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a LeGatty Bronpe = 131 - GIRLS & GUYS VIVIENNE YOU'VE HAD YOUR FUN OUR WORK HERE IS DONE WERE SETTING YOU FREE, SO GO HOME AND BE, SO. GO HOME AND BE, YEAH, GO HOME AND BE, YEAH, GO HOME AND BE, INDUBITABLY LEGALLY BLONDE LEGALLY BLONDE OH YEAH! VIVIENNE & ENID LEGALLY BLONDE Nae eee ee VIVIENNE, ENID, BROOKE LEGALLY BLONDE LEGALLY BLONDE OH YEAH ALL LEGALLY BLONDE, OH YEAH! > LEGALLY BLONDE = 1322 vocal pook - Musicat NUMBERS ctl 0. Overture 135 136 4, omigod You Guys . 42, Transition To Serious. 2, Serious. 152 3a, Daughter of Delta Nu... 4, What You Want (Part 1). 163 gu What You Want (Part 2).. The Harvards Variations... 170 2, Party Music [after “Serious (Reprise)"] 9, Chip On My Shoulder (Part 1)... 11,50 Much Better.. LrGatty BLONDE - 133 - Act IL Ma. Entr’acte.... 12. Whipped Into Shape.. 13, Delta Nu Nu Nu 13a. Off To Department Store 14, Take It Like A Man ‘da. Kyle The Magnificent 15. Band And Snap... After 15, To The Courtroom 15a, Day Three Of The Trial. 18b. Lovers! 15c, Elle’s Cell Phone... 15d. Hey There, Sexy! 16. Gay or European. 16a. Gay or European - Playoff... 17. Legally Blonée.. 17a, Lyle Gets Bandaged 18. Legally Blonde Remix 18a. Chutney Wyndham. 19. Scene of the Crime... 20. Find My Way / Finale 21. Bows 22. Exit Music . users LeGatty Browne #0—Overture lL BML [2] LeGatty BLonpe - 135 - | OVERTURE 0 (tacet) ‘Fanfare con brio (grandly) J = 125 o 4 4 | { a ry) Im 1 Jed ! | Segue | { i | i | i ( | l 3 { 4 it a | #0—Overture ij LEGALLY BLONDE we Sta as OMIGOD YOU GUYS anager ‘Hard rock J = 162 o i (babble gets louder happier) 2 2 Happy sro babble) ‘MARGOT: 1 got tears com-ing out of my nose! Dear Elle He's @ luck-y guyl— Tm, like, gon-na ery! Youre 8 per-fect match, Cause you've Mad propel He's the cam-pus catch Toth got such great taste in clothes! Ofcourse he wil pro-posel"_—— #1—Omigod You Guys — nyc hy shel fh, akaks | “Dew te fy Haale Ponts hig of — Bing sg kd howto me” |] | HI] ir 2 = | "Four ea-rats OF Drin-cess cu— Are you payched or what? I just wish I could be there to see. SERENA OH. MY. GOD. O-mi- god you guys! Looks lke Flle's— gon-na_ win the prize! ies @ veins | there e-ver was a perfect cou-ple, this one qua - li-fies— O-mi-god—you gu! Oh 4 Vs — — my God, this ie hap-pen -ingh- Our own homecoming queen and kingh Fin = = Ty shell be try ing on « huge en-gage-ment ring for size! O-mri-god— you guys! O-MI-GOD! \ #1—Omigod You Guys LecaLyy BLONDE PILAR: ya B7-rdy Ss— Gond Now — Bl ne ‘And well start the en-gage-ment parade, ‘geRENAY a le Se Dont for get to smile. Lote the gum, Kate, you Took Hike the mai gees ad SERENA: gy Now pr - pare to se > sande —— cca _aMARGOT: ‘They'e just ae SS erect couple, tis—one qua - I (O-mi-god_— you. Bille te OF #1-Omigod You Guys oT LEcatty BLowpe - 139 - — and Warner were meant to ba Shut upl | MARGOT: * KATE: | ‘Theyre just lke that couple om "Ti -ta-ni"..On-ly no. im ——— Sail, in Your hour of need, Let it be un-der-stood: No man can su-pes-sede Out sac-red bond of sis-ter- (aprod is) = #1—Omigod You Guys 140 - LeGAauiy Bronpe anon “ray feng oath sacar a) BEE ca atte nan ERIS ie es Basen lo ay Erbe hate a 00 0 oS MY GOD, O-mi- god you guys mB - — one should be left a-lone to dress and to access - or-izel © O-micgod — you gun! O-mi-god—_ O-mi-godl__ O-mi-god.— O-mi-godl___ O-MI-GODI.. uw rook, "I almest tere, but." #1-Omigod You Guys se : ya Lecatty BLonpe -11- | More Relaxed ‘This dress needs to seal the dealsMake @ grown man kneel But it cant come right out and say "Bride", 10 Can't look like I'm desp-'ate, or like I'm wait-ing for— it. Tye got-ta leave War-net his pride, DELTANUs otis “Fs, | — | So "Bride" is more... im - plied _— % 1 “There the is { | ELLE: Nea Oh my Godl O-mi-god you gays All this week T've had butter fi ‘Accel, Rock! ALLGIRIS: ELLE: 133 195 196 EEvizy time he looks at me i's TO-al-ly—Pro-po - sal Eyes! O-mi-god— you guys! (Hubbub) So 3 Ble weet ee Help me dress for my fairy ley — =e Can't wear some-thing I bought on SALE: e — i lke, for E-VERI This is no time to e-con = o-mize; ALL: (O-mi-god_— you guysl #1-Omigod You Guys as LeGatty BLONDE SALESGIRE: "Blondes make comuisson so easy.” 4 Tee SALESGURL: “Excuse me, have you sen tis? just came init pect for a blonde.” ELLE: “Ripe ithe half oop teh on cia sik SALESGIRL: “Uh hu ELLE: *Butthe tings, you cat ae a ha'oop sich on chon sik, 1 pucker." vamp 8 ne = ses "And you ce js ge his ‘Ease nat Way Voge” DELTANUS: Lightly Iso voce, delighted) ay peo mi- Bod yong TBLLE: "Tm not bout to buy last years cress atts years peice” DELTANUS: o Se ac 16 File. saw sight thru that ale gts EO FLUE: "Tenity be perfect for blonde, but im not THAT blonde" z ee MANAGER: ELLE: a 88 168 1 may be in love, but Tm not stu-pid, la - dy: I've got eyes O-mi-god! MANAGER: (to Satesg) Ce Elle Woods! Sor-rg, our mistake! (Courtney, tke your break)Justig-note heshe has-'t been well. #1—Omigod You Guys LEGALLY BLONDE - 143 - MANAGER: vm ms i” “Tey this! Lat-est— from Mi-lan, Go on,—— ty it onl I take care of my best ci-en-tele Ri, ——— $$ Its a gift fom me— to Ele 2] Slower | OH. MY. GOD.O-mi-god you gual” ‘This one's PER-FECT. And it's just my sizel— £ ee 4 Ah abl —— Faster Accel. ral 10 ‘See? Dreams really DO come ue You ne-ver have to com ~ pro-mise, O-mi-godl 2 J ——— = ah Ob my OB! ian A a MY GOD! O-mi-god you guysl_ Lets go. home be-fore some one cies! #1—Omigod You Guys [ese ween a4ke = LeGarty BLONDE ELLE: there e-ver was a per-fect cou-ple, this—one qua - lifes! Cause we love you guys! YOU Guys! Otago Cg eee you GUYS! o-MI- Gopi O-MI-Gopmt Quick transition elt [51 ae By EI #1—Omigod You Guys LeGatty BLonpe 145 - TRANSITION TO "SERIOUS" 1A (tacet) Fanfare (in 2) Rein A tempo (in 6) (ee Rit. ems it pete p tere se WARNER: "You." (0, YOU are” ELLE: “You. Olay, 1m even iitting myselt” Attacca "SERIOUS" #1A—Transition To “Serious” #6 = LEGALLY BLONDE SERIOUS Bs \RNER: “Ble.” WARNER: “._1 want you to know how happy you've mage me. [Bvery guy dreams about finding a gil who looks lke you.” Gentle stow jam 4 WARNER: = Se We both know why wee hers «see it in youreyen «guess it clue my fear “To know its sot # surprise. I thought one look at you _Look-ing like adream come true, 4 ‘Would leave me speech-less like you al-ways dol Bur now were wide a- wake. — And we've got some plans t0— makes Let's take some ac - tion, ba byl So ba-by give me your hand T've got some dreame to make tru. #2—Serious OE’ # te tt Bj ee LeGauty BLonpe - 147 = | al te pS Its time to get se-1i- ous, Time to get se - sl - ous with you. WARNER: “Uh, honey, Im not finished?” ELLE: "Oh,sony” Tne - ver thought that 2) Very slight tempotitt prog, iS Since I was two or three, My life was planned out neat. Yad get my law de-gres, ‘A big white house back East, A of the ame - ni-nes— ‘And then win my Se-nate seat svat least! Just like the Ken-ne- dsl teed ‘Three kids at least, Just like the Ken-ne~ dys! Here's where our lives be - gin ¥2—Serious EE ————— Lecarry BLONDE But just where do you— fit in?