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Home SURAH 5: Al-Mâ'idah

1 O Jama’at-ul-Momineen, observe the restrictions imposed on you by Allah carefully. He

has made animals which graze, lawful for you, as food, excepting those for which instructions have
been given separately (2/173, 5/3). If you are in the state of pilgrimage do not hunt these animals.
Verily, Allah ordains what He deems proper.

2 Do not profane (i) the symbols designed by Allah (2/158) and (ii) the sacred months during
which waging wars is prohibited. The animals which pilgrims take for their use must be protected
(22/28, 22/36). Those who go for pilgrimage must not be ill-treated so that they may be in a
position to seek the bounties of their Sustainer and His accord and discuss their programmes and
plans peacefully. When Hajj is over, you may resort to hunting again. In Makkah you will meet
those who inflicted great hardships on you for a long time, even, obstructing your entry to the
K’aba. Now you have overcome them but the feeling of revenge should not prevent you from doing
justice to them and induce you to indulge in excesses (5/8). Co-operate with one another in matters
dealing with the welfare of humanity. Adhere to the Laws of Allah. Let the action of your enemies
be judged by the Law of Mukaf’at.

3 Allah has declared the following to be Har’am (2/173):

1. carrion;
2. flowing blood (6/146);
3. the flesh of swine;
4. that which has been dedicated to someone other than Allah;
5. that which has been killed by strangling or by being gored;
6. that which has been partly eaten by a wild beast unless you have slaughtered it properly
before its death;
7. that which has been sacrificed on altars;
8. that which has been apportioned by means of divining arrows (a superstitious custom
amongst the Mushrikeen at that time), as such things would take you away from the right path.

However, if one is faced with a situation when he can find nothing else to eat except the
above, and his life is threatened, then he can partake of what has been declared Har’am provided he
is driven to it by starvation and not out of greed or the desire to violate the Divine Laws (2/173).

Your adversaries who had rejected your Deen have now given up hope of reaching any
compromise with you. The will confront you openly now. Do not be afraid of them. Your
ascendancy over them has been completely established and thus Allah has bestowed His full

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blessings upon you and Islam has been assigned for you, as your Deen, so there is no need for fear
or compromise. You should only fear the consequences of disobeying Allah’s Laws. And most
certainly Allah is the Protector and the Raheem.

4 People ask you, O Rasool, what is made lawful for them. Tell them that excepting what
is Har’am, all pleasant things are Hal’al. You can also eat the flesh of animals seized by your
beasts of prey whom you have trained by means of the capability given to you by Allah. You must
pronounce the name of Allah over these animals and thus take good care of Laws of Allah Who is
swift in reckoning.

5 To reiterate: Excepting that which has been declared to be Har’am, you may partake
everything else which is good and pleasant for you. Also lawful for you is the food prepared by
those who were given the Book (provided it does not contain that which is prohibited to you and if
they also partake of your food).

Chaste and Momin women are lawful for you in marriage and also chaste women from
amongst the people who were given the Book before you, provided you give them their dower and
marry them for the purpose of leading a conjugal life and not for the mere satisfaction of your lust.
Do not have a secret relationship with (4/25). Those who do so exchange Deen for Kufr. All their
actions are rendered waste and in the Hereafter they will be the losers.

6 O Jama’at-ul-Momineen, at the time of Sal’at wash your faces and your hands and arms
up to the elbows and pass your (wet) hands lightly over your head and wash your feet up to the
ankles. If you have cohabited with your wives then take a full bath. If you cannot wash yourself due
to sickness when water is harmful to you or when you are on a journey or have returned from a call
of nature or have touched a woman, and water is not available, in these cases you can clean
yourselves by using soil and wiping your hands and face (4/43).

Allah does not want to impose hardships upon you. His intentions is only to keep you in a
clean state so that He can bestow the full measure of His Blessings upon you and your efforts may

7 Keep in mind the blessings bestowed on you by Allah and the covenant made with Him by
you, saying “We have heard and we will obey.” Therefore, fulfil your covenant by adhering to the
Laws of Allah. Allah’s Law of Mukaf’at is aware even of what is harboured within you.

8 O Jama’at-ul-Momineen, always stand up for justice in the cause of Allah. Let not the
enmity of others towards you make you deviate from the path of justice. Always, and in all
circumstances, act justly. This is akin to Taqwa. Always adhere to the Laws of Allah Who is aware
of all that you do.

