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Report of the

Quality Assurance Review Team

Star Valley High School
P.O. Box 8000
445 W. Swift Creek Lane
Afton, Wyoming 83110
United States

Mrs. Shannon Harris

Review Dates: 10/06/2009 - 10/07/2009

North Central Association Commission on Accreditation and School Improvement (NCA CASI) and the Southern Association
of Colleges and Schools Council on Accreditation and School Improvement (SACS CASI) are accreditation divisions of
Star Valley High School

Quality Assurance Review Report


About AdvancED and NCA CASI/SACS CASI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Introduction to the Quality Assurance Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Summary of Findings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Commendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Next Steps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Standards for Accreditation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Standard 1. Vision and Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Standard 2. Governance and Leadership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Standard 3. Teaching and Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Standard 4. Documenting and Using Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Standard 5. Resource and Support Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Standard 6. Stakeholder Communications and Relationships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Standard 7. Commitment to Continuous Improvement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Appendix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Quality Assurance Review Team Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
AdvancED Standards for Quality Schools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

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Background. Founded in 1895, the North Central Association Commission on Accreditation and School
Improvement (NCA CASI) and the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Council on Accreditation and
School Improvement (SACS CASI) accredit public and private schools and districts in 30 states, the Navajo
Nation, Latin America, and the Department of Defense Schools worldwide.

In April 2006, the North Central Association Commission on Accreditation and School Improvement (NCA
CASI), the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Council on Accreditation and School Improvement
(SACS CASI), and National Study of School Evaluation (NSSE) came together to form one strong unified
organization dedicated to education quality. That unified organization, known as AdvancED, creates the world's
largest education community, representing 27,000 public and private schools and districts across the United States
and in 65 countries worldwide and educating 15 million students.

NCA CASI and SACS CASI serve as accreditation divisions of AdvancED. Through AdvancED, NCA CASI and
SACS CASI have defined shared, research-based accreditation standards that cross state, regional, and national
boundaries. Accompanying these standards is a unified accreditation process designed to help schools
continuously improve.

The Accreditation Process. To earn and maintain accreditation from NCA CASI or SACS CASI, schools must:

1) Meet the AdvancED Standards for Quality Schools. Schools demonstrate adherence to the seven AdvancED
standards which describe the quality practices and conditions that research and best practice indicate are necessary
for schools to achieve quality student performance and organizational effectiveness.

2) Engage in continuous improvement. Schools implement a continuous improvement process that articulates
the vision and purpose the school is pursuing (vision); maintains a rich and current description of students, their
performance, school effectiveness, and the school community (profile); employs goals and interventions to
improve student performance (plan); and documents and uses the results to inform what happens next (results).

3) Demonstrate quality assurance through internal and external review. Schools engage in a planned process
of ongoing internal review and self-assessment. In addition, schools host an external Quality Assurance Review
Team once every five years. The team evaluates the school's adherence to the AdvancED quality standards,
assesses the efficacy of the school's improvement process and methods for quality assurance, and provides
commendations and recommendations to help the school improve. The team provides an oral exit report to the
school and a written report detailing the team's recommendations. The school acts on the team's
recommendations and submits a progress report following the review.

NCA CASI and SACS CASI accreditation engages the entire school community in a continuous process of self-
evaluation and improvement. The overall aim is to help schools be the best they can be on behalf of the students
they serve.

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Introduction to the Quality Assurance Review

Purpose. The purpose of the Quality Assurance Review is to:

1. Evaluate the school's adherence to the AdvancED quality standards.

2. Assess the efficacy of the school's improvement process and methods for quality assurance.
3. Identify commendations and recommendations to improve the school.
4. Make an accreditation recommendation for review by the national AdvancED Accreditation Commission.

A key aim of the Quality Assurance Review is to verify that the school is operating with institutional integrity -
that it is fulfilling its vision and mission for its students.

School Preparation. To prepare for the Quality Assurance Review, the school community engages in an in-depth
self assessment of each of the seven AdvancED standards. The school identifies and describes the evidence that
demonstrates that it is meeting each standard. Through this internal review, the school examines how its systems
and processes contribute to student performance and school effectiveness.

