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The perennial goal of World Government has been, at least since 476 AD or thereabouts, to
reunite Europe according to its maximum boundaries of extent during the time of the Caesars,
and from there to extend that rule to the four quarters of the earth, starting with the boundaries of
the preceeding three great Empires; Greece/Macedonia, Medo-Persia and Babylon under
Nebuchadnezzor. The model of the Club of Rome appears to serve as a "power refractor" of that
which is to occur within the bounds of a new and revived, and then "expanded", Roman Empire.
In other words, it is still the "old boundaries" of empire which will comprise the final ten-toed
kingdom of the last days; whereas the Club of Rome model will undoubtedly reflect the final
Empire in a regionalized and extended form, rather than being the "crux of government" itself..
In its widest extent, the Roman Empire included North Africa and the Levant ( Middle East) and
ofcourse Turkey. If we superimpose the other three Empires, that of Greece, Medo-Persia and
Babylon onto a map, we will see the "magnum opus" and "great plan" of World Government as a
unification of all four empires; the "four cardinal points of the compass" of the ancient world, for it
is from these ancient boundaries that all nations of the earth derive their origins.
Some may say that the Chinese and the Australian tribes are autocthonous and original, but
unfortunately they are greatly mistaken. Even the Chinese, who were of old called "Cathays" or
"Accadians" came from the region of Sumer, and to this day their linguistic characters reflect
their distant Sumerian form. The Australian tribes were, until recently, regarded as originating
from the Hindu Cush via Sri Lanka, and their predecessors and fellow tribes are to this day
evident in the "Veddas" and " Gymnosophist" tribes of Sri Lanka and India respectively.. Even
their language and speech has similarities with the Hindi form... All nations stem from Mount
Ararat in the mountains of ancient Armenia, and none are autocthonous on their own...
What the regionalization plan of the Venetian Club of Rome has done is to employ racial
demographics in their model rather than "distribution of central points of government" according
to the Biblical Prophetic model...The great image of Nebuchadnezzor, which represented the
amalgamated Empires of World Government, must be remembered had four empires, not
merely the Roman, as its composite parts.. The 10 final "toes/kingdoms" of the final World
"Government", which will be unified under the blasphemous doctrine of ARIANISM ( the
Muslims, the Jews, the Hindus, the Buddhists, the Gothic nations, the Vandals, and even secret
societies such as the Freemasons, Rosicrucians, Theosophers ( a branch of Druze
Rosicrucianism) as well as Unitarian and/or Universalist sects such as the Jehovahs Witnesses
and the Mormons, Quakers and Shakers, all hold the doctrines of Arianism in common, which is
principally concerned with the denial of the Godhood of Jesus Christ, and the denial of the
doctrine of the Trinity of the Almighty Godhead..)

The invading Gothic tribes which divided Europe after the fall of the Roman Empire from 410 AD
to 476 AD, bequeathed their Arianism to the Arab tribes as well as their architecture.. The
apparent differences between the East and West are just that; "apparent" only.. The time for the
battle between Israel and the rest of the world; the "real Armageddon", will come AFTER an
initial period of Peace and NOT before a period of Peace, as many have predicted, and as Albert
Pike and Mazzini planned ( their plan was based upon the prophecies of Paracelsus,
Nostradamus, Jacob Boehme and Mother Shipton, and more recently Edgar Cayce the "
sleeping prophet" ( of Baal) with roots in the ancient Montanist Sybils of Rome and their false
prophecies). The coming war is not between East and West, but between two or more factions
of the same organized plot.
The nations are currently stirring and in foment, particularly in the Middle East with the Arab
Spring uprisings and now with the Isil conflicts, precisely because the time is ripe for the advent
of an "order" out of their mass-induced "chaos", and they are feverishly unifying East with West
with North with South, for the sole reason of reawakening the "great image" of Nebuchadnezzor











determinations... The Mayan Doomsday Calendar falsifications concerning the year 2012
etc.etc. is a preemptive decoy and false Armageddon stageing in order to deceive "the very
elect" if it were possible..
In its time, the Club of Rome "decoy" also served its purpose of dissemination and
misinformation, by deflecting the true crux of future World Government away from Europe and
finally the Middle East ( the World Agenda has always sought to move World Government finally
to Jerusalem), yet in racial regionalization terms it remains an accurate blueprint of coming world
power distribution.

We must not forget Mazzini, the Masonic co-conspirator in Europe of Albert Pike, known as "
Mazzini of the short-dagger", the "father" and "founder" of the "Young Italy, Egypt and Turkey"
movements which originated the modern states of Italy, Egypt and Turkey, for the sole aim of
eventual peripheral European integration ( as we see now occuring in the countries surrounding










totalitarianism... Under the banner of democratic emancipation the modern young turk
movements, particularly the Arab Spring uprisings, are setting the stage for world-unification
and a false-Armageddon; then a false "world-peace", and finally the unleashed fury of
social-eugenics on an unprecedented scale; the ritual murder of countless "anti-socials",
particularly Christians.....
Much has been touted over the last decade in various conspiracy circles concerning the role that
the doctrine of Synarchy has played in the formation of the European Union.. Most of it has

substance and is infact accurate, yet some of it stems from quarters that are themselves
Neo-Platonic and Nominalistic in origin, and therefore somewhat dubious in motivation What
most mere conspiracy theories ( as opposed to conspiracy facts) fail to recognize is the telling
fact that the doctrine of Synarchy, or Joint Rule ( according to Websters Dictionary) has
mainly stemmed from Neo-Platonic circles, due to its emphasis on social control through the use
of Republican Socialism, which the Greek Philosopher Plato expounded in his famous
By inference, if indeed society has been polarized by a conspiracy going back thousands of
years, as our modern Comparative Philosophers claim, where Aristotelianism represents the
Active life, and Platonism represents the Contemplative life; namely, into Active and
Contemplative camps; left wing and right wing; low and high; we must understand SYNARCHY
as NOT consisting of EITHER a Platonic or Aristotelian bent, but of being a FUSION and
SYNTHESIS ( to use Hegels terminology) of the twain.

The Philosopher Hegel, who was an avid student and follower of the Bohemian/ German
Rosicrucian Theosopher Jakob Boehme, codified this historical polarized tension as the right
wing and the left wing of politics. Boehme had much earlier, @ 1612, adumbrated the very same
in his Aurora, the Mysterium Magnum and the Three Principles of the Divine Essence and
other works, which both Hegel AND Louis Claude de Saint Martin ( the founder of the Martinist
Order of Freemasonry, whose lodges were the first to openly support and actively promote the
cause of the American Revolution and the Bavarian Illuminism of 1776, the French Revolution of
1789, and the Socialist European Revolutions of 1848) later expounded in their systems.
Boehmes Three Principles were the basis of Hegels Thesis-Antithesis-Synthesis; and
herein lies the key to all social, political, religious, ideological, psychological control..

The cardinal Masonic motto; OUT OF CHAOS; ORDER, is an ancient adage that goes back
not merely to Adam Weishaupt and the Jesuit Illuminism of Bavaria, or to Hegel and Boehme,
but to the time of the first heathen King/Prophet: Zoroaster/ Nimrod; the founder of ancient
Babylon, and the first Ceasar, Pharaoh and Emperor of the known world. It was the trade of the
HUNT that brought the wily Ethiopean Giant Nimrod/ Zoroaster into prominence and world
dominion about 4100 years ago; for Nimrod was the great Osiris/Orion, the hunter of men,
whose skill lay in the secret of conquest by an initial division into polarized camps and then
FUSION through the final great synthesis, or alchemical work, namely SOCIAL SYNARCHY
and Joint Rule by a cabal ( UNIONISM). This consisted of ONE Emperor-King, and ONE
anointing PRIEST, and a Venetian-like retinue, or Collegia, of several (TEN was the original
number of supporting National Kings or Rulers, according to the number of the Kings of

Phoenician/Etruscan Atlantis) of Philosopher-Kings, who gave their unequivocal support and

allegiance to the Emperor VIA the Priest-Prophet, or Pontifex Maximus..

Synarchy is, therefore, BOTH Aristotelian AND Platonic, and cannot exist as one without the
other.. In its idealistic form, it embodies the teachings of Socrates who, after Zoroaster, Hermes/
Hiram Abiff, and Pythagoras, was regarded as the quintessential Philosopher from the
Heavens, and whose mantle finally fell on the shoulders of Apollonius of Tyana: the evil
magician and imposter of the first century, who in the early years of the Christian Era was
compared to our Lord Jesus Christ himself, being a worker of counterfeit miracles and an
advisor of Emperors and having travelled the known world taking initiations from the Hindus, the
Phoenicians, The Egyptians etc.etc; much in the same vein as Simon Magus,( who is depicted
as the author of simony ( trading in spiritual things), in the Book of the Acts of the Apostles,
written by Saint Luke), and of the Druid Priest/Prophet/ Magician Merlin, in the days of
Prince/King Arthur, some 500 years after Apollonius of Tyana.
Apollonius, like his predecessor Hermes Trismegistus ( Hiram Abiff), travelled to Denmark where
he was revered as the " younger ODIN/ WODAN ( from whom modern European Royalty
genetically stem), and from there finally crossed the Atlantic Sea to Meso-America where he was
worshipped as an incarnation of the " morning star Venus/ Lucifer", ie, " QUETZACOATL", by
the Mayans and allied tribes.. The Hopi tribes also worshipped him as the " Feathered Serpent",
and an incarnation of Mercury.