—— 1M break itdown sow, ba~byl say andl Oh,_______—_ Here's ny hanall Here's Yee got some deeams to make true! (Oh babygive me your hand——_———— Oh yes 1 un-der stand! ————— We both have dreams to make sruel_—————— 1 know that you wader stand, #2—Serious LEGALLY BLONDE - 149 - A) [B] —_iscot (same tempo) Se sim ous! Got-ta wake up— and take our jour-ney — se-#f-ousl__ Tm reper yanricige ner ire nce ee ohn atta Baby that’s why you and L—________________—should break up! ELLE: "You've breaking up with me? Broadly But thought you were proposing.” a 2 a Yes ba = by TI give you my hands, we WHAT? #2—Serious +150 - Lecatty BLonpe WARNER: “ did talk to my parente abou it Pooh-Beas, but, WARNER: “Eile if? they expet aot from me I'm going to Harvard Law School soma besscomor when and my brother's at Yale Law-~ 0's his fiancee, and she Pm dirty ELLE: “Oh sel met pool rug for yout Ware Fac good enagh for ene from Mall Fn nt aay out th ee! Mtr Simons WARNER tgs) [sate nelaor!™ Sourly, (Bieber eH) WARNER: im gonna need some-bo - dy Baise (Saitty ase, Se - fom Less of # Ma-ti-ly, more a Jack- ie, Se - si ous! WHAAT? roby (esp) 3 Some-bo-dy casey and not too tck-y. O-kap, that came Gut wrong Baby, let's bothbe strong ELLE: “What does that mean, Tm pot ecko. JUST SHUT UP! by ara 1 mean we've known all a-long. Dictated ‘WARNER: (Ele sos), Ba-by ty fo “wues al planned ve got some dreams to make true. #2—Serious Lecatiy Bonne - 151 - —— 1 thought that you'd” un > der and _ WARNER: “Check, please.” time to get serious. Time se hs ou. a ae ‘Applause Segue #2—Serious re AR Lecatty Browpe - 2A Dats Nas DAUGHTER OF DELTA NU dass Play 4X, 7 [2 pevranes: Daugh-ter of Del - ta Ny Sweetheart, i's been twelve days! MARGOT: DELTANUS: Please let us help you through! (Gasp) She's cat-ing MILK-Y WAYS! AAGHT Bm ioe ‘dios I think he should be shot Andlem-me tell you what don't think he's shat bot 1 MARGOT Lok youn PHAR, Op. Gah So aguparpuing) — RERES, Ninel es “ "Sanh a a SERENA: do. Wall, youre a slut #2A—Daughter Of Delta Nu ALL Ab El . Lecatty Browne - 153 - || Delta Nus 3 So WHAT YOU WANT o | I Gras Cad (Part 1) i emble cur: i ELLE: “Walt a 4c! Thisis the | ind fs Wane wants 4 Dictated “Someone awyerly! Someone who ears black even when nobody's dead 2 (Com-PLETE - ly BRIL- lant PLAN! “| A Brightly J= 126 eur [) 4 ¥ 7 What you vans, War — nes, what you want is MEL But you nest t— seme in 4 bond new do- min Wel #s phin War am? i HE reat set = ing you wil see youte get - ting A of this PLUS a bung m a = ee 2 =e aS Ss 7 ‘mest you thereat Harvard with 4 book in myhand Big sturdy book! Big wond-y book! #3—What You Want (Part 1) = 154 - LeGatty BLONDE Full of words TU un - der~ stand, and Right there i_-where youll fee it too Warnes, what you want is tight in front of — What You Want! ‘What You Want! What You Want Ip aight in front of you, Front of youl— front of you, Front of youl What you want! Whar you wat! Ts right in font of you, Front of youl Whar you want Is aight in froat of | you, front of youl #3—What You Want (Part 1) BK oH EI LeGatty Bronpe = 155 - Step One: He's off to Har ~ vard Law, So I get in there too. Make War-ner re-as-sess" Im- | press him with my high 1. Q_ We throw a great big wed-ding, And in-vte all Del-ta Nu! KATE: ‘Step Three! ‘And invite all Del-ta Nul That's reat Nice plan. Now cin we think this through? KATE: "Harvard Law School?” ELLE: “Ihave a 40 average’ ARE: “Yeah in "ain Mechanising’ "What makes you think you can do this?” Bu a : — LOVE! I'm do-ing this for Love, ‘And love will see me throughs Yes, with love \ on my side I cant los And Har-vard can't te - fase A love s0 pure and true Don't ¥3—What You Want (Part 1) LecaLLy BLowpE 156 — Gueet beats no ca sy— thing ‘Wf youre going to— wing i It will ‘wreck your Senior pring, Yeah, i true— Fit youll nocd an LSAT store of tose tht eae mecrensty fo Soom mace: pars dee foe you — ‘need a Hiller cs - t9y, Or do not e-ven hope, And glow-ing let-ters From your betsers. ULE: KATE: A ay chance you know the Pope? On, nope, Too bad_—_‘enme_thar_woud be a comp. ‘And youve got a lot of work in fiont of — #3—What You Want (Part 1) @ Be BS oe a LEGALLy BLONDE - 157 & ‘ELLE: What you want Is sight ja Whar you want! What you want! What you want Is right ia front of you, Front of youl— front of you, Front of youl_What you want! Git you go! front of you, Front of you——What you want! What you want Is sight i What you want is ght infront of you, © Front of youl__ 4#3—What You Want (Part 1) = 158 - Lecatty BLONDE [ELLE'S DAD: “Law School?” | ELLE'S DAD: “ood god, why? Law school is fr boring, [a] BEDE Yes betta schoo.” vp sows pope. And you, Baio ar son of hose igs.” ‘4 Vamp 7a DAD: What you ‘want, But-ton, hey, you just sey the— word... But what you want's ab - surd, And costs a ‘whole lot of swag, And, hell, why? But ton, when you can stay right here, Pur-sue fim ca - re? How ‘bout a nice -Bir- kin bag? = Yes!_ The Bast Coast is for-eign: There's no film stu-di-os—— Its cold and dark, Nova let pak-ing, MAD: (Game ogre) ‘All the gids have diffrent noses - Christ) But-ton, it's like the damn fon - tier! Tell me what's out there that = you can't get right hese? Guys #3—What You Want (Part 1) EEE Lecarty Browne — 159 — Se LOVE! Tm go-ing there for Love! A love ave to win T can live MOM & DAD: MOME DAD: BOTH: [comprehending | Love? Love? Love Ah ah ah ahh, be ttay what might have DAD: Fine, 0 1 pay your way TF you get MOM & DAD: j Mite the pas, ‘What you want! i MARGOT: “Hey, eve KATE: "You can. i (ete pine pects gee Youn Exerc fn Hear La j ERAT BOYS: “EXTREME!!!” Tine we sady-Colt i KATE: "Notiorjoue ; Ts ight in front of you, Front of youl ‘What you wants right in ffont of you Front of youl. #3—What You Want (Part 1) ~ 160 - Lecaty BLonpe ¢ | =) ri MARGOT: "This yes theme? Bright Reggae (Swung) J = 88 Jamaican Me * Boys: | cxmmesrmncm 3 SSS SS WHAT U want, U wan-na be out be-caute the sun she warm?— WHAT U want, U wan-na be e 3 study stuck inside your dorm?——WHAT U want, U wan-na be party with us_ all night long? | SERENA/PILAR: KATE: “134, Not good enough. Try again.” 