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Lesson Plan Template


Ms. Peper

I. Class:
Power Algebra
II. Purpose / Objectives:
SWBAT Translate word problems
Solve real-world scenarios
III. Activities
20 min

Grade Level:


Creating equations (Independent group) students have two

worksheets: A list of key words for all four operations and the equals sign as well as
an independent study worksheet with problems that consist of distinguishing,
translating and evaluating expressions, equations and inequalities.
20 min

Creating equations (Teacher Directed) students have a guided

instruction group facilitated by the teacher through a PowerPoint and whiteboards.

Students are given a brief review of the things they have learned and have been
working on and then are presented with problems from the PowerPoint to complete
individually on whiteboards so they can easily and quickly present their work.
20 min

Computers for Carnegie Students sign into their online Carnegie

learning account and work independently on the supportive lessons. All students are
at a different place in the unit according to their ability level and current

IV. Evaluation / Assessment

Students are assessed through Carnegie. Carnegie allows the teacher to create
reports that describe where students are in the unit, what their understanding is of
the content, whether or not they are guessing or not, and how much time they
spend on each section.

Students self assess in the independent learning group by checking their answers
with an answer key once they have shown completion of the worksheet. They are
then asked to make corrections to any problems they got wrong so they can learn
from their mistakes.
In the Teacher instructed group, they are assessed informally by quick checks for
understanding through white boards.

V. Materials / Resources
White boards, markers, erasers
Math symbols/key words worksheet
Distinguishing, translating, and evaluating worksheet
Creating Equations PowerPoint

VI. Instructional Strategies


VII. Differentiating for student needs

Students are grouped according to ability.
Low-medium level learners start at the independent study group and work their
way to the teacher directed and then computers. This help them identify their
mistakes and misconceptions so they can be addressed in the teacher directed

group. Computers give them extra support and practice once they have the support
and guidance needed to keep them on the right track.
Medium-high level learners start at the computers and then work their way to
the independent group and then teacher directed group to provide the same
support as the Low-medium learners with a slightly higher difficulty level in order to
effectively challenge their learning.
High level learners start with the teacher directed group in order to ensure they
are at the necessary level of understanding and progressively challenge them to
more difficult problems. They then move to Carnegie and the independent group.
They independent group worksheet supports their leaning in multiple forms, review,
practice, and problems that challenge their thinking processes.

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