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The Secret Teachings of Christ:

The Mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven Revealed

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Most people like a good ‘mystery’. We are intrigued, something inside us wants
to know, what is behind that door, how does that work, why are we here? For
answers many around the world still follow in the footsteps of their ancestors and
rely on their religion and cultural folklore, their ‘mythos’; others have turned to
science for answers. Yet in each ‘camp’ something is missing. What is missing
from both viewpoints is that each ‘story’ is incomplete without the other. They
need each other. They must become One. How this can be done and what will
be the result is only part of the ‘mysteries’ that await our eyes, for the
revelations to follow are all based on the Secret Teachings of Christ.

Here is a mystery. I am holding it in my outstretched hand. Yet my hand

appears to be empty. Like the Buddhist Koan, “What is the sound of one hand
clapping?”, this mystery seems to be nonsensical, irrational, and ridiculous. Yet
again, what if it could be proven ‘beyond reasonable doubt’ that I hold a strange
‘mystery’ in my empty hand? Just a couple of years ago any scientist would
have said what most would have guessed, that I had air molecules in my hand,
but now the scientists know I hold a mystery as well, a mystery whose
implications are so startling and far reaching it will change the way we see the
world, completely and forever, and is comparable to the discovery of the New
World in 1492.
In my hand are actually two mysteries: One, scientists now calls ‘dark
matter’; the other they call ‘dark energy’. They call it dark because they can’t
detect it experimentally, which in every other case would preclude the two from
even the possibility of scientific plausibility. However, recent discoveries about
the nature of the Universe derived from supernova research and newly refined
measurements of the cosmic background radiation that supposedly resulted
from the Big Bang have created a near fatal conundrum which has struck fear
and loathing into the hearts of scientists everywhere and unless dark matter and
dark energy exists in the quantities called for by their calculations, then their
entire theoretical structure is in danger of collapse, i.e. wrong. They have got to
find this dark stuff or else it’s “curtains”. The scientific establishment which
includes Theorists, Researchers, and ‘Academia’ (of the Teaching Class) is stuck
between a rock and a hard place. On one hand is the immoveable object of
Occam's razor/scientific rigor which denounces anything spiritual, i.e.,
‘metaphysical’. On the other hand is the irresistible force of these newly
discovered elements of our universe which ARE by definition – ‘Metaphysical’.
Undetectability. Immeasurable. Not experimentally repeatable. Must be
Metaphysics! Yet undetectable Dark Matter, Dark Energy and the extra
dimensions of Superstring/M Theory are the only ‘possible’ ‘things’ (albeit
metaphysical things) holding Physicists' theoretical world together! For a
‘mystic’ like me, it’s ‘delicious’. I hope and pray that someday they will wake up
and realize that what really is missing in their theories is what ‘mystics’ have
known all along. It’s simple really. The first answer to Occam’s razor is, ‘You
can’t get something from nothing’.

There is ‘something’ out there (and in here). We call it God. Where that
‘something’ comes from is currently beyond the reach of our science. Yet now
literally ‘everything’ depends on it. Attention Physicists: Do you want to see
what’s missing? Open your eyes. Or as they say in the movie, ‘The Matrix’,
(Fishburne to Reeves) "open your mind".

Page 2

What does theoretical physics have to do with the Secret Teachings of Christ?
Answer: Again, everything. If it can be shown the metaphysical knowledge of a
real, actual, effaceable spiritual reality of ‘X’ number of dimensions expressed in
the direct and the esoteric teachings of Christ corresponds significantly to the
‘extra natural’, currently unexplainable recent discoveries (and those soon to
come) of physics then the scientific skepticism of academia and the
fundamentalist blinders of most religions will begin to fall away from their eyes
opening the doors of perception within their minds, hopefully allowing many
more to be aware of the need, and be caught up in the excitement and passion
of those of us who work and await the dawning of a new age in which the healing
fusion and reunion of science and religion reveals to all the world the One Truth,
the AR, the Toa, the ‘Quality’ of Persig in ‘Zen and the Art of Motorcycle
Maintenance’ by and through which life has meaning and a purpose greater that
the sum of its parts. This is why this to me is the most important task facing
humanity. We must learn the Truth about what it means to be a human being, a
Truth that grants to all living beings their own measure of dignity and a rightful
place in our multidimensional universe, free to pursue that which represents for
each on the spiral of being, what I call, ‘authentic life’, for each has it’s own
purpose, and to fulfill that purpose is to live authentically and by default provides
meaning to one’s existence, albeit for man there is a higher purpose of greater
meaning to which he may aspire.

The story of Christ begins in the Bible as he was born to a Hebrew mother and
raised in the culture of Israel at that time. We know he intensely studied the
Pentateuch, the ‘five books of Moses’, and the prophetic books as well. From the
four accounts of his life in the New Testament we know he was thirty years old
when he began his ministry, yet we know little of his life till then., except that we
are told that as an infant he was taken to Egypt to escape Herod’s death decree
for all first born males of that time. We do not know how long he was in Egypt or
what he might have learned there, but at the age of twelve it is recorded that he
was back in Israel and ‘taught’ as one ‘learned’ in the temple. We do not really
know if he stayed in Israel for the next eighteen years, however some apocryphal
accounts say he traveled to India. No one knows but the possibility is intriguing
in that some of what he taught corresponds to some of the teachings of the
Buddha. Whatever the number, locations, and extent of the influences on him
his message as a whole is largely original. Particularly unprecedented is the
substantial ‘revelations’ he gave us on the nature of spiritual reality and our
relationship to it. Derivative in part or not, as a whole this was new and
controversial, in the context of Judaism, at least, and threatening to the very
power of Rome as well, as his crucifixion and the later persecution of Christians
attests. The power and mystery of this man and his message exists to this day,
two thousand years later, as (a billion) people still seek His Truth for guidance
and hope.
What is that Truth they seek? Can it still be relevant? Do the two thousand
year old words of a murdered Rabbi matter today? What I intend to reveal in this
work is that they matter most of all. But that’s not all. There’s more to it than
most people know, and a lot of what they think they know is wrong! See, the
Teachings of Christ are the proverbial ‘mystery wrapped in an enigma’. I am
about to change that. At least change it, in part, for you the reader, listener, or
viewer, as the media case may be, if you care enough about it, enough to then
study the source material in the light of these ‘revelations’. Then, perhaps, you
too will know the meaning of the Secret Teachings of Christ.

Page 3

First, a word about secrets. The mystery of ancient Egyptian culture was
essentially a secret, unknowable until Champollion deciphered the Rosetta stone.
It is my intent that this work shall serve as a ‘Rosetta stone’, where underneath
the words you may have read and thought you understood your whole life I will
offer a deeper fuller understanding no less controversial to modern Christians
than His Teachings were to Judaism. In many cases this full Truth turns out to be
diametrically opposed to traditional, ‘popular’ interpretation. I hereby give
warning (and hope) that what follows may be unsettling, and hopefully will
uproot the half Truths (same as lies) that have pacified the pagan animal heart
that still lives within us, instead of bringing about the ‘metamorphosis’ that
Christ intended. That transformation, from animal to spirit, has yet to take

If you open a Bible to the start of ‘The New Testament’ you will find four ‘books’
recounting the life of one Jesus of Nazareth. Although denied by Jews then and
since, His birth and life represents the fulfillment of ancient promises Yahweh
had made to his ancestors long before Moses and the Ten Commandments. By
His covenant with Abraham in approximately 2200 BCE God set in motion His
divine plan for the spiritual evolution of Man. From that time forward He sent His
word to us through the Prophets of a promised Messiah, a Priest-King and more;
God’s own Son was to come unto the descendants of Abraham. His ‘chosen
people’ the Jews, who suffered defeat and enslavement over and over again
under first the Egyptians, the Hittites, the Assyrians, then the Persians, and
finally the Romans, began to see the Messiah more as a coming military general
to lead them to victory than as the spiritual leader God intended. Thus were the
humble pacifist Teachings of Jesus rejected by his own people. Similarly yet
‘unconsciously’ most Christians have rejected his Teachings as well! This
rejection of the very heart of His philosophy of life by the unaware, the
uneducated, the unconcerned, the misguided, the excuse makers, the skeptics,
and the secret pagans among those who call themselves Christians is the ‘lock’
upon the gate of heaven, preventing these apologists, naysayers, buffoons, and
hypocrites from entering and seeing the Truth. The ‘unknown’ secret Teachings
of Christ are the ‘key’ to that lock. I am offering you that key. Will you take it?