3 Boys: WHAT —U want? U was-na be strong) Be strong! Whoa! Dance hall (straight 8ths) GRANDMASTER CHAD: 3 | = | Wiha weneU women be groin bp eke or? What U wa U wan be = 3 ‘won. deia'where yayouth is U want? U wan-na hold oal ‘gone? What #3—What You Want (Part 1) Lreatty BLonpe = 161 = KATE; “151 Sill not Harvard matesal, Once apt.” Bright Regge (ving ts) ses se KATE: “40 (Handing sto KATE) chas-in’ him 8 he don’ care? WHAT —U want, U wan-na ig-nose the pi-ty in their look? Ben FoldsyRingo Starr feel +45_(to passing STONER) + WHAT U want, U wan-na say "Sor-ry, got to hit me bocks"? WHAT U want, U wan-na be sittin’ lke a lone-ly child? WHAT U want, U wan na be driv-in! all the fel-les wild! ¥#3—What You Want (Part 1) - 162 — LeGAatty Bronpe KATE: so, Senght Ste, ‘That day Tear them say... ONE SE-VEN-TY WHAT — U want, U wanna be feelin’ good to be alive?, 2) Hialtetujant Straight Shs) FIVE! One se-ven-ty FIVER, GIRLS: ONE SE-VEN-TY FIVE! ONE SE-VEN-TY ONE SE-VEN-TY FIVE! ONE SE-VEN-TY FIVE ONE SE - VEN - TY Sve. ATTACCA "What You Want" Part? #3—What You Want (Part 1) wren “fe a = LEGALLY BLonpe Wsirop Matt Kell. Hiern WHAT YOU WANT 3A, (Part 2) TOWEL “Ousaping” WINTHROP: “And now "Ms. Elle Woods,” ‘Faster, with pompousness sentlemen, Harvard Law grants acceptable to Adam Cohen and Sundeep Padamadan.” LOWELL: “She's applying?" WINTHROP: ily.” She has 94.0 avery And there's also eter of recommendation from Tm arguing Ms Woods i entiely nguaifed, "THAT te fate of Harvard Lav Dut ook at her jo Tempo di Part 1 What you wand What you went! ¥#3A—What You Want (Part 2) ‘What youwant I sightin LOWELL: “Mukicutaratism!” i WINTHROP: "Excuse Me?" if LOWELL: "We shoud admit herfor reasons of. unm." || i -Multiuluris! ‘LOWELL: Exact” ij WINTHROP: “Gentlemen PLEASE! Geta hold of yourselves. This i Harvaré Law Schoo, tt ‘atchcom. Oa, but how about tat. Whats shame! ‘She diet bother sending ina personal esa." PILAR: “Hows THIS i fora persoral ess!" WHO ARE You? - 164 = LeGatty BLonpe Har - vard, Tim the gil for— yout flew here on Jet Blue! JETBLUE PLOT ‘Thank YOU! GIRLS & GUYS: ALL (oo ELLE): ‘Thank you! ‘This is what Elle Woods in = spi - see! Ev'ry So what do you aay? NOPEI Aa pee" wanrnRoP: one ad - mi - resher So what do you say? This is NOT a per-son-al essay! NOPE] An #3A—What You Want (Part 2) eH IS) AE] ei} Blot ces eo RE the Lecarty Bronpe - 165 - _ essays so—bor - ing and so much does not ft. So_wete ap-peat- ing live— right here. Mak-ing clear ou must admit that Elle Woods should join the cho-sen—few! Harvard, What you want is right in front of — ‘And now some legal jar-goat ie HLLE: Ex-hib-it "A‘t 3 8 2 GLE) a ayes ann May 1 ap - proach? #3A—What You Want (Part 2) 166 — LeGatty BLONDE Big percussion break ad 7 Uh-huil Ob, yeabl Go, Elle 7] raatintnta —— 7 WINTHROP: “Now SEE HERE, Ms. Woods!! You can't just barge in here ‘With singing and dancing and ehnic movement! “This isa very ashy presentation but il don’t see one reason to admit you.” Slower, rubato ‘aise 2 a aT How a= bout. LOVE? You ev-er boon in love? ‘Cause if you have, youll know That love _ne-ver ac-cepts 2 de-feat, — No chal-lenge ie can't meet. No place it in-not go. Don’t say oto a wo ~ man in Love! #3A—What You Want (Part 2) Et eS Ff F . | Lecatty Browne — #87 love, Don't think that I'm na-fres 2 eed theit heart, Can listen and ! Se be-lieve - inwhat love can a-chiey! Lowstt: Me wot Pronzarine : SSS SSS ra Yes we be-leve Teor ADuasston curs Y@ we be sepackun OS Yer we believe | #9A—What You Want (Part 2) a LeGauty BLONDE WEL-COME TO HAR-VARD! in lowe How ‘bout you! ‘ADMISSION GUYS & BACKUP) — in love How ‘bout you! Woo HOO! Dreamgiris on steroids TILAR+MARGOTASERENA: Whar you want! What you want What youwant— T's sight ia front of you! Front of youl Nour we're done! With step Onet WB. font of you! Front of youl——What you want! ont ofyoul Front of youl———What you want! What you want #3A—What You Want (Part 2) LeGatty BLonpe = 169 - WHAT YOU WANT What you want! Whar you. wantl What you want! Whar you want = WHAT YOU WANT! What you want! What you want! What you want! WHAT YOU WANT. Quick applause segue wu #3A—What You Want (Part 2) R = 170 - Lecatiy BLONDE Anon THE HARVARD VARIATIONS Padamadan Enid Other Students (Male + Female) Bright Marching 4 a 3 2 a re AARON (pou: : "eon Seb f) m2 2» Vamp é *AARON'S TURN" AARON: Bh [a] 1 won a Ful-bright and a Rhodes. 1 write Gi-nan - cial software codes But thats a chal-lenge Te outgrown. How many yachts can one-man own? oa Some sey that Tm a pom-pous creep. Some-how I don't lose that much sleep. Why bo-ther with false mo-dest-y?--Har-vard's the per - fect place for mel ¥4—The Harvard Variations | LeGatty Brower - 4171 END: Pretty im-press-ive. Good to know | EMMETT. Pret-ty im-prest-ive. Good to know Wel-come to Har-vand. I PADAMADAN: Pretty im-press-ive. Good to know: Was-sup. In f fi fay CRADAMADAN'S TURN Ha flee Be - cause of stu pid coup de — tat bul = let proof Mer = ce ~ des Bena! 4#4—The Harvard Variations 172. - Lecarty BLONDE Pret - 7 impressive, Good to know sid Hoopes! Pret -1y impressive, Good to know Wel - come 1. AARON: Pret -1y impressive, Good to know, SENID'S TURN" J ex. I did the Peace Corps o-ver seas, in-noc-u-Iat-ing ref-u gees in fam-lly clin-ics thet T built my-self ftom mad and tees, 1 fought to clean up their la-goons And save their sare en-dan-gered Joong, then Jed 2 pro-test march a ~ gainst in-sen-si-tive car-toons. ‘AARON Pret -ty_im-press-ive, PADAMADAN: #4—The Harvard Variations RP ES] 2 oft ck AP =F Ch SF Bu. tf “At AEE { Leoatty BLonpr - 173 - ea, BUT now I'm on the le-gal tack, be-cause our coun-try's out of whack, and on-ly wo-men have the i {guts to go and take it back. We'll make the go-vern-ment come clean and get more peo-ple vot-ing i Grea and real = ly stick it’ 1 the © phal-I- cen-ttie war ma - chine Criminal Lav 101 with Professor Callahan & Warner Hurington II?" "Well we're all heading there, soT'm sore someone woul be happy ‘But the STUDENTS have goon up quickly and left | | i Bek ct eal teeing sh a 15) aa 2 8 #4—The Harvard Variations i - 174 — Lecatcy Browne fe Har - vardls the per - fect e END: wont id the Peace Corps over seas in-noc-u - lat-ingte-fu - gees in fam ‘ly clinics that I Why both-er with false, © mod - es - y? Har - vard's the per - feet PADAMADAN) 1 place = forme. Har-varde the per - feet place fot ew Mar; built my self fom mud and trees, Harvard's the per - fect place for. ee (aanon) : rg E place for. me, Harvard's the per - fect place fot Har vardls the per - fect place for. ip place forme, Har-vards the per - feet place fot. #4—The Harvard Variations LEcAaLLy BLonpr - 175 Steuse met Par-don me! Harvard's the per - fect place forme. (Comin! thru! a Oh, .migod, Warner! i FEMALE STUDENTS: ee Pret - ¢y_iem-peess ~ive, MALE STUDENTS a #4—The Harvard Variations i 6 = Lecatty BLonpe = BLOOD IN THE WATER te s LAHAN: "You have the right to remain silent. ng you say WILL be used against you Rapid, colla voce CALLAHAN: Now whea you choose a law cz - reer, the — mo-ment you em - bake There is that joke you're bound co hear "A law - yer isk shat” Ig - vee that, T's sim-plist-ie and is dumb, On = ly some of you will rurn out sharks, just | ‘Ale brighter) 2 2 “ Blood inthe ‘water. Kids, ifs time you faced #5—Blood In The Water ath