It remains an undeniable fact that the present-day European Union, which was infact founded by
Venetian supporters of Saint Yves dAlveydreys politico-spiritistic ( and undeniably
Machiavellian) occult doctrine called SYNARCHY, is the precursor of the FINAL 10-Horned
European Kingdom of Apocalyptic Prophecy, which once again shall straddle the ancient
borders of the Roman Empire in its greatest extent, and shall be the cause for the unification of
the entire globe under a single Emperor/Tyrant, who will be supported by a final Pope/False
Prophet, and backed up by a Collegia of Kings drawn from the boundaries of the old Roman
Empire, in imitation of the 10 Kings of ancient Babylon and the Phoenician/Etruscan Atlantis of
Plato fame( as described by the Philosopher Plato in his works), and, in more recent times,
patterned after the Doge of Venices Kingdom; his supporting Bishop, and his retinue of 10
governing Princes.

The political ecumenism of Venice, from whose bosom Machiavellianism has spread over the
entire Western world ( having brought to the Western world modern Masonry and
Rosicrucianism from the Middle East in the form of Druze Ismaili Theosophy during its various

conquests and escapades from the time of the Crusades and onwards), has been the great
catalyst for the unification of Europe and the revival of ancient SYNARCHIC Imperialism. From
Venice; like some revived horned beast from the sea, has spread the concept of Imperial unity
for the European Continent and, by extension, the entire world itself. It remains to be seen which
small nation of the NORTH ( for the final Antichrist will stem from a small northern European
Kingdom, and will be descended from the Jewish tribe of Dan) of Europe will in the very near
future supply that unjust world judge at whose coattail the Jewish nation will tug seeking
revenge against her historical enemies
In Luke 18: 1-8 we have a clear depiction of the coming relationship between the final
Emperor/Antichrist of Europe, as a World Judge ( Dan, in Hebrew, means a Judge), and the
nation of Israel represented by a widow:

1 And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint;(
Rom 12:12; Eph 6:18; Col 4:2; 1Thess 5:17); 2 Saying, There was in a city a judge, which feared
not God, neither regarded man: 3 And there was a widow in that city; and she came unto him,
saying, Avenge me of mine adversary. 4 And he would not for a while: but afterward he said
within himself, Though I fear not God, nor regard man; 5 Yet because this widow troubleth me, I
will avenge her, lest by her continual coming she weary me. 6 And the Lord said, Hear what the
unjust judge saith. 7 And shall not God avenge his own elect, which cry day and night unto him,
though he bear long with them? (Rev 6:10); 8 I tell you that he will avenge them speedily.
Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?
Though the following excerpt from Jeffrey Steinberg comes from a quarter which harbours
insufficient understanding regarding the true origin and agenda of SYNARCHY, nevertheless the
following information is a very accurate account, though only brief, of the intimate links between
both Socialism AND Imperialism and the coming world SYNARCHY. It must be noted that
Synarchy is NOT a Jewish Conspiracy or invention, but has its origin in the
Tower-Building-World-Unifying strategies that were initiated by Nimrod/Zoroaster ( regarded as
an incarnation of Saturn/ Chronos, and the inaugurator of the Babylonian " Golden Age of
Saturn/ Chronos") over 4000 years ago, and that were inherited by a chain of willing successors
that included the Jewish tribe of Dan via Hiram Abiff and the Ismaili/Druze tradition in Islam:
..The Pan European Union....."

( written by Jeffrey Steinberg, and quoted from the Internet-based Modern History Project):

In 1922, Count Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi launched the Pan European Union, at a founding
convention in Vienna, attended by more than 6,000 delegates. Railing against the "Bolshevist
menace" in Russia, the Venetian Count called for the dissolution of all the nation-states of
Western Europe and the erection of a single, European feudal state, modeled on the Roman
and Napoleonic empires.

"There are Europeans," Coudenhove-Kalergi warned, who are "naive enough to believe that the
opposition between the Soviet Union and Europe can be bridged by the inclusion of the Soviet
Union in the United States of Europe. These Europeans need only to glance at the map to
persuade themselves that the Soviet Union in its immensity can, with the help of the
[Communist] Third International, very quickly prevail over little Europe. To receive this Trojan
horse into the European union would lead to perpetual civil war and the extermination of
European culture. So long, therefore, as there is any will to survive subsisting in Europe, the idea
of linking the Soviet Union with Pan Europe must be rejected. It would be nothing less than the
suicide of Europe."

Elsewhere, Coudenhove-Kalergi echoed the contemporaneous writings of British Fabian










"This eternal war can end only with the constitution of a world republic.... The only way left to
save the peace seems to be a politic of peaceful strength, on the model of the Roman Empire,
that succeeded in having the longest period of peace in the west thanks to the supremacy of his

The launching of the Pan European Union was bankrolled by the Venetian-rooted European
banking family, the Warburgs. Max Warburg, scion of the German branch of the family, gave
Coudenhove-Kalergi 60,000 gold marks to hold the founding convention. Even more revealing,
the first mass rally of the Pan European Union in Berlin, at the Reichstag, was addressed by
Hjalmar Schacht, later the Reichsbank head, Economics Minister and chief architect of the Hitler
coup. A decade later, in October 1932, Schacht delivered a major address before another










"In three months, Hitler will be in power.... Hitler will create PanEuropa. Only Hitler can create

According to historical documents, Italy's Fascist dictator Benito Mussolini was initially skeptical
about the PanEuropa idea, but was "won over" to the scheme, following a meeting with
Coudenhove-Kalergi, during which, in the Count's words, "I gave him a complete harvest of

Nietzsche's quotes for the United States of Europe.... My visit represented a shift in the behavior
of Mussolini towards PanEuropa. His opposition disappeared."

At the founding congress of the Pan European Union in Vienna, the backdrop behind the podium
was adorned with portraits of the movement's leading intellectual icons: Immanuel Kant,
Napoleon Bonaparte, Giuseppe Mazzini, and Friedrich Nietzsche..

Albert Pike is not the only curio who has espoused astrologically ( Equinoctially) 2025 as a
formative date ( we are uncertain, however, whether the ACTUAL date for World Government
from Jerusalem shall be 2025, but the several years preceeding and succeeding this date are
extremely pertinent to the establishment of World Rule, and will in their day declare to us the
nearness of the time as well as the identity of the final Antichrist) in relation to a future World
Order.. The Raelian Movement also claims that the year 2025 will see World Rule from
Jerusalem, and they have already submitted plans to the Israeli Government for a "landing pad
superstructure" to be constructed in Israel for the reception of "philosopher king/Elohim" world
leaders and their ( man-made) "flying UFO craft".....!!!
These man-made craft are indeed manufactured at various underground bases on earth,
patterned on flying craft technology that was and is used by Daemonic " ben- Elohim"
fallen-angelic life forms, which were anciently revered as the Seven Planetary and Stellar "
gods". They are powered by Tesla Technology, which was inherited by the Serb/American
Buddhist Scientist Nikola Tesla from Goethe, the German Philosopher and avid student of the
Rosicrucian imperator in Germany during the early 17th century: Jacob Boehme. Tesla boasted
that he had conveyed his greatest secrets simultaneously to 5 major world nations, which
included the USA and Russia... Germany and France also received this Technology prior to the
second World War.
Though the flying craft are indeed man-made and are powered by tapping the IONOSPHERE (
anciently known as the electro-fire of the AETHER), their prototypes are actually real
Fallen-Angelic craft. The many sightings and encounters of "hybrid beings" that falsely and
lyingly parade as alien and extraterrestrial occupants of UFOs, are actually the genetic products
of a breeding program ON EARTH which concerns the mating of humans with
semi-human-fallen-angelic " demi-gods" or" Nephilim" ( the " heroes" of old; the hybrid offspring
of human women and the planetary and stellar " gods"/ daemons). As well as human/nephilim
breeding, hybrid Nephilim breeding with animals, reptiles, fish, birds etc.etc. ( as depicted in the
ancient Ethiopic " Book of Enoch") is also conducted to produce reptilian-like creatures that are
presented in close encounters as " alien/ stellar evolutionary biological life-forms". This lie is
supported by all secret societies world-wide, and it is true that military, medical and scientific

