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Journalism to create a better world with Justice and Freedom

September, 2015

I'm American too!

Are you sure?
This is the intricate history of how the United States of America has
appropriated a name that belongs to a whole continent due to European media
and 'intellectual elites'. This is a story of linguistic imperialism. Leave all your
preconceptions at the door if you have any as this report may change your
perspective on this issue.

by Katia Novella Miller

The Beginning

The Name America

Naming is Dominating

America Versus
West Indies

We All Are


U.S.A. English Language Exceptions

Alternative Names
for the United

''America for the


Latin America

'America' and
'American' (words)

This international dissemination of

the name 'America' and of the
adjective 'American' as synonymous
of the United States has hurt other
North, Central and South
Americans who were used to
defining themselves as 'Americans'

Searching For Its

Own Identity?

''If you are Latin American it is

irritating to be continuously

Naming Is


In most of the world people have

forgotten that America was
originally the name of the entire
Western Hemisphere and that an
American was whoever was born in
that hemisphere. It wasn't long ago
that the European and Latin
American countries as well as
Canada used the name America for
the entire 'New World,' but
somehow the words 'America' and
synonymous only for the people of
The United States.

expelled and cancelled from the

geography of the continent that gave
you birth."
''It is as if South Africa seized the
name Africa for its own exclusive use
and the other countries would have to
find an alternative name for Africa
and the Africans."







Outside Latin America it is in the

continues, at least privately, between
those who have taken possession of
subconsciously, and those who feel
that it has been stolen from them.
''To discuss the origin of the name of
America is to discuss our history and
identity as Americans," stress many
people from the U.S., but is this same
point not also valid for the other
'Americans,' the excluded?
The Ibero-Americans, Mexicans and
Cubans seem to have partially
accepted this exclusion, probably due
to their proximity to the U.S. They
have adapted to calling the people of
the U.S. 'Americans' but for the vast
majority of Latin Americans this
subject keeps opening old wounds.
But how could a proper name of a
continent become the name of one
country? To understand this we have
to leave our contemporary world and
jump into history.
The Beginning
In 1492 the Genoese (1) Christopher
Columbus was funded by the Kings
of Castile and Aragon and some
Genoese bankers to find a new route
to India after the Ottoman invasion
blocked trading between Europe and
Asia. He arrived at the Caribbean
islands inhabited by the Arawak
natives. Convinced he had found the
region of spices he named 'the new
lands' India. Columbus obtained vast
rights and privileges to the lands he
'discovered' and established a system
that became the model for the
Spanish and Portuguese colonies. He
also started slave trading, but after his
third trip he was forced to return to
Spain in chains a victim of envy,
greed and xenophobia. The Spanish
kings revoked his privileges and his
name fell into disgrace thus leaving a
door open to new explorers.

I M A ME R I C A N T O O ! A R E Y O U S U R E ?

In Seville, Columbus met the

Florentine Amerigo Vespucci who
worked at the Alcazar for Giannotto
Berardi. Berardi represented the
Florentine Bartolomeo Marchioni,
who controlled for his own interest
and that of The Medici (the most
important Florentine aristocrats at the
time) the trading of gold and slaves in
Portugal. In 1494 Vespucci organized
a shipment of slaves for Columbus.
'To discuss the origin of the
name of America is to discuss
our history and identity as

The beginning of the Columbus/

Vespucci relationship was merely
commercial, then epistolary; slowly
becoming a friendship nourished by
esteem and mutual interest for those
'new' lands.
The number of travels made by
Vespucci is uncertain; three are
confirmed (2). The first two were
funded by the Spanish, the latter by
the Portuguese. Vespucci explored
the Atlantic coasts of South America
arriving on his third expedition at
Patagonia. His collaboration with the
Lusitans (Portuguese) caused mistrust
in Spain and when it was discovered
that he was using the official Spanish
maps in his private cartography
lessons he was forbidden to teach and
work again for the Spanish Crown.
Like his Genoese friend, Vespucci's
last years were filled with little
comfort and lots of nostalgia for
those 'new' lands he would never see
again. But while Columbus was
always convinced he had arrived in
India (Asia), as many experts assert,
Vespucci became aware of being in a
'Mundus Novus' (New World) and it
was this intuition that made popular
his name.