The Stone that the Builder Rejected…

During the Middle Ages there developed in Europe and the Middle-East/West-
Asian community numbers of individuals exposed to some body of esoteric
knowledge now lost (?) which led them to become what were known as
Alchemists: mystics, philosophers, and scientists who practiced the magical art
of Alchemy.

One of the main motivations of the Alchemist was to produce the ‘Philosophers
Stone’ which it was believed was able to turn lead to gold. Although it would
appear today highly improbable that such a process was possible or ever
perfected if possible, as some Alchemists claimed to have done so, yet along
side and coeval with their chemical experiments there existed a – perhaps or
perhaps not – whole other dimension to their work. This “other dimension’ or
focus of many if not all Alchemists is documented and analyzed in the critically
important yet generally unknown or ignored work of Carl Gustav Jung, the
eminent psychoanalyst, psychologist, and pre-eminent medieval and
mythological scholar of the 20th Century. Part of this work, published in , “The
Collected Works( of Jung)” [Volume 12, Part II] as, “Dream Symbolism in Relation
to Alchemy”, gives an unparalleled glimpse into the mysteries of the Alchemist
mind. Jung’s vast knowledge of mythological, magical, and religious motifs and
symbolism enabled him to ‘crack the code’ of the many esoteric treatises on
Alchemy that survive from those mist shrouded days of old. His research and
post-mortem psycho-analyzing reveals a hidden dual-meaning, and ulterior
higher purpose within Alchemy. At least some Alchemists also sought to change
the profane base-metal of their soul to purified spiritual ‘Gold’, and to them the
Alchemical art was as much or more about that endeavor as it was about real
gold. Thusly the afore mentioned ‘Philosophers Stone’ indeed is revealed by a
deeper reading of their Alchemical symbolism as a metaphor for that divine
catalyst that sets men’s hearts’ a fire for the Truth and Righteousness, burning
away the base animal nature and transforming the ‘new born’ soul, within and
without, into that which pleases God.

Where did this secret body of Alchemical knowledge originate? Probably no one
alive today knows. We do know that ‘secret societies’ claiming to possess secret
knowledge of some sort or another have existed since early in recorded
antiquity, long before Christ. In ancient Greece the Pythagoreans held secret
knowledge they deemed so important they would kill any initiate whom divulged
any part of it. Probably no one today knows what their secrets were or why they
were so important. Similarly few may know 'the secrets' I shall soon reveal,
though they are hidden in plain sight...

Page 4

Returning now to the Secret Teachings of Christ, it is my contention that either

no one alive today (myself excluded) knows of which I speak or for what ever
reason declines to talk about it. Like the lost ‘Philosophers Stone’ of the
Alchemists, “The stone that the builder rejected”, the oft quoted metaphor used
by Christ to describe the philosophic core/cornerstone upon which he sought to
create, ‘the Way’, that ‘stone’ too, is now also lost, lost to the masses of so
called ‘Christians’ and Pagans alike. The deeper and more difficult meaning
within a given part of His message is largely overlooked or misunderstood, even
by those learned scholars who dissect every Greek or Hebrew syllable looking for
meaning. They “cannot see the forest for the trees”. What follows is my
interpretation, which I believe is as complete and correct as is possible.

The Stone…
Walk with me upon a path long forgotten and we will find it leads to a vantage
point from which you can see, “the forest”, a sight so beautiful and so full of
mystery it will fill your heart with wonder and joy that shall not fade.

This path is rather steep and strenuous. To reach our destination we must climb
a series of metaphorical steps, each set of which represents a key idea, an axiom
or pre-supposition you must prove to your own satisfaction before you can go on.
Each of these meta-stairways culminates in a promontory postulate proof from
which better and better views of the Truth are obtained. We must be careful.
These stairways were carved long ago; many of the steps are missing and we will
on occasion be forced to ‘feel’ our way for the right foothold and the right
direction where trails mingle together or seem to melt away in the brush.
However, do not despair, I know the way…

We begin in a valley below the hills of our destination. Through this valley flows
two rivers that become one, it is said, yet few have found its confluence or know
its name, hidden by the ‘Black Forest’, from all but the most daring. Here we
come upon the West River, as old as time, clear, still, and deep. Its name is
Truth. Further along we face the East River, constantly in the act of becoming,
new, shallow, swift, and churning, it carves its way as it goes. It is called many
names; I know it as ‘Right and Good’. For now you must believe me when I tell
you that ‘East does meet West’ and becomes the river AR. If we make it to the
end, then you can see for yourself. One more thing to remember as we reach
the base of the mountain is that all these waters originate “high above’, in the
pure air where it seems you could, "reach out your hand, and touch the face of
God”. As such it is holy water and contains within it the power from which it
sprang. The power to heal, to make peace and bring joy; yet such power may
only be yielded and unleashed by those who believe in its power and who are
pure in heart. Likewise they who would make the climb to this summit, to seek
the Truth, to see the AR, to see God, must ‘prepare’ for the journey. They must
cast off doubt, ‘suspend disbelief’, to create an opening in their minds and hearts
through which new and difficult ideas may enter. So, drink heartedly from
stream and spring as we climb, and let each drink refresh that ‘openness’.

The Eighth Reveals the Ninth’

The first leg or stage (or hurdle) of our journey begins at the base of the
mountain where well-made, broad steps lead up and around the east flank at a
low grade. This part at least does not seem too difficult. However, it’s often true
that what is easy is not the best route, ultimately. From the looks of the people
coming and going on this heavily traveled road most did not find anything very
spectacular, and, overhearing their conversations, they said that although this
trail appears to lead upward it really just circles back to where it started. From
this you might deduce they probably missed something, something important,
along the way. That’s not hard to do in an unfamiliar place. Any number of
circumstances, alone or in combination can have the effect of severely narrowing
the focus of our attention and/or comprehension. It can happen to anyone. Face
to face with a narrow ledge above a bottomless precipice you may not be able to
appreciate the view or notice the partially hidden passageway above you,
accessible only by a few barely perceptible footholds. Even if discovered, that
upper passage may seem too difficult and dangerous to reach, or you may
decide, “It probably doesn’t lead anywhere”. As most of us travel either with
family, friends or a community group (culture) you may end up being forced to
acquiesce to the consensus, abilities, or demands of your companions and not
attempt it. Even if I was there with you and your group and told you, “That’s the
way”, some or all of you may not believe me. It may simply be that you/they
don’t know me; or it could be that I might look ‘suspicious’ – my clothes or the
way I wear my hair may be different than yours; I may have a foreign accent or
language; my skin color may be different than that of ‘your people’… Remember
always, if you would make it to the “innermost secret place of the most high”,
you must suspend disbelief. As Christ said, “Verily I say unto you, whosoever
does not receive the Kingdom of Heaven as a little child shall in no wise enter
therein” – Luke 18:17. A hard task indeed, but no one said it was going to be
easy. If, and only if, you can open your self to the possible, and accept that
“With God all things are possible”, will it become possible to find the way. This is
the first secret, “the faith (the size) of a mustard seed”, which unlocks the ‘doors
of perception’ allowing you to receive that which is revealed. (Not all is revealed
as of yet, but the time draws nearer). Without this first all important step there
is no need to go any further. And don’t say you cannot make it; this ‘leap of
faith’ is but a small bit more than what happens when we become engrossed in a
book or film to the point where we forget where we are and become ‘part’ of the
‘story’. We all, some more, some less, have this ability to enter into other
worlds. To complete this spiritual journey you must make use of this talent.
Allow yourself to ‘suspend disbelief’ and open the doors of your heart and mind
to the possible. In so doing we are ready to proceed with caution.