9-10 Allah has promised that for those who believe and do good, there will be protection and

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great reward. On the other hand Jaheem shall be the abode of those who reject Allah’s Laws
outright and those who profess to believe in them but whose profession is belied by their actions.

11 O Jama’at-ul-Momineen, recollect the blessings which Allah showed to you when a certain
people were bent upon acting high-handedly towards you. He restrained their hands. Therefore, you
should adhere to Allah’s Laws and repose your trust in Him.

12 Allah had taken a covenant from the Bani-Isr’ael and had raised twelve leaders (guardians)
from amongst them. Allah had assured them that if they established the order of Sal’at and Zak’at,
had faith in Allah’s Rusul supporting their mission, and gave a loan to Allah for humanity’s
betterment, then He would certainly be with them, removing their weaknesses and admitting them
into gardens wherein streams flow. But whoever turns back after this will drift from the path of
prosperity in life.

13 When the Bani-Isr’ael breached the covenant, they deprived themselves of the blessings of
Allah and their hearts were hardened (2/74). They tampered with the phraseology of Divine
Revelation and even set aside a portion of their commandments. They will continue to indulge in
similar activities and you will always discover deceit in them excepting a few of them. So forbear
and overlook. Allah likes those who lead a balanced life.

14 This was about the Jews. From those who call themselves the Nazarenes, We had also
taken a similar covenant. But they neglected a part what was ordained. They split up into sects and
their mutual enmity and spite will be everlasting. It will not be long before Allah will let them know
the actual position of their self-made faith.

15-16 O Ahl-ul-Kit’ab, our Rasool has come to you to lay open much that you were wont to
conceal in your scriptures. He will overlook many of your shortcomings. A light has assuredly
come to you from Allah i.e. a Book of Illumination by which He will guide those who wish to
follow the path of peace and complete harmony. He will bring them out of darkness into light and
direct them to the straight path of success and prosperity in life.

17 Those who deify Messiah, son of Mary, indeed commit Kufr. O Rasool! ask them “Who
could stop Allah if He wished to destroy the Messiah, son of Mary, his mother and all who were on
the earth?” All power and authority in the entire universe belongs to Allah alone. He creates what
He wishes and provides a measure for everything.

18 Jews and Christians say, “We are the beloved children of Allah (and notwithstanding what
we do, paradise belongs to us).” Ask them O Rasool: “Why then does Allah punish you from time
to time for your wrong-doings?” (Even your scriptures are replete with accounts of your
shortcomings and your sufferings.) You are not the beloved children of Allah. You are like others
whom He has created. Both forgiveness and punishment are determined by Allah’s Law of
Mukaf’at. Allah’s Authority dominates the entire universe. All human beings are accountable to

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Him and will be judged according to the Law of Mukaf’at.

19 O Ahl-ul-Kit’ab, Our Rasool has come to you at a time when the light kindled by the
previous Rusul had become dimmed (through the misdoing-doings of their followers) and their
teachings were made ineffective, so that you may not say “There had come to us no bearer of good
tidings, nor a warner.” Now a bearer of good tidings and a warner has come to you and, therefore,
you have no excuse for covering your misdoing. Allah has appointed measures for all things.

20 Call to mind the time when Moses addressed his people, saying “Remember the blessings
bestowed upon you by Allah, by raising Anbia from amongst you and making you possessors of
power and authority and giving you what has never been given to any people before (i.e. the
privileges both of Divine Guidance and kingdom).”

21 He asked them: “O my people enter boldly the land which Allah has assigned to you and
do not turn back lest you be the losers”

22 They said to Moses “Therein live people who are most powerful and oppressive. Surely we
will not enter that land till they are out of it. If they leave it then we will certainly enter it.”

23 Thereupon two men from amongst them* who feared disobeying Allah’s Laws and
whom Allah had favoured with His blessings, said, “Why do you feel so weak and timid? Rush into
the city through its gate. Once you have done that, you will be victorious. You should trust in Allah
if you truly believe in Him.”

24 They said, “O Moses! Never shall we enter the land while they are there. If you are so
confident about Allah’s help, you and your Rabb** can go and fight with them. We will wait and

25 Grieved by their attitude, Moses exclaimed: “My Rabb!, I have no control over anyone
except myself and my brother. You should decide between the two of us and these unruly people.”

26 Thereupon Allah said “Let this land be forbidden to them for forty years. They shall
wander in the wilderness in utter distraction. Since this is the outcome of their own doings, you
should not grieve for them.”