The Name America

Some researchers suspect that
Vespucci wrote his chronicles between 1497 and 1504 - with the
intention of taking the recognition
and merit of the 'discovery' for
himself (it is important to note
however that his travel accounts were
published in Florence and therefore it
is not improbable that the Florentine's
were those who wanted the accolades
of such an exceptional finding). In
reality, it wasn't Vespucci's ambition
continents/the American continent
named after him. The name America
was decided by the Germans.
It was the German monk Martin
Waldseemller (3) who made the
name America famous.
Martin Waldseemller was a designer
and cartographer who studied at the
University of Freiburg. On April
24th, 1507 his convent published a
Introduction." The text, based on
accompanied by a world map very
likely made by the Florentines. Prior
to this map the most well known map
of the world was by Claudius
Ptolemy made around 150 BCE (4).
In the last chapter of "Cosmographiae
Introduction" is the quote that made
the name of the 'Florentine famous:
''A fourth part of the world has been
discovered by Amerigo Vespucci...I
don't see a reason for not calling it
America, as the land of Americus, to
honor Americus its creator." The
little volume with the map became a
success! In 1507 seven editions were
printed without any justice for
Christopher Columbus who died
forgotten by everybody. In 1507 the
name of America, created by the
Germans, started to spread in Europe
and then in the rest of the world. But
what was the link or connection
between the 'Spanish discovery,' the
Spaniards and the Germans?

I M A ME R I C A N T O O ! A R E Y O U S U R E ?

Naming is Dominating
Despite that the Kingdom of Castile
and Aragon had all 'European legal
rights' over those newly 'discovered'/
invaded territories, the Spaniards
didn't have the right to name them.
It is useful to remember that world
geographical nomenclature is deeply
connected with the history of
invasions, economic interests and
fighting between different human
The fact that it was the Germans who
gave a name to those lands
'discovered' and 'officially owned'
by the Spaniards - as sanctioned
by the Spanish Pope Alexander
VI, in Rome - was a way of
questioning Spain's exclusive
rights to the 'New World.'
Historical evidence supports this
theory because a few years after
the 'discovery' all powerful
European nations first
Portugal, then England, France,
Holland and Sweden started to
challenge Spain's exclusive right
to possess all lands in that
'Mundus Novus.'
America Versus West
(Indias Occidentales)


During the 16th century almost all of

Europe started to call the fourth
continent 'America' except the
Spaniards and Portuguese. In the
years following the 'discovery' they
referred to the 'New World' as 'Las
Indias' (Indies). A few years later,
when it became clear that it was a
new continent and not China or India,
the Iberians started to call it 'West
Indies' (5) to distinguish it from the
eastern ones. It was the name West
Indies (Indias Occidentales) and NOT
America that was used in Spain,
Portugal and Ibero-America for the
'Mundus Novus' until the 18th

For the inhabitants of its colonies

Spain created a specific lexicon based
on ethnic inequality, the 'Caste
System', to distinguish the different
types and levels of miscegenation:
'mestizo' (at first Indian and white).
The Spaniards and French called the
'pure Europeans' born in the 'Mondus
Novus,' respectively, 'criollos' (a
noun with its roots in the word 'crio'
= offspring) and 'crole' (locally born
with foreign ancestry). Native
American peoples were called 'Indios'
or 'Indian,' a name given to them by
Christopher Columbus.
In the Portuguese colony of Brazil,
the words 'crioulo' and 'criolo' were
used instead to designate blacks or
people of this progeny. In the former
Spanish territory of Rio Grande do
Sul 'criolo' was a person of European
descendancy while in the rest of
Brazil 'whites,' very likely, were
called 'Brasileiros.'
The first European descendants born
in the 'Mundus Novus' to call
themselves 'Americans' were those of
the Thirteen Colonies founded by the
English in North America between
the 17th and 18th centuries.
Since the occupation of the first
territories the British called the 'New
World' 'America' and the people
'American.' We don't know much
about who this term applied to. From
the little information that has arrived
one can deduce that 'American'
referred only to 'whites.' In fact, until
the 19th century, it was exclusively
used for Europeans coming from
specific geographical areas and with
precise religious creeds.
American' appeared for the first time
in the 'Oxford English Dictionary' in
1737, but the meaning is not clear.
However some historical references
speak for themselves. For example in
1850 a group of Anglo-Saxon
Protestants in the United States used


