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Maintain Your Gains With HMB

Newcomers to lifting make gains almost regardless of how well their workouts are put together
because everythingfrom the movements, loads, and volume of workare a novel training stimulus.
Unfortunately, those gains don't last forever, which leaves you looking for new ways to up the ante.
Anyone who's been in the gym for more than a year or two knows you can't keep doing the same
things and expect uninterrupted gains. Muscle building and strength building are based on the
concept of progressive overload, in which you continue to look for ways to either increase the weight
lifted over time, increase the number of reps performed, or reduce the rest periods.
When you change your training stimulus or feel a little extra sore from a new workout, researchers
have found one supplement in particular to be immensely beneficial: HMB.
Big Benefits
Beta-hydroxy beta-methylbutyrate, or HMB, appears to work by preventing breakdown of proteins in
the muscle. Think about it: When you start a new program, you typically feel more muscle soreness
than usual as muscle fibers experience a greater degree of microtrauma. If your primary goal is to
add mass to your frame, the last thing you want is greater breakdown of all that hard-earned muscle
you've been working for. This is where HMB can work to your advantage.
This means that more protein is spared to help build more muscle. So the idea is that you can train
harder and with more intensity, yet experience less muscle breakdown and a quicker recovery.
Because HMB helps to reduce exercise-induced muscle damage and speed up the recovery process,
you can expect some improvements in your strength, muscle mass, aerobic capacity, and overall
fitness when used in combination with a resistance training program.

The idea is that you can train harder and with more intensity, yet experience less muscle breakdown
and a quicker recovery.
Will HMB Work for You?
For novice lifters, the research is pretty clear: HMB can have a positive effect on both strength and
hypertrophy. A study published in the Nutrition Journal found significant improvements in upperbody strength and reduced muscle damage following four weeks of HMB supplementation combined
with a resistance training program.1 The group that supplemented with HMB also saw a threepound increase in muscle mass and a decrease in percent body fat of 1.1 percent.
HMB: Which Form Is Better?
Don't get caught up in the name game when it comes to HMB supplements. Currently, there have
been 2 forms of HMB used in research studies: calcium HMB (HMB-Ca) and a free-acid form of HMB
(HMB-FA). HMB-FA may increase absorption and retention of HMB to a greater degree than HMBCa; however there is very little research with HMB-FA, so it's difficult to say if one form is better
than the other. At this point, you're safe taking either version.
Reporting similar findings, researchers out of Iowa State University found significant increases in

strength and fat-free mass, and decreases in markers of muscle protein breakdown, following three
weeks of HMB supplementation with resistance training.2
For those who have logged endless hours in the gym lifting the iron, the story is a little less clear.
The positive effects of HMB for trained individuals depends on two things: the volume of work you're
doing in the gym, and how long you supplement. A study published in the Journal of Strength and
Conditioning Research had resistance-trained individuals complete a nine-week resistance-training
intervention while supplementing with either HMB or placebo. The study found a substantial 9.1
percent increase in lower-body strength in the HMB group, as well as a small effect on fat-free
However, supplementing for shorter periods may not deliver the same results for individuals who are
resistance trained, suggesting that supplementation protocols should last at least two months to see
any beneficial changes.5 Additionally, for individuals who aren't actively engaging in higher-volume
training programs, the benefits of HMB are less noticeable. But if you are getting ready to start an
intense training cycle such as Shortcut To Size, Squat Every Day, or even starting show prep, HMB
can give you that extra edge to get you through those tough months and help you stick to your
Stack With HMB to Maximize Results
While HMB alone has shown some promising results, there may be additional benefits when paired
with the right supplement.
HMB + Creatine
Independently, creatine and HMB can enhance the effects of weight training on muscle strength and
size, so it makes sense that combining the two may provide even better results.
Researchers from the Institute of Sport and Physical Education (Poland) examined the effects of
creatine, HMB, and the combination of creatine plus HMB on strength and muscle mass in a group
of individuals undergoing progressive resistance training. While all groups increased muscle mass
and strength, the creatine-plus-HMB group observed greater increases in muscular strength and
size, as well as a greater decrease in body-fat percentage.6
HMB + KIC (alpha-ketoisocaproic acid)
Alpha-ketoisocaproic acid, or KIC, is a lesser-known supplement that doesn't appear to be beneficial
on its own, but when combined with HMB, it may help prevent protein breakdown and speed
recovery. Researchers out of Kingston University (United Kingdom) demonstrated significant
reductions in signs and symptoms of exercise-induced muscle damage following eccentric exercise
when they gave their subjects a combination of HMB (3 grams) and KIC (0.3 grams) daily for 14
Combining HMB with adenosine triphosphate, or ATP, may be the perfect pairing for bringing about
significant changes to your physique. A 2014 study published in the Journal of Strength and
Conditioning reported significant improvements in lean body mass, power, and strength following 12
weeks of resistance training in combination with HMB plus ATP supplementation.8