27-29 (Isaac and Ishm’ael were brothers. At first Nubuwwat remained within the descendants of
Isaac. Thereafter, however, it was bestowed upon Ishm’ael’s descendant (i.e. Muhammad, peace be
upon him). The Jews were very envious of this.) To illustrate the results of envy, Allah relates to
them, in due form, the story of the two sons of Adam *** (i.e. two persons). Each of them made an
offering to Allah. The offering of one of them was accepted, and that of the other was not.
Thereupon, the one whose offering was rejected said to the other out of anger and spite, “I will
surely kill you.” The other replied (I have done nothing against you that you should kill me) Allah

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accepts the offering from the Muttaqeen. You may stretch forth your hand to kill me but I will not
do so. I am very much afraid of disobeying Allah’s Laws. It may, however, come about that in
defending myself some harm may come to you. You will be responsible both for your intention to
kill me and the injury you might receive at my hands. You will be the dweller of Jahannam. This is
the recompense of z’alimeen.”

30 (Despite what his brother said) Cain made up his mind to slay his brother and indeed
did so and thus became one of the losers.

31 He killed his brother in anger but when his anger subsided, he was regretful. It so
happened that he saw a raven scratching the earth. This made him think that the raven was
suggesting to him that he should have covered his brother’s fault instead of killing him. When this
dawned upon him he became extremely ashamed of himself.

32 Unjust murder is such a heinous crime that We laid down for the Bani-Isr’ael that if one
kills another except as a punishment for murder or for spreading disorder in the land it shall be as if
he has killed all mankind. On the other hand, if one saves the life of a single person it shall be as if
he has saved the lives of all mankind.

Our Rusul came with instructions as clear as this but the majority of them continued to
commit excesses.

33-34 The recompense of those who are against the Divine System and go about spreading
disorder in the land is execution, crucifixion, physical restraint**** and banishment from the
country. This is their punishment and disgrace in this world and in the Hereafter they will have
even greater chastisement. If they surrender and repent before they are overpowered, they may
secure Allah’s Protection and Rahmat.

35 O Jama’at-ul-Momineen, adhere to Allah’s Laws and try to secure a high rank in His eyes.
For this you should strive hard in the cause of Allah. This is how you will be successful in your

36-37 Those who oppose the Divine Order will not be able to protect themselves from torment
on the Day of Reckoning even if they possessed all the treasures of the world twice over and
offered it as ransom, since this ransom would not be accepted, for a grievous suffering awaits them.
No matter how much they want to flee from Jahannam they will not be able to do so – a long
lasting suffering awaits them.

38-39 As to a thief – man or woman – such restrictions should be imposed on them which render
them incapable of committing such crime.***** If they feel regretful and make amends thereafter
and the authority concerned is satisfied that they can be reclaimed, Divine Order shall take steps to
protect them and make provisions for their nourishment (till they are capable of earning of their

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own), they may be forgiven.

40 Do you not know that Allah has the highest authority in the entire universe? He has
appointed Laws for punishment and forgiveness according to the measures He has devised.

41 O Rasool, let not those people cause you grief who run headlong towards Kufr. They are
(i) those who profess to be believers but, in fact, are not, and (ii) from amongst the Jews. They
come to you so that going back to their companions they may coin lies. They pervert the words of
their scriptures and say to their followers “If the believers give you something like this you should
accept it, otherwise be wary of it.” None will be able to save those who create a fitna, from Allah’s
chastisement. These are the people who do not want that their hearts should be purified. For them
there is disgrace in this world and great chastisement in the Hereafter.

42 To reiterate: The Jews listen to you only to coin lies. They devour that which is unlawful.
Their religious leaders have the authority to decide their disputes but they adopt a very cunning
technique – if they want to favour a person and feel that judgement according to Muslim Law will
be favourable to them, they advise him to go to the Rasool.

O Rasool! they come to you for judgement, it is up to you to take up their case or decline
to interfere. If you decline, it will do you no harm, but if you judge between them, judge justly.
Allah likes those who judge fairly.

43 It is surprising that they come to you for judgement, when they have the Torah with them
and they profess that it contains Allah’s Commandments. They turn away from the Torah. The truth
is that they do not really believe in anything – leave aside their own book.

44 The fact is that We had sent them the Torah which contained guidance and light. Their
Anbia who surrendered to Allah’s Laws used to settle their disputes according to it. The Rabbis and
guardians of Law who were vested with the responsibility of safeguarding Allah’s Revelation and
they also bore witness to its truth, did likewise. So, O Jews! fear none except Me and do not barter
My Injunctions for a paltry price.