with capital letters 'Native American'

to name themselves and differentiate
them from the Irish and German
Catholics. In the 19th century this
group created a political party called
'Know-Nothing' that after a few years
was renamed 'The Native American
Party.' Those first U.S. citizens
maintained that only the British
Scotsmen) and the Saxonian Germans
(both groups Protestant) could be
considered 'white'; the Catholic Irish
and Germans were not considered
'white' and did not have the same
The dissemination of the term 'Native
American' for naming the Indians of
the U.S. occurred much later with the
civil right movements of 1960-1970.
During the time of the 13 colonies,
like in the rest of the hemisphere, the
natives were called 'Indians.'
citizens maintained that only the
British (Englishmen, Welshmen and
Scotsmen) and the Saxonian Germans
(both groups Protestant) could be
considered 'white'; the Catholic Irish
and Germans were not considered
'white' and did not have the same
The dissemination of the term 'Native
American' for naming the Indians of
the U.S. occurred much later with the


Ridescovered by the 'Europeans' in
1300 A.D., this was the image of the
world 'Europeans' had before the
discovery of the American Continent.


I M A ME R I C A N T O O ! A R E Y O U S U R E ?

civil right movements of 1960-1970.

During the time of the 13 colonies,
like in the rest of the hemisphere, the
natives were called 'Indians.'

America with

When Spain and Portugal were

defeated (by England?), the IberoAmericans forgot about the name
'West Indies' and adopted the name of
America created by the Germans;
hence America became the name of
the whole Western Hemisphere!
Meanwhile, virtually all of the
Thirteen British colonies were
adopting the name 'United States of
America.' In 1800, the new rulers of
the lands spoke of themselves as
'American Republics.' The words
'America' and 'American' were vastly
used by Ibero-American leaders of
Independence like Simon Bolivar and
San Martin. Hispanic-Americans used
organizations, events and PanAmerican conventions. For example in
1847 and 1864 in the city of Lima,
Congress' (Congreso Americano) was
celebrated. It is therefore not
surprising that as soon as the new
'American States' were established this
'double Americanism' (being The
United States and continent = Western
Hemisphere) became controversial. In
fact Spanish, Portuguese and IberoAmerican politicians and intellectuals
kept calling the former British
colonies The United States of North
Norteamrica) but never America,


''What makes this association of

America with the United States
particularly ironic," stressed Winn,''
is the fact that the name was first
used in books and maps of the 16th
century associated with South
America after the travels of Amerigo

We All Are Americans!

With the movements of independence
the name of America was assimilated
into English, Spanish and Portuguese
emancipatory values. In the British,
Spanish, Portuguese and French
colonies the fathers of independence
proclaimed the 'American Spirit' as an
opposition to European imperialism
and the European dominance in the
'Mundus Novus.'


continuing to use this name for the

Evidently the foundation of the United
States in 1776 created an ambiguity
with the name that could be used, in
English, for the country and for the
continent/Americas. The solution
found by the Anglo-Saxon speaking
countries (excluding Canada and The
Caribbean) was simple and obvious: to
consider that there are two continents,
two Americas, a North and a South.
However in many languages and
cultures of the world even today there
is only one American continent.
Over the years some artists and
intellectuals have tried to raise
awareness among local (U.S.)
populations about this issue. On the
big screen of Times Square in New
York City in 1987 the Chilean artist
Alfredo Jaar presented the public an
outline of the United States crossed by
the sentence: ''This is not America."
Successively the word America
expanded to fill the whole screen. The
'R' formed by the outline of the whole
continent (N. and S. America) was
used to indicate that the word America
"The goal was to stimulate people to
reflect upon this topic, prompting
them to realize that The U.S. has
appropriated the name 'America' and
that even our everyday language
forces us to imagine only one
dimension of America," said Peter
Winn (History Professor at Tufts
University in Massachusetts). ''Many
people in the U.S. forget we share

