaf or branch, and it will bring forth new life. If you are messengers of God's light
and life, then it will always bring forth some kind of new life when you let your light shine before men!
If you faithfully put hours into reaching folks with My message, you'll see your "business" picking up and
flourishing, eventually.
My goal for you is not for you to live a comfortable life until the day you peacefully die of old age. My idea of
your purpose in life is not a comfortable vacation. It's meant to be more adventurous than that, daring them to
wake up, challenging them.
Be a living alarm clock in their lives that will rattle them out of their sleep and their stupor.
Once you grow into a fully mature disciple, faithfully absorbing and imparting My Word to others, you actually
become the living Word in the flesh to the World as I have been.
"Denying yourself and taking up your cross" is the very opposite of man's modern teachings and other
philosophies of "finding yourself," fulfilling yourself" and saving yourself. Denying yourself means to not accept
the Enemy's lies, which he tells the proud and self-sufficient that any of you can save yourselves by your good
works. It also means to forsake your own plans about making a great name for yourself in this life. It means
putting your cards and your money on the Spirit, and the World to come, not the flesh and this present world. It
means that you believe what I said: "It is the Spirit that quickens (gives life), the flesh profits nothing," that you
have chosen the way of Abel, not of Cain, the way of the "Lord-letters" not of the workers-in-the-flesh...
I have always wanted My disciples not to focus on their needs, their lacks, their worldly affairs, but on the
harvest: My need for those lost sheep out there who still need to be won, workers that might still be found, if
you focus on seeking them out.
The whole idea of faith and serving Me is that you don't have to serve your circumstances and be subject to
them, but to apply your faith in My power to make the most out of them, make something better out of them, to
use that empty ground and fill it with My seeds, to till and plough it, so that from that which was once empty
ground, unpromising and seemingly barren, you bring forth fruit unto Me.
Some can live with the lie and would be satisfied with a cheap counterfeit. That's good enough for them. But
there are those who just can't stand to live like that, and those are My crown-hunters. They're not going to chase
only after mere earthly rewards, but they're going to live this life I've given them in pursuit of that higher reward,
that everlasting one. They put their stakes up higher than the rest of them, they shoot for everlasting fame &
glory, not in this world, but in the one to come.
I never asked anyone to worship Me, I asked them to follow Me. To worship someone is easy. It's adoring them
from afar. But to follow them and do as they do, thats a real proof of love, that's worship in spirit and in truth
My way was love, truth and humility. Adapt to My style instead of theirs.
It's tough to go My way, because it means being willing to take the pain, instead of dishing it out. It means to be
ready to receive the ridicule, ready to be laughed at, instead of being the one who ridicules and laughs at others.
It means taking up the cross yourself, instead of nailing others to crosses with your words.
Either you follow in My footsteps as a pilgrim and stranger in this world, or you might as well forget about the
whole thing and stop pretending you're something you're not. Being proud of your country and at the same time
professing to be a Christian is hypocrisy, because it's like claiming to be fighting for one side while advertising
the Enemy at the same time. It's treason.

You can't be a true and sincere Christian and a flag-waving nationalist of any of the wicked nations of this world
at the same time! You're either advertising this world, or Me, the Alternative to this world, you can't do both. You
can't advertise God and Mammon. You can't serve 2 masters.
The process of sanctification is a process of separation. I take you apart from the rest, and consecrate you unto
Me. You are Mine. Receive it as an act of My love in which I am drawing you closer to My bosom and into My
arms. I cannot do so, unless I take you apart from the world, for we oppose each other.
Life as a disciple of Mine is all about witnessing; about winning others! Your own survival is none of your
concern, that's Mine, providing you do the job I am calling and sending you to!
Your calling is to turn around and go the completely other way! People will only follow your call and challenge
for them to turn around, if you have turned around yourself, and are going the opposite way of the main stream!
You should ask yourself periodically where you stand, how sincere and how serious you are about your service
for Me, what it really is you want, and whether you're truly giving your all for Me. Is there more you could give?
Are you seeking with all your heart to make some progress today?
How much more time do you spend on some other activity, in comparison to the time you truly spend with Me or
for Me? Will you be found wanting? Could there have been more that you could have done, when you assess all
that you did, at the end of your day, or at the end of the year, or at the end of your life?
What are your goals? What is it you really want? What is it you'd like to accomplish and achieve, and is that
which you would like to achieve truly something you would want to achieve for Me? Are you sure it's not just
something your own ambition drives you to do, but is it truly the humble thing, and the thing I ask of you?
These are honest questions that require sincere answers. You've got to let Me check your heart, if you really
want Me to accomplish through you the utmost possible.
Serving Me happens to be one thing you cannot manage to do successfully in your own interest! It's got to
happen because your desire is to make someone else happy, starting with Me.
Your life can take on a whole new meaning and outlook, your days can become much brighter, if you learn to
seek not only what I can do for you, but what you can do for Me, and make that your primary incentive!
May you discover the joy of what it means to really be able to say with your whole heart, "All I want to do is
serve Him!"
When I call you to follow Me and give your all, then you cannot allow anything or anybody to hold you back; no
earthly ties of flesh and blood, nor emotional ones. For My true soldiers and called out ones, the Cause will
always be above any earthly obligations, customs, relations or ties.
Those who are truly called never settle for less than total freedom from those earthly bonds.
My true disciples are going to be able to thrive on anything, no matter how rough the circumstances, they will
keep going, and will keep producing the life-giving medicine for the souls of the world, as long as they regularly
get some of My refreshing waters! All My true disciples need is Me and My refreshing waters. I will do and
provide all the rest for them.
To serve Me means to serve Me in battle against evil.
I know the struggle you're facing against all the distractions hammering at the door of your life!
The danger of wanting to promote oneself instead of Me and My humble and humiliating message, which
involves dying daily, is always there, and part of the battle consists of just resisting that temptation.
You can't be My chosen people and be popular at the same time.
To be a follower, a disciple of Mine, means going in the opposite direction of where the world is going and the
flesh would lead you. Instead of letting them drag you along with their current, you go the opposite way.
Stop being dragged about by the old school of the System and the flesh, and whatever they tell you to do in
order to make progress. Stop all that and come to Me! Turn around and start walking a new way, in a new
direction. Don't be afraid of going the opposite direction of the one everybody else is heading.
It may look like a humbler, less promising way, a darker, less shiny, less glorious way, and folks may be shaking
their heads at you and wonder, "Why's he taking that shabby road?" But in the end you and they will see which
of the two paths really will have led to what I'd call true success.
The path I have taken wasn't a glorious road, and one that not many initially would have had the courage to
follow. It was a road that took My followers far away from their homes and all that was familiar and trusted...
Away and off into the horizon... into the new, the unknown... with Me.