TP TE LEGALLY BLonpe - 4177 = Law school is a waste, Oh yes. Uncles you ac - qui-re taste For, Blood in the wa ten Datk and red and tem You're so-thing wn-tl— The thall of the kill Be comes your on = iy Inv CALLATIAN (spoken): Mister. Shalt, bypothetcl question, wl Would you be willing to defend te following banker accused of ra.” A Little Faster e (CALLAHAN) A kind old fvod-ma took her sav-ings and she sent it. off to your cli-ent. “All she saved since she was born, Wel, he promised to in - vest i, but he spent it On No would-o't wan-na take dat case! ¥#5—Blood In The Water 178 - casas This one'is a win, un-less youke Ia - 2%. Grancmuls. broke! Shell have some hack fom Le - gal On Purher on ad he can in the Wa tee Read your Tho-mas Hobbes spine less saobs— Blood in the wa tex Your scruples. ate a flaw Lreatty BLowpe the stand and call her old snd ca - ay; Your guy goes ALL get you high and id. Look forthe Will quar-rel with the mor-al- ly du-bi-ous jobs! Yes, 4#5—Blood In The Water rE Lecatty BLonpe = 179 - (to ENID): "Ms. Hoopes, hypothetical question: would you beth ight lawyer forthe following lint.” 3 << (CALLAHAN) Sey they offer you a bun-dle for de-fend-ing A fa-mous hit-man for the Ma-fi-a e-lite Seems he | missed his chos-enprey,Kiled 2 un and drove a-way,Run-ning ower three cute puppies inthe street, ENED: “What, you thnk I wouldett defend him, just cause bes aTypiel Man?” Callahomstps ni with CALLAHAN! “Ob, you lesbians think youve s9000 Tough. ‘raised fnger. END: ‘On Cue Vamp 2 __slekewtatton eve CALLAHAN: ia oe Gey Oh deat {fear my com-ment has of-fend-ed. Hard to argue, tho’, when youle roo mad to speak Your em= ploy-mentwil be very quickly end-ed Once they seehowyouremotionsmakeyou weak, So whats my #5—Blood In The Water 180 - LeGatty BLonpEe J] Tempo di Marcia (till swing 8ths) (cALLABAN) em if From this point? I run a billion dol-lat law frm, And I hive four new in-tems ev'-ry year leet Four young sharks whom I re = spect, And those Rit. Siower,butnonrabato py, four wil hive a GUAR-AN-TEED CA-REER. Do you fol-low me? So T wan-na see. what? a ‘Tentatively wing 8s) Ex-act-ly. STUDENTS: (terrified) Four of you will win. But just those four with a dor-sal fin Yes! Happily, con moto ws we 1 we co22 Blood in the wa - tee, Ooh #5—Blood In The Water Lecarty BLonpe ~ 181 — AWW Wut CALLAHAN: “Ms.. CALLAHAN: "Would you summasie the case of ELLE: "Woods, Bie Woods * Site of Indiana v.Heare rom your reading, plete” CALLAHAN: "Someone's tad thes moring cof ‘Vamp, cutoff on cue eee = ELLE: “Oh. 1 wanted to anawer the puppy question.” ‘Some ofthe clas aught most finch. CALLAHAN: “But Im asking you abou the aged reading” CALLAHAN: “Youve guts, Ms, Woods," ELLE: aghing) Oty. wh hs eating ort (7 VIVIENNE) "..Rensington.* st ay of elas? (CALLAHAN: zs a Pa 2) cotmvoce say you teach & cls at Har-vard Law School... A po - si-tion that you're justly proud a - bout Bur’ gitl_on whom you call Hasn't read the case at all Should you No, Té throw her out, ¥#5—Blood In The Water - 182 = LeGatty BLONDE sess ror ‘You have just been lilled — STUDENTS: 3 on Ooh. ‘ext your throat, s0 grab your coat, Yes, youlve got guts, But now they're spilled! Your. a Re Se SSS Och, But now they'e spilled! Your. sew phic Tepe BE [Bl So would you please with - draw? And BP Blood’s in the wa—— te, Ha he ha ha ha ha hal 22) Big hard swing if yourevturn, Be ready tovleam. Or is thet un-fait, Oh, wait, 1 don't care, That's In Me as in school, with fear and shock and awel—— ff & Ook. Ooh. Och, ‘Avwe!___ #5—Blood In The Water LecAauty BLonpe -1a3—- [A 4#5—Blood In The Water 184 — LeGatiy Browne POSITIVE 6 cue: ‘VIVIENNE: “He sad im bis gciiend! ELLE: OIRLFRIEND!™ {alogue begins fer Grot Chora appears) a ieee Srna sc? Gis, whats going en?” MARGOT: "ile, wee hereto be SERENA: "He tis isa tragedy andevery SERENA? "Butwe'e not atl). tragedy needs a Greek Chorst™ here. Wee just in yourhead” Funky hichat groove GREEK CHORUS: — a Ab. Ah. Abb GREEK CHO - RUS IS Ho-ney, what you crj— in’ at? Youlrenot los-in him to that. Both her hair &shoes are flat! MARGOT: ‘why is she so rude? Wipe your tears, i's no big thing You were meant to wear his singl Peas: ALLGREEK CHORUS: Cheer up, chin up, it’s time to bring A ap-py at - ti-tudel «Keep it | MARGOT. ALLORERK CHORUS: SERENA: Po-si_ Hel— As you slap her to the flood Keep it, Po si Gul As ous pull her hair and call her— "whore"! You can take her in a Sight You and he— will re-u-nite. #6 —Positive Bie eh che 1 4 EE t Lecauty Browpe PeMes: ALL GREEK CHORUS; You know wee sight Were Bo i gOS KILL HER! GREEK CHORUS: AD LIA weriowsy) {Beater up! Pull out her niet at her heat! Yay revenge!" WAAR GHL its ids = SSS cj ‘With thestick that'sup her bate” me PILAR: ; SSS ss SF SS Show him you are WAY more fal ALL GREEK CHOR! Bust out the Isp dancel, and you've won! You off the hie ale, GI Keep ‘it ELLE: #6 — Positive 186 - Lecatty BLONDE ALL GREEK CHORUS: ALL GREEK CHORUS: MARGOT: ate =. Po - i - tive — Yeah! Ripoff your elothes and dance! Keep BS Bb ‘You wil whet his ap-pe-sitel You and be wil se-u site! ‘You know we're right! We're Po - oS [8] SS Cae md oid ss saenate ss on me Somes z ee a ‘Vamp ALL GREEK CBORYS 4 pao Bey) Hegl HEY! Be Po sitive (als Ago orca uiSen rind & SS a ‘ ‘That he lover you and NOT HER. #6— Positive (eee Lecatty Bronpe - 187 - & MARGOR Paws: Wake him up like SLEEP-IN’ BEAU ‘Tum his hesd with your RED HOT BOOS PeMas: 1A | Well ring thease if you bring the fink IT'S PO-SI-TIVE-LY TIME TO SHAKE YOUR JUNK, The DELTA NUs force ELLE oon hem in hating junk ALL GREEK CHORUS; Shake, shaks, shake, shake, shake shake shake shake shake shake WHOO! F2) Dance break with whooping . 4 , 4 | z = | Heiter sehr ae 7 , e 3k only WAIT! Gitl, Ym 46 —Positive = 188 - Lreatty BLONDE ALLGREEK CHORUS: YEAH! ELLE: "AD this tach-y carr-yin om:— THAT's the rea-son that he's gone. T'need s sa-loal Gis, Tin Faun =o ‘That its ‘And ty not to get—up-set— Bat Tim Bo-si - tiv—— Po-si— tire, ALLGREEK CHORUS: Po = sivtiivel— Po-si-tiivel— ‘Be-ing blonde and be-ing hot That got me ex-act-ly squat SERENA: PILAR, MARGOT: time for me— to go bran-ete Got ta show him I got mote to. give ALL GREEK CHORUS: Nol Tim pos ‘Whoa, whos,—whoa, whoal Tim po ~ sivtive #6—Positive Lecatty Bronpe Youre po = si-tive, real-ly po - si-tie? Poi - tive! #6 —Positive = 190 — Lecatty BLonpE Bee 7 IRELAND cu PAULETTE: "Do you know the number one reason behind all bud bait decisions” Colla yoee, but not too rebato + PAULETTE: 2 Lovel Youre lost with-out your love. -Yourheart is an the floor. T can help — you I been there before When I need to re - lax, 1 just pur On some (Poulet cicks the emote othe stereo.) tracks From this C.D. ought forthe store New Agey Celtic music a la Enya [B] Mod. waltz tempo, non rubato) ‘OFF-STAGE VOICE: Ooh, (OFFSTAGE vores