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en Ingeniera de Telecomunicacin
Departamento de Ingeniera de Comunicaciones
ETSI-Telecomunicacin. Universidad de Mlaga
Relacin de Ejercicios
Ejercicio 1
En este problema se va a poner en prctica la teora de la ptica geomtrica para el
modelado de la propagacin ptica en estructuras dielctricas planares o slabs. Para ello se van a
analizar dos slabs trabajando en ambos modo TE, uno en tecnologa de alto contraste (SOI, Silicon
on Insulator) y otra de bajo contraste (polmeros). Los valores de los ndices de refraccin son, en
cada caso, los siguientes:
- SOI: nf (Si)= 3.476; ns (SiO2)= 1.444; nc (aire)= 1;
- Polmeros: nf = 1.48; ns = nc= 1.46.
a.- Realice un pequeo programa en matlab para la resolucin grfica de la ecuacin de dispersin
en cada tecnologa. Recuerde que, adems de los datos de los materiales (ni), para conocer la
constante de propagacin () del modo o su ndice efectivo (neff) es necesario especificar la altura
del slab (h) y la longitud de onda de trabajo (o). Calcule los valores de los ndices efectivos del
modo fundamental para las alturas y longitudes de onda que se indican, y compruebe si se obtienen
los mismos valores de ndice efectivo que tambin figuran en la tabla.
SOI (o= 1.55 m)

neff (m=0)

0.25 m
0.4 m
1 m


Polmeros (o= 1.55 m)

neff (m=0)

3.5 m


b.- Obtenga, para las dos tecnologas, cual es el rango de (h/o) (valor mnimo y mximo) que
garantiza trabajar en condiciones monomodo. Particularice las expresiones obtenidas para una o=
1.55 m.
c.- Seguidamente, se va a comprobar si los resultados que se obtienen siguiendo la teora
electromagntica coinciden con los obtenidos mediante la ptica geomtrica. Para ello, utilice las
curvas de dispersin normalizadas b-V suministradas en las transparencias de clase.
d.- Por ltimo, repita los clculos utilizando la herramienta de simulacin electromagntica FEXEN,
suministrada en clase.
Concluya el ejercicio con unas conclusiones sobre los clculos y precisiones obtenidas.

Ejercicio 2
Demostrar que la relacin de dispersin obtenida por la aproximacin de la ptica geomtrica es
equivalente a la obtenida por la teora electromagntica.
Ejercicio 3
Partiendo de la Teora Electromagntica, escribir la relacin de dispersin de los modos TE de la
lnea biplaca en funcin de b-V en lugar de - como habitualmente se hace en microondas.
Ejercicio 4
En este problema se van a aplicar los Mtodos vistos en clase, el Mtodo del Indice Efectivo y
el Mtodo de Marcatili, para determinar, de manera aproximada, las constantes de propagacin (o
ndices efectivos) de los modos que se propagan por una guiaonda de las que habitualmente se
utilizan utilizada en ptica integrada. En concreto, la gua a caracterizar es la representada en la
figura que se adjunta, que, como se puede ver, se trata de un photonic wire en tecnologa SOI
(Silicon on Insulator). Los ndices de refraccin, a la longitud de onda de trabajo (o= 1.55 m) son:
nf (Si)= 3.476; ns (SiO2)= 1.444; nc (aire)= 1. La altura del ncleo H es fija e igual a 300 nm.
El objetivo final del problema es que el alumno calcule las curvas neff-W de los modos In-plane
(Quasi-TE) y Out-of-Plane (Quasi-TM) cuando ambos mtodos son aplicados, comparar sus
resultados y sacar las conclusiones pertinentes sobre la
validez de los mismos. Para facilitar los clculos se va a
emplear la herramienta de simulacin FEXEN. Es importante

seguir las indicaciones previas que va a hacer el profesor
en clase sobre los siguientes aspectos:

Cmo utilizar FEXEN para aplicar ambos mtodos,

el del ndice Efectivo y el de Marcatili?. Cules son
los pasos a seguir?
Cmo se hacen barridos con FEXEN?
Cmo se procesan los resultados generados por un barrido?
Otros aspectos importantes: nmero de armnicos, tamaos ventana de simulacin,

Para tener una referencia de cules son los valores buenos de ndice efectivo de los principales
modos, se van a utilizar las curvas que suministra el artculo [Westerveld_2012], las cuales se
adjuntan en la pgina siguiente, y que tambin son suministradas por el profesor. Note que los
modos que en dicho artculo se calculan son: TE: Ex00; Ex01 ; TM: Ey00 Ey01
Nota: para facilitar la simulacin se puede usar el proyecto suministrado por el profesor:



Extension of Marcatilis Analytical Approach for

Optical Waveguides
Wouter J. Westerveld, Member, IEEE, Suzanne M. Leinders, Koen W. A. van Dongen, H. Paul Urbach, and
Mirvais Youse, Member, IEEE

AbstractMarcatilis famous approximate analytical description of light propagating through rectangular dielectric waveguides, published in 1969, gives accurate results for low-index-contrast waveguides. However, photonic-integrated circuit technology
has advanced to high-index-contrast (HIC) waveguides. In this
paper, we improve Marcatilis model by adjusting the amplitudes
of the components of the electromagnetic elds in his description.
We nd that Marcatilis eigenvalue equation for the propagation
constant is also valid for HIC waveguides. Our improved method
shows much better agreement with rigorous numerical simulations, in particular for the case of HIC waveguides. We also derive
explicit expressions for the effective group index and the effects of
external forces on the propagation constant. Furthermore, with
our method, the phenomenon of avoided crossing of modes is
observed and studied.
Index TermsElectromagnetic elds, electromagnetic propagation, integrated optics, optical sensors, optical waveguides,
silicon-on-insulator (SOI) technology.