organisations across the earth are conspiring in this deception for the purpose of forming the
illusion of biological alien evolutionary-life beyond the earth, ( which according to the first
chapters of the Book of Genesis does not exist) as well as the creation of a " servile caste" of
hybrid humanoids and bio-medically modified human " androids" for their future " One World
Order" and government, and the inevitable " RULING CASTE", or " Superman" that Nietzsche
and the famous Rosicrucian tutor of Adolph Hitler, Lord Bulwer-Lytton in his book titled " The
Coming Race", preached and promoted.
It is not, however, the Jews who are setting this stage, but the "Great White Brotherhood" of
Rosicrucian/ Pythagorean " Philosopher Kings" and their 144,000 " Theosophical WorldServers", which is based on Mount Hermon in Lebanon ( "laban" means "white" in Aramaic,
Syriac and Hebrew).. This Druid brotherhood of Rosicrucian Pythagorean "philosopher-kings" is
otherwise known as the DRUZE/ISMAILI sect of Lebanon, into which Madame Blavatsky of
Theosophical Society fame, was initiated. The Druzes still hold the "golden calf of Dan" in their
underground secret chambers, and lay claim to descent from the Phoenician princes of Tyre as
well as the Jewish/ Israelite tribe of Dan, in the vicinity of Mount Hermon, Lebanon..
The infamous sect of the ASSASSINS ( Hashishim) were the military branch of the Ismaili sect
of the Druzes of Lebanon and elsewhere. They blasphemously revere Al-Hakim as their
Maitreya/ Christ/ god incarnate, and during the crusades initiated numerous Teutonic, Hospitaller
and, in particular, TEMPLAR Knight Crusaders, into the Druze/ Ismaili/ Assassin Freemasonry.
Through these orders of initiated Knights, and through their offspring with Druze women, the
tenets of Druze Ismaili religion were conveyed to the courts of Europe, and from this source via
the Knights Templars, the first modern " Banking System" was developed throughout Europe
under the aegis of the Templars and their Ismaili/ Assassin Masters in the East. This Banking
Tradition was inherited by the Medici Bankers of Florence and further developed by the great "
Fugger" Banking House, and finally the Venetian " Warburgs" of European-Union Banking fame.
They ( the great Banking Houses of the World, especially Europe) remain answerable NOT to
some secret Jewish Banking " conspiracy", but to the precepts and " Great Invocational PLAN"
of the Druze Order in the East. Lady Queensborough, in her expose on the matter of the
Assassin- Templar connection, (" Occult Theocrasy"), made the following accurate observations:
"It is chronicled that several of the founders of the Templar Order were initiates in the sect of The
Assassins. (pages 143 144 OCCULT THEOCRASY) Blanchard, writing of it, says : " During
the middle ages, the most eminent warriors and noblemen of Europe entered its ranks. The
Knights of the Temple became the bulwark of the Holy Land against the Saracens. France,
England and other countries formed associations (Priories) of Templar Knights, each with its
own Grand Master and other officers. Such great wealth was accumulated in the treasuries of
the order that in the year 1185 its annual income represented a sum equal to thirty millions of
dollars. The Templars were bankers and loaned money on their own terms. But wealth and

prosperity naturally led to licentiousness, neglect of Templar law and in the end destruction. " 1
Having embraced Gnosticism while in Palestine, and in touch with the sect of the Assassins, the
Templar order degenerated, and some of its members, under the influence of tha t sect, were
said to practice Phallicism or sex-worship and Satanism and to venerate " The Baphomet ", the
idol of the Luciferians. The crime of Sodomy was a rite of Templar initiation."......
When Saint John Damascene declared in the last decades of the eighth century that the final
Antichrist would come from the Arian Mahommetan tradition of Islam ( submission), he may
indeed have foretold of the figure of their long-awaited, sleeping emperor; their Imam Mahdi,
who would once again come forth at the end of time from his hiding place, and would put down
all opposition to Islam, and establish the new Golden Age of Saturn; the Ebionite/ Gnostic
Theocratic Kingdom on Earth, which the heretic Cerinthus prophesied of in the first century

To this day, the Ismaili Fatimid sect of the Druze await their sleeping emperor, the Fatimid
mad Caliph Al-Hakim, who was the first to dare to attempt the full and complete annihilation of
Christians in the middle east, and of Christianity itself, and to attempt to destroy all the known
Christian Holy Places.. In 1005 AD he established in Cairo a secret Lodge called the House
of Knowledge, the Dar al-Hikma, and subsequently proceeded to destroy the Church of the Holy
Sepulcher in 1009, and even the Church of the Resurrection some time after. It is from this
House of Knowledge that various centres of secret missionary activity branched out to establish
schools and lodges in Yemen ( Dhamar),Lebanon, Damascus, Bactria, Tibet, and eventually
Germany itself through their disciple Christian Rosenkreutz.
Al-Hakim was and is venerated by the Druzes of Lebanon and environs as God on Earth to
this day, whose return is expected at any moment by the sect, after his mysterious
disappearance without a trace near Cairo in Egypt in 1021 AD... He is regarded as an
incarnation of the sleeping emperor by many, who shall emerge from a mountain cave, unify
Islam, and destroy the infidel... The Druzes, who call themselves Unitarians and have secret
Lodges and initiations identical to Hermetic Mithraism, interestingly, are a mixed race of,
amongst others, Phoenician AND Jewish stock, namely the tribe of Dan, which resided in the
northern parts of Palestine at the source of the Jordan and the foothills of Mount Hermon, as well
as in Yemen, Sparta, and Bactria...
When the prophet Jeremiah prophesied that the Antichrist would come with his horses from the
tribe of DAN ( as the early Church believed) could it be that he had in mind the sleeping
emperor, the Imam Mahdi of Ismaili Islam? It can be, it seems, no other.. ( It is important to
note that the present head of the Ismaili movement is the Aga Khan, who takes very seriously
the " Sport of Kings", (namely, horse racing) continues this ancient association between the

pythonic " disciples of PEGASUS ( the winged horse of daemonic prophetic unction and
possession), and the tradition of the Hashishim and the Druze Rosicrucian Order.
The Judeo-Shi'a sect of the Assassins or Hashishims was founded in 1090 by Hassan Sabah, a
Persian, who had been initiated into Ismailism at Cairo, in the household of the Fatimite Caliph,
al-Mostansir. He was known as " The Old Man " or rather " The Lord of the Mountain ". His
influence in Egypt having excited the envy of many, he was sent into exile. Caliph al-Mustansir's
" vizir was a Jew named Abu Mansur Sadakah ibn Yussuf ", 1 under whose protection Hassan
traversed Persia as a missionary, preaching and making proselytes, and, having seized the
fortress of Alamut, on the borders of Irak and Dilem, which he called the " House of Fortune ", he
there established his rule. The history of his time is full of his name. Kings in the very centre of
Europe trembled at it; his powerful arm reached everywhere.
According to Heckethorn, " he reduced the nine degrees into which the adherents of the Lodge
of Cairo were divided to seven, placing himself at the head, with title of Seydna or Sidna,
whence the Spanish Cid, and the Italian Signore. The term Assassins is a 1. Von Hammer,
History of the Assassins, a corruption of Hashishim, derived from Hashish (Indian hemp) with
which the chief intoxicated his followers when they entered on some desperate enterprise.2 " To
regulate the seven degrees he composed the Catechism of the Order. The first degree
recommended to the missionary attentively to watch the disposition of the candidate, before
admitting him to the order. The second impressed it upon him to gain the confidence of the
candidate, by flattering his inclinations and passions ; the third, to involve him in doubts and
difficulties by showing him the absurdity of the Koran ; the fourth, to exact from him a solemn
oath of fidelity and obedience, with a promise to lay his doubts before his instructor ; and the
fifth, to show him that the most famous men of Church and State belonged to the secret order.
The sixth, called ' Confirmation ', enjoined on the instructor to examine the proselyte concerning
the whole preceding course, and firmly to establish him in it. The seventh finally, called the '
Exposition of the Allegory ', gave the keys of the sect.
" The followers were divided into two great hosts, ' self-sacrificers ' and ' aspirants '. The first,
despising fatigues, dangers, and tortures, joyfully gave their lives whenever it pleased the
master, who required them either to protect himself or to carry out his mandates of death. "
According to the legend " the man selected by the lord to perform the dangerous exploit was first
made drunk, and in this state carried into a beautiful valley where he was, on waking,
surrounded by lovely sylph-like women who made him believe he was in Elysium ; but ere he
wearied or became satiated with 2. Heckethorn, Secret Societies of all Ages and Countries, p.
168 et seq. love and wine, he was once more made drunk, and in this state carried back to his
own home. When his services were required, he was again sent for by the lord, who told him that

he had once permitted him to enjoy paradise, and if he would do his bidding he could luxuriate in
the same delights for the rest of his life. The dupe, believing that his master had the power to do
all this, was ready to commit whatever crime was required of him. "
" Several Christian princes were suspected of conniving at the deeds of the Assassins. Richard
of England is one of them ; and it has been the loyal task of English writers to free him from the
charge of having instigated the murder of Conrad of Montferrat... There also existed for a long
time a rumour that Richard had attempted the life of the King of France through Hassan and his
Assassins. The nephew of Barbarossa, Frederick II, was excommunicated by Innocent II for
having caused the Duke of Bavaria to be slain by the Assassins ; and Frederick II, in a letter to
the King of Bohemia, accuses the Duke of Austria of having by similar agents attempted his life.
" The corruption of the Order of The Templars which brought about its downfall has been
imputed by most historians to this sect which was suppressed in 1256, when the Mongolians, led
by Prince Hulagu, attacked and overthrew them." ( Quoted from Lady Queensborough's " Occult
The Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem. 1099-1187
(History of the Christian Church by Philip Schaff. Volume 5: Chapter 7)
..Eight days after the capture of the Holy City a permanent government was established,
known as the Latin kingdom of Jerusalem. Godfrey was elected king, but declined the title of
royalty, unwilling to wear a crown of gold where the Saviour had worn a crown of thorns. He
adopted the title Baron and Defender of the Holy Sepulchre. The kingdom from its birth was in
need of help, and less than a year after the capture of the city the patriarch Dagobert made an
appeal to the rich German nation for renforcements. It had a perturbed existence of less than
a century, and in that time witnessed a succession of nine sovereigns.