Summary of Team Activities. The Quality Assurance Review Team is led by an AdvancED certified team chair
and comprised of professionals from outside the school. The team reviews the findings of the school's internal
self-assessment, conducts interviews with representative groups of stakeholders, reviews student performance data
and other documentation provided by the school, and observes practices and daily operations. The team engages
in professional deliberations to reach consensus on the school's adherence to the standards for accreditation. The
team provides an oral exit report and prepares a written Quality Assurance Review Team Report designed to help
the school improve.

The Quality Assurance Review Team Report. Following the visit, the review team completes the Quality
Assurance Review report. After review by a nationally-trained reader, the report is submitted to the school. The
report contains commendations and recommendations for improvement.

Using the Report - Acting on the Recommendations. The school uses the report to guide its improvement
efforts. The school is held accountable for addressing the recommendations identified in the report. The NCA
CASI/SACS CASI State Office is available to assist schools in addressing the recommendations. Following the
Quality Assurance Review Team visit, the school must submit a progress report detailing the actions and progress
the school has made on the team's recommendations. The report is reviewed at the state and national level to
ensure the school is addressing the recommendations.

Accreditation Recommendation. The Quality Assurance Review Team uses the findings from the onsite visit to
make an accreditation recommendation that is reviewed at the state level and by the national AdvancED
Accreditation Commission. Accreditation is granted by the AdvancED Accreditation Commission and
communicated to the school following action from the commission.

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Summary of Findings

A Quality Assurance Review Team representing the North Central Association Commission on Accreditation and
School Improvement (NCA CASI), a division of AdvancED, visited the Star Valley High School in Afton,
Wyoming, United States on 10/06/2009 - 10/07/2009.

During the visit, members of the Quality Assurance Review Team interviewed Shannon Harris, 3 members of the
administrative team, 24 students, 18 parents, and 42 teachers. In addition, paraprofessionals and other support
staff were interviewed. The team also reviewed documents, student performance data, and other artifacts provided
by the school. Specifically, the team examined the school's systems and processes in relation to the seven
AdvancED standards:

Vision and Purpose

Governance and Leadership
Teaching and Learning
Documenting and Using Results
Resource and Support Systems
Stakeholder Communications and Relationships
Commitment to Continuous Improvement

The AdvancED standards focus on systems within a school and systematic methods of attaining high student
performance and organizational effectiveness. The power of the standards lies in the connections and linkages
between and among the standards. The Quality Assurance Review Team used the AdvancED standards to guide
its review of the school, looking not only for adherence to individual standards, but also for how the school
functions as a whole and embodies the practices and characteristics of a quality school.

Through its examination of the school's adherence to the standards, the Quality Assurance Review Team
identified the following commendations and recommendations.

The Quality Assurance Review Team commends the school for the following strengths and accomplishments.
While additional strengths are noted in the detailed review of each standard that appears later in this report, the
commendations listed below are the strengths that the team believes are most deserving of being highlighted.

Star Valley High School has a comprehensive and well-articulated professional development process.

Artifacts show evidence of the regular use of Staff Development Needs Surveys. These surveys are given
to all staff at SVHS and the results are used to plan for individual and group training. Interviews with
certified and classified staff indicated that everyone had a chance to give input on and participate in staff
development. All staff members participate in an annual personal growth plan.

The full-scale well-articulated staff development planning at SVHS has allowed for programs to be
delivered to students with great fidelity and success.

Star Valley High School (SVHS) has a strong and united mission/vision.
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Interviews with stakeholders, staff and students indicated a consistent and clear vision/mission. The school
improvement plan is closely aligned with the vision/mission of the school.

This common and consistent vision/mission that is shared by stakeholders, student and staff alike allows for
SVHS to maintain a clear focus on their goals which is directly reflected in their increasing student

In addition to the commendations, the Quality Assurance Review Team identified the following recommendations
for improvement. The team focused its recommendations on those areas that, if addressed, will have the greatest
impact on improving student performance and overall school effectiveness. The school will be held accountable
for making progress on each of the recommendations noted in this section. Following this review, the school will
be asked to submit a progress report on these recommendations.

Star Valley High School would benefit from looking at their data sets more longitudinally including
data from subgroups.

While SVHS showed some evidence of longitudinal data review it was somewhat incomplete. Charts
showing longitudinal data was available in only some assessment areas and no sub group areas.