PAULETTE: Ina that relaxing? I's called Celtic Moods. Ooh. PAULETTE: a ee ee, #7—Ireland oA HL vai ft = 191 Lecatty BLonpe rauLETTD, Int @ = tess quar knew; father = came from grand #7-—Ireland ‘CUT if no whale noises = 192 - LeGatty BLONDE fj Howing [ AULETTE) red - head - ed groom 1 can nee im As we | suil-or named "Brend an!” ot. OFF-STAGE VOICE: AHL bolht me Uke four ~ ton bees And he me that he wa fiom I~ re-land. #7—Ireland = 193 - Lecatty BLonpe #7—Ireland - 194 - Lecatty BLonpe OFFSTAGE he told VOICE: me steered me ‘wrong Ooh. fave me gor gut-ted Allthats left is this, vveird En-ya aes OFF-STAGE VOICE: (Hah. (hysh (hah! YOU should not give. up one ~ land: Just be dink ‘youre tear - ing your top. off And you ash the Saint Pat-sich’s Day Pa = nde, See a #7 —Ireland * TH =e 5 a LeGarty Browpe - 195 - Air St, fawn smart gil ike OFFSTAGE Voce: Ooh, SS ee ee Auer n3 Me yeh aoc gee Site, ed Dictated Rit, Lighting tears, but failing] 1s 3 ww Sead my ve to the le < ‘Atempo oF te sioer in ———— (aay hms tt t ‘OFFSTAGE VOICE: a Ooh #7—Ireland i seh. Lecatty BLonpe Paulette cur: ELLE: “Thanks, Vivienne." ‘Tempo di “Ireland” - in 1 PAULLETTE: ‘Yeu go Elle. You go, and you FIGHT for tim!" oc. a poc.cresc. ‘spa 7A #7A—Ireland (Reprise) eh [al BM EI ar LEGALLY BLONDE i ir out there and (B) Swing ta "So What?” Vamp a MALE STUDENT. "Whos. Cheek 0% Ms. Osiaber™ 8 oA WARNER: *.Which will now rankas the gests regret of my entire if Til. ‘Sn ot over the fact youre here at Harvard... n 6 2 ge SSE SSS = #7A—Ireland (Reprise) = 198 - Lecatty Bronpe ~} Warmer lle SERIOUS (Reprise) Gentle stow jams "Sone ee i aye” 14 4 8 WARNER: Those par = ies sen - forest. T thought we ruled the wosld_ 7 ELLE You fn-oledall_— that BST held your head when you hued WARNER: ‘We were like gods back then! BLL: © Dreams don just. ‘Walk-ing a-mong com-mon men. ‘Tell me why cant it be that way a-gain? # #8 ~Serious (Reprise) LrGatty BLONDE = 199 - 1 aun ee dis-ap par ‘We could keep on dream » ing them here! Like sen-ior year bu fined WARNER: | Youve got your fia - ture all planned. Whar if Y'm stend-ing there too? ‘WARNER: ‘Yes 1 do, — guess Pda. H Tm here ‘cause 1 und-er-stand,.————————* i Wait, Ym not fol-low-ing you. Not sure I un-der-stand. ! #8—Serious (Reprise) = 200 - Lecatty BLONDE ARTY MUSIC 8A (tacet) cur, STACCA om Serow Rei Quiet half-time groove er 4 4 gS == ; ELLE: “Warner, im comply cogiant of toto hose SE —————— ELLE: "Are you cally cling Glav telnem akan? ENID: "WHO's caltng Gloria Steinem skank! segue ¥#8A—Party Music LrGatty BLonpE - 201 - bees Bln CHIP ON MY SHOULDER 9 (Part 1) Slowly EMMETT: “Hey. Whoa, Elle, What's up... Doc?” ©) Colta voce, slow 6 7 a ‘ELLE: 1 put my fath in EMMETT, "Seuse me? Love led you here? Aceel. ——— eee ron = 2S Fa Tm flunk-ing outof school, A to-tal laugh -ing stock, Some-one he —and his friendscan just. ute mock! So go on, here's my head: Just hit it with a rock. EMMETT: Wait, “Go back.” #9—Chip On My Shoulder (Part 1) 202 - Lrcatty BLONDE ] Dictatea ‘exer ‘out here to follow a man? Har-vard Law was just.- ‘part of that plan"? Man, what rich | usar | fo-man-tic — plan-et are _you from? Iwadof yo | = ing out side by the pool, You stalk some guy—— to an I~ wy League Well, why'd YOU come? | (O-kay. T grew wpe in the Rox-bu-ty slums. With my Mom and a se-ries of bums Guys who #9—Chip On My Shoulder (Part 1) Lecatty Bronpe -203- |, law school by busting my ass Worked two jobs in ad - don to dats os So for give me for not weep - ing at your le 3 BLE: “Excure me!, just because EMMBT® (inerraping 5] youte pt some tind of chip on your shouler-* eka har eure ih? K se EMMETT: ‘There's a chip on my shoul der And its big as a boul - der With the ie I chance Tve heen given, Tim gonna be diiv-en at hell I'm 0 cle T can taste ig So Tm not gonna vaste it, Yeah, there's # Chip On My Show - You might wan-na get one as_— well A EMMETT, ‘Hy. ustbeing hoes, ELLE: “Wit Two ob pl lw achoo™ ELLE: ‘Imsory,bu _ Waensos wcrenttorintoitiege you EMMAE TIA reeb ea en ct [x] Setoundhipiy nese” goin wrk ices hard-aad] way” BRREE Re sre Tn 13S amp See oy Vamp EMMETT: uxtX vols | cs Wel, 1 #9—Chip On My Shoulder (Part 1) + T don't go to parties a lot Not good use _of the time thet I've got Can't spend ELLE (musering): og TO pend HOH” per hho - us doia! my hei or stayin in shape Bur 1 know it-'l all be worth-while When T win my frst hi-era-tive tiall_— And buy my mam ELLE: “Thats sosweetl." EMMETT: — that great big house out onthe Capel No, that’s the | With more enerey | chip on my shoul - der T_nugged my Mom and told he With the can't take the day off,_— I just think of the pay = off) You need a Chip On Your Shou! - dex Lit-e miss "Woods com - ma— lle" ELLE: “Ij sed o prove to evron it Iers, ] Eibach oe oe #9—Chip On My Shoulder (Part 1) Lroaity BLowpr = 205 - “stay ELLE: (08) “They'ceundes the f ELLE: “Make yous t hore." (Ele goes tg Buz (0: - fs EMMETT: lon Kony You gins ot ed Bil ont you" Eon pee agen ELLE: (O38) "give oer EMT ENDER, “so ou cans opal sit ying Pe ee EMMIETE “tatshng You dos ost you? Whee ae ELLE: “TT tte law Books? f=] Vamp! \ EMMETR 4 Y-know— this va-ni-ty's real pic-tur-esque, But it stat - od is lifes a deck © Clear it off ‘Hey, what are you do-ing? reacae, this? Can you live with-out that? don't know what this i. 1s for bait i as im - prov-ing whats IN - SIDE your head___ #9—Chip On My Shoulder (Part 1) 206 - LEGALLY BLONDE 4) sxmerrn cing Out Oulart in stor-age, Sell it on e-Bay, Leave it be - hind. Out Out! What, ae you an-gry? Good, co get an-gey! You may find the chip on your Shoul - dee. 6, the zoom just got col - des.— Bur with the ELLE: Upht Hel chance you've been given, Why are you aot dei-ven as hell? There's just FOUND IT! #9—Chip On My Shoulder (Part 1) Bb bt [a] fit Lecaty Buonpe = 207 wo EMMETT, \ Yh re hana Sh ram de Adega cf ae SMe pe Mom nd et hum probibitum su." ELLE: “Probit aw ! Like 3! Or chewing gum in Si ae Ebr Sheets Porat cevn emi sro Hivorisxony) oe 6 h SS ees | Eronerr lupins macion tse iinet Anau, racing er ‘Where are you + Home of our Is thunkogiving beak toe Sook EMMETE“iiostng RULE: "What murder, white shoes ser Labor Day." se» Silty oe x9 EMMETT: EMMETT oe = 2 we oe ae ve +t = 1 pe #9—Chip On My Shoulder (Part 1) = 208 LeGatty BLonpE dct you will prob-ab -ly pase. ELLE: wl. the bot-tom percent of your class. If youe ‘Yes! Whar (optional spoken) AA going for me-di - o-cre,— youve done great Look, they laughed at ‘That's not fait! sme lke theyre leugh-ing at you; we cant win if we dos't fol-low through! Might T ven ELLE: "Why do you alvaye, fon bave tobe righ 0220 Chit Ge Se Qo el, on = hel BLE, (eting ot windon) "ye et ey Ca jy Wa segue #9—Chip On My Shoulder (Part 1) ‘Vamp 4 EMMETT (emering): “Hobo hi ELLE: “Emmett! This is my friend, Prletl.” ELLE: “You are TOO