Godfrey extended his realm, but survived the capture of Jerusalem only a year, dying July 18,
1100. He was honored and lamented as the most disinterested and devout among the chieftains
of the First Crusade. His body was laid away in the church of the Holy Sepulchre, where his
reputed sword and spurs are still shown. On his tomb was the inscription: Here lies Godfrey of
Bouillon, who conquered all this territory for the Christian religion. May his soul be at rest with

With the Latin kingdom was established the Latin patriarchate of Jerusalem. The election of
Arnulf, chaplain to Robert of Normandy, was declared irregular, and Dagobert, or Daimbert,
archbishop of Pisa, was elected in his place Christmas Day, 1099. Latin sees were erected
throughout the land and also a Latin patriarchate of Antioch. Dagobert secured large

concessions from Godfrey, including the acknowledgment of his kingdom as a fief of the
patriarch. After the fall of Jerusalem, in 1187, the patriarchs lived in Acre..
Amidst their knightly temporal victories in the East, the Teutonic, Templar, and Hospitaller
Knightly orders themselves were overcome by the seductions of Islamic Ismaili/Druze
Theosophical influences to such a degree that they not only intermarried with the Ismaili/ Druze
population of the East, but also embraced their secret GNOSIS and rites of initiation, and carried
them back home to the West with them, shortly after their demise at the hands of Suleyman the

.The Christian occupation of Palestine did not bring with it a reign of peace. The kingdom was
torn by the bitter intrigues of barons and ecclesiastics, while it was being constantly threatened
from without. The inner strife was the chief source of weakness. The illegitimate offspring of the
Crusaders by Moslem women, called pullani, were a degenerate race, marked by avarice,
faithlessness, and debauchery. The monks settled down in swarms over the country, and the
Franciscans became the guardians of the holy places.. ( History of the Christian Church by
Philip Schaff. Volume 5: Chapter 7).

The Druzes, who are descended from the remnants of the Jewish tribe of Dan that had
intermarried with the Phoenician nation, particularly Tyre, to this day in their underground crypts
and secret chambers, hold in their possession the golden calf of Dan, and further the
teachings of Cerinthus and the Gnostics..


The Fact:Persistent local rumor continues to associate "calf worship" with the Druze
religion,.. That there is jealously guarded and hidden from the uninitiate eye, in one of their
leading places of seclusion (khalwah), of which there are about forty in the Lebanon, some gold
figure of a calf or bull inside of a silver box has been almost ascertained beyond doubt. A high
Druze sheikh has practically admitted in a recent interview the existence of such a box. Paul
Casanova reports in the Revue archologique the discovery of a baked clay figure of a ram or
sheep with the name of al-akm inscribed on it. Passages in the tracts of amzah and
Bah-al-Dn referring in a derogatory manner to the "calf" and the "worshipers of the calf" are
not lacking, but one passage in the epistle entitled al-Asrr (Secrets or Mysteries) has clear and
unmistakable reference to "the box in which is the figure of the incarnation of our Lord." .....If and
when the calf cult is proved in the case of the Druze religion, some connection will then be
sought with earlier cognate Israelitish and Egyptian cults. ( Main Sources: W. B. Seabrook, "The

Golden Calf of the Druzes," Asia (New York), March, 1926. See also Revue de lOrient, X,
Madam Blavatsky, the foundress of the modern Theosophical Society ( A branch of the
Rosicrucian Order and Movement) claims to have been initiated into the Druze religion
Mme. Blavatsky wrote, in 1878:

..I belong to the secret sect of the Druzes of the Mount Lebanon and passed a long life
[time?] among dervishes, Persian mullahs, and mystics of all sort. Theos., LII, 628, Aug.
Christian Rosencreutz, the founder of Rosicrucianism in Germany during the 14th century, was
also initiated into Druze Ismailism at Damcar in Yemen ( where also exists a large community
claiming descent from the tribe of Dan, according to the travel journals of Reverend Joseph
Wolff)Robert Fludd, Francis Bacon, Jakob Boehme, and somewhat earlier Paracelsus ( the
founder of modern medicine) were famous early leaders of Rosicrucianism in England and
Germany. ( see Frances Yates works on the Rosicrucian Enlightenment of the early 17th
century). The Hermetic tradition in Islam was inherited by the Druze Ismaili sect, from which
influence modern Western Freemasonry takes its rise, via the various medieval orders of
Crusader Knights. Freemasonry worships Hiram Abiff, the builder of the Temple of Solomon (
as recorded in Scripture); who is none other than Hermes Trismegistus. ( Please refer to the
Rosicrucian William Wynn Wescott in his History of Rosicrucianism for confirmation of this
correlation between Hiram Abiff ( who was of the tribe of Dan in the region of Naphtali), and the
famous Hermes Trismegistus).

The reason why Mount Hermon/ Lebanon is so strategically important to the secret societies of
the world, is that, according to the Ethiopic Book of 1 Enoch ( which is quoted by Jude in the
New Testament as authentic), the Angels that fell from their first estate prior to the Deluge of
Noahs days, formed a pact and took the oath of allegiance against Almighty God and His
Christ on Mount Hermon, and it was on Mount Hermon that the daughters of men first
intermarried with the fallen angels/ daemons, who took on physical forms and were able to
propagate AFTER their fall from the Heavenly Realm, with the daughters of men.
This primordial descent of the daemons ( anciently styled gods by the heathen) gave birth to
a race of Nephilim, or heroes and giants, who wreaked havoc with the inhabitants of the
known world prior to the Deluge of Noah, and also after that.. The last of these Nephilim were
destroyed during King Davids time ( Goliath being one of them). Since approximately the time of
the Tunguska event in 1908, these fallen angelic daemons have conspired with medical, military
organizations and scientific esoteric Rosicrucian cliques throughout the world, for the purpose of

re-enactment of the breeding programs between fallen angels and human women that took
place just prior to the Flood of Noah..
It is reminiscent of the work of the Golden Dawn Templar Order ( sexual magic/ Tantric Yogic
sex), which seeks the production of the " Moonchild" called ENDYMION ( note that ENDYMION
in Greek numerals equals 666, according to the rules of Gematria), who would rule the world
according to the tenets of Alistair Crowley, particularly the blasphemous antinomian adage of "
do what thou wilt". This breeding program is replicated on the purely human level as well. The
basis of World, especially European, Royal House Intermarriage and Noble lineage
perpetuation, in the production of the final World Emperor/ Antichrist, is a " mirror image Tantric
process" that world Royal families engage in to produce the final ( though purely human)
ENDYMION Antichrist..
Mount Zion is known also in Scripture as the congregation of the North, whereas, according to
the secret lodges of Phoenician/ Danite Lebanon, this Biblical expression refers NOT to Mount
Zion ( Moriah), but to Mount Hermon, which geographers in olden days called "SION".. This
difference is not one of mere semantics, but is vital when considering the origin of the notorious
in Lebanon; the headquarters of the Druze sect and Masonry). The real authors of these
Protocols ( which are a genuine document though NOT authored by the Jewish Sanhedrin nor
the Zionists. Zionism is the false flag secret societies use to deflect discovery of the Druze/
Druid origin of the Protocols) are the Elders of the Druze Cult; the head organ of the Great
White ( Laban) Brotherhood of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky/ Theosophical Society fame.
Other Centres of this " Great White Brotherhood" throughout the world include SHAMBALLAH (
the ancient city of BALKH in Bactria, the former kingdom of Nimrod/ Zoroaster, which is the first
city on earth ever built by the children of Cain the fratricide; namely, the city called " Enoch". This
" Enoch" is not to be confused with the " Prophet Enoch" who was NOT of the line of Cain, but
that of Seth, the son of Adam. The foundation-stone of this city was recovered after the deluge
and is revered worldwide as the " stone of destiny", or the satanic " lia fail" of grail fame.
Another centre is ofcourse AGHARTI, known in the Norse Countries as ASGARD, the home of
the AESIR ( in ancient Assyria). The Gobi Desert, the Himalayas, the Andes, are, amongst
virtually EVERY mountain range that exists on earth, home to UFO manufacturing bases. Other
centres and Druze schools of Rosicrucianism may be found amongst the descendants of the
Danites in Yemen ( The Tayyabit tribes near Damcar in Yemen), as well as the ancient territories
of the SPARTANS, who were a colony of the tribe of Dan as well. The Druid " brotherhood" of
the West, and the ancient Essenes of Palestine, and the Therapeutae of Egypt and the Buddhist
Pythagoreans, are ALL predecessors of the final Theosophic Religious Rosicrucian Synthesis as
embodied in the Druze Creed and system...

The ancient name for Mount Hermon was SION, as opposed to "ZION", the hill of Jerusalem..
The protocols of SION ( NOT "Zion") are the genuine issue of the Druze/Ismaili Freemasonry,
with origins in the Israelite tribe of Dan, and NOT the Jewish Rabbis and Sanhedrin in general. It
is an interesting fact of Medieval history that the Crusader Knights ( particularly the Templars,
Teutonics and Hospitallers) intermarried with the Druze women, and received the
Druze/Hashishim initiations before transplanting them to Europe... The famed "Priory of Sion" (
note the spelling) was a secret DRUZE order of Knighthood...