Mark this: Those who do not decide their affairs according to what Allah has revealed –
they are the one who in fact are the K’afireen.

45 In that Book (the Torah) We had laid down the Law for them: “Life for life, eye for eye,
nose for nose, ear for ear and tooth for tooth, and for other injuries like for like. If the injured
person foregoes retaliation out of kindliness, this will serve as an atonement for the criminal’s
wrongdoing as for the judges they should remember: “Those who do not judge according to what
Allah has revealed are, in fact the z’alimeen.”

46 We sent Jesus, son of Mary, in the line of the Anbia of the Bani-Isr’ael to confirm that

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which was already in the Torah. We gave him the Injeel, which also contained guidance and light
and confirmed the teachings of the Torah. To reiterate! the Injeel contained guidance and light and
confirmed the teachings of the Torah but the guidance and good counsel contained in it was
beneficial only for those who cared to adhere to Allah’s Laws.

47 The followers of the Injeel were asked to administer justice according to that Book and
were warned that those who do not decide their affairs by what Allah has revealed are indeed, the

48 O Rasool, likewise We have sent you a Book based on truth. It validates and subsumes the
true teachings of the earlier Books. You should judge between them according to what Allah has
revealed and do not follow their desires which make you deviate from the truth. You might ask
yourself when Allah’s guidance sent to all the Anbia was the same (and differences were created
subsequently by their followers) why did Allah not compel the latter to follow His Laws? The
answer is that doing so would have been against Allah’s Plan according to which freedom of the
will has been given to human beings. Moral responsibility for all actions derives from this freedom,
moreover this gives them the greatest incentive to do good deeds, so, O Jama’at-ul-Momineen, be
expeditious in doing good deeds, the result of which will come about according to Allah’s Law of
Mukaf’at. When the Divine Order is established the differences and variations created by the
followers of the earlier Anbia will become manifest.

49 O Rasool! judge between them by what Allah has revealed and follow not their desires. Be
on your guard lest they tempt you away from any of the Commandments of Allah. If they turn away
from the judgement you give, they will certainly fall into fitna for some of their wrongdoing. A
good many of them are f’asiqeen.

50 Those who turn away from the judgement you give, in fact, wish to revert to the time of
Jahiliyyah. But the true Momineen know that there can be no Law or system better than the one
given by Allah.

51 The differences between the Momineen, on the one hand, and Jews and Christians, on the
other, have become clear. Therefore, O Jama’at-ul-Momineen do not take them as friends. Despite
the mutual enmity between Jews and Christians, they are one in their opposition to you. Mark this:
Whosoever takes them as friends will be reckoned as one of them. Certainly the z’alimeen do not
benefit from Allah’s Guidance.

52-53 You will see that the Mun’afiqeen whose hearts are diseased hasten towards befriending
Jews and Christians. They say that if they remain aloof from them they will fall into trouble. The
time will soon come when you will gain victory over these people or any other event may take
place of His Own devising. Whatever they conceal in their hearts will become manifest and they
will feel very regretful. At that time the members of the Jama’at-ul-Momineen will say to one
another: “These were the people who used to swear that they were on our side.” Then all the efforts

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of the Mun’afiqeen will be rendered waste and they shall be the losers.

54 O Jama’at-ul-Momineen, beware that if you turn away from Allah’s Deen (you should not
fancy that it will cause any harm to Allah, nay – you will in fact harm your own self, because) We
will replace you by others who will obey His Laws in preference to everything else in the world
and the result of their obedience will be recompense from Allah. They will act with humility
towards each other but will be firm towards their adversaries. They will strive hard in the cause of
Allah and will not care about what others say. This is blessing from Allah which He bestows on
those who wish to have it according to His Laws for Allah is Infinite and All-Knowing.

55-56 Mark this: Your friends are Allah and the Rasool and the Jama’at-ul-Momineen who
establish the system of Sal’at and Zak’at and always keep themselves collectively submissive to
Allah’s Laws. Those who take Allah and His Rasool and the Jama’at-ul-Momineen for friends will
form a community responsible for the enforcement of Allah’s Laws. They will surely gain the
upper hand.

57 The Kuff’ar and the Ahl-ul-Kit’ab join together to scoff at your Deen. So you should not
take them as your friends. You should adhere to Allah’s Laws if you are true believers.