I didn't have to persuade anyone to follow Me or talk them into it. I just said, "Follow Me," and they did.
That "cross before you" isn't just a nice metaphor, it isn't just a line, you can sing along meaninglessly. Taking
up your cross is a hardcore reality that you've got to accept in the matrix of your understanding, your concept
and perception of what's to be expected out of this life. Your cross is your destiny.
And just like with Me, and every other true follower of Mine throughout history, your cross will always be
provided for you by people.
If you keep in mind that that is your destiny, just as it was Mine, you won't be disillusioned, you'll know what to
Your job, which is seeking first the Kingdom of God, which again consists of people, is your cross. Those
people who constitute your job for Me, and that you're supposed to lay down your life for, also become your
As My follower and as a partaker of My sufferings, that is what you've got to expect.
That cross is real. It's a reality. And you've got to bear it willingly.
You've got to stop trying to avoid the hurt and the pain, but realize that it's essential it belongs. If you try to
evade it and run from it, you'll never learn the lessons you should, you're never going to get the point, and
what's worse, you'll fail your destiny.
You've got to allow them to "crucify" you and cause you that pain. You cannot run from it or try to resist it... It's
your destiny not to fight back. Learn from Me how to take that suffering and hurt from people without resisting
it, without any attempts of defending yourself; you've just got to let it be.
If they reject and resist you, rejoice, for so have they done with Me, and it means you're in the same boat with
Me. You can learn some of the same lessons I learned, experience some of the same things I did, and bring forth
some of the same fruits, accordingly; most of all, the fruits of really being able to love and pardon.
True happiness is only found in voluntarily choosing the path of suffering for My people, the path I have chosen,
and the path that marks the life of everyone of those who have chosen to truly follow Me, although they all may
be manifested in different ways. What matters is that you accept your path, and not try to walk someone else's.
I was criticized by My own followers, brethren and closest friends, betrayed by one of them, and denied by
another... Walk a mile in My shoes! If you want to follow My path, then that's what's going to be expecting you.
If you're receiving some flak and feeling rejected, welcome to the club!
Those who want to serve Me usually prefer to do so on their own terms, within a well respected church or
environment. Not many are willing to pay the price for discipleship that is laid down in My Book: persecutions,
sufferings, being a stranger in this world, slandered and lied about, and taking up your cross to die daily.
Being a disciple and a warrior for Me has nothing to do with being nice. The word nice is nowhere to be found in
the Bible and is simply not what I'm all about! Especially not what the world considers nice!
You're a follower in My footsteps, so your fate will in many ways be similar to Mine. You won't always be a
success with everybody. There will always be those who oppose, resist and reject you and all you have to give,
just as they rejected Moses, the prophets and Myself, and nearly each and every one of My true apostles
throughout history.
Popularity is one of the first things that has to go on the offering plate if you're out to serve Me.
There won't be a lot of folks in the world thinking you're nice, but rather, a dangerous religious nut. And the only
peace you will have, which will also keep you from swallowing the lies the Devil will tell the world about you, is
that there's a handful of people, your closest friends and loved ones around you, who will know who you really
Being part of the Real Thing is the severest and most difficult series of tests one can take in this life!
Only the truly elite and chosen ones can pass those tests, and I'm not talking about the "smartest" or the
"greatest" and obvious "winner" types. Only those who are truly willing to look like the losers in this life have
the stuff it takes to become that kind of a winner, and that's what it takes and what it means to be following in
My footsteps. Too many of My followers still insist on wanting to look like the winners...
My road is not the road to fame and fortune and easy success in this world.
The Real Thing doesn't look very inviting at all. It's difficult, in fact, in worldly language, you could describe it,
"as tough as hell."
It's the path that requires everything. The one where I will leave nothing left over of your pet quirks, your pet
idols, nor any of your little pet lies and deceits and cover-ups, all your little weapons of self-defense that you
learn how to use in the System.
Remember the common attitude people throughout history had toward those that I had anointed and risen
above their own heads in some way:

Moses - "Who made thee to rule over us?..."