Looking at longitudinal data helps the school see trends across the whole population as well as the
subgroups. This can better inform the school improvement planning process and selection of interventions.

Find a strategic way to identify and analzye data regarding subgroups from the communites across
the valley that make up the high school student body.

Artifacts and interviews indicate that data tends to be mostly disaggregated in the area of special education
and not other potential sub group areas.

Star Valley High School serves communities from throughout the valley and it is recommended that the
school look at the achievement of the students from across these different communities to see if any
significant differences exist.

Review of AdvancED Standards for Quality Schools: The team reviewed the school's adherence to each of the
AdvancED standards. The findings from this review are provided in the next section of this report.

Next Steps
The school should:

1. Review and discuss the findings from this report with all stakeholders.
2. Ensure that plans are in place to embed and sustain the strengths noted in the commendations section to
maximize their impact on the school.
3. Develop action plans to address the recommendations made by the team. Include methods for monitoring
progress toward the recommendations.
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4. Use the report to guide and strengthen the school's efforts to improve student performance and school
5. Following the Quality Assurance Review, submit the Accreditation Progress Report detailing progress
made toward addressing the team's recommendations. The report will be reviewed at the state and national
level to ensure that significant progress is being made toward the recommendations. Lack of progress can
result in a change in accreditation status.
6. Continue to meet the AdvancED accreditation standards, submit required reports, engage in continuous
improvement, and document results.

AdvancED offers a range of resources to support your school as it acts on the findings in this report. The
AdvancED Resource Network, available at www.advanc-ed.org/resourcenetwork, provides an online network of
peer-to-peer practices, best practices, and resources and tools designed to help schools with their improvement
efforts. Available any where, any time, the network can be queried for information on a variety of school
improvement subjects. The AdvancED Research and Development division provides research, handbooks, and
tools to assist schools with continuous improvement. In addition, your state office provides hands-on professional
development and ongoing technical assistance. Contact your state office for more information on the range of
resources available to you.

Celebrating Accreditation
Following the visit, the Quality Assurance Review Team submits an accreditation recommendation to AdvancED
for state review and for action at the national level by the AdvancED Accreditation Commission, which confers
accreditation and communicates it to the school. Upon receiving its accreditation, the school should celebrate its
achievement with the school community. The NCA CASI accreditation seals are available at www.advanc-
ed.org/communicationskit for accredited schools and districts to post on their website and to use in school
communications. Flags, door decals, diploma seals, and lapel pins are also available and can be ordered from the
website to help you share your accomplishment with your community.

The accreditation process engages the school in an ongoing journey of continuous improvement. The next steps in
this journey are to build on the strengths and address the recommendations noted in this report. Doing so will
enable the school to advance in its quest for excellence and deepen the fulfillment of its mission for all students.

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Standards for Accreditation

The primary requirement for accreditation is that the Star Valley High School demonstrates that it meets the seven
standards for accreditation. The findings of the Quality Assurance Review Team regarding the standards for
accreditation are summarized on the following pages.

Standard 1. Vision and Purpose

Standard: The school establishes and communicates a shared purpose and direction for improving the
performance of students and the effectiveness of the school.

Description - The team noted how the school met the intent of the standard based on the preponderance
of evidence:
Star Valley High School is committed to a shared purpose and direction as evidenced through a written
vision and mission that is displayed throughout the school and community. During interviews with
students it was evident that expectations for their learning is directly aligned with the school vision and
mission. Evidence gathered through artifact review as well as through interviews shows that staff,
students, parents and community are actively involved in determining the vision and mission of the
school. Artifacts, including the school budget and staffing procedures as well as information gathered
through staff interviews, demonstrate that the vision and mission of the school are well supported with
human, material and financial resources. Staff members report that input from community and students
gathered through the use of surveys and advisory meeting is used to determine the quality of the school
vision and mission. Evidence gathered through documents provided by the school indicate that this
information is used to update and renew the vision/mission as needed.
Strengths - The team noted the following successful practices deserving of recognition:
Multiple forms of media are used in the creation and dissemination of the vision and mission to
include radio, school website, school quarterly newsletter, and the local newspaper.
Students were involved in the creation of the vision/mission statement logo through a contest.
A process of using survey data from staff, students and parents in many areas including the
gathering of input regarding the direction of the school is well documented.
High survey return rate is attributed partly to the very creative ipod giveaway which shows a
commitment to creatively and actively finding ways to solicit input from parents on the direction
and policies of the school.
Commitment by leadership to yearly participation at the Model Schools Conference as well as
overall professional development planning document and procedures ties directly to the rigor,
relevance and relationship priorities identified in the schools vision.
The Freshman House initiative ties directly to the vision and mission of the school and was
developed based off of data indicating that the freshman year is crucial to the overall success of
students at SVHS.
The vision and mission of the school is well posted throughout the school as well as throughout
businesses in the community.
The use of Community Advisory Panel which includes parents, community and business
members creates an avenue for the school to solicit regular input into the direction and policies of
the school from the community as a whole.