This first step or secret of the Way of Christ is to believe. It sounds simple
enough, yet for those who now put their Trust in science and facts it may be
untenable. I can relate to their conundrum because I too had to make this first
step, for even though I was raised in a religious home and felt deep religious
convictions throughout my life, even though I have had undeniable religious
experiences, I too went through a period of doubt, even despair of the Truth of
God and religion. But rather than turn my back on spiritual reality as ‘scientists’
normally do, I chose to attempt to ‘prove’ God is. I started here; at this first step
and ‘chose to believe’ there is a God for whom all things are possible. I then ‘set
up’ a ‘thought-experiment’ (in the tradition of Einstein) as follows: If God is real
and the Bible is true then God must be omniscient and knew, way back then
when the Prophets prophesied, what would take place in our time, particularly if
this time is the “time of the end”, or “the last days” of which they so often
spoke. Could God’s messengers three thousand years ago have received and
proclaimed (and later recorded for posterity) astonishingly accurate and detailed
information concerning the most significant discovery of our time, nuclear
weapons? Believe it or not, after many months of intense study of the entire
Bible during the early 1980’s I discovered just that, direct and indirect detailed
references (in necessarily allegorical language at times since they were trying to
describe technology that did not then exist) to the destructive power of a nuclear
event and to the aftermath of nuclear war, including ‘nuclear winter’. To my
amazement such references occur in almost every book in the Bible, usually in
association with a reference to, “the last days”, or, “the day of recompense”,
“the day of the Lord”. The potentially cataclysmic events to which they refer
may or may not be ‘slated’ to occur in our lifetimes and are not 'written in stone'
– our actions, up to a certain point in time, determine the outcome. Yet certain
key prophecies strongly point to the present. For more on this critical situation
please read the section of essays on this subject. I have mentioned it here
because for me this is proof of the Truth, and the Efficacy, of the Word of God.
I’m not saying the Bible is infallible. I’m saying that despite what historical
errors it may contain, the core Truths of God, Christ, and His Message, as well as
the prophecies mentioned above, are true, are real, and are urgently pertinent
and pressing. Do you truly believe in the power of God? The resurrection of
Christ? And the Truths he uttered? “To enter into the Kingdom of Heaven you
must believe as a child” – Christ. That doesn’t mean you have to have the
intellect of a child. It means that, like a child; you must have opened your heart
and mind to the possible, to trust and believe. This is the first secret, the first
step, and the first stumbling block. At this point in our journey the trees of the
forest tower about us, all around us, and seem dark and oppressive at first, like
they were watching us and judging us, trying to coerce us into taking the wrong
trail, because that was the way taken by their ancestors before they got stuck in
the mire and took root. If careless the thorny bramble underbrush will try to
ensnare us, tearing at our skin, so that we can’t go where they can’t go. Oh yes,
let’s not forget the carnivores, the predators that lurk in wait to pounce should
you falter or fall.

With all these forces arrayed against us, you might fear that we can’t succeed,
feeling alone and helpless and lost. It is precisely here we face our greatest
danger and most formidable obstacle to overcome. As night falls we reach the
terminus of this first leg of our quest – one ledge separated by a bottomless
chasm from another ledge and the path we seek. The distance between the two
seems…immeasurable…unconquerable, as the remnants of unfinished bridges
attests. Yet many have made this leap before. They knew the secret.
The second secret on the Way of Christ is how the cross the chasm. There may
be other ways, but I know of but one. The second secret (or obstacle to
overcome) is ‘the leap of faith’. In essence this is simply that once you believe in
the possible by suspending disbelief, move out on to the ledge and jump across,
believing you will make it. Armed with the first secret, the open-hearted trust of
a child for a parent, you must choose to believe the seemingly impossible is
possible. By the act of faith, the will to believe, we break down the dimensional
barriers between us and the noumenal, between our normal everyday perception
of reality and the extra natural; hidden by the bolted doors of our minds.
Whether those doors can be opened is not in question, as far as I am concerned.
Read ‘Autobiography of a Yogi’ by Paramahansa Yogananda if Lazarus is not
proof enough for you. Don’t worry if you find this hard to accept. The rational
mind fights for its dominion and tells you not to believe, but you can fight back
and ‘will’ your thoughts to receive these truths. I too was a ‘doubting Thomas’
until my discovery of the Truth of Bible Prophecy discussed earlier in this work.
The accuracy and detail of those prophecies about nuclear war forever removed
my doubt about the existence of a spiritual reality. It’s in there. You just have to
look for it.

The leap of faith is necessary to cross the chasm between doubt and belief and
reach the ‘other side’ where our trail continues. Without this leap you cannot go
further because the Secret Teachings of Christ will only be received by the heart
of the one who fully and truly believes that a spiritual reality we know as God
does exist and vital information can and at times is received from that/those
extra-dimensional beings. That’s all I can tell you for now. It’s time to go. Jump!

Page 6

“Do Not Throw Pearls before Swine”

I see some of you made it. Good. You others over there, keep trying! You can
catch up later! If you made it across you’re ready for the next challenge. I
better warn you, this is the longest part of the climb and will test your
endurance. Through here you will learn the reasons for the secrecy as well as
the most fundamental Truths that remain unknown. This is the Proving Ground.
There is only one way to reach the next overlook, from which the Truth of all that
came before will become as clear as the purest water drank from a sacred
chalice, which refreshes but does not quench; for there is still far to go. You
must take these ‘secrets’ and make them your own. You must prove them.
Their Truth must become your Truth. The Truth. There is only one way to do
this. You must fathom the depths and search out the heights of ‘the Word’, the
revelations, visions, prophecies, commandments, instructions, messages,
meditations, songs and prayers which man has received throughout recorded
history from beyond the veil. Some of which was meant only for the eyes and
ears of a select few, was to be kept secret per direct unequivocal instruction
from above until the time for the dispensation of Truth arrived. I believe that
time is upon us.

The first question that comes to mind is why the secrecy? Why have we been
kept waiting so long for confirmation of our faith? Why couldn’t we all receive a
revelation of God and his Truth to remove our doubt? With patience and
persistence you will begin to see the answer further up the trail. For now just
focus your attention on what I’m about to tell you. If you will carefully and
faithfully follow my suggestions to completion then the pieces of this puzzle will
all begin to fall into place.

First I want you to pick up a Bible like you had never seen one before, like you
were an archaeologist who had just dug it’s airtight and watertight time capsule
out of an ancient 'tell' (debris mound) of an unknown civilization. To be an
archaeologist one must possess an extraordinary interest in history, not just to
know what was, but because what was informs us about whom we are and why
we are the way we are now. Likewise, in a very real way for you to understand,
to truly understand the Secret Teachings of Christ you must have that burning
desire to know the Truth. You must be willing to dig through the dirt for however
long it takes to reach the ‘treasure’ like that archaeologist opening that ancient
book for the first time you must burn with the desire to know what is in it. An
archaeologist who found such an ancient text would study it incessantly, reading
it and analyzing it from cover to cover, again and again, attempting to decipher
the meaning of each word, each phrase, and the overall meaning or purpose.
They would search for and identify its historical context and verifiable historical
references. Considerable time and effort would be spent on identifying and
categorizing the various themes and ideas within each ‘Book’ and the
correlations and continuity of ideas between each part. Esoteric references and
sections of script that would seem to have more than one meaning would be
noted. Similarly, though I will tell you things that are in the Bible, because they
have been ignored, overlooked, misunderstood, or out and out rejected by
mainstream Christianity, it will be as if you are seeing the Bible for the first time;
you will need to immerse yourself in the subject matter, study it as a whole and
prove it to yourself. Only then will the sacred heart of God be revealed to you,
the true intent of God for Man. For the Bible is still our best record of the Will of
God and His revelations to men, despite its historical inaccuracies and
inconsistencies. Just remember, it is one, a whole, and can only fully be
understood as such. Rest now and think of what I’ve said. Tomorrow we begin
in earnest this part of our journey. The best is yet to come if you have the heart
and the legs to reach it

Page 7

First light, we rise and begin our day’s climb with the lessons of archaeology –
what the historical record does and/or does not tell us about ‘Bible history’. As of
the time this was written there had been no indisputable historical evidence
discovered to document the actual existence of Abraham, Moses and the Exodus,
David, Solomon, and the first temple, and Jesus. There are official government
references to the Hebrews and the state of Israel from as far back as around
1K/BCE in Egypt, Assyria, and other sources. As to the chronology recorded in I
& II Kings and other Old Testament sources, evidence is scant but where an
association can be established there is usually some kernel of Truth to the Bible
reference, yet often some aspect of the Biblical narrative or chronology is shown
to be inaccurate. Most of the Old Testament was passed down by oral tradition
for hundreds of years before it was written down. Most likely inadvertent
memory errors or embellishments were introduced at that time. Biblical texts
discovered in 1947 among the Dead Sea Scrolls provides strong evidence that,
once written, the scribes continued to faithfully reproduce the original without
further adulteration. Among Biblical Scholars the ascribed authorship of most of
the individual texts within the Old Testament is either finally discounted or in
contention. All this being said, it is far less important whether we are in
possession of a history book or a historical novel. The history is ancillary but not
our predominate interest here.