Joseph - "Here comes the dreamer..."
Nehemiah - "Come down from that high and mighty wall of yours..."
Samson - he wasn't exactly popular during his lifetime among his own people, and subject to criticism and
gossip, especially because of his affection for women, particularly women that were not really part of the
Gideon - "Who does he think he is, sending the rest of us home again, and how does he think he's going to win
a battle against an army with 300?"
And then the prophets... What makes you think that they were ever popular?
Look how the people rejected Me, their promised Savior, and how they resisted Paul, My greatest apostle and
mightiest tool in My hands, without whom Christendom never might have spread the way I had intended.
They were the outcasts of the outcasts... The ones considered weird and "untouchable" by those the world
considered weird and untouchable. That's why they often raised their very own crop of followers of Mine to Me.
They didn't rely and wait on the support and popularity from their ranks.
There were always those special few who chose to play the tunes that I gave them to play, that didn't always say
what others wanted to hear, but what I wanted them to hear and chew on.
It costs a price to walk the straight and narrow path that leadeth unto life. Entrance through the door may be for
free, but it costs something to stay on that path.
A "professional" (disciple) means someone capable of availing themselves of My Power.
Having learned that your own strength isn't enough is one of the prerequisites for being a professional disciple.
Playing games is something for kids. But when you grow up to be a man, you're supposed to lay aside childish
things, as Paul said (1Cor.13:11). Nowadays, everybody wants to play and stay a child for as long as possible.
Very few are really serious about life, much less about living their lives for Me!
That's why it often takes quite a few years until I can get a person to the point where they're willing to lay
everything - all that playing games - aside and follow Me.
It's a rough & rugged way, and often you'll be tempted to wonder, "What in the world am I doing here, anyway?"
There won't be rounds of incessant applause. It's a rough & rugged, lonely road! With so many jumping off your
wagon that you're tempted to ask the last few who remain, "Are you also going to go away?" But then there will
always be a faithful few who will end up blowing your mind, making it worth it all!
Follow Me every day according to the new set of rules and circumstances you'll find that apply for each day in
Keep moving with the breath of My Spirit, and come, flow with Me!
Youve got to do what Ive given you to do without being deterred or distracted by whats going on on your left
and your right! You cannot let it influence you when those on your left and right are stumbling or falling. If they
decide to go a different way, if they allow themselves to become lukewarm and be influenced and swayed by the
System, youre still going to have to keep going for Me!
Even if youre forsaken and betrayed by everyone around you, in the worst case scenario, as it did happen to
If youre truly going to be following in My footsteps until the bitter end, youve somewhat got to be prepared for
In the case of My children and followers who know Me well, I expect them to do their part, so I dont just do the
whole magic on My own, but I have you participate as much as you can, in making it happen.
I show you where to throw the nets, but I wont throw them out for you. There is always a solution. I may make
you go and find it for yourself, but I give you a nudge in the right direction.
Those who hang with Me become different. They become weird. You dont necessarily want to be different.
Youd prefer to fit in and blend in and just hang with everybody and chill. Well, I have chosen a different
destiny for you.
Your loyalty to Me, to My voice includes showing a willingness to be left alone and isolated in some cases.
Focus outwardly, out on the field and the flocks that are yet to be gained. The time of physical dearth will be a
time of spiritual harvest.
Tune in to My moves and come away from the distractions.
I need you! Thats the thought that should be driving you and spurring you on to continue to move forward.
Refuse to let the Enemy discourage you, and keep focusing on the fact that I need you!

Make it an indestructible truth you build your life and actions on: I dont care what anyone says or thinks about
me or what Im doing. All I know and care about is that Jesus needs me, for He has told me so, so Im going to
do what I have to do and what He wants me to do, no matter what.
Be so mindful of the truth that I have great need of you that nothing else matters!
I want nothing to deter you, nothing to shake your loyalty to Me, nothing to be able to waive your obedience to
Me! I want your heart and soul and mind to wholly belong to Me, be an open receptacle for Me, not for the
Enemies doubts and lies.
Youve come this far by faith, and it may not seem like much to you, and as far as youre concerned, it may look
as though you have come nowhere. But I see differently. I know what I have constructed in your life to be worth
infinitely more than any structure of physical and material value!
I know something you dont, and I want you to just trust Me that I know what Im doing in your life.
Walk in My footsteps, the path of a Man Who was despised and rejected. As far as they were concerned, I wasnt
anything desirable, no one to look up to. But I had enough love to look beyond their lack of love for Me, enough
love to love them anyway, in spite of their natural lack of it.
Do you think what I was doing during My life-time on earth was the ordinary thing? Recruiting honest, hardworking men away from their jobs and families for a cause that in the eyes of some, if not most, was highly
questionable, and that led Me to a public execution?
You might say that My style was certainly highly unorthodox!
Your role certainly isnt to please everybody! Its certainly not just to be another one of those popularity junkies
trying to show off how many friends they can get on MySpace! If anything, your role is to show that there is
something different than all that indeed! Theres a different way to do it, a different way to live, a different way to
go than the abhorrent normal way, which is the worst abomination in My eyes since the beginning of the
So, let that little bit of heat youre experiencing not perplex you, that heat of wondering, Am I alright? Am I on
the right path? Its so lonely up here. Are you sure Youre not leading me up a wrong way, Lord? Nobody else
is walking it. Are they shaking their heads at me and laughing about the odd and strange path Im taking? What
is that to thee? Come thou, follow Me, regardless of whether this is the common path, the conventional
path, the normal or accepted path! Will you follow Me up that road, even if nobody else is walking it?
Can you trust Me for it, and just take whatever comes, and just do what I lay on your heart to do, and be
yourself, that which Ive created you to be without shame and embarrassment?
While My chosen path for this time may not look perfect, its still a whole lot better than the alternative, even if it
takes faith to believe that!
My true and chosen few have always been a peculiar and somewhat weird and chaotic bunch, compared to
those who had it together on the surface, those who made it big in the world. And on the surface, those
winner types look so much more appealing, to the extent where even some of My own people were tempted
and thought, Those guys have it a lot more together than we do. And many have left My straight but rugged,
wild and narrow path for the seemingly more sophisticated broadway to destruction that the large majority of
the world is going.
Are you living a life of service, or are you waiting to be served?
Dont seek to be served, but to serve.
I need to use you in order to make others happy.
Youre fighting in the spiritual realm, and its purely by faith.
Its relatively easy to see when youre doing something good in the physical, but when youre trying to influence
and win the world for Me and My Cause, those who dont know Me dont always know what to make of it.
What the world needs above all is a sample of true Christian discipleship.
Would you walk in My footsteps and do the same that I have done and give your life for one who betrayed you?
Would you consider their life more valuable than your own?
Will you follow Me, even if they choose to fall by the wayside? Will you continue to follow Me or use their failure
as an excuse to quit?
The discipleship life is a sacrificial life-style. Until you can say that youre truly giving your all & do your best,
its not really happening Its not really the real thing, until you put your all into it. Its something you simply
dont manage half-heartedly!