Although for Canadians it is common

practice to refer to their southern
neighbors as 'Americans' they have
not liked that the U.S. commandeered
the name of the whole Western
Hemisphere for its own and exclusive
use. In fact Canadians use 'United
States' or 'United States of America'
when they talk about their border
country and often use the proper
name America for the whole
continent. Canadian bureaucracy
classifies people from the U.S. as
'Other North Americans.'
U.S.A. English Language Exceptions
In English there are a few linguistic
exceptions that use the name
'America' with a continental sense.
Among them are 'American Spanish'
to differentiate the Spanish spoken in
Latin America to Iberian Spanish,
'Organization of the American States'
which refers to all countries of the
American continent/Americas and
'Native Americans' for the native peoples of the whole Western Hemisphere.
Alternative Names for the United
From 1789 to 1939 some U.S. people
tried to eliminate this appropriation
suggesting new names for the U.S.
and its citizens. Some of the various
adjectives (for American) that were

I M A ME R I C A N T O O ! A R E Y O U S U R E ?

proposed are as follows: Colombian,

Columbard, Fredonian, Frede, Unisian, United Statesian, Colonican, Appalachian, Usian, Washingtonian,
Usonian, Uessiam, U-S-ian, Uesican
and United Stater. The most popular
alternative name for the country (The
United States of America) was
'Columbia'; but none of these were
ever adopted.
''America for the Americans''
It was the famous slogan from the
Monroe Doctrine of the first decades
of the 19th century '"America for the
Americans" that became particularly
ironic for the Americans who were
not from the U.S.: which America
and for which Americans? It is not a
coincidence that in exactly those
years Ibero Americans started to feel
the need for an alternative name.
Latin America
Irony of history: once again it was
not the Ibero-American countries
who created the name 'Latin America,' it was The French who were interested in gaining influence over
those areas now that Spain and Portugal were no longer superpowers.
French thinking proposed a conceptual model that became the basis of the
term 'Latin America.'
In 1836 the French economist and
politician Michel Chevalier published
the chronicles of his travels in the
American Continent/Americas. In
them he wrote ''The two branches of
Europe, Latin (6) and German, are
reproduced in the 'New World.' South
-America is Latin and Catholic like
Southern Europe. North America
belongs to a Protestant and AngloSaxon population." It was then that
many European and HispanicAmerican intellectuals and politicians
American (...) for many Latin
Americans it is a name
exclusive and deceitful


started to use the adjective 'Latino' to

emphasize the differences between
those countries and the United States.
The French government was obviously enthusiastic. ''Only France'' (who
n 1836 the French economist and
politician Michel Chevalier published
the chronicles of his travels in the
American Continent/Americas. In
them he wrote ''The two branches of
Europe, Latin (6) and German, are
reproduced in the 'New World.' South
-America is Latin and Catholic like
Southern Europe. North America
belongs to a Protestant and AngloSaxon population." It was then that
many European and HispanicAmerican intellectuals and politicians
started to use the adjective 'Latino' to
emphasize the differences between
those countries and the United States.
The French government was obviously enthusiastic. ''Only France'' (who
was competing with England for the
control of the world) ''can prevent
these Latin families from sinking into
the double inundation of Germans
and Anglo-Saxons," wrote Chevalier.
As a consequence the IberoAmerican markets were filled with
French products while the French
obtained privileged access to raw
materials. It was in the name of these
ideas that a French government was
established in Mexico in 1861 and
In 1848 the name 'Latin America' was
used for the first time to refer to an
international organization: The Economic Commission for Latin America (ECLA) of the United Nations.
After WWII, in U.S. universities the
terminology 'Latin American Studies'
became the favorite name to call academic studies on all southern countries, including the Caribbean.
''In reality the development of the
Latin American identity has become
a mechanism of internalization of an
identity created by other countries
with other cultures. Paradoxically
progress after Independence has been

nourished by European values and

traditions'' (English, French and then
from the U.S.) said Philip Swanson of
the Hispanic-American Studies Department of Shieffield University in
the U.K.
It is evident that only a history of
dependence and colonialism allows
the grouping together, under the
name Latin America, so many countries with so many different peoples:
former Caribbean-English, Dutch,
Spanish and Portuguese colonies.
Indeed Latin America is not a cultural, historical, ethnic or even an economic unity but a geopolitical category. The name Latin America joins
together countries with the most viable economies and historically the
most dependent.
For many Latin Americans it is also a
name exclusive and deceitful. In Latin America there are areas that were
dominated by the English and the
Dutch, that are not Latin. In North
America there are areas that and Irish
'America' and 'American' (words)
in the World
In Japanese a U.S. citizen is an
'Amerika-jin.' In Russian a man from
the U.S. is an 'Amerikanec', a woman
'Merigu' is the United States,
'Meizhou' the American continent/
Americas: 'guo' country and 'zhou'