sweet!” EMMETT "5," EMMETT: “its real mesaver! Iv shampoo PAULETTE: “Hey there” ‘AND coovitioner ia one!” EMMETT (offering si: "For you. Not quite ELLE (horrified): "Asnaasagegehhihh!" fas good as going home for Christmas, but 4 4 PAULETTE: “Haircare? I ove this guy! So, 11 just eave ‘You wo alone then... Bye bye.” (Pauleite exits) 4 ELLE: “Thank you. You are so adorable to think of me.” (They hug. WARNER enters.) WARNER: "Elle" ‘Vamp, quick cut-off on cue i 4 & ee o Te 2 rg ere ent ert Heme tetas ae Bea tation mncraue romeo Es one oe fe a y EMMETT: #94—Chip On My Shoulder (Part 2) ws facr, CHIPONMY SHOULDER - [9A Greek Chorus (Part 2) * Tempo continues 210 — LEcALLY BLONDE J Slowly, colla voce xO know if you not-iced be-fore, But each time War-ner walks through the door, Your 1 | | Q goes down to for - hard-ly my business to say, Could it be the real thing in your way Is the ve-ry guy youre ty-ing to im-press? Yr! ‘Magical slow burn eureka moment, ‘with a poco a poco accel. ELLE: Te been smilbing 1 sweet 'n thro-rough-ly bea-ten, blow-ing my chance! | chase him a-way, Le’s fice him and say, "Hey Punk, le’s dance!" This #9A—Chip On My Shoulder (Part 2) wl. | Lreauty Bronpg - 211 CF] Witmintensiey LL Chip On My Shout - GREEK CnoRUs: Tame - chim-ing my pride Gah te cheim-ing my pride — book and let's do this—_ Tn-wead of doo-dl-ing hearts all though this Now thers a i. &. Ab doodling beasts all cough hi Chip On My Shout = dee, GREEK CHORUS: Chip On My Shou! — de #9—Chip On My Shoulder (Part 2) 433) = Lroauty BLonpE ha 2] coxsexcnomis Daugh-ter of Del - ta Nul___ Show 'em that you're no fool.. 4 FE eo Daugh-ter of Del - ta Nol__ Go__back to school with a big chip on your should ee, [WARNERS “Mister Lattimer wasn't stalking. He was clay within his rights to ask for visitation, Russel v Sullivan.” CALLAHAN: "But Russell was known tothe mother. Lattimer was an anonymous dono ‘WARNER: “Well yesh, bt without Mg. Lattimer's sperm, the child in question wouldn't exist.” CALLAHAN: "Now youre thinking like a lawyer. (io ELLE) Yes, Ms. Woods?” q Freely 6 a ELLE: “Me Hasina makes an ELLE: “Wel ls te detniant tptd ocx vey cans pi Bats ecto {Slemrod heed ens Sortla eer oem miern so punt ove Cd whoo made throughout he ife?™ ‘Why now Why tis spema™ GRLUAREN? Spreng CRLERHAN oor int” Why eye ae 2 stower wn aa 3 «Ave ELLE: “And by Mr. Huntington's standard, all emissions ‘where the sperm was clealy not secking an ogg could be called reckless abandonment.” Allegro Vamp 5 #9A—Chip On My Shoulder (Part 2) “Be 4E, TE TE OB. | | Lecatty Browpr tar- fl (in the clear) | CALLAHAN: “Ms, Woods, ‘You just won your case” (singing que Oy ous \ SS ae ee on i MARGSERAIL. SS _ *"" é Wait, hold on, we just won the case? Elle got all up in Warn-e's face! if Ewnern i Ob my god. Ob my Re cop. eerie GREEK cHonUs: Tenmisegy Medial 8 ese aS VIVENNE, i ee Ofimy ODO. 5 WARNER: Ohmygoal Horly eapl Obny g.. ¥94—Chip On My Shoulder (Part 2) —— EEE - 216 - Legatty BLonpE CALLAHAN: “Excellent work today, Ms, Woods. Tassume youre applying for my intership, Do you havea resume?” ELLE: "Tim one step ahead of you. Here you go and thanks in advance SU a Bite Soa eaten aout AEA et ar ote 4 poten, uy DOT ; (ee SSS = —— Guess she gota re Chip On Hee Shoul - der—_--May-be some wise man told her:— — A tempo meting to ether test and she aced itl Shes. so close she can taste___ itt chance weve been giv-ea—— We got-ia be driv-en as hell’ Tm just hap ~ py 1 could be_theret She was First big She got 2 "With the EMMETT: With lit-de Miss Woods, com - ma #9A—Chip On My Shoulder (Part 2) Ell Lecauty BLONDE - 215 — (GREEK CHORUS: Got-ta Chip on her Shoul - ged ——————— #9A—Chip On My Shoulder (Part 2) = 216 = LEGALty BLONDE dex! Little Miss Woods com - ma Ele. #9A—Chip On My Shoulder (Part 2) LeGatty BLONDE FT lle RUN RUFUS RUN!/ELLE REFLECTS 10 (CUE: ELLE/PAULETTE: "We're taking the dog!” (Outcomes Rijs) ‘Triumphant, romantic 4 (CUE: PAULETTE: “Ob, Rufus, my angel! [love you! Oh, lle, missed this face! ‘Fire the nies thing anyone's ever dove forme, bir none Thank you.” ‘Vanip. ELLE: 4 . ‘tempo - in 4 EMMETT, “You okay?” Bl rresty-in ‘Law? Is this the pointof Law? Yom feel-ing kind of. high, This is why—we ll sus ~ dy and slog AARON rans on, ‘Accel. (Cut off on ene) eet ‘To help the Un-der- diy! 1 s0. i-dencti - fy! ‘That's why Te. #10—Run Rufus Run!/Elle Reflects 218 - LEGALLY BLONDE my SO MUCH BETTER it "Make this the happiest day of my if” ofp BI All of this, ime Poco rubato othe ‘You'd come to re-spect ~T planned, Td be pa tient and_you would love —me again oy El o = =, io a ae, wT my mind, And 3 ast—yould Gnd You could love — me again. And I have sued « ‘Bnet sex Elle's name onthe st. Bnet stars taping Ele onthe shoulder. ie "my whole world up + side down ry-ing not_— 10 It you ga Wiehing you wal ie 152 vp on that lit? Does tome-one know__that 1 ex-ist@__ Ishi.» mis-tle? ¥11—So Much Better Lecatty Bonne - 219 - Am I e-ven awake? Pinch me now to make sure.,—— Ov! Yee! That is my name b — in Black and whitel__ Tnmatbe do - ing some - thing right. Wow, (To WARNER) ee = T feel so_mmuch bet = ter than be ford Oh, War-nes? Sor-ry T've been — & pest, But T guess___my best was not work — ing with you ‘Bur looks like Te found = we — # cure, And T s0__look for - ward work - ing with you! WARNER: What? Wor-king with who? | it eeiphminnk de gaa Roel 3 MALE STUDENTS: the Bestey aight? i #11—So Much Better - 220 - LEGALLY BLONDE Y thing else could er - ex feel_ so sight? Well, THIS might! See-in' my name FEMALE STUDENTS: fp Snap! MALESTUDENTS: fy Soap! Ooh — vp oa that lis?____That beats the frst__time that we kissed! You thought I was dumb? P ae = ob Whoa, they kised Oo. a On that list. (Ooh_____ Whoa, they kissed?! 0a. “Wl, think that some ~ bo-dys judgment ws poor oR tia, Hla, a al Seering that name Sp Ooh______ Ah, ___Ha,__ Ha,___ haha Seeing that name #11—So Much Better “BP RRR ou ae RE LeGatty Browne =223.—, 3 oun — in ack and white — a the maki! love_vith you al igh No, wil It ls 90 = "lan f — uch bet-tes, Hel-lol___ Much bet-tet! Iv Ohl Oh! Ohl Oh! OHL_ Much bet-tet! cause Xi mmch bet-tee? ORF Much bet tee? Obl | — much bet-te? Oh? Much bet te? Ohl 7 much bet ~ ter than be-fore Hs, he, so much bet — tern Guess she's 30_Tmuch bet - terthan be-fore. | #11—So Much Better i = 222 - LeGatty BLonve May = be she's what you pre ~ fer But hey, last year Twas her May-be you will change your mind, But you might look vp to Gnd ‘Te gone on to bet-er things ae DELTA NUS pop int view. Better jobs or big-ger sings 1 don't have the time to cry. I'm too bu-sy loy-in! my NAME... #11—So Much Better - 223 - hy | Who else can T tel? — — UM onthe Tat Kind of « col i-ton = ie ton UPL on that list Kind of @ cool j —s ron ~ ic twin Ab, — 00, waid where's my cell?