58-59 When you call Momineen to Sal’at, these people make it an object of jest. They do not
understand that this call is for an assembly of those who strive for their betterment. O Jama’at-ul-
Momineen, ask these Ahl-ul-Kit’ab, if they seek vengeance from you for believing in Allah and
what was revealed to their Rasool as well as to the earlier Anbia. Most of them are, indeed,

60 Let Us tell you who are those who lead wretched lives. They are the ones who, as a result
of their wrongdoings, deprive themselves of Allah’s Blessings, incur His wrath, degrade their
humanity, become objects of ridicule and scorn and are subjected to those who are most oppressive
(2/61, 65). They are in such a wretched position because they have strayed for away from the
straight path.

61 Whenever they come to you they say: “We believe,” whereas, the fact is that they both
came and went back as unbelievers. Allah knows well what they hide.

62 You will find many of them hastening towards wrongdoing and excesses and keen on
devouring what is unlawful. How heinous is all that they do!

63 Why do their guardians of Law and Rabbis abstain from forbidding them to tell lies and
devouring what is unlawful? Instead of enforcing Allah’s Laws, they follow their self-made Laws.
How heinous is all that they do!

64 When Allah asks the Jama’at-ul-Momineen to give financial help for the establishment of

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the Divine Order, Jews say: “Look at their Allah. His own hands are tied and He is begging for
help.” The fact is that the Jews have become so miserly that they do not spend anything for the
benefit of mankind with the result that they are deprived of Allah’s bounties. Allah’s Hands are
stretched out wide open but His ways are His own. His plan is implemented through the
instrumentality of human beings. Instead of reflecting on what We are saying, their Kufr and
excesses are accentuated by it because it points out their weaknesses and wrongdoing. The result of
their attitude is that they develop enmity and spite towards each other. Wherever they live they will
try to spread disorder and kindle the fire of war which Allah puts out through other people. They
run about spreading disorder in the land. Allah does not like such mufsideen.

65 Notwithstanding all this, if the Ahl-ul-Kit’ab had believed in the Quran and adhered to
the Laws contained therein, the ill-effects of their past misdeeds would have been removed and they
would have been admitted to Allah’s blessings.

66 If Jews and Christians had established their systems in conformity to the true teachings of
the Torah and Bible, they would have received sustenance from everywhere. They did not do so.
Now another opportunity had come to them. If they had believed in the revelation contained in the
Quran and acted according to its Laws, similar beneficial results would have followed. There are
only a few amongst them who follow the middle way, others are evil-doers (3/143). Those who
deny the truth cannot follow the right path.

67 Despite their opposition, O Rasool, you should continue delivering Allah’s message to
mankind. If you do not do this you will fail to perform the function of a Rasool. Allah will
safeguard your mission from evildoers (3/144). Those who deny the truth deprive themselves of the
chance to follow the right path.

68 Say: “O Ahl-ul-Kit’ab, until you follow the true teachings of the Torah and the Bible
which are contained in the Quran, nothing will be of any avail to you.” O Rasool! you will see that
the revelation sent to you will provoke greater disdain and Kufr amongst them. You should not
grieve for those who reject Allah’s Revelation.

69 The Jews believe that paradise is reserved for the Bani-Isr’ael and the Christians believe
that the Messiah atoned for their sins. O Rasool, tell them that this is their vain imagining. Allah’s
Law is that any person from amongst:

1. Jews, Christians, Sabaeans;

2. Those who believe in Allah without formally adopting any particular religion; and
3. Those who are Muslim only by virtue of being born in a Muslim family (4/136; 57/28)

Whoever believes in Allah’s Law of Mukaf’at as stated in the Quran and leads life accordingly will
be duly compensated. Such persons will lead a life of heavenly bliss, free of fear, grief and anxiety

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70 This is what We also said to the Bani-Isr’ael. We took a covenant from them and sent
Rusul, one after another, to them. But instead of following them, as soon as a Rasool said anything
which was not agreeable to them, they declared him an impostor and sometimes even plotted to kill
him (2/87).

71 They imagined that regardless of what they did, they were not accountable to anyone. As a
result of this attitude of theirs they lost the capability of understanding. Because of Allah’s Law of
Respite they were not seized immediately. Some of them took advantage of the opportunity and
changed their behaviour. They received Allah’s blessings. This state of affairs, however, continued
for a short while. After that, they resumed their past behaviour with the same results. Allah is
watching to see how they are behaving now.

72 The Christians who deify the Messiah, son of Mary, are certainly unbelievers. The
Messiah had asked the Bani-Isr’ael to obey only Allah Who was his Rabb as well as the Rabb of
Bani-Isr’ael. Who-so-ever ascribes divinity to any being besides Allah can never be admitted to
Jannat and Jahannam shall be his abode. Such z’alimeen shall have no helpers.