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Interviews with students indicate that they are familiar with the essence of the school vision and
mission and that they feel the faculty and staff at SVHS align their teaching and expectations with
the vision/mission
The school as well as distrcit budget provides the necessary financial resources to allow for
purchases of services, materials and equipment to support school efforts in moving toward the
Opportunities - The team offers the following opportunities for improvement for consideration by the
Develop succinct and measurable goals that address the vision statement in order to provide further
clarification and a point of measurement toward the vision. This may also help you further define
the types of data that you need to be collecting for purposes of evaluating the progress of the school
towards the vision/mission.
Expand the school profile to include more subgroups like special education and geographically
unique students. Recognizing that SVHS does not have a student population in many of the
typical desegregation areas, it undoubtedly has its own unique subgroups that should be looked at
intentionally to determine if they are making similar progress as the student majority.

Finding: Star Valley High School has earned the overall assessment level of "Highly Functional" and has met
this standard for accreditation.

Standard 2. Governance and Leadership

Standard: The school provides governance and leadership that promote student performance and school

Description - The team noted how the school met the intent of the standard based on the preponderance
of evidence:
Star Valley High School leadership provides a solid foundation of support for their staff. Interviews with
staff indicated that the administration is committed to and focused on improving students'
performance. Artifacts show evidence of regular meetings with staff and other stakeholders where student
performance data was reviewed and improvement plans were put in place in order to increase student
achievement. Staff interviews as well as interviews with the SVHS School Improvement Team indicate
that all staff feel they have the opportunity to participate in decisions and are provided leadership
opportunities within the school community. There is documentation of budgetary processes that align
expenditures with student achievement needs. School and district handbooks show evidence of policies
and procedures that have been collaboratively developed and agreed upon and implemented throughout
the school. There is evidence in artifacts as well as through interviews of shared responsibility for both
policy and curriculum development. An effective learning community exists between students, staff,
parents and community. When interviewed, staff members repeatedly indicated that their input is sought,
valued, and used as building leadership works collaboratively to address students' performance and school
effectiveness. A diverse system of communication including the creative and up-to-date use of
technology provides pertinent information to parents and the community on a regular basis.

Strengths - The team noted the following successful practices deserving of recognition:
School media provides an adequate assessment plan, staffing chart, protocol handbook, parent

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handbook, student handbook, personnel evaluation plan and a crisis plan.

Students, staff and parents agree that the administration has an “open door” policy.
School Improvement Team works as an effective vehicle for two way communication between staff
and administration.
Mini grants awarded by the principal promote innovation by providing individual teachers with
opportunities to implement unique programs or learning experiences for students.
Community Advisory Panel is involved in decision making and policy implementation and review.
SVHS students participate in decision making as class officers or student body officers. For these
students there is an expectation and opportunity to communicate with faculty, staff and
administration regarding issues and student concerns.
The FUSION program promotes and pays teachers for taking on leadership roles.
Moving conferences once each year to the “Lower Valley” helps give parents from that geographic
area more of a voice in the school program.

Opportunities - The team offers the following opportunities for improvement for consideration by the
Plan, implement and evaluate additional ways to disaggregate student performance data. While
overall students performance at SVHS is strong, further improvement will depend on identifying
and looking closely at the groups of students who are not making growth at the same rate as the
student majority.
Continue to seek methods of involving parents from geographically challenging areas.
Write measurable goals for the “soft skills” identified in the school mission. While the staff and
Community Advisory Panel all feel that these are vital skills for student success at the next level it
can be difficult to measure progress in this area with out identifying the indicators of success in
these areas.

