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Arizona Legislative District 6, Republican Committee

Meeting Minutes February 22, 2010

At Deer Valley Airport Restaurant Deer Valley Rd & 7thAvenue Phoenix, AZ

A. Special meeting.

Chairman pro tem Carrie Rauch called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm,

Chaplin Paul Theut gave the invocation.

The Chairman led the pledge, and followed with the introduction of the officers and elected officials
that were present.

While Credentials and Registrations were still in progress and in order to preserve time, the
following individuals were called to the microphone.

The Honorable Vernon Parker, Mayor of Paradise Valley and Candidate for Congress in CD-6
spoke about himself and the upcoming election.

The Honorable Judge Gerald Williams made remarks about Luke Air force Base as a viable
economic base for Arizona.

The Honorable Representative Carl Seel gave an update on the state of affairs and the budget

The Honorable Representative Amanda Reeve who replaced former State Representative Sam
Crump reported on her first week in office

The Honorable Senator David Braswell spoke about his first days in the senate and thanked the
members of LD-6 for sending him there.

Credential Chairman the Honorable Michael Jeanes closed R& C at 7:30 pm and reported 88
Precinct Committeemen present and 25 proxies for a total of 113

Chairman Rauch read the rules and entertained a motion to accept the rules. Alfie Kraus made the
motion to approve with multiple seconds from the floor.

“Precinct Committeeman Colleen Lombard opined as a Point of Order-Object to the election

as it was out of order due to the conflict between the rules and By-laws, operations not
conducted per LD-6 By-Laws and improper Notice of the Meeting”.

The AZ GOP Executive Director Bret Mecum explained to the assembled that LD-6 Bylaws are in
conflict with Maricopa Republican Party and that the County Bylaws trump District Bylaws and
therefore Section 4 C of the M.C. Party rules must be adhered to as enumerated in the “Call” letter.

Former 2nd Vice Chairman Bob Haran made the motion to amend Rule #7 and strike the word
“elected”. Discussion ensued and several members from the floor asked for the question Chairman
Rauch acquiesced the motion carried and the word “elected” was stricken from Rule 7.

Chairman Rauch asked for Nominations from the Floor.

Robert Kuhn was nominated by multiple motions and seconds from the Floor, and his name was
entered on the board as Candidate for Chairman.

Larry Gorman was nominated by former Representative Sam Crump with multiple seconds from
the floor and his name was entered on the board as Candidate for Chairman.

There were no further nominations from the floor and nominations for Chairman was closed.

Mark Zemel was nominated by an unidentified member, but he immediately declined.

Secretary Kraus Nominated Wes Harris for 2nd Vice Chairman with multiple seconds from the Floor,
and his name was entered on the board as Candidate for 2nd Vice Chairman.

Cathy Schwanke nominated Robert Gowens with multiple seconds from the floor, and his name
was entered on the board as Candidate for 2nd Vice Chairman.

There were no further nominations and nomination closed and each Candidate spoke for 5 minutes
and answered Questions from the floor

Voting Commenced.

The results of the election were read by C & R Chairman Michael Jeanes as follows:

Larry Gorman 75; Bob Kuhn 35; Robert Gowens 62; Wes Harris 44;

Chairman pro tem Carrie Rauch announce Larry Gorman the new Chairman and Robert Gowens
the new 2nd vice Chair for LD-6, and adjourned the special election meeting.

B. Regular meeting

Chairman Gorman called the meeting to order.

The Treasurers Report and the minutes of the last meeting were ordered to be filed.

The Honorable Gary Pierce, Candidate for the AZ Corporate Commission spoke for 10 minutes on
the importance of the committee.

Several Republican Club members announced upcoming meetings and all were reminded to send
announcements like this to Secretary Kraus for publications to the members.

The next Regular meeting will be on March 22-2010 at &:00 pm at the same location.

Meeting adjourned at 9:00 pm.

Submitted February 24, 2010

Horst Kraus, Secretary


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