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Animal Development

First step in development of new organism is fertilization.

Three events in fertilization process.
Penetration=Acrosome( large lysome/ vacuole with lytic enzymes,
which break down the egg coat). Sperm penetration and membrane
fusion(not 3rd step fusion). Fusion means come together. Membrane of
sperm and membrane of egg is fusing. Egg has a jelly like layer outside
of it. Many sperm, but only one egg fertilized. The acrosome of sperm
digests the outer part of the egg so that the sperm can get through the
cell membrane and release its DNA.
Activation=When membrane of sperm fuses with membrane of egg
there is a release of calcium.=activation step. In most species this is
where the final division of DNA occurs so that there is only 1 n # of
chromosomes to work with. Calcium blocks polyspermy (when more
than on sperm fertilizes) calcium prevents, once a sperm has fused
with the membrane of the egg, it causes a release of calcium which
blocks polyspermy by changing the eggs membrane potential.
Changes the membrane of the egg so no other sperm can fuse with it.
Multiple sperm come out, but only one binds to the plasma membrane,
which starts the activation process so there is only one sperm bound
and final division of DNA.
Sperm penetration has three effects in addition. causes the egg
to be much more metabolically active. Starts protein synthesis. Finish
Fusion=There is a change that occurs in the cell membrane that
produces a pyramidal structure. Sperm comes in activates the cell
membrane and produces acone over the head of the sperm so that it
cannot be detached since no other sperm can now fertilize. Only the
DNA goes into the cell. Fusion=taking from the n dna from egg and
sperm and joining it into one complete nucleus.
Fertilization results in a zygote. Cleavage occurs next and is the cell
division that results in the same size egg but smaller cells, no
differentiation. Cleaveg results in solid ball of cells that are identical
except for their size=morula. Cleavage occurs until blastula is
formed=hollow ball of cells as well as. cell migration=cells on
blastulous structure move from one place to another and gastrulation
leads to gastrula. Following this is neurulation which leads to
neural=with neural tube. Then organogenesis and morphogenesis=
going from ball to something that looks like the organism=embryo. Cell
differentiation and cell determination. Determination=when the cell
goes into 3 germ layers. Differentiation= when cells in 3 germ layers
becomes a more specialized cell type. Cells from outside (usually the
bottom) migrate in and take the space of the cavity, and the germ
layers form. Up to determination cells= stem cells/todipotent=total
potency= can take any cell from blastula/ morula and given the right

chemical signals it could become anything. Once you get to the

blastula the cells are considered to be pluripotent. Determination=
endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm. After this they start to
differentiate off into their specific examples. Ectoderm and mesoderm
forms and then endoderm forms within. Once gastrulation has
occurred, multiple differentiations occur simultaneorusly and at
different rates. First system to form is the nervous system=why women
are cautioned about avoiding substances if they are planning to get
pregnant/ thinking they are preggo Since some substances affect
neural development, it happens before a woman has realized shes
Blastomere=one of the names of the cells in the blastula=todipotent
Egg has animal and vegetal pole.
Blastocoel= cavity of the blastula= difference between morula and
blastula. Morula goes up to about 32 cells. Development of fluid filled
Gastrulation=development of 3 germ layers. Where the vegetal pole
migrates in and becomes the second layer.
Ectoderm= nervous system bc neurulation occurs o fthe outside,
epidermis, sense organs ( has to do with brain) posterior pituitary.
Mesoderm=skeleton, circulatiry system, heart, blood vessels, blood,
the kidneys gonads, and underlying dermis.
Emdoderm= hollow space created by invagination of ectoderm and
mesoderm goes clear through the cels with an open end on each
side=mouth and anus. Digestive tract, Anterior pituitary, pancreas,
thymus, and thyroid, liver.

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