Even though Ill use whatever you give Me, in order to achieve the ultimate results in your service and
discipleship for Me, it sure helps to make that commitment and have the determination at the beginning of the
day, that youre going to give it your all for Me.
Its a mindset, or rather a heart-set; an inner attitude and determination of the heart. You know My Cause is
worth living and dying for, and so, youre simply willing to give all, even unto death thats the kind of attitude
that makes disciples, and what will cause you not to shy away from unpleasant chores like cleaning the
bathroom when it needs to be done, even if you would not consider this to be your job.
What I have promised and have put before each of My disciples is a cross, not a bed of roses.
If I ask you to take up and carry your cross, your mind should be a little more prepared for endurance and
suffering, and youve got to come away from that vacation mentality, because that is not what I have called My
disciples for.
I never said, Come on, boys and girls, lets try to have as much fun as we all possibly can! That was never My
I can have fun, and I dont mind you having it, but it has never been My major prerogative.
Its natural to want to make it easy on yourself. Everybody does that all the time, spend their lives trying to make
it as easy on themselves as possible, or ensuring that someday theyre going to have it as easy as possible
But thats not My goal for My disciples. My prospect for My disciples has always been the cross. Take up your
cross daily and follow Me. That has been My message. Not, follow Me, and I will promise you days of ease and
plenty! That sounds more like the Devils Gospel. Who wants to be comfortable in a world in which Satan is
wreaking such havoc? Who wants to feel at home in it? Youre betraying My Cause if thats what your goal and
incentive is, just feeling comfortable and happy and cozy right there smack dab in the Devils kingdom,
accepting the way things are, never trying to change anything, no need or reason to fight, no suffering with
them that suffer, just silently bearing it all and hoping youll get through it all unscathed.
Taking up your cross daily and following Me and fighting on My side means conjuring up some serious selfdiscipline.
Folks have never understood why My disciples and missionaries throughout the ages preferred to waste their
time on perfect strangers, some savages out in the jungles, or natives to far and distant countries, or even
criminals or heathen, unbelievers and pagans; how they could be so disloyal to their own, so unpatriotic.
There are those who are trying to play the best of both worlds, who preach that you can serve God and
The question is, who are you going to believe? Me and My Word, or them? Will you allow them to influence and
sway you with their way of thinking? Or will you remain steadfast and maintain your eyes on My goal and My
Youre not going to be popular if youre going to serve Me.
You wont make any sense to them, and they wont think very highly of you. Welcome to the club! Thats a
decision thousands of followers of Mine have had to make and the price theyve had to pay. You cannot please
both, God and those who serve Mammon.
If you serve God, youll be an outcast and a traitor to those who devote their lives to Mammon and the god of
the flesh.
Your cross is that situation and challenge you find yourself in at any given moment.
Its not about whats in it for you.
In the end, there is no in-between. Youll either serve God or Mammon.
Service to Me consists of doing what you can in order to bring My Words of life to those dying spiritually all
around you, and those who dedicate their lives to that service are the ones who receive My gifts in order to help
them do the job.
There is a difference between sympathizing with My Cause, and truly going all the way in dedicating your life to
fully living it, uncompromising discipleship.
Dont be surprised or disappointed if you wont have a huge following and a big fan club.
The majority of the masses who followed Me only did so as long as they thought I was going to bring them
some sort of physical advantage, such as liberation from the Romans, which most of them expected the
Messiah would do. Once they saw that I was seriously clashing with the religious authorities of their System,
and I wasnt going to be big and popular, after all, you can see how even some of My closest friends pretended
they didnt know Me, even if only temporarily.
A lack of applause is never a sign that youre not doing your job as a prophet.

