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Essay: The Paradise Lost

Of Milton John

Paradise Lost is the greatest epic poem and complete of the English language,
a story of great tragedy and delusion of a rebellion by power, of the innocence
opposed to the corruption, in which God and Satan are challenged in a bitter
battle to intervene and control the destiny of humanity.
The story begins narrating the fall of Adam and Eve, marking the beginning of
humanity out of Paradise. Below is the scene of Satan defeated by God after his
rebellion, is above all demons who sought an "equitable power in heaven."
These disappointed seek revenge, and as their forces are not enough to win,
seek through deception that Adam and Eve, new creations of the Almighty,
disobeys to God. Thus Satan wins his first battle.
But the story also mentions the Son of God, who made the promise to give his
life for the salvation of man. Then in the year zero, Satan is defeated by the
forces of good, but until then voluntary guide and tempts the man on his way
out of Paradise.
Shortly after, Milton tells the story of Adam and Eve and their eternal happiness
in the paradise. The beginning God created heaven and earth, the water, the
trees and animals, everything was good but lacked a being that dominate all
creation. So God made Adam from clay, and created Eve from Adam's rib. They
were perfect beings to the image and likeness of God. Adam was intelligent and
stronger than Eve, not only physically but also morally. Eva was the most
beautiful creation, the perfect company for Adam, his partner and his love. It
lacked nothing, they lived in a beautiful place, were immortal and they always
could enjoy the pleasures of nature. Only God had given them a norm, not to
eat the fruit of a tree because they would die. Adam accepted the condition;
they had a duty to obey their Creator.
Satan that swore revenge of God had no better chance that the ban imposed
by God. So, after watching the man for a long time, he found the best
opportunity to approach Eve. He appears to Eve as a serpent who seeks her
tempts: "What is that forbids us to know? Are we prohibited of good, forbids us
to be wise? ... Is he dead, perhaps, the snake? Has eaten, and lived, and know,
and talk, and discerns, when even here was unreasonable. Is there not been
invented death rather than to ourselves? Or is this intellectual food is reserved
only denies us the beasts? Eve decided, she reached out, took the fruit and

As we all know, Eve was not alone in committing sin. She quenches your body
of this fruit and she shared with Adam. He was an intelligent but loved Eve, so I
ate the fruit forbidden to share their fates.
God knows everything, had warned his creations of the plays of Satan, but it
was inevitable. Adam and Eve knew his punishment, but God, very merciful,
they delayed their death, and they banished from paradise, accompanied by
the angel Michael, and told them that from then they should work to eat.
This was the first victory of Satan who had caused much pain to God for the sin
of Adam and Eve. But then came his final defeat all demons that torment
Making an analysis we can say that Milton makes a psychological description of
the protagonists of the poem, Satan, God, Adam and Eve, whose attitudes
eventually reveal the hopeful message that is hidden behind the loss of the
original paradise. In the poem, heaven and hell represent states of mind rather
than physical space, which allow the reader to identify with emotions and
Something that called my attention in this poem is that Milton shows us a
punishing God, executor, as in the Catholic Old Testament. Previously humans
had this idea of an omnipotent and omniscient judge, terrifying, but with the
arrival of Jesus in the New Testament, became in a merciful God, merciful and
gracious. It is quite remarkable thought about good and evil of the author,
Milton wrote his point of view about the creation and humans.
The poem Milton allows return our hope to someday re-enter paradise, when
God forgive original sin that condemned all mankind. That day will end the
struggle of good against evil, and all will be happy.

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