The Protocols were given through these channels to modern Masonry in the west. They harken
back to the builder of the Temple of Solomon in the 11th century B.C.; Huram Abiff, anciently
known and revered as Hermes Trismegistos, the builder of Solomon's Temple as well as the
Circular Temple of Hercules Melkhart at Tyre ( the original of the Arthurian Camelot and Round
Table), who travelled finally to Denmark ( the oldest Royal House in Europe) with a colony of
Phoenician-Danites bringing with him the worship of the Phoenician Hercules Melkhart ( known
in Scripture as MAOZ, or MAHUZZIM, and amongst the Celts as MELIK ( King) ART ( Arthur)),
and from there ( he was known in Scandinavia and Germany as ODIN or WODAN and WOTAN,
amongst the Latins as Mercury, and in Greece as Hermes, the Egyptian THOTH) " sexually
inseminated" all the Royal Houses of Europe with Phoenician/Canaanite/Israelite blood, for the
purpose of producing, in the final days just prior to Jesus Christ's second coming ( at the
conclusion of 6000 years of universal history), the bloodstock of the " Final Euro-World
Emperor", who would be of the Tribe of Dan, as well as of Tyrian/Phoenician stock.
This " Final Emperor" would be crowned by the final PONTIFEX MAXIMUS POPE of ROME,
who, turning his back on the Roman Catholic Church to assume the reigns of the World Council
of Churches and the Ecumenical Movement, will allow Rome to be " burned in one day", and
have its territories and assets divided amongst the victorious Arian, Islamic and Reformed
Protestant countries of Europe.
Apollonius of Tyana in the 1st century AD, otherwise known as the " younger ODIN/ WODAN"
and " Quetzalcoatl" in Meso-America, reinvigorated the new round of Danite " insemination" in
Europe from Denmark as his predecessor Hiram Abiff had done, thereby founding the modern
European Royal Bloodlines from Denmark..
The Protestant Reformation, which was instigated and supported by the Rosicrucian Order with
directives from the Great White Brotherhood of the Druzes, will be the main driver, partnered by
Islam, of the coming " Burning of Rome": the destruction of Roman Catholicism and the
abdication of the Papacy in favour of the World Council of Churches, or an equivalent
organization with Ecumenical roots and Universal appeal.

The Reformation was infact a call to European Union, under ONE Emperor, whose right-hand
prophet would eventually be a REFORMED POPE; most likely of a Carmelite and/or Franciscan
persuasion. The Carmelite Order, which claimed direct descent from the Prophet Elijah at Mount
Carmel in Palestine ( though in reality more likely to be descended from the opponents of Elijah;
the Priests of Baal which also resided at Mount Carmel and environs), has a strong history of
Mysticism, and particularly of the Montanist Sybilline type due to its popularity amongst
Carmelite nuns. The main reasons why one might suppose a Carmelite Pope or a Franciscan
Pope may serve in the cause of European Union, concern the historical affinity between the
Lutheran and Reformed mystical traditions, which held in great esteem the old Carmelite ( and
Rhineland Dominican) mystics, such as John of the Cross and Theresa of Avila, as
proto-Reformers, and would very easily accept an Ecumenical Pope of Rome from the
Carmelite order for this reason; whereas a Franciscan Pope would not only Ecumenically unite
the Protestant/ Reformed sects due to Francis of Assisis disciples hatred of the abuses of the
Papacy ( they actually styled, like the Waldenses, the Pope Antichrist, and sought to Reform
the Papacy on the same lines as Pope Gregory the Great, Luther ,Calvin and Zwingli), would
offer a rallying call to unity to all the doctrinal heirs of the Franciscan Tertiary tradition, who were
hoping for the Third Age of the Spirit as prophesied by the mentor of King Richard Lionheart:
the Calabrian false prophet Joachim of Fiore.
Richard Lionheart, who was tutored by Joachim of Fiore, was the bridge between the Druze
order of the Assassins in the East and the Franciscan " proto-Reformation" Movement in
Calabria, Italy, in the West. The Franciscan Tertiaries were an order of Franciscan laymen and
laywomen who were intimately associated with the Beghard and Beguine tradition in Western
Europe.. Joachim of Fiores Franciscan descendants, the Anabaptists, (though the later
Radical AnaBaptists of Thomas Munzer fame resorted to extreme violence), absorbed the
entire Franciscan theological and political perspective but, contrary to Luther and Calvin, and like
their predecessors the Franciscan Spiritual Order, did so NOT by the sword of Caesar as with
Luther and Calvin, but under the banner of peace ( the rainbow). It was under the banner of
the rainbow that the first Swiss and German AnaBaptist revolt took place, and it has been of
late revived as the " Rainbow Alliance" and " New Age Movement" of the mid 20th century.
The historical evidence for the descent of the AnaBaptists from the Franciscans is ably
demonstrated more recently by Dr. Peter C. Erb ( an AnaBaptist minister in Canada, historian
and theologian) as well as during the early eighteenth century by the formative historical works
of Gottfried Arnold ( who was likewise favourable to the Franciscans and the various
AnaBaptists, in opposition to the various state churches of the day)..

The purpose of the Papacy was, and still is, at least since the time of the Emperor Constantine in
the early 4th century AD, to serve as the Ecumenical BRIDGE ( the Popes to this day style

themselves by the Roman pagan term Pontifex Maximus, which means the Great Bridge
Builder) between ALL the so-called scattered brethren; a term which the Papacy uses for their
version of Replacement Theology ( which the Reformers, particularly Calvin, also embraced),
since scattered brethren is in their minds simply another term for the scattered tribes of

So logically, since the Reformers as well as the Radical AnaBaptists believed that the Jews as a
Nation were done with prophetically, and since in their minds the Church had taken over all
prophecy concerning temporal rule in recent history, it was almost inevitable that their wayward
assumptions would lead to a total spiritualization of the promises to the literal Jews, and a
search for the scattered lost tribes of Israel amongst the so-called blessed Reformed
Nations of Europe, became the great Ecumenical Pursuit of both the Papacy ( which the
Reformers did not reject as long as a Reformed Pope sat on the throne of the Apostle Peter)
AND the Reformers.. In this quest even the earlier Jewish expositors Rashi and Maimonides,
appeared to lend their weighty support, by giving credence to the falsehood of the supposed












Anglo-Saxon-Celtic-Latin-Aryan-British nations which eventually populated the region of the

Western Roman Empire .. This false teaching that the " Aryan-Anglo-British-Celtic" race is of
descent from the 10 lost tribes of Israel ( when infact they comprise the majority of the 10 toed
kingdom of the Beast/ Antichrist), is almost universally supported within Freemasonry,
Rosicrucianism, the Protestant Orange Masonic Order, the Pentecostal andf Charismatic sects,
and contemporary as well as past Protestant and Evangelical Biblical Exegetes alike.

The Reformed Countries are currently reviving the ancient empire and claims of Caesar on the
continent of Europe, whereas Caesars right-hand-man; the Pope of Rome who presents himself
as the Ecumenical Bridge Builder and speaks and looks like a lamb but is a ravening wolf, is
hell-bent on causing the entire world to worship the coming world emperor from the Jewish tribe
of Dan The game is real and the stakes high for the children of disobedience, whether they
style themselves Christian, Jewish, Islamic, Buddhist, Hindu, Taoist or otherwise.. The end of the
game is European Revival and, by extension, world union; as it was in the days of Noah
before and after the great Deluge..
To recapitulate the facts:

a) The Papacy, being of Montanist descent, is the great False Prophet of prophecy, and has
employed Replacement Theology as a tool to INGATHER and REVIVE the 10-horned BEAST of
Europe, by universal appeal to the so-called 10 European scattered tribes ( sects) of Israel

according to the teachings of Rashi and Maimonides, and according to the influence of the
Islamic Ismaili DRUZE Freemasonry, which the Crusaders conveyed back to Europe during the
early middle ages. The Popes are not to be confused with the Roman Universal Church and her
daughters ( the state churches and various sects and denominations), over which they merely
The Roman Universal Church and Entity was known as the Whore of Babylon by Bishop
Hippolytus of Porto ( near Rome) in the late 2nd century/ early 3rd century AD, and openly
delineated as such in his excellent treatise On Christ and Antichrist. As the title Pontifex
Maximus in the ancient Pagan Roman vocabulary intimated the office of the Prophet of Rome
and the Whole World ( the great social Bridge Builder of the known world), so it is that the
Roman Pontiffs must be regarded in this light as the great supporters of Imperial Rule; that of
Ceasar, and are to be understood as fulfilling the prophecies of the great False Prophet which
would eventually anoint, and cause the whole world to worship the Beast ( Antichrist/ Emperor
of Europe);

b) The Reformers, including Luther, Calvin, and Zwingli, as well as the AnaBaptists, did not
actually Reform Rome and the Church, as we all know, but enacted the process of revival of
the Roman Empire THROUGH the abuse of Theology ( particularly the NOMINALISM of William
of Ockham) in order to get the popular vote and transfer political power back from the Papacy to
the Emperor, yet simultaneously paved the way for the absorption of all European nations into
some form of Reformed allegiance in the expectation that the FINAL Pope will be of
Reformed-Carmelite-Franciscan persuasion;

c) The Jewish people of Europe are indeed Jews, and NOT Khazars as some of the National
Socialist Conspiracy Theories allege ( based upon the writings of Arthur Koestler, particularly the
book titled The Thirteenth Tribe) and have claimed, and that only the leading tribe of DAN is
actively cooperating in the great mystery of iniquity which seeks to enthrone one of their own
as the new European and World Emperor, who will place his final seat at Jerusalem and will be
eventually received by the Jewish Nation and the disciples of the Ebionite/Gnostic Cerinthus as
their false promised kingdom-building Messiah, in imitation of the failed attempts to this effect by
the favourite son of Rabbi Akiba ( early 2nd century AD), namely, the false messiah: Bar
Cochba, the son of a star.
The Apocalypse of Saint John sums the matter up succinctly:

(Revelation Chapter 13):

1 And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea,[note that
Mercury, in Hermetic emblemata, is depicted as being born from the sea ] having seven heads
and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.(
Dan 7:20; Rev 17:3); 2 And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as
the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and
his seat, and great authority. 3 And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his
deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast. 4 And they worshipped
the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like
unto the beast? who is able to make war with him? (Rev 18:18); 5 And there was given unto him
a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty
and two months. (Rev 11:2); 6 And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to
blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven. 7 And it was given unto
him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all
kindreds, and tongues, and nations. (Dan 7:21; Rev 11:7); 8 And all that dwell upon the earth
shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the
foundation of the world. (Exod 32:33; Phil 4:3; Rev 3:5; Rev 17:8; Rev 20:12; Rev 21:27); 9 If
any man have an ear, let him hear. 10 He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that
killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the
saints. (Gen 9:6; Matt 26:52; Rev 14:12);

11 And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and
he spake as a dragon.( Rev 11:7); 12 And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before
him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly
wound was healed. (Rev 13:3; Rev 19:20); 13 And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh
fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men,[ note that Thor, or Jupiter, is
regarded by the ancients to preside over all prophecy AND to cause fire to come down from
heaven.The Priest of Rome, the Pontifex Maximus, was a priest of Jupiter. ] (2Thess 2:9; Rev
16:14); 14 And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he
had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should
make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live. (Deut 13:1; Matt
24:24; Rev 16:14; Rev 19:20); 15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that
the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the
image of the beast should be killed. (Rev 19:20); 16 And he causeth all, both small and great,
rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:( Rev
19:20); 17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the
beast, or the number of his name.( Rev 14:11); 18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath

understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is
Six hundred threescore and six. (Rev 17:9);
" The Word ( Dabar, Logos) became Flesh" is true of only one historical Incarnation; that of
Jesus Christ, whereas the Philosophers, Theosophers and Rosicrucians sought a cyclic
Incarnation of Hermes/Mercury/Odin ( the Spirit of the Antichrist) as their counterfeit " mirific
word/logos" false world savior. Christ Jesus, who, though pure and innocent, Vicariously died for
humanity on the Cross at Calvary outside the walls of Jerusalem near 2000 years ago, is THE
only " mediator between God and Man", but certainly not an " intermediatory angelic being or
psychopomp" as the heathen philosophers taught of the daemon Hermes/Mercury/Odin. There
is no other name given under Heaven by which we may be saved, except the name of Christ
Jesus: Almighty Emmanuel, and God-with-us Incarnate..."
MARANATHA... for the Lord Jesus Christ draweth nigh....
This article on the history of European Rosicrucianism ( which was descended from Druze
Ismaili Rosicrucianism) may help in understanding that Rosicrucianism developed and controls
the externalization of the Grand Lodge of Freemasonry in England in 1717, as well as the
Illuminati of Bavaria in 1776. The article is not correct in stating that the last Grand Master of
Rosicrucianism died in 1750... They continue to this day, and the Grand Master also controls
the Freemasonic Lodges and the Bavarian Illuminati WORLDWIDE.. They founded the
Protestant Reformation, particularly the Calvinist Puritan and Lutheran streams, as well as the
AnaBaptist and Socinian ( Unitarian) and Universalist movements. In 1700, as confirmed by
R.Roach in his " Imperial Standard of the Messiah Triumphant", they founded what was to
become the Charismatic/ Pentecostal Movement via the agency of the Wesleyan " Holiness"
movement, and with the political support of William of Orange and his legacy. Richard Roach
was a member of the " Philadelphian Society" ( as was the tutor of John and Charles Wesley,
the famed English Evangelical Rosicrucian, William Law) of Jane Lead and John Pordage in the
17th century; the successors in England of the German Rosicrucian Jacob Boehme.
Their modern successors and offspring were not only to be discovered in the " Theosophical
Society" of Colonel Olcott and Mme Blavatsky, but particularly the " Jacob Boehme Society" of
Charles Arthur Muses during the 1950s in the USA, who counted amongst their members and
associates the likes of C.S. Lewis, Buz Aldrin, Arthur Young ( inventor of the Bell Helicopter),
and virtually every influential quantum scientist and science fiction notable in the western world.
Charles Arthur Muses' successor was Jose Arguelles, the Mayan Exegete and founder of the "
Harmonic Convergence" of 1987.

The following article was penned in 1797, and reproduced in Lady Queensborough's " Occult
Theocrasy" ( an early expose)....


Speculation has been rife as to the origin of the Rosicrucians, and the many fables and legends
connected with the subject have but little historical value. Owing to the great discrepancy
between the information contained in the following article and that given in the more modern
editions of the Encyclopaedia Britannica, it has been deemed advisable to reprint the former.
(See Enc. Brit., 3rd Edition, Vol. 16, year MDCCXCVII (1797) Edinburgh. Bell and Macfarquhar.)
" Rosicrucians, a name assumed by a sect or cabal of hermetical philosophers ; who arose, as it
has been said, or at least became first taken notice of in Germany, in the beginning of the
fourteenth century. They bound themselves together by a solemn secret, which they all swore
inviolably to preserve : and obliged themselves, at their admission into the order, to a strict
observance of certain established rules. They pretended to know all sciences, and chiefly
medicine : whereof they published themselves the restorers. They pretended to be masters of
abundance of important secrets, and, among others, that of the philosopher's stone : all which
they affirmed to have received by tradition from the ancient Egyptians, Chaldeans, the Magi, and
They have been distinguished by several names, accommodated to the several branches of their
doctrine. Because they pretend to protect the period of human life, by means of certain
nostrums, and even to restore youth, they were called Immortals ; as they pretended to know all
things, they have been called Illuminati; and because they have made no appearance for several
years, unless the sect of Illuminated which lately started up on the continent derives its origin
from them [ THE BAVARIAN ILLUMINATI], they have been called the Invisible Brothers. Their
society is frequently signed by the letters F. R. C. which some among them interpret fratres roris
cocti; it being pretended that the matter of the philosopher's stone is dew concocted, exalted,
etc. Some, who are no friends to free-masonry, make the present flourishing society of
free-masons a branch of Rosicrucians ; or rather the Rosicrucians themselves, under a new
name or relation, viz. as retainers to building. And it is certain, there are some free-masons who
have all the characters of Rosicrucians ; but how the aera and original of masonry, and that of
Rosicrucianism here fixed from Nadaeus, who has written expressly on the subject, conflict, we
leave others to judge Notwithstanding the pretended antiquity of the Rosicrucians, it is probable
that the alchemists, Paracelsists, l or fire-philosophers,[ ZOROASTRIANS] who spread
themselves through almost all Europe about the close of the 16th century, assumed about this
period the obscure and ambiguous title of Rosicrucian brethren, which commanded at first some

degree of respect, as it seemed to be borrowed from the arms of Luther, which were a cross
placed upon a rose.
But the denomination 1. Followers of Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim (1493-1541).
evidently appears to be derived from the science of chemistry. It is not compounded, says
Motheim, as many imagine of the two words rosa and crux, which signify rose and cross, but of
the latter of these words, and the Latin ros, which signifies dew At the head of these fanatics
were Robert Fludd, an English physician, Jacob Behmen, and Michael Mayer ; but if rumour may
be credited, the present Illuminated have a head of higher rank.
The common principles, which serve as a kind of centre of union to the Rosicrucian society, are
the following : They all maintain that the dissolution of bodies, by the power of fire, is the only
way by which men can arrive at true wisdom, and come to discern the first principles of things.
They all acknowledge a certain analogy and harmony between the powers of nature and the
doctrines of religion ; and believe that the Deity governs the kingdom of grace by the same laws
with which he rules the kingdom of nature ; and hence they are led to use chemical
denominations to express the truth of religion. They all hold that there is a sort of divine energy,
or soul, diffused through the frame of the universe, which some call the argheus, others the
universal spirit, and which others mention under different appellations. They all talk in the most
superstitious manner of what they call the signatures of things, of the power of the stars, over all
corporeal beings, and their particular influence upon the human race, of the efficacy of magic,
and the various ranks and orders of demons These demons they divide into two orders,
sylphs and gnomes. " 2 2. Whereas the article mentions only two kinds of demons tne Rose
Croix are credited with recognizing four different species accredited to each of the four elements
: Earth spirits 77 Gnomes, Fire spirits Salamanders, Water spirits Undines, Air spirits
This article having been written in 1747 only hinted at what the Rose Croix might have been.
Subsequent research upon the organization of the Fraternity, its tenets and its achievements,
shows it to have been a medium for the propagation of Gnosticism and a centre for political
activities. Before it conquered Freemasonry, which was officially instituted in 1717, many names
were already associated intimately with this esoteric organization. Among others were Faustus
Socinius, Cesare Cremonini, Michael Maier, Valentin Andrea, Thomas Vaughan (Philaletes),
Charles Blount, Frederich Helvetius, Richard Simon, and Theophilus Desaguliers. It is claimed
that Faustus Socinius, named after Faustus, the Manichee, nephew of Lelius Socinius, whose
teacher was Camillo Renato, was an intimate of Rosicrucianism and the founder of the
Socinians. Catholics and Protestants alike opposed Faustus Socinius in his efforts to graft a
secret cult on the existing orthodox religions, and in 1598, the people of Cracovia, revolted by his
doctrines, pillaged his house, burned his books and manuscripts and almost massacred their