73 Similarly, those who believe in the trinity are also K’afireen. There is no god but Allah,
the One. If they will not desist from their wrong belief, they will be considered K’afireen for whom
there is great chastisement.

74 Will these people not turn towards Allah and seek His protection? They should remember
that He alone is the Protector and Raheem.

75 The Messiah was no more than a Rasool. Surely, similar Rusul came before him and
passed away (3/143). The Messiah was a Rasool and his mother was a woman who upheld the
truth. They were human beings and lived on food like other human beings.

Mark, how clear are Allah’s assertions and notice how the Christians turn away from such
plain truth.

76 Say to the Christians, O Rasool! “Will you obey, besides Allah, those who do not have the
power either to harm you or to benefit you? Allah is All-Hearing and Knowing.”

77 Say to the Ahl-ul-Kit’ab “Do not exceed the limits of your Deen (4/171) and do not say
anything about it except the truth. Do not follow the desires of those who had gone astray in the
past, had led many others astray and are still straying from the right path.”

78-79 What is being said about the Bani-Isr’ael is nothing new. David and Jesus said the same
thing about those who adopted Kufr from amongst their people. This was because the latter were

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rebellious and had committed excesses. (The concept of good and bad had become so oblivious
from their minds that) they would not prevent one another from doing whatever hateful things they
wanted to do. How heinous was what they did.

80 You will see many of them befriending the unbelievers. How bad is the material they are
preparing for their future which Allah will never approve of. They will certainly live in torment and

81 Had they believed in Allah, this Nabi and in that which has been sent down to him, they
would certainly not have taken them as their friends. But many of them are f’asiqeen.

82 O Rasool! of all people you will find the Jews and the Mushrikeen of Makkah the most
bitter in their enmity towards the believers. On the other hand, you will see those who call
themselves the Nazarenes nearest in social relationship to the believers.****** This is so because
amongst them there are priests and monks who are not given to arrogance. (Their followers
naturally imbibe their character.)

(83-85) They are so tender-hearted that when they hear what has been revealed to the Rasool and
reflect upon it, they recognise its truth and you will see their eyes overflow with tears. They say: “O
our Rabb; we believe in this revelation; reckon us amongst those who bear witness to this truth.
When we have recognised the truth, why should we, then, not believe in it? We yearn to be
admitted with the community of the S’aliheen.” Due to their belief and sincere desire, Allah
admitted them into Jannat wherein streams flow. This is the recompense of those who live
according to the Divine laws.

(86) On the other hand, those who reject Allah’s laws and consider them false are destined for

(87-88) The Christian monks, adopted monasticism and renounced many of the pleasant things of
life (57/27). O Jama’at-ul-Momineen you should not do this and do not treat as unlawful the
pleasant things which Allah has made lawful for you. If you do this, this will be tantamount to
overstepping the bounds. Allah does not like those who do this.

You should eat of the wholesome things which Allah has made lawful for you and adhere to
the Divine laws in which you believe.

(89) (If you have taken an oath not to partake a particular lawful thing, mind it that) Allah holds
you accountable only for oaths taken with serious intent and not for frivolous oaths (2/225). The
atonement for breaking serious oaths is the feeding of ten poor persons with such food as your
family eats, or the providing of clothes to them or the setting free of a captive. But one who cannot
afford this should fast for three days. This is the atonement for breaking serious oaths which you
have sworn wrongfully. Serious oaths which you have sworn rightfully must be kept. Thus, in this

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way Allah makes His directives clear to you. For this you should be thankful to Him.

(90-91) O Jama’at-ul-Momineen those things which benumb the human intellect e.g. wine etc. and
easily acquired money e.g. through games of chance (2/219), animals sacrificed upon altars and
divining arrows (5/3) are abominable and devised by Shait’an, so refrain from them in order that
you may be prosperous. Shait’an only wants to breed enmity and spite amongst you by means of
wine and games of chance and to hold you back from adhering to Allah’s laws, particularly Sal’at.
Will you not refrain from them?

(92) You should obey Allah and His Rasool i.e. the Divine order established by the Rasool, and be
on your guard. If you turn away you should know that the Rasool’s responsibility is only to deliver
the message.

(93) Those who believe and do good shall not be blamed for what they may have taken before. If
in future they refrain from eating what is unlawful, continue to believe, do good and adhere to
Allah’s laws, they will lead a virtuous life. Allah likes those who lead such lives.