What we seek is the message within the narrative, and I believe there is every
reason to believe that message is ‘intact’. Why? Because it is from God, and
those that wrote it and those that subsequently copied it knew it was from God
and either revered it and sought to keep it Holy and perfect or feared their own
damnation should they ‘wrong’ it (God) in any way. And because I believe it to
be God’s Will that His true intent and purpose for us to be made known. Albeit,
some part of that message has been a, ‘message in a bottle’, that we only now
have the knowledge (the ‘keys’ to the secrets within) to open…the secrets…ah
yes, you want to know the secrets. Remember, ‘patience and persistence’; the
secrets are integral to the message. You cannot understand the secrets without
the message and you cannot understand the message without the secrets. So
do not forget to always look for the whole, the sum of its parts, the message, to
‘see’ the secrets and know God’s meaning (not man’s).

Okay I would say we’ve come to the meat of the dish but I am a vegetarian.
Now is the time to explain the secrecy. Take note of the verses cited here on
out. If you want to reach the top, to see and understand it all you will need
these ‘keys’ to unlock other secrets later on. They’re all interrelated – one secret
becomes the key to unlock the next which refers back to an earlier one which
combined with the one just opened unlocks one later on, and so on…

Christ didn’t start the keeping of secrets. From the very beginning God
ordained that certain things, Truths, were to be kept from our knowledge. Some
secrets applied to all of us or to all until an appointed time. Some were to be
kept from all but the select few. Some were kept from all until the appointed
time, when the select few would be made to know the meaning of secrets they
knew but did not understand. Starting with the knowledge of Good and Evil,
represented by that fruit-bearing tree in the Garden of Eden, we have any
number of precedents in the Bible of secrets revealed over time. Why did God
keep things from us? To protect, to shield, to keep from overwhelming us with
things we could not understand. Within man's animal heart God created a space
where He placed the divine spark, a seed of His spirit, in the hope that it would
grow and transform our base metal to gold, our animal nature into spiritual
nature. Unfortunately most have either rejected that nature outright or failed to
nurture it. Most of us can not free it from the weight of our sins, original or
otherwise, to germinate and grow. For those that do ‘flower’ or transform to
spiritual nature the world looks and sounds different – you can see things that
you could not see before and hear things you missed before. In the
transformation of which I speak, you ‘receive’ a totally new view of the way
things should be, which is actually opposed, diametrically opposite of the way
most people want to believe things should be. This radically new perspective is
the direct result of a full complete understanding of the secrets of Christ’s
teachings. As a student of the often dark history of Christianity and as an eye-
witness insider of the ‘progress’ of Christian practices today I know that Christ’s
suffering did not end on the cross. The evils and atrocities that have been and
still are carried out in His name, by those with so-called Christian values, under
the flag of a so-called ‘Christian’ nation, have afflicted Him far worse than Roman
whips, or nails, could ever do. We have broken his heart.

Now remember the secrets in Christ’s Teachings are there not because He
doesn’t want everyone to know the Truth, "and the Truth will set us free". The
opposite is true. But it’s also true that God full well knew that Satan’s hold on
the vast majority would not be broken and just to preserve the Truth for the few
until the time of the end was it made so.

Thusly was a certain degree of esoteric information hidden from the eyes of
those that would seek to destroy it, spread throughout the Bible, like a puzzle.
The secrets, the answers lie “here a little, there a little, line upon line, precept
upon precept…”, that those, “whose line falls upon pleasant places”, may come
to know things, “…which have been kept secret since the beginning”. So
ultimately as in everything concerning God, the reasons some things have been
kept secret and other things have been revealed, and when, are unfathomably
complex; some things we cannot know till "the seventh trumpet" sounds.

Page 8

‘Highest Aspirations’

It is a common belief of most religions that the will of the highest God seeks the
highest Good for man, except for those who fail or refuse (rebel) to abide by that
God’s standards. They will be punished in some fashion. We as Christians
believe God wants nothing but good things for all. We also believe He’s all-
powerful – “with God all things are possible”. Yet if that is so, then why doesn’t
He make the world a paradise of Goodness and plenty with no evil? If He truly
cares about us why does he let ‘bad things happen to good people’? The Bible
says it’s because of sin, ‘original sin’ and subsequent sins. The origin parable in
Genesis says the Earth was a paradise from which man was banished for
disobedience yet even here at the very beginning of the Bible there is something
very strange about this story. It says that they were kicked out for eating a
forbidden fruit. This fruit gave them the ability to discern the difference between
Good and Evil! Why wouldn’t God want us to know the difference? If the
knowledge of Good and Evil existed in the Garden of Eden I don’t believe God
intended man to never have such knowledge. We know that God wants us to be
good, to choose to do good, and we know that even in the Garden God has given
us freewill to choose Good or Evil – Adam and Eve chose to eat the forbidden
fruit. To me it just doesn’t make sense unless we interpret the story as follows:
The story is a parable. It’s a story about Truth, not a ‘true story’. If God inspired
the writer (as I believe) then why not inspire him to write ‘the true story’? My
answer is that he did inspire the writer to tell the Truth in a way that people of
that time could relate to and comprehend; using imagery and symbols they
could recognize and accept. Just as Christ did. Today it is our responsibility to
find the Truth in the parables, not to fanatically hold them to be literal Truth, nor
to dismiss them as meaningless folktales. In that light I shall attempt a modern
retelling, albeit like the interpretation of dreams my account must be subjective
and open for debate.

'Genesis Revisited'

“In the beginning…”, that which we call God is said to have ‘created’ the
universe and placed man within the Garden of Eden in six days/on the seventh
He ‘rested’. Millions of people around the world take this literally. They were
brought up to believe in the Bible as the ‘infallible’ word of God. Those of you
with me here at this long difficult part of our climb to the Truth may also feel the
need for ‘solid ground’ to stand on, a sure safe place to stand, maybe even a
button to push in an elevator that will take you straight to the top where all will
be revealed in one quick and easy to follow documentary. Free popcorn and you
won’t even have to take notes! I’m sorry but there is no shortcut. Another
secret I will share with you now; ‘salvation is free but you must earn the Truth’.
No money can buy it. No tools can create it. No weapons can destroy it. With
nothing but the gifts God gave you, you must seize it, wrestle with it, overcome
it and make it your own. We can learn about it through the study of history; we
can learn the pitfalls to avoid from the mistakes of others; we can consider the
council of the wise, yet none of it will make you wise – only the leap of faith and
it’s long difficult climb to the summit will you be able to ‘see it all’, and only then
will you be wise. (See my essays on Sophism).