On training days, I recommend taking one dose immediately after your workout, with the other two
doses taken with meals.
Optimal Timing and Dosage
Typical supplementation protocols for HMB recommend 3 grams per day, split into equal doses of 1
gram taken throughout the day. On training days, I recommend taking one dose immediately after
your workout, with the other two doses taken with meals. On nontraining days, just take in 1 gram
with breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Because it takes a couple weeks to see the full benefits of HMB, I
recommend supplementing for two weeks before you start a new program for optimal results.
While the jury may still be out on HMB supplementation in highly trained individuals, if you're new
to the game and looking for a supplement to get you started on the right trackor a veteran of the
iron getting ready to enter a particularly intense training cycleHMB may be worth a try.
ReferencesPanton, L. B., Rathmacher, J. A., Baier, S., & Nissen, S. (2000). Nutritional
supplementation of the leucine metabolite beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate (HMB) during
resistance training. Nutrition, 16(9), 734-739. Nissen, S., Sharp, R., Ray, M., Rathmacher, J. A.,
Rice, D., Fuller, J. C., ... & Abumrad, N. (1996). Effect of leucine metabolite beta-hydroxy-bea-methylbutyrate on muscle metabolism during resistance-exercise training. Journal of Applied
Physiology, 81(5), 2095-2104. Stout, J. R., Miramonti, A. A., Fukuda, D. H., Wang, R., Townsend, J.
R., Mangine, G. T., ... & Hoffman, J. R. (2014). High-intensity interval training and beta-hydrox-beta-methylbutyric free acid improves aerobic power and metabolic thresholds. Thomson, J. S.,
Watson, P. E., & Rowlands, D. S. (2009). Effects of nine weeks of beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate
supplementation on strength and body composition in resistance trained men. The Journal of
Strength & Conditioning Research, 23(3), 827-835. Krieder, R. B., Ferreira, M., Greenwood, M., &
Wilson, M. (2000). Effects of calcium beta-HMB supplementation during training on markers of
catabolism, body composition, strength and sprint performance. Journal of Exercise Physiology, 3(4),
48-57. Jwko, E., Ostaszewski, P., Jank, M., Sacharuk, J., Zieniewicz, A., Wilczak, J., & Nissen, S.
(2001). Creatine and beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate (HMB) additively increase lean body mass
and muscle strength during a weight-training program. Nutrition, 17(7), 558-566. Van Someren, K.
A., Edwards, A. J., & Howatson, G. (2005). Supplementation with [beta]-hydroxy-[bet]-methylbutyrate (HMB) and [alpha]-ketoisocaproic acid (KIC) reduces signs and symptoms of
exercise-induced muscle damage in man. International Journal of Sport Nutrition & Exercise
Metabolism, 15(4), 413-424. Lowery, R. P., Joy, J. M., Rathmacher, J. A., Baier, S. M., Fuller Jr, J.,
Shelley 2nd, M. C., ... & Wilson, J. M. (2014). Interaction of beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate free
acid (HMB-FA) and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) on muscle mass, strength, and power in resistance
trained individuals. Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research.

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