(94) As stated earlier (5/1), hunting while performing Hajj is prohibited. If there is an animal which
is lawful and within your lance’s reach, you would be greatly tempted to hunt it. In such a situation
it will become manifest whether you adhere to Allah’s laws or not. Whoever transgresses the
limitations imposed by Allah will suffer a painful chastisement.

(95) So, O Jama’at-ul-Momineen, you should kill no game while you are performing pilgrimage. If
anyone does so intentionally, he should bring to the K’aba as compensation the offering of an
animal of like value - this being determined by two just persons. Or he may atone by feeding the
poor, or by fasting for an appropriate period. This is required so that he may realize the gravity of
his deed. Allah has overlooked what was done in the past but if anyone repeats the offence Allah
will impose a penalty upon him, Allah has the power and authority to impose punishment.

(96) Prohibition of hunting during the state of pilgrimage is confined to game living on land. The
game of the sea - whether it is in the water or has been thrown upon the land - is however, lawful as
provision for you as well as for those who are on a journey. Every action will be judged according
to Allah’s law of Mukaf’at.

(97-99) Allah has made the K’aba a sanctuary and also the centre of the Divine order whose
ultimate aim is to set all humanity upon its feet making it independent. You should respect the
sanctity of the months during which war is prohibited and abstain from injuring animals brought by
the pilgrims. These things are told to you, so that you should know that Allah is Protector and
Raheem but He is also very strict in punishing. So far as the Rasool is concerned, his function is
only to deliver the message. But Allah knows what you do openly and in secret.

(100) Say to them O Rasool! the lawful and the unlawful are not alike in value even though the

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abundance of what is unlawful may appear attractive to you. Therefore, O people of wisdom and
reflection, adhere to the laws of Allah so that you may prosper.

(101-102) O Jama’at-ul-Momineen! (what is necessary for the guidance of mankind has been given
through the revelation and prescribed in the Quran). Do not probe into what has not been revealed.
If you probe into it while the Quran is being revealed and your question is answered, it may cause
you embarrassment (so it is better for you to avoid such discussion and if you do something which
is wrong and there is no revelations). Allah will overlook that as Allah has in past, overlooked such
failings for He is Forbearing and Protective *******.

People before you (Bani-Isr’ael) used to ask Moses such questions. (The result of their
probing was that they made extra-revelatory laws a part of an unchangeable Shari’at and when they
found this Shari’at impracticable, they repudiated their Deen itself. (2/108)) You should not do

(103) Allah has not sanctioned the practices of the Mushrikeen associated with Baheera, S’aiba,
Waseela and Hami - animals dedicated to idols and set free. If these people claim that these
practices have been enjoined by Allah, they tell a lie. Even human reason would show that these
practices are mere superstition.

(104) When they are asked to come to what Allah has revealed and to His Rasool, they will say:
“No, we will only follow in the footsteps of our ancestors.” In other words they would follow in the
footsteps of their ancestors even if the latter lacked knowledge and wisdom and did not follow the
right path revealed by Allah (2/170).

(105) O Jama’at-ul-Momineen you alone are responsible for the development of your personality
(Nafs). If you follow the right path which may be different from your ancestors’ path, you will not
be harmed by those who follow the wrong path. After all, all human actions are judged according to
Allah’s law of Mukaf’at.

(106) It has been laid down earlier that it is incumbent upon every Momin to make a legally valid
will for his relatives and others close to him (2/180). When anyone approaches death and makes a
bequest there should be two just witnesses from amongst you or lacking that two from amongst
others if he is on a journey. If the witnesses are required to give evidence, the appropriate authority
may detain them after Sal’at. If the party against whom they have testified suspects them of
untruth, they may swear by Allah saying “We have not sold our evidence for any price to any one,
even though he may be a kindred, and we will not conceal the truth and will give evidence only for
Allah’s sake. If we tell a lie we will certainly commit an offence.”

(107) If it is discovered later that the evidence given by them was not true, the party against whom
they have testified may bring two witnesses from amongst them who would swear by Allah and say
“We affirm that what we will say is more correct than what the previous witnesses have said and

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we will not transgress the limits imposed by Allah. If we do this we will be reckoned amongst the

(108) In this way it will be more likely that the witnesses will be true to facts since they will be
afraid that they might be contradicted by others under an equally solemn oath. O Jama’at-ul-
Momineen you should keep in mind Allah’s laws, hearken to His command and remember that
those who disobey His laws cannot follow the right path.