author. He had sworn hatred to the church and busied himself in founding an association the
aims of which were to be subversive to all its teachings, and two years before his death, he was
obliged to take refuge from his enemies with one Abraham Blonski.
The membership of the Rose Croix was composed of Alchemists, Astrologers and Spiritists
whose quest was the search for a process for transmuting base metals into gold and the secret
of life. To most of these " generation was the root principle of Achemy. " 3 The order of the Rose
Croix revealed itself in 1614 3. Charlotte Fell Smith, John Dee. with the appearance of two
books, Fama Fraternitatis and the Confessio attributed to Valentin Andrea giving the legend of
the travels of Christian Rosenkreutz. According to Charles T. MacClenachan 33, Historian,
Grand Lodge State of New York, this same legend had appeared as the work of Raymond Lulli,
who died in 1315. In this legend, translated into English in 1616 by Robert Fludd, a symbolic
personage called Christian Rosenkreuz, destined to live 106 years on earth, travelled in the East
where he studied the Cabala and, on his return to his native Germany, he revealed to three
disciples the secret of secrets, the great secret of theosophy. 4 Finally, he retired to a cave to
finish his days in solitude, dying in 1484 at the age of 106. His disciples came, enshrouded him
and disappeared.
His grave was to be unknown for six times twenty years at the end of which period it was to
become the hearth of the light destined to illuminate the world at the time appointed by God. In
1604, chance brought men to this cave. On entering, great was their surprise to find it
resplendent with a bright light. It contained an altar bearing upon a copper plate the inscription "
Living, I reserved this light for my grave. " One mysterious figure was accompanied by this
epigram " Never vacant ". A second figure " The Yoke of the Law ". A third figure " The Liberty of
the Gospels ". A fourth " The Glory of the Whole God ". The hall still contained lamps burning
without fuel, mirrors of various shapes and boks. Upon the wall was written " In six times twenty
years I will be discovered ". The prophecy was fulfilled, adds the fable, by way of conclusion.
Fire, alias Kundalini, alias sex-force.
The movement was greatly furthered by the impulse given it when, after the appearance of the
Fama Fraternitatis and Confessio, a German Alchemist, Michael Maier, an English Physician,
Robert Fludd and a Pietist, Julius Sperber, wrote treatises in defence or explanation of the order
of the Rose Croix. It has repeatedly been stated that Michael Maier, who frequently visited
England, was a friend of Robert Fludd. He was the author of Themis Aurea and Silentium post
Clamores, both Rosicrucian works. His political influence may be judged from his career.
Physician to Rudolf II, he was created by him Count of the Palatinate, and acted as adviser to
his sovereign. In 1609, Rudolf II issued an Imperial Charter granting religious liberty to the
Moravians.5 Masonic authorities state that Maier, as a Rosicrucian, changed his official title to
Summus Magister, Sovereign Master, which is that used by all his successors and borne by the

principal Socinian Rose-Croix documents, dating from the time of Faustus Socinius to that of
Johann Wolff, which are preserved in the Sovereign Patriarchal Council of Hamburg. (That is the
Supreme Jewish Lodge secretly affiliated to International Masonry.)
In his book Themis Aurea, written in 1616 and 1617 and printed in 1618, Maier, the Grand
Master, refers to a resolution passed at a meeting in 1617 in which it was formally agreed that
the Brotherhood of the Rose Croix must maintain the strictest secrecy for a hundred years. On
October 31 1617, the Convention of the Seven at Magdebourg had indeed agreed to qualify its
members during the ensuing one hundred years 5. Hastings, Encyclopaedia of Religions and
Ethics. Art. Hussites.,of secrecy as " The Invisibles ". It had renewed its oath to destroy the
church of Jesus Christ and had decreed that, in the year 1717, it would transform the fraternity
into an association which could carry on a more or less open propaganda, while adopting such
meassures of prudence as might then be deemed expedient by the leaders of the sect. Finally,
the Seven adopted definitely, as being sufficiently original to appeal to the popular imagination,
Valentin Andrea's curious story of the Rose Croix which had been secretly printted in Venice
towards 1613. Robert Fludd was the author of Tractatus Apologeticus (1617) and Clavis
Philosophiae et Alchymiae (1633). He was greatly helped in the foundation of the Rose Croix
order in England by Francis Bacon, author of Nova Atlantis 6 (1624). Valentin Andrea to whom,
as we have seen, are ascribed the works Fama and Confessio, as well as Chemycal Nuptials,
had, in 1640, been appointed preacher to the Duke of Brunswick Wolfenbuttel, who was soon to
make him his chaplain. To those who know the important part played by a Duke of Brunswick
during the French Revolution, this entrance of the Brunswick family into the sect is very
As a Rosicrucian, Andrea was the teacher of Comenius (Amos Kominsky), who frequently
visited England during his mysterious political career. Bishop of a Moravian community,
Comenius was the leader of the Moravian Brethren, a sect pledged to achieve the extermination
of the Catholic church and which, being considered heretical, was also suspected of practising
secret satanism. The Moravians were imbued with Socinianism, that is the doctrine of Lelius 6.
Wittemans, Histoire des Rose Croix, p. 71., Socinius which had been spread among them by
his. nephew Faustus Socinius who had found refuge in Moravia when persecuted by the Church.
Their link with Rosicrucianism had already been established in the person of the pietist, Julius
Sperber, who was also one of their leaders. When Kominsky was persecuted, he first went to
London in 1641 and, early the next year, went to Sweden where he was granted refuge and help
by the powerful Swedish Minister, Count Axel Oxenstiern, himself a Rosicrucian adept and
protector of another initiate, Ludwig van Geer from Holland.
The combination of the pursuit of alchemy and hermeticism with political aims was frequently
evidenced even before the official appearance of Rosicrucianism. The influence of adepts on the

destinies of nations was immense. To Queen Elizabeth, the advice of John Dee, her alchemist,
was always considered in matters affecting national policy, and to Dee, his crystal gazer, Edward
Kelly, was indispensable as a medium. 7 Ludwig van Geer, (one of the Seven present at
Magdebourg) had settled in Sweden and had won over the chancellor, Count Axel Oxenstiern,
then the real regent, in view of the minority of Queen Christina. A great industrialist of Dutch
birth, with a colossal fortune made in the manufacture of cannon, he had become a Baron, and
as owner of 20 ships of the Swedish fleet, he was an indispensable man. Another striking
Rosicrucian figure was Thomas Vaughan, (Eugenius Philaletes) not to be confused with his
pupil, George Starkey, known as Irenius Philaletes. It is said that it was Thomas Vaughan who,
inspired 7. Charlotte Fell Smith, op. cit., p. 182., by the writings of Nick Stone, conceived the
idea of subverting to the ambition of the sect to which he belonged, the guild of the Freemasons
which, owing to its universal character, lent itself better than any other to the realization of his
project. Nick Stone was one of the Seven of the Convention of Magdebourg. As an architect,
belonging to the guild of the Freemasons, he had helped Inigo Jones, the grand-master of the
English Lodges which, at this period, were nonsectarian. On the other hand, as a Rosicrucian he
had grasped, in the Luciferian sense, the idea given by Faustus Socinius, and he had
composed, for the nine grades of the fraternity, rituals which the chiefs declared remarkable. His
ritual of the eighth degree (Magister Templi) was really Satanic. Thomas Vaughan, struck by
these manuscripts wondered whether it would be possible to extend the teaching of the Rose
Croix to all " accepted masons ", who were then admitted to the lodges in an honorary capacity ;
the Freemasons received in their guild, under the name of " accepted masons ", peers and men
of letters or professional men, as well as rich bourgeois, who enhanced the brilliancy of their
meetings and patronized their entertainments. These honorary members were their protectors
and benefactors. 8 Vaughan believed that this element, gifted with certain intellectual qualities,
would lend itself better to the propagation of the principles of occult Socinianism than the
workers of the Fellow Craft, and, having made up his mind that this was the solution of the
problem, he hastened to put it into practice. 8. This is still customary. Many of the English Guilds
of today such as the Goldsmiths have honorary members who, for attending their dinners
receive a box of chocolates and 3 in cash.
Some brothers of the Rose Croix were already mingling with the Freemasons. Among the
members of the Warrington Lodge were Richard Penkett, James Collier, Richard Sankey, Henry
Littler, John Ellam and Hugh Brewer and in London, the Whartons and their friends had slipped
into a lodge as " accepted masons ". Thomas Vaughan encouraged them to spread the
principles of Socinius. Finally, at a meeting on the 14th May 1643, he announced that their
desultory efforts at restrained proselytizing should be supplanted by a definite programme of
entering the guild lodges with the object of using them as instruments to an end. The account of
this meeting of the 14th May 1643, is given in full in the Memoirs of Philaletes and the whole
plan of the Freemasonry of today is therein revealed. So blended are truth and fiction in the