I M A ME R I C A N T O O ! A R E Y O U S U R E ?

In the French 'Grand Dictionnaire

Encyclopdique' and in 'The Petit
Robert des Nomes Propres' the
singular form of America is used for
the continent but it is becoming more
and more common to use it as a
synonym of the United States.
German dictionaries also define
America as one continent- but today
German people use America and
Americans for the U.S. and it's

'American' only to refer to the United

States and its citizens. This
dissemination is due to the U.S.
economic and cultural influence and,
unquestionably, by the use of these
words as synonyms for the United
States of America by international
media be it print, radio, television or

In Italian 'The Enciclopedia Traccani'

defines the name 'America' as the
continent (the Western Hemisphere)
and American whoever was or is born
there. The media and people usually
use it to name the United States and
the same happens with the adjective

This name was given to the

Abya Yala means: saved, favorite,

bloody territory of the Big Mother.
continent/Americas by the Kuna
natives, an American Indian

In the 'Oxford English Dictionary.

America: ''A land mass of the western
hemisphere consisting of North and
South America; used as a name for
the United States." American:
''Relating to or characteristic of the
United States or its inhabitants;
relating to the continents of America''
'The Real Academia Spanish
Dictionary' (Diccionario de la Real
Academia Espaola) recently has
modified the definitions of 'America'
and 'American' stressing that at
present these two words are used
referring to the United States and
citizens, but advises against the use
of them with these erroneous
meanings. In Spanish there is only
ONE American Continent as in most
European Languages.
Sadly for most 'Americans' born
outside the U.S. it is clear that
nowadays the whole world is getting
accustomed to using 'America' and

This internalization is also in action

in Europe and very likely in the entire

culture, who settled on the

mountains of Darien in Panama

Searching For Its Own Identity?

Dictionary. America: ''The United
States of America or North America
and/or South America. American: ''of
or relating to The United States; of or
relating to North or South America''.

phenomenon of foreign concepts that

have characterized the history of that
part of the 'New World.' In the past
many Latin Americans referred to the
The Western Hemisphere only as
America. Now Latin American media
is using 'Americas' so often that Latin
Americans are starting to use it too,
with greater frequency, and that
internalizing the English-speakingworlds cultural vision of two
continents: the Americas.

As we have seen the names 'America'

and 'Latin America' have not been
created by the Ibero-Americans but
by foreign forces. Now, many are
questioning the term Latin America.
Many more, pushed by resentment,
are still fighting the nostalgic and
likely hopeless struggle to repossess
the name of America.
Currently, the most powerful media
of the region like the Venezuelan
Telesur, as well as many more
Hispanic-American journalists, are
relaunching reflections born in the
first decades of Independence.
reformulations like the ideas of the
Cuban intellectual Jos Mart, who in
his essay "Our America," warned
about U.S. influence and cultural
penetration into the region and of the
Rod: in his book 'Ariel' Rod'
emphasized that the existing unity
countries is stronger than the
dissimilarities that divide them,
stressing the need for a union.
Paradoxically, the same HispanicAmerican journalists are re-proposing

Naming Is Appropriating
Surprisingly but also of obvious
historical consequence today the
group most aware of this linguistic
phenomenon seem to be the 'Native
Hemisphere. In fact they are the most
active in this battle of naming.
During the second Summit of Native
Peoples of the Americas (Cumbre de
los Pueblos Originarios Americanos)
(7) celebrated in Quito, Ecuador in
2004, the name 'Abya Yala' was used
for the first time to designate the
Currently many native associations,
institutions and representatives of the
American Continent/Americas have
adopted it.
''Abya Yala ''is a name well known in
some circles in the United States,"
says Indian County Today Media
Network, "mainly in the south-west
and in Southern California however it
is not a 'universal' name yet."
''It is still an open question in my
book but in the South of the U.S. they
are already using it," confirms Antot
Masuka of Native American Indian
Abya Yala means: saved, favorite,

I M A ME R I C A N T O O ! A R E Y O U S U R E ?