I’ve got another secret for you: God does not get tired, or sleepy. That should
be a clue for the literalists, but they won’t get it. “On the seventh day God
rested”. Didn’t happen. I assure you, God is ‘on duty’ 24/7/365. The tendencies
of humans to anthropomorphized and anthropocentricize the characteristics of
God and the spiritual realms have got to go. Although it does say that man was
made in God’s image it was referring to a spiritual image or aspect. Why?
Because God does not need legs. I’ll tell you flat out – if you think God has legs,
or arms, or gets tired, you are not worshipping the true God. Not just that, if you
think the Ten Commandments are God’s Laws for us to live by, then you are not
worshipping the true God represented most recently by Christ. But that’s
jumping ahead. We need a little more background about Genesis and the Old
Testament before returning to Christ. In a number of places in the Old and New
Testament the statement is made that, “A day to the Lord is as a thousand
years”, (to us). Why a thousand? Why not a billion to an eternal God? Because
at the time men could not conceive of a billion years. Remember, in order for
men of that time to ‘make it there own’, the Truth, the core essence of the Truth
at least, had to be ‘presented’ (see ‘precepts’) in a way they could comprehend
and relate to. That ‘customization’ of the language and imagery employed to
convey the main ideas of the Truth to the minds of the people of that time has
unfortunately led like-minded fundamentalists to iconify that imagery and lithify
that language, despite the Bibles and Christ’s many references to the
evolutionary nature of God’s revelations – doled out little by little, only in bite
sizes we were ‘ready’ to digest. This is precisely why there is an ‘Old’ Testament
and a 'new' Covenant with God through Christ. The New is radically improved (in
God’s eyes), as Christ elucidated in his quintessential discourse of God’s new
‘Ten Commandments’ during the Sermon on the Mount, in which he repeated the
axiom over and over again, “you have heard…(Old covenant law cited) but I say
unto you… (New covenant law given).” This is a most important secret revealed
so far: God’s laws for man have changed over time. Christ himself revealed this
Truth explicitly, in the Sermon on the Mount and elsewhere. Once Christ was
asked about an old covenant law allowing for divorce, his answer was, “But for
the hardness of your hearts was this (law) given… What God has joined together
let no man put asunder.” Similarly in general God gave laws to Moses that the
hearts and minds of the people of that time could aspire to. Christ came 1300
years later with a new set of aspirations, a higher Truth for men of that time.
These ‘customized’ relative Truths were given to help man grow spiritually into a
being capable of receiving God’s ultimate, whole, absolute Truth, the ‘Absolute
Relativity’. Here, nearly two thousand years later we still await confirmation and
conclusion, perhaps the final dispensation as prophesized. Perhaps we ourselves
are to blame for this delay? Most of humanity has remained derelict during this
‘drought’, even devolved, spiritually speaking. Full well did Christ know this
would be the case, when He said, ‘narrow is the way and few to cross it’. So
here we see Genesis in a new light, a revalued ‘translation’ of its imagery and
parables – through the eyes of Christ if you will. Born among the Hebrews, God’s
chosen people, Christ took the seed of Truth God planted there and watered it
with His own blood, that it would grow and bloom and mature into a eternal life-
bearing tree of Truth, the ripest fruit of which, is Love. Yet for two thousand
years the power and joy of that Love has remained secret, hidden from the eyes
of most by the evil within their own hearts. Why did John the Baptist and then
Jesus of Nazareth cry in the wilderness and in the cities of Judea for the people to
‘repent!’? Because then as now, they did not even know that what they did and
what they believed was good and right was, “evil in the sight of the Lord”. The
“traditions of men”, then and now, their ‘family values’ are derived not from the
‘other-centered Love of Christ’ teachings but from the self-centered (mostly
subconscious) reflexive, reactionary, million-years-in-the-making animal instincts
and thought/behavioral patterns and complexes that are so integral to
consciousness and our sense of identity we don’t even know they exist or how
much they affect us, much less that there is anything wrong here. In a sense we
are all ‘possessed’ of an ancient daemon that must be exorcised before Christ’s
Love can enter in. We must recognize it’s in us, that it is evil, our ‘original sin’
and allow God to cast it out by our ‘repentance’. If like most people you feel just
fine the way you are now, thank you, believing you know what’s what, and who
am I telling you what to believe; then these words can not help you. I am merely
relaying them from the source. This ‘repentance’ is for the few. You must have
“ears to hear” and “eyes to see” it. I am trying to open your eyes. Look up! See
there, ahead at the summit. Can you see that tree? As we get closer you should
recognize it. I can’t tell you what it is. You must see for yourself. Let’s keep
moving. There’s still quite a ways to go.

Page 9

Prophets and Seers

It’s a little known fact that almost every book in the Bible contains prophecies
or references to prophecies. Fully one third of the Bible is prophecy. These
prophecies are ‘revelations’ from God, formerly secret (unknown) knowledge
about either the then present, or, near or distant future events. In accepting the
previous statement certain questions naturally arise. Why tell the future to men
long dead? Why not tell us, the people the coming events will affect? Why did
all the prophets disappear after Christ came? Why are the vast majority of Bible
prophecies about “the last days”, “the time of the end”? And most importantly
after the second anniversary of the September 11th, 2001 attack on America,
particularly the families and friends of those who died that day have questioned
why? If God knew it would happen, why didn’t he warn us, or even intervene and
stop the terrorists? “Why does (God let) bad things happen to good people”? (a
book title some years back). All these questions will be addressed, if not
answered, in what follows, as I show you the secrets of Bible prophecy.
Christ made (or referred to) numerous prophesies about “the latter days”. Most
of His prophetic statements could be ‘cut and pasted’ from any number of Old
Testament prophecies. He often pointed out a particular messianic prophecy
from the Old Testament and demonstrated how it had been or was being fulfilled
by some aspect of His origin, life, or ministry. Likewise, on the subject of the last
days, He referred to certain Old Testament prophecies as being key to knowing
the actual time frame (age, period, and era) to which the prophecies of “the end
of the world” related. He said no one but God knew the day and hour but,
“When you see the sign spoken by Daniel, then know the time is near”. What
sign? In the English of the King James Version it is called, “the abomination of
desolation”. What does that mean and to what does that refer, what event or
thing in the future, very near to “the end of the world”, could that enigmatic
phrase indicate? According to Christ himself this is the most crucial
eschatological reference in the Bible.

The importance that God places on man’s awareness of certain end-time

events or ‘developments’ cannot be over-estimated, as documented by the
hundreds of eschatological references and prophecies spread throughout the
entire Bible. Accordingly, it is not possible to over-emphasize how important it is
for us, at this time in history, to be able to truly and accurately identify that to
which the phrase, “abomination of desolation” refers.

We are now at the most difficult and critical part of our climb, requiring skills
you must master that cannot be taught…you must…become wise. Here there is
no turning back. We are at a vertical face that extends upward beyond our sight.
There are many handholds and footholds to choose from as we begin our ascent.
Some are natural (made by God). Some are…not. Those not made by God will
not reach the top. Each man is alone in his climb, ultimately. Only by strength,
endurance and right choices will you succeed. Do you have what it takes? Here
is all I can give you: Separate the wheat from the chaff, and see the whole, it is
one. Choose wisely. The cliff is your challenge at this point. It represents the
work you must do to understand God’s intent and message. To truly “get it”,
you must truly “know it”. There is no shortcut. To reach the summit, to see the
whole, you must overcome this wall. The wall is our ignorance. Until we climb,
chapter by chapter, book by book, through the entire Bible, “here a little, there a
little, precept upon precept…”, at each step holding in your mind what it is you
are seeking, the answer to the question, “What is the “Abomination of
Desolation”?”, only then will the way upward become clear. If you do this task
you will learn as I did how much they don’t teach you in Sunday school or preach
on Sunday morning (most churches). As you move from book to book, first look
for and highlight (or even ‘catalog’ as I did) all references to either “the last
days”, “the time of the end”, “the latter days”, “the day of recompense”, or “the
day of Lord”. At the same time carefully study and constantly refer back to the
description of end-time characteristics and events given by Christ in Mark 13 and
Matthew 24; then highlight, catalog or annotate all prophecies or eschatological
references in each book that may possibly describe the same or similar events,
phenomena, and/or characteristics. I believe that, like me, you will be amazed at
the number of times God’s messengers wrote about such events or phenomena.
Most of these references offer some different aspect to be added to the puzzle,
until, taken together as a whole, an undeniable picture emerges of a common
theme, a ‘thread’ of related images and detailed descriptions of global
devastation such as the world has not known in human history, wrought by
“devices”, “prepared” by God to snare the wicked and unrepentant in their own
trap. By these various accounts throughout the Bible it is clear they describe
devices of destructive force, unimaginable and unknown to the world…until
about fifty eight years ago. I emphatically state that nothing in existence, before
or since, possessed the destructive power to do what they describe. What I am
saying is that the common theme of end-time prophecies throughout the entire
Bible is the real and potential destructive power of the use of nuclear weapons
and their consequences, i.e. nuclear winter, radiation sickness, etc. It’s all in
there. My personal ‘concordance’ is available for those who do not fear what
they may find. Yet here I must point you back to Genesis, to where prophecy
begins in the Bible, to God’s covenant with Abraham. Read it carefully for
therein lies a promise of hope. Abraham (his descendants) is promised by God,
“a blessing or a curse”. It is totally up to our actions as to which we will receive.
Personally, I fear the river of innocent blood spilt just in the last century may
have ‘drowned’ our chances and I watched the passing of the second millennium
with great anxiety, then relief. However, my relief was short-lived, as the evil in
the hearts and actions of men has naught but increased since 2000 came and
went. Still, the trap is set, ready to go off if evil wins out. “By their own devices
are they snared”? That is what may happen. It is not yet written in stone, I
believe. Pray I am correct. The question I place before you is why did God
reveal this to these ancient men? Because it’s proof. It is proof of the validity
and efficacy of God’s Truth.

If you see this Truth about our modern world, revealed to men three thousand
years ago in such precise detail, is unequivocal, undeniable, then that is strong
testimony, evidence of the Truth of the rest of the message, revealed by Christ.
That I believe is why it was so important that it is referred to in almost every
book in the Bible. To warn us, of course, but also to prove our faith, that we may
know the message is the Truth. “…and the Truth shall set you free”.