active career of this adventurous adept that Vaughan must always remain one of the most
mysterious characters of Rosicrucianism. " When the plague of 1665 drove the Court from
London to Oxford, Thomas Vaughan went thither with his patron (the king) and, a little later, took
up his residence with the Rector of Albury, the Rev. Sam. Kem, at whose house, on February
27th of that year, he was killed by an explosion in the course of chemical experiments. " 9 His
work in Masonry however has remained as his monument.
Together with Elias Ashmole, pupil of Rabbi Solomon Frank and protege of James Pagitt,
Thomas Vaughan worked up the masonic system of the first three degrees. These degrees,
those of Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft and Master Mason were 9. A. E. "Waite, The Works of
Thomas Vaughan, Biographical Preface, p. xii., devised for the temptation of the masses, while
outside and above them continued the former secret system of the Rose Croix, four degrees of
which belonging to the Gold Cross were known as : 1st, Zelator ; 2nd, Theoricus; 3rd, Practicus ;
and 4th, Philosophus; teaching merely the principles of alchemy, while the degrees of the Rose
Croix were : 5th, Adeptus Minor; 6th, Adeptus Major ; 7th, Ademptus Exemptus, 8th, Magister
Templi and 9th, Magus. Contemporaneous with the evolution of free thought against revealed
religion broke the revolution against civil authority plunging England into the throes of civil war,
Oliver Cromwell was successful at the head of the Parliament troops while Charles I was
everywhere betrayed by men on whom he relied. Henry Blount10 was among the traitors
accruing to Cromwell after the battle of Edgehill; at least the defeat of the king was his pretext,
for treason was everywhere premeditated.
The word of order was given by the Rose Croix, which had spread rapidly among the Puritans.
The year 1644 ended with the destruction of the Royal power, and Feb. 9, 1649, the day on
which the head of Charles I fell at Whitehall, consummated its ruin. The Royal power had in fact
been wrecked when the troops of Parliament were victorious, when the queen was obliged to
take refuge in France, when the Prince Palatine, Robert, had been defeated, when York had
been taken, and when the Commons had obtained against Laud, the Protestant Episcopal
Bishop of London, Archbishop of Canterbury, the bill of attainder which declared him guilty of the
crime of treason. Laud had stood for resistance to the Puritans. 10. Henry Blount, 1602-1680,
Father of Charles Blount, the Rosicrucian.
The connection of the Cromwell family with that of the celebrated Thomas Cromwell, Earl of
Essex, whose political ideas, formed in Italy, under the guidance of Machiavelli, had so greatly
affected the trend of English history, is here not devoid of interest. In 1767, a document was
discovered which revealed the existence of a society of Freemasons in Italy with about 64,000
members. " 11 The document said : " At last the great mine of the Freemasons of Naples is
discovered, of whom the name, but not the secret, was known. Two circumstances are alleged
by which the discovery was brought about : a dying man revealed all to his confessor, that he

should inform the king thereof ; a knight, who had been kept in great state by the society, having
had his pension withheld, betrayed the Grand Master of the order to the king. This Grand Master
was the Duke of San Severo. The king secretly sent a confidential officer with three dragoons to
the duke's mansion, with orders to seize him before he had time to speak to any one, and bring
him to the palace. The order was carried out; but a few minutes after, a fire broke out in the
duke's mansion, destroying his library, the real object being, as is supposed, to burn all writings
having reference to Freemasonry. The fire was extinguished, and the house guarded by troops.
The duke having been brought before the king, openly declared the objects, system, seals,
government, and possessions of the order. He was sent back to his palace, and there guarded
by troops, lest he should be killed by his former colleagues. Freemasons have also been
discovered at Florence, and the Pope and the Emperor 11. Heckethorn, Secret Societies of All
Ages & Countries, vol. I, p. 342., "have sent thither twenty-four theologians to put a stop to the
disorder. The king acts with the greatest mercy towards all implicated, to avoid the great dangers
that might ensue from a contrary course. He has also appointed four persons of great standing
to use the best means to destroy so abominable a sect; and has given notice to all the other
sovereigns of Europe of his discovery, and the abominable maxims of the sect, calling upon
them to assist in its suppression, which it will be folly in them to refuse to do. For the order does
not count its members by thousands, but by millions, especially among Jews and Protestants.
Their frightful maxims are only known to the members of the fifth, sixth, and seventh lodges,
whilst those of the first three know nothing, and those of the fourth act without knowing what they
do. They derive their origin from England, and the founder of the sect was that infamous
Cromwell, first Bishop, and then lover of Anne Boleyn, and then beheaded for his crimes, called
in his day ' the scourge of rulers. ' He left the order an annual income of 10,000 sterling. It is
divided into seven lodges : the members of the seventh are called Assessors ; of the sixth,
Grand Masters ; of the fifth, Architects ; of the fourth, Executors (here the secret ends); of the
third, Ruricori (!) ; of the second and first, Novices and Proselytes.
Their infamous idea is based on the allegory of the temple of Solomon, considered in its first
splendour, and then overthrown by the tyranny of the Assyrians, and finally restored thereby
to signify the liberty of man after the creation of the world, the tyranny of the priesthood, kings
and laws, and the re-establishment of that liberty. " As for Oliver Cromwell, Lord Protector of
England, there is no record of his having been an " accepted mason ". He was however on the
best of terms with Richard Penkett and is supposed by many to have been secretly affiliated to
the Rose Croix but whether an adept or not he served the purpose of the sect, destruction of the
Royal and Ecclesiastical Christian Power ! After the death of Charles I, Cromwell appointed an
assembly of lawyers and divines to consider the petition of Manasseh ben Israel (1604-1657)
demanding the abolition of the legal exclusion of the Jews from England. In December 1655 the
legal prohibition was removed. Eleven years after (1666) occurred the great fire of London. Does
the following letter help to solve the mystery of this historical disaster ? It was one of many

written by the Secretary-Interpreter of the Marquis de Louvois, an English spy, to his chief in
England, published in London in 1697 by D. Jones, Gent. Of the firing of the City of London, in
1666. MY LORD, I am fully satisfied by what I have both seen and heard at Paris and elsewhere,
that the Duke of York 1 was in the Year 1666 brought quite over to the French Interest; and I
have heard strange Stories related concerning his conduct at the time of that dreadful
conflagration of the City, looking upon it Janus-like, with one face seeming concerned for the
lamentable disaster, and with the other rejoycing to see that noble pile reduced to ashes, and its
citizens ruined ; who had at all times been the greatest propugnators for liberty and property, and
opposers of that religion which he now not only secretly protest, but was even ready publickly to
own, and rewarding those incendiaries at St. James, who then were suspected generally to be
Frenchmen, as your Lorship well may remember ; but by our Minutes it does appear 12.
Afterwards James II., they were not such ; but they were persons, at least many of them set on
work by French councils, and such as at that time were of all men least suspected ; I mean
Jews, of which they had then several in pay, not only in England, but all over Christendom ; not
only to give them Intelligence in which they are wondrous active, but likewise to promote and act
the worse of mischiefs, as which they make no baulk. By these, fires have been kindled, not only
in England, but in Germany, Poland and elsewhere, which the Germans imputed to Turkish
Emissaries, though they were Jews hired with French money, the Turkish Policy not being so
refined in mischief, these sorts of Jews put on the shape of what Christians they pleased, and of
this sort imploy'd by France, there were and are still several in England, the names of one or two
of which I think I shall be able to give your Lorship in sometime, though they go by several, as
time and occasion doth require, and so at present I remain. My Lord, Your Lordship's most
Humble Servant, Paris, April 7 1676. N. St. More shadows of the past! More strange suggestions
to shake the foundations of our belief in things as they seem ! The last of the Grand Masters of
the Rose Croix was Johann Christian Wolff. 13 Masonry, which as a secret association had
maintained its existence for years had uncovered itself and become an avowed organization with
the proclamation of the Anderson Constitution. 14 Once in the open it was to be the universal
screen behind which all secret societies, whether theurgic or political, would operate
clandestinely. Masonry with its proclamation of three philanthropic 13. According to Sedir (see
Histoire des Rose-Croix, p. 112) the last master of Rose Croix died in 1750. His name was Brun.
14. Grand Lodge of England., and altruistic degrees, with no apparent real secret, declaring itself
Christian and non-political, would become the centre in which ignorant men, recruited and
duped, could act like puppets animated by unseen hands pulling unseen strings. Thus it came
about that all blows dealt to Christianity and States were prepared by the secret Societies acting
behind the veil of Masonry....."

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