For a prophet, a lack of applause and feedback from the System is actually a positive sign. At least it shows that
what youre saying isnt just an effort to become popular and friends with them!
Prophets arent popular.
When I talk about professionalism Im talking about professional engagement in bringing about and furthering
the cause of My Kingdom on earth; commitment on a professional level.
When you choose a profession, youre following a certain calling, and you profess your loyalty to a certain
We have the worthiest Cause in the universe for anyone to apply their energies to.
Being a professional is more than a matter of outward appearance. People can look as professional as they
want to, its still their actions that determine whether theyre anywhere near professional or not.
There are definite contrasts between worldly professionalism and professionalism for My Cause.
When I talk of professionalism, honestys a given and a requirement for being a professional disciple, as well as
unity, rather than a sense of competition and anyone trying to prove theyre better than someone else.
If anything, we want to prove that our thing is better than that rat race slavery the System is all about, and
when we talk professionalism, were talking about professionally, whole-heartedly, loving others and trying to
help them find happiness.
Im trying to point out ways and possibilities of becoming more serious about this business of preaching My
Gospel for a living, and thus, professionally.
Comfortable isnt necessarily a criterion on My list of prerequisites.
Instead of seeking physical comfort, keep the spiritual up front, and seek to be fit, rather than comfortable.
Its in My interest that My representatives to the world are real and not phonies.
Welcome to Gods very own Club - not of the high and mighty, but of sufferers and the despised in this world!
The Mountain Men have settled mighty close to the fringes of the valleys of this world, and there must be those
to remind them that the valleys of this world are not their Home, and not where they belong. The chosen few are
always called and destined for the Mountain. And mountain peaks are simply never crowded. Not those spiritual
mountain peaks, anyway.
Can you live with having to pay the price of being a mountain man, one of My true pioneers up on that rugged
mountain track, which many are singing about, but most are not really willing to set foot on?
Once youre nearing the peak of the mountain, the higher you get, the more dangerous and strenuous it
becomes. You may not know whether youre going to make it. But the only way to find out is to keep trying.
Sometimes the peak doesnt even look very promising. You wonder, So what? What benefit will I get from
getting up there? Whats the use? Sometimes all that keeps you going is the fact that I put you there, and if I
said its going to work and its going to be worth it, then youre just going to have to believe it, since your
experience has taught you that I never lie, and what I tell you has always turned out to be the truth.
Its a struggle to stay alive and to keep the flame burning, and to keep revoluting, and to remain a force for
change, and a source of life, and not fall into the trap of stagnation and solidification.
Your most dangerous and deadly enemies are not the kind who keep you on your heels and on guard, but those
forces which make you feel comfortable and at ease in this world, with nothing left to fight against, and pretty
soon after that, not much left to fight for, either.
Your job is not to preach yourself, but Me, and to serve God, not Mammon.
The true path is that lonely, forsaken and forgotten road that not many will travel, where their only true
Companion is Me, and the few who have walked it found out that I was truly more than enough.
You can really only make a difference for Me if you dare to let go of the conventional way of doing things and
have the guts to follow Me alone, if necessary, up a road that no one has gone up before.
The Real Thing is always unorthodox, apart from the norm, shockingly revolutionary and different.
Whatever it takes for you to touch peoples hearts and really bring across My message to them is what I would
consider service for Me.
I want the Gospel to be your main job, and what you take most seriously.
Remember Whos your Boss!

By living your lives for Me instead of yourselves you can finally also learn to genuinely live them for others, not
to satisfy any selfish desires and lusts, but in mutual love, and truly learning to make each other happy as you
primarily seek to please Me in your lives.
Thats the way things were ordained to be, and the path that the vast majority of people have strayed so
unredeemably far from.
Your true purpose in life is to please and serve Me, primarily, and not live for and cater to either your own selfish
cravings and lusts and desires, nor anyone elses.
If only one out of ten sick people came back to thank Me for healing them, you can safely assume that My true
followers wont experience any differently, since I told My disciples that they would share the same fate as I,
when it comes to popularity in this world. If they havent thanked Me, they wont thank You, either.
But I will. And I will repay and more than make up for whatever you have invested in My work in making it
possible for people to catch a glimpse of the Real Me.
Step One in discipleship is receiving the instructions, and Step Two is getting the machinery of well-oiled
communication going through prayer. Prayer will then help you get the necessary spiritual help to put feet to
those prayers and perform the action that comes so hard to do in the flesh.
The first step toward really getting things done is asking Me to do it through you, or to help you do it!
Its the act of sending up the request that will pump down the necessary power for you to do all that you can do.
Even among the small minority of those who happen to find the Real Thing in life, yet only another chosen few
are actually useful in promoting My Cause and causing the treasure they found or are found by to bring
dividends by sharing it with others in a way that will truly profit them, not in a show-off type of way, nor in a
haphazardly sort of way, as if saying, Here, swallow this, if you can handle it, but with love and in full
appreciation of the value of their treasure.
And even less are those who commit their entire lives to this Cause without tiring from it, nor veering from that
straight and narrow and rugged path
Who will embrace My treasure and recognize it for what its worth, willing to give everything they own in order to
obtain it?
Who is ready to put it at the top of the list of their priorities in life and make My Cause their cause, My concerns
theirs, and My truth, My reality their own?
Who will be My people, My chosen ones who will have chosen not to settle for anything less than the Real
Im not nearly as concerned about keeping your life comfortable as I am about keeping it revolutionary.
I like to shake people up, rather than keep them in comfortable ruts.
Thats the whole difference between My disciples and the folks who just obediently trot along in the rhythm of
this world: you know youre ultimately under My authority, and when the point comes that what theyre asking of
you doesnt jibe anymore with My will for you, thats where youve got to take the stance My early apostles did,
that We ought to obey God rather than men.
Being a real and complete disciple of Mine also includes sharing and preaching My stance on the world.
Relationship with Me sooner or later will have to include the aspects of My relationship with the world, because
one thing has not changed about relationship with Me since the Bible: Friendship with the world is still enmity
with God.
If youre never addressing any of the social injustices, and act as if I am forever going to tolerate whats going
on, never will return to judge the world and reclaim My bride from among them, then what sort of alternative to
the System is that? And what sort of hope does it offer to those who are absolutely sick and tired of the System
sick and tired unto death so sick of it theyre ready to commit suicide?
What about My love for those who are starving each day or dying from wounds of war or disease because of the
social injustices your own government commits?
If youre not going to speak out against any evils, youre not doing a very efficient job as a prophet or
spokesman of Mine, because I have a lot to say on those issues as well.
I need people who are going to let the world know that I am not in favor of them, much less responsible for
Being a good Christian and fighter for My Cause is more manifested in the things you do than what you dont
Its not so much anymore about rules that may not be broken and negatives you should avoid, as it is about
things you should do and actually positive actions that should be on every believers schedule:
To do unto others as you would have them do to you, to go into all the world to preach the Gospel to every
creature, to love your neighbor as thyself, etc.