Finding: Star Valley High School has earned the overall assessment level of "Operational" and has met this
standard for accreditation.

Standard 3. Teaching and Learning

Standard: The school provides research-based curriculum and instructional methods that facilitate achievement
for all students.

Description - The team noted how the school met the intent of the standard based on the preponderance
of evidence:
Star Valley High School has implemented a curriculum based on clear and measurable expectations for
student learning that provides opportunities for students. Interviews with teachers, administration and
students as well as observations made during classroom visits show that SVHS uses proven instructional
practices that actively engage students in the learning process. Evidence of curriculum mapping and
common syllabi in artifacats provided by the school demonstrate both horizontal and vertical alignment of
skills and knowledge. Interviews with students indicate that teachers provide opportunities for students to
apply their knowledge and skills to real world situations through clubs and activities.

SVHS develops and implements curriculum based on clearly defined expectations for student learning:
rigor, relevance, and relationships. The expectations for student learning are clearly tied to the school's

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vision/mission. The team found through observations and interviews that the rigor and relevance
framework promoted involvement of students in the learning process, including opportunities for them to
explore higher-order thinking skills and investigate new approaches through extra-curricular clubs and
activities. Through interviews and evidence the team found the school, specifically the SIT team, gathers,
analyzes, and uses data and research such as Proficiency Assessments for Wyoming Students scores
and Measures of Academic Progress results in making curricular and instructional choices. There is
evidence, through staff development practices, that SVHS also implements instructional strategies,
innovations, and activities that are research-based and reflective of best practices such as guided reading,
LoTi technology, Power Teacher, web pages and blogs, and new teacher mentoring. The team found there
is also articulation and alignment between and among all levels. The school also implements interventions
to help students meet expectations for student learning through Individual Education Plans, homeroom,
summer school, extended day, and Freshman House. The team found evidence that through surveys, the
school monitors climate and takes appropriate steps to ensure it is conducive to student learning.
Observations as well as artifacts indicate that the media center provides comprehensive information that
supports instructional programs such as a soft source list and available media resources such as a variety
of guided reading books. Furthermore, the team found SVHS also ensures that all students and staff
members have access to instructional technology such as SmartBoards, Elmos, a media list, and staff
development through intentional planning of fiscal resources.

Strengths - The team noted the following successful practices deserving of recognition:
Interviews with staff, students and parents indicated that SVHS reinforces the vision/mission of
rigor, relevance, and relationships throughout the use of curriculum and instructional methods that
are closely aligned with the schools vision/mission .
Lesson plans provided in documentation indicate that SVHS has procedures in place for analyzing
the rigor and relevance of classroom lesson.
SVHS also provides several technology resources for students and teachers to promote learning in
addition to hands-on resources such as books, artifacts and career technology.
The team found, through classroom observations, evidence of technology being used in classrooms
and students actively using these resources. Students indicated that the use of resources and access
to technology reinforces their learning and preparation for a world based on appropriate use of
Professional development documents as well as interviews with staff indicate that processes used for
determining appropriate curriculum and instruction strategies include a screen for practices that are
research based. This process has created a commitment to the use of the Rigor and Relevance
Framework throughout the school. The use of these instructional strategies is supported through
continued staff development for all staff.

Opportunities - The team offers the following opportunities for improvement for consideration by the
Disaggregate student data by subgroups, such as the migrant population, to look for any needs
regarding differentiation of instruction and/or curriculum regarding your sub group populations.
Record and assess longitudinal student data, including subgroups, to identify trends and needs.
SVHS provided evidence of assessing holistic student data from PAWS and MAP scores, but
tracking this information over time will show overall student learning trends and subgroup needs
which may lead to better curriculum alignment and alternate instructional strategies.

Finding: Star Valley High School has earned the overall assessment level of "Operational" and has met this
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standard for accreditation.

Standard 4. Documenting and Using Results

Standard: The school enacts a comprehensive assessment system that monitors and documents performance and
uses these results to improve student performance and school effectiveness.

