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One of the most popular and efficient ingredients in fighting cellulite

is coffee. It is used in lots of lotions, shower gels and soaps

especially designed for you to forget about this stressful and
unaesthetic condition. Used together with powerful essential oils, it can
make miracles! We will present you a simple and very efficient procedure
to get rid of cellulite that will give results in a short period of time,
the frequency for applying this will be every 3-4 days so it is very
comfortable for you. If you are fighting with it, you probably know how
difficult it is to say goodbye to cellulite, but not impossible! You have
to be persistent and understand that a problem like this cannot be cured
overnight, so try this method and in a while you will love the
results! Together with this method we will give you some extra advice on
what you should be eating and doing this period and also other things
that you can do to help you get rid of cellulite faster. Uno de los
ingredientes ms populares y eficaces en la lucha contra la celulitis es
el caf . Se utiliza en muchas lociones , geles de ducha y jabones
especialmente diseados para que te olvides de esta condicin estresante
y antiesttico . Utilizado junto con potentes aceites esenciales , puede
hacer milagros ! Nosotros le presentaremos un procedimiento sencillo y
muy eficaz para deshacerse de la celulitis que dar resultados en un
corto perodo de tiempo, la frecuencia de aplicacin del presente ser
cada 3-4 das por lo que es muy cmodo para usted. Si usted est luchando
con l, usted probablemente sabe lo difcil que es para decir adis a la
celulitis , pero no imposible ! Tienes que ser persistente y entender que
un problema como este no se puede curar durante la noche, as que trate
de este mtodo y en un rato te encantarn los resultados! Junto con este
mtodo le daremos algunos consejos extra en lo que usted debe comer y
hacer este periodo y tambin otras cosas que usted puede hacer para
ayudarle a deshacerse de la celulitis ms rpido.

You will need:

For basic mixture:
coffee (it is a powerful antioxidant and stimulates circulation);
Epsom salt;
anti-cellulite oil (try to find a decent brand with less chemicals) or coconut oil;
some plastic wraps.
Para mezcla bsica :
- Caf ( que es un poderoso antioxidante y estimula la circulacin ) ;
- Sal de Epsom;
- Aceite anticelultico ( tratar de encontrar una marca decente con menos
productos qumicos ) o aceite de coco ;
- Algunas envolturas de plstico.

After coffee treatment:

grapefruit essential oil (eliminates toxins, has a toning effect and also helps with losing

lavender essential oil (great for stretch marks, tones and revitalizes skin);
lemon essential oil (stimulates circulatory system and strengthens vascular tissues);
orange essential oil (relieves fluid retention, softens the epidermis and stimulates blood
circulation and lymph fluids);
cypress essential oil (improves circulation and strengthens blood capillaries);
rosemary essential oil (detoxifies the liver and tones the skin);
a carrier oil like: olive oil or sunflower oil (this will be used in combination with the
rest of oils, because all essential oils applied on skin without being diluted can cause
irritations and skin sensitivity).
Despus del tratamiento caf :
- El aceite esencial de toronja (elimina toxinas , tiene un efecto
tonificante y tambin ayuda con la prdida de peso) ;
- Aceite esencial de lavanda (ideal para las estras , tonos y revitaliza
la piel ) ;
- Aceite esencial de limn ( estimula el sistema circulatorio y fortalece
los tejidos vasculares ) ;
- Aceite esencial de naranja (alivia la retencin de lquidos , suaviza
la epidermis y estimula la circulacin de la sangre y los fluidos
linfticos) ;
- Aceite esencial de ciprs ( mejora la circulacin y fortalece los
capilares sanguneos ) ;
- Aceite esencial de romero ( desintoxica el hgado y tonifica la piel) ;
- Un aceite portador como : aceite de oliva o aceite de girasol (esto se
utiliza en combinacin con el resto de aceites , ya que todos los aceites
esenciales aplicados sobre la piel sin ser diluido puede causar
irritaciones y sensibilidad de la piel ) .

1. Make a strong coffee and put it into a bowl (have more coffee grounds and less water),
then add some salt to it.
2. Wait until the salt dissolves and add some anti-cellulite oil or coconut oil to the mixture
(make it homogeneous, you dont want it very watery, it has to have a creamy consistency,
more like a paste).
3. Take the mixture and rub it to the parts of you that need it by using circular motions.
Apply a little pressure on the legs while doing this.
4. Take the plastic wraps and wrap the area letting it sit this way for at least half an hour,
then you can unwrap.
5. Clean yourself in the shower then you will apply the essential oils with the carrier oil.
6. Make a mixture of equal parts of the essential oils (think about how much you would
need depending on the area affected) and a carrier oil. As a rule, for every 1 tablespoon of
carrier oil, youll want no more than 9 drops of essential oils. For example, because we
have 6 essential oils in the recipe, you can use 3 drops of each one and you will need 2
tablespoons of carrier oil.