Real Christianity, the way I originally intended it, is virtually unheard of in this day and age. Most of what youve
got to go by are all these pretenses and fake versions of it, and no wonder you feel weird and odd if you try your
feet at going for the Real Thing.
Youre proving that its not necessary for people to take upon their own shoulder the Devils load and the heavy
yoke of the System, and that living the way I said in My Word is still possible today: My disciples can still take
My light burden and easy yoke upon them in this day and age, and not live under the pressure of the burden the
Enemy would like to heap upon them and enslave them with.
Im trying to establish a definite distinction between your personal relationship with Me and your relationship
with any group of people that claims to be following Me.
Im not immediately responsible for the degree to which they actually follow and obey Me and are the samples
theyre supposed to be.
I have given them Promises of things that they would become if indeed they follow Me and keep My
commandments, but its up to the personal choices of each individual whether theyre going to determine to
belong to that special group of chosen ones who have chosen Me above all else.
Thats the big difference between all My most noble saints and closest followers, and the vast majority of people that
ever lived: they dont kowtow to the eternal scheme of survival above all.
They know that there is something better and greater than this life, and thus the loss of this present one isnt all as
tragic as its made out to be. They have a more tranquil attitude toward death; theyre not scared stiff of it, and thus
dont struggle so hard to preserve their life at all cost, but are willing to sacrifice and willing to take risks for Me and
dare to do things that people driven by fear would never do.

In My eyes its definitely commendable when someone dares to be different, even if that being different may not
exactly ensure his being accepted by any number of people
Ive always been on the lookout for those who were more concerned about My acceptance of them, and whether
they please Me, than trying to please any amount of people.
Trying to please people is such a futile effort, and yet its all that many people live for. Whereas living in a
manner that pleases Me is the ultimate challenge in life, and it becomes all the more challenging, exactly
because its so much more tempting to try to please your peers instead.
Has it ever been easy to be a follower of Mine? Or is it perhaps that its just a mindset of these times youre
living in, that life is supposed to be easy and always enjoyable with hardly any obstacles, adversities and
hardships to overcome?
Remember that My greatest Promises are made to the overcomers. But how can you be an overcomer, if there is
nothing to ever overcome? And in order to overcome it, you have to strive, and struggle and fight and make an
effort to do so. Its not supposed to be some feat you accomplish perfectly at ease without making any efforts
and without any strain.
How are you supposed to gain any strength without ever making any effort?
Do you really want to make the choice to take the easier way?
Or could it be that the harder way always having the assurance that Ill never make it too hard for you is
actually the better option for you in the long run?
If you want to follow in My footsteps, you need to learn what it means, The greatest among you must be the
servant of all.
Are you still conscious of the choice you have made when you decided to follow Me, and the price it would
entail, namely that which I have promised each of My followers from the beginning: a cross like Mine? No crown
without that cross!
Those are few who live life to the full in all aspects, the way I intended to give it to My disciples.
One of My overall instructions has always been for each to find My will and strategy for their personal situation.
Forsaking all is just what it means and what its talking about: a-l-l. Sooner or later everyone is going to have to
let it all go, even if its tough, and the sooner and the earlier you learn that, the better. Even if it may feel
somewhat like dying, just like your ultimate death, its not something you should see as a bad thing, but as a
door that is going to take you to better, greater things.
Being not of this world means being crushed, reduced to nothing and no one as far as theyre concerned,
becoming the type of person that knows what it means to truly have nothing left to lose

Its good that you remember that youre nothing but a fugitive in this world A fugitive from Prison Planet, and
on your way to a better Home World
Its a heavy burden to be hated by the world, but its one youre simply going to have to get used to in the light
of unfolding Endtime events. Its what makes you partakers of My sufferings, and bearers of My cross, the same
cross I carried.
Only fighting on My side and staying faithful to Me and My Cause is what brings eternal rewards. It doesnt really
matter whether your character is flawless or not, or how wrong whatever you do may come across to be, as long
as you stick to Me, youre on the right side.
Your plight may seem to be the harder one right now, but it will not be in the long run. The betrayed by this
world, the despised and forsaken, will always be the comforted in the next.
Its time to ask yourself the question, whom do you really want to follow? Me or your own ideas, ambitions and
desires? Theres a difference between putting Me first in discipleship and trusting Me for your needs, and
chasing after the objects of your affections and simply trying to drag Me along in it
My alternative options often strike My children and followers as strange, foreign and somewhat alien to their
own, but then have you ever regretted following Me someplace where it was truly Me Who guided you?
Do you think you might ever regret following Me someplace where My Love is guiding you? Do you think its
something to be scared of, something you ought to distrust? Or have I not rather always given you back
something better in return for whatever I have taken from you or asked you to give up?
That's what life for Me and the Gospel is all about: passing on that information that might bring folks to the
conclusion that it just might be smarter to prepare for the afterlife, that's beyond this one...
The majority of folks who live only for the enjoyment of the day may be largely oblivious to becoming purified
and purged in order to enter into a closer relationship with Me. But this is the road you chose when you said
you were going to follow Me instead of the ways of the world.
Its not the road to immediate success and laughter, but a road that leads to what I would call lasting success
and accomplishment, and a true inner joy and happiness that lasts forever.
You have to decide and declare who is going to be the master of your universe: is it going to be your
circumstances, your doubts and all the adversities, or is it going to be Me?
Being a follower of Mine means to be walking in My footsteps, walking a mile in My shoes, sharing some of the
same experiences. It shows and teaches you that Im real, and not altogether that different from you.
In the long run youll just come to the inevitable conclusion that this world is not your home and you dont really
belong there, but you are of a better Place I have prepared for you, and thats where youre going, leaving the
large bulk of them behind, even though you might eventually meet them again
Not of this world? Cheer up, youre not alone!
Sometimes the road I lead you down in life may look a little rough, wild, and perhaps questionable to you, and
youre prone to wonder whether Im leading you up a good and proper trail, but thats where trust comes in, and
you ought to know by now that what I choose for you is good.
Retain the vision that youre here because you have a mission and a purpose for Me to fulfill, the commission to
go into all the world and spread My Good News
I wouldnt want you to forget that you do have a job for Me to do.
There really isnt all that much for you to worry about. There is merely some following to do, some listening, and
some watching for where I will lead you, some knocking on doors, and looking out for signs and signals, of
confirmations that will say, This is the way, walk ye in it.
All you really need to do is follow Me and not allow the Enemy to divert you.
You need to stay on the course of learning to discern My voice from his, to distinguish My leadings from his
temptations and distractions.
Everybodys got their load, their cross and their burden to bear, especially those who set out to follow in My
Too many folks just want Me to do all kinds of things for them without ever being willing to pay any sort of price
for discipleship. Theyve forgotten what it really means to be a disciple, and that I promised persecution and a
cross to My followers, just as I had to suffer persecution and pain.