Description - The team noted how the school met the intent of the standard based on the preponderance
of evidence:
Star Valley High School has a comprehensive assessment system including PAWS, MAP, American
College Testing program and Common Assessments. Lesson plans show the use of student data to plan
for individuals and groups within a given performance level. Artifacts included results from survey data as
well as assessment data and interviews indicating that this data is used for school improvement
planning. The School Improvement Team indicated during interviews that student performance data is
reviewed whenever it becomes evident that a deficiency exits and that the SIT team is involved in
determining interventions to address problem areas on an ongoing basis. It is evident through artifacts and
interviews that school and student success is communicated through a variety of media and school based
sources. Artifacts included trend data in whole group areas that show continued improvement in student
performance over time.

Interviews with staff and stakeholders indicate that an important part of the school's vision/mission lies in
the student demonstration in "soft skills" areas such as work ethic. While the tracking of performance on
assessments is used by the school to determine growth in academic areas, the tracking of improvement in
these others areas is less formal.
Strengths - The team noted the following successful practices deserving of recognition:
SVHS uses student data to adjust instruction as needed throughout the year. When a deficit is noted
a plan for improvement is immediately developed and implemented through the school
improvement team.
Several different assessments are used to determine overall growth in student achievement.
Some evidence exists in documentation to show the use of data to make instructional decisions for
individual students but a formal process does not appear to be in place.
The development of the Freshman House program was based off the review of data regarding the
success of students in their freshman year. Analysis of freshman performance as well as behavioral
data led the school to develop a program to more successfully transition freshman into
SVHS. Continued review of data after the start of the program indicates a great deal of improvement
in the success of fresman sudents at SVHS.

Opportunities - The team offers the following opportunities for improvement for consideration by the
Document and analyze data for subgroups and develop instructional practices that respond to this
data analysis.
SVHS uses a continuous improvement process and monitors and adjusts as needed. When
adjustments are made it is suggested that a process for review of effectiveness is determined and that
post intervention data is looked at for the majority of the interventions.
Look for ways to share results of school improvement planning efforts to more comprehensively
include all assessments used to measure growth including progress being made on the "soft skills"

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embedded in the school vision/mission.

Finding: Star Valley High School has earned the overall assessment level of "Operational" and has met this
standard for accreditation.

Standard 5. Resource and Support Systems

Standard: The school has the resources and services necessary to support its vision and purpose and to ensure
achievement for all students.

Description - The team noted how the school met the intent of the standard based on the preponderance
of evidence:
Documentation regarding the use of fiscal resources at Star Valley High School shows that allocation of
resources supports the agreed upon vision and purpose of the school. Interviews with staff indicated that
access to fiscal as well as human resources allows them to deliver curriculum and instruction effectively to
their students. Documentation in artifacts show that SVHS has a budgeting process in place that considers
the achievement needs of the students as well as the overall school improvement planning needs when
determining budget allocations. Interviews with staff indicated that human resources are more than
adequate to meet the achievement needs of the students. All stakeholders, regardless of position, promote
a rigorous, relevant curriculum while building relationships with students.

Based upon interviews, evidence, and observations the team found the high school employs a highly-
qualified staff who are assigned responsibilities based on their personal and professional qualifications.
Staff assignments are sufficient to meet the school’s vision and purpose. The team found evidence that
each staff member continues his or her professional development according to individual plans and in-
service workshops in addition to a required teacher education course. Additionally, the team found
financial resources support educational programs and improvements through categorical funds, mini-
grants, and allocated funds for student achievement. The team observed and found evidence that SVHS
provides a safe, orderly environment through means such as locked exterior doors, hallway cameras, and
staff supervision. Moreover, there is evidence that to ensure safety, the school provides student and teacher
handbooks, a crisis response checklist and classroom quick reference, and lockdown training for all
students and teachers. Each student at the high school has access to guidance services through annual
meetings, yearly checklists, senior handbooks, career pamphlets, and review of college applications.
Students with special needs receive appropriate support according to their Individualized Educational
Strengths - The team noted the following successful practices deserving of recognition:
SVHS provides support for new teachers through required courses, in-service workshops, and
especially the mentor program. This fiscal commitment to staff development and support creates and
maintains high quality teachers and paraprofessionals.
SVHS employs a comprehensive staff evalution system that allows for all staff members, certified
and classified to identify nd receive support in growth areas each year .
Observations throughout the school indicated that SVHS maintains the site, facilities, services, and
equipment in an exceptional manner provide for a safe and orderly environment for all stakeholders.
The team observed a safe, clean facility in excellent working order. Artifacts indicated that policies
and procedures are in place to assure for compliance with state and federal regulations as necessary.