HE propagation of light through rectangular dielectric optical waveguides cannot be described in closed
analytical form. Marcatilis famous approximate analytical
approach [1] has been used since the 1970s and is treated in
many textbooks on optical waveguides theory [2][5]. His
method is, however, derived for waveguides with a low-refractive-index contrast, while nowadays technology has advanced
to high-index-contrast (HIC) waveguides. Silicon-on-insulator
(SOI) technology has, for example, become one of the focus
platforms for integrated optics over the last decade. The large
refractive index contrast of the materials allows for small
device footprint. High-yield mass fabrication is provided using

Manuscript received December 05, 2011; revised March 20, 2012; accepted
May 05, 2012. Date of publication May 15, 2012; date of current version June
20, 2012. This work was supported by TNO, Delft, The Netherlands, and the
IOP Photonic Devices Program of NL Agency.
W. J. Westerveld is with the Optics Research Group, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Delft University of Technology, 2628CJ Delft, The Netherlands, and also
with TNO, 2628 CK Delft, The Netherlands (e-mail: w.j.westerveld@tudelft.
S. M. Leinders and K. W. A. van Dongen are with the Laboratory of Acoustical Waveeld Imaging, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Delft University of Technology, 2628 CJ Delft, The Netherlands (e-mail: s.m.leinders@tudelft.nl; k.w.a.
H. P. Urbach is with the Optics Research Group, Faculty of Applied Sciences,
Delft University of Technology, 2628 CJ Delft, The Netherlands (e-mail: h.p.
M. Youse is with Photonic Sensing Solutions, 1013 EN Amsterdam, The
Netherlands (e-mail: m.youse@photonics2.com).
Color versions of one or more of the gures in this paper are available online
at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org.
Digital Object Identier 10.1109/JLT.2012.2199464

CMOS processes from the electronics industry that have been

tailored to photonic applications [6]. Behavior of integrated
optical components, such as ring resonator lters or arrayed
waveguide grating-based multiplexers, depends critically on
the exact knowledge of the propagating modes in the waveguide [7], [8]. Although numerical solutions such as the circular
harmonics method, the lm mode matching (FMM) method,
the variational mode expansion method (VMEM), or the nite
element method (FEM) are available [9][12], we believe that
an analytical model is useful in order to gain insight in the
physics of the devices, and also for fast explorative simulations
of photonic-integrated circuitry [13].
In this paper, we extend the range of waveguides for which
Marcatilis approximate approach can be applied, in particular
to HIC waveguides. Similar to Marcatili, we use an ansatz for
the form of the modal elds that is based on separation of variables in the waveguide core. The large index contrast causes,
in Marcatilis original approach, a severe mismatch of the electromagnetic elds just inside and just outside the core of the
waveguide. We show that Marcatilis eigenvalue equation for
the propagation speed of the light through waveguides is, in fact,
more general and we obtain improved modal electromagnetic
elds for the same eigenvalue equation, which have a much
lower mismatch. An analytical description is presented, and is
compared with the fundamental mismatch of this ansatz, which
is found by means of an optimization algorithm.
Next to this, explicit equations are derived for the effective
group index and for the linearized inuence of external effects
on the effective index of the modes. As an example, we analytically calculate the inuence of temperature on the effective
index of the modes in the waveguide. Also, results are presented
on photonic evanescent eld sensors, where the refractive index
of the medium in the vicinity of the waveguide is probed with
the evanescent tail of the waveguide mode [14], [15].
Throughout this paper, we test the analysis with the rst three
modes in a typical SOI waveguide with a guiding layer height
of 300 nm, with infrared light that has a free-space wavelength
nm. These guides consist of a thin monocrystalline
on top of a thick silicon dioxide
silicon layer
[16]. The inuence of the silicon sub(BOX) layer
strate below the BOX layer is neglected.
In the next section, we present our extension of Marcatilis
approach. In Section III, we apply the eigenvalue equation for
the effective index and derive explicit equations for the effective
group index and for the effects of external forces. In Section IV,
we compare our theory with rigorous simulations of typical SOI
waveguides. Section V concludes this paper.

0733-8724/$31.00 2012 IEEE

It can be seen that the differe

small. The inuence of this d
the mismatch of the elds at
optimizing the eld amplitud
and as calculated from the
As (53) is quadratic in the am
can be found analytically. T
amplitudes optimization meth
mismatch of the method wit
method with the analytical c
Therefore, we conclude that
as described in Section II-A
scribed by the eld mismatc
are very accurately calculated
equations, for the typical SO
this paper.

E. Discussion of the Differen

Fig. 2. Effective refractive indices calculated using four different methods. Plot
(a) presents the rst three modes in the waveguide core (TE0, TM0, and TE1).
, we dropped a zero, as
In comparison with conventional notation, e.g.,
in our waveguide geometries all higher order modes have higher order standing
waves only in the direction of the width of the waveguide. The numerically
calculated effective index of the TM1 mode is included for completeness. Plots
(b)(d) show the difference in the effective index as calculated by the analytical
method with respect to the numerical method.

In Fig. 3, all six different m

associated with mismatch of
boundaries of the core of the
three types of waveguide mod
energy density of the error a
feeling for the magnitude of
in the core region of the wave
(black dashed line).
For all geometries, the im
Marcatilis original methods
modes in a 400 nm wide wave
mode in a 650 nm wide wav
in Marcatili's
mismatch in the
method, the power ux throu
the evanescent tail of the mo
backward propagating direct
inaccuracy of the method, an
for the other methods.
For the waveguide geo
paper, the
in the continuity of the e
method. H
dent, as is expected from the
TM-like modes in waveguide
totes is expected from theory

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