Page 10
Paradox and Metaphor

There are different kinds of secrets in life. Secrets of love can be sweet, as in a
teenage crush, bittersweet, as in a love not returned, or tragic, as in a wasted
life. Some secrets can be dangerous if uncovered. Secrets of State and illicit
affairs fit this category. Some secrets are to protect ‘treasure’ of some kind.
Similarly the Bible contains different kinds of secrets. The kinds I’ve mainly
spoken of so far are those that are secrets of ignorance. The secrets of
ignorance are not meant to be secret. It’s that they ‘don’t fit in’ with what our
instincts wrongly tell us to believe so they are overlooked, ignored, discounted,
or ‘reinterpreted’. These secrets, this part of the message is ‘hidden in the open’
by our own minds. There are also real secrets, things, aspects, elements of the
Truth that has been deliberately concealed from our knowledge, some for an
allotted time or until a specific event occurred before being revealed, others will
not be revealed at all until Judgment Day. However, there are also secrets that
are ‘esoteric’, Truths that are difficult to comprehend, ‘too large, too
complicated’, even ‘too irrational’ for most minds to grasp, or, that have been
deliberately ‘obscured’ by language that can only be ‘deciphered by those who
hold the keys’. These latter two types are those on which we shall now focus.
We have overcome the granite base of this cliff, have climbed past the shale and
limestone layers, and have reached the lower extremity of the sandstone
capstone, yet still we cannot see the top. When the vertical wall begins to slope
again towards our summit and that lone strange tree at the peak again becomes
visible we will examine the real secrets revealed so far. We will then be
prepared to approach the summit.

We have two kinds of esoteric secrets: those that are difficult and those that are
obscured, with some ‘overlap’ at times. Both kinds are meant to be knowable to
some. For both kinds our ability to understand the message they convey is in
part proportional to our understanding of the problems of language. Tall hills if
not mountains of books have been and are being written by philosophers
addressing this issue. In fact, modern philosophers are obsessed with the
problems of semantics and pragmatics – the use of language to convey meaning.
Of the many language problems we face when trying to learn the meaning of
God’s Word, paradox and metaphor represent the greatest challenge. At this
point it is not our muscles and our brains that will keep us climbing past the
limits of human endurance, so to speak, it is our hearts, out desire, our will, our
spirit. It is only our heart that keeps us going, that chooses the right handhold at
times like this. Our ‘intuition’, if you will, is empowered by our heart. Our
‘character’ at such times is revealed; what is there in our hearts comes out, for
better or worse. “Purity of heart is to will one thing only” (- Kierkegaard). This is
what we must do, must ‘be’, to reach the top, to find the right handhold, the
right ‘interpretation’, to unravel the mysteries and enigmas. That is how we
must approach Biblical paradox and metaphor. No book on semantics will help
unless your heart can see through to the center, unless your heart resonates at
the same frequency as does Gods. Then you will hear the message.

Reading the text, one should be struck by the number of times Christ used
paradoxical statements, parables and metaphors to describe the Truth about
spiritual reality and how we relate to it. As he explicitly stated on one occasion
this language was sometimes used so that those who were there listening with
malicious intent would not be able to comprehend what was said. His Truth
behind the parables, metaphors and paradoxes was meant for those whose
hearts were right only. That’s why he said, “Don’t throw pearls before swine”.
Other times unusual esoteric language was employed by Christ to ‘pass on’ key
information that could not be properly understood until an appointed time or
event had come to pass, as in the nuclear-related prophecies. I would refer you
again to my ‘personal concordance’(coming soon). Examine the verses under
each topic with an open mind. Try to see how they relate to each other. Make
the connections of ideas to actions, past and future. Most importantly, Look
through God’s eyes. Imagine seeing the world the way God sees it. We know
that God has traditional been conceived as omnipresent, everywhere and ever
present throughout the infinity of space, past, present, and future, all at the
same time. Thanks to Einstein’s Theory of Special Relativity we have strong
evidence to support that belief because that is exactly the characteristics of a
being ‘traveling’ at the speed of light. His famous theorem, ‘E=MC²’, revealed
that everything in existence is composed of ‘energy’, and we ourselves, as
beings composed of energy are proof that ‘energy’ can and does possess
‘consciousness’. We know from the famous ‘double-slit’ experiment, that even
light itself is a mysterious paradoxical phenomena, existing as both a particle
and a wave at the same time. The whole world of theoretical physics is currently
hanging by the thinnest of threads above a metaphysical (spiritual) abyss (as
they think of it). Their own discoveries in the last few years has ‘backed them
into a corner’ from which they can only escape (continue to support current
theory) by proposing currently undetectable phenomena to explain away the
paradoxes of their observations and the infinite results of their calculations. So
far they are counting on finding huge values of undetectable ‘dark matter’ and
‘dark energy’ as well as an additional seven more undetectable dimensions to
our universe! Now last time I checked any supposed phenomena that was
‘undetectable’ by scientific experiment was considered “metaphysical” (i.e. non-
existent) by scientists. For instance, any and all ‘spiritual’ phenomena are
considered 'metaphysical' because they cannot measure it or repeat it
experimentally. Yet for myself there are strong correlations between
documented observed spiritual phenomena (accepting the credibility of the
witnesses) and the missing phenomena the physicists so desperately need to
find. I assert that dark matter (DM), dark energy (DE), and the missing
dimensions are in actual fact 'constituent elements' of the undetectable spiritual
phenomena and dimensions ‘observed’ by reliable witnesses throughout history.
We know from these recent scientific discoveries that some kind of unobservable
and undetectable DM & DE have observable effects on our universe. We know
that traditionally angels and other ‘noumenal’ beings and phenomena at times
become ‘observable’. We know that from various accounts, when such
phenomena does occur it possesses mass of some kind – Jacob ‘wrestled’ with an
angel, as well as accounts of people ‘touching’ ‘spirits’, or being ‘held’ by some
force, unable to move. People have been seeing, hearing, and touching spiritual
entities and phenomena since man first recorded his history by oral tradition and
then in writing. For science to totally ignore such evidence is criminal and tragic
for modern culture. Fortunately they are now being forced to stare it in the face,
however much they want to turn away and deny it. The unequivocal Truth is
that the traditional paradoxes of religion have become the paradoxes of science.
Now you should see why Christ described spiritual reality by paradox and
metaphor, because it’s the Truth. Truth that is being scientifically proved as we
speak, although they don’t know it yet. In this light and in the context of the
above and the new understanding of the whole of reality I hope it has opened to
you let’s examine and try to understand the paradoxical statements and
metaphors of Christ.

First is the statement, “You must lose your life to save it”. The answer to this
riddle revolves around the higher forms of love that are sadly unknown and
unexperienced by most people. Love in all its forms is the life force of the
universe. Love is not just a feeling. It is a force. Not a physical force, a spiritual
force, an ephemeral form of energy not detectable by current scientific
instrumentation. Sound familiar? I believe it is possible to conjecture that the
missing dark energy may be, at least in part, the life force of the universe, which
we experience as love. What is love? The answer is complex and yet it is
simple. “He who would lose his life shall save it”. Scientists do not look for love
because they think they cannot ‘touch’ it; (materialistic-empiricism) yet love is
everywhere, in everything. These priests of the church of science take Occam’s
Razor and try to cut reality into manageable slices, to make the complex simple.
However the more they cut, the more they dissect, experiment, and measure,
the more they are discovering that for some reason, “it doesn’t add up”, the
pieces won’t fit back together on the grand scale of cosmology and ‘unified field’
physics. They’re still missing something…something called love, or God. God is
love. The secrets of the universe the scientists are so earnestly seeking are the
same secrets within the Teachings of Christ. They are multidimensional. The
Truth exists in this plane of being and beyond, in ‘X’ number of other planes,
other worlds, other realities, of which we can occasionally glimpse under the
right conditions. Truth is thusly, to our perceptions, paradoxical and best
understood by metaphor and parable. It is a whole that is more than the sum of
its parts. It is ‘extra-natural’. That a man must be willing to ‘lose’ his life to save
it refers to multidimensional life and well-being... part of which takes place
beyond time and space as we know them. Here we must 'look back' before we
can go forward...

It is the vestiges of our evolution as Homo sapiens, our animal nature that tells
us we must survive at any cost, must fight, even kill rather than be killed. To us
it seems natural and right to want to protect yourself at any cost. Going on their
‘gut instinct’ most Americans initially approved of the Bush administrations’
aggression against Iraq believing Iraqis to be ‘our enemy’. Yet totally beyond the
comprehension of these ‘good Americans’ and their misguided patriotism and
standing in moral opposition to their ‘traditional family values’, Christ
commanded us to live by a new, higher, extra-natural law beyond our natural
instincts. He said, “Love your enemies”, not “Kill them and take their oil”. “He
said, “Turn the other cheek”, not, ‘fight back’. He said, “If a man wants your
coat give him your cloak also”. He said, “Love thy neighbor as thyself”. He said,

“The last shall be first, and first shall be last”.