Mother. This name was given to the continent/Americas by

the Kuna natives, an American Indian culture, who settled on
the mountains of Darien in Panama, before the arrival of the
Europeans. It is one of the few old native names that has
survived until today.
''Abya Yala wants to attract attention to the idea that a
different system can be prefigured and is possible. Naming
things like lakes and lands is appropriating. It is to take
control of a space. This is exactly what native peoples are
proposing with this 'new' lexicon," explains the Tupi Guarani
native peoples website Chronicles of the Land without Evil
(Cronicas de la Tierra sin Mal).
History demonstrates that words can change their meaning
from one day to the next. Creating names is a human
constant. Therefore it is not ridiculous to question the name
given to a continent or hemisphere, especially in a continent/
Hemisphere in which every day more and more people are
reviewing their history, in which native peoples are gaining
more visibility and influence and in which cultural and ethnic
miscegenation force is particularly strong and unrestrained...
Could the native peoples be the ones to solve the problem
with the name of America?
''There will come a day in which the European names will
disappear from the countries of the 'New World' and the old
ones will be restored," said the monk Servango Teresa de
Mier in the 19th century in New Spain (8). Only time will


(5) Curiously the name 'West Indies' has survived until

today in some former Caribbean British colonies.
(6) Latin: the language of Ancient Rome and of the peoples
conquered by it.
(7) 'Original Peoples' (pueblos originarios): this composed
word is part of a new lexicon adopted by Ibero-American
native communities to overcome Eurocentric definitions and
words like indigenous, aboriginal, Indio and Indian. In
Canada they use 'Premiere Nations' and 'First Peoples'; In
the United States since 1969 'American Indian' and 'Native
American' is used (for native Americans from the whole
(8) The Spaniards divided their overseas possessions into
two administrative blocks: the Viceroyalty of New Spain from current Costa Rica to a considerable part of current
U.S., including the Caribbean Islands - with its capital in
present Mexico City; and The Vice-royalty of Peru or New
Castile- from Panama to Patagonia- with its capital in Lima.
Brazil was a Portuguese colony.
The word 'colony' and the verb to colonize don't derive from
the name of Columbus as can be easy thought as his Spanish
name is 'Colon'. The verb colonize comes from the Latin
word 'colonia' (territory established by foreign people).
From Columbus' name originates the names 'Colombia' in
South America and Columbia in the United States.

(1) Some researchers say Christopher Columbus was a Sephardi
Jew of Genoa, others a Catalan aristocrat, others a Galician,
others a Portuguese.
(2) It is certain that Amerigo Vespicci made three travels, two
for the Castilian-Aragonese crown, one for the Portuguese.
(3) The 'Germanic' invented typography.
(4) Ptolemy World Map. Copies of the original have never been
found however we know it was made by the Egyptian-Greek
astronomer, astrologer, chemist, geographer, mathematician
Claudius Ptolemy around 150 BCE. It is the first World Map we
know of and this was the image that Europeans had before the
discovery of the American continent/Americas and the map of
Amerigo Vespucci.

WORLD MAP (1507).
The first map made by the 'Europeans' after
Amerigo Vespucci's travels to South America (who
was living and working in Seville, Spain).

''In reality the development of the Latin American identity has become a mechanism of
internalization of an identity created by other countries with other cultures . Philip Swanson



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The team
Katia Novella Miller has been trained as a journalist in Italy where she worked for a national press agency and
collaborated with national newspapers. She has been a correspondent from the United States of the Italian
magazine Diario. She has also worked as a journalist in London and has written for Spanish and Latin American magazines. She was born in Peru and is currently based between Germany and Italy.

Collaborate con KBNB World

Diana Balderrama, Bolivia
Marinella Amato, Italy
Sherra Franklin, USA

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