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Artifacts indicate that a formal process for determing the use of fiscal and human resources in in
place and focused on the schoo vision/mission and school improvement planning needs.

Opportunities - The team offers the following opportunities for improvement for consideration by the
Review and practice the components of the written crisis intervention plan with faculty, staff and
students on a regularly scheduled basis. While a written plan is in place it was unclear how the plan
is disseminated and taught to all stakeholders.
Formally determine how to use fiscal and human resources to support the achievement of lower
performing subgroups.

Finding: Star Valley High School has earned the overall assessment level of "Highly Functional" and has met
this standard for accreditation.

Standard 6. Stakeholder Communications and Relationships

Standard: The school fosters effective communications and relationships with and among its stakeholders.

Description - The team noted how the school met the intent of the standard based on the preponderance
of evidence:
Star Valley High School utilizes multiple methods to communicate with and attempt to gain commitment
from stakeholders. These methods include an active and up-to-date school website, a Community
Advisory Panel composed of parents as well as members from the business community, a Parent
Advisory Committee school newsletters and local newspapers. It is apparent through interviews,
observations and the review of artifacts that SVHS has a strong base of support and that the majority of the
stakeholders feel that they are able to contribute in a meaningful way to the direction of the
school. Faculty and staff consistently commented throughout the interview process that all staff have
frequent and meaningful opportunities to be involved in leadership positions. During interviews it was
clear that staff members from all areas felt like they truly had an impact on the school and students

Interviews with stakeholders groups indicate that they support the direction of the school and feel like they
are well informed regarding the progress of the school. Stakeholders report that while not everyone takes
an active role in the school that everyone has the opportunity to do so in a variety of different ways. They
report being aware of and using the may forms of school communication provided by SVHS. In an effort
to bring the school vision forward into the community the school provides posters with the vision/mission
statement for businesses to have and display.

Interviews and artifacts indicate that students are encouraged and supported to participate as active
members of the community. Documentation and interviews with stakeholders indicated that students often
take their learning out into the local businesses and that local business owners are invited to share their
expertise within the classroom. Each year SVHS students participate in a community service project,
providing help for projects within the community.

Strengths - The team noted the following successful practices deserving of recognition:
The school has developed a Community Advisory Panel in conjunction with their Parent Advisory

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Committee. This creates a strong bond between the community and the school, giving the local
businesses some input into the direction of the school. It also provides the school with an formal and
regular means of gathering input on policies and procedures to enable alignment between school and
community expectations.
Star Valley High School uses technology to enhance communication with parents and community
members, including placing survey topics on the school website so that any parent or community
member can access and give input to school related issues. They are also taking advantage of cell
phone technology by offering students and parents the opportunity to subscribe to a text-blasting
program that allows the school to send mass texts regarding up-coming school events and last
minutes changes and information.
Students and parents are able to easily and regularly check attendance, behavior and grades by
accessing the school's student management system via the internet.
Opportunities - The team offers the following opportunities for improvement for consideration by the
Plan, develop and implement a strategic plan to solicit and use input from the various communities
that feed into the high school. While all stakeholders are provided the opportunity to participate
those that live outside of Afton may need additional help and encouragement because they live in
different towns throughout the valley.
Look for ways to build positive relationships between stakeholders from the different communities.
Because SVHS receives kids from communities throughout the Star Valley area it is a challenge to
bring stakeholders together from across communities.

Finding: Star Valley High School has earned the overall assessment level of "Operational" and has met this
standard for accreditation.

Standard 7. Commitment to Continuous Improvement

Standard: The school establishes, implements, and monitors a continuous process of improvement that focuses
on student performance.

Description - The team noted how the school met the intent of the standard based on the preponderance
of evidence:
Evidence exists to indicate that Star Valley High School has and continues to be involved in the
continuous improvement process. A school and community profile is made available to staff and
community members. The profile is disseminated through school mailings to parent and community and
used for analysis by staff for school improvement planning purposes. Interview with staff members
indicated they review the profile at least yearly, analyze and report on student performance in a variety of
areas to the school community.