Since you have chosen to follow and obey Me and seek My highest will for you, you must also grant Me the right
to differ when you happen to have personal preferences that dont coincide with Mine
If I asked you to follow Me, you must have assumed that there was going to be someplace to go, and
somewhere to follow Me to!
The truth is, by comparison, a rough and rugged road which only relatively few are willing to follow. (2011:9)
Flesh and blood off-spring does not necessarily always make for very good disciples, and raising children and
making disciples are two different things. You must love and support and nourish your kids even if they never
choose to be disciples, and trust that I will bring in the disciples by some other means and from some other
They must hear the call for themselves, you cannot implant it in them, or take for granted that theyll hear the
same call you did (2011:10)
Maybe I want to teach you an even greater grade of dependence on Me by leading you to independence from
things you currently may deem yourself dependent on.
Maybe theres really more to the truth and magic of forsaking all, and why it is necessary to be My disciple than
meets the eye
Maybe the less excess weight you drag around with you, the more pleasant your trip is actually going to be
Instead of allowing those things to weigh you down and act like burdens to your mind, just enjoy the newly
found freedom and lightness with which you can go through life
Pioneer efforts have never really been accomplished by always sticking to the same old counsel and habits that
everyone else has already been following all along, but by breaking with the traditional views and ways of doing
My own life and words are the best possible example for that, and if you take that to heart, instead of mans
wisdom on how to best accumulate things, then youll fall into the category of world changers of the sort that all
My true disciples throughout history have been
Let Me emphasize a little more on the benefits and advantages of the forsaking all factor, which is one of the
principal requirements for true discipleship today just as much as ever.
Some things and truths never change, and thats simply one of them. Youve got to have room in your life for Me
to fill it if you want to be a follower and disciple of Mine; theres just no way around it (2011:15)
The truth is, you cant do it without Me. I said this to My disciples and Ill say it to anyone wholl try to follow Me
in this evil day and age: Without Me you can do nothing.
I know you like to do things and I know you know that youve got to do something, but what matters is that you
do it with Me. Do it with Me! How about that for an easy to remember slogan, too important to forget? (2011:17)
Disciples are rare. Theyre not the same as the general believers or whoever calls themselves Christians. They
go a step further; in fact, they go all the way. They dont just sit at the Masters feet and listen, but theyre the
ones who will go into all the world themselves and will employ any means at their disposal in order to pass on
what theyve heard and learned. Theyre the teachers who pass on what theyve learned from the Master.

While I dont want My disciples, followers and believers to suffer ceaselessly, is it too much to ask that you
should become partakers of My sufferings in whichever way I deem tolerable and bearable for you? (2011:53)
I cant save the world on My own without at least a few folks willing to follow in My footsteps as opposed to all
My supposed followers who consider following Me nothing more than just leading ordinary, selfish little lives.

If, after all, I asked all of you, My followers, to even love your enemies, its true: if you were able to love your
enemies the way you should, then youd certainly have less of a hard time loving anyone and accepting and
taking them where theyre at. (2011:69)
I allow you to reach those natural limits of yours, so that you will avail yourself of Me and whats Mine to give
Thats why I told My followers, I am the Bread of life, or told them that I would give them water thats better
than what they pulled out of the well; that I was the Light of the world: a better Source of those natural
resources they turn to for their substance and survival.
What I was saying was, Eat Me, and youll never be hungry again; drink Me and youll never thirst; abide in My
light and you will walk no more in darkness
Im all that you need and more. (2011:78)