_ Mom wil all on the floor. Hey, Mom!Look at my name & 3 Ahab an Hey: Moma! Look at my name Se th ST gee Hey, Mom! Look at my name = in black and white! — in Black sod white! Your daugh-ters do. np somethin’, some thin’ ight! — & Sick and white Your daughter's do. - i! some. dat somethin’ right) #11—So Much Better ate Lecatty Browne {willbe there at eight! __ When they unlock the door. ‘Oh! Ob! Tl e-ven DRESS — sh Ont Ob leven DRESS ‘Obl Ob! 1) e-ven DRESS #11—So Much Better 7 —_———— | Lreaity BLONDE — 225 - lau — _ Dleck and white See, 1 have not. be - gun to fight! And youll go. (onnEx cHonusy — it black and whitel__ See, I have not be - gun to fight! WHOA! pa — Diack and white! See, I have not__ be-gun— to fight__ Wao! bet te!" And soon all yall gon-na know! ‘And soon all yall gon-ns knowl__Mach bet-tei! = HaLo1_ ‘And soon all yll__gon-n know!—_Much bet fel i Tam so much bet #11—So Much Better = 226 ~ LEcAaLLy Browne Au! ol Tr] End of Act One ¥11—So Much Better ‘ ENTR'ACTE TA) |) (tacet) | Driving rock (in 4) J = 154 a | 2 i \ ; | ls | New Tempo Segue to #12, "Whipped Into Shape’ #11A—Entr’acte = 228 - LEGALLY BLONDE = 12 Loa WHIPPED INTO SHAPE Sued : ots | are ! 4 a BROOKE: youcanturn this offrghtnow:my workouts not for you. I'm talkin to the woman who wants ital Gotta pay for what you get— These size 2 clothes don't come to those too la-zy tosweat! want you~ #12—Whipped Into Shape Lecatty Browpe - 229 = i Wimpole Ti Spel When tony thphay “How high?" You know youte =| conus, i \ Whipped Io © Shaped | ‘Whipped In - to Shape! ‘Say "How high?" % ; i {i iH | dovit in vght When you sust_ To ent If you don't Look like you should, You got to- Look like you should, Eihrine ESE d = i WHIPINWHIPi! Whip good! lin sory Indies no evcpe!,‘Tilyoute WHIFFEDINTOSHAPEL ‘ hg f i i ‘wat ja WHIP 8 Whip too! we aed WHIPEDIN-TOSHAPE — [) 6.2 —<—<$=$<—$<—_—_— <. iy WHIP WWHIPiOWhipitgood Ah, «noes exapel warm ncrostaee. || | ¥12—Whipped Into Shape = 230 - LeGatty BLonpe eB ELLE: “Come on Dana, BMD: “Aw, 7 ELLE: ‘Thateyou Broke, ERGY posta wee a ‘but I love you for it!" ‘CARLATAR “We ie E : & is # 2m wom WHIPPEDIN-TO SHAPE: \WHIPPEDIN-TO SHAPE! \WHIPPEDIN-TO SHAPEL fa) Chamber-masic feet ‘CALLABAN: ‘Meet our brand new ci-ent, Brooke, You can laugh, but she's made tons Off her D. V, D's and book: “Whip Your Way To Tight-er Buna” Hap-ply mar-ried, so she swears, To her six-ty year-old stud. ‘Till Step-daugh-ter came down-stars and found Brooke all cov-ered in his blood! #12—Whipped Into Shape EE) Lreatty Browne ~ 201 = Be ica ya ; = aie . SS SS —= 5 7 —— SS a } MPepie ek aia ta awe ae” “6G aegis Chace we WARNER: ee BROOKE: == ea SSS SSS 5 j Did the? see i iS —— Ste bi == i Tm not a fool, Wot 5 fb da saces alll] o 1 0. Oo oo! Oa, And, es a rule T'do not bond. Ne-ver known her to bond! 1 = 00. Ne-ver known her to bond! 00 #18—Legally Blonde Remix Lecatty BLonpe = 285 - © rvenv | You're my ew muse; You've got the BEST fick-in' SHOES! the tl, Og sass ahs kl And you it 4 fit, So go. show ‘em whos Le-gil-ly (uw —— You ita fuse, So go show ‘em whos Legally, ——— You lit. fuse, Sogo show ‘em who's Le- gill 8 > Eee ‘Yes, you lit a fuse, So go show 'em who's Sha la la la la lal You lit a fuse So go show ‘em who's Levgal-ly. (RE Sha la la laa lal You lit a fuse, So go show ‘em who's Le-gal-ly.. #18 — Legally Blonde Remix » - 286 - LeGAtty BLONDE TLE: “ony, Visas. You opt cee meng tin gin” Fee eee eater iage DOOR snag tar fein hr Pare ao a ae teo ate nie app cone” FETS te ELLE Seer yeti yg HS ithe ct ens LBVERYONE ONSTAGE ches. ott) Back to the tia, But I'm go-in back ia MY sylel___ Girls it’s « fact: ALL: — When you're attacked Got to res-pond. Gotto, gotto, goto, gottores pond #18—Legally Blonde Remix Lrcarty Brower ~ 287 - ‘Hand me my bag And that A-mer ~~ can Hag Cause n0-bo-dy screws Dogt Bag! Proud to be A-me-si-can! TT Get on your fect, cause shes Legally Blondel No! Who! Get on your fect, cause she's Legally Blondel (cuonus) Rone ‘Takeo thestreet,causeshe's Legally Blondel i ‘There'sno retest whenyoulre Legally Bonde! Yeah! Takeo thesueercauseshe's Legally Blondel There'snoreszeat whenyoute Le-gally BondelYea #18—Legally Blonde Remix i sae at Lecauty BLONDE ELLE'S MoM: ns Ho-neslook!She'sleading a pace! caronus: Se Don'tbe afta tobe Legally Blondel Join the pasade, cause she's Dboltbe aftaidto be Le-gally Blonde! Join the parade, ‘use she's. ELLE: Get a pic-turet Just one more, please? ALL: ‘Cause she's Le-gal-ly Blonde ‘Cause she's Le-gal-ly Blondel — Eriry one say "Cheese!"Nol Say "Le-gal-ly Blonde!" "Le-gal-ly Blonde!” "Le-gal-Iy Blondel" | #18 —Legally Blonde Remix LeGatty BLonor Cause she's Le-gal-ly Blo... @onde! Cause she's Le-gal-ly Cause she's Le-gal-ly Blo... (onde! Cause she's Le-gal-ly PILAR: Yeah, she's Le-gal-ly Blo... (onde! Yeah, she's Le-gal-ly Blonde! mu: FRR creck Cho, got selena ey Safe & Ms: Ho-ney, its ust The gils of Delta Nul We came to see — Gur Pret-i-dent be Le-gal-ly Blondel PARADE FOLKS: "Then come with me, case she's Le-gal-ly Blondel— ‘Then come with me, cause she's Le-galy Blondel — #18 Legally Blonde Remix i = 290 - Lecarty BLonpE PARADE FOLKS) Yougotarighttobe Legally Blondel Yougovta fightto be _LegallyBlondelVeah! Yougotarighttobe Legally Blonde Yougotsa Sghttobe Legaliy BlondeVeahl Big Dance Break 2 PAULETTE: "Oh, we're just cheering on our frend Elle" CHORUS: "Gocco Fl KYLE ve gta package foryou." PAULETTES “Tals, Ke Bs OBovl ey! Whats th stand fo?” KYLE! Fdrensan™ wu: ses ww, Vm we A Paul-ette, what's go-ing on? Kyle's Step jc] Slower-in2 El Paulette’ Crate "Shui step™ Michael Flatey #18 —Legally Blonde Remix ————— —_ = 291 - LeGAatty BLONDE “Lines moving downstage”™ Hol Hol Hol Hol wa TANTS | —_===aae ¥18 Legally Blonde Remix a - 292 - Lecatty BLonpE END: Ze Oe Back the hell our of her way! Mis-tes, youte Bred! Back in the fray! — (Out of her way (ours) Back in the fray! Out of her wayt§ hited? To tep-se-sent me— Youve got tbe. ‘CALLAHAN: conus: What? Who? cHoRus: °F Yeas, you got 10 be— yeah, you got to be in du-bi-ta bp. #18 — Legally Blonde Remix | LeGatty BLonpe Legelly Blonde. ‘Yeah she's Le-gally Blonde, ‘Yeah she's Legal-ly Blonde, Oh yeahl___~ ‘Yeah she's Le-gal-ly Blonde,—Oh yeah __ Yeah she's Le-gal-ly Blonde, Oh yeahl____ iv, (altaya "On Ye) WW KT ‘Le-gal-iyBlonde, Oh Yeah ——s Le-gal-lyBloade, Ol Yeahl______ =~ = Now she's Le-gal-ly Blonde, Oh yeah Now she's Le-gal-ly Blonde, Oh yeahl—__Le-gal-lyBlonde, Oh Yeabl. #18 —Legally Blonde Remix { { i : osseppemecmmp peers = 294 - LEGAtty BLONDE CHUTNEY WYNDHAM 8A (tacet) cur: ELLE: “We call Miss Chutney Wyndbam tothe stand” ‘Dark and mysterious, not too slow (Giteheoek) #18A— Chutney Wyndham rr [ Mirgot Mom” co SCENE OF THE CRIME 19 Pile Tele ar Tage Warmer alls as Emmet Ennio CUE: SUDGE: “allow it, Miss Woods.” (gavel bang) Fastrock = Peas: supe: 1 —e— Rod