"You must lose your life to save it"

Paradox and metaphor are used by Christ because the secrets of our universe
and of His teachings (one and the same) require it. To our sense perceptions
and limited perspective they are paradoxical. However to God, if I may say so,
[We are still ‘embryos’ awaiting maturation – someday all will be revealed], all
that we find complex is simple, and what to us is simple He knows to be
complex. To God, it is not a paradox. Nevertheless, none of this implies a ‘new
age’ nihilist amoral relativism nor an ‘old age’ Wicca/Pagan type of moral
relativism. Christ unequivocally set forth an inerasable boundary between
darkness and light, between good and evil, of a positive, higher order of being
that leads to Truth and Love, and of a negative, reactionary, opposite order of
being which we must overcome by a transformation of our instinctive animal
nature into spirit nature. Fail to do so and face eternal consequences. Like the
cliff we have now faced and overcome by determined effort we overcome our
‘original sin' nature by setting our hearts, our minds and our wills upon “one
thing” only, because in both cases, there is no turning back. Now, the summit,
and our quest…
Page 11

Secret Treasure

We are now standing before the locked gate just a short ways from the
summit. I hold the key in my hand. But before I give it to you I must be sure you
are ready. You must be tested this one final time. We have come far. The
secrets I have shown you are not easy. One must train ones mind to ‘see’
outside of itself and at the same time to ‘hear’ that “still, small voice” within our
hearts, to embrace ‘the other’ that ultimately is ourself. Despite the concerted
effort of the darkness of this world to blind our minds to the Truth and keep us
‘occupied’ with the petty, mundane, puerile, poisons, and drudgery of modern
life, one must ‘overcome’, must, “keep your eyes on the prize”, must hold to the
awareness of Truth and Good, and “never surrender”. I have tried to show you
how Christ taught the one Truth that encompasses all Truths, including that
which science has discovered and that which science has yet to understand. I
have called the one Truth, ‘Absolute Relativity’, for it is the absolute Truth at the
pi-center of existence which contains and completes our positional-perspective
relative truths on the phi-spiral of Becoming. I have brought to your attention
how Christ himself proclaimed that he came to reveal “things which had been
kept secret since the beginning”. If you have studied the Bible where and when
indicated throughout this work, particularly in regards to the Biblical
corroboration for this thesis, and have found the wisdom of my words, then you
are ready for the final test. Look with me past the gate to the summit. Do you
see the small tree that stands there, glowing with a fire that does not consume
it? To know this thing is why we have come. It is why we are here
(metaphorically). It is our reason to be. So now, I ask you; do you will this one
thing only? If, with all your heart, at that moment, you answered yes; you are
ready, you have made it. That means, by force of your will, you squeezed out of
your heart your pride, your fears, your doubts, your prejudices and
preconceptions, and all other desires, and said, yes Lord, come in to my heart,
and fill me with your love and Truth. I give my heart to you. Forgive me my sins.

Christ said, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life…”, and by now you should
have trained yourself to look for multiple dimensions layered within that
metaphor just as one must when addressing other Gnostic statements within the
(Gnostic) Book of John…”The Way…” “Prepare ye the way of the Lord…” Of this
path we have taken we have both been on the way and, have prepared the way
of the Lord - if you have truly reached this point prepared to enter and to know
the tree of secrets at the summit. So prepared, I now give you the key to the
gates, one of the greatest secrets to the Kingdom of Heaven. It is one of Christ’s
most explicit statements about the extra-natural, multi-dimensional nature of
reality. Speaking to Peter, Christ said, “I give you the Keys to the Kingdom of
Heaven and What you Bind on Earth shall be Bound in Heaven and what you
loose on Earth shall be loosed in Heaven”. Matthew 16:19/18:18.

On this one metaphysical statement the whole universe as we know it and the
extra-natural dimensions beyond our senses pivots. This is the ultimate secret
mystics have known since time immemorial and which science is now
discovering (“catching up”). In the recent book titled The Holographic Universe
by Michael Talbot the author cites the works of physicist David Bohm and
neurophysiologist, Karl Pribram, whom, when the results of their work in their
respective fields is combined, synthesized, a new paradigm emerges which
expands upon the dual-state particle-wave paradox of ‘the standard model’ and
the “non-locality” proven by repeated experimental verification of Bell’s
Theorem to propose Mind (God) as the creator of our (experience of) the
universe. That the standard model had already proven that the act of
observation creates the result (Schrödinger’s Cat, Heisenberg’s Uncertainty and
Fourtier’s Transforms; the ‘collapse of the waveform’) leads inexorably to Bohm’s
and Pribram’s conclusions; in my opinion, at least. As mystics have said all
along, (-based upon direct experience) Bohm and Pribram also conclude that all
matter, rocks, trees, all organisms and all energy (E=MC2), possesses (some
form of) consciousness. That is exactly implied in Christ’s Matthew 18:18
statement, based upon traditional attributes of God. If we hold “the keys” to
“bind” or “loose” things in Heaven there must be a direct connection between
the formation of our reality now and the formation of our reality after death .
“Spiritual life” is a metaphysical implication of Newton’s Law of the Conservation
of Energy as well. Now we have ‘M Theory’ (Superstring Theory) that actually
predicts ten or eleven dimensions in our reality, six (or seven) of which we
cannot (normally) experience. According to Christ our actions, and even our
thoughts have a kind of ‘reverse mirrored’ (stand at the center of two full length
mirrors placed together at a 90 degree angle and raise your left hand - in the
image it seems your right hand goes up) effect upon those unseen dimensions –
in this life and afterwards – “You must lose your life to save it”. Matthew 15:25.
In other words, the True Reality behind or beyond what our minds perceive as
"Good" is antithetical to those things our natural animal-instinct impulses and
reactionary complexes influence our minds to perceive as "Good" – “You have
made the commandments of God of no effect, by your tradition.” -Matthew 15:6.
Thusly in the past were we, and are still, blinded from the true path by
evolutionary imperatives that we are now capable of overcoming. The lack of
vision and faith that hinders us from creating a world Christ died for, were that
the only things we are up against, can be overcome, by Truth and the never-
ending work of those imbued with the “Spirit of Truth”, the “Holy Spirit of Truth”,
as Christ called it in John. Yet there is far worse arrayed against us than just
mere ignorance. Do not be deceived. Evil is real and a powerful force at work in
the hearts of man. See verses 21-23 of Mark chapter seven for one example.
Natural animal man delights in evil over good and even with the knowledge of
the true path most will choose to reject it. Thus was it foretold to certain men
thousands of years ago. It was also told to them that the time of darkness would
end, the dimensional veil would be rent between this plane of existence and that
of spiritual existence, and the Day of Recompense will come. And, “whatsoever
as man soweth, so shall he reap”. Do not doubt that this will be so, and quickly.
The time of the end approaches like dark clouds on the horizon and the sound of
distant thunder drawing nearer. Despite the promise and hopes of people all
over the world for peace at the turn of the Millennium the world now seems to
again be headed toward that final ultimate Apocalypse foretold by Christ in
Matthew 24, Mark 13, and Revelations. No examination of the Teachings of
Christ can be complete that fails to understand the meaning and significance of
Christ’s prophecies. Again I assert that most end time (eschatological) Bible
prophecies, and particularly Christ’s reference in Matthew 24/Mark 13 to Daniel's
prophecies about the “Abom(b)ination of Desolation” are prophecies about
aspects and effects of nuclear weaponry and nuclear war. The paramount
significance of these prophecies, other than the warning and call for “liberal”
activism they demand (God demands), is that they represent to those “with eyes
to see and ears to hear” (i.e., those who care enough to thoroughly study the
entire Bible in this light), indisputable testimony as to the Truth of God’s Word.
This “proof” is so detailed that some verses can only be fulfilled by the advent of
the nuclear age. See my [Anti-Nuclear Icon] concordance for select verses. This
is how I know the Bible is the true Word of God and that we are now in “the last
days”. We literally have ‘the proof’. For myself, a 'doubting Thomas', and for all
those whose minds have been troubled by doubt, or worse, even if you have
been idol-worshipping at the feet of our scientific ‘Golden Calf’, our self-idolatry,
this secret proof along with the proofs given earlier in this work correlating
Christ’s Secret Teachings to the latest models of theoretical physics are sufficient
evidence to “free your mind” from the (unbelievers) “Matrix”. The unseen
hypothetical extra dimensions of ‘superstring’ M-theory are or at least
correspond to the normally unseen extra dimensions of spiritual reality. The
underlying ‘non-local’ oneness and universal consciousness of the holographic
model represents the entrance of mind i.e. God, into, and replacing, the ‘void’ of
space and the nihilism of atheistic scientific consideration. It would seem to be
impossible to over emphasize these facts, yet they are soundly ignored in the
scientific community at large, except for an occasional quixotic book writer.
Why, there is no longer even reason for debate! Scientists just need to stand up
and say, “Given the facts as we now know them, there must be a God; else the
universe makes no sense”. All of this Christ knew innately.

