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Pre-Trial Presentation (Litigation Planning - Litigation Process, Introduction, The Law

and the Facts, The Adversary System, The Client, Litigation Preparation, The Planning
Process, Creative Problem Solving, Factual Analysis and Development, Plausibility,
Credibility and Authenticity Analysis, Legal Analysis and Reasoning), Investigation
(Client Interviewing and Counseling, Fact Investigation introduction, Tangible Objects
and Physical Evidence, Locating Witnesses, Types of Witnesses, Interview Questions,
Interview Topics, Interview Techniques, Maintaining Witnesses Record, Written
Statement, Advising Witness), Discovery Practice ( Purpose of Discovery, Scope of
Discovery, Methods of Discovery), Approaching Pre-Trial Motion (Motion for Meeting
with Client in Custody, Motion for Protection Against Torture, Motion for Medical
Treatment, Motion for Protection Against Unnecessary Remand, Motion for Police
Custody Bail, Motion Against Jurisdiction), Trial Advocacy (Trial PreparationMaintenance of Trial Note Book, Preparation for or Study of the Credibility of
Depositions of Witnesses), Starting the Trial (Investigation of the Perspective of the
Case, Development of the Core Theory, Framing of Arguments, Searching of
Authorities), Preparation for Opening Statement ( Telling Story, Common Errors in
Opening Statements) Preparation for Rebuttal, Preparation for Closing Statement( Be
Explicit, Not Implicit, Organize and Structure the Argument, Tie Law with Facts, Do Not
Read Argument, Try Not to Mistake Evidence, Memorise Opening and Closing
Sentences), Examining Witnesses ( The Language of Examination, Direct Examination,
Cross-Examination, The Story-Line in Cross-Examination, Impeachment Through Prior
Inconsistent Statement, Witness Control), Examination of Expert Witnesses (Experts
Witness and Rules, Qualifying Experts, Direct Examination of Experts Witnesses,
Cross-Examining Expert Witnesses), Witness Examination Tactics ( Traps, Dealing With
Dirty Tricks, Ploys, The Stock Phrases, The Right Word, Breaking the Spell, The
Blackboard, An Introduction to Proving Damages, Getting along with Judges, Keeping
the Client Happy), Final Argument ( The Law Concerning Final Argument, Solving
Problems with Final Argument, Analogies in Final Argument, The Final Five), Trial
Memorandum and Brief, Trial Skills Exercise (Practice Exercise), Appellate Advocacy
(Trial Judgment Analysis - Legal Mistakes, Mistakes of Facts), Issue of Law to be
Encountered at Appellate Hearing, Planning Appellate Hearing (Preparation,

Formalities, Style, Rebuttal, Use of Authority, Hot and Cold Benches, Questions,
Joseph R. Nolan, Trial Practice: Cases and Materials, West Publishing, 1980, Alan D.
Hornstein, Appellate Advocacy, , West Publishing Company, 1984, Elizabeth Dvorkin,
Jack Himmelstein & Howard Lesnick: Becoming A Lawyer; AHumanistic Perspective on
Legal Education and Professionalism, West Publishing Company, 1981, Gary Bellow
and Bea Moulton: The Lawyering Process, Problem Supplement,Foundation Press,
James W. McElhancy, Trial Notebook.American Bar Association, Keith Evans, Advocacy
in Court, Universal Publication, (1998), Justice Naimuddin Ahmed , Civil Procedure
Code, Bangladesh institute of Law and International Affairs, Learning Lawyers Skills, N
Gold K, Mackie and W Twiming, Bulterwoths, Robert M. Bastress and et.al. intervening
counseling and negotiating, skill for effective representation, Ronald E. Cohen, ed.
Criminal Trial Advocacy 1987, Kenney F. Hegland, Trial and Practice Skills,West
Publishing Company, 1978, Michael Hyam, Advocacy Skills, Universal Publication ,
1999, Rogers S. Haydock, David F. Herr & Jeffery W. Stempel: Fundamentals of PreTrial Litigation, Ronald E. Cohen, ed. Criminal Trial Advocacy, 1987,

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