trip! Road ipl Cour re = con = wens a pce: Passe "bt hope hes not wax my Sine!" MOM & DAD: | Woo hoo! | — at the Scene of the crime ELLE: “Enid, Pavlete, can you do this for me?” BD opans: * ere Gor stuff to prove atthe Scene of the Crime ‘We're on the move to the Scene of the Cxime sce , on Here we are i the ceime scene! Gres, Watch where you wall. Tes the Scene of the Crime! a - 296 - Lecatty Bronpe JUDGE: Seene of the Came Ws the Scene of ee Scene of the Citnel Ts the Scene of the Crime! ao PEMGS: Hs the Scene Of Then ELLE: "Now would the court stenographer please read thet beck? | STENOGRAPHER: "Omigod we tw itse ELLE: “No, before that [EX] STENOGRAPHIER: “Witness: Yes, Lwasin the shower” 4 ———————————————— ELLE: “Thank you, Now, Ms. Wysdham, you claim on the <4y ofthe murder, you got perm. Was ths your ist per? (CHUTNEY: "No. ve permed my tir sinc Jno hg about thee ayear™ ELLE ering pear iy associate has gon perm here today, Exh: Ms Ed Hoopes ELLE: “Thank you, Ms, Buoafonte Vamp a % a aS, #19—Scene Of The Crime Lecatty BLonpE = 297 “And nom, one more time, onthe day ELLE: "Now. vould Exit B's perm be simirtoyourownt™ aft mire, Jou dda Toes oe mero (CHUTNEY. “bun fy esr es bce you we he ‘Vamp, jump on cue ELLE: “hank you, Ma Hoopes, ‘wou you step the shower please?” {END closes shower cartin pare evn “Vam a Ho x > IN THE SHO.WERI pot ELLE: “Water dosctvates the ELLE: “I'sthe cardinal | ELLE: “Your perm i si peim’s ammonium thiglycolate rule of perm maintesance.* intact so you COULDNT. End comply runs av LER coy mend yt begat ewe See ae aoe oe Seon eae Alllegro Safety p 3 ye : = 3 (CHUTNEY (cow): *.-BEING OLDER THAN MY DADS NEW ARM CANDY WIFE?!) dnt meant hurt my father I didn't pean o shot hie ITHOUGHT IT WAS BROOKE COMING THROUGH THE DOOR?” 2 a #19—Scene Of The Crime - 298 - LEGALLY BLONDE BROOKE: Pass: ‘MOM & DAD: BAILIFE: O- migod. © - mi-god oi tat es Gebel Goi, O-mi- god. OH my God, O-mi-god. JUDGE: (io Chutney) "Take ber into custody. (to Brooke) Youre free. | JUDGE: = wind we 4 po = lo = gine, #19—Scene Of The Crime Lecatty BLonpe — 299 ~ = arom. is S SS Ol my GOD,its a deeam come tue! just knew I could comnt—on youl And curs: OH my GOD, it’s a deeam come tue! 70 one had to know that I had l-po-sue - sion on—my thighs! Oops. — + side— of feel She saw sight through Chut-ney's fiz ~ ay — a that ands side of fies! She___ saw sight dough Chutneys fila - ay Pemeod het Bho al fhe Ons pod yo gupta Perm and het fake al = i =biy — O-micgod you gus O-mi gu #19—Scene Of The Crime | | | - 300 = LeGAatty BLONDE ENS: intrruping themselves) "Sh Stn Sh Sh ENSEMBLE melts away, leaving EMMETT, ELLE and WARNER BMIMETT (Jo ELLE)" think someone needs to tlk 0 you. ft okay. Tim gonea see you Ise.” inant? ext Softiy and Gently 2-2) ox 2 | | WARNER: "eto hin id tke you sanyo was Wong” | WARNE: "We do Blog gee ¥ ho we cold be together again. o togene. Yau showed me who we cld be 0 : ULES "Oh, Warner ings dumped you, dd t= : ded Vamp | ATTACCA "Find My Way" #19—Scene Of The Crime bie sticeitisas ce 7 an tien FIND MY WAY/FINALE 20 a = i] Moderato non rubato ‘Though I dreamed of this day long 4-0, Now my an-swer is thank you, but Sa. Look, I've bare - Wy be - gun, Im had - ly through, & geting her ha) Twas liv-ing in ig-nor-ant— bls, THI leamed I could be move than "sis" #20—Find My Way/Finale = 302 - Leoatty Bronor pe ner with stand, But look how far TT heesomewih ot eopemhaltg my hn way ‘The day you broke my heart, You hand-ed me— the chance a == == ae ZF ‘Bink Tm here to stay Tim going to. find #20—Find My Way/Finale Lrcauty BLonDE = 303 - 'VIVIENNE (epoken)*Wiliam Shakespeare wrote: To thin ovn sel ete. And tua fellow a the night, the dy, Thou east not then be fale to =n man’ itelieve tis wise statement best applies to a woman. A blonde works Harare ec ee aught ecand dowel alti bangirsso youl ELLE: "Ladies and pnleren | Foie Spl des ind peer, you vlan le Woods? ofthe clas a." era's spec Safety o 2 ig 2 2 PAULETTE: Herts the part where she gives her big speech. Wee so prowi,but E's not one #9 praach fe | So she suid we could ply "Where Are They Now?" Here we go: | | Beeid pre tees family le Vi-v-eme's taining for the Pee ope War-ner quit, said he makes more mod-el- ing a= y-hom_____Gil-la - | an ran for gov-em-or, but wat de-fet-ad of cote Aad bis ‘wife hi-ted Bm-mett to han-dle their mess y di vorcel_—_>__ And | #20—Find My Way/Finale EE — _ LecAatty BLONDE wy, aka We 1 mar-tied Kyle — (CHORUS: (in 8a) dog grooming Were, tke a couple carda.— Copal Sor-nyy_ back o Eile #20-Find My Way/Finale LEGALLY BLonnE - 305 — ELLE: 1 thank’ you ie and al — ‘The ones who thought Pd ‘eause you helped me find my — ‘ease you helped me find my— sd-ing bere 19 day ‘wandag bere #20—Find My Way/Finale - 306 - LEGALL. Browpe if you could give me one se- cond be - fore we all fa. ts eR Emmet For - rest? plesse make me the hap - pi'- est wo-man 1. #20-Find My Way/Finale Lecauty BLonpe - 307 - Allegro accel. ups 1 uu = OH MY GODIO-mi-god you gus! Gran - ted, not 2 complete‘ sur-prel Bat £ OH MY GODIO-mi-god you guys! Gua - ted, not a complete surprise! But #20—Find My Way/Finale i - 308 ~ LEcALLY Bionpe | if there ev-er was a per-fect couple, this one qua ors) if there ev-er was a per-fect cow-ple, this— one gut - li-fes! ‘My God ‘You gypl #20—Find My Way/Finale Lecatty Bionpe ~ 309 ~ W thee ever was a perfect couple this—one qua - Sea! Clase we love— you gant ors) = ————————————————— Withers ever wat a perfect couple thit—one gua - T-Gea! Cause we lowe — you guy! YOU guys! O-mi-goi—______ ss voucuyss sf ALLGIRIS YOU Guys! #20—Find My Way/Finale 1 = = 310 - Lreatty BLonpe 0-MI-Gopr End of ActIT #20—Find My Way/Finale Lecatty BLonpe 311 - ee ea ‘Tempo di "What You Want” [RUFUS CROSSES STAGE | yn @ BOWS 21 PAULETTE BOWS ELLE APPEARS FOR BOW (Grand Rock Ballad Waltz (Fast 3 or Mod 1) EMMETT BOWS (CAST SALUTES ORCHESTRA [BRUISER ENTERS, 4 #21—Bows at LEGAaLty BLonpe Faster rock tempo cms: Youve ad your fun. We're set-ting you Hey So. go home and be,— — Our work here Wee set-ting you freq So. go home and be,— _— yeah, go home and be,—— yeah, go home and be, In - du-bi-tab | — yeah, go home and be,—— yeah, go home and be In - du-bi-tdb-lp #21—Bows SS Lecauty BLonpe - 313 - ® viveenmy ee EO ee, Blonde Legally Blonde. Go be Le-gal-ly Blonde “Oh yeah c=, Go be Le-gal-ly Blandé__Oh yesh Go be Le-gally Blonde Oh yeah!___ Go be Le-gal-ly Blonde Oh yeah! VIV'X, (bold Gtl"On Yea") YI: Le-gal-ly Blonde, Oh Yeahl aa See Go be Le-gal-ly Blonde Oh yes—— Legally Blonde Oh Yeah va ae ‘Le-gal-lyBlonde Oh Yeah! Go be Le-gal-ly Blonde Oh yeah #21—Bows - 314 - Lecauty Browne EXIT MUSIC 22 (tacet) ‘Tempo di "What You Want" [=] Grand Rock Ballad Waltz & Paseuelt. B : @ FF) Lighty, sub-amp #22—Exit Music

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