So many Christians are in love with Me, and yet so few ever really follow Me. The romance quickly dwindles at
the sight of Golgotha and the cross that inevitably comes in sight when one seriously sets out to follow in My
footsteps. (2011:79)
It wasnt and has never been a spirit of ambition in which I worked, but a spirit of love. Acquiring a spirit of love
requires a laying down those personal, ambitious agendas first, since they dont jibe. They cannot function
together. You either have one or the other. Thats why I told My disciples that theyd have to choose between
either serving God or Mammon. (2011:110)
Salvation and discipleship was a choice to let Me choose the best things for you. (2012:2)
If you follow Me, the personification of Gods mercy on mankind in the flesh, what else would you want to be,
but merciful and compassionate? (2012:10)
If you want to be like Me in this world and truly follow in My footsteps, you will be like I am: truly and endlessly
loving and forgiving. (2012:11)
discipleship doesnt have anything to do with a group of people, or membership in an organization, but solely
relies on My relationship with you.
Its gotta be Me youre following, not some group, some mighty leader or any kind of person!
Circumstances, as far as this present world is concerned, are growing bleaker by the minute, and such
unfavorable circumstances call for direct leadership by Me and a channel with Me that will enable you to get all
you need straight from Me. (2012:17)
I like to encourage those who wish to follow Me to view their own worth and value differently than those who
base their feelings of self-worth on the amount of money they earn. Lets just say Id expect My disciples,
followers and serious believers to be a little deeper than that. (2012:75)
Discipleship is not really for those who strive, seek and need to be popular. (2012:85)
Come and see and taste if the Lord is good, and My way of life, such as I have prescribed it for all My true
followers of all ages, is still the best! (2012:87)
Its easier when theres a positive example you can follow, of someone doing what should be done. It certainly
helps. But when that isnt there, youve got to see My example by faith, and that of others who have followed in
My footsteps. (2012:91)
I probably wouldnt have made many enemies if I would have just encouraged the fishers and a tax collector to
stick to their jobs instead of calling them to follow Me to preach a different Kingdom. (2012:92)
Why do you think I challenged My disciples to quit and leave their jobs and follow Me instead? Why else would I
have said, you cannot serve God and Mammon? And now those are words that will continue to withstand the
tests of time, regardless of the numbers of new interpretations and excuses for exceptions.
If you want to serve Me, you had better serve Me, and stop wasting your life chasing after money, just like
everybody else.
I may temporarily allow you to do it, but it doesnt mean that this represents My ideal of a life-style for you, no
matter how times have changed and everybody thinks its the way to go nowadays.
When the opportunity arises to let go of all that and do what you were really meant to, well, then thats your
chance to make a difference! (2012:97)
What the kind of people who claim to be following in My footsteps should primarily be known for love.
Why not do some of the stuff that your faith, your religion, your belief and your God are supposed to be all about? Its
like a muscle that has to be trained. (2012:116)
Forgiving your brides sins and mistakes is the closest thing to walking a mile in My shoes and getting a taste of what
Im having to do just about constantly, that you could ever ask for. So, if you want to follow in My footsteps, then thats
the way to go (2012:119)
Can you keep following Me, even if this isnt exactly the kind of road you had expected that it would be for you?
What did you think came guaranteed in this life of discipleship? That you were always going to keep up the same old
routine? Or did I say through My prophet that the one thing that was guaranteed in this life was constant change?
So, how much are you still up for that? How well can you still take that challenge? (2012:127)

You just dont find it in yourself to do good. You only find it in Me. You need the mantle of My Power to do it.
Its because it means death to self, pride and the flesh. Its taking up your cross and following in My footsteps, not the
ways of the world, where everyone seeks their own advance. What you seek on My path is the salvation of those you
come across, and what you store up as you do, is not corruptible goods and fruit, but invisible, lasting fruit. (2012:137)

Broken people have the advantage that theyre largely done with what this world has to offer them, and so
theyre more ready to truly serve Me and be a true disciple along the definitions of Luke 14:33. (2012:151)
Do you still think you need an excuse for existing?
Well, as long as you follow Me, you pretty much fulfill that purpose, I can assure you of that.


Many times you adopt to whatever drift others are bringing along into your life, which make you deny and betray
all that weve shared and had together: values, ideals, common goals, dreams, visions and aims to which I
thought youd subscribed, promised and vowed to follow Me unto the end, until wed find them
Do you get the point why it is endlessly more important to listen to Me for the decisions in your life on where to
go and what to do? (2012:162)
If youre truly to follow in My footsteps, youre going to have to put up with a little suffering.


If you want to follow in My footsteps, be inclusive, not exclusive! (2012:169)

Show what you have learned in following My direct guidance and see where it will land you!
Sometimes I have to lead you up the wrong end (usually because thats where you wanted to go) to let you find
out where its not at, so that from there you might find out where its really at - At least for you. (2012:179)
The life of a disciple and a follower is that of one who lays down his own life for the good of others, and people
should be able to feel that when theyre around you. (2012:185)
Ive warned you that if they rejected Me, theyd reject you, too, if you follow in My footsteps, and that rejection is
a sign of the veracity of your discipleship, not to make you feel bitter or resentful, but honored by the privilege.
Humbly take it as part of both the price and reward of genuine discipleship. (2013:22)

2013: 61, 70, 98, 109, 116, 120, 127

For true believers, the will of God is something greater than their own; and its one of the great differences
between them and those living for their worldly life alone.
If you can follow Me, then follow Me especially away from your own selfishness and desires, because My goals
are and always have been elsewhere. (2014:143)
Make as sure as you can to help others to make it to Heaven, rather than neglecting that main job of a disciple!
Neglecting that task and job would always leave you with a strong gear of feeling, If I only had So, how
about making all the efforts you can, to do that most important job for Me?
Try not to fail that job and task Ive given My disciples and followers to do, but do your best to accomplish
getting as many Up Here as you can!
Remember your job, your task and your purpose, and do all you can not to fail them! (2015:133)
Let Me provide to you My leading and guidance! Once youre following Me, youll also receive help and
provision from Up Here. (2015:136)
Life isnt all about fun and having your desires and lusts fulfilled its about learning some lessons, and, as My
disciple, about helping others to find Me and life ever after in Heaven thereby.
You notice that the world isnt where its at, and that gives the fact some sense and reason that I call My
disciples and followers out of the world.
Being not of this world means you believe in something better, a better Home waiting for you. (2015:145)

Life down there for My followers isnt just for their sake of enjoying it and having a good time, like a permanent
vacation, but to win as many to Me and Heaven as possible, so that they dont all have to wind up in the enemys
place when its all over! (2015:150)
Life cannot be all pleasure for followers of Mine in a world run by our enemy! (2015:155)

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