SVHS maintains a school improvement plan that is updated regularly based on student achievement and
school and community survey data. Interviews indicate that the school improvement plan is shared in
writing as well as reviewed and discussed at CAP and PAC meetings at the beginning of each school
year. Artifacts as well as interviews with staff, students and other stakeholders indicated that the
vision/mission is clear and used as a point of reference during data analysis and school improvement
planning. Interviews with staff and the School Improvement Team also indicated that student performance

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and behavioral data is gathered on an ongoing basis throughout the school year and that interventions and
adjustment to policies, procedures, curriculum and instruction are made as needed to enhance school

All staff members participate in varied and relevant staff development opportunities. Through the
interview process stakeholders noted that opportunities for continued growth were made available to all
members of the SVHS staff. There is evidence through interviews and documentation of an active School
Improvement Team that monitors the effectiveness of the School Improvement Plan. Results are
communicated through newsletters, radio, newspaper and internet.

Strengths - The team noted the following successful practices deserving of recognition:
SVHS has achieved outstanding results in parent input using the survey process. They have
effectively used an online survey instrument to solicit information from over three hundred parents
regarding mission and other school related issues. Documentation and interview information
indicate that the information gathered is incorporated into the school improvement planning process.
Interviews with staff and students indicate that the school improvement goals are all closely aligned
with the overall vision and mission of the school.
There is documented evidence of a schoolwide staff development plan that allows staff to align
professional growth plans with the goals of the school improvement plan.
Interviews with staff indicate that decisions regarding the use of instructional strategies are made
using the school's vision/mission and school improvement goals as a guide.

Opportunities - The team offers the following opportunities for improvement for consideration by the
Disaggregate test data more thoroughly by identifying any potential subgroups that may be under
Design and implement interventions strategies to increase achievement for established subgroups as
they exist.
Construct a data dissemination format that is easier for analysis and shows longitudinal trend
information for the student population as a whole as well as for your identified sub groups.
Look for intentional ways to measure student improvement against different interventions to more
formally document the effectiveness of the interventions.

Finding: Star Valley High School has earned the overall assessment level of "Operational" and has met this
standard for accreditation.

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The commendations and recommendations in this report are designed to focus the school on those areas that will
have the greatest impact on student performance and school effectiveness. While powerful in potential, the
commendations and recommendations only have meaning when acted upon by the school. The strength of this
report lies in the school's commitment to using the findings to continuously improve. The key is action. The
school is encouraged to use the report as a call to action, a tool to sustain momentum in the ongoing process of
continuous improvement.

The team identified several recommendations for improvement that the school will need to address. Following this
review, the school will be required to submit a progress report summarizing its progress toward addressing the
team's recommendations.

The Quality Assurance Review Team expresses appreciation to the School Administration, members of the
professional staff, students, parents and other community representatives for their hospitality throughout the visit.
The team wishes the school and its students much success in the quest for excellence through NCA CASI
accreditation with AdvancED.

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Quality Assurance Review Team Members

Dr. JoAnne Flanagan, Chair (Riverton High School)
Andrea Bradshaw, Team Member (Riverton High School)
Ms. Tammy Cox, Team Member (Fremont County School District # 24)
Valerie Campbell, Team Member (Riverton High School)

AdvancED Standards for Quality Schools

The AdvancED Standards for Quality Schools are comprehensive statements of quality practices and conditions
that research and best practice indicate are necessary for schools to achieve quality student performance and
organizational effectiveness. As schools reach higher levels of implementation of the standards, they will have a
greater capacity to support ever-increasing student performance and organizational effectiveness. Each of the
seven standards listed below has corresponding indicators and impact statements which can be accessed at

Vision and Purpose

The school establishes and communicates a shared purpose and direction for improving the performance of
students and the effectiveness of the school.

Governance and Leadership

The school provides governance and leadership that promote student performance and school effectiveness.

Teaching and Learning

The school provides research-based curriculum and instructional methods that facilitate achievement for all

Documenting and Using Results

The school enacts a comprehensive assessment system that monitors and documents performance and uses these
results to improve student performance and school effectiveness.

Resource and Support Systems

The school has the resources and services necessary to support its vision and purpose and to ensure achievement
for all students.

Stakeholder Communications and Relationships

The school fosters effective communications and relationships with and among its stakeholders.

Commitment to Continuous Improvement

The school establishes, implements, and monitors a continuous process of improvement that focuses on student

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