For three years he taught us about a higher law beyond our ‘traditions’
(instinctive reactionary complexes). He taught of a higher Love, the power of
which extends beyond our four dimensions into the ‘miraculous’ He taught of
beings that exist in higher (and lower) dimensions we cannot normally perceive.
And he taught about one universal being, highest of all, whom he called, “Our
Father, who art in heaven…”. He said when we pass from this world to the next
‘what we sow is where we go’. He taught us of the ‘highest aspirations of the
love of God for his children’, that we are to ‘follow’ Him and ‘prepare the way’ of
His return. And that He is always with us, and if we ask, it shall be given. What
more do we need to know? At the summit awaits the answer.

Page 12


We are now at the summit, standing before a tree that seems iridescent,
glowing with a fire that does not consume it. We have removed our shoes, for we
stand upon holy ground. From this pinnacle we can look behind us to see all that
brought us to this moment. We can see the evolutionary history of man and the
universe. Within that history ‘we’ (with eyes to see) can see the hand of God
form man from clay. We see Him make a covenant with Abraham, who was
willing to sacrifice his son Isaac to God if God so willed. We see God give an
early, less perfect understanding of God’s will to Moses, conformed to match
what was spiritually attainable by the intellectual, moral, and spiritual
development of the people of that time. Then, after many generations of
spiritual evolutionary development the time came when God saw man fit to
receive ‘the Truth, the Light, and the Way’, and in a mystery beyond our
understanding at this time He sent his ‘Son’ to be born of a woman named Mary,
some two thousand years ago now. Of the life he lived and the whole of what he
taught we but know in part, but the testimony of many witnesses has been
passed down to us largely intact and reliable unto this day, and based upon the
‘proofs’ cited earlier, it is sufficient for our understanding. ‘We’ know His mission
was His message of the Truth of the Love of God. For daring to spread the Truth
He was killed. Many witnesses say that in three days they encountered Him
again, alive; at the open tomb, on the road to Emmaus, in the upper room. If you
believe you have any reason to doubt the possibility that these events could
actually have taken place as recorded, then you have missed something along
the way. If you believe the miracle that was, is, and shall be ‘Christ’ and His
‘extra-natural’ ‘extra-dimensional’ message, then look again upon this holy tree,
and see the secret within. Like the holographic model of the Cosmos of Bohm
and Pribram, look deep ‘into’ the tree, into the microcosm of this tree, ancient
and holy, into this fractal holograph of the universe. What do you see? Is it ‘just
a tree’? Or do you see something more? Are you just a temporally self-
contained ‘mechanical’ organism that will dissipate into ‘nothing’ upon
‘mechanical’ failure or are you a spirit eternal that will continue to exist when the
‘mechanism’ is gone in a extra- dimensional state of being not normally
detectable by human sense organs, but which is slowly being ‘discovered’
(unknowingly and unwillingly) by our scientific ‘eyes’? Do you ‘see’ it? Like a
holograph viewed from different angles…Do you see it? Do you recognize it?
This is the tree! It’s the same tree that bore the forbidden fruit in the Garden of
Eden. It’s the same tree Noah cut to build the Ark. It’s the same tree from which
Joseph carved Christ’s cradle and on this same tree was He crucified. And on the
same tree I write these words. For this tree along with all ‘things’ temporally
perceivable exists simultaneously on both sides of the dimensional veil, in this
empirical world and in the world of "Ideal Forms" of Plato, formed from the
"Archetypes" and "Collective Consciousness" of Jung, a part of the "Oneness of
Being" first purposed by mystics long ago and now re-adopted by ‘string’/ M-
theorists and the ‘non-local’ holographic field/matrix model of Bohm and
Pribram. This Oneness is the innermost secret within the Teachings of Christ and
is perhaps best presented at the beginning of the book of John; “In the beginning
was the Word, and the Word was God, and the Word was with God”. This
Gnostic statement expresses the extra dimensional Truth also represented in the
idea of the ‘Trinity’ – the Oneness of God, the born of flesh Christ, and the Holy
Spirit “God ‘sent’…” to man. This simultaneous underlying Oneness and
temporal differentiation of our existence is the multi-dimensional foundation
from which all manifestations of extra-natural phenomena arise, including the
‘miracle’ of Christ and the ‘miracles’ of Christ. It is the source/effective force
behind Christ’s ‘key’ statement, “What you bind on earth shall be bound in
heaven…”, and, speaking of ‘normal’ men concerning the power to perform
‘miracles’, he stated that “greater (miracles) than these (miracles I have done)
will you do”. Do you now see the significance of the tree? It is the Tree of Life
itself out of which all life and life-force, from the very beginning, has grown. And
of the fruit that grows upon it, Love, is the sweetest and the ripest.

Do you not see the tree is yourself as well? All branches of life grow from the
same trunk, one organism rooted in the same soil on a tiny speck of stardust
called Earth. Thusly He taught us to pray, “Our Father…”. God is our common
Father, the Earth our common Mother, and all life is their children, our Brothers.
Christ taught this vision of the Truth, to, “Love thy neighbor as thyself”, and to,
“Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, thy strength, and thy mind". He did
so because it is ‘the Truth’, beyond temporal appearances, at the center of our
being; the Absolute Relativity of Man. He did so to show us the Way to the
perfection of our spirits.

In the Sermon on the Mount, found in Matthew, Christ commands us to, “Be ye
therefore perfect, as your Father in heaven is perfect”. That doesn’t mean He
expects us all to be perfect and sinless. It means He expects us to try our best,
to have the ‘highest aspirations’, for ourselves, and to do all we can to create a
world ‘fit’ for His return. Essentially everything we need to know to formulate
those ‘aspirations’ is found in that one Sermon on the Mount. It is the greatest
treasure on Earth, direct from Heaven. Know it ‘by heart’ – let it’s Truth fill your
heart with the divine purpose of the Will of God for your life, whatever it may be.
See that tree before you, touch it, eat its fruit, and know God. It is the burning
bush that spoke to Moses, the tree of knowledge in the Garden, and the cross on
which Christ died. Beyond appearances, we must learn to ‘see’ the Secret
Teachings of Christ, which in as much as ‘our time’ may know, are secrets no

As science now acquiesces and knows, grudgingly, that the universe of which
Christ taught, consisting of a extra-dimensional, non-local, singularity we call
God, is the universe, and that consciousness is an integral part of that whole, so
we must see this tree for what it truly is, a temporally differentiated holographic
manifestation of a particular aspect or [set of ‘trigonomic’ vectors] perspective of
the underlying unified field (which is God). For ultimately there can only be One

That Truth, revealed and exemplified by Christ stands before you. It is one. It
is God. For myself, and I hope for you, there is nothing more essential, more
exigent, and more relevant than this knowledge. In this eternal moment,
regardless of the petty profaneness of the world in which we live, regardless of
the trials and hardships we may face, regardless of what we don’t know until the
fullness of time, these things we do know.

"Truth is God is Love is Light is Why is How is You.

So let the Light of Love of God of Truth return you to yourself." [©1978 TTW]

We exist in a multi-dimensional state of Absolute Relativity, as holographic

microcosms of God (made “in His image”). We hold “the Key” to a better world
here and beyond, and the transformation begins, with us. “You must lose your
life to save it”. Do you now understand the words of Christ? I pray it so, and
that you have learned when ‘surrender’ is ‘victory’ – “Love Thy Enemy” – so
different from “the traditions (“family values”) of men”. This “Love”, so different
than the lusts and attachments of men, secret from the ways of a world that
cares not to know of it, is the final ultimate secret, without which, all else is
meaningless. “If you have not Love…”, then nothing else matters. In the
perfection of the spirit this ‘higher Love’ is the highest Truth, the ripest fruit on
the Tree of Life, alone atop the mountain, waiting to be ‘discovered’…You know
the way…

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