7. Apply the oil on the affected area and massage until it is absorbed in the skin, you will
start feeling small differences from the first time applying this method!
All the ingredients and oils will be absorbed by the skin and slowly work in fighting
cellulite. In a couple of weeks you will see amazing results, your skin will be shinier, will
feel softer and the cellulite will be visibly reduced! This procedure is not recommended for
pregnant women, so please be careful! Also, if not used the right way, some oils can do
damage and cause irritations!
1. Hacer un caf fuerte y lo puso en un tazn (tener ms de posos y menos
agua), a continuacin, aadir un poco de sal a la misma.
2. Espere hasta que se disuelva la sal y aadir un poco de aceite
anticelultico o aceite de coco a la mezcla (que sea homogneo, que no
quiero que sea muy aguada, que tiene que tener una consistencia cremosa,
ms como una pasta).
3. Tome la mezcla y frotar las partes de ti que lo necesitan mediante
movimientos circulares. Aplique un poco de presin en las piernas al
hacer esto.
4. Tome las envolturas de plstico y envolver el rea de dejar que se
sientan de esta manera por lo menos media hora, entonces se puede
5. Limpie a ti mismo en la ducha, entonces aplicar los aceites
esenciales con el aceite del portador.
6. Haga una mezcla de partes iguales de los aceites esenciales (pensar en
lo mucho que se necesita en funcin de la zona afectada) y un aceite
portador. Como regla general, por cada 1 cucharada de aceite portador,
tendr que no ms de 9 gotas de aceites esenciales. Por ejemplo, porque
tenemos 6 aceites esenciales en la receta, puede utilizar 3 gotas de cada
uno y se necesitan 2 cucharadas de aceite portador.
7. Aplique el aceite sobre la zona afectada y masajear hasta que se
absorba en la piel, usted comenzar a sentir pequeas diferencias con
respecto a la primera vez que aplican este mtodo!
Todos los ingredientes y aceites sern absorbidos por la piel y
lentamente trabajan en la lucha contra la celulitis. En un par de semanas
usted ver resultados asombrosos, su piel ser ms brillante, se sentir
ms suave y la celulitis se reducir visiblemente! Este procedimiento no
se recomienda para las mujeres embarazadas, as que por favor tenga
cuidado! Adems, si no se utiliza de la manera correcta, algunos aceites
pueden hacer dao y causar irritaciones!

Other things you can do in this period that can help you get rid of cellulite faster and are
really important:
Eat Healthy
Diet is an important part of any treatment you will make, because even if you try out our
method, if you keep eating unhealthy foods, it wont work. Imagine building a house
everyday, brick by brick and by night someone(that is you) comes and destroys what you
have built in the previous day. This is what you would do if you would keep eating
unhealthy foods and try our treatment in the same time, it is called self sabotage. We know
it is not your fault, when you look around there are too many unhealthy choices and it is

hard to keep a healthy life, especially if you are busy, but it is not impossible. Ditch fast
food meals, processed foods, foods high in fat, white bread and pasta. Introduce more
vegetables and fruits in your diet and you will be thankful for this for a lifetime.
Drink Plenty Of Water
Water is extremely important in the process as it helps flushing the toxins out. Drink 2-3
liters of water a day! Water will also keep your skin hydrated!
It is an important part in any transformation of the body. Exercise will help you tone the
muscles and burn the fat faster. It is important to do it regularly so you increase your heart
rate and improve the circulation. In the below video you will find some exercises that you
can try at home or anywhere:
Get massages
Massages are a great way to improve circulation of the affected area. It is known that
cellulite is also caused by poor circulation so that means you have to do things that help
you improve it which is exercise and massages. You can massage yourself at home with a
special brush or you can opt for going to a salon where someone will massage you. Anticellulite massages are quite painful, we know that because we have tried them and they do
give results. Why they are painful? Because during the process, the main purpose is to
break down the fat cells and for that strong massages are required. If you want to improve
your circulation at home, what you can do is to buy a cellulite brush and each time you
have a shower, for 5 minutes massage the skin with the brush in circular motions, this will
also tone the skin and make it smooth.
Get enough sleep
Sleep is really important in your general well being. Your body functions better when you
are having proper sleep everyday and you feel more energized. When your body functions
normally it will have a tendency to eliminate toxins better and absorb nutrients better from
Manage Your Stress Levels
Women with high estrogen levels tend to store more fat and have problems with cellulite.
Everyday stress can cause big hormonal imbalances in the body so managing that will help
you find your inner peace and balance so you can enjoy a happy and healthy life.
We hope you will enjoy the process and the results you will see when youll be cellulite

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