(109) On the Day of Reckoning Allah will assemble the Rusul and ask them: “What response did
you get to your call and to what extent have your followers acted upon it?” They would reply, “We
do not have exact knowledge because we could only see what was apparent. You - and You alone -
know what was hidden.”

(110) In this respect, the case of the followers of Jesus is particularly pertinent (5/117). When
Allah said to Jesus: “Recall My blessings to you and to your mother. I have given you revelation in
an authentic form which gave you tremendous strength and confidence. You preached to people
from an early age to an advanced age (3/45).”

I had taught you the Book and the wisdom i.e. the Torah and the Bible. On the basis of this
teaching, you said to the Bani-Isr’ael: “If you follow my teachings this will give you a new life and
uplift you enabling you to soar in the heights according to Allah’s laws. At present you are blind,
you will gain new sight. At present people shun you, your new life will be most respectable. At
present the fields of your efforts are barren and lifeless, through this revelation they will become
green and fruitful” (3/48, 3/111, 6/123). You were giving the Bani-Isr’ael these kinds of tidings but
they were plotting to kill you. They rejected your teachings by saying that it was nothing but a

(111) Allah further said to Jesus: “When I asked your companions through the revelation given to
you ‘Believe in Me and in My Rasool’”; they said “We believe and bear witness that we are

(112) Without the establishment of the Niz’am-e-Rabubiyyat, humanity is degraded since people
are generally compelled out of necessity to barter their self-respect for bread, the companions of
Jesus said to him, “Is it not possible for your Rabb to establish such a system”? ********* Jesus
replied: “It is possible, provided you have trust in Allah and adhere to His Laws.”

(113) They said: “If this done, we will be satisfied and we will bear witness that you have indeed
spoken the truth to us.”

(114) Thereupon, Jesus, son of Mary, said to Allah: “Help us to establish such a system which will
be a means of rejoicing for us as well as for those who would come after us provided they continue
to uphold the system. And this would be practical proof regarding the truthfulness of Your law. O

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Allah! provide us Your sustenance because all this which we get according to Your law is much
better than what we get through man-made systems.”

(115) Allah replied “This will be done but beware that whosoever amongst you turns away from it
will receive a chastisement such as was not given to anyone else in the world.”

(116-118) And when Allah will say: “O Jesus, son of Mary, did you ask people to deify you and
your mother besides Allah?” he will say: “Your knowledge extends much beyond mine. How could
it behave me to say that which I know to be untrue? If I had said such a thing surely you would
have known it. You know even what is in my heart but I do not know what You know. You - and
You alone - know all what is hidden from us. I said nothing to them except what You bid me to say
which was that they should obey Allah who is their Rabb as well as mine. As long as I stayed with
them, I kept a vigilant watch over them. But when You completed the term of my life, You alone
watched over them. You have devised measures for everything. If you punish them, they are
devotes to you or if you forgive them, you have the absolute power but your power is blended with

(119) Allah will say: “This is the day when the truth of the truthful will benefit them. They shall
have gardens wherein streams flow, where they will dwell beyond the count of time. This is
because they adhered to Allah’s law and Allah recompensed them for it. This is, indeed, the highest

(120) This is Allah’s law of Mukaf’at which encompasses the universe. He wields power over all.


* Probably these two men were Moses and Aaron.

** Rabb also means elder brother.

*** Called Cain and Abel in the Torah.

**** The literal meaning of the text is “to cut their hands and feet.”

***** The literal meaning of the text is “cutting off the hands.” When the Divine Order of
Rabubiyyat is established, every person will be guaranteed means of livelihood. If anyone commits
a theft under such circumstances he deserves the highest punishment. Those who commit crime due
to psychological abnormality will be subjected to treatment, not punishment. (See also 12/31).

****** There is a difference between making friends and contracting social relationships. The
Quran has prohibited making friends with both Jews and Christians (5/51).

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******* Workable details of the Quranic injunctions given in principle have been left to the
Ummah to prescribe according to the exigencies of time. Quranic injunctions remain immutable
while their details can be changed by the Divine Order through mutual consultations if and when
necessary. Such an authority or right cannot be exercised by any individual.

******* The literal translation of the words is as follows: “When you fashioned by My permission
out of clay a thing bearing the semblance of a bird, you breathed into it and by My leave it became
a bird and when you healed the blind born and the leper by My leave, and by My leave when you
raised the dead”.

********* Literal translation is: “Is your Rabb able to send down to us a tray of food from above?”

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